• Breaking News

    Tuesday, June 8, 2021

    Is not being able to see the terms of renters insurance before signing up normal? Insurance

    Is not being able to see the terms of renters insurance before signing up normal? Insurance

    Is not being able to see the terms of renters insurance before signing up normal?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 09:06 PM PDT

    In this particular case, it's renters insurance with a rider for blanket jewelry coverage. We're looking around, and while we have quotes, we can't seem to get the actual "declarations" or whatever it is that has exclusions, payout terms, etc. before signing up and paying for coverage. I called and asked about it, but I was told they can't send me documents like that unless I have a policy.

    This seems extremely suspicious (even from a recognizable/ reputable company) since I've been told by different insurance providers in the past that I "should have read the policy" before signing up when I've had a claim. Obviously, that becomes difficult if I don't have access to a policy. Is this normal? Am I honestly expected to sign up for coverage without reading exactly what's covered, despite every bit of legal advice I've ever read? Do they legally need to provide those documents beforehand?

    Edit: Located in Nebraska, USA

    submitted by /u/rsiii
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    Hospital sent bill for a surgery that I thought was covered by insurance.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 05:08 AM PDT

    Hi there!
    I had a surgery in September of last year, which was a correction following the primary surgery in February of last year. The first surgery was fully covered by my insurance, and for my second surgery, the doctor's office said that they received approval from the insurance before scheduling it.

    However, today I received a bill from the hospital, charging me almost $6,669. It says that the total amount billed is $16,234 and that the insurance covered only $9,564. When I checked my insurance claims online, I see that the Operating room charges of $9,013 has been denied with the reason "THE PROCEDURE PERFORMED IS CONSIDERED COSMETIC AND IS NOT A COVERED BENEFIT", and all other charges approved.

    Obviously, this comes as a huge surprise to me as I was told that the surgery was approved by my insurance, and also because the insurance covered my first surgery. Now, I'm not really sure what to do here. I can't afford to pay the huge amount that the hospital is charging me. I would appreciate any help/advice on how to handle this

    submitted by /u/insurancethrow2020
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    Avoiding insurance going up after speeding ticket

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 11:36 PM PDT

    To keep it brief, I'm in Florida, and I was flagged via radar as going 50 mph in a 35 mph zone. Cop said he just marked me as going 41 instead of 50 so that the speeding ticket is $130 instead of $280 (which was nice of him).

    Listening back at the audio on my dash cam, he was telling me some instructions/advice, which includes calling a number for a "driving class [which] takes about 2 hours online. [the driving class] Takes the points off the citation so that it doesn't affect your insurance. Make sure you call that number before you pay the ticket"

    Will insurance really not go up? I mean sure I won't get the points on my license, but wouldn't insurance companies somehow get a record of this incident occurring? And wouldn't that in turn result in my insurance rate going up as I'm deemed at a higher risk of getting into an accident?

    submitted by /u/AProgrammer067
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    Fraudulent auto insurance policies being taken out?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    Account Exec in NY.

    We've had a handful of clients reach out about letters they received from the DMV telling them an insurance policy covering their vehicle was cancelled. Except the letter wasn't for the policy they currently have with us...it was a policy that they'd never heard of and definitely didn't take out themselves. Progressive/allstate/geico are some examples of companies that people are getting fraudulent policies taken out with. All of these clients have active good standing policies with our agency so its a weird situation to say the least. Duplicate policies being taken out for what reason...

    I'm not sure what is going on but it has happened to enough of our clients that it is no longer a coincidence or something erroneous done by said client. Somehow and for some reason, policies are being put in place for people without their permission and they end up just cancelling for non payment, creating inquiries from the DMV. I just have so many questions...anyone else dealing with this? It seems like some sort of scam/hack but what is being gained here? Can't really advise anything besides to make the phone calls to the fake policy company, cancel it flat, then resolve the inquiry from the DMV.

    submitted by /u/kevlar1993
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    Life event; lost health insurance through Nat Guard, , dont have Health Insurance with current job. Any recomendations for something short term till enrollement opens up?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 02:40 AM PDT

    As the title says... i was in the Nat Guard and was using Tricare Reserve Select for about 50-70$ a month. I went to go make sure everything was fine and dandy today, and learned that the 3 months deposit is not in effect 3 months after leaving the army, and instead shuts down as soon as you leave the service.

    The current civillian job I have has Blucross/ blu shield, byt they have an enrollent period thats not open till thst of November. Quite a time for the unexpected, and quite some time for the tooth thst just popped its filling out I had two days ago.

    Can I apply for Blu cross persoanlly, and get.it lessened once enrollement starts? Or should I bite the bullet and pay out of.pocket for everything? Any suggestions for a 19-24k income, single 23 y/o male in louisiana?

    submitted by /u/bsr1st
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    Can a contractor demand payment above and beyond what insurance approves?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 04:54 PM PDT

    TL;DR: Contractor wants to be paid for "supervisor hours" and insurance is refusing to approve this specific line item. Contractor has stated that their invoice must be paid as they list it and has heavily implied they will try to make me pay this item if insurance won't approve.

    Full: Freeze-related claim from the Houston storms in early February here. The contractor doing the reclamation and rebuild has been very quick and pleasant to work (almost totally, except for this item) with, but insurance has been incredibly slow on approvals and check issuance. At this point Insurance has sent out most of the payments, and just issued an additional check for a supplement.

    The issue is that insurance has refused to approve two line items: one is the door to the garage, which the contractor stated needed to be fire-code (by Texas code) approved. The other is the Contractor's supervisor hours. My insurance desk adjuster has stated that if they get the proper documentation for the fire code, they'll approve the door (apparently this wouldn't have been an issue but the old one was removed), but has stated that they will not approve the supervisor hours.

    I'm a bit confused as someone at my insurance company recommended this contractor. The contractor has made the case that supervisor hours are normally paid for on claims (I don't have any idea if this is correct or not), but the desk adjuster is saying that's not correct. The contractor hasn't come right out and stated that they're going to try to make me pay above and beyond the claim amount, but they did tell me I should tell the desk adjuster that I'd be on the hook if it wasn't approved.

    This has been a very long and very personally expensive process, and my heart goes out to anyone else who was effected by the Houston winter storms. Any answers or help anyone can provide would be appreciated.

    Edit: It's important to note that I did not ask the contractor to make any upgrades above and beyond the claim itself, period. The contractor did offer to make upgrades come up but I declined all of them and specifically stated it needed to be rebuilt to the claim (how it was originally).

    submitted by /u/ErichPryde
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    Does driving in the HOV lane illegally change who is at fault?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 06:58 PM PDT

    so this guy I know was driving in the HOV lane (as the only occupant in the vehicle) when another car in the next lane over crossed over the double white lines right into the HOV giving this guy no room to avoid a rear-end collision. It seems to me the person who crossed the double white lines is clearly at fault but does it matter that the other driver was in the HOV lane "illegally"? Cops were called and responded but really just shook hands and left (no report nor citations issued).

    Edit: this is in TX, btw. Here is a picture of the HOV/double-white (yes he drove over the plastic pole too): https://www.google.com/maps/@32.9813538,-96.7133175,3a,75y,28.27h,83t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sqewVIpAFpGACgDmtMbcSyg!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DqewVIpAFpGACgDmtMbcSyg%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D203.77744%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656

    submitted by /u/nbrantr
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    Garbage truck messed up my fence, insurance company wants me to do the leg work

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 12:42 AM PDT

    State California

    Like my title says the garbage truck driver hit my fence with the arm that extends out to pick up the cans. The wood fence now has a hole in it. The insurance company of the garbage truck calls me immediately and is requesting I get bids to submit. I honestly don't have time or money to take time off work so that I can get people out here to assess the damage. I'm assuming it'll be 1 day to get bids and 1 day to have the fence fixed. Main question is: why do I have to take time off work to correct their mistake? I wasn't even home when it happened. Can I make them come out and assess it themselves? It's been almost 8 months and my fence looks like crap. I just need them to fix it or send me a check. Any thoughts are appreciated.

    submitted by /u/cali-mike
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    Will insurance cover my car fire? Progressive taking days to get to my claim

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 11:57 PM PDT

    I was driving down the highway and my car broke down and then was quickly engulfed in flames. The fire department assured me it would be covered if I have full coverage. Do I? I have basic personal injury, comprehensive, and collision. Nowhere can I find a more detailed explanation of what comprehensive coverage means so i'm at a loss in terms of knowing what exactly is covered. I am located in Kentucky.

    submitted by /u/lilburtbacharach
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    Home Water Damage Claim denied, anything I can do?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 04:39 PM PDT

    Insurer: USAA State: Oklahoma, USA

    TL;DR at bottom

    April 17, 2020, we had a wind & hail storm, and water came down from the middle of my bathroom ceiling and down a couple of the walls.

    I report the loss on April 17, 2020, but I was not ready to file the claim because I read that I should get a contractor to work with the insurance to make sure they don't shortchange me. Should be no issue filing the claim though, the lady told me I have 2 years to file the claim from the date of reported loss. Ok cool.

    During the report, the lady asked me if I noticed any prior leak. I was honest, said there was some small stains down the wall prior to the storm WITHIN the past year (about 6 months thereabouts, but that issue definitely started no earlier than May 2019). I believe I told her about 6 months. And those stains were minor, like there was a hole at the edge of the roof or top of the bathroom wall, but it was minor and I wouldn't have reported it because I figured I would just replace the drywall eventually. Then the storm happened and tore a hole in my ceiling which definitely needed to be addressed.

    The lady focused on that and said "but it was an unknown start date correct?" and I said because I didn't remember the exact start date. Lady asked "would you say the leak occurred OVER the past year?" and I said sure because to me, OVER the past year is still WITHIN the past year, as in, starting post-April 17, 2019.

    The lady ended up saying that she was putting the date of loss as April 10th, 2019, and I didn't object because I didn't think anything of it.

    Fast Forward to March 2021

    I file my claim. Claim was denied. I originally thought they were denying the claim for taking too long to file it even though I filed it within 2 years.

    But then they said they denied the water damage because I waited over a year to report the water damage. What the heck, I reported in April 2020 and filed the claim in March 2021, that is within a year, what gives?

    Nope, they denied the claim based upon the water damage being stated to begin April 10th, 2019 and I reported it April 17th, 2020. Even though I did not say that, that is what the agent put.

    Now I would understand if they had made the loss date April 17th, 2019 and got me by saying "your contract requires water damage to be addressed within a year and since you did not file the claim on April 17th, 2020 so we could send an adjuster right away we are denying the claim for that", I would have angry but figured they got me and I was out of luck.

    But the agent specifically put the date of loss as 7 days over a year before my report of loss so that EVEN IF I had filed the claim immediately on April 17th 2020, they would have denied my claim anyway.

    Additional info - I finally found a roofer and got him to check out the roof and he said yes there is storm damage and the roof is a total loss ($16,000 to replace). Insurance denied the water damage and were originally only going to pay $2500 to cover just the back section of my roof over my bathroom and kitchen, which is less than my deductible of $5000. My roofer told me to ask for a Re-Adjustment, which I did and they sent a different adjuster who agreed with the roofer that there is damage and the whole roof should be replaced. I'm now waiting on USAA to respond.

    TL;DR - Insurance agent manipulated my words to put my Date of Loss 372 days before my Report of Loss and denied my claim for not being addressed within 1 year of noticing the issue.

    My roofer mentioned filing a grievance with the Oklahoma Insurance Commission, which I'm considering but since I need them to replace my roof and I'm still using them as my home and auto insurer I don't want to do something they might deem hostile if there is an alternative.

    Let's assume they end up paying for my roof. Should I accept that and bite the bullet concerning the bathroom drywall and let it go, or is there anything I can do to get paid for the water damage in my bathroom?

    submitted by /u/Archon_Adon_Kyrios
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    USA CA can both my wife and I sign up for a HSA and FSA ?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 10:09 PM PDT

    I signed up for a high deductible health plan and HSA contributed 7000 to HSA. Can my wife sign up for a high deductible health plan and HSA contribution of 7k as well?

    I'm addition I have a FSA for vision and dental where I contribute 2700. Can my wife do the same ?

    submitted by /u/speedway121
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    [NC] Rear-end collision by a car when turned right and the other driver’s insurance denied the claim

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 10:02 PM PDT

    I was making a right turn (local road, 35mph) and was rear hit by a car behind me. He said dont call the police or insurance and he will pay cash for the damage (seem like minor bend near right tail light). After he knew the estimate ($1600, I dont know how it could be that much. My car is a 2019 Altima.) He said let's file insurance claim. His insurance company denied my claim saying it's a he said she said situation. I have video footages (front and back) of the moment of collision (my dash cam only save the moment of collision) but his insurance still denied the claim. I dont have collision coverage on my policy (just liability and comprehensive).

    1. Should I sue him in small claim court? And is it normal that my insurance refuse to help stating that I dont have collision coverage. I dont have any other evidence except the videos and worry they might not be strong enough (he claimed that I made a wide right turn, I did not.)
    2. If yes, what is the likelihood of winning or how the insurance company will deal with this? This is my first time dealing with issue like this. I contacted several attorneys but no one is interested due to small claim amount and no injury. I'm worry of facing their legal team alone since I dont have any court experience.
    3. Should I include other expenses (rental, transportation) besides car repair? I believe they are justified but dont really want to make a big mess out of this. One attorney told me that if the amount is small enough, the other insurance company might agree to settle to avoid the cost of sending their legal team to court.
    4. I cannot wait to get the car repair so I turn it in for repair today. The cost is much higher than expected ($3200 vs the online image quote of $1600) due to replace and calib reverse sensor. Is this amount unreasonable to demand in the claim? I have the shop make sufficient photos and detailed explanations for the repair but to be honest I could not imagine a minor bumper damage could cost that much.

    Thank you so much.

    submitted by /u/Zeugmatographer
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    Parking company does now want to disclose insurance information. What actions should I make? [Chicago, IL]

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 12:48 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I have a monthly parking in my building. The parking guy last week damaged my brand new car parking it. This guy and the manager admitted fault, at least. I received a letter from the company, admitting fault and accepting to repair the car at their own expanses.
    This means they do not want to go through their insurance and , the point of my post, they want to bring the car to their preferred body shop, which is one of the worst ever seen. So for me is no.

    Now, since I want to go through my insurance and subrogate the claim to the garage's, I need the garage's insurance information, which they do not want to disclose with ne (of course...)
    Should I call the police and see if they can do something to help me retrieve info? Should I sue them legally? Please, any help or advice is really appreciated as this thing is being really stressful.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/RoccoBarocco91
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    Separate Insurance for married couple

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 03:31 PM PDT

    Ontario, Canada. My wife and I have auto insurance separately through different companies. It's been quite a while since we shopped around but at the time it was cheaper that way for some reason. Her insurance insists that I need to be listed as an occasional driver on her policy but mine says it is fine that she isn't as long as she has her own insurance (just like anyone else I lend my truck to).

    I'm pretty sure we are going to combine them together anyways but I want to know who is right. Either she is paying too much or we're underinsured on my truck

    submitted by /u/priester85
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    Should I specify my accident happened on rental car with damage waiver?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 09:24 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm getting a car insurance for the first time and have a question about non trivial situation.

    I never was insured before because I never had my own vehicle (drove only rental cars). 3.5 years ago I had at fault accident while I was driving a rented vehicle (skidded on ice). Minor damage to rented vehicle, no damage to another vehicle, but a police report was filed because I skidded through the red light. I had a collision damage waiver purchased in Enterprise-rent-a-car, so when I returned the vehicle, I just gave them the police report number and they took care about everything else, no questions asked.

    Now I'm getting my own car and shopping for insurance. My driving record is clean by now because in Canada your ticket records get cleaned after 3 years. BUT. One of the questions the insurance companies ask to provide a quote is "Did you have any accidents at fault" with this explanation:

    "An accident is considered at-fault if the insurance company has determined that the driver of the vehicle was completely or partially responsible for the accident. If the accident was considered a not-at-fault claim, do not enter the accident."

    So when my accident happened, technically that wasn't my insurance company, I didn't make any claims. I've heard that collision damage waiver works like an umbrella, and the rental company (not me) makes a claim and is involved in the process.

    So should I answer Yes or No to this question?

    TLDR: had a minor accident on a rented vehicle with a police report filed 3.5 years ago. Damage Waiver from rental company took care about everything, I never had my own insurance and never made any claims. Is it legally considered to be an accident at fault that I should specify when I'm getting my first insurance now?

    submitted by /u/hasterisk
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    Does medical insurance drop you at 18?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 09:18 PM PDT

    I'm about to turn 18 I live in Louisiana will my insurance drop me?

    submitted by /u/FaithlessnessLow4703
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    Would car insurance cover intentionally hitting a road hazard to prevent it from harming others?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 06:54 AM PDT

    Question came up if car insurance would cover this. I am not so sure since it would be an intentional act to damage my property even though I am saving others.

    Also, if I try to remove the road hazard by running into it would I then become liable for any damage caused by the hazard going forward since I was the last one to touch it intentionally?

    I have full coverage and not just liability but I don't remember seeing any form of good samaritan clause in my insurance.

    https://imgur.com/tJskA3o - bumping this tire off the road before it collided with oncoming traffic is what spurred this question.

    submitted by /u/_My_Angry_Account_
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    Sr22/dwi, help!!

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 08:21 PM PDT

    Sr22 question... dwi in Texas. Do I go with getting the sr22 with my current insurance company or go through a different company altogether (more affordable)? Cars paid for, married/2 people, need OCC, renewal with primary auto insurance is up in December (6mo). Will they find out, what if there is an accident? Lawyer literally said don't go through your primary, but that feels shady. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/megnmo5
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    Short Term Disability for cancer even though company doesn't offer it?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 03:21 PM PDT

    My brother was diagnosed with cancer while switching jobs, so there was a lapse in his insurance.

    We are in the USA, living in New York.

    Luckily we were able to find coverage for him, however his company only offers state disability which is not very much.

    We are trying to set him up with short term disability so that he can have more income while unable to work.

    Is this possible? If so what is the best direction we should take with this?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/infinitefluxx
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    Geico Auto Insurance Premium Quote Accuracy for 6 months & MVR Report Consideration?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 06:52 PM PDT


    I'm trying to purchase a Auto Insurance with Geico online. I have gotten a couple of tickets but cannot remember when and what; I just remember they were minor ones (3+ years ago). Other insurance companies seem to increase Quoted Premium after inserting my VIN & License number, but I did not see this happening with Geico (Have progressed to the point where I am finalizing my purchase, after inserting payment information, etc.). I found record of one of the citations, so that's the only thing I listed in the incident box.

    My question is, will they contact me after I submit my payment and change the premium for the first 6 months or during the 6 months? Or how will the process go?

    submitted by /u/___bluesky
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    Dental insurance options. Help!

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 12:33 PM PDT

    So luckily, I haven't really had THAT many dentals issues except for a root canal when I was 13 (terrible brushing habits and lots of candy) and a few cavities. The crown I have (root canal tooth) is about 6.5 years old.

    On average, I only go to the dentist every six months for exam/cleaning. No emergencies or anything like that so far but you never know..

    I'm terrible at picking this stuff so I would really appreciate some feedback.

    Guardian PPO 1000 - $0/month

    Guardian PPO 1500 - $7/month

    Guardian PPO 2000 - $10/month

    Guardian PPO 2500 - $15/month

    Thanks for your help!

    Edit to add location: I'm in Texas

    submitted by /u/c47v3770
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    100% the other driver fault

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 02:12 PM PDT

    Got hit by a car at stop light and 100% the other person fault. I was driving a family car but reported to police and both insurance companies. I don't want to proceed with case and the adjusters from both insurance companies are calling. The main reason i don't want to proceed with the claim is that being afraid of creating a problem to person who let me drive their car.

    1) does me reporting the incident and not going through it have a problem? 2) can insurance payment increase during renewal for the person who let me drive their car if though they didn't get a insurance money or the accident not my fault? Arizona

    submitted by /u/ZealousidealDare6224
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    Insurance claims adjuster questions -- companies to look for in NYC?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 05:42 PM PDT

    Hi there,

    I'm currently working in the field of education. While my job is a good job, I don't see myself doing this for another decade+

    My understanding is that the role of claims adjuster is the most common way to enter this field for people like myself. I have a BA and MA in rather irrelevant degrees, though the MA is in a healthcare related field, though I'm not sure how helpful that is.

    What would be the best companies to apply to in the NYC area? What are some companies that have poor reputations and should be avoided? Ideally, I'm hoping to step into a company that is willing to train a complete novice, has a decent reputation among its employees, and provides a decent level of upward mobility in exchange for hard work.

    I'm also curious what the average salary is for claims adjusters in NYC? How long do people typically work as an adjuster before they move on? Are there a lot of avenues one can take in insurance after the initial year+ as an adjuster?

    submitted by /u/lettucebecalm
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    Fire at neighbors property damaging mine?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 08:55 AM PDT

    In Ohio if that matters.

    A few weeks ago the neighbors house caught fire and burned my siding up. We both have insurance, realistically what can I expect to happen in terms of coverage?

    Will their insurance pay for my damage? Or will I have a claim through my insurance, pay the deductible and get that reimbursed from the other insurance? Or is it just a matter of dealing with my insurance as a stand alone entity?

    submitted by /u/OpportunityOk137
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    Should the claim my dentist files with my insurance match exactly with the ones on my treatment plan?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 05:31 PM PDT

    I went to a dentist for wisdom tooth removal. Luckily it went well.
    Now in terms of the amount I was charged - I see on my Delta Insurance account a lesser amount than what I actually paid.

    Does that mean am I owed a refund from the dentist?
    Also, are claims supposed to show the same amount as what the patients are charged?

    Edit - the dentist was in network.

    submitted by /u/BeginnerInvestor
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