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    Sunday, June 2, 2019

    What businesses are currently underrated? Entrepreneur

    What businesses are currently underrated? Entrepreneur

    What businesses are currently underrated?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 04:35 AM PDT

    I feel like I always miss the golden peroud of each boom such as the dot com era, bitcoin,youtube, dropshipping, etc. How does one look for current business trends that are right now underated or unknown?? Those opportunities that are going to be massive in the future, who else is looking for this? I'm currently doing eccomerce dropship not doing well I feel so lost and hopeless I just want to be successful at it but idk if I should jump ship.

    submitted by /u/ggl966
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    Getting over the fear of losing money when starting a business...

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 11:33 PM PDT

    The most common fear I hear is that people are afraid to fail or even to succeed. The fear of losing money in a new venture is what I'd consider a very specific form of fearing failure.

    If I could create multiple online stores and SaaS products without concern for money, then I'd fail away! But, coming from a very lower-class family and as a master's student, although I have amassed almost 20k in savings, money is always at the back of my mind.

    The past year, I have been wanting to setup an eCommerce store and create an SaaS product, but am too concerned with the possibility of losing the money I invest in it (i.e. supply, advertising, web management etc.).

    How can I curb this very specific monetary fear?

    It is one of the sole problems holding me back from starting something. I go from idea to idea, trying to pre-validate it and then end up changing as I just lose confidence in whatever I come up with when I start thinking about investing.

    submitted by /u/ProfessorAutodidact
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    Am I the only one that gets motivated watching rich people?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 07:11 AM PDT

    I love watching rich people in anything, I just saw a video of a 23 year old making 7mil per year and that shit has been my motivation for days now, how do I find more stuff like this lol

    submitted by /u/durantt0
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    Please help a highschooler start a lawn mowing business on a limited budget.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 12:39 PM PDT


    I'm a highschooler and who wants make some money over the summer. I think lawn mowing is a great idea for someone like me.

    Problem is: I'm on a limited budget of 150$. I've already bought a used trimmer so now its 130$ that I can spend on a lawn mower.

    The problem is there are 3 types of lawn mowers that have no cords (cords are a hassle because I don't want to tire customers with connecting them):

    1- Gas lawn mowers: I don't mind using those. They might make loud noises but its no problem. Problem is to get a good one you have to spend between 180-400$

    2- Reel mowers: I seriously considered using those because I can find a good one for less than 90$ and they don't require any batteries or gas, but I've read online from many people that it's impossible to start a business with it because it will break your back and take a lot of effort when mowing more than 1 yard, never mind that it looks unprofessional.

    3- Electric battery lawn mowers: I first thought those were great because I can buy one for 100-130$ and they don't make loud noises, but I found out that for most mowers of this kind, the batteries will run out 50-60 minutes from usage and they will need 4+ hours to recharge.

    So what's the best lawn mower I can buy for around 130$, if there is any good one at all?


    submitted by /u/mootree7
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    4K budget, is it worth it to buy a website/app that’s already generating profit?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 04:11 PM PDT

    Hey fam I want to generate passive income through buying websites and apps that are already generating net profits. Still got that drive in me to do something other than my job.

    I currently work full time, but I want to do my own thing on the side. A few years back when I was 19 I tried starting a dating app and it eventually failed (but I learned a lot from the experience).

    I have 4K saved up as of now, what would you do ? Give me some ideas. Cheers

    submitted by /u/TheGaotu
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    People who created a successful/unsuccessul brand, what lessons have you learned?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 01:01 PM PDT

    Title says it all.

    submitted by /u/hellointernets11
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    I have a sports blog and I was sent some DMCA takedown notices on my twitter and facebook posts

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 12:55 PM PDT

    I have a sports blog and I get sent press releases and promotional stuff like videos, and clips to post etc Ive had this blog for several years never had this issue in my life before until Yesterday.

    Im thinking this was the copyright team who goes around and checks for illegal streams and they mistaken mine for an illegal stream when I never posted an illegal stream in my life on my blog.

    I dont post much boxing or MMA stuff on my sports blog, but DAZN USA sends me promotional releases to use at their consent, they sent me a weigh in stream from youtube to use to help promote the Anthony Joshua vs. Andy Ruiz fight this Saturday

    It was a live stream for the weigh in you can even find it on their youtube for the public.

    I posted the article on my blog then I sent it to my facebook and twitter to share. I also posted the event build up release about the live stream on DAZN.

    The next thing I notice something strange with my social media accounts and my facebook has a DMCA takedown from Sky Sports in the UK, im from the USA

    Then my Twitter has another DMCA takedown from SKY sports uk

    Im baffled, first Im thinking wtf? Does Twitter or Facebook even do an investigation or they just take the big corporations word for it when they sent out DMCA notices on copyright?

    Anyway when you click the link to my articles for the weigh in stream it is for DAZN and they sent me the youtube to promote the event and I have emails from them for months they send me stuff so do other promoters and sports people.

    So im thinking whoever runs the Sky sports media email that takes down copyright just reported me without even looking deeper into it, I saw the list of 500 takedown notices on Twitter and im the only one that is a legit blog everything else is spammer twitter accounts that you can tell are fake.

    my account is from 2010 and this was the first time I ever had something like this happen what im wondering is how the hell can they take down my post when thats DAZN USA not Sky sports video, even though they share the rights to the fight DAZN has the USA rights. It wasn't even a sky sports material or promo

    Now im nervous to even post anything like this because facebook says one more notice your account will be suspended and deleted and then I look up how to fight this on the twitter notice it says I need to send my name, residence, phone number, all this personal info, and contact info from my legal representative.

    Dazn they sent me the youtube of the Joshua Ruiz highlights an hour or two after the fight to use on my blog and I didn't post it even though it would bring me a lot of traffic for fear Sky sports would report it as their own and my facebook and twitters would get suspended, its scary.

    I wonder if Twitter or Facebook bother doing investigation or they just take their word for it since Sky is a huge corporation because I never used anything from Sky sports it was all DAZN who sent me the promo stuff to post and they have been sending me promo and press release stuff to post on my blog for a long time now.

    submitted by /u/Borange81
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    Colorado LQ store owners?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 12:51 PM PDT

    Any other CO LQ store owners on here? Trying to gauge how everybody is competing with the recent allowance of all stores to sale 6.0 beer is going. Anyone have any success stories cause Wally World isn't helping my sales.

    submitted by /u/iCallGreens4200
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    15 years old. What should I do?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 12:33 PM PDT

    Hey. I'm 15 years old and I'm stuck on what I should do and focus on. My hobbies are 3D Printing, Drone Racing, and building Electric Longboards and I've gotten pretty good in them. But I figured that I wanted to do something better in my life. Like start my own business. All my hobbies will just be hobbies and not something that will make me money when I go into the working world. I have tried and been recommended to learn Computer Science (programming) and I tried that but I really dislike it. I don't have the patience to learn it. I also have been investing in Cryptocurrency (got in pretty early. 2016 ish) in hopes of making some money out of it. My hope would be to make something that would sell like a machine or a tech product but my friend (who's a mechanical engineer) told me it was too hard to get started in and most of the startups fail after a year. I was thinking some other business that are online like a service (because they seem to do really good, on this sub) But I have no ideas for that. I am confused on what I should do now. Thank you for your advice!

    submitted by /u/rotaryfurball
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    [Serious] Where can I get information about who politicians have taken money from? Campaign sponsors and donations etc.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 12:04 PM PDT

    Whilst I was listening to Joe Rogans podcast, he made a joke about how they should wear suits similar to Nascar/F1 racers with all their sponsors plastered across them.

    Although he was joking, I think it's actually a great novel idea. I'd like to make a website that highlights who all politicians truly represent by highlighting this information in a very consumable manner.

    Here's an image of a nascar racer in his apparel for reference:


    submitted by /u/TomTailaCodes
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    Why are people always ghosting me?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 11:36 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, so I used to do resumes and such for people and I'd always end up being ghosted. About 85% of people who contracted me would either ghost me or ask for a "free" resume. I wouldn't even send them samples, sometimes I'd just reply to them and they'd never respond. Imgine that you think that you got a cilent but instead they completely ghost you and stop replying to you? The same thing happens to me with jobs. That's why I hated the 9-5 world because it's hard to even apply for jobs. I don't think I'll ever get a job at Wallmart because I don't have any experience. In addition to that, a lot of restaurants near me are understaffed yet they still don't hire new workers....

    submitted by /u/Thewriterswithin
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    Shopify and Xero users: which app do you use to export data into Xero

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 11:20 AM PDT

    Shopify users who integrate w/ Xero, which app do you use to connect the two platforms?

    I'm currently using an app by Bold. I'm cutting ties with my bookkeeping firm (too expensive). Before I take over bookkeeping tasks, I want to make sure I have the best possible app accurately transferring data to Xero...

    Who do you use to sync Shopify and Xero? And if you don't use an app to sync, do you just transfer data yourself (by .csv)? How is that working out?

    submitted by /u/mtothej_
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    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 09:53 AM PDT

    Hey Entrepreneurs,

    We are looking to gather feedback on a business idea and would like to ask for your feedback on a software concept. For your help, we will be raffling off 10 $15 amazon gift cards for submitting feedback after reviewing the concept. For those users who provide especially help or insightful feedback, will will be giving away additional prizes beyond the initial ones. Even if you hate the demo, please let us know why. Your feedback (good and bad) is going to help drive our product to be the best it can be.

    After agreeing to the terms and conditions, you will be granted access to the concept demo. From within the demo, you will have the option to submit feedback by clicking the "Submit Feedback" button in the footer.

    Terms & Conditions https://forms.gle/kjaHQNN96RKsZKvJ7

    Thank you in advance!

    The Fuse Team

    submitted by /u/Teck_Up
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    How many hours do amazon resellers clock in a week?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 09:17 AM PDT

    I'm kind of concerned about what a post mentioned in here a year ago. They offered a helpful guide, but one thing that caught my eye was they said something along the lines of.."You're going to work up to $100 hrs a week". That's fine, that's totally fine by me, but what kind of drastic schedule changes are we talking here? What kind of work do they do day by day? What's a very SIMPLE run down at the least of how many hours they put in each day, and what they do?

    Having a part-time job, I'd like to have it on the side, and my business my main priority. My job is known for being very lenient towards entrepreneurs and their job schedules, so it's not to say I'll have to QUIT my part-time job, that's not going to happen, I like the health benefits x'D

    Also, I'm a complete noobie to this, aside from knowing how to use AMZscout, so I'm prepared to fail, but even more prepared to succeed. As with what "Azmath Adams" mentioned in quora.." Most of them spend an average of 8–10 hours managing their stock levels and monitoring their sales output by running ad campaigns and deals. It's the same as having a 9–5 job. However, the biggest burden of stock keeping and dispatching orders is relieved as their stock is being kept at Amazon Fulfilment Centres so they need not worry about orders being fulfilled."

    Can someone explain what this means? How does one manage their stock levels, and sales output? Is there third-party software available for Amazon resellers out there? What's "Amazon fulfillment center?

    submitted by /u/DeadInTheFace
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    I need help operating my mothers jewelery bussiness account on instagram

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 03:07 AM PDT

    Hello my mom just started up instagram page that sells necklaces etc. and i promoted 3 posts using instagram ads but i get no like or followers from ads what am i doing wrong . She sets up post hashtags and photos i only do advertising part of it can anyone please check the page to tell me whats wrong about it? ( pages name is soltist_design it has like 60 followers right now)

    submitted by /u/Omnisiomi
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    Folder printing and stuffing service?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 08:54 AM PDT

    I used to use a service that would print presentation folders and then fill them with anything that was needed. Right now I have a moderate need for a BUNCH of these things, and honestly I feel like the time spent assembling the folders that should be spent on other aspects of my business. It's mind numbing and time consuming.

    Any time I google folder assembly I get a lot of tips about windows 10, but not a lot about a place

    I have three pieces of carbon paper/duplicate paper, a triplicate form, and a bunch of other paperwork that's just on regular paper that goes into these (they are benefits packages for union members, hence all the duplicate forms). If anyone knows of a printer that would be able to print all of them and then assemble them, I'd love the recommendation.

    submitted by /u/madpiratebippy
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    How to recruit customers for catering?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 08:46 AM PDT

    Hello people,

    Long time following this sub and already found many useful tips to help support my business, but now I feel like I need some customized advices.

    I run a small factory producing Vegan food for other businesses (mainly for hotels, restaurants and catering companies) and looking into expanding to B2C sales through a catering company. We opened about 6 years ago and it took us a lot of time to get to the point where we understand the work and the income can sustain the existence of the place (pay the rent, administration costs, raw materials and logistics).

    The plan for the future is to set a catering company that delivers food for small events, parties , weddings, basically anything between 30 and 150 persons. A diverse menu of 12-15 different items, "healthy and delicious" (that's our motto). On an event I organized recently to check how people would react to my food, I got mostly very positive feedbacks and was offered a chance to rent a dining room in a hotel on Sundays and national Holidays and do what I want there. The place looks fancy and there are no real competition for what I serve in that town, so I thought of making a buffet mainly to get booked by potential customers, organize events to support the factory products and generate profit from a restaurant once a week.

    Questions are:

    1- what's the best way to bring people to the place on Sundays? What kind of marketing campaign and what do you think draws attention the most?

    2- How do I get customers for the catering?

    3- what is the best way to reach offices and work places to get them to book me routinely?

    I'll gladly share any more useful information when needed. The business is in Europe, Austria and my products are kinda new here.

    submitted by /u/FBI-OpenUp-
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    Have a business, but feel the numbness on the low days. What else can I be doing with my time as a 15yr old?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 08:44 AM PDT

    Hey, I'm John, a high schooler in NYC. I run a fairly good business but I start to feel numbness/boredom when I don't have anything to do or have no clients for the day. Looking to get into real estate when I'm 18 but that's still pretty far away. I get this amazing blazing feeling of drive when I make a sale, but I've noticed that I feel REALLY REALLY down when I'm not. Almost like a brainless zombie, I would say. Summer is approaching and I'm afraid that I'll be like this for the whole summer. Tried going for summer jobs/internships, but I guess they still feel that I'm too young. So this leads to my question, are there any other things I can be doing that involves entrepreneurship or anything business related? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! :)

    Thank you, John.

    submitted by /u/Nugget_Wugget
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    How the heck do you mobile business owners eat properly?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 05:01 PM PDT

    I know this isn't directly related to /r/entrepreneur but I'm sure some of you in a similar situation could offer some advice.

    I'm 1 year into my mobile service business, and I can't figure out how to maintain a proper diet. I've been eating out 3 meals a day every single day for as long as I can remember.

    - I'm out on the road for anywhere from 8-12 hours per day. (Longest would be 8am to 8pm)

    - Our van gets EXTREMELY hot after we park it to start a service. Anywhere from 85-100F once we get back in it.

    Although I haven't tried it yet, I'm almost certain that a cooler still wouldn't work at those temperatures, but let me know if you guys have experienced otherwise.

    Lets say I make breakfast at home, how do I deal with 2 more meals, or a meal and a lot of snacks without them getting ruined by the temps?

    submitted by /u/alanalan123
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    How much Digital Marketing agencies make?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 08:37 AM PDT

    Question for you all that started your agencies. How much profits you take every month and which services you provide?

    submitted by /u/CrazHooker
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    Hey all, any of you need graphic design, or motion graphic marketing?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 08:20 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, my name is Kai, I'm a 19 year old college student trying to make some cash in this dog eat dog world. I have alot of talent in graphic design, motion graphics and digital media and I'm looking to work with some entrepreneurs.

    I know alot about social media marketing strategies and how to use tools to Target specific audiences, this also requires good advertising content to go along with it. I can make logo's, flyers, videos and animations along with helping to market aswell. All at a reasonable price.

    To have a look at my portfolio you can check it out here: www.kaiseif.com

    If this is something you are looking for to help boost your business, please don't hesitate to contact me at [kaiseiforman@gmail.com](mailto:kaiseiforman@gmail.com).


    submitted by /u/kaisei_forman
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    A question about creating one or multiple websites

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 07:22 AM PDT

    Allright so I don't know heck about this, I'm asking for a friend.

    He's a French white guy that speaks Vietnamese fluently and teaches it to white persons (vietnamese persons don't want to learn from him). He wants to creates a website.

    Here's the thing: based on the numbers we found and on his current client base, he can offer 2 formulas:

    • 3 lessons for tourists so they can speak super basic Vietnamese
    • more lessons in order to master the basics and be able to to "learn to learn" Vietnamese by themselves (people who stay in Vietnam a few monthes, expats and people married or in couple with a Vietnamese woman - this last category representing most of his clients)

    He hesitates between creating:

    • one website with 2 formulas (cheaper and less work)
    • two websites: one specialized website for tourists (which will have more success among tourists - btw, there are 15 millions tourists a year) and a general Vietnamese website

    Then he'll see which one works and suppress the other one.

    What do you think?

    Also, what do you think of Quire as an alternative to Basecamp?

    submitted by /u/ThatsOK
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