• Breaking News

    Sunday, June 2, 2019

    Legal Advice A mega church next to my home plays music at high volume

    Legal Advice A mega church next to my home plays music at high volume

    A mega church next to my home plays music at high volume

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 05:10 AM PDT

    I live in Lawrenceville, GA and there's a mega church next to my neighborhood that plays music at volumes distinctly audible at over 400'. My wife and I have tried to speak with them to no avail and there is a paper trail of police action going back at least 4 months.

    The Gwinnett County statutes say that anything able to be heard by a person of reasonable hearing (I have a massive amount of hearing damage from my time overseas) over 50' is illegal unless it's construction which is 300'.

    Do I need to go ahead and continue to gather evidence of the hours and volume then retain a civil attorney? Is this something I can take before the judge myself since even the police here have said they are flagrantly disregarding the law but can only ask them to turn it down?

    submitted by /u/snomonkee9
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    Someone is impersonating my boyfriend to get me fired

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 02:46 AM PDT

    Long story short,

    I work at a night club as a bartender. My boss started receiving texts messages from an unknown number saying things like "youre touching my girlfriend, i dont appreciate that, stop making her stay after work to drink with you etc" in this text, he did not state who his "girlfriend" was, but after a week or so, he sent him another text, this time, plastering my name all over it. He wrote things like "im sorry I accused you of asking (my name) to do drugs with you, i just got too protective, please dont tell (my name) i said anything, i promised not to get involved" Mind you, I've never said anything to my boyfriend abouts drugs or sexual harrasment because THERE WERE NONE. He sent the second text through an email with my boyfriends name in it. But it isn't my boyfriends e-mail. I'm really upset because my boss is wanting to let me go because he feels harrased by my "boyfriend" but I've already talked to him and know for sure it wasn't him. My bf works for the government and has a secret clearance, he would not risk all of that over this. He is not the overly protective type and I gave him no reason to believe something was going on at work. This was definitely done by someone who is related to my work place or someone affiliated to my coworkers because they made another set of fake emails under my co-workers names to tell them they had to go in for work on a day the club was closed. He/she knew things only people at my work place would know which is why my boss really thinks its my bf but it's so unfair because I'm getting fired for someone who clearly has something against me who is impersonating and defaming my bf at the same time. Is there a way I can take legal action to track down their IP address? Is there anything I can do to find them? Honestly, by this point I don't even care about keeping my job, I want mine and my boyfriends name cleared. Please help :((

    submitted by /u/BB_Seo
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    I believe my wife is experiencing a psychotic break, or she is preparing to set me up somehow. What can I do to protect myself?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 12:04 AM PDT

    Milwaukee, WI -

    So this day has been one long situation. My wife started out the day pissed off at me because I had fallen asleep on the couch instead of coming to bed. I said I was sorry, but if there is one thing she hates to hear it's "I'm sorry." In her mind, if you were truly sorry about something then you wouldn't have done it in the first place. She had a hair appointment first thing in the morning, so she demanded money from me and left the house.

    Originally, I was going to spend this weekend getting my 6-year-old son ready to start t-ball, but yesterday my wife told me I "must clean out the garage this weekend or she's going to throw everything that in there in the trash. So while she was gone, I rearranged the basement with the kids in preparation for moving stuff in from the garage.

    When she returned, My kids and I went out to the garage and started cleaning and moving stuff into the basement. Halfway through doing that. She came out to yell at me to tell me that I should be spending time with my kids rather than spending the day in the garage. (Keep in mind, my kids are still there beside me, helping) So we take a break and my son practices righting his bike with me.

    When he's tired of that, then I return back to work. One of the things I have to carry into the house is a very heavy L shaped desk that I have to maneuver down the stairs. I got about halfway when the weight shifted and the desk and I rolled down the rest of the steps with the desk smashing into pieces at the bottom and I landing on top of it. When my wife came to investigate, it wasn't a "Are you alright?" Instead, it was a "You have to control your anger, you just woke up the baby." Apparently, in her mind, I was fueled in a fit of rage for some reason and decided to throw my desk down the stairs on purpose.

    Later this evening, after the garage was clean and I came in to make dinner, I cooked up some bacon for some BLTs. When everything was all set and she came into the kitchen to grab some. She found the bacon not crispy enough for her. She threw the pan of bacon into the sink and started throwing it at me telling me about how "I guess I just won't eat!" She was rushing me as she was yelling at me and ended up shoving me into a wall. (I messed up my foot enough for a limp during that) I had had it at this point with how she's been treating me today and I finally yelled back. And because I yelled back, she told me that she didn't like the bad attitude I've been giving her all day and that I needed to get out of the house until I fix it. So she shoved me out of the house and locked the door. I had no keys, no wallet, no shoes.

    Two hours later I'm finally able to get back into the house, and she's very protective of the kids, as in she won't let me near them. Apparently, while I was gone, she was telling the kids all about how I left the house because I don't love them anymore. So I get to sit and listen to her putting the kids to bed in the other room. Usually, this is one of my tasks every night, and she's getting just as angry at them as she did at me. I hear quite a lot of yelling and smacking them until they're finally in bed. At one point, my 1-year-old came downstairs and was clinging to me scared of her until she came down to take him away and put him back in his crib.

    After they were in bed, she spent a great deal of time yelling at me. nothing I could say would calm her down. and any time I try to walk away from it to let her calm down, she would accuse me of ignoring her. At one point, she emptied my closet throwing every item of clothing at me, hangers and all. any attempt to get near her would result in her taking up a defensive posture like she's about to deck me. So I walked away. A couple of minutes later, I hear moaning coming from her. I go back upstairs to find her face down on the floor. Even though I was downstairs at the time, she tells me that the last thing she remembers is me standing in front of her and then she blacked out. She believes that I pushed her down or something like that. One thing about this house though, is that the floorboards are creeky as hell. You can't ever walk normally without releasing a symphony of footsteps and wood pops. So if all 250lbs of her fell, it would have made a noise. I heard nothing, which suggests that she layed down...possibly to try to set me up to claim I attacked her or something like that.

    Our relationship has been on the rocks for years now, and any time one of these fights happen (and there have been a lot of them) The idea of calling for a divorce would always enter my mind. But I would always change my mind and try to salvage the relationship. I don't know how many second chances I have left in me for her. Today has reached a level of verbal, emotional, and physical violence that is hard to salvage. And it doesn't help that she doesn't see any of the things she did to me today, but instead focuses on how I've "been in such a bad mood to her all day today" I think she's reached a level of frustration that might have triggered some form of a psychotic break. or she might be setting me up to be the bad guy in a divorce. in whatever case, it's my word against hers, and she's very good at hiding her crazy when she's around others. no one else sees how abusive she is to both me and the kids. So I need to know what kind of precautions I can take that would help in case things ever get to divorce level. I mean, I wish I had a hidden camera going today to capture what happened, but unfortunately, I didn't.

    What would you recommend I do?

    submitted by /u/Solidus57
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    Murder and 2x Attempted Murder Question(s)

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 04:32 AM PDT

    So, thank god I have nothing to do with this, but a close friend was shot last summer and severely injured along with 2 other people one male and one female (of which the male died).

    So my friend gets a phone call from the police working the case yesterday and they were basically threatening him to tell them the passcode to his seized iPhone. When he did not comply they said "Well, we are going to go ahead and let one of the murder suspects BOND OUT of jail."

    ...and bam just like one of the suspected shooters is back free walking the streets.

    How common/legal is this tactic? What should my friend do? I genuinely think he's scared that the shooter is going to come back and finish him off so there's 1 less witness. It's honestly kind of surreal that this is happening in the USA. Just looking for some thoughts. I understand this is kind of heavy for this subreddit, but I thought I would share. Pretty crazy scenario.

    submitted by /u/xSupra_Throwaway
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    Airline canceled all my tickets because I missed one of my layover flights because immigration held me.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 05:27 AM PDT

    I bought some round trip tickets through Ukrainian airlines and had a layover in Kiev but was held by immigration. (Which was a fault on their end) resulting in missing my layover flight and according to their policy they also cancelled my return flight tickets. I called immediately to see if I can rebook because I also bought trip cancellation insurance.

    Basically they told me to call the insurance. But the insurance agency speaks in Russian. And they refuse to refund the tickets. Do I have any standing in this maybe report to us DoT?

    submitted by /u/whatdidido234
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    My ex-roommate broke our apartment lease and left things in her room. I completed the lease and paid her share of expenses. I took the property with me to my new apartment. I sued for rent in small claims court, but she paid the money owed and I dropped the suit. Who legally owns the property? (VA)

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 06:15 AM PDT

    My former roommate took over a 12-month lease in my apartment from a previous roommate, then left without explanation a few months before the lease was up. I tried contacting her several times but got no response. I notified my apartment complex about the situation and was able to pay her share through the remaining three months on the lease, but she was never removed from the lease and had a key/open access to the apartment the entire time. She came back a few times to collect the items in her room immediately after I found out, but only when I was not home - from what I could tell, the last time items were moved out of the room was a two months before the lease ended. I made no formal/informal contact about her stuff - I assumed she would come back until everything was gone.

    When the lease ended, I asked my apartment complex about the items. The leasing agent I spoke with said I could take the items with me or I would pay for their disposal from the apartment out of my security deposit. I wanted to give my ex-roommate a chance to collect her things, so I removed them from the apartment complex when I moved. I filed a civil lawsuit to collect her share of rent and expenses and I was intending on bringing her stuff to give her after court, but the week before the court date she contacted me, told me she was unable to make the court date and offered to pay a portion of the amount owed. The amount she offered covered almost all the money I was owed, so I accepted payment and dropped the lawsuit. But I still have her stuff - some of the items have value and could be sold to make up the court fees and other fees I incurred paying her share of the rent. I was planning on donating the rest.

    Virginia landlord-tenant laws don't really cover this situation and I'm at a loss on what to do. Did she legally abandon this property? Legally, who does this stuff belong to? As former co-tenants, what obligations do I have to give her this property? I met this person online and we never had anything but a cordial relationship that is now strained.

    Sorry for the length, but any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/PuzzledOverProperty
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    Fired for not showing up when I told my employer I couldn’t work this specific date before being hired

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 11:50 AM PDT

    I just got fired for not being able to come into work.

    Some background, I interviewed last Thursday got the job Friday and was asked when I could start. I told them immediately and that I would have to miss this first weekend(8days from being hired). Today I was demanded to come into work. And I said I couldn't and was promptly told never to come back.

    I have texts and hard evidence about my notice. I also was fired over text and was threatened in front of a corporate worker.

    State Texas

    submitted by /u/streetdumb
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    The person hiring told me the company doesn’t want people my age. Is this legal?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 09:27 AM PDT

    I had a phone interview for a job and the recruiter straight up told me that the company is only hiring people in their 20s. I'm 50.

    The role is a senior video editor, a job I would be perfect for with 20+ years in the business. No one in their 20s is right for this job.

    Is this illegal? If so, is this something they can be punished for? If so, how do I go about bringing attention to this company and giving them the problem they deserve?

    submitted by /u/waheifilmguy
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    I am a trainee at a company that is sending me to work in the United States without what I feel are the appropriate visas.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 05:40 AM PDT

    To make a long story short:

    I'm a trainee at a European company that's about to run a pilot project with a government entity in the United States. It has to do with environmental protection and involves heavy machinery. I have been trained as an operator for these new machines. Prior to my arrival they will be transported there by sea cargo.

    I've been told by my employers that I don't require a work visa to the United States because of the short period of time that the project is being conducted over and because of my status as a trainee. This project would require multiple trips to the United States in quick succession, stretching over a 3 month period. I've been told, to quote "just use the Visa Waiver Program and say you're a tourist."

    This seems super sketch to me. I've been to the United States before and I don't want to fall foul of immigration rules. I have several friends there and would like to continue visiting. The orders I've been given seem unethical.

    What are the standards for requiring US work visas? Is my employer potentially committing a crime by doing this?

    Thank you for all of your assistance.


    Thank you for all of your responses.

    Firstly, I was never intending to be sent to the US so I was completely unaware of how these things work despite having traveled there before. This came as a surprise opportunity. That's why I am unfamiliar with how work rules function and what the definitions are as my previous experiences are related only to travel as a child.

    Secondly, this has sort of exposed some level of professional incompetence in the way some individuals responsible for my particular field communicate within the company. After sending this up the chain there were a lot of people who were surprised that I was told to just say I was a tourist, so it sounds like someone is in trouble. I am still not certain why I would deliberately be given wrong advice. Thankfully I erred on the side of caution as this would have been a total disaster had I followed these orders, not that I ever would have. They seemed wrong from the start, which is why I asked strangers on the internet.

    I will follow this thread for a short while and then terminate. I hope you have a great day.

    submitted by /u/thebigdumbthrowaway
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    My friend is scared that he’s going to get into legal trouble for hosting an archive of publicly made statements

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 09:59 AM PDT

    Please don't upvote.

    Hey! To put it simply, my friend hosted a website filled with publicly accessible statements and actions made by a well-known but reviled youtuber. Basically, it was filled with many of his racist, homophobic, and generally terrible statements so they could be easily linked around when somebody asked "so why don't you like this person?"

    To make a long story short: he found out. His IP was blacklisted when he began visiting it, and eventually he batch-downloaded the entire website, moved it to his own domain, and filed a DMCA takedown on the original. When this didn't work, he began trying to combat all the search results he could.

    I'm going to leave what Mr. Reviled sent here so you can puzzle it out (sounds like jack to me): "You initiated legal proceedings with your DCMA request on my own images and content, and Counter Claims with fraudulent details. Dealing with this has cost my business revenue in regard to legal fees for legal council both here and the US and for Court Filing fees. In a couple of weeks or so the costs are going to jump significantly after the Court Orders are issued after you're attempted to be served an additional 2 more times and it's confirmed the fraudulent details were used. Myself nor my business certainly aren't paying these fees, and we're legally not entilted to, therefore legal action will more than likely continued to be perused for costs and compensation/damages.

    You're not the only who can keep an archive of what people say/do. Reddit, Discord and Comcast have also been very helpful, they obviously didn't like what they saw and all will continue to assist once they received the required paperwork"

    My friend is scared this is going to end badly for him. I, however, have assured him that Mr. Reviled has next to no legal ground to stand on. Frankly, this is just a logical assumption, as I don't practice or study law. Can anyone give me something better? Mainly what to do if this goes forward, I just want to support him.

    Oh, and feel free to ask for more details.

    submitted by /u/trollgoblinelf
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    Suspended license without ever having a license

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 10:41 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, hope anyone out there can give me advice. Long story short, I'm from NYC and I was riding an electric moped (max @ 20mph) on the bike lane because a police officer told me I was going to slow to get in the bike lane. So I've been riding on the bike lane since then (no proof of that though) Friday morning I was stopped by a cop because of that reason, I gave him my ID and it came out that I had 10 over due tickets and because of it my license was suspended, mind you I never had a driver license just my state ID. So I was taken to booking. There's 6 tickets from the same day for the same thing. So I know 100% that has to be a mistake. I stupidly forgot I did have 2 tickets I never paid but they were for my bicycle. How can I go about declaring that there has to be a mistake. Most importantly the moped was bought used from an app "OfferUp" so to get my moped back I need to proof that it's legally mine, and someone with a license need to drive it. I'm completely okay with the rules, but how am I going to prove it's mine.

    Thanks for reading and hopefully anyone out there can help me

    submitted by /u/streetsoldier93
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    Grandpa’s sister intervening in his burial request.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 09:25 AM PDT

    Edit: added fake names and more precise location changed the wording as he didn't legally adopt the kids.

    Location: central Florida, US

    My grandpa (John) passed away two weeks ago and his wishes for as long as I can remember were to be cremated and spread in the ocean. He and my grandma (sally) were together for 38 years but they were never legally married and this is where the issue comes in. Since they were never legally married we were told that his father(Jack) has to sign the paper to allow the cremation. Jack is 95 years old and his sister (Martha) claims that he's not cognizant enough to sign it, but as far as I know he is mentally sound as John would call him every week and occasionally I'd talk to him as well, Jack wants to sign the papers as he was well aware of what John wanted but Martha won't let him sign and has yet to sign them.

    Apparently Martha has never liked Sally as she was seven years older than he was and when they got together she had 5 children which John accepted as his own. John and I were very close and one thing he had always asked was to make sure that Martha didn't get control of his body. I asked him to get that written up and notarized but he never got around to it as his death was very unexpected.

    I feel terrible right now because I can't do anything about this and my grandma is even worse than I am. Is there anything that can be done to make her sign it?

    Apologies if the writing is all over the place I'll try and go back through to clean it up later on

    Thanks so much for your help

    submitted by /u/goose323
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    Ex-bosses threatened to sue me after I interviewed with a competitor.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    Hi y'all.

    I'm located in California.

    So I worked in a relatively niche industry and quit my job a few weeks ago. I accepted another offer in a different industry, and once I had resigned I gave my resume to another company in town in the same field I had worked in previously.

    I did not sign an NDA or a DNC upon departure, but both owners have called me, calling me a liar, threatening legal action towards myself, as well as the other company. They keep talking about breach of trust, which they insist doesn't require an NDA or DNC to stand up in court. I didn't disclose anything in the interview that the other company wouldn't have been able to find out on their own.

    Now at this point because of the threat of legal action from my last employer, the competition is hesitant to hire me.

    I left the last employer due to a pretty hostile work environment including sexual harassment.

    Do they have a leg to stand on, and more importantly do I have a leg to stand on if they continue to call and threaten me.

    submitted by /u/plzdonttouchmeokthx
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    10k in cash of deceased friend has gone missing, roommate is likely suspect.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 01:40 AM PDT


    My best friend(BF) was killed when rear ended in a car accident.
    He has been rooming with another long time friend (RM).

    BF had been saving his cash tips in a shoe box in his room which totalled ~$10k and had been shown to his co-worker(CW) when he had come over not long before the accident.

    After his passing the family and some friends including CW were attempting to clear out his room and the RM was being unusually strange about it.

    CW checks the shoebox and all the cash is missing.

    BF's father has control of BF's bank records and there isn't any sign of any large and unusual deposits. BF's father was the one to tell BF to keep his cash tips.

    RM bought a new car the week of BFs passing.

    RM is suspected of taking the cash, no one has mentioned this to him AFAIK.

    What are my options in finding out if BFs missing cash was taken by RM?

    Would the witness to the cash and all bank records of BF coupled with a request for RMs bank records and vehicle purchase receipt(if say, 10k was paid in cash, or 10k deposited into accounts the week of purchase) be an option here?
    What can be done in this scenario?

    submitted by /u/blankblankityblank
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    Took off seatbelt after getting pulled over to reach registration, got seatbelt ticket. (NJ)

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 12:35 AM PDT

    I was driving home in NJ, a far way back and I was going 85 in a 50. It's 1:20 AM, and dark on the roads. I was pulled over and I should note everyone in the car including me (3 others) has their seatbelt on. As soon as I pull over and stop, I take off my seatbelt and reach for my registration & insurance. I have it ready for the officer when he gets to the window, we talk for a bit, and he goes back to his car. During this whole interaction I had my seatbelt off. He comes back with a careless driving ticket and a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt. Can he give me a ticket if he didn't see me driving with no seatbelt, and can he even claim I had no seatbelt on if he never saw me inside the car before pulling me over?

    submitted by /u/antter
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    Can my roommate leave the state and give someone else his keys?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 06:31 AM PDT

    State: Massachusetts

    One of my roommates left the state to go work in a different state.

    They paid off their rent for the rest of the lease from what I heard.

    Next year, their brother will be leasing this same house.

    This current roommate that has now left, has given his key to his brother, and now his brother comes and goes through the house whenever he pleases and brings his own guests.

    Is this legally allowed, even if the actual tenant is out of state???

    submitted by /u/CreamPounder
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    My 62 year old father experienced a sharp mental decline and other neurological symptoms. It contributed to marked decline in work performance. He told his boss and his boss fired him. Is my father entitled to protections or benefits?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 07:06 AM PDT

    My father is a high skilled executive. He has held a handful of upper management jobs.

    When he was fired, he was working as a plant manager in Massachusetts.

    Our family lives in Ohio and Dad travels to and has a residence in both states.

    When he was fired, we went and got him. We paid off the end of his lease and moved him back to Ohio.

    This happened this week.

    submitted by /u/Rum____Ham
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    I just made an offer on a house and had an inspection today. Next door neighbor is claiming I am responsible for trees in her backyard.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 05:55 PM PDT

    (TX) After looking at houses for some time now, I finally made an offer that was accepted. I'm currently in the option period and had an inspector check out the property today. During the inspection, my soon-to-be next-door neighbor approached the home inspector and told him that a previous owner had planted a tree on the property line that divides our backyards without her permission. The tree, now fully grown, appears to be in her yard and is on her side of the fence that splits our yards. She claims the roots of the tree have destroyed her patio.

    I told my realtor what happened and she reached out to the seller's realtor who claims to have also been approached by the neighbor about the tree.

    I'm concerned and frustrated about the situation. I'm worried the new neighbor might hold be financially responsible for removing the tree or for the damage to her property that the roots caused. I feel this isn't shouldn't be my responsibility.

    Since I'm still in my option period, I might be able to negotiate the contract with the seller to help deal with this situation. I'm just not sure what I should be asking for.

    submitted by /u/kid_z
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    My Dog kills chickens

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 06:33 AM PDT

    I live in the UK, where the houses are built fairly close together. Our backyard fence borders our neighbours. I have a small Shih Tzu dog who we do let run in the garden unsupervised as it is a secure area. Last year, she made it under the fence and killed one of my neighbours chickens. We apologised, paid the cost of the damages, replaced the fence, wired the bottom, and put a second fence running parallel to the first fence to make it impossible for our dog to ever make it over again, and she never has.

    However, our neighbours do not have an enclosure for their chickens, and allow them free range of the garden. More than once, a chicken has made it over the fence and been killed by our dog. We have paid the damages each time, but after the latest incident refused, as we have taken reasonable steps to prevent this happening and feel the neighbour is being unreasonable by not taking any measures to protect his own animals. We also live on a busy road and he has lost several chickens to the traffic, though I'm not sure is this is of any relevance.

    Our neighbour is now threatening legal action to have our dog destroyed. Our dog is of no danger to people, but has a high prey drive towards birds that we are working to prevent. I wondered if anybody has any advice on how we can move forward without losing our dog seeing as our neighbour is unwilling to build any sort of enclosure for his birds? Are we legally in the wrong despite the measures we have taken? Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/aracarina
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    After flooding, mushrooms are growing in basement and maybe mold? (Wi)

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 11:43 AM PDT

    Hi, so this is kind of odd so I wasn't quite sure where to ask about this but our landlord is coming over to look at it soon so I wanted to see what the possibilities of the situation are. About 2 months ago our garage and basement flooded in some heavy flooding in the area, with the basement having around 5ft of water in it. We were able to get most of the water out within 2 days as we couldn't get pumps in and the water wasn't going down outside. Afterwards we cleared it out, ran a dehumidifier, and the landlord was going to clean it out after it had dried. Now we've found these after leaving the room alone for awhile and being on vacation (Gross warning) what are the laws for if this is unsafe, and does it make a difference that our lease is almost up and our landlord wants us to re-sign for another year? Thanks for any and all help!

    submitted by /u/Aviioc
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    Can I (29) prevent my live-in, alcoholic boyfriend (27) from returning to my house?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 10:40 AM PDT

    In California. He either will be leaving the hospital against medical advice and face potential liver failure or he'll eventually be discharged normally. I can't have him back at the house because the first thing he'll want to do is drink. I have my children at home and I can't have that around them anymore because of the intensive level the alcoholism has gotten to. I'm also in fear because he threatened me if I tell the nurses that he wants to "escape" the hospital. Can I legally keep him out? We've never signed anything saying he's a tenant, he pays me cash when he can towards rent, but it's not consistent and never has been.

    submitted by /u/Ghost19841984
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    My apartment is forcing me to switch from Spectrum Internet to their new "Media Amenity"

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 12:33 AM PDT

    [NC, US]

    I have Spectrum internet currently and am paying $47 a month for 100mbps. A couple of months ago I got an email from my complex saying they're installing a "Media Amenity" into my apartment. I put this in quotes because I'm still not 100% sure what this is. My apartment complex teamed up with a company to provide all of the residents internet. The issue is, their internet is $80.

    I called the apartment to voice my complaints saying I am now paying $35 extra than I was before, and they basically told me it's a required transition, so I have no way to opt-out and continue using Spectrum.

    I've read through my entire lease and the only thing I can find is that my lease does not allow rent increase. Because of this change, my rent (or at least the amount due by the end of the month) has increased by $80. Not to mention, Spectrum is still charging me. Not their fault, I just want to stay with them, but the only choice I have it seems is to drop Spectrum, which is what they told me to do in the emails, and be forced to pay this extra $35 ($80 to the rent overall).

    I have no idea what this even is or the company they've teamed with, because my apartment sends the emails through their name. They have been so vague about, I have NO clue what the "Amenities" I am even paying for are.

    What options do I have here? Is there a way I can fight this, or do I just have to suck it up and pay the extra $35?

    submitted by /u/LittleGina
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    (CA) What’s considered Police Harassment ?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 02:26 AM PDT

    The local police know I'm on probation they keep stopping me and charging me with crimes that are never prosecuted on.. they park squad cars on the corner of my block.. they've literally broken into my house without a warrant pointed guns and me and said they were after a missing kid...(wearing regular clothes ) when I tried to report this to the police station they said that didn't sound like anything law inforcement would do

    submitted by /u/NoHarmNoFoul69
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