• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 12, 2022

    Legal Advice Teacher (25M) slept with friend when she was (15F)

    Legal Advice Teacher (25M) slept with friend when she was (15F)

    Teacher (25M) slept with friend when she was (15F)

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 04:28 AM PST

    5 years ago, my friend entered a romatic relationship with her teacher for two years (15-17). They met when she was 14. She's from Hungary where the age of consent is 14 but there is an exemption if that person 'abused their position of trust'*.

    She (now 20) recently found out he's distributing CP of her to Emma (16) whom he (now 30) sent a collection of videos of him having sex with other teenage girls who went to the school. Emma told him she felt uncomfortable with him hitting on her because of their age difference and he sent those videos in response saying that it's okay your peers have done it. Emma sent my friend the screenshots of that chat and the CP videos of her.

    My friend is looking back on the relationship and feeling like she was groomed*** (he encouraged her to lie to her family about who she was seeing, threatened that she'd have no one who'd love her if anyone ever found out, telling her adult relationships must involve sex).

    We know he's done it to about 5 other girls, all 14-17 and bad relationships with their parents (I feel he targets them) but again that's within the age of consent in Hungary. She wants to pursue legal action but is scared people will tell her she entered the relationship willingly and it's not illegal**.

    I'm encouraging her to pursue legal action too because I think he shouldn't be around children. However I don't know if it's a waste of time**.

    1) Is anyone familiar with Hungarian law?

    2) Do you know if you can recover old Snapchat messages that disappeared? She says there's a lot of incriminating texts but she can't access them anymore due to the nature of Snapchat.

    3) They travelled to different countries together on holidays. If the age of consent laws are higher there, could she pursue legal action in those countries? For example if they went to Spain together when she was still 15 where the AoC law is 16.


    *. Most countries age of consent laws say 'if the person IS IN a position of trust' but the Hungarian law says 'if the person ABUSES their position of trust'. I am not a translator, I'm just repeating what she told me.

    ** My friend told me sexual assualt isn't taken seriously in Hungary.

    *** It's clearly grooming but she always says 'I'm probably overreacting and feel like he took advantage of my inexperience with relationships'. I know it's grooming, I'm just phrasing it the way she does.

    submitted by /u/smallrockwoodvessel
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    (MI-tenant rights) Landlord told me I was out of the lease. Emailed me later and said “jk”. Do I have to pay?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 05:03 AM PST

    Around October I contacted my landlord by phone several times and asked them to show my unit. They initially wouldn't return my calls, so I sent them something written with an intent to vacate. They acknowledged it and said they'd show the unit. They showed it probably 5 times.

    About a month ago they told me they found a renter and asked me to return my keys. I asked them several times to confirm I did not and would not owe them any more rent. They confirmed that I only owed them my final utility bill.

    They texted me and emailed me later and said the tenant ghosted them and they actually would need me to keep paying rent. Am I off the hook, since they told me that I only owed them the last payment (which I paid immediately)? Or do I have to keep paying until they find a tenant?

    It's a one year lease that goes until May and I can't sublet.

    Edit: just for clarification, the unit has been empty and vacant for months and I'm living somewhere else. I needed a place with more space to the point that it justified two rents temporarily.

    Edit 2: for more detail, this is pasted from a comment

    They sent this text on Jan 20:

    Good morning!

    We have officially rented the apartment. We will need you to turn in the keys at your earliest convenience.



    And I handed over the keys the same day.

    They asked me to send them a forwarding address in person. I texted and asked what address. They replied with the address. (Before the response, I just sent it to the generic email, to cover my bases.)

    Then on Feb 2 by text:

    Hi [my name], The prospective tenant never signed the lease we sent them and dropped all communication with us. Unfortunately, this technically leaves you liable still until another tenant actually signs the lease. I have showings scheduled this week.

    I have not responded.

    Edit 3: also, they canceled my automatic payment through the app. I got an email Feb 1 that said "Hello [my name],

    This is a courtesy notice that your automatic payment has been canceled.

    Thank you for choosing [landlord]."

    submitted by /u/Cultural_Note_6722
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    Yoga studio teacher moved to an office next to my design studio and is now complaining about any noise I make while I’m working

    Posted: 11 Feb 2022 06:54 PM PST

    So I've been renting out a studio space for my product design business since June last year, I mostly work with ceramics so there is a bit of noise from time to time, but nothing too loud, I hoover a lot because I use raw materials and sometimes have to drill a very things. No one ever complained, because it's a rare occurrence and I tend to do really loud stuff out of office hours. A man started a yoga studio in the office right next to mine and is now harrassing me over any noise I make. His classes are monday to sunday morning to late evening. He rents the studio out to other yoga teachers and life coachers and he's been trying to force me to work around their schedule and only make noise when he is in between classes. Yesterday he knocked on my door the second I turned the vacuum cleaner on and tried to make it out to be this extremely loud noise. He was telling me he is starting his class in 5min and acted all freaked out. My studio is not even 4x4 so it really doesn't take more than 5 to hoover. The first time I ever interacted with him he yelled at me because I was pulling masking tape of my door frame. I had to mount a ceramic extruder to a wall two weeks ago (6 holes) and built an ikea kallax shelf and he is now saying that I've been drilling 'for a week at all hours of the day and night'. He has dozens of clients coming to his office every day, leaving their shoes at my door and smelling up the toilet so the entire corridor smells like shit at all time, yet he is complaining about my friend, which funny enough is actually a tenant with a studio below me who came to my studio to hang out one evening. He said that he thought 'a party was about to start'. It was two women talking with no music on and we were there from 6pm-11pm. Funnily enough he had a life coaching event in his office today at 7pm and it was full of people, they were blasting Taylor Swift, clapping and screaming, but two hours before that he complained about me and my friend chatting with no music on. He said that 'such sounds are expected at an art college not an office'. I contacted my landlord about this, saying I feel unequal because he is asking me to stop working for an hour because of his class, but won't wait a couple of minutes of when I make a little noise to do my own work. What are my rights here, because I feel bullied to be honest, the man is telling me I can't do certain things, but he does them all and I wonder if I can just tell him to fuck off and to stop harassing me. I like my studio, I've put a lot of work in it and it's my safe space so want to figure out how to not let this guy make it feel less safe.

    submitted by /u/cardinalfrank
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    How do I stop being employed by my parents without my parents consent?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 02:58 AM PST

    My parents have a business, and they have every member of the family as employees as a way to pay less taxes, even though the only person who actually works is my father.

    We have become estranged because of several things they've done to me and I decided to cut them off from my life, but I still receive money from them, and I want them to stop because this is a tactic from them to make me feel guilty and come back to the household. They're trying to fix our relationship with money.

    I asked for them to stop having me registered as their employee, but they didn't listen. Is there a way to stop being their employee and resign without their consent? I'm not familiar with paperwork. I also heard rumours that they're doing illegal stuff, and that's why they have so much money, but it's just rumours and not very credible, but I don't want to have any kind of legal repercussions in case they turn out to be true.

    The business is located in Portugal, even though I'm not currently living there.

    submitted by /u/Awkward-Warning-4898
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    Was promised medical jaw surgery - found out my dad has a personality disorder

    Posted: 11 Feb 2022 10:53 PM PST

    I am 22. I have a malocclusion, that is a misaligned bite/jaw and had begun a medically covered process to do orthodontic and orthognatic surgery to correct it. The procedure was paid for under my father's medical insurance. However, midway through the orthodontic work I found out that he was planning on refusing me to proceed on the jaw surgery and was planning on only allowing me to get the orthodontic correction, without the ensuing jaw surgery, which would essentially mean nothing health-wise would be corrected, and I would only suffer a pointless facial impairment. The orthodontic work involved tooth extraction, which is in the process of substantially reducing my upper jaw. The jaw surgery, which would involve upper and lower jaw surgery, was to correct my misaligned jaw so that I can close my mouth properly, and it would open up my breathing cavity.

    The reason my father was refusing the orthognatic surgery is due to the fact, in his own words, that it would make me look less like him, and that my face "belongs to him." Having spoken with a psychoanalyst, and having taken him to see a psychoanalyst with me after noticing bizarre behavior from him (which did not end well), I've learned that my father has a personality disorder in that he views his son as his property and as an imitation of himself. That is - he will not allow me to look differently from himself. He is psychologically incapable of allowing this to happen.

    I have only one recourse, which is that he does not want his family to know about this dynamic. They are under the impression that I will be getting this surgery, and to not get it would simply raise questions. My father was planning on telling them I didn't need it.

    Anyways, my question is, is it possible to design any kind of legally binding contract that says that he must allow me to get the entirety of the procedure done? Otherwise, I will not be pursuing further orthodontic treatment, because for him to get what he wants - that my face look like his own, would be too painful to live with.

    [EDIT: Just so you guys know how bad this is - my dad insisted I come home from college because he was afraid it was making me less mentally like him. He wound up driving me back home, said he'd refuse to pay my tuition if I said otherwise. He wouldn't let me get my car keys when I asked for them back, started in public saying "Are you going to beat me up?!" when I asked for them. He said I had a chemical imbalance when I raised questions about his behavior and was therefore not fit to make any decision.

    I've spent most of my life with my father. He did not let me go to any of the universities I got into after highschool and instead insisted I go to a local college. Eventually he let me transfer to a college out of state, but then this happened.

    I am anorexic and have a severe anxiety disorder that I'm currently trying to get over so that I can finish college. My father would tell me food was expensive when I was growing up (even though he was a vice president at AT&T) He never worked out much when he was growing up, so he didn't want me to work out. When I came home, he insisted I wear matching clothes with him and go on walks with him. He also insisted I sit and watch old movies with him because he did that with his mother after he graduated college.

    I found out there's a provision in my parents divorce agreement where he is required to pay for my tuition. I'm currently seeing a therapist to help me work out these issues so I can get on with my life. I'm probably going to change my last name...]

    [EDIT 2:

    Okay I'm starting to realize all of the shit wrong with my dad and it's recontextualizing a ton of stuff that happened in the past.

    I'm actually more than kind of scared of him now and am having a bit of an existential crisis.]

    [EDIT 3: I've been viewing this guy as the end all be all authority of my life. I realize he's kept me in a bubble my whole life to prevent me from knowing things. I forget I have any agency or autonomy at all. I'm also a shut in, basically. :( I'm gonna have to grow from this big time….]

    [EDIT 4: there's a lot of shit I'm not confronting… :/ oh man I am an idiot… why did I let him take me home…]

    [EDIT 5: Thanks for all of the help and responses. They've helped me out a lot so far. Given me a lot to think about.]

    submitted by /u/StokedTrout
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    Custody battle does not feel right (US)

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 05:30 AM PST

    So to start I'm in Missouri, trying to get custody of my teenage child and some things about this are not making sense to me.

    So around August 2021 my child tells me that they had told their mother they were being molested by their step dad (he is in prison for this right now) some 2 years before he was finally caught in the act, and also that my kid had witnessed their mother and another person having sex in their bed with a 5 year old in bed with them, I go and hire an attorney tell them why I'm there and such.

    Fast forward a few weeks, I meet with the guardian ad litem, tell them what my kid has told me, find out during our meeting that 3 weeks before our meeting the GAL had helped the opposing party obtain a dog for Christmas, then I have my kid go in and tell the GAL what all I was told, get on the phone to tell my attorney there may be a conflict of interest here, the GAL has a established relationship with the opposing parties, my attorney then tells me that it is NOT a conflict of interest and that I shouldn't worry about it and that I am basically being forced to send my kid to these same 2 peoples house every other weekend because "every child needs their mother" and "it happened in the past, we have to give them the opportunity to fuck up again" when I express that I do not like this arrangement due to the accusations, my concerns are tossed aside and my kid is there right now actually. I had also added in our parenting plan that I want theraputic visitations until the court decides it is not necessary, this was tossed out by the GAL, I have no right to make this request, it won't even be sent to the judge, they'll never see it. When told that the kid wants to go by a different gender since the assault, my attorneys response is "that's the trendy thing to do for teenagers" and it's brushed aside also.

    2 weeks ago during therapy my kid disclosed enough details that the therapist made a hot line call, the therapist and GAL have a conversation about what was said and still, the GAL does not believe it is even worth mentioning to the judge. This seems like a problem to me, nobody here seems to give a shit what the kid is telling them, since her husband is already in prison (yes they are still married some 4 years later) and not one bit of this feels like anyone either cares, or believes my kid. The GAL didn't report what my kid told them, which was the same stuff they told the therapist that triggered a hot line call.

    Does any of this sound like the way this usually goes? Am I being paranoid or are these real problems?

    submitted by /u/usafdirtboyz
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    My wife tends to get violent when she's upset at me. Should I do anything about it?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 06:10 AM PST

    My wife and I have been married for 6 years and have a strong relationship. We are expecting our first child later this year.

    She's an amazing person and my best friend. However one thing that disturbs me is she can get physically violent when she's mad at me. I suffer from anxiety and mood swings and am also not the easiest person to deal with at all times so I understand the frustration.

    I hope I'm not mis-speaking when I say physical violence. Most of the time it's mild-she throws shoes at me, or digs her nails into my arm. Or she might smack me on my arm too. But nothing more than that.

    What worries me is it might escalate, and it's definitely something I don't want our child to see. When I talk to her about it, she gets very upset and says she is not a domestic abuser and that I'm being very unfair calling her violent and then cries so I feel like shit.

    Anyway, I guess I'm just looking for any tips or advice about what I can do.

    I do want to add that I have never laid a finger on her

    submitted by /u/bewtuwnb
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    Insurance company saying I’m 20% at fault for not honking. Can they do this?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2022 08:15 PM PST

    This is in California. I was hit by another driver the other day. Here is what happened. I was stopped at a red light about to make a left turn. There was a car to the left of me, also about to make a left turn (there were 2 lanes to turn left). I was turning to the outside lane and he was turning to the inside lane (left of me). Immediately after getting through the intersection (both in our lanes), the other driver did not know there were 2 turning lanes and he turned into the outside (my) lane. As he kept going into my lane (crossing the solid white line that splits our two lanes), he stuck my driver side front of my car (by my front tire/bumper). When I noticed him at the last second, I hit my brakes and hit the horn. He was already merging in my lane so he still struck my car.

    My question is, my insurance company sent me an email saying I am 20% at fault for the accident. How would I be responsible for someone entering my lane and hitting me? I did hit my horn and told them that during my statement, so I'm not sure why their "investigation" is saying I didn't. I will include below what I received from my insurance company.

    Hello, After our investigation, we have determined that we are accepting 20% at fault for this claim. The decision was primarily based on Our investigation concludes the driver of your vehicle did not exercise ordinary care to avoid an accident that might cause injury or damage. The driver of your vehicle failed to use a horn to give audible warning when reasonably necessary.

    submitted by /u/jaredlabrousse
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    Bought a house and did not get possession on closing day + discovered a damaged fence

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 08:31 AM PST

    Hoping for some guidance as I am feeling so angry and disappointed and not sure what I can do in this situation. My spouse and I are in the process of buying our first home. We did the final walkthrough on 02/10, the day before our closing date of 02/11. We discovered in the walkthrough that the seller was not planning on removing a trailer on the property despite it not being listed anywhere on the paperwork. They were told to remove it. They used every minute of possession which in WA state is 9pm to get all their belongings out. We show up to the house at 9:30pm last night and our real estate agent was unable to get the keys. The sellers were instructed to leave them under the mat and they did not. Since we cant go inside, we walk around the property and discover they cut the poles on the chain link fence to be able to get the trailer out and did not put it back just left it leaning against the house. What can I do about the fact that they damaged the property as well as did not give us possession on closing day?

    submitted by /u/vernociraptorr
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    My family has an emergency protective order against my neighbor because he threatened us. Can he sit on his porch and yell at us telling us to come out in the court? I have video of it. Were in VA.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 04:45 AM PST

    my mother’s boyfriend physically picked me up by my sweatshirt, pinned me to a wall and threatened to kill me, is there any way i can get him to leave the house for good, legally?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2022 06:54 PM PST

    I just dont know what to do anymore, this is all because of something really minuscule

    submitted by /u/PeterTheSqueaker
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    Home Depot accidentally credited me the full cost of the major appliances I bought and now want me to come in to repurchase them.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 09:30 AM PST

    I (26F, Florida) bought 3k worth of appliances in November on a Home Depot credit card. I just got them delivered a few days ago. When the delivery happened, they weren't able to install the dishwasher so they told me a plumber would need to come by to install it. We didn't end up needing the plumber because a friend of ours was able to install it. I called customer service yesterday to have them remove the installation charge and fees for extra parts. They did it no problem and I told them I was happy with my service.

    Two hours later, the local store I bought my appliances from calls me. They're audibly panicked because the customer service rep apparently credited my entire account. Not refund, credited. So essentially Home Depot paid my bill in full. They want me to come to the store and rebuy them. I told them I'll try to make it in before I leave town, but they sprung this on me at a bad time. They begged me to come in tomorrow and I told them I'd try. I'm currently at work on break and they've called me 6 times and I'm starting to get annoyed.

    What should I do? Can they force me to go back and rebuy them? I'm not trying to scam anyone, and I'm willing to repurchase them, but I'm curious what my rights are with this situation.

    I've already paid for a few monthly payments and honestly this is extremely inconvenient as I'm about to leave town for two weeks tomorrow and I'm already running around town for other things I need.

    submitted by /u/lilbriizy
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    Team captain for adult soccer team defrauded players out of money that was supposed to go towards the team fee. Anything we can do?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2022 07:50 PM PST

    I'm based out of New Hampshire USA. Myself and about 15 other players had agreed to play soccer with someone that we only knew from previous experience playing against him in other leagues. He got our contact info, told us he was putting a team together, and then asked us for payment over cashapp/venmo. Come time for the session to start and he is nowhere to be found, and the league organizer is telling us we still owe the entire balance for the session. To make matters worse we signed up for two different leagues through two different organizers at the same time. All player fees paid to him. Same results for both of them. All in all its about $3000 collectively thats been taken.

    Is there any recourse to get everyone's money returned? It doesn't seem like venmo/cashapp can just return the money. Some teammates have talked about suing/taking him to small claims court, is that a good idea? Do we file a police report? We are very lost here. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/SnippyRiffles
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    Will the judge allow one of the parents to go into debt?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 07:53 AM PST

    Going thought my divorce still. Starting to pile up lawyer bills. We have a ton of equity in the house. I'm willing to give her the house. But she wants half of my 3 year old company. She is dragging it out bc I'm paying all the bills and they keep asking for more information about the company. We have provided over 30k documents of information they asked. We haven't figured out child support, business value or the house. Or split assets.

    Looks like I will be going into debt and she will be getting the house, money, child support, and not have to pay for her lawyer fees.

    Will a judge allow her to have everything and me to go into debt? Is this typical?

    She is going to bankrupt me and I feel she's not thinking about the girls. What can I do with my lawyer to avoid all this?

    submitted by /u/seven_times_70
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    I believe my parents have stolen my inheritance

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 06:11 AM PST

    My grandfather was an immigrant and he retired back in his home country. I have been no contact with my family throughout my grandfathers final moments because they have been physically and psychologically abusive towards me, even in adulthood.

    I have recently learned about my grandfathers passing after returning to live with my parents due to unforeseen circumstance. However, my parents have been acting very suspicious. They have made a point to bring up my grandfather's inheritance though I haven't thought to ask.

    My father made a point to tell me that my grandfather died penniless. Which is a lie being that I saw that my grandfather is still receiving social security benefits even though he passed in March.

    My parents have also been super controlling. Not allowing me to leave the house as I please, monitoring my physical movements and phone conversations, and making sure that I'm never home alone. They've even swapped their work schedules so that someone is always home. And they have even moved to sleeping on the couch downstairs just in case I try to sneak away from them.

    I have tried to file a police report but I can only file with my local police station and my father has a friend who has worked at this station for over 20 years. I feel trapped and don't know what to do.

    They have also been trying to force feed me and I've been noticing that my mother separates my food from everyone else's. One day she revealed her intentions by telling me that she was knocking loudly on my door and thought I was dead because I didn't respond. She told me she thought I died suddenly of a heart attack. Which is strange because I have no history of such health issues.

    I do feel that she may be putting something in my food. I believe all of this is due to an inheritance that they are possibly hiding. I've recently found a job since moving back with them and they have been super controlling. Demanding that I allow them to pick me up and drop me off. I have managed to dodge this by telling them that I have bought train tickets and that friends will drop me off. But they're being persistent and growing more and more aggressive.

    Is there anything I can do from a legal standpoint to get some solid answers here and protect myself indefinitely? I do not feel comfortable going to my local police station to file a report at this time. I tried contacting the state and even tried the station in the next town over, both referred me back to my local jurisdiction.

    Any advice would be really appreciated

    submitted by /u/EvolvedPriestess
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    (GA) Landlord changed locks wont let me access my property without them there.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 09:27 AM PST

    I was assaulted by an excoworker and recieved threats afterwards. I did not feel safe in the house anymore and began the process of moving in with family. The landlords stopped by and saw some of my stuff missing and changed the locks. They will not allow me access to my property to finish moving unless they are there and pay them the fees to break my lease. They are saying they will begin dispossessary. Is this legal?

    submitted by /u/doorknobwizard
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    Implications of selling one-off custom vehicles that were never officially made?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 09:22 AM PST

    I'm a bit of a gear head here in the United States. One of the things driving my passion is car customization. Over the years there have been several brands that ended up being discontinued or died before being realized (See Pontiac and Amati). I had a wild idea to take existing vehicles from sibling companies and kit-bash together one-off cars that might have been if the original company hadn't been dissolved or folded. The problem being, I really have no need for a whole stable of one-off automobiles for my own personal use. So, I had thought that I might be able to build the cars and then auction them off to recoup the costs of building them.

    Which then leads to the sticky subject of trademarks. Because even though I'd essentially just be heavily modifying existing cars, they would be badged as something different even if the VIN number never changes.

    How likely is it that I would run afoul of some sort of copyright law or trademark infringement if I end up adding value to a vehicle by modifying it with a dead but trademarked company's emblems and then sold it as a one-off?

    submitted by /u/adhd_dot_ini
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    Employment offer ignored for years

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 08:43 AM PST

    tl/dr: 4 years ago I got an employment offer for a promotion to a manager position, after a probationary period. My department head awarded the position but HR never made it official and is now denying that I was ever offered the position. Is there legal recourse here, am I deserved back pay? This is in California.

    This is kind of a weird one, without giving too many identifying details, I was offered a promotion 4 years ago. The offer letter stated you're being offered "job A", if you accept there will be a probationary period of a minimum of 1 month and max of 6. Within that time you will be given a review for the promotion to "Job A Manager".

    3 months after accepting the job I received an email from HR informing me of a small pay bump (that I wasn't happy with) and that I was being moved from hourly to salary. This is where it gets weird, our company has gotten quite large but still operates as a startup so I'm used to not having an accurate job description or title and poor communication is commonplace. That said, I asked for the new job description and received "Job A", so I asked for the new "Job A Manager" description only to be told that wasn't being offered and I must be mistaken. So I looped my boss, the head of our department, into the convo and asked him to correct this. He backed me up and said HR was incorrect and that this needed to be resolved.

    There was no more communication after that email. Im not one to complain and as I said I'm used to the way the company operates so time went on and I forgot all about this. My email signature has the manager title, I was congratulated by management on the promotion, it's in all our internal org charts as the manager title, etc. so in my eyes I had the job and had no reason to think otherwise.

    Fast forward to today, 4 years later, and I see an org chart with the old job title. We recently had an organizational change and I have a new boss, so I bring this to him and show him the employment offer and the email and he says wow, that's a huge oversight let's correct it. Talks to his boss who agrees and then calls HR who proceeds to tell him that I made the job up and have been lying to people for years and it's caused HR headaches. Well that's crazy, so I go garner support and make sure I'm not crazy by asking all of our top management (COO, Presidents, CFO, etc.) what they think and they all agree this needs to be resolved. I reach out to HR directly asking for clarification and then they call my boss again and this time tell him not only did I make the position up but HR asked me numerous times to change my title back to the old one, again a lie, and that I need to calm down and quit harassing HR.

    At this point I'm furious so I call our CEO and he said he'll deal with HR next week. However, HR has a lot of influence and people are generally afraid of HR…for this exact reason. So I'm worried that they're going to attempt to sweep this under the rug. If that happens I'm wondering if I have any legal recourse here, obviously I have this employment offer that's pretty clear the promotion will happen in under a year, our department head notified HR that I received the promotion and yet it went ignored for 4 years. Not only that, HR admitted in writing that they've been well aware of this the whole time and never did anything about it.

    Again, Im not one to complain so it was easy to ignore as I know to keep my head down and ignore battles with HR but now that I'm looking into it the manager job title in my position makes about 60% more than I do now…shouldn't I be owed 4 years of back pay? It just sucks that the entire company agrees this is obviously a mistake and I've been doing that job for 4+ years but everyone is too afraid of HR to do anything about it. In California if that makes a difference employment laws wise.

    submitted by /u/Complete-Ad5729
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    I moved into an apartment with roaches!!!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 08:35 AM PST

    I signed a month to month lease on Feb. 1st moved in on Feb. 3. First day I find one roach, let my landlord know, and he immediately brings in spray and traps. Seems like once that happened it got worse. I was seeing more and more daily. It was when I saw babies that I decided to talk to my landlord about breaking my lease and moving out. He had been up to day daily about the roaches I was seeing and have pictures of everything. After speaking with a few other tenants I learned this has been an ongoing thing and that he doesn't do much else aside from set traps and "spray". There was a black gooey tar like substance coating the gaps around the cabinets that was there before I moved in that I didn't think anything of, as this is my first adult encounter with these bugs. Now that I know this has been an ongoing problem and he knowingly moved me into an infested building, what are the chances I can get my $1300 back? I only lived in the apartment for a week (slept there maybe 3 times because I was too creeped out to sleep knowing they're in there.

    submitted by /u/alluby
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    Can the child of my dad's mistress sue me for my dad's assets?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 08:31 AM PST

    My dad and his mistress have a daughter. My dad and I are permanent residents of the United States, and his mistress and the daughter are foreigners.

    1. My dad gifted me a condo last year. After my dad passes away in the year 2050, can the child sue me to ask me to give her the asset/part of the assets?
    2. If my dad leaves other apartments and his company to me in his Will/Trust, can the child sue me?
    3. What kind of lawyer should I seek help from?

    4. I saw even when people explicitly and clearly decribe something in the Will/Trust, some other party can still sue the people who are explicitly described in the Will to get the estate. How can I prevent that?

    submitted by /u/blacktrufflepizza
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    Dad slipped and fell in hospital, dont know who to talk to

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 08:27 AM PST

    I live in Texas and last year on Thanksgiving my father was in the hospital due to an infection and was receiving care/being monitored for about 5 days prior. Thanksgiving day a nurse helped him up so he could take a shower, they walked over to his bathroom and she cut the hard plastic ring off one of those vomit bags and placed it over his infected foot. My father took two steps into the bathroom, slipped, fell, hit his head on the wall and left a dent in the wall, and landed right on his tailbone. Roughly 5 other nurses rushed into the room to see what had happened and to help him up, and they got him back into bed. They immediately ordered a scan of some kind to check out his head, but he kept telling them that his head didn't hurt but his tailbone was in an extreme amount of pain. They told him multiple times that there wasn't anything they could do about that and apologized.

    A few days later, my dad was discharged from the hospital for his infection and he temporarily moved in with me so I could change his bandages and help him as needed, but he kept wincing because his tailbone was still in an extreme amount of pain. Just three days later, he returned to the same hospital's emergency room for his tailbone pain and tried to tell them the story and the workers were surprised that he had fallen at the hospital and not at home, they checked his previous stay and there had been no reports at all about him falling to be found anywhere. They ran another scan on him to check out his tailbone, I believe it was another CT scan but I'm not sure, I do know for a fact that it was not an MRI because he's currently needing one. The scan showed that he had injured himself obviously, but the ER doctor that saw him showed him the results and gave a very vague "there's something here that's concerning and you should see a specialist about" and refused to elaborate further, so just enough to cause my dad to panic over it.

    About this time I started thinking that this whole ordeal was the hospital's fault and they should be on the hook to pay for these treatments and scans that my father needed. I called my father's insurance to ask them about it and they directed me to the hospital's risk management branch. I called them and according to them, when my father slipped in the bathroom, the nurses had offered treatment and aid to help him but he REFUSED their help to check out his tailbone, which is just an outright lie and infuriates me to no end.

    My father still needs to see a specialist and have an MRI done but the out of pocket for both things would cost him 600 dollars or more and he's on fixed income and I am disabled and on fixed income as well and can't help him pay for what he needs. I figured that with a case like this that it would be an easy open and shut situation with any lawyer, so I contacted a personal injury lawyer and gave them the information. They said that it's not really their jurisdiction and that slip and fall lawyers would be better suited. I called a reputable slip and fall firm, they said it sounds more like property liability. I called property liability, they say it's more malpractice. I called malpractice, they say it's more slip and fall.

    With all this runaround and nobody wanting to take the case, I'm worried that there's nothing that can be done legally, hence why I'm here to see if anyone can point me in the right direction. At this point the only thing I really want is for my dad's medical needs to be paid for because seeing him laid up on the couch everyday is killing me.

    submitted by /u/ButthurtDave
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