• Breaking News

    Monday, September 6, 2021

    Legal Advice My landlord is telling me I can't flush down toilet paper down my toilet. Can he do this?

    Legal Advice My landlord is telling me I can't flush down toilet paper down my toilet. Can he do this?

    My landlord is telling me I can't flush down toilet paper down my toilet. Can he do this?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 09:46 AM PDT

    I am renting an apartment in a house in Harrison, NJ since 1st September. I have submitted my rent and deposit to one of the roommates as he is connected to the landlord. However, I just found out today that the landlord has asked us not to flush down toilet paper and instead throw them in the garbage.

    On confronting other roommate he was defensive saying there are some toilets where you don't flush toilet paper, also just to make sure I put all info correct, we are using one ply paper.

    At this point, I don't know if it's illegal or wrong, can anyone help? What are my options?

    submitted by /u/DietMediocre8993
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    *UPDATE* “My Microchipped cat was stolen and the thief refuses to return her. Aside from the non-emergency police, what are my legal options?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 04:37 PM PDT

    Hey everyone. My post didn't gather a crazy amount of traction but I know when I see stuff like that I want to see an update (especially a happy one) so I'm putting this up for anyone who might care.

    We got the cat back!!!! Thankfully the non-emergency police came through (after several hours that almost had me on the floor with anxiety). The thief is threatening to sue but, well, we have all the paperwork and proof. So while that maybe the next hurdle I honestly doubt it'll make it into a court room. (Although I don't want to jinx myself). Thank you to all of you who gave advice I really appreciate it. It was comforting to have it.

    I'm on mobile so I can't link the post but hopefully someone in the comments can help me out or you can just look at my post history.

    Again, thanks everyone!

    Edit: thank you all so much for the awards and stuff!! This is a throwaway account and I'm currently just reveling in having my cat back, so I'm sorry if I don't get back to everyone! I'm also glad to see so many people are as hyped about this good news as I am!!

    submitted by /u/NeedHelpASAPPlz178
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    I got a job offer from a company that wants me to pay them back in 6-8 weeks wages if I leave before my contract is up. There's no signing bonus for this contract. Is this even legal?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 09:38 AM PDT

    As the title says, I recently got a job offer (USA) that's a 2-year contract position. If I wanted to leave before the 2 years was up, I would have to pay them back in 6-8 weeks worth of my wages, depending on when I leave.

    I thought this was normal and I was really struggling with it, but several friends of mine who have worked contract jobs have informed me that this was not their experience and they didn't even believe it was legal or enforceable to have a claw back clause on wages, only signing bonuses and incentives. Many in my family have advised me the same thing.

    As someone who has no experience with signing contracts, can anyone weigh in on this? Is it worth at least bringing up and negotiating with management? Thanks.

    Edit: As requested in the comments, here is a screenshot and exact wording of the contract section I'm talking about.

    submitted by /u/good_shit_rightthere
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    DMV not recognizing Court ordered expungement

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 08:31 AM PDT

    Hello Reddit, first off I'm located in Minnesota - St. Louis county (if that makes a difference)

    On 12/14/2020 I was granted an expungement for some charges I received as a minor, one of them was a marijuana in a motor vehicle and this was the only one I cared about since it shows on my driving record and anyone can see it as opposed to my criminal record from that time.

    In my signed court documents the case number for that specific charge is listed as is "the department of public safety office of the attorney general "which from my understanding is the one that oversees motor vehicle charges.

    The expungement notification was sent out and all departments listed were to send a letter to my lawyer acknowledging the expungement within 60 days.

    My lawyer says he received notification from them acknowledging the expungement however my most recent background check for a part time job I was looking at showed the charges on there and I was rejected. I have an interview coming up for a job that I want to make my career and I've been trying to land for the last 4 years, I'm worried this will hinder my future offer.

    Upon telling my lawyer about the last background check and how my charges still show up he said he'd try to call them and figure out what's going on.

    He emailed me back a few days later with the following;

    "I called Minnesota Driver Vehicle Services and sat on hold for over 30 minutes. I can try again tomorrow but you should try as well."

    So I called them and waited to get through when I spoke with a lady who said she sees nothing on her end relating to an expungement and that I need to have a special form sent over that's signed from the judge. (Isn't that the whole point of my signed, court-ordered expungement?)

    I informed my lawyer of this and he said he'd never heard of that form and would look into it- i never heard anything about this from him after. he's basically pawning the situation off on to me saying "well call them again and ask this or that"

    He said if they don't acknowledge the expungement and if I'm rejected for this future job as a result the next step would be to sue. I don't care to sue, I just want this dealt with as my mistake as a 16 year old has impacted all aspects of my life and I've changed everything around and just want it erased but I feel like I'm battling a brick wall here, I don't know what to do.

    EDIT: I understand that my criminal record and my driving record are separate however my driving record was included in the expungement and is listed in the signed paperwork granting the expungement

    EDIT #2 I've dug up the exacting wording listed in a section of the signed expungement, it is as follows;

    "Petitioner's request for sealing of records is granted. All official records, other than the non-public record retained by the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, including all records relating to arrest, complaint, trial, dismissal, discharge, conviction, plea agreement, and court disposition, shall be sealed and their existence shall be disclosed only by court order, except as authorized by law."

    submitted by /u/chazzyt218
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    My boss has never paid me overtime

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 07:10 AM PDT

    I work as a chef in AZ, I'm 23 and I get paid by the hour.

    I've worked here for almost a year, and my boss is an egotistical alcoholic that verbally abuses me and my coworkers on the regular, absolutely everyone is intimidated by him. Two of my coworkers and I always work more than 40 hours a week (usually 50-60) and we haven't gotten a dime of overtime. My coworkers are too scared of losing their job to do anything about it, but I on the other hand, am sitting here on Labor Day with all of my paystubs on the desk in front of me wondering how I can make this stop for good.

    I need this advice to be air tight. My boss may be a huge alcoholic but he is one smart cookie and he will look for any way to get out of this. I will get a lawyer if that's what it takes.

    submitted by /u/az_ryanjc
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    KS grandparent rights

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    Hi all! I live in KS and currently expecting our first baby, due in December. My husband cut off his mother and sister September of 2020 after years of toxicity. MIL has mental health issues but never stays on her meds. And when she's off then, she's very unstable. The breaking point for him is when she started leaving voicemails telling him to call the police on me and to pack his stuff and leave. She was also insulting me and thinks I'm the reason he cut them off but that's not the case. I actually encouraged him to reconnect with her when we first got together.

    She no longer has any social media and SIL blocked both of us so they didn't find out from us about the baby. Now that MIL knows, and DH made clear he wants nothing to do with them, she is saying she will take us to court for grandparent rights. She emailed us saying she makes it a socal services and court issue. Is this something she can do? I'm not familiar with grandparent rights. Is there anything we can do now to stop this??

    submitted by /u/yanny0913
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    My neighbor across the street is using my fence as target practice

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 02:45 PM PDT

    I (30F) live alone in Knoxville, TN with my two dogs in a house that I own. It has a wonderful, giant backyard, which is the main reason I got this house, knowing my dogs had a great place to run around outside. My house is on a corner lot and my neighbors are across the street from the side of my back yard. I have a six foot privacy fence all along the side facing their house.

    For months, the guy and his son (maybe about 12 years old) have been going into their front yard at least once a week and shooting some kind of air rifle. Every time I've been brave enough to get close to the fence to see what they're up to, they're shooting at something in their yard. The dogs are always terrified when it starts up and run into the house, and they're usually not bothered by loud noises (fireworks and thunderstorms don't phase them a bit), so I wondered if maybe something had come my way at some point and that's why the dogs are so scared. I thought a few stray pellets might have ricocheted off my fence or even through the gaps in the fence.

    My suspicions were just confirmed, but it was far more nefarious than I originally thought. I figured if something had come my way it would have been an accident. But on my way home, as I was driving by my fence, I noticed a target had been put up. On my fence. I immediately ran over, started taking photos, and only then noticed HUNDREDS of divots all along my fence. They've been intentionally using it for target practice.

    I called the police right away. A couple officers came and went over to talk to them. They said the guy was an "interesting character with a skewed view of things", whatever that means. The officers explained to me that they had some pretty high powered rifles and there was probably just some ricochet happening, at which point I pulled out the photos of the target, which had since been taken down. They got concerned and headed back over, but not before telling me to go back into the house and they would knock on my door if they needed me. Apparently they didn't need me, because they just got back in their car and drove off without talking to me again. I have no idea what happened or if there was any resolution.

    This all happened a few days ago, and just yesterday the neighbors were out shooting again, clearly not at all dissuaded from a visit from the cops.

    I have no idea what to do here. I feel completely unsafe in my own yard, and I fear for the safety of my dogs. Now these guys know I've called the police on them, so I have the added fear that they'll retaliate.

    Beyond the damage of the fence and the emotional distress I'm constantly under, I also wonder about selling my house. I don't plan on living here forever, and I know by law you have to disclose to any potential future buyers any regular disturbances caused by neighbors. No one is going to want to buy my house when I tell them I have a crazy neighbor who shoots at the property.

    What do I do? I've never had a situation like this. I've never had to deal with the police or press charges against anyone. And can I sue this guy? Mostly, how do I get him to stop?

    EDIT: A lot of people are asking if the fence is mine or if it's a shared fence. It is 100% mine and completely on my property. The way our houses are positioned, it's their house, their front lawn, the street, a strip of grass that is technically my property, then my fence, then my backyard.

    EDIT2: I'm new to Reddit so I don't totally understand what's happening here, but it seems the post has been locked and we can no longer comment, along with a lot of comments being removed. That being said, I really appreciate all of your thoughts and advice! A lot of it was super helpful and I'll be following through to get this settled. I'm sure I'll make an update at some point to let you all know how this goes. Thanks again.

    submitted by /u/annaleigh1010
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    My neighbor built a zipline

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 08:52 AM PDT

    Located in WA state.

    My neighbor and I share a 10ft wide side yard that slopes down a hill along our homes from front yard to back yard. The property line is located exactly in the middle so we each have 5ft of side yard (confirmed the property lines from a house plan)

    They recently built a zip line for their kids on that hill on their side of the property. Along with the zip line, they built two movable (i.e. not built into the ground) wooden platforms that both extend about 8 inches over the property line and into my property when they are centered under the zip line. These platforms are used to launch and land from the zip line.

    Am I liable if a child gets hurt on that zip line while the platforms are extended onto my property?

    Am I more/less/equally liable if the platforms are moved off of my property, but a child falls onto my property?

    submitted by /u/Roadhause
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    The lease on my apartment ends today, but my two squatters-turned-tenants are refusing to leave the apartment.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 09:54 AM PDT

    This is in California, in a large apartment building almost exclusively populated by college students.

    I have been living in this apartment for two years, and I am the only person on the lease. I had one roommate, "A", who is not on the lease but pays all his rent. However, back in February 2020, he had two friends, B and C, who would come over very often to hangout, do homework, play videogames, and drink/smoke, and they would crash on the couch pretty often.

    Once COVID started, they stopped leaving and basically just stayed with us during the height of lockdown. Since then, B and C have refused to leave or contribute any money at all to the apartment and claimed squatter's rights in my apartment. A, B, and C all live in the living room and sleep on the couch/floor/air mattress.

    I have tried several times to get B and C out, but they absolutely refuse and are completely unreasonable to speak with. They have agreed several times to leave, and at one point I even gave a written 30 day notice, but they have never left. At one point, the police were called and they told me this is a civil matter that will have to go through the courts, but with the eviction moratorium going until September 30 due to COVID, I have not really had any options.

    My lease is ending today and they still will not leave, so I need to figure out what I am responsible for and what my options are. I moved out weeks ago.

    As I am the only person on the lease, am I responsible for B and C still being there?

    My landlord knows about them as I told her a year ago during my attempts to get them out, but the landlord has contractors lined up to remodel the place as soon as I move out, which would be today. Would the landlord be the one the evict them, and would the landlord be evicting all of us or just B and C?

    If I am responsible, do I have to wait until September 30th to do anything about it and will I have to be the one to evict them, as I am the "master tenant"?

    Would I be able to use the "three day notice to vacate" option on them? They have not paid any rent in 18 months, have done extensive damage to the property (destroyed glass, roaches on every surface, expired food everywhere, carpets destroyed) and have broken the building rules (they've set up multiple aquariums while pets are prohibited, they constantly smoke week inside), and they have definitely interfered with other tenants.

    Also, not sure if this can affect anything, but C is aggressive, manipulative, and cruel to everyone. C and B may or may not be in a tumultuous and arguably abusive relationship that often results in screaming matches (that have resulted in the landlord/cops being called by neighbors several times), and C has on multiple occasions burst into my bedroom to scream at me.

    Please let me know what my options could be, and thank you in advance.

    Quick Edit: At this point it seems like they are just doing this because they think they will get away with it because they are getting some sick joy out of tormenting me and not facing any consequences. C has family living nearby and could easily stay with them, and C also has a SO nearby and often stays over there as well. C stated this morning "I don't live here, I just stay enough to be a resident, so it's the best of both worlds"

    If they continue to stay there and refuse to leave and I am held responsible, would I be able to sue them for the rent or anything?

    Edit: This is Los Angeles

    submitted by /u/LegAdThrowaway62133
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    No power at apartment complex for over 36 hours in Houston, TX. It's the apartment complex's fault.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 11:23 AM PDT

    There is an electrical issue at the apartment complex I live at in Houston, TX. It has NOTHING to due with the power company but has been confirmed to be due to electrical problems within the community. Basically, bad/faulty wiring or something else, within the complex, has led to the power outage.

    I have lost $200 of groceries, missed 1.5 days of work (work from home) and am now having to pay for a motel since the issue hasn't been fixed yet.

    Are they required to compensate me in some way? If they don't offer any reimbursement, should I demand compensation? I feel like they should truncate the rent I owe next month and am going to be asking for at least $200 in credit towards next month's rent.

    What if they refuse to compensate in any way? Would I have a leg to stand on if I simply refused to pay a full month's rent?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/CuttyMink
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    Non-biological father trying to get custody of my nieces in Indiana

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 09:59 AM PDT

    My sister has two daughters that were placed in my home by the Department of Child Services. She has struggled with drug addiction for a long time, and ended up pregnant after sleeping around with other addicts. She doesn't know who the father is. Shortly after finding out she was pregnant, she stopped doing drugs and started dating a guy, let's call him Tom.

    Tom is convicted felon. He has numerous charges of violent behavior. He was present at the time of birth and signed the birth certificates. My nieces were taken out of their home and placed in my home after Tom and my sister beat the shit out of each one night while drunk.

    That night was in March of 2020, so the case has been ongoing for 18 months now. My sister has told DCS she wants to voluntarily terminate her parental rights and let me adopt my nieces. However, Tom wants custody, and DCS is working toward reunification with him.

    As I mentioned before, he is not their biological father, but his name is on their birth certificates. I do not think he is fit to be a single father. He has extreme anger issues that result in him being very violent. I am scared of what he may do them if they live in his home. I am trying to do anything I can to adopt them and let them stay with me.

    DCS has told me that I have to support reunification. They also said they can't force paternity to be established.

    Is that true? Do I really have to keep supporting reunification? I just want to adopt them and move on. Like I said it has been 18 months, I am tired of dealing with DCS and all of the drama. The caseworker keeps telling me there isn't anything I can do. I am making this post to see if anyone has dealt with anything similar or know of anything I can do. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/throwaway-indiana
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    What to do? Our neighbor has sent death threats to our family in addition to shooting at us on multiple occasions.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    Bit of an odd scenario, don't really know where to begin. We live in North Carolina btw

    So not too long ago, my mom was walking the dogs out on our field. (The field is next to a road, and beyond that road is our neighbor's place. The road separates our properties) Obviously, since this is our property, she didn't really think anything of it until the neighbor stepped out on his porch and opened fire on her. She wasn't hit, thank goodness, and ran back home. A day passes, and she heads up to the neighbor's place to confront him. At first, he denied everything and was actually friendly enough to exchange numbers with her. However, later that night, more shots rang out. We stepped outside and texted him about the noise. This is where the death threats come in. The neighbor seems to think the house he's renting out gives him access to our land and that we're trespassing, and he'll kill us should we "trespass" again. I'm doing a lot of paraphrasing here, but he threatened to murder us a few times.

    So, my questions. I have no idea where to even begin with handling this, so I'll ask away. Are we in the wrong at all if he doesn't know the specifics of the property lines? Also, a few days have passed since the threats. Is there anything we can do this late on?

    submitted by /u/youthfularcadia
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    Extreme Yard Work not in the lease agreement

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 08:58 AM PDT

    Somewhere in Idaho. My spouse and I moved into a 120 year old farm house in the middle of nowhere because he got a teaching job at the local high school.

    There was not a lot of options for housing except for a trailer and a 120 year old farmhouse surrounded by cornfields and fields of weeds. We took the farm house, which was just as cheap as the trailer. The house is probably not up to code, I mean our landlord said we are not allowed to flush toilet paper because the septic tank can't handle it. (She put in our lease agreement that if we flush toilet paper and destroy the septic system, we would have to pay for it. We opted to buy a bidet to solve the tp problem.)

    The yard has always been dirt and these crazy large weeds. They are like bushes, and grow really fast. Being in the country, the yard is also very large.

    Before even choosing the place, we toyed with planting some grass, which we thought the landlord would reimburse as we were improving her property. So she put in our lease agreement that we could plant grass, and we would be in charge of the planting. When she made it clear she would not reimburse us for the grass, we decided not to plant a lawn and just let it be weedy as it was before.

    No where in the agreement did it say anything about yardwork besides allowing us to plant grass. She does have a phrase that says that we will maintain the property, which is like placing dehumidifiers to prevent the spread of the black mold, which she made us fully aware of before we moved in.

    Fast forward to today, she has been on our case to remove all of the weeds because they are a fire hazard. My husband and I are not very confrontational, so we just tried to spray them early in the spring when they were smaller. We then lived with my parents for the summer so I could work a job. While we were gone, she mowed the weeds. When we got back she told us she is selling the place and that we need to take care of the weeds or we might get evicted for being bad tenants. So we have spent all of labor day weekend trying to remove the gigantic weeds from the gigantic dirt yard, thinking that we only have to deal with her for four more months.

    Anyway, we were not under the impression that we needed to take care of the weeds because it wasn't stated in our lease agreement and she did not tell us we needed to until a couple of months after moving in. Legally, do we have to take care of the weeds?

    submitted by /u/alyalys1
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    [Texas] Went no-contact with father and he is now harassing my neighbors and driving recklessly to try to intimidate me.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 12:36 PM PDT

    Location is Texas just to be sure the bot gets it. I stopped communicating with my father in Dec 2019 after he screamed at me on the phone for half an hour about what a piece of shit his children are. He left me an additional 30 minutes of voicemails, which I still have, in which he told me to never contact him again, called me a n***er, worthless, pond scum, a rat, etc. i did not respond to these or any text messages sent after. I changed my cell phone number last year after receiving a text message that if I didn't contact my mother he would "do things that cannot be undone". My mother told me that if I didn't seek a relationship with my father and apologize that she would cut me off as well. I have since gone no contact with both of them and moved, with a new number, 4 hours away. Same state. He has also made jokes in the past about where he would hide my mother's body if he ever decided to kill her, and since he frequently drove drunk to my house to scream at me with his pistol under his arm, I left no trace of my whereabouts for fear of my family's safety.

    My issues are these: I have a car that he gave me ten years ago. He is not on the insurance but he is on the title. I do have the physical copy of the title but it's in his name. He only signed the back of it. It was never officially transferred to me. Is it possible to get it transferred into my name with his signature only on the back of it? I worry that he would retaliate and report it stolen and somehow get my new address from the registration, or that I would be arrested for being in possession of it.

    Also: he has been peeling out in his car in my old neighborhood to try to intimidate me into leaving my house. I don't think he remembers where I live because our cars are no longer out front. He often drove drunk to my house to scream at me on my front porch, so it wouldn't surprise me if he was driving like this because he's intoxicated. He also knocked on several of my neighbor's doors to ask for my new contact information, and by chance encountered an ex-coworker that we both know. She said he was acting in a way that made her concerned for my safety and alerted me about his frequent trips to peel out in the neighborhood and harass several of my neighbors. Should I report this to the police? If so, how? I worry that he would retaliate against my ex-coworker. I can't express how much this man terrifies me and I want as little to do with him as possible. Thank you so much in advance.

    submitted by /u/naoihe
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    Attorney of Record Violating Ethics

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 07:06 AM PDT

    We are in TN.

    Long story short, my husband hired an attorney to represent him in a case for emergency custody of his daughter when the mother was found black out high while the child was there. He has had his daughter in his absolute care and custody since before her first birthday, over 5 years. The courts found grounds to grant him custody with her working up to unsupervised visits I'm stages. The actual custody case isn't the question though.

    Mother was appointed legal aid and a GAL was appointed for the child. Since the end of July, his attorney has been meeting with the other party, sans her counsel, and advising my husband to give her custody and pay her support. She currently has the child 2 days a week, never asks for extra time, etc.

    The GAL meeting with the mother and no notice of her findings were ever submitted. When asked, his attorney had no answer. Then, with no explanation, the GAL was suddenly off the case with no replacement.

    We have multiple emails from his attorney stating that she met with the mother of his child. Not her attorney, her. And then her suggesting that he agree to give her 5 days a week and him take 2, that he pay her support, and that he agree to pay for her cell phone bill. She has also jacked the parenting plan up so badly that it isn't even close to the court ordered visitation that the judge ordered to not change at the current time.

    My question is this, what recourse do we have for ineffective counsel? Should the new attorney coming on board just start all over? What's the next step in filing against the attorney of record?

    submitted by /u/lisa_37743
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    [Michigan] Struck by a ORV motorcycle on public roadway as a pedestrian. Neither my full coverage auto nor my very good health insurance will cover my hospital bills.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 11:46 AM PDT

    Pretty much what the title says. The accident fractured my pelvis and put me out of work for a week. My friend had a traumatic brain injury and neither her auto nor Medicaid will cover her either.

    I have a hard time believing we would be responsible for any of our medical bills, let alone fully responsible in Michigan with its no-fault laws.

    What do you guys think? Insurance deflecting responsibility or an uncommon loophole where both entities can deny coverage?

    submitted by /u/RxSatellite
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    IL levee help

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 12:16 PM PDT

    Hey guys, we have a shared levee with the neighbor that seperates our lake from the river. Over the past 60 years both parties have split any funds required to repair said levee due to flooding. Once the father passed away the kids refuse to split any costs. This causes a dramatic decline in property value due to causing our lake to hold no water. The main value of the property is the prime hunting location but due to their refusal we are not even able to get a boat into our lake. I should also add both properties are classified as hunting clubs. I've been trying to research and talk to lawyers but I can not get any solid advice on whether or not we can seek damages.

    submitted by /u/coreytapp13
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    Father living in Grandma's Garage

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 06:10 AM PDT

    He refuses to move into the house and cannot make the climb up the hill to use the restroom so is surrounded my his own urine and feces. My Grandmother is worried that she could be held responsible should the authorities catch wind that he has been living in an illegal dwelling. Any redditors know Pennsylvania law on this or at least where to look?

    submitted by /u/KikiLebeauf
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    Put in notice, current boss found out where I will be working and threatened to call my new boss to complain about me. Legal recourse?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 01:03 PM PDT

    So I am quitting my current job at company A due to an incredibly hostile work environment (targeted harassment including stolen personal items, coworker taking pictures of me, denying personal time only for me and not my coworkers). My direct supervisor and my new co-worker have teamed up to make my life a living hell. I have documented with HR and expressed concern for retaliation.

    Today, a coworker told me that she was present for a conversation last week in which one of my coworkers told my boss at company A where I will be working (he works there part time as well) and she threatened to call my new boss at company B to complain about me. I purposefully did not tell her where I would be working for fear of retaliation.

    Is it legal for her to do this? Do I have any legal recourse? If not, would I have to wait until she says something or is the threat enough? I'm sure my new boss wouldn't say anything to me even if my old boss did call her. But I still don't want her to have negative thoughts about me in her head so I don't even get a fair start at my new job.

    I don't have much legal knowledge and I would really appreciate some advice! I tried reaching out to some attorneys but everywhere is closed because of the holiday. I'm in Texas.

    submitted by /u/leilalover
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    do i have any rights as a teen who NEEDS medical attention?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 10:41 AM PDT

    i am 16, turning 17 in a month, and im 95% sure i have endometriosis. i have a majority of the symptoms and they have been persistent and worsening since i was about 13-14. last year i hinted at wanting to get tested, but my mom straight up told me that it didnt matter because i cant get help for it anyway and it costs a lot of money just to do the tests. i dont have health insurance. none. zero. everything is paid out of pocket. yesterday, my lower back and pelvis started burning. could barely walk, could barely stand, everything in my lower abdominal and pelvic area hurt so intensely it was hardly bearable. this morning it is even worse. can barely bend over. cant even sit up, really. ive been crying on and off because of the pain, and i typically have a very high pain tolerance. my mom suggested it was a kidney infection and left it at that. she doesnt care. she wont take me to a doctor because it costs money, but everything hurts so bad. it hurts so bad i can barely stand it. what can i do for myself, if anything? i cant fucking live like this. i can barely walk or sit and the pain is unbearable. do i have any rights right now when it comes to seeking medical attention or will i have to wait another year to get help?

    submitted by /u/87remus
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    [CA] FERPA Violation?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 01:36 PM PDT

    FERPA Violation?

    So in my school district we have something known as an organization email (@schooldistrictname.org), and I recently found out a way (in Google drive) on how anyone in our district (Students, Teachers, etc) can source the files of those who have shared it to the district domain. All of these are unintentional, because I realized my files were also being shared here and I had absolutely no clue. These are only SELECT files that the owner has shared to the district domain. Some of these files that are being shared, unknowingly, for everyone to see, include grades, homework, projects, essays, etc.

    I did nothing illegal to get in, anyone can get in, you just have to type in the Google drive search bar "source:domain" and it'll pull up all the files that have been shared to everyone who has a district domain.

    Edit: Forgot to add, but this shouldn't exist, as many of you reading might already know. I know a school district who does not have this feature enabled, not sure why mine does.

    I am a High school student in California.

    submitted by /u/DrummerBadge_92684
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    My sister ran away from a residential treatment facility and the school did not inform anyone in her family.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 01:25 PM PDT

    New York. I am in Westchester County, everything else is taking place several hours upstate.

    There is a lot of complicated background stuff that I am going to skip to avoid getting off track and making this any longer than is necessary (which will probably be pretty long), so let me know if I need to clarify anything. That said, trying to explain the relationships between the people involved alongside details of the situation will just make everything an incomprehensible mess, so I am going to get that out of the way in advance.

    • I am 38/M, married for 11 years with no children of my own.
    • Lisa is my 16 year old (half-)sister. She has been living at a residential treatment facility since the beginning of her freshman year of high school.
    • Fran is Lisa's mother/my ex-stepmother. She has a long history of untreated mental health and substance abuse issues, and more or less fully disengaged from anything resembling parental responsibility after Lisa was placed in the RTC.
    • Our father divorced Fran when Lisa was 4. He was awarded full custody when she was 7, but died when she was 11, at which point Lisa went back to living with her mother.
    • Mary is our father's best friend's daughter. She is eight years older than Lisa and has been something of a surrogate older sister for most of her life, but especially since our father died.

    Lisa ran away from the RTC three weeks ago. The administration did not report her missing or inform Fran that she was gone. The dormitory staff lied to me about Lisa being there but unavailable/unwilling to come to the phone whenever I tried to call her.

    Lisa ran due to an incident with another student. The administration's response to her reporting it left Lisa feeling unsafe at the school. I do not want to go into detail but she was 100% right to feel this way. Fran more or less blew Lisa off after being informed of the incident and the school's lack of appropriate follow up. Lisa was afraid I'd side with her mother if she reached out to me, so she called Mary, who picked her up the same night. Mary took her concerns about being forced to go back to the school at face value, hence the radio silence.

    Mary's father found out what was going on yesterday morning and called me to let me know. I was able to speak with Lisa on the phone afterward and make it clear that I am in her corner no matter what. I drove upstate to see her later that afternoon, and I'll be going back to pick her up to stay with me and my wife later this week. Mary will be joining her for the first couple of weeks while she settles in. I would have taken her home right then but Mary had made some plans for the two of them over the holiday weekend that Lisa was very excited about, and I'll be damned if I am taking that away from my sister after what she's been through.

    This brings me to my questions.

    1: How do I make sure she does not have to go back to the RTC?

    I want to be crystal clear about the fact that there is no circumstance in which Lisa will be returning to the RTC. I do not care about any sort of legal jeopardy I might face by harboring her, Lisa's safety is my only concern here.

    2: Is my plan for getting legal custody of Lisa realistic?

    I have actually brought this up with Fran in the past but never pushed the issue due to her threatening to keep me out of Lisa's life. She is ultimately only concerned about the survivor's benefits she's been receiving since my father died, but at this point she'll only be getting them for another 17 months. I make more than enough money to offer her something like 150% of the total remaining benefits in exchange for allowing my wife and I to become Lisa's sole legal guardians, and I fully believe that she will accept this type of arrangement without a second thought. My wife and I have done very well for ourselves and our house has more than enough space for Lisa to move in on a permanent basis.

    3: How do I insulate Mary from any consequences for harboring Lisa?

    I have nothing but gratitude toward her for the way she handled this. I do wish she'd contacted me sooner, but I 100% understand why she chose not to do so. My current plan is to just leave her name out of it altogether and say that Lisa was with me the whole time if I am forced to explain myself.

    4: How do I go after the school once the dust has settled?

    I don't want this to turn into the type of thing that gets swept under the rug via the school's admin promising to review their internal procedures or any nonsense along those lines. They absolutely need to be held accountable for the way they handled the incident that caused Lisa to run in the first place, and for keeping quiet/lying about her being gone.

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions and advice.

    submitted by /u/TemporaryPhysics2197
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    My bank has blocked my Zelle and can't use my money as i am outside the US. Can i link my parent's account to send them money so they dont go hungry?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 01:02 PM PDT



    - Currently i am outside the US.
    - My father and my own name are the same (first name and last name) Both our accounts have the same name, but different DOBs.
    - I want to link his Bank of America account to my Wells fargo to send him money.
    - Is this illegal?
    - Would be there repercussions of doing it?
    - I've talked many times with Wells Fargo and they refuse to activate my Zelle, saying its Zelle who i need to talk to but when i do, they (Zelle) tell me i need to talk to Wells Fargo, and so they have me in a loophole for over 2 weeks.
    - I've tried many different applications (CashApp and PayPal) CashApp doesnt let my dad because he doesnt have a SSN and PayPal taxes way too much money each transaction.

    Please help!

    submitted by /u/ChimpaChimp
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