• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 25, 2020

    Read this and let's accept the world we live in and grieve together. Your quota is irrelevant. Sales and Selling

    Read this and let's accept the world we live in and grieve together. Your quota is irrelevant. Sales and Selling

    Read this and let's accept the world we live in and grieve together. Your quota is irrelevant.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    I wanted to share a conversation i had with my manager yesterday and an article he sent me. i work for a global tech company in sales, and for the last few days I've been feeling low knowing I may not get anywhere close to my number this year, but on top of that, 2020 is firmly cancelled. As well as events and holidays out the window, a medical procedure I was going to have has been cancelled indefinitely (nothing serious but something i'd mentally planned for for a year that is going to have a large psychological impact on my life). Coupling this with the fact people are losing their jobs around me, the entire town is dead and I can't see any friends, this is not a great time all in all. After a team call he gave me a shout and said 'you don't seem well, how are you doing?'. I couldn't explain it because in all honestly I didn't know. What I did know is that I felt anxious in general. I have friends all over Europe and some are in absolute lockdown in Italy and Spain. Day by day the memes are becoming less funny, and the real scale of Covid19 is becoming apparent.

    So - what are we to do? I'm reading a lot of posts about how people are being laid off, how no one wants to buy anything, and how managers are being absolute dicks and make people act like this is business as usual by cold calling and keeping to KPIs.

    It is not, I repeat, not, business as usual and we shouldn't continue with that attitude. We have seen nothing like this in our generation and none of this is normal. At a high level, our hospitals could be overwhelmed and people who need non-coronavirus related help may die due to lack of beds (yes, this is a morbid thought, I know). If you live in a country where you can't get government help (or even if you can), the financial impact to all of us is going to be big. We don't yet even know the domino effect this will have for years to come, and I suspect all of you are feeling anxious about the future, right? Where do we go, what do we do?

    So let's take it back to our jobs and the conversation I had with my manager. I'm grateful to have a manager who said 'don't think about your number, don't think about your work, don't prospect'. Instead, we need to be compassionate. Some of our customers are twiddling their thumbs and don't know what to do right now either - because *all* of us are in the same boat. Do you want to be known as the sales person who kept hounding to get a signed contract while you have no idea what their own personal circumstances are? We are all being impacted by the same thing but in different ways that we cannot predict. So connect with your customers on the level that you'd want to be connected with. It's time to use your EQ and be the person your customers will want to call when all this blows over - because it *will* blow over.

    If you're not fortunate to have a manager who understands this then I'm sorry for him/her, because once this is over, no one will want to work for them, ever again, so pity them. This is their time to be judged as managers. And if you're not comfortable to make 200 calls a day to strangers who are suffering (because they *will* be suffering in some way), then don't. Tell your manager you aren't comfortable with this, and speak up if you can. Perhaps he/she isn't aware of their actions and the negative impact it's having.

    I want to end with this article that my boss shared with me as well:


    Please read. It summed up exactly what I felt; grief. We are all grieving. We need to in time accept this is our reality, and collectively help each other to surpass this and stay healthy. Is it easier said than done? Yes, of course, but if you fear getting sacked over not hitting your number during a global pandemic, then that isn't a company you should be working for and you can use the time researching what companies or managers have been treating their staff in a way that shows real empathy (because they exist), and then look to move when the time is appropriate. Things will recover and great organisations will be hiring again.

    submitted by /u/HostageOfGeography
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    No sales in two days

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    130 calls, 250 emails and only a single good, solid lead that I am chasing like a dog whose tail is coated in peanut butter. This is the first time my sales job has felt draining. Usually I don't mind calling all day, but I just feel like a scummy salesperson now, especialy when I call on hospitals or diagnostic testing labs. But what else is there to do but smile and dial all day until the axe drops?

    How's everyone else doing out there? What's your plan for if the ship starts sinking even more?

    submitted by /u/steamycreamybehemoth
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    Covid-19 Intro Pattern Interrupt

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    What are some pattern interrupts you've been using during Covid-19 that's created warm leads/meetings/sales/etc.

    submitted by /u/ThiccTires
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    Some advice on marketing during the pandemic

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    According to Microsoft's Founder Bill Gates, social selling is a much better idea than push marketing at the moment. Getting creative at social media channels is likely the best way for brands to stay engaged with their respective communities and hopefully generate some sales.

    People are currently trying to stay connected through social channels. This is an opportunity for brands to make their presence felt, but in a more genuine way. With budgets suddenly limited due to coronavirus shutdowns, social marketing is going to become ''viral''.

    Social media is fertile ground for more personal relationships between brands/businesses and consumers. Personal and genuine content will have the highest ROA at the moment, in contrast with corporate speak, which always gives the impression of commercial.

    submitted by /u/BioEndeavour
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    Company is getting acquired... what should I expect?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    My company, a software firm, is getting acquired by a giant. I obviously can't say who, but let's just say it's one of the big boys who everybody knows.

    I haven't heard any updates on what will happen yet and it's set to go out for press release/get finalized next month. We're a successful company with a great product. No doubt this will be good for the acquiring party.

    But that's not what I really care about...

    What can I expect for compensation? Will I get a boost in pay? Retention bonus? Stock?

    Or will I get thrown in the gutter?

    I've never been through an acquisition before so any insight is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/WillyDreamwold
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    Just my input on rapport building right now

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 06:36 AM PDT

    I sell individual health insurance, which luckily for me is much needed even with unemployment skyrocketing.

    My success in these past few weeks have come from getting strong rapport. I DO NO TALK ABOUT THE VIRUS. People want to feel normal. They desperately want life to go back to normal. Make your phone calls and rapport as normal as possible. If they bring it up politely reel them back in.

    The downside? Way more people are worried about scams I've noticed. So using pain points has been scaring my clients more than motivating them.

    Keep it light, personable and normal. We all need normal. They want normal. Give it to them.


    submitted by /u/Dumpstertrash1
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    What B2B companies are doing better because of corona?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    What are your numbers?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    To all sales people: what are your numbers? How many outgoing calls do you make every day? How many people do you speak to? How many of those people are qualified for your product/service?

    submitted by /u/Joetheman013
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    Good Performer & Getting Exhausted!

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    Hey All,

    I come from a sales background through and through, last year i moved up from consultant to executive in what has been my most challenging role yet. It's a startup fintech company with a great product, undoubtedly it will end up earning our investors millions after series A/B funding.

    Essentially the role ended up expanding to me being the head of sales, i rose to challenge sometimes working +9 hours a day, in my evenings conducting research and perfecting a sales process that would give me the best chance of closing my deals.

    The company has made clear my service is valuable, i'm fairly certain i'm not on the chopping block considering the current economic climate and how much money I've made the business in my short tenure.

    I have an understanding boss to some extent, the problem i'm facing at the moment however is over exhaustion, i sometimes make 40+ phone calls a day with an expected call time of 2 hours.

    I wanted to know what expectations other sales managers/executives have and what you do to avoid getting burnt out?

    submitted by /u/Windy500
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    To Sandbag or Not to Sandbag?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    I am firmly against sandbagging. For anyone new to sales, sandbagging is when you hold back sales or revenue from month to month, quarter over quarter, or annually, to have something to start with in the following period or to even out your numbers. Simply put, it's weak. You should go get more sales. But how's the community feel about it? Am I wrong?

    submitted by /u/thrwmeafrknbone
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    Am I wrong for feeling this way?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    I get it. These are unprecedented times and every company is reacting differently. As of now, my company is making us reach out to grocery stores, which are extremely busy for obvious reasons, to reach out and introduce ourselves and our product. Initially when we started from working from home, we were expected to set demos with grocers. Awful time, I know. After talking with my manager, we agreed that we would still have to cold call, but rather than book meetings, we should call, say hello, and ask if we can send information. Not terrible, but still pretty uncomfortable, when owners are saying it's an awful time to call. Now, next week, my manager has made it very clear and told us we are expected to start booking meetings to sell on Monday. Are these people crazy? The infection rate is still climbing.

    And then on the other hand, my company has no regard for its employees. I'm in New York City, where we are being hit the hardest in the country. When we were first ordered to work from home they expected two different people a day to come in. I get it, business most go on. Then our governor issued a stay at home order for 100% of non essential workers/businesses. This company is still making one person a day come into the office to work, and some of my coworkers commute from pretty far out. Also some of my coworkers are in their 50's, have families, and who knows if they have preexisting conditions. I think it's totally selfish of management to risk their employees health to ship a few boxes. We are not even close to an essential service, we are just purely greedy at this point. If management wants to boss people around why don't they display leadership and come in themselves, and they all live way closer to the office. Anyway, does this sound like a bad company/management or am I just overreacting.

    submitted by /u/FuriousCamel
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    Help putting together a cold e-mail for future business

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 03:41 AM PDT

    Company I work for has basically said they do not want us to cold call as it will damage the company brand.

    They want us to use e-mail and LinkedIn to basically say 'Look, I know this is a bad time, however in the future when this is over we can help your business'.

    We sell extended payment terms and they can also earn rewards for what they spend to give you an idea of our product.

    How would you put this into an email?

    Any help or tips would greatly be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/X__Heisenberg87__X
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    Emailing during COVID-19

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    Not getting many responses to some of my emails that I am sending during this pandemic. Anybody have any templates or things to add to my emails? As a BDR, seeing a lot of people out of the office so my primary focus is on email prospecting. I sell Customer experience SaaS if that helps.

    submitted by /u/SixMoStones
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    Any sales training material worth paying for?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    Since there's quite a bit of down time in several sectors, we were thinking of investing in some training material (videos, etc.) for our sales guys.

    Does anyone have any experience with premium sales content that was actually worth it?

    submitted by /u/imjp
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    Global Software as a Service (SaaS) Market Analysis

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    Recently the world is focusing on software-as-a-service solutions as an option for many businesses to step back from the traditional installations. If you are wondering how hard it is to enter the market with a new SaaS product, let's see the brief market analysis.

    Global Software as a Service (SaaS) Market Analysis

    submitted by /u/kate2mc
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    B2B Salesman looking to transition to remote sales. Suggestions?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    Hello. I am a B2B mostly D2D baked goods salesman. I own a commercial bakery that we have to unfortunately close down as the pipeline vanished like many people's around here have. Restaurants in Denver are closed for 2 months and all surrounding counties 30 days thay may be extended.

    I would like to work remotely while we shut everything down, and with some health issues between my spouse and I, we think it would be the safest option for me to work from home.

    I have never been an SDR or BDR, but have worked in commercial insurance, agricultural supply, and now food production. I am essentially an Account Executive and partially a Sales Engineer in the realm of baked goods. We made custom menu items and branded products for our customers.

    I am looking for something B2B, B2C Software Sales, or B2C or B2B Marketing and Advertising. I am concerned that the sale cycles are very long and I will be paid out net30. Perhaps you can suggest a product or industry that would fit my experience and allow for more liquidity.

    I am open to commission only sales, and am currently looking at CommisionCrowd for a position. I'd like to hear your thoughts before I make a decision. Thanks

    submitted by /u/debtsurfer
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    Looking for training recommendations

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    We're wanting to bring on a sort of virtual sales manager to focus on our prospecting efforts.

    We want someone to show us the proper way to prospect, and once every week or so, meet with our prospecting staff to go over their call volume, listen to some calls and provide feedback. We want to keep our prospecting staff on the right track for improvement.

    The sales training industry can be hard to navigate as there are a lot of fakers out there. If anybody has any recommendations for this, please let me know!

    Edit: We don't want boiler room stuff. More in line with the styles of John Barrows, Jeb Blount, Anthony Iannarino.

    submitted by /u/Glorydog22
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    Pattern Interruptions that’s been working for you

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    What pattern interrupts have been working for you during Covid-19?

    submitted by /u/productivegapyear
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    Why some peofessions are held in high regards and some low what can i do about it in my current situation?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    When i say this i am accused of being jalous on other professions in reality i am not. I respect all professions

    When i see the different professions are given lots of reepect & others are held in very low regards.

    Medical Doctors Army men Engineering Chartered Accountants many more.....ar are given so much respect & importance yes i am still talking about cousine rivarly and that loose talk in wedding ceremony of soneone's wedding dinner..

    I belive a human being lives for respect he or she gains fron others.

    All my life i had been compared with my matternal cousines who all have been studying medicine, Chartered accountancy, engineering.

    I am completing my MBA (Executive) with top grades + Working in sales 7 years

    I saw no body ever had praised me for what i am or what do i study Why is that so?

    Over here in my great country India 🇮🇳 society has created these sterotypes that doctors and engineers are field where only you study hard others are just No study field (Especially my mom). I never understood this logic when in my field i have really worked hard to study.

    Is there nothing special about me? I don't understand this logic at all, the bias based on one's profession.

    I am straight forward here what do i do to gain that much required respect from people? What is all this?

    submitted by /u/Sauparex
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    Sales in the Time of COVID-19

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 07:53 PM PDT

    I wanted to reach out and hear what are y'all doing during this time. I am a new (7 months) Registered Rep in Dallas Texas, and most of my business comes from meeting new people (face to face). Name flow is key. The way this situation is going brings a little (a lot) fear on my economic future.

    If your business is similar to mine, what are you doing to generate more names/leads during this time?

    I'll appreciate if you can share your best practices.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/salito82
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    Win Customers from the Competitor

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 04:10 AM PDT

    Hi all. I'm in need of advice from experienced people. I'm in SaaS (2 years experience only) and based in Northern Europe. We have a subscription model business and we aim all kind of companies (distributors-brands-retailers) in our sector (e-commerce). Those companies can have only one provider at one time and most of the biggest ones chose our competitor years ago and staying with them despite all the cons. Last year, the biggest ones in Finland chose us by resigning their contract with them but we still need the ones from other countries.

    • Our company based in Northern-Western Europe, the competitor is in the US
    • We often hear that our pricing is 1/3 compared to them
    • Our service is more generic
    • Our customer service is simply great, theirs is shit
    • We can speak the local language, they only have English speakers
    • We offer free pilots, they don't
    • We have more integration options

    So basically, they conquered the region before us and as everyone has been using for quite a long time, it's becoming harder to convince or even talk to them. What would you do in this situation?

    submitted by /u/leightandme
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    Advisory: While speaking with the intent to educate, sell or convince, appearing self-confident is a quality that is severely underrated. Looking like you believe in what you're saying and you're proud of it is half the battle.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    found a video from TheExpertSeries and it inspired me to make this post.

    submitted by /u/BrayanQuinn80
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    What sales tool do you hate the most?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 08:13 PM PDT

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