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    Tuesday, March 24, 2020

    Marketplace Tuesday! (March 24, 2020) Entrepreneur

    Marketplace Tuesday! (March 24, 2020) Entrepreneur

    Marketplace Tuesday! (March 24, 2020)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 06:09 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to post any Jobs that you're looking to fill (including interns), or services you're looking to render to other members.

    We do this to not overflow the subreddit with personal offerings (such logo design, SEO, etc) so please try to limit the offerings to this weekly thread.

    Since this thread can fill up quickly, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Our economic system is deeply flawed

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    This current crisis highlights for me what I've had a growing sense of for the past decade - our modern economic system is deeply flawed. Gone are the days where a corporation not having year over year revenue growth could be tolerated, so that they get a footing in the market and grow. Instead, everyone has to be year-over-year, quarter-over-quarter growing. Everyone has to spend like crazy, from end consumers all the way up to corporations, for the economy to stay afloat. To feed that, everyone has to take on debt, debt, debt.

    Yesterday on this sub, I saw several landlords complaining about tenants not being able to pay April rent due to losing their jobs. Their rationale? "You idiots don't know that 90% of what I make from you goes to banks to pay MY APARTMENT BUILDING MORTGAGE!!" Yes, the tenants should have had some emergency money set aside. But some may be earning minimum wage, and believe they are unable to (though I think this number is actually smaller than people themselves may think, because people spend money on all kinds of needless things in the midst of financial difficulty). Regardless, the landlords THEMSELVES should ALSO have emergency funds, to cover vacancy, tenants being unable to pay, vagaries of chance and fortune like our current time. They should NOT over-extend themselves in debt so that they can't weather even one tenant not being able to pay one month rent due to job loss.

    Yet our financial system encourages this. It's like we never learned lessons from 1987, 2001, 2008.

    Some of you might not like Dave Ramsey, but thanks to him, who I started listening to 2 years ago, my wife and I will make it through this crisis. We have 6+ months' of emergency fund; we bought way less house than our FICO said we could "afford"; we turned down the chance to buy a retail store, even though I've been itching to start a business, because it would have meant being in debt $300k and that just did not sit right with us; I sold my expensive car and bought a $1000 beater to keep attacking our debt. I cannot imagine how much more worried and anxious I'd be if we had a car note, a bigger mortgage payment, and a retail store with 1/3 of a million dollars in debt right now. Yet - plenty of people believe that this is how they need to make money, start a business, live life - and our financial system encourages it.

    On top of that, it seems like just a self-referential cf. People read the news and panic, and the market starts to drop. The Fed says some off-color things and people panic and sell off more. It seems like a lot of ado about hints and perceptions, and becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, based on appearances affecting market numbers and vice versa. Yes, I know this is a real crisis. Yes, I know there is revenue being lost. But the stock-dumping and reactionism also also seems part of the problem, that exacerbates, not helps, the crisis.

    All that said - I don't have a finance degree. My only businesses are side businesses, that bring in about 10% of my total income. I'm not a big business owner. But these are my real perceptions and observations about this situation. Am I off? Or do I have the right handle on how these things play out and interact?

    submitted by /u/ToWhistleInTheDark
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    Day in the life of a Self-Made Software Entrepreneur

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 05:21 AM PDT

    I find it cool sharing day in the life's from different entrepreneurs, here is mine below and I also made a video on it : https://youtu.be/z-zs5iyWFQQ

    I run 2 businesses, an AI stock trading bot and an online marketplace for day traders.

    • 6:30am - Wake up, shower
    • 7am - Make my bed, drink a big glass of a water. No breakfast or lunch, I'm more productive when I'm fasted / no food in my belly.
    • 7:30am - Pack my things and head to my office.
    • 8am - Setup laptop, say Hi to employees (I have 1). Get Coffee
    • 8:30am - Setup to TODO list, my goal is to get 3 critical tasks done a day, anymore and that's a bonus. Answer 3 emails too. I use Trello for agile software development but use Microsoft Sticky Notes to ensure I get them done for the day.
    • 9am - Setup my stock trading bot, market opens at 9:30am.
    • 9:30am - Stock market opens, my trading bot uses machine learning to predict price zones and buys/sells around these zones. Volatility and liquidity are high around this time. Yesterday it made $500 profit shorting S&P500 futures. If my bot makes a profit it turns off, I prefer locking it in then moving on with my day.
    • 10am : Standup meeting with business partner and employee, we talk about what we are doing for the day, any blocks/issues.
    • 10am-noon : Optimize trading bot, I also code trading bots for a couple clients.
    • 1pm : Get second Coffee. Check in with my employee and help them out on their tasks.
    • 2pm-6pm : Shift focus to my other business an online marketplace for day traders, during this time I could be working on web design, research and development, customer support, getting leads (if you know someone that is a day trader and wants to sell a course or mentor for a profit please DM me) and bug fixes. All depends on the day.
    • 7pm : Hit the gym, although with the whole corona situation going on I've been doing at home workouts. Today I did 30 push ups, 30 jumping squats, 30 dumbbell curls and 30 pull ups.
    • 8pm : Eat a big meal, hangout with roommates (my friend and roommate Sam also runs his own software dev company so it's nice to bounce ideas and be in the same boat). Today we played Monopoly, I won!
    • 10-11pm: Go to sleep and repeat.
    submitted by /u/st4yd0wn
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    I’ve just been laid off for 3 weeks at work, I have £250 spare. What are the better ways to turn this into more?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:50 AM PDT

    Best home sachet making machine for Vitamin C type products? Where to get small runs of sachets done?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    I want to sell sachets of either Liposomal Vit C or Vit C powder. Like Emergen-C, but without any additives or filler. I've seen some home sachet machines, but it's hard to know which one is best. Ideally I want one that is only a few hundred dollars. Printing labels would be good too. If anyone knows where I could start looking, that would be interesting. Cheers.

    submitted by /u/I_eat_Limes_
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    Starting a business

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 03:51 PM PDT


    I want to start a business. I am an artist; I write and film.

    I am going to create some writing programs/modules and I offer directing/filming and editing services as well. I am thinking that perhaps I want to incorporate and have separate different businesses for different services.

    I am just getting started now and looking for any information, so anything will be helpful.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/dewyoukungfu
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    Entrepreneurship can be pretty lonely

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    If you've ever felt lonely, depressed, anxious, etc as an entrepreneur, then join me!

    I work on a VR startup and I've experienced many of the highs, lows, self-doubt, anxiety, and more that goes along with being an entrepreneur and recently learned that mental health issues are much more common for us than the general population.

    I'm going to create a support group for entrepreneurs in a new VR app called Grove VR, but there aren't other entrepreneurs in there. So I wanted to post and see if anyone wanted to join me. I'll probably just hold the meeting once a week on a weeknight. I figure we can talk about any mental health struggles as well as just hang out and bounce ideas off each other.

    submitted by /u/Kitchen_Particular
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    My business and the coronavirus!

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    What business can we start as teenage entrepreneurs ?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 01:15 AM PDT

    We are 3 tennage friends in different countries (we will work individually or online) and we would like some advice or recommendations on what online or irl businesses we can do.Money isnt our priority and we are doing it mainly for experience and to learn to manage our own money.

    submitted by /u/bellderlinde05
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    App starts to get traction as the world closes

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    I created an app, beta tested, launched and after 6 months I was starting to get some consistent traction (15 downloads a day in a local market)

    The app: (elevator pitch) Have you ever been in the situation where your friends don't have the time, interest, or skill to do what you want? Use LiveMovePlay to find others that share your passions.

    Now the world has shut down and social distancing. The app is basically dead in the water at the moment. Still promoting through channels but growth and potential investors are all gone.

    Small complaint given the state of the world, however, if there is a group that may understand...

    submitted by /u/drzock
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    Getting bored of running business

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    Hi there, I am currently running an e-commerce business which is ramen-profitable but is getting boring to me (been running it for about 2 years now). I no longer really have interest in the product/future projects, but it has potential and I obviously need it for sustenance.

    Any advice on how you've made your daily grind (bookkeeping, repetitive manual labour, emails, etc.) a bit more interesting? And please don't say "just work through it". Obviously if I could do that I wouldn't be posting asking for help. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/blinkssb
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    Let’s say I am “partnered” with another person for an online service business. I find the same business opportunity but do it all on my own...

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    When we started, all he did was build the site and content. I found the business opportunity. I pay him a percentage of revenue off this current business.

    I found another business opportunity but I can do all this on my own (website and my own original content). We never signed an agreement or anything. I 1099 him each year for services.

    Am I good to do this all on my own?

    Edit: We are not partners. Should not have put that in the title.

    submitted by /u/UA2013
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    What's the most interesting, novel or niche thing that you have hacked together/life hacked, tech or non-tech?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    Hi All

    As per the title, it would be great to hear from people on things they have hacked together in their life. Can be something tech/web/mobile related or something non-tech.

    Excited to hear of stories of hacks which have saved you either time or money or perhaps have just provided you with a more preferable user experience.

    Interested to hear all hacks, large and small, complex or simple, novel or niche would be interesting but more mundane everyday things would be cool too!

    submitted by /u/2020visionh
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    Don't spread Covidiocy to your audiences PLEASE

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    This is just the best I can do to reach out to people who have audiences. I am imploring you that if you do not think Covid19 is a big deal, you keep it to your self.

    I just listened to a new podcast that was suggested to me long ago - Story Brand. (edited to clarify) They were going on about love and Jesus and God one second (which was unexpected for a business podcast), and then I was honest to god horrified to hear them advocating to ignore Covid19 and people's health and safety the next minute.

    They told their audience that Corona was a bit scary but /mostly massive lies/. They told their audience the 2% kill rate wasn't a concern. They ENCOURAGED their audience to buy their $1000 live-stream and then HAVE THEIR FRIENDS COME OVER to watch it together.

    Please, even if you disagree with me, even if you disagree with all of the statistics, and all of the news, and all of the people in Italy begging you to take this seriously - don't give out anti-safety advice to your followers. Keep it to yourself. Ask yourself: is a Covid19 slam worth it if one day down the road a loyal follower says they listened to you, and they ended up with the virus? That they have a hospital bill they can't pay? That they infected someone who died?

    If you have trust, think carefully about what you say. That is all.

    submitted by /u/ParsnipParadise
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    Your Problems working with Virtual Assistants?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    I am putting together a webinar to help people who are struggling with trying to work with Virtual Assistants.

    So I thought I would ask this group what their struggles were when trying to assign tasks to their virtual assistants? What frustrates you?

    submitted by /u/CaptainTime
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    Community driven publication for incubating new blogs

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    I've been thinking about a project to work on while sheltering in-place. I kept coming back to blogging, which I think might be a common flow of mind.

    Problem: One of the biggest pain points with blogging right now is getting views and links. It's difficult to build brand equity when no one sees or links to your content. Sites like Medium exist to give individuals infrastructure and the hope of distribution via curation. Though, I believe the cost is brand, domain authority, uniqueness, and flair. Also, there are private blog networks, but apparently Google hates them and they feel scammy.

    Proposed Solution: Build an Apache style community for curating blog content into a publication. The community hierarchy would look something like this:

    1. Contributors: Folks with their own blog (domain and every thing). They would provide summarized content to feed into the publication. The publication would link to their blog post. The content would also be curated by topic curators.
    2. Topic Curators: Folks who are contributors, shared, and helped grow the community. They're responsibly for appropriately categorizing content and maintaining a quality threshold. These people would get voted in by existing topic curators.
    3. Publication Committee: People who are in charge of the overall direction of the publication. This would include new topic vetting, partnership development, and any thing dealing with the future success of the publication. These folks would get voted in by existing publication committee members.

    This would give new bloggers a platform for getting started (that isn't medium), existing bloggers a community to thrive in, grow viewership, and develop sensible curation by the people who author the content.

    I'd love some feedback on the idea... what do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/truthseek3r
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    Solving a problem/need vs choosing a business model

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    I'm trying to work out what's the best way to success in business, is it to sell a product or service that solves a problem? This is the main thing I hear alot of people say but then you have people who get into dropshipping or print on demand or they do Amazon FBA, I'm currently trying to do dropshipping selling custom jewelry but I know i am just doing the same as what many others are doing but I also know there are people who make a success of it. If you are in business selling stuff like jewellery, clothes or something that already has a big market is it harder to make a successful business compared to if you base your business on trying to solve a problem or need?

    submitted by /u/ggl966
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    Ideas to lower your monthly leased office space?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    I am looking at leasing some office space. $900 for 900 sqft. I really would like to get it down to $700-$800. So far I thought of setting up a USPS or FedEx drop off location. I also would have room for one extra desk that maybe a relator could rent from us. Any other other ideas?

    submitted by /u/Kwall16
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    I want to start an online community platform

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    But the problem is that i don't really have a good knowledge in the back-end developing and so on i need to pay a developer for doing that and when i explain to him everything about the project i get worried if he "steal" the idea from me and starts it by himself.

    What are the right things to do to pass this and to be safe working with him ?

    What is the best way to get started when i finalise the project if the plan works, how to get audience or how to advertise it to get first consumers ?

    And the most important thing, do i need to get investors for funding if the project needs it and how to do that ?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/monimikke
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    Why is it better to live in Dubai/Monaco than in Thailand/Philippines for tax reasons?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    • Dubai and Monaco have extremely low taxes for everything.
    • Thailand and Philippines have 0 taxes on foreign sourced income.

    Doesn't that mean that almost always for tech entrepreneurs, real estate entrepreneurs or even sports superstars, both countries almost wouldn't charge you any taxes on your personal income?

    submitted by /u/ujjain
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    Video Animation Help

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:37 AM PDT


    I'm trying to start a business that requires animated explainer videos (1-3 mins) to be made. Does anyone know some inexpensive (no more than $2000) service that would be able to do this?

    submitted by /u/Mu57y
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    Instead of blog posts I make little apps. Here is one that will serve everyone of you that does airbnb stuff

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    Hello Reddit!

    How are you?

    I'm trying a new form of marketing my software services. One in which instead of writing blog posts, I make little apps that take the same amount of time that a blog post would.

    I don't know if it's a good approach, but I like it much better!

    Right now I made an Airbnb listing scraper. It gets you the photos in maximum quality, and converts them from .webp to .jpg.

    Also it gives you a .csv with all the listing information you may need, neatly ordered!

    It's completely free, so feel free to use it:

    Please tell me what you think!

    submitted by /u/sandalphone
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    Advice starting a software consulting business

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    Over the last 3 years in the field, I've worked on 15+ projects and have a broad spectrum of expertise including IoT, fintech, and restaurant tech on the industry side, and tech-stack wise, mobile, web, backend, and embedded.

    I'm doing contract work right now @ $100/hr for some basic mobile development, but I know that I can lead a team. I can build a kick-ass company if I could find clients and pick the right niche where people actually want their software outsourced.

    Does anyone have experience starting a successful software consulting firm? I'm looking for people who have started successful (1M+ gross) firms to get advice, but when I look for local firms, most of what I find is old outdated websites from 1996 that do "IT" and infrastructure. I want to start a company like levvel.io: high value, local U.S., software consulting. I'd love to get advice from someone who has started a business like this or knows of similar businesses that I can reach out to.

    submitted by /u/fenwalt
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    My funding round was cancelled due to Corona Virus

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    I run a startup providing intermediary loan (vectoring) to a select small businesses in the logistics industry in Indonesia. I've been working from November on a funding round as we require more capital to grow our operations.

    I just heard today from my lead investor that she is pulling out of the deal due to Corona Virus. She said concerns over liquidity and wanted to hold cash. Now the startup went from growing to fears we are not liquid enough to pay our short term liabilities.

    It is absolutely scary and this coronavirus is not helping either. If any of you have any inputs on what to do or best practices to manage this crisis would love to hear them.

    Thanks and stay safe all

    submitted by /u/kaciw17
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    Guidance for First Time Startup Employee - Equity and Comp Fiasco!

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    Please don't bash me - I already feel like an idiot for landing in this situation. I got bought into the company's vision, the product, and the CEO. You can't say anything worse to me than what I am already saying to myself but I really need help and guidance badly.

    Read on and be amazed by my absolute foolishness - and be glad you are not an idiot like me. And if you have any guidance - from telling me a lawyer that can help with this international mess.

    Here's my scenario.

    • I am a US citizen who worked for a UK Startup from Jan 2017 to December 2018 (2 years). The company also has a Delaware incorporated business.
    • The founder offered by 2% Equity (2966 standard ordinary shares of 142,391) and asked me to take a pay cut for the first two years. I decided to take the offer - as my partner was willing to support me for the first two years.
    • The first year was fine. He was paying me as a contractor - I would send an invoice for the days worked and he would pay me mostly on time (he said paying me as a contractor was easier since I was a US employee and the company was based out of UK).
    • The only problem was - every time I would ask him (every other month or so) about sending me the proper equity paperwork and contract - he would tell me things have been crazy and he would get back. I did have all of this in writing via an email though so I was not too worried. The guy genuinely seemed stressed and I was naive enough to trust.
    • This is when the trouble started. He asked if he could defer the already negotiated low amount for a couple of months as he was having trouble getting some funds released from Syndicate Room. I agreed reluctantly but at least we had our first couple clients and with the Series, A funding from a VC seemed to be coming in a few months. Figured I can help. He asked the same with another salesperson - but before all this mess happened - they parted ways (badly - both the CEO and the Sales Person's fault).
    • Other than that, there were a few flags that I dismissed - like him lying on the board meetings about the clients, lying about the version of the product and/or capabilities to clients. The main data architect and engineer (the brains/CTO of the company leaving) and the engineers - who were based in Poland - started showing frustration about how the current version was not completed/tested when he would force them to work on the next version, etc.
    • Fast forward to October of the year, and in a presentation to the future VC - he lied to the VC about the number of contracts signed and the version that we were on as well as about the CTO being full time with us. Long and short, November of 2019 the VC backs out - after they had finished done due diligence and the paperwork was getting signed the next morning. The VC learnt about this by chance - but obviously didn't take any legal action - except, backing out.
    • At this point, I haven't been paid since March and there is $123K in the total amount that he owes me. I am almost getting uncomfortable with the lies that were told to the VC - the way he is managing the tech team and the delay in product development.
    • We decide to terminate my employment - he agreed that due to all my patience - the equity becomes vested immediately (again have it in email) and he will just do a back payment of $2000/month until they get funding and then he will payback the rest. (again all of this over email).
    • Now in 2020, he has finally got a VC to do Series A. I have only gotten 26K of the total amount due and he still has not sent me (me asking every time and him saying - he is delayed and will send the equity paperwork eventually).
    • He sends me an email with a word document saying he will give me 2,966 Standard Ordinary Shares (the word document does not mention how much liquidity has happened in the past year - as he raised some more funds). Details that the total amount due is only $65K (and not $97K). The document states that if I sign this, I will release the company from "any/all obligations, except the $64K in payment and I forfeit any legal claim and right of action for compensation and forever discharge the company, its officers and employees from all and any liability in respect thereof."
    • When I protest the incorrect amount and the fact that the document does not mention any percentage of total equity - his email simply states "take it or leave it". But he will not update the amount and/or even update the equity amount.

    If you have suffered through reading all of this, my question is,

    1. What are my legal options here? I have all of this in email and his confirmation on both equity and total amount due.
    2. How do you even begin to find a lawyer who can help with this UK-US mess?
    3. I know the VC that is leading the Series A - do I/should I inform them that I am taking legal action? I also know one of the board members and investors - but he is definitely loyal to the CEO from day one.
    4. Anything I can do - should I figure out a way to reach out to other investors?
    5. Last but not the least, should I just sign this and take the $65K and forget about the rest.
    submitted by /u/StopDrifting
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