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    Wednesday, July 10, 2019

    Common at-fault scenarios and how to cut down on pushback 😅 Insurance

    Common at-fault scenarios and how to cut down on pushback �� Insurance

    Common at-fault scenarios and how to cut down on pushback ��

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 07:11 PM PDT

    As a new claims adjuster, I hear the following over and over:

    "I was backing out of a parking space, looked super carefully forty times before backing when From Out Of Nowhere! a car materialized exactly in the travel lane of the parking lot in the path of my car and hit me!"


    "I was behind a car that stopped dead for no reason and there was no opportunity for me to avoid rear-ending them!"

    For the first, explaining that the backing car has the greater duty to check for vehicles in the lane of travel is met with mixed responses. People tend to stick with the The Car Appeared From Nowhere line pretty hard. With the second, a lot of people bristle at the whole "safe stopping distance" thing, cause yeah, I AM explaining that other people's unpredictability is EXACTLY why you need to not tailgate.

    I can't be the only adjuster who hears versions of these all the time. Any tips to deliver the at-fault news in a way that minimizes the fussing? Not because I'm chicken to have these conversations, but because at a certain point, it is what it is, and I can't spend all day defending the decision.

    submitted by /u/DietChickenBars
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    Open Lot Insurance for Car Dealer

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 01:31 PM PDT

    I am looking into getting my Auto Dealer license and would like to know how the rates are calculated and if anyone is knowledgeable on what mine might cost monthly. I am planning on having around $250,000 worth of inventory, some stored inside and some out.

    submitted by /u/Sail0rd
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    Looking for insurance producer advise!

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 07:19 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I got hired as an insurance agent and I begin my classes before I go on the sales floor the 29th. I've already passed my licensing exams and have my license approved. Would anyone mind sharing any advice for someone starting out?

    submitted by /u/SwiftYokai
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    how do i guage my car value before going through my insurance?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 07:04 PM PDT

    Basically while stopped today someone went full speed into back of me. (we're assuming on phone)

    I'm assuming from an insurers point of view they will low ball me the value of the car when i go through my insurance.

    How does one guage the value of the car? I don't wanna be lowballed.

    Can't say how much this accident will hurt my work ability going forward til i get a new vehicle. :(

    submitted by /u/BrianDBlanchard
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    1979 Chevy Camaro insurance price?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 09:21 PM PDT

    so I just got my drivers license and I was considering buying a 1979 Camaro, now I dont know how costly insurance would be, but would anyone know if it would be more expensive/cheaper since it's an older model?

    submitted by /u/KingTutsWiener
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    Can I file a diminished value claim?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 04:26 PM PDT

    I have a 2014 Chevy Cruze. I bought it used I and was aware it was involved in a minor accident before I was the owner. I was rear ended back in October. The at fault party had Geico insurance and they paid to get it repaired. I recently learned about diminished value claims so I decided to call and see would it be possible to file one. I was then informed that I couldn't due to the accident from the former owner. Is this correct or am I getting the run around?

    submitted by /u/unfurledwarrior5150
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    Rented an 18ft truck. Purchased rental insurance (collision). Hit a parked car and filed at fault police and incident report. Now the owner of the parked car is asking me what to do

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 08:01 PM PDT

    So I side swiped a parked car with a rental truck from a local rental. I purchased their only insurance policy on the 18ft truck.

    I filed an at fault police report. I notified the truck rental of the accident and filled out a incident report.

    Now my neighbor who only has liability is having trouble moving forward with the truck rental company to get their insurance info and attempt to file a claim.

    The police report is in the hands of the owners of the parked car and truck rental.

    Can anyone help me move forward and get the ball rolling on this for my neighbors


    submitted by /u/IntelligentThemeaaaa
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    What is an insurance analyst?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 07:48 PM PDT

    What is an insurance analyst and what do they do? I'm looking to join a graduate Reinsurance analyst role starting salary of £28-£32k but there isn't really much information about the role online or on the job advertisement

    Many thanks

    submitted by /u/markama11
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    LIRP with LTC?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 07:33 AM PDT

    I just finished reading a book about lowering tax liabilities in retirement and one thing they discussed was a LIRP (life insurance retirement plan) with LTC benefits. The book described these in some detail but I am very curious about the logistics and experiences people have with them. Any advice on additional resources or experience with LIRPs?

    I am about 20 years away from the date I would expect to be taking funds from the LIRP (just FYI).


    submitted by /u/HoundofSubstance
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    Gap insurance with basic liability--car is totalled. What now?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 06:25 PM PDT

    My girlfriend totalled her vehicle that she still owes $12K on but is probably only worth $5-6K. She has GAP insurance but the problem is, she was only carrying basic liability. It was a single vehicle Collison (long story short, she avoided a hazard and smashed into a curb).

    Her insurance company already told us that they will not be paying a dime. Should we expect GAP to cover anything? They have asked for a lot of documents and we anticipate waiting 2 weeks for a response.

    I'd like to see what you all think, as I'd like to be prepared for the news one way or the other.

    Any advice, insight, concerns, etc would be immensely helpful.


    So I got a bit of an update.

    She said that she spoke with her GAP provider and they said they would pay the "gap" between what insurance would have paid if she had full coverage but she will now have to pay that out of pocket.

    We're unsure of what that amount is. Is there a way for us to know?

    And we are wondering if we could just roll that amount into a new car payment. Is that a possibility?

    submitted by /u/CoinStarBudget
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    No longer need car insurance; but non-owners is significantly more expensive. Options?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 06:08 PM PDT

    I recently graduated and move to a city where I don't need a car (for at least 6 months). I have car insurance and pay $95/month from Progressive (which is low compared to what I hear others pay).

    I had heard non-owners insurance would be a good way to reduce the cost without creating a laps in coverage. Progressive can not offer non-owners insurance in my state; they told me to go through an independent partner. But the quote I got for the non-owners is $199/month.

    I'm prepared to just keep my current insurance, but does this situation seem odd? Thanks!

    PS: The original auto insurance was a policy to drive my parents car. I moved from Nevada (Las Vegas) to Colorado (Denver)

    submitted by /u/iking96
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    Recieved concussion doing martial arts, insurance trying to make other party pay?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 11:57 AM PDT

    So I do taekwondo. Have been for years. One night I was sparring with my instructor and close friend and I ate a jab. Went down, unconcious for 30 sec, woke up feeling bad.

    Instructor takes me to the hospital, get evaluated in meds, better in 2 weeks.

    I was wearing all helmets and protective gear. Additionally, I have signed a waiver to train at the martial arts school.

    Today I get a letter in the mail from insurance saying they're auditing and want to make the other party pay but I don't think they should have to? I know I could get hurt I love the sport tho. Plus I signed a waiver.

    I'd really like to avoid having my instructor have to pay anything because I signed a waiver and it was an accident. Any input on what I should say or do before I call the company?

    submitted by /u/fluffykitty12
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    Hit and Run with No Collision Insurance

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 05:33 PM PDT

    I was in a car accident last week and was hit by a commercial truck. State of accident is NY.

    Long story short, I took the collision coverage off the car for a couple months because the car was not being driven, but after I started driving it again, I forgot to put it back on. I know, idiot move.

    The truck hit me and then left the scene of the accident. I followed the truck for a couple seconds to write down its license plate, then drove home (accident was a block from house) and called the police and filed a report. Based on the info I got from the police, I was able to track down the company that leases the trucks and also got the truck's insurance info so I could file a claim directly with the truck's insurance.

    At this point, I am just lost on what to do honestly. The car is not driveable (I was able to drive it back home, but after I got out I realized its not safe to drive cause of a broken bumper and flat tire). I have been in contact with an adjuster from the truck's insurance company, but it seems that the driver (the insured party) is unwilling to return the insurance companies calls...

    At this point, IF the insurance company can get through to the driver and the driver denies the accident, will I just have to foot the cost of the bill? Is there any further recourse I can go through courts or police if this happens? Should I ask the truck's insurance adjuster what happens if their calls aren't returned by the truck driver? Any advice is appreciated.

    Note: I was the only person in the car.

    Edit: AFAIK, nobody was injured, just vehicle damage.

    submitted by /u/maybeitwillworkout
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    Filing a claim with your car insurance and then getting it done cheaper?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 04:58 PM PDT

    When I first started driving in high school my dad was paying for my insurance. I was rear ended and my dad filed an insurance claim. He got the claim at a dealership. However, he actually repaired the car for much less at a cheaper car repair place.

    I was recently in my first accident ever as an adult and I am wondering how to go about doing this and if this is a good idea.

    How would one do this? Is this a good idea?

    submitted by /u/mortalcoil1
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    Home Insurance coming by to take pictures

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 04:51 PM PDT

    I received a phone call that my home insurance company is sending someone out to take pictures of my house. They will be taking pictures of only the outside of the house. I have been in the house for over two years and never had a claim (have also used them for the previous house, and current cars without claims). Why would they be sending someone out?

    submitted by /u/ChooseYourMaker
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    Got a DUI but kept license, will car insurance go up?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 01:04 PM PDT

    Hello everyone. I got DUI a few months back and the police officer failed to appear for my DMV case so I got to keep my license, my municipal court date is July 31st. I will be getting a deferred sentence (no convictions) so I'll be doing probation for 6 months and then it gets dropped down to a speeding ticket. My question is will my car insurance increase, or will I be okay? Thank you for any insight you may have. I live in Oklahoma by the way.

    submitted by /u/Arthas65
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    Homeowners + Renters (and car) insurance strategies for splitting time

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 01:02 PM PDT

    Hey all. I'm looking for some advice and guidelines on the best way to handle my situation (and potential pitfalls to be aware of) before I call my insurance company to make adjustments. I like having an idea of what I'm getting into!

    TLDR is that I have a house in one state and will soon have an apartment in another state. I will be spending most of my time for the forseeable future (at least 6 months) in the apartment, with trips back to the house every 3-6 weeks (driven by work requirements; the schedule is unpredictable and not within my control). I have arranged a person to check on the house and deal with any issues 3-4 times per week, but no one will be staying there overnight except during my periodic visits.

    I realize that every policy and company is different, but is this likely to cause my insurance company to consider the home "unoccupied"? If so, what should I expect in terms of changes to coverage and/or premiums (again, I know this will vary, but even some anecdotes would be helpful).

    Is there any pro or con to using the same insurance company for renters insurance? For example, even if the house is not "unoccupied" by the letter of the policy, would getting renters insurance on another place cause them to have concerns?

    Also, I am moving one of my cars to the apartment, but because it's temporary, I'm not planning to change the registration state (I do need to look more closely into the specific state laws on this to make sure I'm not inadvertently violating something). So is there anything I need to do with the car insurance, or is it best to let it be?

    To be 1000% clear, I have no intention of decieving my insurance company in any way. I'm just trying to understand the implications of what I'm doing so I can prepare myself, and potentially adjust my approach if needed.

    submitted by /u/_sch
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    Searching for Medical Insurance

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 09:00 AM PDT

    (not looking for solicitations... just CYA there)

    I recently became a 1099 when I moved out of state and my employer didn't want to set up in the state I was moving to but wanted to retain my services. But... it means that I am now not getting medical insurance through them and need to get my own. I haven't really ever looked for insurance apart from an employer though.

    Recommendations on a process? Is it a good idea to find an agent? Is the exchange really worth it? Other ideas?

    submitted by /u/ACorania
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    Coordination of benefits with double health insurance coverage - do I need to pay 2 deductibles?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 04:26 PM PDT

    I have full family insurance coverage through my employer. Recently my spouse also enrolled in individual coverage through their employer. Both insurances have high deductibles. We will be meeting the deductible on my family insurance coverage this year (this rarely happens).

    My spouse now has a medical issue for which they'd like to seek care. So if they didn't have their own insurance, this would be a great time to do it since we'll be meeting our deductible anyway. But now they would have to go through their own insurance as their primary and mine as the secondary.

    I understand that that the secondary insurance may pay for things that aren't covered by the primary, if the coverage differs as far as coinsurance % or what services are covered. But it's not clear to me whether this applies to the deductible. Do we have to pay both deductibles? Or can we submit my spouse's claims to the primary insurance - which won't cover anything, it will just go towards that deductible - and then submit the remainder (all) to secondary insurance and be covered*?

    *or at least go towards meeting the family deductible which will be met at some point this year regardless, so it doesn't matter which expenses come in first

    The Coordination of Benefits section in my insurance documents is short and unhelpful. It just says that it follows the rules in California Code of Regulations, Title 28, Section 1300.67.13 to determine the order of benefit payments, and then summarizes those rules, which basically just describes how they determine which insurance is primary/secondary.

    submitted by /u/insurancethrowitaway
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    PA-total loss-can my mom withdraw the claim for now ? Needs to keep vehicle for now

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 03:49 PM PDT

    I used to handle collision claims a long time ago.

    Here is situation.

    My mom has an 08 Aveo. Runs perfectly.

    She got into a sideswipe accident a week ago. It's her fault.

    Damage is not that bad looking at it. Door is dented but metal not broken etc and some minor cosmetic damage on rear door. No glass or wheel damage. It's perfectly drivable

    Problem is it's $2800 to fix. And she just got laid off from her job. So she can't really get a car loan for a while. If it happened 2 months ago there wouldn't be any issues.

    Can she temporarily withdraw the claim ? And then put it through once she has a job ?

    submitted by /u/pittguy578
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    Hit by at-fault party with no insurance. I have 100k PD and 100k Medical for UM. Best course of action?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 02:55 PM PDT

    Also posted in r/legaladvice, but I wanted to submit here as well.

    Without providing too much detail...

    Because the car is a total loss, I have no deductible for my UM coverage to kick in. I originally planned to seek legal counsel to ensure I received fair compensation for current and future medical expenses, primarily because I was concerned that the other party's insurance was going to fight liability tooth-and-nail.

    My current provider has already assured me that they are officially taking on the insurance role of the at-fault party. I assume I should still be very careful about what I say about medical. Should I continue down the legal counsel route? What has your experience been with UM?

    As the title says, my limits for PD and BI are both 100k. I already know I won't get anywhere near that limit for PD, but what about BI?

    Edit: Location is Georgia, USA

    submitted by /u/throw_away_748596
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    Lending a car to a friend long term - can he get his own insurance plan?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 02:08 PM PDT

    Have a friend staying in the area for a few months without a car. I recently got another car and have my old one sitting around. It's paid off and is registered under my name still.

    Can I lend him the car during those few months and have him get his own insurance coverage? If he does this and an accident happens, could I be liable for anything?


    submitted by /u/_myusername__
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    I know some of the common ones, but I want to know if anyone has come across some crazy misconceptions as well

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 01:46 PM PDT

    20 year-old just got into my first accident (at fault). Am I screwed forever?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 12:19 PM PDT

    I recently got into an at fault accident. I was looking at my blind spot to change lanes, the driver in front accelerated and then braked (I rewatched my dashcam footage 20 times D:). I messed up big time. It's my fault because I could have left more space in front of me.

    I'm located in Miami, FL and have Progressive. I just started my coverage on 5/02. I was paying ~$190/month for two cars for my parents and I.

    My car was deemed a total loss so I took Progressive's check of $6.6k (minus deductible and taxes, etc) for my 2010 toyota corolla. I also got a careless driving ticket even though the officer probably didn't want to as I was crying my eyes out. I'm not sure if that ticket will affect my rates too.

    I have been looking at other cars and found another 2010 corolla to replace my first car. I called an insurance agent and they said that adding this car will increase my rate by $384.93 until 11/02. Where did this $384.93 come from? Sorry for the stupid question but I know nothing about this but this is not even my final rate increase when my policy renews in november, right? What are the right steps to approach this situation?

    This is the new quote they gave me until november: https://imgur.com/WMEHjsx

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/jazzy_jackie
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