• Breaking News

    Sunday, March 31, 2019

    Legal Advice Ex-Husband showing up at work and following through town. He lives 4 hours away.

    Legal Advice Ex-Husband showing up at work and following through town. He lives 4 hours away.

    Ex-Husband showing up at work and following through town. He lives 4 hours away.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 06:06 AM PDT

    I'm looking for advice for my mom. Her ex-husband has been showing up at her work and following her around. They divorced 4 months ago and she moved back to Tennessee and he lives in Kentucky. She is thinking about filling a restraining order but is worried about him possibly filing on on her. She was told by her HR department that a restraining order filled against her would put her nursing license in jeopardy. Is there any truth to this?

    submitted by /u/mywifehasspicylips
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    My sister is in some weird cult - MI

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 01:49 PM PDT

    No, that is not clickbait and I am seriously very worried about her and all of the other people involved.

    Okay. So my sister graduated from high school last year and decided to take a gap year. She came across a Craigslist posting by a woman I'll refer to as Aileen about how she has a farm and she's looking for kids who want life experience, that she'll provide them room and board to work on her farm and how she can teach them all of these great skills. I never saw the ad, but I remember my sister telling me about it at the time. She was very excited, this opportunity was everything she had been looking for she had told me. So she began a correspondence with "Aileen". I did not live with my sister, I'm older by 5 years so I was not on the scene when all of this was going down.

    So she ends up going to this place last August, I think, maybe early September. I have only spoken with her through emails since and at first she was happy, everything was good, she was making friends and all of that. I was wondering why she only emailed and she told me there's no phone service on the ranch, "Aileen" doesn't believe in phones and she takes them to the library for internet access. That right there was the first time I thought something was a bit off, but my sister was happy so I didn't push it.

    Over time, the tone of her emails changed. She would talk about her friends there, the animals, all these activities she was doing, not about "Aileen" much. Then it gradually became that "Aileen" is all she would talk about. "Aileen" was telling her some seriously messed up stuff and if she didn't agree with it, everyone else would ignore her existence until she broke down crying and apologized. "Aileen" made her slaughter her favorite chicken, "Aileen" said she needed to cleanse herself and wouldn't let her eat solid food for a week. "Aileen" made her take drugs. Seriously disturbing stuff. I told her she needed to get out of there, that I'd come pick her up, but she would downplay everything, make excuses for "Aileen", say she was over reacting, that it wasn't as bad as she made it seem et cetera.

    I didn't know what to do at that point. I thought something hinky was going on, but at the same time my sister was an adult and I trusted her judgment at the time. It's not like I had anything to go off of, a location, or anything and while disturbing, I didn't think anything super egregious was happening. "Aileen" seemed like an eccentric survivalist type, but ultimately harmless. Yes, I was tentatively concerned, is what I'm trying to say, but I felt like my sister was mature and intelligent enough to know when she was in over her head.

    My sister emailed me yesterday and I don't feel like that is the case anymore. Something had happened and from what I was able to ascertain, one of the other girls at this place committed some kind of cardinal sin and "Aileen" instructed the other kids to beat viciously beat this girl. My sister was forced to participate in this. She seemed distraught about it, but ultimately blamed the girl because she should have known better than to have done what she did. I don't know what she did, my sister wouldn't elaborate on it.

    I stayed up all night pouring over all of her emails, lookings for some clue but I couldn't figure anything out. I know my sister took a Greyhound to Lansing and Aileen picked her up from the bus station, so I think this freak show is probably in either Eaton, or Ingham but as to more specifics, I have no idea. I don't think my sister even knows. I have a hunch they're in, or around Mason because Aileen made the kids spend the night at Seven Gables, but other than that I'm coming up empty.

    I know this is a jumbled fucking mess, but I really need to know what to do. How do I handle this situation?

    Good update: I did what a lot of people suggested with the IP address. I would have never thought of it, I'm not very tech savvy. She is in Mason or at least uses that library. I'm going to contact the police there. You guys are rockstars.

    submitted by /u/umwowexcusemewtf
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    Roommate flushed an expensive family heirloom down the toilet.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 10:43 AM PDT

    So I'm a Sophomore in college and have been living with a randomly paired roommate who I believe has some form of special needs. If the room is messy he gets into some serious anger fits where he will scream and yell at me about not cleaning up and then proceed to throw all of my stuff around the room. This lasts around 20 minutes and he always apologises profusely and cleans everything up and says it won't happen again.

    Just yesterday he had another crazy anger fit and took my watch off my desk and flushed it down the toilet and proceeded to scream hysterically. The watch was quite an expensive Rolex passed down from my father from his father so it has a lot of significance within the family. I've tried calling the school and sewage system but I've had no luck yet in retrieving it.

    I have moved rooms and spoken to the RA but they have not really offered any significant advice. I have not spoken to my roommate yet as I am both too angry and scared to approach him. I have not spoken to my father yet as I know it will complete devastate him.

    I honestly have no idea how to approach this and any help would be appreciate it. What's the best course of action here?

    submitted by /u/ezio009
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    Roommate withholding my mail

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 04:31 AM PDT

    So my roommate and I have been having some trouble recently, he wants me to move out but I'm on the lease, so he cut me off from the internet, which he can do since it's in his name

    But I was the only one with a mail key since he lost his and since he took the internet I've been at my Mom's house for the past 2-3 weeks

    I would go there every few days and check the mail and bring it in, then he texted me telling me he was going to get the lock on the mail changed unless I gave him my key

    Now since I didn't give it to him he's asking for $30 so I can get my mail

    Is he allowed to not give me a mail key or not let me access the box and extort money from me? If there's really poor grammar, I apologize it's 5:30am and I just got off work

    Edit: Boise, Idaho btw

    submitted by /u/Mystical_Panties
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    My friend released music, and it’s getting claimed by someone else.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 07:20 AM PDT

    So my friend, who's staying anonymous so that no one else can claim credit, likes to post his music to YouTube. He could have made some serious money from them (a couple of his videos have had over 5mil views, around $5,000). However, he didn't file his written music with a copyright office, and that led to some random person, whenever he would release a new video, would immediately file with the office, and then claim all revenue from the song on YouTube. What can he do to stop this from happening?

    submitted by /u/fjh2003
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    Routine Dental Cleaning Lead to Severe Infection, Hospitalization, and Head Injury (MI)

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 05:48 AM PDT

    Hello Tl;DR at the bottom, somewhat of a long story. As described in the title I was just discharged from the hospital after going in for jaw pain and ending up with a lot more problems than I ever imagined. I only have medicaid so there are few dentists in the area that accept that insurance and I went to this less-than-stellar clinic on Monday. The lobby was disgusting and staff very unprofessional (think an entire office of people that play music on their phone speakers trying to compete over whose is louder) but I figured it's just a cleaning, beggars can't be choosers, they can't really mess that up can they?

    It was the worst cleaning of my life. I have early perio so it is partially my fault for discomfort, but the hygienist was absolutely brutal just ripping my gums, tongue, and cheek with her tool. I didn't have a cleaning for years at a time as a kid and that first one was rough, but not even comparable to this one that was within the standard 6 months of the last. I left with severe bleeding and pain, told to come back in a month. After 2 days of pain so bad I couldn't eat I called again on Wednesday and asked to get looked at. "Gum pain is normal the doctor don't do follow-ups until at least 2 weeks." I don't think this is an insurance thing or scheduling as they do walk-ins, but I let it go, should've flossed more as a kid.

    Friday I called again saying I can't sleep at night from the pain, please I need to be seen, and got the same answer which frustrated me so badly I was just calling any dental clinics open and asking if I could pay with a credit card just for an exam to see what's going on. All 3 places told me the same thing essentially go back to where you had your cleaning done, they have your records, and it'd be a lot of money to just come in for us to look and not know what's going on. I called the dentist back again saying I NEED to come in ASAP, put me on as a walk-in if you have to, but something is very wrong and it's not typical pain. They said OK SIR then come in next Wednesday during walk-in hours if that's how you feel.

    Next day (Saturday morning) I woke up feeling like someone kicked my jaw in on top of feeling generally awful. I couldn't speak or even smile without pain so bad that I vomited. I went to the ER closest to me that had a dental unit and waited for a doctor. BP was insanely high (168/98 I believe) and heart rate as well, my jaw hurt so badly the triage nurse didn't take my temp and said the doctor will when he sees your jaw. After about an hour I had started getting dizzy and went to get a nurse. Last thing I remember was my heartbeat feeling very slow and everything went black. I woke up on the hospital floor surrounded by nurses and a doctor that took me to the real ER and not the waiting rooms I was in. I was told I had a seizure but I only really recall blacking out. CT scan showed a terrible infection in the area I was complaining about, no major brain bleeding, but concussion symptoms from when I smacked my head on the ground. ER doc was very cool and said it's pretty unusual to see an infection that deep from just brushing or eating, best guess is someone cut way too deep with their tools during the cleaning, and if it was there already then they should've noticed it.

    I stayed overnight for observation for the head injury and was put on antibiotics, toradol for the pain, and klonopin for the seizure plus severe anxiety about it all. I have to see an oral surgeon 6am on Monday or I could lose (even more?) bone in my jaw. I can't work for 72 hours just from the ER incident, I don't know if the surgery will prevent me from working even longer because I work at a restaurant it was difficult enough with the pain I had before. If I'm missing part of my mouth I don't think the manager will want me working until it's healed, but I intend to unless told otherwise.

    One of my friends is a doctor and another a lawyer, neither are involved in dentistry or malpractice, but are encouraging me to consult with an attorney. I really am just worried about losing bone that I don't know if replacement will be covered and I'm extremely angry that the dentist wouldn't listen to my concerns to the point where I'm ill, missing possibly 2 weeks of work, and facing surgery. I've heard it is very hard to prove medical/dental malpractice and none of my discharge paperwork says what the ER doc told me about it being extremely unlikely this was something I did. I signed a waiver/consent to treatment form at the dentist and I'm not sure if I have a case if I'm an infrequent cigar smoker. Does the waiver, smoker status, or a lack of something more concrete mean I should just take my lumps and just find a new dentist?
    TL;DR had rough cleaning done, dentist wouldn't see me again, ended up in ER with an infection, fever, and several other conditions but am skeptical to bother with consultations if I clearly don't have a case

    submitted by /u/jawbonezRUs
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    Can my employer make me continue to work during 10 minute breaks? (Washington)

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 08:27 AM PDT

    It kinda pisses me off a bit, but I can't find anything, so maybe this is legal. I recently turned 18 and work a 9 hour shift. I had to take one of my 2 10 minute breaks an hour after I started, but was told I had to continue to take front counter and drive thru orders while on break.

    Is this legal? (Washington State)

    submitted by /u/hermotone
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    Pulled over and given a ticket for expired inspection sticker, but it wasn't expired! NJ

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 05:54 AM PDT

    On Friday morning I was on my way to an appointment, on my way there a police officer was stopping people for a mobile inspection station. I had taken my car to be inspected at the DMV 3 weeks ago, it failed for emissions, and I had a "rejected" sticker over my (now) expired inspection sticker. Because I had the rejected sticker though, I had until March 31 to have all repairs made and get it reinspected. My car was scheduled to go into the shop on Friday evening to be fixed, I had to wait until my disability check came in before I could afford the repairs.

    I explain all of this to the officer and he told me I still needed to go through the mobile inspection and they would update my rejected sticker to give me another 30 days. I was annoyed, but what are you gonna do, right?

    So, I pull down the side street where the mobile inspection is and a 2nd officer takes my license, registration, and insurance info. I explained the same thing to this officer as I did the first. He said it was fine and he just had to run my info. He's in his truck for a while and when he comes out, he hands me a $130 ticket for "expired inspection." I remind him, that my inspection isn't expired and I still have time to get my repairs and get it reinspected. He tells me that I can call the number on the back of the ticket and talk to someone there.

    Obviously, I was pissed off at this point, but since I was already late for my appointment and I already had one ticket, I didn't want to press my luck.

    What do I do now? Will I have to go to court? If so, will I have to pay court costs, even if my ticket gets waived? Is there any way to avoid court costs? I don't even know how much court costs are.

    I'm disabled and have a hard time getting around, so sitting in court for however long, while doable, will be a hardship for me because of my condition. There's also the money situation, I literally have no money to spare.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    On a side note, what the hell is the point of a mobile inspection station if they don't verify the "rejected" stickers!?!?! They have a bar code as well as numerical code, so the officer should have been able to verify that I still had time.

    submitted by /u/bountifulknitter
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    Has my stupidity cost me?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 06:19 AM PDT

    A year or so ago we sold my girlfriends HHR. It was on its last limb and sold it to a family who told us they were going to scrap it for parts. Here's the kicker: we forgot to take off our license plates when we sold the car. Fast forward to today and we have received a towing bill from some random police department who found the car on the side of the highway. Now for the twist: the car that was towed isn't the car we sold the family a year ago. Different color and different VIN and we can prove it. So my question is: will it be worth it to fight and try avoid paying the towing bill? Or since the plates on the car are technically ours are we gonna be stuck footing the bill?

    Edit: I forgot my location. Kansas City, MO. The Kansas highway patrol is the law enforcement agency who is billing us.

    submitted by /u/CizSwizz
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    I was fired for alleged drug use without proof, do I have any legal recourse here?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 07:33 AM PDT

    This just happened Friday, I had been employed at this company in NYC for 11 months and was very good at my job. The day before I was sick and had taken the wrong type of cold medicine by accident (the drowsy kind) so a few times during the day I had dozed off at my desk. The next day I was let go for drug use, even though I had explained the situation. They didnt have me take a drug test and I recieved nothing in writing explaining why I was let go, or even that I was let go at all. All they did was ask for my key card and ask me to leave. The only reason I didnt call out sick that day was due to a large deal I was trying to close to hit my bonus. My question here is do I have any legal recourse here?

    submitted by /u/I_Got_Back_Pain
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    Landlord not returning undue rent!

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 06:33 AM PDT

    Hi all, hoping someone can offer some advice. I moved out of my flat, at the end of my tenancy. I forgot to cancel my standing order for the rent, so I paid an extra £780 pounds that wasn't owed. The landlord lives in Australia. I live in London. He's ignoring my emails asking about when I'll get the money back. He's always been quick to demand money owed but very slow to return owed money (it took him 6 weeks to return my deposit!). Any advice of my next steps? He'll make it as difficult as possible. This is essentially theft! So mad. Thanks

    submitted by /u/anon_needslegaladvic
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    Niece needs therapy but brother won’t take her.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 12:29 PM PDT

    14 years ago my brother got his girlfriend pregnant in high school. They graduated and ended up living together at her parents house. No more than a few months after my niece was born it was soon discovered that my bother's girlfriend was cheating on him so he took my niece and ended up moving back with my family.

    After about 3 years of raising her with us, he got a new girlfriend and decided to move in with her, leaving my niece to be cared for by my parents. My parents raised her feeling sorry for her since her mom and dad had left her so they spoiled her a lot. My sister and I did our best to help with raising her and talking with her.

    We noticed that she has had a lot of sadness and anger in her, my mom has even found razor blades hidden in her room that she's been cutting herself with.

    My bother recently decided to take her back now that she is 14 and blames her mood swings and tantrums as just a means of trying to get attention, her going through puberty and a result of my parents spoiling her. My sister and I think that she needs therapy because there are things she not saying that maybe she can say to a therapist who can help her.

    My sister and I are 22 and 24 years old and we grew up with my niece and she's like a little sister to us. We think she needs therapy but our brother is refusing to get her help. My niece has told us that she wants a therapist and has even talked to her teacher about it.

    I want to know if there's a way to get her help without my brother. We keep pleading him but he won't go through with it. We are both working so my sister and I are willing to pay for it. My brother is her legal guardian so there's not much we can do without his consent. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    TL;DR: Brother left my niece for my parents to raise for 11 years, took her back and now refuses to get her therapy that my sister and I think she needs because if mood swings and her cutting herself.

    submitted by /u/mt3446
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    My boss is asking me to pay for a cash mistake out of my pocket. Is this legal? (CA)

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 09:29 AM PDT

    I work in a gas station in California. I've been employed here for nearly a year and never been written up or had any cash issues. I made a mistake and put someone's gas on the wrong pump and another customer pumped this gas and left. I couldn't administer a refund because I'm not allowed to view cameras the lady lived two hours away and ended up just paying for more gas she didn't leave any of her information I asked the manager to review the camera, I was in the wrong she told me either pay or get written up. The customer hasn't even received the refund, she lives in Los Angeles like over a hundred miles away. That's besides the point, asking us to pay for a mistake out of our pocket is against the law isn't it? Companies have insurance to cover shortages anyways, and the lady paid for more gas so we're not even short. I'm concerned about my manager's shady business practices to say the least.

    submitted by /u/NikkiNebula
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    Child Support Hearing (WA state)

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 09:34 AM PDT

    My ex and I split 4 years ago (my son was 18mos, daughter 3 weeks) and it eventually came out that he was cheating on me. If you look through my post history, I've mentioned it a few times on different posts.

    Long story short, he's quit his job several times, moved around different states, and has already been married and divorced again. He's only paid child support consistently for one year.

    We have a phone hearing with a judge on Wednesday because he "doesn't understand" why he's now been charged with back daycare support. I've been trying to enforce the part of our divorce decree that he pays 74.9% of daycare costs (in addition to the measly amount of child support I settled for) for 2 years and it finally caught up with him.

    It's pretty open and shut, I already have full custody and he hasn't seen the children since Oct of 2015, I was just hoping someone can tell me what to expect.

    Will I be able to make a statement to the judge?

    If he brings up custody, the judge should knock that down considering its only a support hearing, right?

    After getting a judgment, what should I expect if he quits his job again and moves?

    Is there anything else I should expect that I'm not considering?

    submitted by /u/LadyBearJenna
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    Canada, ON. Car accident, driver told me to leave.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 06:23 AM PDT

    I hit a car, driver said it's okay to leave right away. I pull him over to the side and I exchanged my info only, he was in a rush and the passenger provided me his cell phone number. He's not responding much, but I can guarantee this accident was my fault. I asked him to stay on the scene but he 'had to leave right away'. im asking for advice on how to proceed (insurance claim?).

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    Need help with money and mental disability questions. [IA][USA]

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 07:48 AM PDT

    Sorry for the poor title and formatting. I'm kinda in a panic.

    So currently, I'm an 18-year old full-time college student trying to become a Software Developer. I receive no family assistance and was considered a ward of the court via McKinney Vento in the state of Texas (My previous residence) since the age of 17.

    My mother died when I was 9 years old. I've diagnosed with Autism (Aspergers pre-DH-5) since Grade 2.

    Documents I have on me are My Mothers Death Certificate, My Birth Certificate, ID, Social Security Card, Letter of from School Consoler acknowledging I was under the McKinney Vento, and Documentation of Summary of Performance from ARD meetings every year when I was in high school.

    I've been in a financial struggle for more than a year now. It's hard for me to get Work Study Jobs because they get taken quickly. I can't work part-time jobs because of my workload from school taking up more than 60 hours of my week (1/3 is lectures. Rest is homework and projects).

    Is there any way to help receive more income to help my financial woes? Like, help from the government if I'm qualified for anything. I'm having panic attacks every night because I worry about my bills.

    submitted by /u/cash12121
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    [FL] My landlord’s creepy friend lurks around my house. I feel like my rights to quiet enjoyment are being trampled....

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 12:12 PM PDT

    (Florida) So I am renting a house, that has a separate guest house with the understanding that the owner would come stay here once a year during the winter. It was smooth for almost a year until he started to rent that guesthouse out, but whatever I signed a lease that specifically outlined what my property was (the main house) so he can do whatever he wants with the guesthouse and yard.

    My issue is that a couple of months ago one of his buddies arrived in a trailer, parked the trailer in front of the house and he is always lurking around the yard and plugging stuff into my patio outlets. (The patio deck is in my highlighted area) I complained to landlord but he is kind of a hippy and said thats his friend that helped him built the house and should be welcomed. This guy looks like a creepy pedofile and scares my girlfriend. I get a bad vibe from this guy he has a staring problem. And he has no right to use the electricity that I pay for. What can i do to get rid of this joker?

    submitted by /u/badcompanygg
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    My uncle was caught touching my son

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 08:03 PM PDT

    Long story short I walked in on my uncle touching himself in bed with my son who is two. He was arrested and charged with criminal sexual conduct with a minor. His bond hearing is at 8am. We live just over 3 hours where the crime took place, we were here in town for a very important event. My husband and I both have health problems and one son in school making traveling hard. What is going to happen? Will we have to drive 3 hours every few days for hearings and such? He is currently trying to get disability so income is limited for gas/hotels. Do we have options? Also I was told I'd have to see my uncle tomorrow that he'd be on camera and I'm terrified. I don't know what to do, I'm scared. This took place on South Carolina

    submitted by /u/Tomhidwhat
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    Is this Guardian Ad Litem blackmailing my friend? -VA

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 10:15 AM PDT

    A friend of mine is going through a custody case. She did not send the child on 2 of the father's scheduled visits due to the child being in the hospital (which she submitted paperwork to her at-the-time lawyer proving this) and the driver of the vehicle being an elderly man who is battling late stage cancer and is taking high doses of pain meds so she did not feel safe with the elderly man driving her daughter under those conditions. The GAL is favoring the absentee father, even though he has 2 child abuse charges already and failing hair follicle tests for drug use (cocaine and crack). The GAL told my friend that if she did not sign the proposed court agreement, which she does NOT agree to, then they would pursue the show causes that they filed against her for not sending the child with him. When she still told them that she would not sign an agreement that she did not agree to, her ex pulled 2 more show causes out of his pocket in front of the GAL and said, "Then I guess I will go file these two other show causes right now!" and they were show causes that he started filling out last month but then stopped and held onto them. He is basing those two show causes on the incidents where he agreed in writing that he would come pick the child up even with it being her required date to provide transportation. She does not agree with the order because they are requesting things like, "The father gets 7 day long visitations and the mother is not to call daily during his visit with the child" yet the child is not familiar with this man and the mother wants to talk to her once a day before she goes to sleep. They are also requesting things like the mother's last name is to be removed from the child's name, even though the child's last name is already hyphenated with both parent's last names. The judge already told her she can follicle and urine test indefinitely at her own expense, yet the GAL is pushing for limited testing with extensive warnings of the upcoming tests. The GAL told her that he is helping and assisting the father because "fathers have rights regardless and if she don't sign, he will assist the father in making sure that she goes to jail." Their plan is to lock her up so that the father can go file for emergency custody. Is this legally blackmail, and what can she do about it? She already tried to get another GAL but was denied

    submitted by /u/CrazyPlantGirl
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    Giving up parental rights - Canada & US help

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 11:27 AM PDT

    I'm not entirely sure where/how to start and assume edits will be needed but the gist of my situation is as follows:

    I, an American citizen living in the US, met a very nice Canadian woman during a recently holiday trip there. I went to visit her a few times after and all was well. She recently reached out to me telling me that she's pregnant and has decided to keep the baby. It's not the decision I would have made but I 100% respect her decision to keep the baby. She told me that since I don't have any input as to keeping baby or not, I've been given the following choice: move to Canada and be a part of the baby's life or relinquish all rights as a parent. Personally, after much consideration of my personal situation (emotional, financial, and professional) I can't move to Canada. However, I'm also completely ignorant as to how relinquishing my parental rights would work. From my understanding, she is not looking for any financial help and is comfortable outlining that in an agreement. Can anyone here provide any guidance as to how I would go about executing an agreement relinquishing my parental rights or if such thing is even legal? I tried to discuss some kind of third option with her but she doesn't seem interested. Any help in this area would be appreciated and I'm happy to answer any questions to clarify my story in order to get better direction. Thanks r/legaladvice

    submitted by /u/legaladvicehelpxyz
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    What crimes (if any) could this woman be charged with?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 05:16 PM PDT

    Hi, I have a friend who suffers from type one diabetes. She needed her insulin dose, but her mother purposefully hid it from her until she entered ketoacidosis (life threatening), repeatedly vomited and blacked out. The entire time my friend was under the impression she had just lost it, and her father, who also had no idea where the insulin was, was just about to take her to hospital because she was at risk of organ failure. Just before they set off, her mother revealed she had it all along.

    I'm positive this is a form of abuse, but could this also be assault too, or something else? What could the mother be charged with in this situation? Or what would be the criteria she'd need to meet if what happened today didn't quite quantify as a crime? Thanks...

    EDIT: This happened today (31/03/2019) in Wisconsin

    EDIT 2: The girl in question is 15.

    submitted by /u/leontrotskyism
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    (Sorry if you’re sensitive) Legality of having employees clean up vomit?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    Hi all, quick question for ya. For reference, we live in Florida. My mom recently bought a children's resale store and obviously there are little ones running around. Sometimes the kids have too much fun and get sick everywhere, not a problem we'll clean that right up! Except, after I (not employed, just visiting for the weekend) helped her clean up one such mess yesterday, her manager told her that employees are not allowed to clean up vomit because of the liability if one of them gets sick from it. To me, that sounds nuts. If Mom isn't there, does the vomit just sit around waiting for her to come in?!

    I personally work in an arena, and if someone gets sick us regular employees have to clean it up. Does anyone know more about the legality of having employees clean vomit up? I understand that it could be something where some basic training is required (we were given a 5 min. verbal spiel, so I'm thinking on that level) or maybe there's some insurance coverage needed that she may not have because of her store's scale? She would of course provide gloves and masks, so I really can't see an issue with it. I tried to check out the labor health codes and such but I'm not very legal-minded and figured I'd get a second opinion. Any help would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/camermom
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    Am I allowed to hire 14 year olds in Pennsylvania? If so, are there any complications involved that might need attention?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 09:27 AM PDT

    For some background, I run a few medium to large sized retail businesses, and I'm currently unsure wether or not I can hire 14 year olds, as I get many applications for cashier or organizer shifts. I did do my research, and found out I can hire them, but I'm worried there will be some complication or technicality I overlook which may get me in trouble. It's not usually very labor inducing, and my businesses are the typical first job type of places many high schoolers and college kids apply for.

    submitted by /u/Dragonquack
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    I just wrecked my less than a week old car due to mechanical failures

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 11:24 PM PDT

    In Florida i got a used car from a used car dealership they gave me a "we will fix it for you" guarantee, i dropped the car off with them this morning for headlights, clutch and brake issues, when i started it i noticed the clutch throw out bearing was howling

    I get to the car lot late at night after a family trip to Disney, i get in my newly repaired car and push the clutch in to start it, with the clutch pressed all the way in the car roars to life and lurched forward, i held the clutch down while pumping the brakes and nothing was responding, instead the car rear ended a parked car causing damage, the police officer who responded felt the clutch and was amazed they sold it to me and cited me for reckless driving because the car wasn't fit for the road, bad clutch bad brakes and no headlights.

    I have dash cam video of them "repairing it" when they didn't even pull it into the bay, or pop the hood, what i do have on video is them burning the clutch flooring it through gears and not figuring out reverse for a bit.

    Tl;dr i took my car to be repaired, instead of fixed i got into an accident because of the needed repairs

    submitted by /u/getmad420
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