• Breaking News

    Monday, September 6, 2021

    Stock Market - Never…..

    Stock Market - Never…..


    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 04:24 PM PDT

    When you forget you had a Stash account…

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 04:52 AM PDT

    My dad gave me his TD account 2 years ago and I bought a couple stocks in Tesla. I wish I had bought more lol.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 03:54 PM PDT

    Chinese bonds start to crash so they froze the market. $300 billion firm could be worse than Lehman Bros.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 06:47 PM PDT

    What is going on with Silver AH?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 12:14 PM PDT

    Trick question, stonks only go up.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    $IRNT: Gamma Squeeze Has Happened, Tuesday will be explosive

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 06:56 PM PDT

    Originally posted by Undercover_in_SF. All credit to them!

    Hey Guys,

    I know I said I was done updating on $IRNT, but I checked OI, and I couldn't help writing another update. Because we've got a 3 day weekend, I think we got the updated OI numbers a bit earlier than normal. I'll just paste them below to get started, then throw out some observations. Again, data from here: https://www.cboe.com/delayed_quotes/irnt/quote_table. This is September expiries only. The only other expiration date with decent OI is October, and it's a fraction of September and doesn't change the analysis meaningfully.  I think it's obvious looking at that table why the price went parabolic after hours. This was as of close on Friday, and 79% of the float was spoken for by delta-hedging options.

    Total call open interest went from 37k to 44k. The biggest changes were the newly listed strikes at $14 and $16 with an increase of 2k each.

    While those strikes tied up another 500k in shares, the other big change was the increase in delta at the $17.5 and $20 strikes which which doubled the shares represented from 400k to 800k.

    Put OI increased by approximately 2k, but the dramatic price increase sent delta towards 0 and effectively reduced the shares represented by 25%.

    The market opened up $31 through $37 strikes for trading tomorrow.

    What does that all mean for tomorrow? Honest answer: I'm not sure and you shouldn't base any decisions on my speculation below. I'm playing with house money and trying to turn a 10x into a 100x here. However, what I think it means:

    This is actually, dare I say it, a $GME situation but on a far smaller scale... There just aren't enough shares, and it's going to be a technically driven frenzy. It could all happen tomorrow, or it could be a multi-day leg up like we saw in prior gamma squeezes.

    The delta adjusted OI has already wrapped up almost the entire float, and if the afterhours settled price of ~$30 holds, delta for the $20s will jump to ~.8 and the increase in demand for shares for only that strike will be another 700k shares that are not currently available.

    I don't know where this could stop, but I'm hoping I can exit my calls at a share price of >$80.

    So what are the risks? What could derail this money machine? I see a few key risks in order of likelihood:

    IV for calls blows up over 300-400, creating lots of sellers looking for a quick flip. This would have been me last week, but with the latest update, I'm holding out for more than 2x from Friday.

    The MM hedge by buying an enormous volume of September puts at the top of the option chain. As put IV blows up, selling them will become more attractive to our friends over at thetagang, and MM will be buying delta from them to offset the runaway train on the call side.

    MMs could hedge by buying calls in the out months to offset the short dated calls. That would leave them exposed to theta and lots of the lesser Greeks guys like us don't worry about, but that might be the lesser of two evils in this case. I believe that reduces their need for total shares since the long and short calls would offset each other, for the most part.

    Some sort of action by an exchange or individual brokers to reduce volatility. This could be as simple as lots of market stops that interrupt momentum, or something more insidious like blowing up collateral requirements (although they're already 100% on Schwab) or limiting buys. I think this is unlikely because there aren't enough shares for this to make up a meaningful % of client assets like $GME and $AMC were.

    Company action to increase float immediately. I think this is the least likely because any change would likely require a vote, a multiple day notification to shareholders, and/or a board of directors meeting. Only the board meeting can happen quickly. I'm not sure if there could be an announcement to direct list some of the lockup shares at board discretion. Any securities lawyers here who would know? That would be by far the most likely to stop this in its tracks, but I don't think they can do that. If I'm wrong, please let me know!

    Last thing I want to say. There WILL be an announcement of the listing of the PIPE soon. It could come as soon as tomorrow or as late as 30 days after ticker change. That will almost certainly not have immediate effect, so there is no reason to dump your shares the minute that filing comes out. There will likely be a temporary pullback when they announce listing of the PIPE shares, but I think it will be an overreaction because the share count will not be immediately changed. This should stay crazy through the 17th, and if call buying rolls through October could continue after that as well.

    My position here remains small: 20 $20 September calls. I may add some shares depending how the premarket goes tomorrow.

    As always, I'm open to any corrections or feedback that improves the overall understanding of the situation, and let me know if I've missed anything. Good luck and take care of yourselves. This is super high risk, so don't risk more than you can lose. It sure as hell ain't financial advice.

    submitted by /u/Bobbydarloe101
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    Watchlist For 9/7/2021

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 12:59 PM PDT

    I scanned over 150 charts this weekend. Here are some good setups I found to BTFD: V, UPS, PRPL, PATH

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 02:53 PM PDT

    I scanned over 150 charts this weekend. Here are some good setups I found to BTFD: V, UPS, PRPL, PATH

    This week we saw some CRAZY action in a few names that began to trend around social media. Let's look at the following charts: SKLZ, VIH, and BBIG. Eventually traders FOMO'd into the trade chasing 25-100% gains… but it's important to note that these high-reward plays are also VERY risky.

    Remember, nobody really knows where a stock will go. As an investor or swing-trader it's your duty to manage risk and use entry points that are suitable for protecting your hard-earned dollars.

    If you are swing-trading, as many of us enjoy doing, there are a few rules I live by when entering a position:

    • If it's based on sentiment avoid the red zones (FOMO zones) that I usually highlight on the charts. I try entering on a green or orange zone for the best risk/reward if it's on a name I'd like to take a chance with.
    • If it's based on technicals, WAIT for the opportunity. There are hundreds of high-quality stocks, you don't need to jump into a trade because it's hot right now. Be patient with your entries and I guarantee you will become a better trader.

    For those of you that don't remember or haven't read some of my earlier posts.

    Red Zone = FOMO area and very high-risk, high-reward play.

    Orange Zone = The stock has normalized back a reasonable level, but is still somewhat volatile. r/R (risk/reward) is already way better than a red zone.

    Green Zone = The stock is at a much better post-hype entry level. This area is a prime risk-to-reward when looking at a swing trade.

    Here are the charts.



    SKLZ took off early in the week. The red zones are clearly defined on days the stock went up 10-25%. This is a chart with a very short-term timeframe, so the orange level is still somewhat risky. If SKLZ drops back into the green zone, it might be a better entry level. Note: I had this stock on my list a few weeks ago at $13.50, currently sitting at $12. This goes to show not all my watch-list stocks are winners.



    This SPAC started trending Thursday and Friday after the share price increased 15%. I'm going to stay away from this name since, generally speaking, the general SPAC trade that was popular earlier this year has been extremely under-performing since April.



    BBIG is a name that has trended BIGLY on Reddit and Twitter, pun intended. The stock squeezed to $5 in June and then fell to nearly $2 a share just two weeks ago. This is a great example of how one bad FOMO trade can completely wreck your portfolio. Those who were chasing this name in June at $4 after the stock doubled saw their positions cut in half by July.

    A few weeks ago and back in the $2-3 range the risk/reward was becoming more favorable, but after recent price action it's in my no-fly zone. Personally, if this gets back to $5-6 it might look interesting, but not right now.

    What's the difference between trading on technicals or sentiment?

    Whether you are trading on technicals or hype, they are very similar. They BOTH require lots of patience and waiting for the correct entry. Here are some points describing them:


    • Avoid FOMO/red zones
    • Patiently wait for hype around the stock to calm down to pre-squeeze levels
    • Are known to have explosive squeezes that can yield a 40-50% or more return in a matter of days
    • Sentiment stocks are known to catch new waves frequently (think AMC in February and then again recently in May/June)


    • Identify uptrends, support/resistance, break-outs, and consolidation
    • Wait for the stock to get to your entry point
    • Swing-trading on technicals can yield 10-30% per play

    The goal is to help identify plays that have become favorable for a swing-trade. This requires lots of patience, but can be very rewarding if you stick to the process. When you have at least a 6-month time-frame/outlook when getting into a position you greatly increase your chances of turning it into a winner.

    Don't aim for 100% gains in one week.

    Aim for 20-30% return in 6 months.

    This, of course, works for long-term buy and holds as well as medium-term swing trades. My portfolio is divided into the following two segments:

    1. Long-term holds (6-months to 2 year outlook)
    2. Swing-trades (come out profitable in 6 months, if it happens earlier that's great, but not expected)

    I want to make it clear that I absolutely never day-trade.

    Soon I am going to move my swing-trade segment of my portfolio to a different broker so I can highlight trades and make them easier to display.

    The BTFD List

    Visa (V)


    Visa is at short-term lows. The upward channel/trend just broke down and it is currently sitting at support of ~$225. I might enter here looking for a bounce back to $240-250 level. My short-term risk is potentially seeing this at $210, a 6% loss, while I think the upside could be 10-20%. Visa is also a relatively safe blue chip stock that pays a dividend and RSI is hitting some solid over-sold ratings.



    UPS' share price took a hit after earnings just a month ago. It consolidated for a full month and has recently crossed back over the 50 EMA (orange line), while sitting right at the 100 EMA (dotted blue line). We might see that earnings gap get filled and a bounce back to $210 level.

    With the holiday season coming up it would be wise to keep an eye on economical data such as retail sales, consumer spending, and e-commerce earnings reports.

    I like UPS at this price.

    The MEME List

    Purple Mattress (PRPL)


    Purple Mattress has been in a slow decline since May. I think we'll find some support here at the $23 range. It will face some resistance at $30 level, but if it gets enough momentum to go past we could see this back in the $35 range. PRPL has been known to pick up on social hype and it could be an interesting entry point for a swing trade here.

    UI Path (PATH)


    NOTE: Earnings Tuesday September 7th after the close. UI Path IPO'd in April and is down 25% from the highs. PATH is a growth stock so this is more on the risky side. I am LONG shares of PATH from about $61, currently $63. ARKK ETF currently holds this stock at roughly 2% weight of the ETF.

    Here's a look at some option flow from Friday, courtesy of the Vig platform.


    A few lots of over 1,000 calls were bought with an expiration of Sept 17.

    That's all for this week everyone. Hope you enjoyed the long weekend and are looking to get back into the markets tomorrow.

    submitted by /u/LegendaryHODLer
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    Most Anticipated Earnings Releases for the week beginning September 6th, 2021.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 08:01 PM PDT

    Most Anticipated Earnings Releases for the week beginning September 6th, 2021.


    Notable earnings:

    Tuesday, September 7:

    • Before Open:
      • CNTG - Centogene NV
      • CMCM - Cheetah Mobile Inc
    • After Close:
      • COUP - Coupa Software Inc
      • PATH - UiPath Inc
      • CASY - Casey's General Stores Inc
      • SMAR - Smartsheet Inc
      • DLNG - Dynagas LNG Partners LP
      • MLNK - Meridianlink Inc

    Wednesday, September 8:

    • Before Open:
      • AFMD - Affimed NV
      • KFY - Korn Ferry
      • GENI - Genius Sports Ltd
      • REVG - Rev Group Inc
      • CTK - CooTek (Cayman) Inc
    • After Close:
      • GME - GameStop Corp.
      • LULU - Lululemon Athletica Inc
      • RH - Restoration Hardware Holdings, Inc
      • CPRT - Copart, Inc.
      • ABM - ABM Industries, Inc.
      • S - SentinelOne Inc
      • HQY - Healthequity Inc
      • CDMO - Avid Bioservices Inc
      • DSGX - Descartes Systems Group Inc

    Thursday, September 9:

    • Before Open:
      • ASO - Academy Sports & Outdoors Inc
      • LOVE - Lovesac Co
      • BIOX - Bioceres Crop Solutions Corp
      • RSKD - Riskified Ltd
      • SOPH - Sophia Genetics SA
      • TUEM - Tuesday Morning
      • LICY - Li-Cycle Holdings Corp
    • After Close:
      • AFRM - Affirm
      • ZS - Zscaler Inc
      • PLAY - Dave and Buster's
      • ZUMZ - Zumiez Inc
      • AOUT - American Outdoor Brands Inc
      • AMRK - A-Mark Precious Metals Inc
      • VRNT - Verint Systems Inc.
      • KLXE - KLX Energy Services Holdings Inc
      • RXST - Rxsight Inc

    Friday, September 10:

    • Before Open:
      • KR - Kroger Co
    submitted by /u/aznkor
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    MOST PESSIMISTIC TICKERS/CRYPTOS of this past week (8/30 - 9/3)

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 04:09 PM PDT

    MOST PESSIMISTIC TICKERS/CRYPTOS of this past week (8/30 - 9/3)

    Here is a list of the MOST PESSIMISTIC TICKERS/CRYPTOS in the news this past week week of (8/30 - 9/3)

    1. $SHIB Shiba Inu
    2. $RF Regions Financial
    3. $BTC Bitcoin
    4. $COIN Coinbase
    5. $ORCL Oracle
    6. $NFLX Netflix
    7. $PTON Peloton
    8. $TMUS T- Mobile
    9. $DIS Disney
    10. $KR Kroger

    bonus: $ISRG Intuitive Surgical


    See any on our list here that you think should/ shouldn't be on here? let us know! we were for sure shocked by a couple of them while compiling the list.

    submitted by /u/babbldev
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    The ABCs of Custodial Accounts. When it comes to teaching kids about investing, a custodial brokerage account can be a great way to go. “Gifting kids investments or cash via custodial accounts—and then teaching them how to research and manage those assets—can lead to better investing habits in adult

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 02:24 PM PDT

    Trying to not be too exposed to the market at these high valuations. These are my long term holds (I know some are very richly value but ive done my research and if they drop by 50% ill doubled/triple/quadruple down):

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 05:40 AM PDT

    What Is a Crypto IRA and How Can I Invest in One?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 05:39 AM PDT

    Volkswagen CEO Herbert Diess on the race to electric, the chip shortage and Elon Musk

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 07:04 AM PDT

    Are stock discord’s all that good?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 06:14 PM PDT

    Would a discord server that gives stock calls/puts be good and do you make a profit from them? I'm just wondering as I've only had people say they are good and not go into further detail other than telling me the discord server they used. I've been trying to make profit from Wall Street bets and you can guess where that landed me. So I've tried to find a service that would give me good stock recommendations for the day and I've been recommended by friends that discord has servers for stocks and that they've had good experiences with them. I'm just here to ask if anyone is actually Experienced these discord servers.

    submitted by /u/Daboiwithagun
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    Help explain unusual volume for $HON on July 20

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 06:13 PM PDT

    28M+ shares changed hands on July 20, a Tuesday (so probably not options exp. related)

    This was more than 10x average volume. Haven't seen this kind of volume for this ticker ever; however, I am not familiar with how often this happens in the market.

    It happened a couple of days before earnings

    No company specific news as far as I can tell; but there was a broader market pullback on Friday and Monday, then recovery on that Tuesday

    I have chalked it up to company buyback but not satisfied with that answer - even if 1/2 of that volume was buyback, it'd be over $3B worth of buyback in one day!?

    Anyone seen this type of volume spike in a large cap name before?

    Anyone familiar with how companies execute buybacks? Do they just have investment banks go out and buy shares in open market, block trades with big institutions?

    submitted by /u/last1drafted
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    Nio options for the week

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 05:58 PM PDT

    Any tips are helpful!

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 05:58 PM PDT

    Hello, I am a new investor, I have 100 dollars to invest and I don't know where to do it, my friends recommend robinhood but I'm not sure about it, also what are some tips and recommendations for the stock market, I recently got interested in the stock market is because of how successful people have been becoming and I would like to join those people, I really do t know how much information I have to have before starting is and I don't know what to do so any tips that will get me on my feet are helpful, also could you include so things like what stocks should I start with and how much would be helpful, Thank you so much!

    submitted by /u/IsMayoniseAColor
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    Pfizer on track for U.S. vaccine boosters, Moderna lagging, Fauci says By Reuters

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 06:56 AM PDT

    Exchange Traded Notes are fraud and Reddit users promoted them

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 10:20 AM PDT

    Ryanair ends talks with Boeing over large 737 Max order

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 07:02 AM PDT

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