• Breaking News

    Thursday, September 2, 2021

    Legal Advice [UPDATE] I live in California and have been paying my rent on time and just got a notice to vacate premises within 3 days

    Legal Advice [UPDATE] I live in California and have been paying my rent on time and just got a notice to vacate premises within 3 days

    [UPDATE] I live in California and have been paying my rent on time and just got a notice to vacate premises within 3 days

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 02:27 AM PDT

    Original Thread Here

    Quick recap: My previous landlord was foreclosed on 5 months in to our lease. New landlord who purchased the property we are renting issued us a notice to vacate within 3 days.

    Contacted the new landlord telling them I know my rights as a tenant and would like to stay the remainder of the lease or would be up to negotiating a cash for keys option (at the advice of some of the users on here 😁). Was immediately told that wouldn't be possible because our lease was "fraudulent" and we had to leave asap or they would contact the police.

    At the advice of multiple people on this sub, I contacted my university (which I attend) who got me in contact with multiple resources. Ended up applying for my city's EPP (eviction protection program) who assigned an attorney that specializes in Tenancy law to me free of charge.

    My awesome attorney managed to resolve the entire matter within a week! Basically told me the new landlords had NO CASE and were more than likely trying to bully me out of my lease. She gathered all of the legal paperwork regarding the ownership of the property and who signed my lease and spoke with the new landlords attorney who basically agreed 100% (bet the new landlords are pissed 😂).

    Ended up getting the new landlords to sign paperwork that same day saying they'd honor our lease. Although, I'm not feeling too comfortable after this entire shit show, so I'll be considering a cash for keys option to find a new place to live (don't want to stay in a potentially hostile tenancy environment).

    Basically, my attorney is a badass and I'll be getting her and her team a gift of gratitude! 😁 Try to show your attorney's some love!

    submitted by /u/iRosay
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    [UPDATE] My mom is being sued over an estate that was left to her by a non family member. The family is demanding a jury case.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 06:22 PM PDT

    Original Post Here

    Hey guys I just wanted to give you all an update since a few people were asking. First of all, I wanted to thank this sub for all of their advice and help.

    Yesterday my mom received a call from her lawyer that the family is now trying to propose a settlement for my mom and step dad to take the originally promised 5 acres and for the family to have the rest of the property. They obviously said no, especially after everything they just put them through. So her lawyer is going to move to dismiss the case, and since it's obvious they don't have evidence, we feel like it will be just fine in the long run. My mom was also recently diagnosed with a long-term illness and is currently undergoing chemo, so I'm happy that this is just one less thing she has to worry about. Thanks again for all of your help guys!

    submitted by /u/foreveryoungxoxoxo
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    The house I rent was sold, and we have no way of contacting the new owner.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 05:45 AM PDT

    My husband and I have a one-year lease agreement to rent a single-family home in Oklahoma. Less than a month ago, the company that manages the property contacted us with news that the house was being sold. The manager didn't have much information, but she said someone would be coming out to do an inspection. Based on my conversation with her, we were under the impression that the guy coming to do the inspection was the new buyer. I had planned some questions for him, but when he came by, he was rushing us and would barely let me speak. After he left, I sent him a text asking my questions, and he said he would tell me everything "on Friday." When Friday came around, he said he still didn't know, but he would tell me at the end of the month when the sale closed. It was the last day of the month, and our rent was due the next day. I texted him again and asked how we could pay our rent. He finally said, "We closed yesterday so I imagine someone will reach out eventually. I have no control over any of this as the realtor." This really surprised us, because we thought he was going to be the one we would be dealing with going forward. So, other than speaking with our landlord at the time, who was also completely in the dark, we had literally no communication from anyone about the situation, since this apparent realtor was not willing to share any information with us.

    Yesterday, the first of the new month, my husband received a text from an automated system that said he was invited to activate an online portal with what appears to be the new property management company. We created an account and logged in to find that, along with our rent due that day, another month of rent was "overdue" from January as a "move-in fee." I immediately called the phone number provided on the portal (the same number in the automated text), and it doesn't even ring before it hangs up on the caller. I've tried googling the name of the company, but it doesn't turn up any definite results.

    I was feeling very lost (as we have felt throughout this entire process), so I called the old property management, the only people willing to actually help us. They still had no information on the sale of the house, but they told me to check with the county assessor's office to see if they had the new buyer in their records, so we could contact them to figure everything out. The county assessor told me they hadn't received any documents yet, but they told me to check with the court clerk, who would get those papers first. The court clerk also hadn't received anything yet, so back to square one.

    I decided to submit a maintenance request through the online portal, which seems to be the only way to get any message to these people. I put in the comments section that our balance due was incorrect and that we wanted to discuss the new arrangement, providing my phone number. I'm afraid to pay any amount of money through this new portal, because it feels really suspicious that no one has initiated contact with us, the phone number listed is fake, and they suddenly want us to pay double our rent.

    I logged into the portal today to check the status of the "maintenance request" to see a little note (which is probably automatic) that says we will have to pay a late fee for this month if we don't pay rent in five days. Now, our lease agreement says we will be assessed a late fee if we don't pay rent "by 11:59 p.m. on the 7th day of the month it is due," and our former landlord told me our lease will stay intact and transfer to the new owner of the house, so that is incorrect.

    Other than waiting for someone to potentially contact me from my maintenance request submission, what can I do? Is there any kind of office I can contact to find out who the new owner is or at least find out what we should do to avoid being evicted? We're not willing to send any money through the portal until we can get in contact with someone, because this whole situation is super suspicious.

    Thank you in advance for any help. We are completely lost and extremely anxious.

    submitted by /u/dreamofpizza
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    Former roommate won't vacate apartment, landlord wants to still charge me rent until they leave

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 04:52 AM PDT

    I'll try to keep it concise.

    This is in the NY metro area. I had a two-year lease with someone, we both signed. She ended up not paying rent for a few months in 2020. She paid some of it off but never the full amount. This strained the relationship in the house so I decided to leave at the end of the lease.

    Moved out last month, notified the landlord about it, and they asked me about that roommate. I told them I had no idea what she planned on doing. About a week before leaving, she says she's going to get new roommates. I say cool, just tell the landlord because I'm leaving.

    The landlord chose not to renew her lease, though. I just received an email not only stating no new lease will be given, but if she does not surrender the apartment then they will also hold me financially responsible for the rent.

    She says she doesn't care and is not moving.

    I told them both I'll be getting a lawyer and left the conversation.

    Legal Reddit, what are my options here? Can the landlord hold me responsible for the rent even after the contract ends and I moved out?

    I do plan on getting an attorney, but I'd like to know if there are alternatives to doing that.

    submitted by /u/justhereforlulzz
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    Washington state - property management had painters come through and paint everyone's porch without any notice, and they destroyed a bunch of my property

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    So I live in a large apartment complex and the management company hired painters to paint all the porches, doors, buildings, etc. it's all technically outdoor painting so they did not actually enter my unit to do it.

    However, they gave no notice of the work being done and the painters painted my $300 grill, and hundreds of dollars in plants.

    Are there any laws that protect me so I can pursue financial restitution or take them to court if they refuse to pay me for the items they ruined?

    submitted by /u/Bean-Tester
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    [NY] Recruited to a new job that included fully paid health insurance for family as part of the benefits. 4 months later I’m told I’m being switch to single coverage.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    I was recruited to a new job in the Spring. As part of the benefits package being offered was fully paid health insurance. My family and I have been on this coverage since June 1st

    The owner admitted to me he didn't know what the cost was going to be and now is walking back the offer saying only I will be on the coverage now that he got his first bill.

    He knows my wife recently qualified for Medicare as a result of a disability and said she's covered and I can get the kids coverage from the NY State if Health.

    The prior job I had also had fully paid for my insurance. I would not have made the switch to lose this coverage. It now feels like this was a bait and switch to get me to come work for him and leveraging my wife's disability to justify it. Is he able to do this so shortly after starting?

    In addition as part of the recruitment process one of the emails the owner sent to me said I would have a 5 year contract. When pressed if I could read it over, or needing to sign it to start he said because I was coming from a larger company it was to show me that it would be a long term and stable work environment despite it only having 4 employees. I'm not sure if just having in writing is enough or if I should have pushed for something in writing.

    submitted by /u/jamierex
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    Is my POA being shady, or are they justified?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 01:21 PM PDT

    Hello. First poster here. I have a very confusing predicament, so I apologize if this is a little long. I live in a property owners association (POA) in Texas, and I have been here for 3 years. Our monthly "membership fees" are included in our water/sewer/trash bill. This month, I got the bill with a new charge and line item, and a newsletter. On the newsletter, it states this charge is for the board of directors attorney to sit in on board meetings- of which, I do not have access to attend. They (board of directors) have shut the office down, so that nobody can get access to any of their records or anything, although we are collectively paying $36k/yr for office personnel, and they haver also shut posting down in our local community facebook group so that nobody can even make new posts. If you want answers or have any questions/concerns, you basically are silenced. They have also raised our community membership dues (the total divided amongst the residents) from $88k to $122k in this past year (2020-2021), despite sending out a voters poll to residents who all voted "NO." Since raising the cost of living, we have seen NOTHING done that we are being forced to pay for. The attorney cannot and will not discuss anything with me (or anyone) outside of the directors, even though we're the ones paying. I wanted to request a copy of my contract that I signed, but they have made it impossible to get in touch with anyone. I've written letters, called, sent emails, and if I could, I would post on facebook.... Does any of this sound legal? Or is my gut right, and something shady might be going on? What should I do?

    submitted by /u/_teaholic94
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    Step dad secret recordings

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 10:37 AM PDT

    Ok. I live in NH. I purchased my house from my mom and her husband last winter. It's a duplex and I live on one side, they live on the other. They have lived here since 1995, and I moved in 2009.

    Really long story short: I found a tape where he recorded my sister and someone else in a tanning bed (that my mom had in the basement). It was a grotesque "up the legs" view. My sister was naked, 18 at the time of this recording. Based on other conversations, I believe he had done this multiple times and probably of myself and other sister too (I was 16 at the time). But this was the only tape I found.

    This video was from 1996. Is there any legal recourse for us? The only person I can definitely identify is my sister because of a birthmark. And she was 18.

    submitted by /u/NoCreativeName2day
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    Friday was payday. It's now Thursday and I haven't been paid yet. I had issues last time too, but not this bad. Can I do anything? In AZ

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 02:05 AM PDT

    Tl;dr None of the employees at my work can cash our checks. My boss is giving lots of excuses such as being a victim of identify theft or that a number was written wrong or that it's just our banks fault, even though we all have different banks. I just want to know if we have any options in this situation. Lots of people are starting to get late fees and overdraft charges because they were expecting to have money by now.

    To start off, this whole company is kind of sketchy and has some red flags but I need a job so I can't really leave. When I started (In February) they told me we would never have direct deposit because the owner is fundamentally against it. We got a new manager (the 5th one since I've been here) and he somehow convinced the owners to do direct deposit. So everyone signed up and we were all supposed to get our first check deposited on the 13th of August. No one got money in their accounts and, paper checks still showed up in the mail. So at about 9 am me and two of my coworkers picked up our checks and went straight to the bank to cash them. We were told by the bank teller that he needed to call the account holder and get them to authorize the check before they could be cashed. The bank man tried calling multiple times but got no answer. He eventually gave us back the uncashed checks and told us to call our manager. We did and he said he would call the business owner(the one who signs the checks). Multiple people tried for hours to get into contact with him. At 12:10pm(after sitting in the bank lobby for 3 hours waiting) someone finally was able to reach him. They were told that there was a check fraud incident and so the bank probably needs his clearance. He called the bank and by 12:30 we all had cash. We thought all was fine until this Friday came around.

    This week when Friday came, no one had any money direct deposited into their accounts, but there were also no checks in the mail. My manager reached and was told by our payroll department that they would be sending him a PDF of the checks and he was supposed to print them himself and give them out (I mentioned this to a friend who used to work at a bank and she said that would not possibly work because banks use special ink, but it's been almost 20 years so things might have changed). He was supposed to get the PDF around 7am. By noon he still didn't have anything so he reached out and was told he would have them by 2pm. All the banks in my area close by 5 at the latest. At 3:21pm I was told to come in. I watched my manager print out a check on our office computer and was told to be a "Guinea pig" and try cashing it. I went to the bank and was told the check wouldn't go through. She didn't give a reason, she just said it wasn't going though. I called my manager again, but he didn't answer so I texted him about what happened. I work graveyard shifts and needed to get some rest so I went to bed at that point hoping it would be fixed by the time I woke up. When I did get up later that night I found out that apparently the checks that they had printed had the wrong account number on them. So he fixed the number and printed new ones for everyone. By that time it was after bank hours so no one could cash it that day anyway. A couple of us tried doing mobile bank deposits on our banking app. Since it was after hours on Friday none of us were expecting to see anything until Tuesday at the earliest. So we just had to wait.

    On Tuesday, I did in fact have the correct amount of money in my account. I pulled out like half of it to pay rent and some other bills, but still had a couple hundred in there too. On Wednesday I got an email saying my account was overdrawn. That shouldn't have happened so I looked into it and I have a "Debt Hold" on my account for the full amount of my check. Putting me negative by almost $600 in my account. Talking to coworkers, everyone's checks either never went through, or if they did, they were taken back. We asked our manager about it immediately and was told to contact our banks because it was a good check so they are holding it for no reason and if I tell my bank (BofA) to call the owners bank(Wells Fargo) that they might release it sooner, otherwise we will just have to wait until it comes back on it's own, which can take anywhere from 2-10 days. I accepted that this is just how it is and was and went to bed because there is nothing else I can do but wait. When I woke up Wednesday night I had a text from my manager saying that the owner is going to be overnighting us checks that should be in Thursday because after Wells Fargo confirmed everything was okay, the payroll guy realized his mistake that he had apparently missed a number on the account number. Again. Just like he had done Friday.

    I personally am probably gonna be charged an overdraft fee from my bank, I know a couple other coworkers who couldn't pay bill because of this and now are facing late charges and even one woman who was supposed to use this check as a deposit to move into a new home and couldn't so she is now homeless. (She is safe and being taken care of for now) None of us know what to do. Even if we get our paychecks and they actually go through, we've already been without them for almost a week and that has caused actual issues. Would we be allowed to ask the company to cover any fees and expenses that we get because of this, or are we just SOL?

    One coworker has already contacted a couple attorneys and is waiting for a response but I'm just trying to learn as much as I can until then. So any help or info anyone has would be super awesome.

    submitted by /u/usedatnight
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    Air Force subpoenaed me to travel to a different state as a witness in a trial and now won't pay my bills

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 01:41 PM PDT

    I foolishly got a non-refundable hotel because the Air Force "NEEDED" me for 2 weeks. I even had a lawyer call and try to get me out of it because I wasn't actually witness to what they were calling me in for. They didn't care and said I needed to be there "or else". So I made all my arrangement and then they called me the day before I was supposed to leave and told me "never mind, we don't need you".

    I asked about my hotel room they made me get and they said they'll figure it out. 45 days later and I am still out $600 bucks for the room

    submitted by /u/we_should_be_nice
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    Job hasn't paid in 2 months?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 11:51 AM PDT

    Last paycheck I received was end of June and I haven't been paid since. Everytime I ask my manager he blames the owner of the restaurant. They keep saying they'll have it but I've gotten nothing. What should i do? I live in NY

    submitted by /u/yessir721
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    Follow attorney's recommendation to sue for nondisclosure?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 05:51 AM PDT

    Pennsylvania: Wife pregnant, yay! Finally able to afford house so we can raise our daughter in a nice(r) area. (Wife and I both grew up ultra-poor so this is huge for us.) Yay! Agent finds a place in our price range that's old but the seller had done renovations. Our real estate agent and home inspector both say that everything is so new that stuff like lead paint won't be an issue. Yay! Also, inspector finds old boiler containing asbestos. (Not yay.)

    We buy house. Have boiler removed by pros. Air samples. Further testing and inspections to make sure house is completely safe. Move in. Have repairman over for minor repair. First words out of his mouth after walking in the door:

    "There's no pregnant woman or children in this house are there?"

    Long story short, we end up finding one of the seller's employees he hired to help renovate the house. The employee signs an affidavit that the seller knew about lead paint and boiler and sold the house anyway without disclosing. (signed disclosures say no knowledge of any hazards or defects) Seller had contractors and homebuyers near the boiler while knowing asbestos was present, and hid lead paint under thick coats of latex which are now beginning to peel off.

    Talked to an attorney who recommends suing for future cost to remove lead paint, and suing for prior cost of boiler removal. He says we can also ask the judge to make the seller pay attorney's fees. What makes me a little nervous is that he warned that a complete lawsuit could get pretty pricey. It's even a little costly just to file the dang thing. In your experience, how likely is a judge to make the seller pay the full damages and our attorneys' fees?

    Side question: I think the seller knowingly put the health of multiple real estate agents, families, contractors, etc at risk. After the suit, is there a place to report him to like, OSHA or something?

    submitted by /u/pronouncedbucket69
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    Forcing ex to get mortgage out of my name (Florida)

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 02:59 AM PDT

    Uncontested divorce finalized two years ago. Mortgage is still in my name. Want to get my name removed.

    It was an amicable divorce (generally speaking) and i moved to an apartment and she stayed in the house with the kids. I agreed to keep the Mortgage in my name while she got a down payment together and work on her credit score. We're now two years later and it's still in my name. What recourse do i have to get my name removed so I can go on with my life.

    submitted by /u/bohica1937
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    [Maryland] My paystubs only ever show one hour of work paid. Is my employer taking advantage of me?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 04:28 AM PDT

    My paystub only ever indicates one hour worked per pay period. Last week I was paid for one hour of work at $700 an hour. In reality I worked twenty hours at $35 an hour and was correctly paid a total of $700 net before taxes. That is all good and fine. The problem is that my employer does not report the hours I worked and this is leading me to believe I am charged higher taxes, upon other unfair effects such as inability to build sick time/PTO and inability to be paid for overtime.

    The week before, I was paid for one hour of work at $450 an hour. It varies depending on how many hour I worked that week, which is available on our computer system, but is not reflected in the paystub.

    Is this a known strategy/exploit used by employers? The weeks where I make more I get a higher percentage taken out in taxes, up to 22% or more. I guess it makes sense because the government thinks your making $700 an hour, so why not tax those people more. The weeks where I get paid less it is often 18% or less take out in tax. I do not understand why I am not being taxed the same percentage. The difference is significant ($30+ dollars a week, up to $2000 annually) in tax rate

    Edit: there are additionally other weird things going on- we are not paid for attending in-person work meetings (required to be in uniform), required to show up thirty minutes early but not paid for that time, often times can bill for only 0.7 hours of work that routinely takes 2 hour.

    submitted by /u/electric452
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    NC School bus discontinued due to lack of drivers. Are schools required to provide transportation?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    Child's school bus was cancelled. Parents now have to make other arrangements. Both work, no openings available in after school care. What obligation does the school or state have to provide transportation?

    submitted by /u/skolaredgreens
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    My neighbor moved over a week ago and has 2 dogs they haven’t came back for in a fenced in back lot. He has a prior history with animal cruelty. Should I call the police, a dog catcher or something else?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    This guy about 2 years ago was put in jail for letting a dog starve to death on a chain. It's 2 mixed breeds and they look very skinny. After 3 days I gave them the benefit of the doubt that they left food and water and would be back. I hadn't noticed or heard the dogs so I assumed they came back for them but today I noticed they're still there and skinny, it's been just over a week today.

    People didn't take me serious over the first issue of my neighbor possibly listening in on me but this is another issue from the same incident. I can't just go let them go because I'd be trespassing and the dogs are a little aggressive since they don't ever see anybody but the owners.

    submitted by /u/WindyCityReturn
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    Owner Of Vehicle Denied Title

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 05:50 AM PDT

    I recently purchased a vehicle from a family member, and they are refusing to hand the title over to me that is in my name, and they are in possession of. Also they say that I somehow signed, but apparently must not recall, a document that allegedly states "that even though I purchased the vehicle, I CANNOT sell it again". I payed cash for this vehicle and 100% own it, it does not run currently, and I am simply requesting that they surrender the vehicle title over to me so I can find a buyer or part it out. I want to know my options are, I am running out of patience with this individual. By the way, I live in Texas. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/HYPERSQUIRT
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    Pedestrian accident case help, NYC.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    Apologies in advance for the long post. Longtime browser but made this account because I'm in need of advice.

    A friend and I were crossing the street and within a few seconds into crossing were hit by a middle-aged woman driving a Nissan sedan. I took the impact because I was walking on the side the car was driving.

    I was knocked unconscious and my friend was injured as well but not as bad as me. Like I said my pelvis and lower legs took the brunt of the impact with the bumper of the sedan.

    This happened in June,I have applied for no fault benefits and I've been going to PT and have MRIs detailing 5 herniated discs in the neck and back, left knee tendinopathy, both left and right cartilage damage as well a patella tear on the right knee. This is in addition to the head trauma and bone bruises suffered the day of the accident but those have subsequently gone away except for occasional vertigo as well constant neck and back pain.

    I have an attorney but its come to my attention that the policyholder who hit us has the minimum liability coverage in the state of NY. (25k)

    My attorney is stating the policyholder has no assets to go after but I'm not concerned with going after this ladies assets. I would like to go after her for negligence as well as my pain and suffering endured via her insurer (geico)

    My questions to you all are do I not fit the criteria for serious injury threshold in NY state no fault accident? My attorney does not seem interested in pursuing a negligence case for some reason. She has asked me if there are any policyholders in my household who carry higher policy limits than 25k. My sister does but how could a third party getting involved help me? I don't want my sister to get involved in this.

    There was a witness at the scene of the accident that along with myself and my friend all heard her say "she did not see us because of the sunlight". She was also speeding when she hit us because I had no time to react besides scream. Can this not be used as negligence on her behalf?

    Im concerned about having to do potential surgery on my right knee. The orthopedic surgeons have suggested microscopic surgery to repair the cartilage. Since she has minimum 25k/50k liability and there are two victims, who is responsible for the costs if my medical expenses go over the policy limits? I am confused on this topic as well.

    appreciate any help!

    submitted by /u/RRtrent900
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    This guy keeps trying to sue me and messes it up so I have to keep showing up to court.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 03:41 PM PDT

    So the long and short of it is a guy backed out into my friend in a parking lot, they were both backing out and neither really saw each other. The cars bumped and my friend got out and exchanged insurance info with the guy, there was literally no damage, but we just assumed insurance would take care of it. This happen two years ago.

    about six months after my friend was served, the guy wants to sue her, claiming injuries and all sort of other nonsense. The first time we showed up to court, he had filed it wrong some how and we had to reschedule. My friend was served again and this time he wanted to include me in his law suit. The judge said no, that only the driver could be sued so we had to reschedule again.

    My question is there anything we can do. its clear this guy just wants to get money from us, but is there anything we can do. do we just have to keep showing up time and time again. This up coming time with be my friends fourth in court over the last two years without any resolution, and the reason there no resolution is cause the guy cant file his suit correctly.

    Also the very first time we should up to court we had to reschedule because the guy lied about his income to avoid paying the fee for the suit.

    its been two years that my fiend and I have had to stress bout this guy in the back of our heads, any helpful advise would be appreciated.

    Edit: we live in San Jose, CA

    submitted by /u/aSwordNmdFolly
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