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    Saturday, September 4, 2021

    Legal Advice Receiving "cease and desist" letters after neighbor assaulted me. (CA)

    Legal Advice Receiving "cease and desist" letters after neighbor assaulted me. (CA)

    Receiving "cease and desist" letters after neighbor assaulted me. (CA)

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 07:43 AM PDT

    My neighbor has had a weird one-sided issue with me for years. I try to avoid speaking to him, but he always manages to make me think we're on friendly terms for a while and then he eventually flips out in rage over some perceived slight. He's screamed in my face, threatened to "kick the shit out of [me]," threatened to stab me/my grandfather, etc on multiple occasions. I usually just ignore him and go about my life.

    About 6 weeks ago, he came outside while I was sitting in my car replacing some speakers and started making directly antagonizing and insulting comments, clearly trying to get a response. I rolled my eyes and gave some sarcastic response and he rushed over me to, leaned down to scream in my face some more, slapped me in the face, and then quickly went back inside his apartment.

    I called the cops to report this and they came and took statements and I said I wanted to press charges because this behavior has been ongoing for years. We got a court date ~3 months in the future and the cops left.

    2 weeks later I get a "cease and desist" letter from some law firm. It says I've damaged his reputation by calling the police based on a "false" accusation and to refrain from making any more "defamatory or disparaging" comments about him. I don't respond because it didn't ask for a response and I'm not required to respond regardless.

    About a month later, yesterday, I got a new letter from the law firm. It repeats everything from the first letter, except it has one additional sentence. It says "Within 48 hours, please contact the [County] Sheriff's Department and have the charges dropped."

    So, anything I should do about these letters? Or any advice about dealing with the situation in general? I try to avoid him as much as possible but our apartments literally share a wall, so we're bound to run into each other. Landlord says that until there's a conviction or arrest, she won't take any action.

    submitted by /u/-VismundCygnus-
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    Arrested for DWI but blew WAY under the legal limit.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 07:59 AM PDT


    I was pulled over for a break light issue and ended up being given a field sobriety test. Straight line, no problem; One leg, no problem. Pen test apparently went a little weird, I explained to him that I had an eye infection, but he saw my eyes do something weird, said I was intoxicated and arrested me. I maintained that I was not drunk but complied without question. We had a normal conversation the entire time, went to the jail and they gave me a breathalyzer. I blew a .01 in a state where the legs limit is .08. They still proceeded to book me for a DWI and I stayed the night in jail. So basically… what can I do from here?

    **Edit: I'm definitely getting a lawyer

    submitted by /u/CuppaCheese
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    [MA] Landlord wants me to pay my rent directly to the mortgage company, but I don’t feel comfortable doing this.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 06:44 AM PDT

    My landlord, who lives in another state, wants me to pay my rent for my apartment that I rent in Massachusetts directly to the mortgage company and then mail her a check for the remainder (the rent she charges is more than the mortgage). I don't feel comfortable doing this - am I legally obligated to pay her in this way? There's nothing about that in the lease. I don't want to be held liable if the payment is late or is lost. I don't feel like that is my responsibility. How should I handle this and are there any legal ramifications I need to be aware of?

    submitted by /u/tchaikandtchill
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    My neighbor reported me to the cops and the California office of barbers for cutting my cousin's hair without a license

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:12 AM PDT

    I've had the cops come to my house and I had no idea what was going on. I refused to talk to them but they did talk to my neighbor and tried to talk to my cousin. The day before I had cut my cousin's hair on my deck. In addition to phoning the cops my neighbor also put in a complaint to the California office of barbering about me for cutting hair without a license. For context the only reason I cut her hair was because all the haircutting places around here had long wait times or were closed because of an outbreak of covid. My cousin is a recent amputee and she hasn't mastered cutting her own hair with one arm. It was the first time I have ever cut anyone's hair before. Should I be getting a lawyer just in case? I'm out of my depth here and I'm not afraid to admit it.

    submitted by /u/Homehaircutthrowaway
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    How Do I Get A Sick and Imobile Man out Of my House???

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 08:57 PM PDT

    My dad has a friend who is at least 500 pounds, has diabetes, heart failure, and is immobile. My dad had no idea how bad his condition was and he had told my dad he was going to kill himself if he went home and stuff. Well he left agaisnt medical advice and is suppose to stay with us for a few days. My dad had no idea he couldnt walk because they dont visit each other often. He gets here and is demanding things and we find out he cant really walk. He has accidents on himself and all over the bathroom. I feel bad but it's way too much and he didnt tell us that his apartment was cleaned out and now he cant come back. His legs are so bad and his toes are turning black and his legs have purple spots on them. My parents called the ambulance and police and he refused to leave and they said they couldnt do anything. None of his family has replied to us. Please please help me. He refuses to go to the hospital. He really needs medical attention.

    submitted by /u/No_Range_4592
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    Hot water heater broke down. Landlord claiming I have to go without.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 06:13 AM PDT

    First off, I'm in MA just outside of Boston. I don't ahve a lease. I'm rent at will.

    I am roommates with my landlord. I rent a room in his house. Hot water heater(oil) stopped working yesterday. Talked to landlord today. He says he reached out to the oil company he bought the heater from because there's a warranty on it. They say they can't come out right away for that because they're booked out with "cleanings" ??? and because it's not an emergency. I ask "can't you just call another company to come service it? He says the oil company claims another company touching it will void the warranty.

    This all comes after a week where landlord raised my rent by 12.5% and accused me of making the electric bill double somehow last month. I had to prove him wrong by buying oulet power meters and presenting him with my results. This whole thing feels like BS to me, but I'm trying to keep my cool.

    Landlord is old crotchety man who doesn't even shower, he just gets in his jacuzzi every morning. He offered me warm buckets of water from his jacuzzi until it gets fixed.

    What do i do?

    submitted by /u/vapecalibur
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    A friend's abusive husband killed someone 25+ years ago..

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 09:10 PM PDT

    They were both 8 years old. He said they had been playing with a gun and it went off. It was ruled an accident.

    Just a few weeks ago he bragged that it wasn't an accident and that he did it on purpose just to see what it felt like to kill. He said this amid a fight when my friend threatened to leave him, and stated that he would kill her too. Now in a tale as old a time she's afraid to leave.

    She thinks calling the police for the threat would just be a he-said/she-said scenario and make things worse.

    So i guess my question is: if we report his confession, could anything even be done now considering he was a child when he did it? Would the police even still have the evidence of the long closed case to even confirm any of it?

    Any advice on what to do? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/-Mekkie-
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    Thank You For Your Help!

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 09:44 AM PDT

    (iowa, usa) I had the post abt the sick and gravely disabled man who wouldn't leave out house after a couple days. My post was locked because the advice was illegal I suppose. I've been staying at a friends house because of this but my stepmom said some lady picked him up last night. We still plan to call adult protective services though because he really needs to be put in a center of some sort. But thank you all so so so so much for the help. If it wasnt for you guys I would of never thought to call them. I hope you all have a great day :)

    submitted by /u/No_Range_4592
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    Homeless after Ida

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 03:49 AM PDT

    I'm in Pennsylvania.

    I fled my home at 2am with my wife and two bags of stuff. We were able to book a room at a nearby hotel. We are safe and comfortable.

    The water has now receded and we're taking stock of our possessions and our plan. Our house cannot be lived in; we are tenants on a month to month lease, without renters insurance (trust me, I know…. It's a long story involving a shitty insurance agent, but that's a fight for another time).

    How much responsibility do we have to remove our soaked, ruined items? Are we entitled to any of September rent? Our landlord collected the standard first, last and security- does any of the last month or security deposit come back? How do you even evaluate for damages at this point?

    Any guidance would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/PaulysDad
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    I bought a used Toyota Camry from Facebook Marketplace and got scammed

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 05:37 PM PDT

    Hey all. As you can read by the title, I bought a Toyota Camry from a guy off of Facebook Marketplace in Chattanooga, TN. In the description, he said:

    " Nice Toyota Camry, with 140k miles, runs and drives perfect, cold A/C and hot heat, good tires, Xtra clean in and outside, clean title, I'm asking $2800 OBO. God bless you. "

    I dumped a pretty good amount of my savings into this car, just to find out that I cannot register it due to it being unable to pass the emissions test. Took it to a couple of mechanics and found out that the transmission is bad in it, and would cost ~$3000 to be replaced. I have talked to the DA, who told me to talk to the police, and eventually had him "put on a watchlist," which helped me exactly none.

    I already signed the back of the title, and again, can't register the car. Is there anything I can do or am I best off just selling it for parts?

    submitted by /u/scammedonacamry
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    My microchipped cat was stole and the thief refuses to return her. Aside from the non-emergency police, what are my legal options?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:57 AM PDT

    I want to start off by saying that we've already called the non-emergency line and hopefully within a few days this will all be resolved. However there's a chance the thief might relocate my cat in the meantime. So if the police can't solve it what are my other options? How would small claims court work?

    I've recently been told that the thief is in talks with a lawyer (or plans to be). This situation is feeling so helpless and I don't know what to do.

    For context pets are considered property in my state. We're in NM

    submitted by /u/NeedHelpASAPPlz178
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    I Think My Employers Are Taking Advantage Of Me

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:14 AM PDT

    So I recently started working for a small business in Texas. I've lived in Texas for my entire adult life (I'm 24F) and this is my first full time job since graduating college earlier this year. This small business works out of their house and theres only two others working and they're my employers. I've been desperate for a full time job for months and when I got this one it was everything I wanted. I'm doing marketing, social media content, and customer communication (emails). The best part, they want me to move with them to California at the end of the year to open up a couple store front locations.

    Here's where everything gets tricky and gives me a bad feeling. I'm working 40+ hours a week. I'm not on a W-2. They put me on a 1099 Tax form and pay me weekly, the full amount. But they're only paying $13 an hour. So I'm making over $500 each week and I get the full amount. I'm putting money away for savings and taxes, but I feel like I should be getting some sort of benefits or health insurance. With the amount I'm making I can't afford to move out of Texas to where my rent will be doubled.

    I think I'm being taken advantage of and I don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/Competitive-Tie8626
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    I accidently stole an item from walmart by not scanning it at self checkout.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 07:56 AM PDT

    I was checking out my items at Walmart and thought I scanned them all, I checked my receipt and it turned out that I didn't pay for some kiwis. I already got home by this time, should I return to the store with the kiwis and just pay for them? Should I bring it up to the manager?

    submitted by /u/smoshylumb8
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    Mom stealing $$ from my savings

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 07:54 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm really in a dire situation. I am 19 years and live in massachusetts. I have 2 banking accounts. One is my checking, which is my debit card. The other is my savings which is where all my paychecks go too. I do not have access to my savings. So anytime I need my OWN money I need to go through my mother. My mother will then transfer money from my savings to my checking. But is this legal? I do not want my mother to have access to my money anymore. She always threatens to steal money out of my savings account and she has before, I just know it. How is this possible? Do you think if I called my bank they could help me? I feel like my own mother stealing money out of my savings account isn't legal? Please help.

    submitted by /u/peruvianpuffpeper
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    HOA did not respond by timeframe defined in their own CCR's AND a letter they sent me; now want extended time to make a decision about our fence proposal

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 06:47 AM PDT

    Curious for thoughts/suggestions as this is my first house I've owned that has an HOA. We just moved in to our new home and read our HOA's CCR's about adding a fence that we need (dog, new baby due in November 2021). We followed the guidelines and submitted a written request to the board and added a proposal drawn up by fence company with details needed for approval/disapproval. Our CCR's specify the HOA has 30 days after written requests to either approve or disapprove new additions (like a fence). We received a letter (in email form) from HOA confirming they received our request, and they noted we will receive a approval or disapproval by 8/30/21 (the 30 day mark). We did not receive any response and that deadline has now past. I sent an email yesterday (9/3/21) confirming our intentions to continue our fence (I want to communicate/not be a shitty neighbor) and cited the guidelines in our CCR that specify if you do not receive a response with an approval or disapproval within 30 days, then approval is no longer required. I received an email this morning from the HOA apologizing stating that a board member is on vacation and they will respond back to our request as soon as possible. I feel like they missed their boat per their own guidelines AND their own letter, but I don't want to be new asshole neighbor. Also, we need the fence, and we don't have a lot of time to dilly dally with these folks (again, new baby coming in 2 months). WHAT DO I DO?!

    Edit: this is in Tennessee

    submitted by /u/alltrasheverything
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    Landlady is trying to illegally evict me after giving them my 30 day notice

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 07:38 AM PDT

    Hello, I am currently located in MD, I have been renting from my landlords for 4 years, landlords live in the top floor, I only deal with the Landlord and try to avoid the landlady as much as I can.

    I have paid my rent on time and have not had any problems until now.

    My husband lives out of the country, he came to visit once two years ago. We had a heated argument and my landlady recorded this argument (there were screams, at the privacy of our home)

    Landlady has a mental condition which she takes medicine for (according to what her husband has told me through texts/phone calls) and also, from what I have experienced in my years living here, drinks heavily.

    This situation has gotten me looking for another place to live which fortunately I found and I'm supposed to be moving in on Oct 1st. My future landlord called my landlord to ask for references, which as I said were nothing but good, paid my rent on time and never had problems of any kind, I gave him my 30 day notice and paid my rent for the month of September.

    Landlady has been trying to illegally evict me since my future landlord called. Last week she came into my apt (which is where the laundry is located so she has access to it) and started harassing me and threatening me in regards of the recordings she has of my husband and I's heated argument from 2 years ago. She demanded I left my apt on Sept 1st, i was able to record part of this encounter, after she left I contacted my landlord and told him next time I was going to contact the police directly, he told me to ignore my landlady because she "hadn't taken her meds" and to excuse her behavior.

    Last night landlady while drunk (there was loud music on all night) texted me at 4am from her husband's phone, again asking me to leave or she will again release "all proof" to the police in regards of my husbands and I's heated argument, which I have nothing to be afraid of, it was a private discussion that happened at the privacy of our home and nothing else.

    She also threatened me by writing down the number of my future landlord (she got it from her husbands phone) and said that if I didn't leave asap she would call him and let him know what a terrible tenant I have been, how I always pay rent late and that she has witnesses to my "dangerous behavior"

    As I mentioned she has a mental condition which she takes medication to treat. I am afraid she could prevent me by calling my future landlord, from moving into my new leased condo which is set to start on Oct 1st, I'm also afraid that if I call the police on her she will hurt me/play the victim.

    I installed two cameras because as I mentioned she has access to my apartment because of the laundry and to protect myself in case she attacks me.

    What are my options here? I already have the Tenant assistance agency phone number which I will call on Tuesday first thing. But I am honestly desperate and anxious knowing my current situation and the mental instability my landlady has at the moment.

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/NightyTime69
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    Customer is committing fraud and we can’t do anything about it…

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 06:36 AM PDT

    I run a successful online clothing store where we sell directly to customers as well as to businesses. We run our store through Shopify.

    Back in June, a wholesale customer contacted us via email to place an order. For whateverreason, this wholesale customers submitted a chargeback stating that the order is fraudulent. However, we have all the necessary evidence to suggest otherwise (a phone call, tracking information, and email documentation with their purchase order) which we submitted for the chargeback. The result was the bank ruled in favor of the customer and now we have to refund and pay the chargeback.

    We attempted to call the bank, but they stated that they can't do anything since the chargeback was done by the customer. We contacted Shopify, but they stated they can't do anything because they are just the mediator. They had told us to contact the customer directly - but if they opened the chargeback to begin with, why would they want to drop the chargeback for products they received for free? There is a possibility that someone else like an employee or spouse that placed the order or maybe they forgot they placed it which we're hoping is the case here - but right now we don't see anything we can do. Hoping for advice on what the hell we can do as a company.

    2 other things:

    1) The order was marked as "High Risk" because the billing address was different than the shipping address, and the order was placed 300 miles from the shipping location - which isn't surprising for wholesale orders so we fulfilled it.

    2) We have new photo evidence with literally our product IN their store. This should be enough but now we don't know where to take it or submit it.

    Appreciate any and all advice!!!

    submitted by /u/Webborwebbor
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    I won a giveaway 3 months ago. Still haven't received it. Anything I can do?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 06:09 AM PDT

    It was a well known brand and I contacted them a month after I won the giveaway (worth for 100€). They told me they are having some delays but they are going to fix it asap. Still haven't heard of them.

    Should I contact them again? Contact someone else? Or just drop this and accept I'm never going to get it? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Teekukka
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    Deceptive apartment

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 09:49 AM PDT

    So I just signed a one year lease, I was walked through a beautiful two bed showroom. Was told "the counter could be older and the carpet might be a different shade of brown, but otherwise it's identical." I just got to see the real unit today and it's almost half the size. On top of that the bathroom is damaged (sink, toilet AND shower) they "repainted" but there's missing spots and fingerprints all over the wall. The door is falling off the hinges. It smells like a chain smoker lived here and it nauseating to breathe in. We weren't informed of any of this prior. Am I fucked on the lease now, or is there anything I can do? It's unlivable there. I have a 1 year old son and a wife who's 35 weeks pregnant. I can't move a family into this. (Located in Monroe Michigan)

    submitted by /u/justbrowsingthefeed
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    Ex says Bitcoin is lost.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:10 AM PDT

    My ex and I were separated in 2018 and then consequently divorced. We had at least 6 Bitcoin shares, maybe more. I am not sure what the terminology is here. He is in IT by profession and managed all our finances. When we separated, things were amicable and he said that he would divide them into two different accounts before giving me my share. Sigh...I wish I had not done that but I did.

    Fast forward to divorce...he says that he has lost login information and not able to retrieve anything and all Bitcoin is lost. The thing is that he is an extremely organized person. We had a password folder that contained all login information for every single thing. He also purchased a rental property last year in January, seemingly from what I am told by people close to him with cash around a 100K. Is there any way to find any information regarding the lost Bitcoin?
    We have two children. I purchased a house last year and in my mind, half of that is mine. I am not trying to be greedy but I feel like he is taking advantage of my lack of money to hire a forensics accountant, and the fact that I have no information at all regarding the account, where it was. This is a complete shot in the dark but if anyone has any advice, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for reading and listening.

    I am 39F and he is 49M. We both live in the United States.

    Edit: I posted this in Advice however was told that it would be better to post it here.

    Edit: we are located in Ohio.

    submitted by /u/Successful_You8758
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    [IN] ex boyfriends dog sent me to the ER, leaving permanent, painful scars on my face. What’s the best way to go about getting my past and future medical bills covered?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:45 AM PDT

    -In July I was bit by my now ex boyfriends dog. The dog seemingly loved me for 5 months and my ex was always telling me to cuddle him, kiss him, etc. The dog was all over me wanting me to pet and cuddle him. I knew the dog had a history of biting other people, but the circumstances in which they happened were very skewed by my ex (eg it only happened when the dog was snuck up on…not true). In one those cases, the dog sent someone to the ER for a bite on the face that resulted in stitches. I know at least this case was reported to animal control. The other 1-2 incidents were not. I should've known better because the dog goes absolutely insane when it sees any other dog or children (like it has to be pulled away, has its eyes covered, forcibly removed from the area). My ex refused to to get the dog medicated, go to behavioral training or even get a muzzle or a doggie jacket saying to beware/do not approach after my bite. He was even taking the dog outside WITHOUT a leash.

    -At the ER, I got stitches and the doctor told me I'd have permanent scarring. I lied on my animal control bite form because my ex was sitting right next to me the whole time and I felt pressured. He kept saying things like, "they will kill my dog", "if you report him you're trying to have my dog killed". The next day we had a huge fight over him paying for the medical costs - he said it was my fault and he shouldn't have to. Needless to say, we broke up.

    -To present day: he is saying he'll pay what my insurance doesn't for the ER bill (which is approx $700). I think I will have future medical bills because I've developed what I believe is a granuloma (this can go away on its own or develop into something more serious). The scar has also become painful to the touch (it wasn't a couple weeks ago). I don't trust this man as far as I can throw him, especially when it comes to paying up for future bills.

    -I'm also feeling very guilty about not reporting the dog. I don't want the dog to be put down, but heaven forbid the dog attacks another person, dog or child. I don't think I did the responsible thing.

    -What should I do here? Call animal control and explain why I lied and fill out an accurate report? Will I be in trouble for lying? Get lawyers/the court involved so he is mandated to pay for all past and future medical bills? Could I also get anything for personal injury/negligence due to the permanent facial scarring?

    -I also found out it is a criminal misdemeanor for owners of pets that were aware of their dogs behavior and there was a subsequent attack.

    Edit: my cousin is a public defender and told me it's best to settle out of court. He can practice law in my state.

    TL;DR: ex knew of his dogs aggressive behavior and misled me. I now have past and future medical bills from the attack. What can I do to be sure I am paid for these? Will I be in trouble for not being forthcoming on my animal bite document?

    submitted by /u/Showmeyourvocalfolds
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    What happens if I walk out of my gas station shift with doors unlocked?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 01:26 PM PDT

    The overnight girls calls off a lot & pisses me off..... what if she doesn't show up & I get in my car 🚗 & drove home?

    I'm in Missouri

    submitted by /u/untiliPEAK
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    AFI Plates from Italy and Maryland

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 01:16 PM PDT

    I'm hoping to get some clarification, and possibly a reference to a law, stating the legality of using license plates provided to my by an overseas base while awaiting my permanent registration and MD plates. So I spent a number of years working in Sicily, and when I deregistered my vehicle from Italy the day before it was picked up for shipment home, I was provided with an AFI plate that the motor vehicle office there instructed was legal to drive on (for up to 60 days after receiving my vehicle in the US) while awaiting permanent registration. I know Maryland is very particular with their vehicle laws, and I haven't been able to find anything that states it is legal to temporarily drive on those plates. Does anyone that either worked at the MVA or is simply knowledgeable in the laws here have a reference they can point me towards that will show that using those plates temporarily is legal? My overseas title/registration is valid until December, and I have a valid insurance policy in place for the vehicle already. TIA.

    submitted by /u/Chrisafguy
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