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    Friday, September 3, 2021

    Has Anyone Successfully Petitioned their Employer to Pay Student Loans? (Question re CARES Act Student Loans

    Has Anyone Successfully Petitioned their Employer to Pay Student Loans? (Question re CARES Act Student Loans

    Has Anyone Successfully Petitioned their Employer to Pay Student Loans? (Question re CARES Act

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 07:30 PM PDT

    I work for a midsized medical device company (3000+) and was wondering what my odds are to successfully petition for the CARES Act provision that involves tax-free employer-paid student loans? I think I can make a good case for it since this provision was extended until 2025.

    I think it would improve talent attraction (after all, student loan balances for recent grads are at ATHs). I think it could help retention too, especially if only a small number of companies are aware and ever adopt the program. Ergo, I'm asserting it not only constitutes a competitive advantage, but that it benefits both the company and the employee (which is a great selling point). I'm a relatively new grad, so I don't even know... do people ever successfully lobby their benefits folks?

    submitted by /u/treebeard9000
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    Just got the official letter that my debt is paid in full.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 11:03 PM PDT

    I am still riding the high of making the final payments, but the official letter just sent me to the moon. I will never never never *never* go into debt for anything ever again. That was a such a heavy burden to carry across the years (and I'd never have taken those loans out in the first place even though I love what I do).

    Sexiest letter I have ever received lol

    submitted by /u/JoshTheBear_
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    Refinance while living abroad success story

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 03:12 PM PDT

    I came to this subreddit a while back to find help for my somewhat niche situation and didn't find much, so I thought I'd share my experience in case it helps anyone else.

    I am an American citizen, currently living in New Zealand. I did a post graduate diploma at a school here, and had to take out a private loan through Sallie Mae to pay for it. Yes, there are some international schools that qualify for government loans, but my school is not one of them.

    The loan Sallie Mae gave me had an atrocious rate of 7.75% (It was supposed to be 8.5% but I opted to borrow 10k from my parents to bring the total amount and the rate down). I want to clarify that I have a very good credit score-between 750-800 over the past year. I can only assume that they consider any loan where the recipient lives abroad high risk. I'm aware of how awful this is, but I was between a rock and a hard place becuase all of this was happening in March of 2020, and it was either take the horrible loan or lose my visa and be forced to leave the country and my partner with no way back. I regret nothing.

    I planned on refinancing as soon as possible, but quickly found that no lenders (none that I checked anyway) will give you a loan if you live outside the US and don't have a cosigner in the US.

    I still have my US bank account with a local credit union where I've been for over 10 years. They sent me an automated refinance offer so I decided to pursue it, with little hope of being successful. The main difference in this case is that with my personal bank I was able to talk to a real human about my situation, instead of getting automatically rejected when I tried to enter foreign information. I explained what was going on, and through many emails and phone calls, they were able to help me get through the application that only accepted US based information. It was approved immediately!

    My new loan has a 3.9% fixed interest rate over 7 years. So much relief.

    If anyone out there is in a situation like this, give a local credit union a shot. I imagine it helped greatly that I have a 10 year history with them including a great credit score and and past loans paid off fully. I also did need a US phone number and US address where I could receive mail. I used my parents'.

    Hope this helped!

    submitted by /u/rocksontheside
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    Is this a scam? Cause it kind of feels like a scam.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 09:06 AM PDT

    I have a screening service that recorded the message. So this is kind of a voice to text.

    16156097957 Depositing new message I'll see with student health assistance. My phone number is 8555337775. I'm actually just doing a follow up call for you uh regarding your federal student loans. I do see here that we do still have you pre qualified for the student loan forgiveness program. Uh Just keep in mind that these programs will change and the relief and deferment forbearance is actually about to expire. So I don't want your qualification to change along with that. Um I'm here all week monday through friday eight a.m. To five p.m. Pacific standard time. My number again is 8555337775. You can speak to me or any of the other representatives as well. I hope to talk to you soon have a great rest of your day.. Click here: 14699825000 to listen to full voice message.

    Any advice on this would be appreciated. I'm going with my gut but I'd like to see what the hive mind says.

    Cheers y'all

    submitted by /u/FrizzleFryed
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    Student loans with DACA

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 06:25 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I was curious as to where to take out student loans that's trustworthy and reliable. I'm a DACA recipient so I don't have access to federal student loans so I'd need to go the private route.

    Any info is appreciated.


    submitted by /u/Panchos4raincoats
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    Successfully Rehabilitated My Loan! What happens next with my credit?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 02:26 PM PDT

    After 9 long months, I finally got my student loans out of default with a successful rehabilitation. What's even better? I busted my ass to have all the full amount ready to go to pay the whole thing once it gets transferred.

    I got the email today that Nelnet will be servicing my loan. I plan on registering for Nelnet and getting this thing out of my life this weekend. All $20k worth. I'll celebrate being debt free with buying a 6 pack and getting a pizza delivered. It will be the best damn pizza of my life!

    However, before I do this, does anyone have any words or wisdom on how to do this correctly? Do I just register with Nelnet, pay in full and hit the submit button? Should there be something I do with my credit? Do the late payments come off? Do I need to send Goodwill letters or something? I want to do this right.

    I've pulled my credit from all three credit bureaus and I plan on pulling them again after I pay off all the debt to compare the differences in how the loans are being reported.

    I just don't want to mess up. Would love to hear other people's experience in paying them off with Nelnet. Any advise would be really appreciated.

    submitted by /u/OrangeSlicer
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    Pay off 8K loan before law school?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 09:06 PM PDT

    My interest rate is around 4.6%. I am currently able to pay off the loan, but I was hoping to save that money for law school expenses instead. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/clumsycolor
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    If my employer offers to pay all of my tuition and books, can I get student loans for expenses that may or may not be school related?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 08:46 PM PDT

    So I've got a scheme that I need insight on. Walmart has expanded their tuition reimbursement program to include 100% tuition and books covered as long as you work there. I'm taking a semi gap year, meaning that I'm going to do a handful of generals online this spring semester, and I plan on going to a proper university for Landscape architecture next academic year (Not covered by Walmart, they only cover full degrees in certain programs related to their business). So I'm going to basically be getting some of my generals done for "free". The final key in this however, is that I want to file my FAFSA just for the Pell grant this next semester. So my question is, if my employer is paying for my tuition and books, and I have essentially no other associated costs, would I still receive my Pell Grant? And if I do, would I basically be getting the money to do whatever with? I've been reviewing the idea back and forth in my head, and I can't seem to find a fault with it, so I was wondering if anyone here had any insight, relevant experience, or could tell me what would happen if I went through with this?

    submitted by /u/Kungpaospic
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    ITT Tech borrower defense discharge 100%

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 07:13 AM PDT

    As of yesterday i received a letter from the ED indicating that only partial relief was going to be given even tho i have letters indicating it otherwise i called them and said something about consolidation date which doesn't really make sense, is anyone out there having the same issues as i am? This is frustrating

    submitted by /u/RetroGames59
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    What's the optimal loan provider

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 05:41 PM PDT

    Hello im looking for the best loan provider since I will be an incoming freshman in college and I will need a loan to pay for school the amount will be around $19k and I would like it to be an unsubsidized loan thanks for the help.

    submitted by /u/Mystic-Dove
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    Should I pay off some of my student loans with the extra funds?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 06:35 AM PDT

    So basically, I got more financial aid/scholarships this year than I expected so I don't need all the money my mom saved up for my college. I basically saved that fund for my last year of college so I would not have to work as much or take out loans. I have like 9500 in federal loans, not accruing interest until 2022. I know its not a huge amount, I did community college and have lived at home to save money.

    So deducting what I will have to pay for next semester, I will have like 4-5k left that I can either use to pay of loans tax free(it will incur a 10% penalty if I use it for anything other than loans or education expenses), and some of those funds are already in cash so they are not accruing interest or going up in value. Or I can just not use them and my mom call roll it over to another sibling or just incur the 10% tax penalty. I assume any loan forgiveness is not likely and it would be nice to have some loans out of the way. But like I can't help but think it is a waste since student loan forgiveness(i don't keep up with the news), also the interest is not accruing on my loans and also, a sibling could use it and I could probably pay off my loans once I graduate.

    submitted by /u/LeatherProfit1396
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    I would like to get some free months no interest but I dont think I can.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 05:43 AM PDT

    I have been paying on my loans since 2006 they were all FFELP. I have paid off quite a few of them, and am down to only 29k. All of my interest rates are in the 2% now, but when I try to do the federal refinance they say that my new interest rate would be 5%. I can not see refinancing to get a few months no interest for that much of a hike.

    Early on I was put on a payment plan for income. Now I can afford to pay more and do so when I have it lying around. I have paid off about 35k in principal.

    Is there no way to get the free interest without hiking my interest rate?

    Also since I am on these FFELP loans if they decide to cancel some student debt will I be left in the cold?

    Edit: Yes I am current and have never missed a payment. Edit: The payment plan lowered my then payment of 600.00 per month and pegged it at 480.00 per month. Edit: I have always paid off the highest interest rate ones first. Edit: The consolidation loan was from the .gov website to do consolitations. 
    submitted by /u/tbandtg
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    Using side work (LLC) pre-tax dollars toward student loans?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 10:29 AM PDT

    I was looking at options for my full-time employer to get onboard with the new provisions in CARES and CAA to offer student loan assistance (up to $5250 annually) and it got me thinking. I do consulting on the side under an LLC. Can I use a portion of that pre-tax income toward my student loans and simultaneously reduce my tax liability? The annual income for the side work isn't much more than the allowed contribution but if I can use it to pay down loans that'd be a win-win.

    submitted by /u/benchwrmr22
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    Dispute Help

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 03:20 PM PDT

    A little background me and my wife are trying to purchase a home and we recently paid off her old Nelnet student loan. During the underwriting it came up that she had a 90 day late from October 2020. We were under the impression that the pandemic pause covered this as we never got anything saying we were late. Tried calling them today and they were kind of anal about it saying there was nothing they could due to remove it. They told my wife some loans were not covered.. not sure what to due about this or how to even dispute it. This is the only obstacle that is preventing us from getting the home loan. Any advice is welcome.

    Thanks for your time and God bless.

    submitted by /u/uncleboffo23
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    Recertifying income with two different loan servicing companies

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 02:44 PM PDT

    I have most of my direct loans with Fedloan on REPAYE, and the annual certification is usually December but can file as early as September 5.

    I have one loan with Navient FFEL on IBR (It is ineligible for REPAYE) and the annual certification deadline is September 4.

    I want to only send an income recertification to Navient and not to Fedloan, but the student loan website won't let me deselect Fedloan, and will send to both companies upon signature. How can I send just to Navient and still use my tax return? Fedloan might reject it anyway as too early, or maybe due to the COVID forbearance, but I wasn't sure and didn't want to risk raising my monthly payments by sending one to Fedloan right now.

    submitted by /u/Odawgg123
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    Deferment was granted but the letter disappeared?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 10:52 AM PDT

    I want to try to dispute some late payments by FedLoan, as they agreed to put my account in deferment for a few months where I was late. From what I've read, if they retroactively apply a deferment, it should not be reported as late. Unfortunately, while I can find a spam-ish email from them showing I postponed payments, the letter starting the period when it would've started is gone from my account. It was sent to me in paperless billing and now my account says I have NO paperless statements?! Is there a way to retrieve this so I can dispute the late payments??

    submitted by /u/Cute_Commission_4258
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    I have 11k in student loans, but I qualify for Teacher Student Loan Forgiveness 17.5k in 3 years. What should I do?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 02:26 PM PDT

    Right now they're in forebearance so I don't have to pay but I qualify for Teacher Student Loan Forgiveness for teaching secondary mathematics at a low income area. Do I just make the minimum payments? I could pay off all the loans right now, but how do I make sure I take advantage of the loan forgiveness?

    submitted by /u/ha_na_bi
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    UK students loans

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 01:03 PM PDT

    I have forgotten to apply for a student loan and the university I want to attend for are asking money. What do I do? Can I still apply?

    submitted by /u/GingerxBlonde
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    Cosigner on student loan passed away

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 12:38 PM PDT

    Probably a dumb question. I have a Sallie Mae Smart Option Student Loan cosigned by my father who passed away a week ago. Do I need to notify them of his death and what would this mean for my loan? Or do I just continue making payments as normal? I'm a little frazzled trying to navigate their website to find the contract or whatever.

    submitted by /u/crackteyebol
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    best options for my situation (need advice asap)

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 03:16 PM PDT

    my parents recently told me to take a loan out for my tuition (60k a year lmao) and look into aid. I thought my fafsa was already filed but turns out it wasnt and I did it today. i start school on 9/23 and tuition is due by 9/17. will i be able to get any aid on time?? i know its stupid and i shouldve double checked but i was in another country for the past four months and totally forgot. should i look into other aid options?? please help🥲🥲🥲

    submitted by /u/uprn01
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