• Breaking News

    Tuesday, August 10, 2021

    Legal Advice [PA] My mother has allowed the neighbors to put a fence up through her yard and to take over most of it for their use, including a small barn that is part of her property. I'm worried about possible implications for ownership of the property.

    Legal Advice [PA] My mother has allowed the neighbors to put a fence up through her yard and to take over most of it for their use, including a small barn that is part of her property. I'm worried about possible implications for ownership of the property.

    [PA] My mother has allowed the neighbors to put a fence up through her yard and to take over most of it for their use, including a small barn that is part of her property. I'm worried about possible implications for ownership of the property.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 07:29 AM PDT

    My mother owns a house with about two acres of backyard, including a small barn. Her next door neighbors have a bunch of kids who she often babysits for free and refers to as her "grandchildren." She has now made a deal with the neighbors that they can use about 2/3 of her yard, including the barn, to let their kids play, as well as to raise chickens and grow a garden. This way, she says, she doesn't have to mow or landscape on that part of the yard.

    The neighbors have now put up a wooden fence through the middle of the yard, cutting off a small section of yard for my mother's use and reserving the bulk for themselves. My mother is okay with this because it's less yard for her to maintain, but I think it's also because she is lonely and I'm worried that the neighbors are taking advantage of her. She is very religious, and the neighbors are in her same denomination of Christianity so she trusts them implicitly.

    I just want to know if there's a chance that, at some point, the fence and/or their permission to use the land as they see fit will create a legal issue where they can actually take over the property. From a selfish point-of-view, that property is a large part of mine and my brother's inheritance, and I don't want us to have to battle it out with these neighbors when the time comes.

    I imagine that there's not much I can do in the legal arena right now, since I don't own the property. But I'm wondering if PA has any laws that I should talk to my mother about.

    submitted by /u/FiveAlarmFrancis
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    Builder tore into my property with no warning saying the survey said they owned 8 inches of our property.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 05:26 PM PDT

    The property next to me was there long before mine but was recently torn down to build 5 condos. This morning, they tore my fence down and started cutting into my property. They told me that the survey showed our property was covering 8 inches of theirs. Coincidentally, they need 8 more inches for wheelchair access.

    They gave me no heads up and gave me no time to get my own survey done. They did send me the survey they had done but the timing seems sketchy. If they had the survey done before breaking ground, why not show me then and give me time to get my own survey done or at least have my dogs in the house the day of!

    Do I have legal grounds to get my own survey done? If I get one done and it shows something different but the new property is done, what next? Please help!!

    Edit: located in Denver, CO

    submitted by /u/Get-Wittit
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    [San Antonio, TX] - Doctor's office claims I damaged their entry door by pushing it open too hard, cannot furnish evidence of the charges.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    November 2020 I had a doctor's appointment and on the way out I apparently pushed the wooden entry door open too hard. I wouldn't find this out until over a month later when they had some intern call me and tell me that I owed them $350 for the repair. I said I would speak to the office supervisor at my next appointment in a few weeks. Well he wasn't there when I returned and I figured they'd just call me again. Fast forward all the way to July 27th when I get an e-mail from the office supervisor "following up" 7 months later on how I'd like to "handle the balance of the damages." So I told him to send me a copy of the invoice for the repairs they supposedly had done. What he sent me was an invoice for the damages from the doctor's office itself that just said "professional repairs - $350." When I asked to see the invoice from the work done/contractor itself, I received this message:

    Mr. Dcbluestar
    We arranged to have the damages you caused fixed. This is being sent to you to reimburse our office for the cost of repairing it. We are not interested in this back and fourth as you were the cause of the damages. Failure to omit payment will cause further action . The information provided is all the info that will be provided to you at this time.

    Look, if I did wrong, I'm willing to settle up, but I'm not going to just take someone's word for it and fork over some arbitrary amount they claim to have paid. Given that it seems like they can't furnish evidence of the charges, and the weird way they went about even informing me of the damages to begin with, do they even have a leg to stand on?

    UPDATE: Turns out my coworker's wife is a lawyer and I just got off of the phone with her. She basically said just stop communicating with them in any way and also give her a call if they try to sue, which is highly unlikely given the costs and time associated over $350. If they had anything of real merit they'd bring it up because no one wants to go to small claims. The fact that they can't even provide me with actual proof of cost is very telling.

    Thanks for your time and input, everyone.

    submitted by /u/dcbluestar
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    [FL] Employer has removed and banned paper towels from all restrooms. Suggests we use toilet paper instead.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 09:50 AM PDT

    My employer has removed and banned all paid towels from company bathrooms. We do not have towels, or hand dryers in lieu of the paper towels. They are telling us we should use toilet paper to dry our hands. This all came about because a toilet got clogged and they found paper towels when they snaked it. Can they legally do this?

    submitted by /u/Powerful-Monk-4640
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    Neighbor's structure on my property (OH)

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 08:22 AM PDT

    Neighbors just had a survey completed due to a property line dispute. The results show that a structure we advised them not to build is entirely on our property. Can we legally remove it?

    submitted by /u/kindadirty1
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    Employer making me transport children

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 07:13 AM PDT

    I live in Indiana and work at a clinic for children on the spectrum as a behavior therapist. As of 3 weeks ago, I agreed to transport one of the patients to the clinic and back home at the end of the day. I am able to remain clocked in and I get paid mileage at 30 cents per mile. Due to some recent events in my life, doing transport is just throwing me off and messing up my entire schedule.

    I informed my site manager that I no longer want to transport and they are telling me that per the handbook, I must transport and if I refuse to do so that I would not be eligible for bonuses or raises while employed there and while I refuse to transport.

    Indiana is an at will state so they could easily fire me, which to be honest I don't really care at the moment because I am angry, but can't I fight that they are forcing me to use my personal vehicle (that I pay a car payment and insurance for) and if I refuse to do so they are withholding bonuses and raises even though me doing transport has nothing to do with my job as a therapist?

    I would think there is a law or some type of protections for employees in this type of situation but it makes zero sense to me that an employer thinks they have the rights to an employees personal property.

    submitted by /u/LosinFlabStayinFab
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    Ex is defaming me?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 05:33 AM PDT

    Ontario - I need advice. My ex has torn my life apart. Together 2 years, lived together 1 year.

    In Feb, she called the cops in a rage and said I assaulted and threatened her. The charges were tossed at my first court appearance however my life has been uprooted. She threw away/sold all of my possessions and transfered $5000 out of my bank account while I was in custody arranging bail via my cell phone I had left behind..

    Today, she has a twitch channel and I am the cornerstone of this channel. With hundreds of followers the channel is growing. Yesterday, a video posted was circulating with my friends and siblings where she outs my sexuality.

    In the video, she said " after his arrest, I went through his computer and found out he is bi" I'm not out, I will be attacked by those close to me and my family will disown me. I'm scared to leave my house now.

    She doesn't say my name but makes it very clear who she is talking about. How can I stop this? Is this defamation?

    submitted by /u/Just_Me_246
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    Worried That My Inheritance Money Is Being Stolen

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 10:12 PM PDT

    Long story short, I live in Illinois and my father passed away when I was in high school and I was scheduled to receive $200000 in inheritance money that was to be divided across the ages of 18,21, and 27. Since I was a minor at the time, the Healthcare POA (a family member I am not very close with) took control of the money and was supposed to disburse me my funds at each of the ages mentioned above.

    To this day, I have not seen any of the money and the POA claims that a majority of the money set aside for when I turned 18 was spent on "leftover hospital bills" for my father. The POA claims to have receipts for these but i've never actually taken the time to sit down and look with her. I did not receive any money when I was 18 or 21. When I asked my father's POA about my money set aside for age 21, she said that a payment was sent to an old address and that she "is in the process" of getting it back.

    All of this just seems a little fishy to me since I have yet to see ANY inheritance money, but others who were to receive inheritance money from my father have gotten their share. I am completely lost as to what to do in this situation, as my end goal is to get my money with as little conflict as possible. Could anyone clarify on whether or not my POA is telling the truth or if she is scrapping for excuses?

    submitted by /u/APhantom2749
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    non-compete clause and remote work

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    My former employer, an Atlanta-based consulting firm, sent me a letter via their attorney accusing me of violating the non-compete agreement I signed with them 3.5 years ago. It has a clause that states within 12 months of leaving (I left in April) I am not allowed to go work for an entity that does the same type of work within a 60-mile radius of the consulting company's Atlanta office. I did start work for a non-profit entity (also in April) that does similar work, but they are based in Madison, WI. I had, of course, read this non-compete agreement before leaving to make sure I was not violating it, and I don't think I am. The only issue might be that I am a 100% remote worker who works from home, and I still live within 60 miles of the Atlanta office.

    So the question is, am I violating that agreement by working from home within the 60-mile radius? The non-compete agreement's location-based clause says:

    "For purposes of this Agreement a Restricted Competitor shall be further defined as one or more entities operating within a sixty (60) mile radius of Company's office at . . . ."

    What is the legal definition of "operating"? My new company and its sole office is in Madison, WI, and we don't have any clients in GA. Have there been precedents set about remote work, and how it affects the enforceability of non-compete clauses?

    submitted by /u/MachiavellianJaw
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    Boss hit me so I quit my job now he’s trying to avoid paying me

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 12:21 PM PDT

    Location:VI. I'll keep this as short as possible. I (29F) started working at this job a couple weeks ago and on the third day my boss (55m) was in my face yelling and banging on my desk. This should have been my sign to leave ASAP but I didn't. Yesterday, my boss (owner of company) lost his temper and threw a crumpled paper and a pen in my face, then grabbed my wrist and pulled it from the keyboard. After the initial shock of what happened, I stepped into his office and told him I would not tolerate that type of behavior and that I was quitting.

    He initially tried to apologize and say it was an accident and that the paper just fell, but as a survivor of domestic violence I am much too familiar with the habits of a repeat abuser. I suspect he has done this to some of the other employees as well. He then tried to offer an increased salary to which I declined, stating "you could offer a million and hour and I still wouldn't put up with this behavior."

    I packed my stuff and settled up my work to prepare for 5pm. I turned in my completed work and my keys and was turning to leave when he said all locals are just incompetent and rude. I turned around and told him basically he was the only one rude and disrespectful and I've been nothing short of forgiving for all of his conduct but this is the end of the line. I wished him the best and left.

    The issue is the next day (today) my coworker contacted me to let me know he's tarnishing my name and trying to document stuff in an attempt to build some sort of case against me(?) He also was questioning why I never clocked in but when I asked him to show me how he got irritated and told me to forget about that for now because I'm the only employee on salary anyway. And when I asked again he said not to worry about it.

    So basically now he's trying to avoid paying me. I regret not calling the police to file a report but is there anything I can do now to protect myself? I just want my last paycheck and to be left alone.

    TLDR: My boss assaulted me so I quit and now he's trying to not pay me. What can I do to make sure I get my last paycheck?

    submitted by /u/KingACornball
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    [IL] Landlord posts notice demanding tenants park in rear parking lot due to street repairs, then tows cars parked in lot.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 11:23 AM PDT

    Okay, so this isn't so much a "this happened and I need to know what to do" post as much as it is just me needing to know all of my rights and the landlord's rights in case things go sideways.

    I live in a 12 apartment building with my wife and autistic son. We have a parking lot in the back of the building, and street parking in front. On Friday, notes were taped on every door stating the following:

    Street repairs will start on Monday 8/9/21 @ 7am in front of buildings 803 & 805. VEHICLES MAY NOT BE PARKED ON THE STREET DURING THESE REPAIRS. Please use the parking lots.

    We made sure to park in the rear parking lot Sunday evening. Yesterday, repair crews came by and knocked on the door at 6am, asking my wife to move our cars that were in the front row of the parking lot to the back row so they could work...on the parking lot. Frustrating, but whatever. We got them moved and made sure we stayed parked in the back row overnight.

    This morning, we went out to find that they had towed all of the cars in the parking lot about 3 blocks away. I'm a bit upset at this for what I would hope would be obvious reasons, but also b/c my wife's car has a flat tire and a dead battery, so it's going to be a pain to walk 3 blocks to fix those.

    1. Are they allowed to do this w/o warning or consent? I understand it's their property, but we were parked there at their request and did not consent to them moving our vehicles. 2. Would I be correct in assuming that we should not be liable for any charges for the towing of our cars?
    3. Who would be responsible if there were any damage done to the vehicle? My wife said she noticed something hanging low from the front bumper of our Prius when she finally found the cars. I don't know if it's serious damage or just a plastic fastener that popped out.

    Thanks for reading and for your help!

    submitted by /u/AquatikJustice
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    "Effective immediately" employment/pay changes

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 08:41 AM PDT

    Hello! I work for a company that told all W2 employees (I'm in Raleigh, NC, USA) that they are now paid on a per client basis "effective immediately". We did not receive written communication about the changes at that time but were instructed to immediately change how we document our hours. Prior to this change, I was salaried with full benefits. I have very few clients and I do not have a say on how many clients I receive, so my pay rate plummeted well below minimum wage with no notice. If it matters, my company is completely virtual.

    The company sent out a new employment contract for me to sign by end of day or face termination. Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/happyfeathered1
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    My dream pool has turned into a nightmare. Am I screwed?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 06:16 PM PDT

    Rant incoming.

    Location: NJ

    I started my dream of building a custom in ground pool last October. I went with a highly recommended company that assured us if I started in February it would be finished by Memorial Day. I did just that. As the Covid excuses kept pouring in, I watched my chance of swimming this summer fade away each day. I am an understanding person and sympathetic to the supply constraints, however they informed me completion wouldn't be done until October. Missing a promised timeline by 5 months on a customer that paid in full is entirely unacceptable. While I've been waiting, since I have no control over this situation anyway, the mounds of excess dirt they excavated has been slowly eroding with each passing storm this summer. My neighbors finally got fed up and contacted the township to formally complain about the pools of dirt running like a river through their yard. I was ordered that I need all the excess dirt removed immediately (thousands of dollars). The pool company has told me "not our problem, that's part of your landscaping." I looked at my pool contract and it says on line 3 that the company will remove excavated soil. How much of a case do I have here? I fear I will probably be sued or something because of my neighbors yard damage. If the company even met half their timeline this wouldn't have happened.

    TLDR; reputable pool company missed timeline by 5 months. Excess dirt has eroded into neighbors yards and township ordered me to have it removed on my dime. Neighbors are also livid at damage to their yards. Pool company says not our problem. Contract says "company to remove excavated soil." Am I screwed or do I have a case here.

    submitted by /u/maybe-yeah
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    My company hasn’t kept a single promised since I was hired…

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 10:19 AM PDT

    All of these kinda group together so bare with me

    I was hired by a pest control company back in April of 2021. The ad on Indeed (which has since been removed) and my manager said on my first day that I'd be getting a sign on bonus of $2,500 incrementally over my first 90 days. I've been with them for 4.5 months and I haven't seen a single penny.

    My second month in they had us all get General Applicator Licenses since the state requires it now. I was the second person to pass. As a added bonus I also got a raise of 50¢. My starting pay was $18.25 and again I'm 4.5 months in and they haven't given me my raise.

    To add to the last paragraph. After a majority of us passed we took time on one of our safety meetings and signed them. Our manager said she needs to now send them back to get approved. Once they get approved and she gets them she'll give them to us to hold. That was back in late May early June. Some of my coworkers and myself have asked our manager "any news on the licenses?" And she always replies with "No not yet" I just find it odd we got them within 2 weeks to sign but it's taking almost 2 months for us to get them back…

    I have brought up my pay and bonus situation to my manager before and she either avoids answering by ignoring me, or she says "Well we are a little over budget right now so idk when that'll happen".

    What should I do? Is there anything I can do? I'm in the top 10 performers of my peers and they are making me feel unimportant…

    submitted by /u/Ghostdogg70
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    [CO] My dad died a few days ago, I am the sole beneficiary in his will. I am a minor, what do I do?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 11:16 AM PDT

    My mom says I cannot sign anything without her consent, I'm not really sure about that. She's freaking out about me signing to claim my inheritance, to put in in a trust. Then to use it for the funeral/burial. Can I sign these documents without her and is there any risk in signing them?

    Edit: My dad and mom were divorced quite a few years ago and my dad was common-law married with someone else after.

    Edit 2:Sorry he named me as his sole beneficiary of his life insurance and I am unsure that he had a will at all.

    submitted by /u/anxxony
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    Neighboring business using category I pesticides next door to my home

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    Hello Reddit, I have a question about a business that is next door to me applying restricted-use pesticides. I am a neighbor of an agricultural business that sells crops and for the first time noticed them posting the signage for using a category I (DANGER) fumigant. As a close neighbor, are they required to inform me of the use of these pesticides? My mailbox and trashcans that I walk up to get are not even 30 feet away from where they have "Keep Out" signs and my house isn't much further. I want to make sure my family and my dogs are not outside when they are being applied and for a while after, but without notification, I do not know exactly when they are applied and I'm slightly concerned. I don't see the business/property owner often, but if I am supposed to be notified of the use of these pesticides I would like to let him know. This is in the San Diego County area, not the city. Thank you for any help.

    submitted by /u/IllusiveCashew
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    Can I use somebody's food stamp card to buy food for them if they are disabled and can't go to the store?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 01:10 PM PDT

    My mother just had foot surgery. It is pretty much impossible for her to walk. She has to sit with her foot elevated at all times. She also uses food stamps. She wants me to go grocery shopping for her and gave me her food stamp card to buy her groceries. I am not technically on her list of dependents or whatever so this card does not cover me. I know it's illegal to buy food for myself with it. But can I act as her proxy and buy for *her* with it since she can't come to the store? I'll probably risk this regardless unless they make you show photo ID or something at the store to use it, but is there a legitimate way to do it in which there is 0 chance I will get in trouble?

    submitted by /u/argentusambrosius
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    Friend's parent used her name to collect disability income, left her with $12k in debt after passing (Kentucky/Florida)

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 09:59 AM PDT

    (Full Disclosure: posting this kinda behind her back because I'm concerned for my friend... She's not sure where to start looking for help despite my admittedly-limited advice, and while I'm fairly certain I have most details here correct, I know full well I don't have ALL the information and still can't verify everything is accurate)

    Hey Reddit, my friend- we'll call her Jane for brevity and anonymity- is in a pickle.

    Jane, 26 now, received a letter sometime in the past year from her sister, who had in turn forwarded it from Kentucky (Where Jane grew up afaik) from the SSA.

    It claimed that she owed about $12k in debt for disability income (for Asperger's, which Jane did have) collected by her mother... back when Jane was still a child. Her mother has since passed (likely recently by my thinking, if she's just now getting the letter).

    Problem is, this income was collected in Jane's name, and she didn't hear anything about any of this debt until she got that letter almost a decade after becoming an adult. The letter wasn't even sent to her current address in Florida. Oh, and she never saw a penny of it, even though from my understanding, the income was continually collected until her mother passed, long after Jane was an adult and living on her own.

    Now she's terrified and she can't afford to pay it off, and it also threw off her plans to move to Europe next year. The SSA threatened to escalate to the IRS if she didn't pay.

    Any advice I can pass along, or other information we need to gather to make progress on solving this? Is there anything she CAN do?

    submitted by /u/PancakeHammers
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    [NY] My dog was attacked by another dog. He's okay now, but I have a few legal questions

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 04:31 AM PDT

    On Sunday, 8/1, I was walking my dog along the same route we've been using for years. A pair of women were walking an adult pit bull in the opposite direction, on a retractable leash. As the pit bull approached my dog, one of the women said not to worry, the dog is friendly. As soon as the dogs were face to face, the pit bull attacked my dog, biting down on his face and refusing to let go. The women were completely useless in stopping the attack, they just mostly just screamed and pulled on his leash. I had to pry their dog off of my dog by myself. Once I did, the two women were profusely apologetic, but also added that the dog had "never done anything like this before." This was just up the street from the police station, and it caused a big commotion, so police were there right away. The police took a report. I took my dog to the emergency vet clinic to get checked out. He had some cuts and puncture wounds, so he was on antibiotics for a week. I had minor cuts on my hands as a result of trying to break them up, and I think one of the women had some cuts on her hand from briefly trying to open her dogs mouth.

    I requested a copy of the police report. It states that two dogs got into an altercation. This seems to imply equal levels of culpability, which isn't the case, this was an attack. The pit bull was unharmed, my dog had puncture wounds. Can the police report be amended? Does it even matter?

    The health department contacted me. The woman with the cut on her hands claimed that my dog bit her. The health department's only concern was to verify that my dog did not have rabies, which is fine, he does not. However, I think with NY state law, any dog with a recorded history of biting someone is then considered dangerous. My dog isn't dangerous, can I challenge this report?

    The police report redacted the contact information of the individuals with the pit bull, only their names and towns of residence were listed. I contacted the police department about getting their contact information, to contact them about reimbursement for the vet expenses, but the police said that they can't give me that information, even with a FOIA request, because it would be a violation of the privacy of those individuals. Is that accurate? How can I find out how to contact these people?

    The two women walking the dog are apparently not the dog owners, they were just walking the dog for their friend, perhaps as a business. Who should I try to contact for reimbursement, the women with the dog that day, or the owners of the dog? The owner's name is also listed on the police report, and their contact info is also redacted.

    That pit bull is a genuinely dangerous dog. I love dogs, and I don't want that dog to be destroyed, if this is the first time he's attacked another dog, but I do think the owners should be made to muzzle the dog whenever it's in public. Is there any way to pursue that? If my dog were smaller, or I were weaker, I'm quite sure that pit bull would have killed my dog that day, and I don't want that to happen to someone else.


    submitted by /u/tl34tf
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    FLORIDA: Landlord never returned a signed copy of lease/what are my options?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 01:09 PM PDT

    I recently signed a lease about three weeks ago for a Florida apartment with the realtor who showed me the unit. Realtor told me that landlord would sign the lease and that I would have a copy of the lease within the next day or so. However, it has been about three weeks and none of my written requests (which I have sent via text and/or email almost daily) have resulted in delivery of a signed copy of the lease.

    Is there a FL statute on point for the amount of time in which a landlord must provide a tenant with a signed copy of a written lease? What steps may I take in order to obtain a copy of the lease? I don't want to lawyer up in my first month of tenancy for fear of retaliation, but I also need a copy of the lease in order to comply with its terms.

    submitted by /u/uncomfytenant
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    My daughter's bio dad.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 08:39 AM PDT

    I live in Colorado and my daughter bio dad lives in Idaho. So I have a 3½ year old that sees her bio dad last weekend of every month, and gets her 3 weeks in the summer and one or two weeks every other year around Christmas and Thanksgiving, he kidnapped her from me for 6 months, she came back with a really bad scalp issues, causing a bold spot and her teeth completely rotted out, I took her to be looked at and she was also very under weight as well as very low iron, and a cps case was opened but went dry due to not enough proof I guess, I got an order giving me full custody till our case was final since in court he said he knew about these things but felt she was to young to take care of and the judge was confused by that which is how he ended up with the last weekend and time around breaks, well we just got done with our 3 weeks for the summer and I got her back, and she has a cigarette burn on her elbow when I asked her about it she said her other daddy (bio dad) burned her with a cigarette on purpose cuz he was mad, and she had her head issues again, but when I asked her in front of her bio dad she told me it was her owie, and he didn't answer me about it. So I took her to the doctors to be looked at and they basically said they'll file something but I feel like it won't go anywhere and he'll keep getting away with things and I won't be able to protect my daughter. Her bio dad also has quite the criminal history, he's on his 3rd DUI, has a drug problem, just got a probation violation, and was leaving the state without permission while on probation but still nothing is happening to this man. How can I protect my daughter when no one is helping me do it?

    submitted by /u/Worriedmomma93
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    Housing Contract was breached and I now may be homeless

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 08:34 AM PDT


    There's a new apartment complex that was going to be opening up for this upcoming Fall college semester, they took applications and received their payments (I.e application fee , process fee, one time fees etc) and even took my deposit of two months rent back in June. In the leasing contract (1 year term) they stated we would be able to move into our new apartment august 12, as this time approached they emailed us saying there have been some construction delays and our new move in date would be the Aug 24 and would credit us $200 for the inconvenience but we're are still responsible for paying the rest of the rent ( a bit unfair and shady if you ask me but we let it slide). Yesterday we received a new email now stating that they don't know when our apartments will be available and with college starting in 2 weeks now I won't be having a place to live while attending college , Anything I could do legally?

    Here's the option they provided to us

    They offered to maybe provide housing by providing hotels as long as we are still paying rent to them but they only have a limited amount of space and we won't know if we were chosen until the upcoming weeks

    They offered to cancel our Lease without any penalties and return our deposit

    They offered to reserve our apartment until it's ready but we won't pay any rent until we move in

    submitted by /u/FlamingCK
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    Domestic Abuse- Mother

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 10:34 AM PDT

    Good morning,

    TL;DR I am looking for advice on how to help my father divorce my crazy, drug addict, violent/physically abusive mother. Mainly to get her out of the house (if possible) without being forced to sell the house. (PA, USA)

    Details: (it's long, I apologize in advance) I'm hoping someone can give me advice. My mother lives with me and my father. They are still legally married but they are far from "together". She sleeps downstairs he sleeps in his bedroom. (I'm only mentioning that because the reason for it is repeated infidelity on her part, In case that's relevant) -She is does meth, snorts add eral, abuses Xanax, and drinks on top of it. She is not prescribed any of the "legal" meds. -She becomes extremely violent over anything. I feel like I walk around on eggshells 24/7 just to avoid triggering an explosion from her. She will spend all day screaming at inanimate objects, holding screaming conversations with herself- basically just methhead stuff. Overall she's just a terror to be around. -She doesn't work (and hasn't since 2006) in the past 30 years she has maybe worked 6 years in total. And she DID NOT contribute financially, although I don't know how you'd prove that. But what I'm trying to say is that she doesn't pay for anything. Me and my father pay all the bills. She gets money for her drugs by doing illegal things I suppose but I can't really say. Lately, the COVID "unemployment" has been funding her (even though she hasn't worked in over 10 years and she sure as hell wasn't actively looking for a job at the start of the pandemic- but that's a different story) her "job" is breaking things around the house and arguing/ fighting us.

    She has been worse than ever lately. But the past 3 weeks she's been gone (she takes off like that regularly- I don't know where she goes) she came back yesterday and keeps taking the tracking collar I put on my cat. I had to put this thing on him because she keeps leaving the door open and he escapes. Today, when I asked her for the collar back and told her to stop removing it, she refused. So I started going through her stuff to find it. When I found it, she attacked me. She has done this to me more times than I can count. I have it documented and photos of myself after shes cut, clawed, bit, etc… going back years. I also have a report number from the police from the last time because she tried to choke me and the officer told me that he was 100% supposed to take her (bc of the choking thing) but I asked him not to. *Just to clarify, the only reason I haven't had her arrested is because I KNOW she'll just be right back out and when she does get out, she'll be worse than ever. Usually, in my mind it's just not worth it unless I have a plan to remove her permanently. Stupid or not, that's my reasoning behind it, I guess. (And if I can just avoid her ignore her I do…) -She's also threatened to "have" my dad killed, Have me killed. She's physically attacked me with knifes before. -She's almost burned the house down many times. -OH, and she steals stuff from me constantly.

    My dad wants her out but he's under the impression that if he tries to divorce her, he'll be forced to sell the house to give her half. She isn't on the deed or original mortgage, but she may have co- signed some kind of refinancing thing (over 15 years ago).

    Where I'm going with all this random information is, (I have no clue if any of it is relevant- I'm sorry for not being more concise) is there any way we can make her leave?

    I don't know where to even start. If I can get a restraining order or if I am able to have her 302'd, I know she will just be right back. I know that my dad will have to divorce her, but how can he do that if she happens to be entitled to some portion of the house we live in?

    And just because I know that people may want to tell me to just move out, my boyfriend and I are saving for a house (we're just not there yet) and I won't leave my dad in this mess. I just won't. He doesn't know what to do and we are broke. (I feel like he'll need a lawyer eventually but I'd just like to know what we're getting into if I can)

    I live in PA if that matters.

    If you've made it this far, I thank you. Whether you are able to give any advice or not… I know I just wrote a novel.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Savage_Vegan
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