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    Wednesday, February 10, 2021

    Sold my car and the new owner wrecked it. Insurance

    Sold my car and the new owner wrecked it. Insurance

    Sold my car and the new owner wrecked it.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 09:08 PM PST

    So I sold my car yesterday and today the person who purchased it wrecked it. He hadn't put insurance on it yet and my insurance coverage is still active until the end of today. The buyer paid me and I got a bill of sale. The title and insurance are in my name. The other car involved in the wreck was totaled and the person driving it had to go to the hospital. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from affecting my insurance rates or being financially responsible for the accident? I am im the Georgia, but I believe the accident happened in Florida, the details on where the accident happened weren't very clear.

    submitted by /u/termicobra03
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    I work for a body shop, American Access, Elephant, Root, Otto and other budget insurance companies are basically a scam, and you will likely lose a lot of money if you ever have an incident.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 09:20 PM PST

    These companies will appraise your vehicle $1000-$5000 lower than your vehicle's actual FMV. Why? You pay as little as possible, and they are paying as little as possible too. You're essentially just giving them free money if you go with them because they will always fight you on paying out, to the extent that we've taken them to court.

    They will almost always total your vehicle if it has more than $1500 worth of damage and they will underpay you by $3000-$6000 (seemingly average) then they will repair it with a partner shop, clean title it and sell it at full value. Their business model is basically just a subscription service for buying your vehicle at a discount and flipping it.

    If you want an easy process, go with Geico, Progressive, USAA, Liberty Mutual, State Farm, Farmers, etc.

    submitted by /u/garrypig
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    Car accident but since switched insurers

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 05:15 AM PST

    I had a car accident two years ago. I was not at fault and I was with a different insurer. Since the accident, I have dealt with ongoing pain which at the time had prevented me from working. I have switched industries now so working at a desk seems to be working for me. How would I go about claiming for injuries? Could I do it through my current insurer?

    In England.

    submitted by /u/A111223
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    My employer is forcing me to back pay for their mistake

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 10:38 AM PST

    I was hired at my current agency on 09/28/2020, and I was asked to choose both my benefits for the rest of 2020 as well as for all of 2021. I opted for no benefits for the rest of 2020, and I chose to have dental coverage starting 01/01/2021. Well it turns out the agency didn't have me enrolled for dental benefits, and now they want to charge me for all of my "missed payments" starting from 09/28/2020 to present. Is it legal for them to do this? I was without the insurance this whole time, and I only opted for the coverage to start at the beginning of 2021

    Edit to add: I live in Ohio, USA

    submitted by /u/RenHod3
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    Just got the police report after an accident...and it looks like the at-fault driver’s auto policy is fraudulent. What now? (CA)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 03:32 AM PST

    My car was involved in an accident last week, when another car smashed into it while it was parked in front of my apartment. The car is now totaled. I do not have collision coverage so my own insurance can't help me out.

    After several stressful days, I was able to obtain the cover page of the police report, which supplied the at-fault driver's information. I breathed a sigh of relief to see their auto insurance company and policy number.

    Yesterday I called up Allstate to file a third-party claim aaaand...there is no record of the driver having an Allstate policy. I called them twice and they have no record of anyone with that name. They told me the policy number provided doesn't come up at all in their system.

    I'm not sure what to do next. Should I report this back to the traffic department? Should I assume that this person doesn't have any car insurance and face the fact I may be out of luck? This entire situation has just been so incredibly frustrating.

    submitted by /u/littlebunsenburner
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    State Farm doesn't want to pay my shop's labor rates

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 09:24 PM PST


    I drive a luxury vehicle which was damaged in a parking lot by another vehicle; the other vehicle is insured with state farm as well as mine. I have gotten repair estimates from certified body shops with 4/5 reviews and they charge on average $90 /hr labor.

    I submitted the repair estimates to State Farm and State Farm forced me to do their pocket appraising app. A few days later they sent back "a state farm estimate" which is 1/3 of the quoted repairs from other certified shops.

    I wasn't at fault for this accident; I expected my insurance to pursue the other policy holder and if I requested that my repairs be done by a specific shop that the expenses will be paid directly to the repair shop of my choosing. It doesn't seem like State Farm is interested in helping here at all; they said something about their "prenegotiated rates for the local market" is $45/hr labor.

    Has anyone been in this position before? I want to get my car repaired by the shop of my choosing and since I wasn't at-fault I shouldnt be responsible for the differential costs the other drivers policy should be.

    submitted by /u/Intelg
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    Ups - Ultimate poor service

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 02:25 AM PST

    To cut a very long story short I recently moved from the UK to Denmark with work. I organised the shopping of my belongings through a UK based company who arranged for the collection of my things, created packing labels etc. I opted to insure my things with this company which took the total cost from £450.00 to around £800.00. The UK company then sent all my belongings through UPS. Ups managed the shipping from my flat in the UK to my flat in Denmark.

    After nearly a fortnight of waiting, miscommunication, multiple calls and many disappointing days spent waiting for my things they finally arrived.

    Out of 9 boxes around 5 were badly damaged, and two were in a horrific state (Completely ripped open with my things falling out). My computer, monitor and speakers were badly broken and a lot of crockery, glassware and pictures were smashed as well. Im happy to provide pictures!

    I instantly emailed the UK company straight away to say what had happened and that I needed to assess the full scale of the damage.

    I've provided the company with around 150 pictures of the damage, including damage to the boxes and all my personal belongings.

    I have a call scheduled with the company later but I'm unsure of the best way to proceed as I've never been in this position before. Any advice that you could give me would be greatly appreciated.


    submitted by /u/Ninjayb
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    pretty simple question on car insurance (UK)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 02:14 AM PST

    Hey All, i'm looking at getting a new car in a few months. im a 20 year old male in the UK. i currenlty drive a 1.2 litre tdi car and the insurance is pretty low. but for my next car i want something more powerful, and i've got my eye on a few 3.0 tdi cars. audi, mercs, jags. that sort of thing.

    i've looked on comparethemarket via autotrader and things like that but i just dont trust it, last time i renewed my insurance on my current car i got one quote from admiral via comparethemarket, then I called up, gave them all the details and it was about £40 a month more than the on screen quote

    my question is essentially this: anyone at a similar age to me in the UK driving a car with a 3.0 litre diesel or petrol engine, is the insruance high, i.e: over £150 a month?
    i have no driving claims, and by the time i get a new car will have 3 years no claims. both my parents will be named drivers to bring the cost down.

    thanks all :)

    submitted by /u/qwerty47559
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    I rear-ended someone, wondering if I should go through the insurance claim process.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 04:30 PM PST

    I rear-ended someone yesterday morning. I offered that person money, but he was not taking it. He was challenging me to call the cops. He was being very unreasonable. I apologized for the accident but he wouldn't listen. I got fed up and called the cops. When I did it, he was very shocked. He was saying things like, "please don't go through the claim process, let's settle this outside. If I make an insurance claim my premium would go up as well". I was clearly at fault and the police said the same too. But says that since NJ is a no-fault state, his premium would go up too, if he made a claim. I did not understand his logic completely.

    He was not hurt, he had very little damage on his car, basically, a small strip of metal on his bumper was bent a little bit. My car suffered the most damage, my front grille is destroyed and the hood is bent, the side fender is bent. I anticipate at least 2000 to 3000$ worth of repairs. My deductable is around 500$. His damage is going to be less than 100$. I am sure his deductible is more than that. He told the cops himself that he is not injured and doesn't require any medical assistance.

    Now, I know for sure that the other guy is not going to make an insurance claim. He said it himself to me. He tried contacting me several times, I told him to go through the insurance process if he wants to fix his damage. I did not give him my insurance number or anything. I gave all my details to the police. Now under these circumstances, if I don't use insurance to fix my vehicle, will my premium still go up? I have already filled a claim with Geico. Can I withdraw it?

    submitted by /u/throwback656
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    Just got into an accident. Fender bender, dash cam review to me seems like I'm definitely not at fault. What do I need to prepare?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 07:34 PM PST

    Just submitted an insurance claim for a accident. Was on a mountain road, guy decided to do a 3 point U-turn right behind a bend that also happens to blind me because of the sun. He could have seen me coming around the bend but I definitely couldn't, yet he decided to back up into my lane.

    It was very light damage, -20 degree temps so the plastic bumper shattered but that seems to be it. No injuries and the collision was very low speed.

    Reviewing the footage, it definitely does not seem like I'm at fault. I'll wait for the call from the insurance company before submitting the video evidence.

    What are some steps that I should take to protect myself legally and financially? This is my first year of driving and my first insurance claim. Canada btw.

    I'm really only hoping for realistic repair, rental, and car depreciation damages and not looking to screw a ton of money from the other guy's insurance.

    submitted by /u/coolg963
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    Can I be under my parents health insurance if I file my taxes independently?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 07:11 PM PST

    I'm 22, living in FL. I filed for my taxes this year separately and I'm getting money back as I don't make much. My parents used to claim me as their dependent but they said I should just file it as an independent this year and if there's any stimulus checks I could get them so I could keep afloat. I was casually telling my friends that and they said that if I file independent I'd be taken off my parents insurance, they work in healthcare which deals with a lot of insurance. I googled it and it says you can stay on your parents insurance until you turn 26 regardless. I told them and they are insistent that you get taken off if you file as an independent and that I should start looking for my own insurance now. Anyone have insights before I freak out?

    submitted by /u/rosellachaos
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    Car accident question, does insurance settle both the personal damage and personal injury at the same time or is it separate

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 12:57 AM PST

    I ask because i got into accident 5 months ago, and talk to other party insurance about liability, they won't accept fault but will talk to my insurance about the liability on our side, I only have liability cov so yea. But When i asked about the other party medical cost, they have no info on it, do you guys believe the other party is preparing to sue me for Personal injury with a lawyer after Personal damage is dealt with or what should happen in your opinion

    Im in california, I forgot to mention, My insurance deemed the other party at fault and not me for the accident but won't go after them because I have only liability minimum cov. I think my insurance will protect me while the other party comes after me, will lead to arbitration when the other party sends demand letter and other stuff

    submitted by /u/Unable_Log_3869
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    Non-Renewal Notice due to UberEats/Doordash

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 08:47 PM PST

    I live in MI so things are a little tricky. I started doing Grubhub in late 2017, quit in 2019, and then went to Doordash and UberEats. At all this time, it was part-time until March 2020-May 2020, it was full-time. In late 2017, I was trying to get a hold of my agent to inquire about leveling up my insurance due to me using my car for business, but I couldn't reach him.

    I left a message but he never called back. Grubhub, Doordash, and UberEats never said anything about my low-level (no-fault) insurance. So I thought I was overreacting by trying to get a hold of my agent or somebody on changing my insurance to prevent further troubles. I tried again in 2018 and 2019 to get a hold of him, nothing. I contacted my company, they said to give him a call. I said I did, they said to call him again. After late 2019, I gave up on calling him.

    Two months back, I was asked to log in to my insurance portal due to MI's new No-Fault options. There was also a message inquiring about me doing UberEats and Doordash. I said yes and got a reply reading me the riot act. The person at the other end was a little ruthless. Just this week, they have sent a non-renewal notice.

    The current insurance ends in mid-March so I have some time. I want to write an appeal and my next move is to get insurance somewhere else. I'm talking to an agent who says he can get me insurance less than what I'm paying now, but it sounds too good to be true.

    Any help? And yes, I do feel like an idiot for saying Yes to what was said in the third paragraph.

    submitted by /u/WakeMeUpOnJdgmntDay
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    Question about Root

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 11:31 PM PST

    So, on January 30th I filed a claim with Root (first ever claim haha) for a hit and run of my vehicle (It was parked outside of my house). Within 24 hours, the insurance adjuster called me to talked details. I told them everything and they said based on the pictures, they would have an in house person do a quote for the work, then be in touch to talk where to go from here.

    Within 2 days I got an email with a quote for work beyond what is needed (though understandably so). I only need a front fender but was also quoted for a headlight, mirror, door trim, etc.

    I didnt question it, whatever, I figured she said theyd call and I'd discuss it then.

    The next day, a deposit to my debit account was made for the amount of the in house quote, minus my 100 deductible (which make sense).

    What doesnt make sense..I havent heard from them since. I've had the money for a week now (havent touched it). They said theyd be in touch to discuss getting it into the shop, a rental, etc (which isn't really necessary).

    My question is, what should I do? Can they come back at me if i take this money to do the repairs myself? Or can I do that but keep receipts? Ive tried to contact them and left a message with no response (left the message 2 days after receiving the money). I'm just confused on why theyd send me a few hundred bucks and not instructions on what to do with it...

    PA here

    submitted by /u/KFizzle290TTV
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    Dash camera saves me, a check is being sent, what next?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 11:15 AM PST

    Location: Florida
    I am going to receive a check from the insured party for damage to my vehicle. The amount being sent is more than what I bought the car for (minus the cost of a new set of tires).
    I was thinking of DIY repairing the vehicle with my uncle by replacing damaged parts with parts salvaged from the junkyard and then sending the whole vehicle to get repainted. The remaining money will be deposited into savings in case of another emergency. I was wondering if all of this would be allowed.

    submitted by /u/operez1990
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    Parked Car Was Totaled--What Should I Do With It While Awaiting Police Report and Insurance Info? (CA)

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 08:34 AM PST

    My parked car was T-boned by another vehicle last week, causing very extensive damage. I am certain that it is totaled. I was home when it happened. When I stepped outside, I could see there were two cars involved and an ambulance, so I am not sure exactly who was at-fault. Police were at the scene.

    I obtained a police report number from the traffic cop. He told me to contact the number to get the report, which would have details about the driver and whether or not they had insurance. I have insurance but not collision coverage, which I forfeited due to the fact that my car was old and somewhat beat-up.

    I come to find out today that the report isn't ready and could take up to 30 days to be ready.

    What should I do with my car in the meantime? I don't want to leave it on the street, where it will inevitably collect street sweeping parking tickets every week. I can't even go ahead with filing an affidavit of non-use because it's still technically parked on a California roadway. And I can't cancel my car insurance, which is due next week, because I need to file the affidavit of non-use beforehand.

    After the crash, someone left a note on my window saying "I have the plate of the car that hit you." I'm tempted to call the number but at the same time I don't to go off any potential misinformation either.

    Should I have it towed to a family member's house until the report is ready? I'm guessing it would have to be towed again to a shop when I finally do get ahold of the at-fault person's insurance (assuming they have insurance). Or should I just keep it there and contest the inevitable parking tickets?

    Sorry if the answer is clear--I'm just flustered and not sure what to do next.

    submitted by /u/littlebunsenburner
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    Husband commits arson on our own house?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 09:21 PM PST

    I'm going through a much needed divorce with my husband and I recorded our conversation about the divorce settlement with our house. He said that he would rather burn our house down than split it 50/50 with me. The house and insurance is in both of our names. I reside in Colorado. Would our insurance cover the arson and reimburse me although my soon-to-be ex husband did it?

    submitted by /u/Samisepic
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    VUL - Right for me?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 03:10 PM PST

    Recently hired a financial advisor (mistake number one?) and he's suggested the idea of getting Variable Universal Life Insurance.

    Alright, hear me out. 90% of what I read online says "Don't do it", "Don't mix insurance with investment", "It's not right for the majority of people". Still, the tax advantages have piqued my interest. Here's a little more information:

    • My husband and I both max our 401ks and Roth IRAs
    • We are in the 35% tax bracket
    • We have about 200k in the bank doing nothing for us (this is why we hired a FA, and we are trying to become more financially savvy)
    • We've told him we have about $5k-$7k a month that we can put toward investments
    • We have a 2.5 yr old daughter and we'd like to fully pay for her college + college for a baby on the way
    • He's quoted us each for $1MM VUL policies.
    • My husband's min/month would be $466 and $209 would be cost vs $256 investment
    • My min/month would be $265 and $117 would be cost vs $148 investment
    • He's recommending that we try to put about $46,000 (combined) into the investment each year
    • He's told us that this would be a long term investment vehicle (10 yr+)
    • Even though the insurance premiums are higher than if we got term, will it be worth it in the long run for the tax savings benefit?
    • We can afford it, but we don't know if it's the right thing to do. It sounded great when he told us about it, but the more I read, the more nervous I feel about being tied to this thing for the rest of my life.

    I've read a ton about VUL, including that it's pushed because of the higher commission for the FA, but when does it make sense for people to use them? Ever?

    Thanks for any feedback.

    submitted by /u/bingbutt
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    Partner was in an at-fault car accident and my car is totaled. What should we expect?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 08:00 PM PST

    Location: USA (Illinois)

    I'm 25F and this is my first time ever dealing with auto insurance at this level.

    My partner (26M) was in an at-fault car accident on Friday night on his way home from work. He was making a left turn on a green light and was hit on the front right side as he was in the turn by an oncoming SUV. Witnesses said the light was green but they couldn't really provide any further information regarding what happened because it happened so fast. My partner is not too proud to admit when he's in the wrong, but he says the intersection was clear when he made the turn (otherwise he wouldn't have made the turn). We're thinking the SUV came from a side road or behind another car and sped through the intersection to make the light. The officer did not ticket my partner but did put him as at-fault since he was the yielding vehicle.

    My partner was taken to the hospital via ambulance, and the driver of the SUV refused to go to the hospital. Thankfully, my partner is okay. They ran a few tests on him and found he has a fractured rib and a small bone in his back is fractured as well.

    We filed a claim on Saturday morning with my insurance company (Progressive) since he was driving my car. It was towed from the accident and we're 99% sure it will be totaled. We released the car to insurance and it was picked up either yesterday or today.

    I don't really know where else to go from here or what to expect. I have full coverage on the car, and I paid extra to make sure my partner was also covered on my plan. I'm expecting my insurance to go up after this since he was on my plan.

    I guess I'm just looking for advice on what to expect or how to deal with insurance agents. I feel very lost and naive to this situation, so I want to make sure I'm completely prepared and able to sort everything out without any issues.

    submitted by /u/peaches-and-spleens
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    Got caught it a bad storm. Car flooded. Insurance Question.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 03:16 PM PST

    My 2015 Dodge Dart got stuck in a deep puddle full of mud and cow poop during a storm. The exhaust was under water, water was up to about the bottom of my seats. Water got into the interior of my car and flooded my floorboards up to the bottom of my seats as well, about 5 or 6 inches of dirty water. My check engine light was coming on and off, traction light, and airbag maintenence warning was all lit, and white smoke was coming from the exhaust. This happened on a Sat, my car sat all of Sunday and most of Monday before towed, and it still sitting in the shop parking lot as they are too busy to look at it for the rest of the week, but is still soaked and muddy according to them. My insurance is saying potential Total Loss but wants to do some tests first, I am in FL. Think it will be declared a loss ? My car isn't even worth $10,000 in perfect condition.

    submitted by /u/Shawneboismith
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    2021 Collision and Frame Replacement: Diminished Value?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 12:25 PM PST

    As the title says, I have a 2021 vehicle that was hit by a drunk on the highway when only 3 weeks old, and required a total frame replacement. Finally got the vehicle back after 2 months in the shop.

    MSRP 65K and his insurance is at fault. What kind of math should I be aiming for with his adjuster?


    Edit: 2021 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon Unlimited. Florida

    submitted by /u/Username_NullValue
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    Liability & Hazard Insurance in Quebec

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:14 PM PST

    I'm a member of a small collective greenhouse and this year the board is requiring all members to get hazard & general liability insurance. I rent a tiny amount of space (75 sf) and I'm not a business; I use it to grow seedlings for gardening. However, there are several small businesses using the premises. How would I even go about getting a quote? This seems absurd to me and I thought I was covered under the collective's insurance policy as a member (we are a NPO).

    submitted by /u/blacktipwheat
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    [Texas] Car accident; other party lied

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:06 PM PST

    I had a car accident on 2/2/2021. I was going straight on the far left lane of a frontage road. Shortly after I passed a green light, another car suddenly pulled up in front of me from the turnaround section. When he pulled up in front me, he was in the middle of the far left and middle lane . I rear-ended him because I was going about 45 miles per hour. I received the police report today and it has zero mention of my statement. It didn't mention the other car coming out from the turnaround section; it just stated that I failed to control speed and rear-ended the other car when he was attempting to change lane. I think the police report is biased because the other party is a 85yo veteran and I'm a young guy with imperfect English. I also realized that there are mistakes on the police report and also the information exchange sheet, for instance, the time of the crash on the police report and the location of crash & my license plate on the information exchange sheet are all incorrect. I told the police that the accident happened on about 15:20 and they put 16:00 because the old veteran said so. The officers are clearly imprudent. They obviously didn't have a thorough investigation of the accident. What are my chances of discrediting the police report with the above evidence?

    Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    TL;DR: Other party lied in a car accident in Texas and I'll for sure be at fault with the police report. I did find some mistakes (i.e. the time of the crash which can be proven with call history) on the police report, what are my chances of discrediting the police report?

    submitted by /u/hoicheung
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    Trapped by internal technical error with health insurance company. Unable to access care, billing hell for 5 years

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:03 PM PST

    Los Angeles, CA

    A major health insurance company has an internal technical issue on their end that first popped up almost six years ago and continues to be an issue every single time I try to use any plan with them since (I've had three). Basically, any time anyone runs my insurance ID number, including their own employees, it brings up an inactive individual plan I had with them for three months back in 2015 and does not show that I have been a member since.

    This has literally kept me from accessing healthcare, blood work, and prescriptions and has subjected me to bullying from confused healthcare workers, harassment (over a year of it once) from billing departments, as well as hundreds of hours on the phone with Anthem. Every time I seek healthcare, I end up sitting for over an hour waiting for angry, immature receptionists to get someone on the phone while they yell at me and humiliate me in front of other patients. The drama as well as how late this makes me has greatly affected the quality of care I get from the doctors.

    I am out of options and assuming I need to take legal action at this point. Has anyone ever experienced this?

    submitted by /u/pineapplepredator
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    Insurance policy cancelled because insured's representative failed to file required affidavit to qualify for the insurance

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 04:56 PM PST

    I live in Texas.

    I received a notice stating the above today I'm the mail from my homeowner's insurance. The cancellation is expected to go into effect on 3/11/21.

    My insurance renews every year in January.

    What does this mean? Is it something I did or did not do? Do I simply just shop for insurance from another company?

    submitted by /u/Kariered
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