• Breaking News

    Wednesday, February 10, 2021

    Salespeople have to believe in their company, and they must have their hearts engaged to succeed Sales and Selling

    Salespeople have to believe in their company, and they must have their hearts engaged to succeed Sales and Selling

    Salespeople have to believe in their company, and they must have their hearts engaged to succeed

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 02:52 AM PST

    Quote from New Sales Simplified by Mark Weinberg.

    I feel understood.

    submitted by /u/Andriy_Tovkach
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    The Origins of our Bad Reputation

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 04:41 PM PST

    Have you ever wondered why salespeople have such a bad reputation? Why is it that in 2021 we have to earn buyers' trust? Doctors and Lawyers are innocent until proven guilty… but for some reason, Salespeople are guilty until proven innocent.

    I for one would argue that Doctors and Lawyers are responsible for much more financial exploitation than the sales profession. But that's a little besides the point…

    Time to turn back the clock 140~ years to learn about one of the fuck faces most responsible for our bad reputation - Clark Stanley and the Snake Oil Liniment Company.


    In the mid-1800s around 180,000 Chinese folks immigrated to the United States as indentured laborers to work on the Transcontinental Railroad. These workers brought with them a bunch of natural remedies - including snake oil.

    OG snake oil was made from the oil of the Chinese water snake, which is rich in omega-3 acids and helps reduce inflammation. Chinese workers would rub the oil on their joints after a day's hard work and intrigued by its effectiveness, American counterparts started asking the Chinese workers to share.

    As the reputation of the healing powers of Chinese snake oil grew, many opportunistic Americans started to wonder how they could make some in the United States. Queue in Clark Stanley, aka The Rattlesnake King. Clark was a former cowboy turned entrepreneur that claimed that he learned about the benefits of rattlesnake oil from Hopi medicine men (Native American Tribe from northeast Arizona).

    Clark's big claim to fame came in 1893 during the World's Exposition in Chicago… This homie "reached into a sack, plucked out a snake, slit it open, and plunged it into boiling water. When the fat rose to the top, he skimmed it off and used it on the spot to create 'Stanley's Snake Oil'." 👀 This spectacle made Clark's snake oil go viral… at least in 1890's terms.


    The "Snake Oil Liniment Company" flourished for a number of years on the back of Clark's showmanship… but like any fraud, a series of quite fortunate events led to its demise.

    First of all, rattlesnake oil was far less effective than Chinese oil. A psychiatrist and researcher by the name of Richard Kunin published a letter to The Western Journal of Medicine revealing that Chinese oil contained almost triple the amount of vital acid as rattlesnake oil. Secondly, Clark's snake oil didn't actually have ANY snake oil. This revelation came on the back of the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 (before this the "FDA" didn't exist and companies didn't have to list the ingredients of what they were selling") that was stood up to clamp down on the sale of patent medicines. Long story short, turns out that Clark's snake oil was actually just beef fat oil with a sprinkle of red pepper and turpentine.

    He played everyone for almost 30 years… and like most good ole' American frauds, all he got was a $20 slap on the wrist. He didn't dispute the charges.


    You know, as if a $20 fine wasn't bad enough, the sad thing is that Clark wasn't even close to the only snake oil fraud in his time. Turns out that he was one of the many "Medicine Men" who put together cure-all concoctions of alcohol, morphine, opium, cocaine, plus many more fun ingredients and marketed them as "Chinese snake oil".

    Whether we think it's fair or not, the sales profession today has to dig itself out of the hole Clark's shenanigans put us in. The world is so fucking complicated today… buyers need us now more than ever to help them drive progress.

    Let's put transparency and mindfulness at the forefront so we take ownership over changing the perception buyers have of our craft.

    As always, much love ❤️,


    submitted by /u/Enology92
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    Cold Calling for Market Research

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 10:19 AM PST

    Background:I want to learn about funded startups and what recurring problems they are facing to start a service in or develop skills in and I'm tired of the guesswork. I've gotten discovery calls through email but I was trying to solve things that people aren't focused on as a priority, and lacked strong demand.

    Ive started doing market research so far out of all the platforms, only reddit has been useful, but it doesn't have enough volume of series A /B funded tech founders. LinkedIn has yielded 0 conversations for me.

    Next step Ill be cold calling just to get things over with and i need help with a script.

    My hook will be:

    "Hi {First Name} this is {my name}. I know you're busy now, but can I borrow you for just 2 minutes?"

    after that, any ideas how I can get a CEO to schedule an interview with a random nobody to learn about their business challenges?

    I assume a lot of these guys start out like this so wouldn't they be empathetic for my pursuits? Anyways, help would be appreciated here.

    submitted by /u/broomburglar
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    Can I get a review on my resume for sdr/bdr role?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 12:52 PM PST


    I posted this morning, I got one comment making suggestions so I updated it and was hoping I could get a secondary review. Thank you guys so much.

    submitted by /u/icanneverdecideonone
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    How common is the "24 hours to prepare" presentation during job interviews?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 12:48 PM PST

    I haven't been in the job market for well over 5 years now. It seems every second company I interview with is asking for a presentation, but they will only email the details on the scenario 24 hours before? They want you to build a deck from a template and present?!?

    Is this some new hiring best practice?

    Seems like a way to get a bunch of free consulting work to me, so I've walked on the first few requests. But it's turning out to be surprisingly common. Am I just out of touch?

    These are enterprise AE positions.

    submitted by /u/DolphinThe
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    Aircall / CallHippo?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 08:56 AM PST

    Anybody use one of those or one of their competitors?

    Any thoughts about them?

    submitted by /u/nothingsurgent
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    Digital businesswomen wanted!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 12:40 PM PST

    I am a female Digital Entrepreneur and created a private Club on Telegram to exchange skills on Growth Hacking & Copywriting hacks.

    The group's objective is to empower women entrepreneurs, making a powerful networking among all of us.

    At our Telegram club, we will help each other, and with that we will gain more followers, more engagements in our content on social networks: Instagram, Youtube, Facebook and even Reddit posts.

    Everything that increases the reach of our business content we will be doing to grow more and more.

    We will beat the algorithm, sharing knowledge and practical results!

    Who here would like to be part of it !?

    submitted by /u/Zayahra
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    How to uncover timing and budget when looking for new leads (and a cold approach to get a consistent 30% reply rate and helps you generate more qualified opportunities)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 08:46 AM PST

    When doing lead generation you know how critical it is to generate the right leads at the right time.

    Sometimes, this is simply the difference between a harsh and a grateful response to a cold email like this:

    "Hi, appreciate you reaching out and I'm certainly open to a conversation."

    Getting timing is not trivial. And because of that, most sales teams end up just focusing on the "right" lead.

    Recently, I found how most sales teams can target the right leads with perfect timing, just with a simple and usually available filter.

    And the best part is that you don't need to re-frame the entire lead generation process to do it.

    This is the type of cold approach that will get you a consistent 30% reply rate and will help you generate more qualified leads.


    TL'TR: The next time you create a target lists of leads, make sure to prioritize the ones that recently changed to their new job or just got promoted (3-6 months max).

    This filter helps you find the managers with the decision-making power you're looking for and are open to discuss new processes and tools right now.

    Timing is the key.


    When one of these managers change jobs, they are likely looking to shake things up internally. New processes and new ways of doing things will be on their minds, so this is the perfect timing to let them know that a solution like yours is available.

    More, If you further target people with decision-making power that joined a growing team, you'll likely find an even higher level of urgency to find solutions that accommodate the growth of the team!

    I know this may sound trivial, but this is often an overlooked insight you can generate when reaching out to potential customers.


    Crafting the dedicated message

    You can use this lead generation approach with any outbound sales campaign you do. The more you're able to segment your target audience the better the results you'll have.

    I showed you a proxy for timing and now you can focus on personalization - these two are the most important factors to run a successful cold email campaign.

    Here are a couple of examples of how you can leverage this audience and how you could start your email:

    1. "(...) noticed that your new role is pretty recent (congrats! 2020 was a tough year so it's great to see people doing well)"
    2. "I was doing a bit of research on {{company_name}} and saw that you have just recently joined (...)"

    After the initial hook, a connection is established and you should fire your assumption, here's an example:

    1. "(...) is this change was also an opportunity to re-evaluate the processes or tools in your team (...)"

    Every use case deserves its special attention, so there's not a single way to write great cold emails.


    A few days ago, I have compiled a guide that walks you through the most efficient ways to use this approach in your outreach strategy. Feel free to ask any questions. Here to help!

    submitted by /u/redipg
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    Selling Via Call - Need few advices.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 10:37 AM PST

    Hello, I'm working currently in the company where we're selling thru the call to our customer base, its a bjg known company and products are: mattresses, vacum cleaner robots and kitchen gadgets ( coffe machines, pans, pots cutting gadgets)

    Before i've worked in the same company but in diffrent project where ive bedn calling to new buyers and offering them a discounted deals with a membership attached to it, i was top performer here.

    But now i made to privilege(membership) project where all prospects been more than 3 years with our company and membership and they getting calls every single month about their privillege(membership) deals and surpries from my colleagues. now i even can't tell my name without objection, so my question is how to handle this kind of a problem, and maybe any ideas on how to rule objections they happening after 4 first words like: ( don't want to hear what kind of suprises you have, im not going to buy, not your company again) I've tried so many things some works some not, so i want your 2 cents and maybe i will be able to put my knowledge and your findings in one place and something beautiful will come out. (sorry for my english tried my best, wishes from lithuania.)

    submitted by /u/g0ldenass
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    Best way to handle objections regarding bad previous experiences?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 10:30 AM PST

    Curious to see anyone's thoughts or strategies on handling an objection having to do with a customer's bad experience with either your company or your competitors' company?

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/NerfGodz
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    Is there value in virtual selling in medical device sales?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 10:29 AM PST

    I work in medical device sales and our company is pushing virtual sales, and increasing our KPI's for virtual calls for 2021.

    I'm trying to wrap my head around why our management team is pushing virtual so hard. I think there is value in virtual selling for something like pharmaceutical sales, or software, but I struggle to see the benefit for something more technical in nature like med device. These docs want to, and need to, physically see new product and demo it themselves.

    Is there any benefit or analysis that this is the future of the med device industry specifically? What am I missing?

    submitted by /u/owlofparadise
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    I found a new job!! But, current employer doesn’t payout commission??

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 03:43 PM PST

    So, my current company holds commission payments from prior year until "sometime in February" and occasionally "early March". So, my 2020 commission won't be paid until then.

    I am in the process of finalizing my employment with my new employer, and honestly I'm very excited about getting to the new role. They are aware that my resignation could impact my current employer being willing to release my 2020 commission.

    Has anyone ever experienced this? Any insights on suggested route to take? Other reps that have left have had to threaten legal action to get them to release the earnings. One even had to have an attorney send a letter.

    Greener pastures ahead, I suppose?

    submitted by /u/wmb07
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    Can I sell IT products (licenses) solo?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 01:58 PM PST

    So I've been laid off due to COVID. I was a receptionist at my old company, which is a tech sales company. They did very well after the pandemic, even better than they did before. They work remotely now, so I was laid off because I had no role that can be done working online, despite them selling more.

    I'm not mad about this, its life. But I learned so much about IT sales during the year I worked for them.

    So my question is, is it possible for me to sell It products solo? (Products such as Microsoft, Symantec, Veritas, etc. all licenses in general) Or I need a team? Obviously I can't afford hiring anyone.

    Waiting for your thoughts and opinions!

    submitted by /u/minaneta
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    Sales cadence software

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 09:18 AM PST

    What software or apps do you use to create your sales cadence? I will manually send customized emails or make phone calls, but I'd like something that gives me a daily to do list based on where in the process a lead is.

    For example, I enter a new lead "Bob Smith"

    Day 1

    Email introduction to Bob Smith

    Day 3

    What was result of Bob Smith intro email?

    Option A triggers Task 2A

    Option B triggers Task 2B


    I know Salesforce has an add-on that does this, just wondering if there is a lower cost option

    submitted by /u/dantooine1977
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    10 Questions to Ask Clients with Marketing Sales

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 09:12 AM PST

    I'm fairly new to Out of Home and advertising and looking for some peer advice. What are some questions that you ask a business owner when meeting with them? I talked to my boss this morning for some guidance and he told me that I should research some staple questions to get down to the goal they're trying to achieve with advertising. He told me that I'm really good at getting in front of people and starting the conversation but he thinks my weakness is asking the right questions about what they want to get out of marketing.

    What are some open ended questions that you guys ask your clients to find out the best strategy to get them what they need while getting the deal closed?

    submitted by /u/madameovaries85
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    How do I get a job in SaaS sales?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 09:08 AM PST

    Hey all.

    I'm 25. I'm interested in learning how to get into SaaS sales without a background in tech and only retail sales experience. Am I really at an insurmountable disadvantage? I need advice on bootstrapping my way into sales. I'm currently going school online for mathematics.

    submitted by /u/BigBoyProfessional
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    Which offer would you take? Saas SDR or Selling Insurance to Brokers?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 09:06 AM PST

    I have two great opportunities on the table. I am torn as to which to chose! Any advice?

    A. SDR @ SaaS company that is in the process of getting acquired by one of the top platforms in the entire world (one of the 4), I would convert to an employee of that company. Base is 40k /55k OTE

    B. Development Exec @ A innovate dental company; I would be selling to brokerages.. waiting on specifics on comp but estimating 50-60k base, 80-100 OTE

    both have great longevity and opportunities. My sales experience so far has been in SaaS but I am drawn to each for different reasons. for obvious reasons, I would like to go where I can make the most $$$ and have a long term career

    submitted by /u/ihatelaundryy
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    Best city for software sales outside of the US?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 07:49 AM PST

    What is the best city in Europe/the world to move to for software sales?

    Based in Germany and looking to start a career in software sales after graduating next year.

    US will be tough to get a visa sponsored as a young professional I suppose?

    submitted by /u/seriouzzgaben
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    February 11th 2021

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 07:03 AM PST

    Hit it hard today boys yesterday is gone today is a new day. Let's eat!

    submitted by /u/captaintrippay
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    Can I get a review of my AE / BDR / SDR internship resume?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 06:46 AM PST


    I still need to do a cover letter but I figured I'd post this while I worked on it. Thank y'all

    submitted by /u/icanneverdecideonone
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    Does transportation impact your sale?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 02:34 AM PST

    I'm not going to pm you asking for your business this is strictly for my own research. I would love to know how much logistics and transportation play an impact on your sale/relationships. Do you sell a product? What happens when it shows up broken or late?

    I have been moving freight for 9 years now with the same company. One huge thing I noticed is that the person making the transportation decisions is typically always trying to save money by going with the cheapest option. With that said the cheapest option has a high rate of failure. Maybe the sale you made is worth 100,000s and tons of people roll the dice on it to save $20-$50. Doesnt make sense to me but I would love to hear how you feel about it being the sales person.

    Thanks again for your time.

    submitted by /u/Canadianfreightguy
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    AI lead prioritization?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 02:24 AM PST

    I've been offered a phone system (similar to aircall.io) for my sales team that includes an AI component that they claim increases sales by prioritizing leads based on how likely they are to close.

    I'm wondering if anybody has experience with similar systems, as I'm looking to compare.

    The one I've been offered is a local company which I'm looking for alternatives for (haven't named it just b/c I'm assuming it's not relevant out Maude of my area).

    submitted by /u/nothingsurgent
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    Leap from Sales to Customer Success Manager?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 07:24 PM PST

    Has anyone leapt from Sales to Customer Success Manager, or vise versa?

    Just curious on how the positions compare and contrast.

    submitted by /u/ajjuco11
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    I Suck At Cold Email

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 05:42 AM PST

    Does anybody have an automated cold email strategy that helps fill their pipeline? I'm looking for a way of prospecting that is more efficient than cold calling. I have a digital agency and cold calling is consistent, but super time consuming. Any thoughts on this? Thanks

    submitted by /u/PapayaGreen8458
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    Sales CRM: the good and the bad

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 05:37 AM PST

    I'm in the process of choosing a sales CRM and would be interested in getting your opinion (we are a small company with 2 people on sales team). I feel that Google sheets it's not the right tool any more, but I feel like more popular ones like salesforce could be a nightmare to setup and maintain. Which ones do you use? What do you like and don't like about them?

    submitted by /u/krondarwirgaz
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