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    Monday, October 5, 2020

    Startups How can I grow up a community-based startup?

    Startups How can I grow up a community-based startup?

    How can I grow up a community-based startup?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    Hello, r/startups

    I am about to create my startup, and it is a community-based startup that needs interactions of users like Medium.com, Social Networking apps, etc. I want to know how can I grow up my startup because I don't want to risk at all.

    Thanks for all replies 🙏

    submitted by /u/AhmedMostafa16
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    How to hire someone for their rolodex/network?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:15 PM PDT

    My company has a few good salespeople that do great post-lead, but we operate in an extensively relationship based industry (B2B fintech). I started from outside the industry and have a small network of my own but not really the size to hire substantial talent yet (as CEO). We're getting to that point where we can hire another salesperson, and I don't want someone who can just close leads (from scale lead-gen, outreach, etc) but also bring in high-LTV leads from the industry.

    How does a company hire someone and screen for a valuable personal network? I'm thinking we might want to use a recruitment firm for this.

    submitted by /u/ResistantOlive
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    Advice on how to cope with the transition from a big corp to a start-up

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    I joined a startup/scaleup a few weeks ago and I'm already disappointed and angry at how things are done. To give you some.context, I worked at a big Fortune 100 company for a decade, but became frustrated with the bureaucracy, inflexibility and general boredom of it all, so I decided to go for a small company, as there are lots where I live.

    It is way more flexible, less bureaucratic (actually zero bureaucracy as they dont even have that many processes in place) and not that boring (yet), but at the same time very chaotic, things change from one day to the next, people working there have very little experience in their respective fields, there's no clear direction. They seem to just wing it, you know, and Im used to anything but that!

    I just fear that this was all just a huge mistake! How did you guys handle this transition? Does sticking it out really help or is it just downhill from here? I feel I dont belong, and sometimes I wonder why they hired me, with so much experience, when all the others have almost none. Am I a golden nugget for them? Did they not have better candidates? Did I undersell myself?

    And pay isnt that great, either. They made it sound fantastic on paper, but im in sales, and even the manager has forecasted a much lower target (50% lower!) Than my OTE. So, in the end, the difference will be very small compared to my previous earnings.

    submitted by /u/bleuciel12
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    Impact of convertible debt on cap table

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    Hello - I would like to learn about the impact of a convertible debt on future dilution in my cap table. Could someone help me with the math (see simple example below)? I am not sure how to treat that particular instrument upon conversion.

    Assume I own 100% of the business today (1 mio shares), that this business was financed through a $2m convertible note at 20% discount that triggers in 3 years time (regardless of whether or not a sale has occured).

    Now, my business (an offline retailer) will be making $2m EBITDA, and be valued at 7x = $14m enterprise value.

    How will the conversion of the convertible debt impact my cap table?

    I'm (probably wrongly) assuming that equity value = $14m - $2m = $12m, and that the discount should therefore be applied to that number. In this case my original investor will own $2m / ($12*0.8) share price = 208k shares. That would mean now 1.208mio shares exist, which at a $12 share price implies a valuation of > than $14m!

    Many thanks

    submitted by /u/atomat1
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    Webflow or Wordpress for a startup website?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 06:24 AM PDT

    Hi all, I work for a company that creates enterprise social networks and intranets and we're in the process of changing our website. I want something that looks too notch just like the websites of companies like Stripe, Intercom, Segment… I believe Webflow might be a solution but I still have doubts.

    Does anyone here uses Webflow for their website?

    How good is it for SEO, especially in terms of speed? Does it offer more design freedom than Wordpress? Does it require a lot of training for a professional designer?

    Also if possible, if some of you built their startup website on Webflow, may I see the result?

    Thanks a lot!

    submitted by /u/amokrane_t
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    Where to find a startup mentor

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    I am the cofounder of a medtech startup in California. I've raised $1.1M in seed capital to develop medical devices that treat the root cause of sleep apnea. I'm now looking to raise money in a priced round to accelerate growth, but I need some general advice: advice on my pitch deck, business advice, fundraising advice, etc. My seed investors have been somewhat helpful and the advisors at the accelerator at my graduate school have also provided some guidance, but I need someone with VC experience that can take me under their wing and provide ongoing feedback. If you could point me to any resources, I would greatly appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/dlanderer
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    How do I test if this is a viable idea? Youtuber project management platform.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    I'm having trouble organizing video ideas, A/B testing titles, etc for a new youtube channel that i'm organizing. Is there any platform that helps youtubers organize and maximize their production value? I'm thinking of something that's specifically made to walk new and experienced youtube creators through a simple and clear process that's effective in organizing ideas and testing ideas among followers.

    I'm a software developer, how can i find out if this is something worth making?

    submitted by /u/madjavismart
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    How do we go about managing an e-commerce delivery startup?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 08:57 PM PDT

    After months of hard work our start-up feels ready for a full launch. We have validated so far by scrapping together a temporary e-commerce website, purchasing products individually as orders came in, and delivering them ourselves so we could validate and just break even. We would appreciate any advice for a full launch specifically in regards to logistics management, inventory management (if we should even stock up at this time?), delivery, etc. Or if you have any resources for things like e-commerce tips or outsourcing ongoing app development on a early stage start-up budget (right now we are sticking with a web platform).

    submitted by /u/JG98
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    15 year old founder looking to conduct market research

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 07:47 PM PDT

    Hi I'm creating a platform for users to create dev teams anyways I want to know how I could conduct market research to see if people would actually use my product, I want to contact 100 devs does anyone know how I can do this ?

    submitted by /u/Desperate_Ninja147
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    A competitor is threatening legal action over trademark use in SEO and website files... Does he have a leg(al) to stand on?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    A direct competitor to our business is threatening legal action, claiming trademark infringement as his trademark is buried deep in our site code for seo purposes. In no way can a customer interacting with the customer-facing pages of our website, or any ads we use see the competitors trademark.

    I'm fairly sure in thinking it's an empty threat (we've watched his seo scores and site traffic dwindle while ours has boomed over the last few years) and this seems like a slightly desperate play.

    Having the trademark in our SEO means little to us as searches for his term are almost nothing, however, I'm keen to know if its worth avoiding in future.


    submitted by /u/Bfreak
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    I’m having a hard time pinpointing and articulating the problem I’m trying to solve. Are there any resources that can help me work through and figure out an answer?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    I am moving forward with a decentralized magazine concept for the fashion space in my locality, but the problem it solves doesn't really feel like a real problem. This concept would offer creative freedom and a community of like-minded individuals to collaborate with. But Instagram offers both freedom and community; so what does that mean for me?

    When it comes to things like roadside-assistance, replacing your tire when you get a flat, it's so easy to articulate and understand the problem being solved. But when it comes to something like starting a new community, I have a hard time because there are countless existing communities. Does my community solve the problem of traditional magazines where the creatives have no freedom? Does my community solve the problem of traditional magazines where only a limited amount of people are able to contribute to the big idea? Does my community solve the problem of having no access to a pool of talent to collaborate with, even though that pool of talent is on Instagram?

    I just don't know how to understand, pinpoint, or articulate these things. Do you know of any resources that can help me work through and figure out answers?

    submitted by /u/TryingToBeActive
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    Secondary markets for ESOPs or startup equity?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    Are there secondary markets for startup employees to trade or sell stock options after they have vested? What are the options if early employees or want to exit before the company is ready to offer an exit? I have heard that it is possible for VCs to sell their stake in secondary markets. How much is known about these secondary markets? Is there a platform that facilitates these kinds of transactions?

    submitted by /u/stewpage
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    Use bubble or webflow or alternatives to build a marketplace / listing and searching for entities that provide other services business.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:00 AM PDT

    - users need to search with geography

    - results will be other entities who I want to list on my page

    - list their services on each entity page

    I can build this on my own, but honestly thats a lot of effort to build software, where I want to use the other services to build it to see market fit.

    Just wanted to understand if its possible with some templates from bubble to do this or if there are some alternatives.

    submitted by /u/albeinstein
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    Contacted an early stage founder and had a call. Their team is incompetent. Is there any legal danger in starting a competitor? (Similar startups already exist in other countries, so the idea isn't exclusively theirs)

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    Basically the title says it all. Some days ago, I contacted a guy whose startup idea seemed very promising, we then had a call. Turns out he is not really competent and they're progressing slowly. I think that I could do way better with some colleagues as I have more contacts in the targeted industry, better technical expertise and better ideas about how to execute.

    Does anyone know whether I could possibly face legal problems if I were to start a similar company? I know that this is a bit of a bad move for the founder, but I just think that me joining would not work out as our plans would differ drastically. Established startups with similar business models already exist in other countries, so the idea is not exclusive to their startup. I haven't signed an NDA or anything similar.

    submitted by /u/jger227
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    Should I charge more and risk losing a sale?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    We are a new media company trying to get advertising campaigns from enterprise customers. We have been doing some advertising with low margins for individuals or smaller businesses, but we want to increase our prices. The problem is, I can't be sure if the campaign will be worth the price I set for it. So, out of guilt, charging less seems a lot more appealing to me. Charging more would be risky as I could lose the sale altogether. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/bgrgndzz
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