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    Monday, October 5, 2020

    Does anyone have predictions about if federal student loan payments will continue to be suspended and if the interest rate will remain 0% after Dec 31, 2020? Do you think the winner of the presidential election will make a difference? Student Loans

    Does anyone have predictions about if federal student loan payments will continue to be suspended and if the interest rate will remain 0% after Dec 31, 2020? Do you think the winner of the presidential election will make a difference? Student Loans

    Does anyone have predictions about if federal student loan payments will continue to be suspended and if the interest rate will remain 0% after Dec 31, 2020? Do you think the winner of the presidential election will make a difference?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    Any experience with credit score after loans are paid off?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    My credit score is 760 and age of accounts is ok with 2 year average, mainly because my student loans in 2015. They're on time and I expect to pay them off by March. Curious to hear from others if the score takes a hit and how long it takes to recover. Derogatory marks for me is a lot of hard inquiries that should take 2 years to go away. I want to have 3 solid cc's to use and cancel old ones that don't offer lucrative cash back percentages

    submitted by /u/Neymar11rose
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    Fafsa problems: dad out of the picture mom is illegal and doesn't do taxes

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    Hello Reddit, I am a 17 year old applying for FAFSA so I can get financial aid for next year when I go into college as a freshman.

    On the FAFSA it asks about tax returns but my mom is an immigrant from Mexico and doesn't do taxes but on the FAFSA it says that I put parent will not file for tax return and that the amount reported for parent's income appears to be over the minimum amount required for filing a tax return.

    My mom makes around 20k a year and has 3 children who depend on her, my dad was deported in 2014 and is basically out of the picture for any type of financial aid so I just put my mom as single on the FAFSA. I put the 0's in for the SS as advised from google but what am I supposed to do for the tax return on FAFSA?

    When I googled it it led me to more question and to file IRS Form 4506-T but when I put "will file" on the FAFSA it doesn't put that as an option it puts (IRS 1040, a foreign tax return and something about Puerto Rico taxes) I have lived in Texas my whole life.

    Please help me as soon as possible, I am already 3 days late for applying to the FAFSA but I didn't think it was going to be this difficult. Also sorry if this isn't where I post this could somebody tell me where to post, Thank You.

    submitted by /u/Critical_Fennel_707
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    Student loans for off-campus housing?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 12:28 AM PDT

    Not sure if this is the right subreddit for this question, but here goes.

    Next year, I plan on transferring to a university in my state. I have friends who go to the college, and one of them offered to rent an apartment with me. The place in question would be about $650 a month, including utilities.

    My question is that, while I do plan on working while attending school, I doubt I'll make enough to pay for rent on my own. My parents are offering to pay for some of the monthly cost (about $200 of the $650) but even then I'm not sure I'd make it, when factoring in food and entertainment.

    Anyways, my question is whether or not I could get a loan to cover my rent that I wouldn't have to pay back until I finished college? I'm not really familiar with the student loan process, and while I tried doing research on my own I couldn't find a clear answer. To be clear, I'll need loans to pay for the cost of my tuition as well, so would it be a different loan from that, or all be part of the same loan?

    Thanks for any help.

    submitted by /u/lukethebeard
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    Borrowers Defense for University of Phoenix Help

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    TLDR: Would love help with Borrowers Defense application after attending University of Phoenix and not being able to pay the loans for about 9 years has increased them from 18k to 44k. I got denied on my first application that was pending for almost 4 years with the same general message everyone else got.

    I was wondering if any that has successfully gotten approved for borrower's defense or knows the process well could help me with my case. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I attended Axia college at the University of Phoenix from 2006-2008 and got an associate of arts in Business. I was unemployed from January 2009- November 2016 due to my anxiety and panic issues and had 0 income.

    Now for the sob story, I have struggle with anxiety and panic attacks with agoraphobia since about 2002. I Was going to a campus for a different college but had to stop due to my anxiety being so bad at the time. I really wanted to complete college to feel like I accomplished something and started searching online for options, and this is where I met the biggest mistake of my life, The University of Phoenix.

    I reached out about attending and from the start the lady that contacted me and said they would be my advisor was very pushy and more like a used car sales man than an advisor, no offense used cars salesman. She told me that I didn't qualify for Pale or Hope and my grades were good enough for Hope and I only made about 12 dollars an hour at the time of starting school which should have been low enough for the Pale Grant, even with my families income. She pushed me to take out loans and told me I could use what was left for books and expenses and filled me information of how I was going to get a good job after attending the College and would be able to pay it back easily. I know falling for it was my own fault, but they offered no help in finding a job or any assistance once I graduated. I usually don't' fall for things very easily and research them thoroughly but I was in a desperate place looking for hope. My family wanted me to get disability due to my anxiety and panic attacks, but I did not want to be a drain on the government. If I had done that, I could have gotten the loans forgiven for long term disability, but I struggled through hell and got back on my feet and now I can't afford to pay back the loans.

    Once it was time to repay the loans which was about 18k I contacted the Federal Student Loans office and informed them of my situation but all they would ever offer me was to defer/forbearance on the loans which at the time I didn't know was just putting the interest on the end of the loan. This made the loan grow over time and I eventually defaulted on the loan as I had no way to pay the loan. In 2016 when I finally started working again and got my life together I was trying to get all my debt in order and they wanted me to consolidate my loans, which I did with their advice and now it is 44k in student debt for an associates degree I don't use and if I did, places of employment do not hold them highly.

    I am still unable to pay the loan even though I am working now and do ok for myself, but it takes all my money to live. I have no savings and no retirement, and they want me to pay over 400 a month on the loans after filling out the Income Driven Repayment plan. I do not understand how it can be so high when I am barely getting by.

    I have written letters to the White House, the President, and other members of the government all with the same generic responses of, "Vote for me and we can make a change!" and other similar responses. I wish I could just sell the degree back and get out of the debt, or something, ANYTHING! I would even be open to owing the original amount, but they will not budge or work with me at the Department of Education. They will just garnish my wages and make me unable to live and take the money from my taxes where they already take too much. I feel hopeless and stuck in this situation and would appreciate any help I can get. If you read all this rant, thank you very much!

    I was unemployed from January 2009- November 2016 due to my anxiety and panic issues and had 0 income.

    submitted by /u/Revolver034
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    Help for Future Loan Student

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:32 AM PDT


    I am a senior at my University with a degree in Aerospace Engineering with a Math minor and I am looking into my plan/options for my loan payments. I still have roughly 2 semesters before I am finished, and have not started paying off my loans in any way. The way it looks now, I am looking to have around $23,000 in loans once I finish (~$2,000 of that is un-subsidized). I do not have a job lined up, but am frequently looking for one. I have no clue what to do, aside from using a service to manage the payments for me. I would want to have these loans out of my hair asap, and would be willing to go through a tight year or 2 budget wise to focus on repaying debts. I want to ask for any tips, insight, wisdom, etc.

    Thank you so much for any and all help

    submitted by /u/BigRepresentative767
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    Nursing School Debt

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 02:58 AM PDT

    I'll be going to a Nusing school soon and eventually I'll be taing out loans to pay it. The thing is, I have some money left from FAFSA and EDD since I go to a community college. Should i save it to and pay off some of the loans? Or just use it for myself before taking loans for nursing. Keep it mind I don't have enough savings to pay off nursing school debt anyhow, just a couple thousand.

    My thinking is this, if I'm going to be in debt anyways, should I just spend on whatever I want now and pay it off when I get a real job, which is after nursing school? Or save it and try and pay off the loans earlier? I'm really stuck

    submitted by /u/Twiceeeeee12
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