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    Monday, October 5, 2020

    Promote your business, week of October 5, 2020 small business

    Promote your business, week of October 5, 2020 small business

    Promote your business, week of October 5, 2020

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    Post business promotion messages here including special offers especially if you cater to small business.

    Note: To prevent your messages from being flagged by the autofilter, don't use shortened URLs.

    submitted by /u/Charice
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    Clarity comes with action

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    Being a one-man show is tough. Oftentimes I get overwhelmed by the numerous tasks I need to do which usually ends up with me feeling weighed down and getting lost in thought. It can get very debilitating. But once you break it up into smaller actionable steps, and just get on moving, things start to slowly clear up and you build momentum.

    And so another Monday is about to roll in. Keep going, everyone! Keep moving. Little victories. We got this! 💪🏼

    submitted by /u/Pollypocketpie
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    Need some help with organization

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    I recently started a small business where I'm making signs and such out of my house. I needed an app that I can use to track when my customer orders are due other than Excel. It doesn't have to be super technical I'm not doing payroll or anything like that

    submitted by /u/Imakesigns_nicole
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    What are the best Paid Business Listing Sites that give the most benefits?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:39 PM PDT

    Paid business Listing Sites benefits

    submitted by /u/katysmith0520
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    Business Owners: What problems did/do you face regarding to your Brand Identity and finding the right designer for the job?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    I'm doing venture validation in my business course and I'm starting a business designing small start-up businesse's brand identity. if some people could answer these questions it would really help me along. Thanks!

    As the title suggests, when it came to your brand or businesse's identity what problems did you find when it came to looking for a designer? What problems did you face when you DID find a designer? How do you think the process could change for the better? Do you feel like there are certain businesses where there brand's identity is under-represented?

    Thanks again!

    submitted by /u/zoocookie
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    How to build an audience/ support for my online business???

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    I have been in business for about a year, but I'm having a hard time building support on my social media pages. It seems that no matter what I post, those that are already following me just do not engage, which is really hurting me in trying to expand my audience.

    For background, I am a proofreader and an author. I am writing my debut novel and trying to get people excited about that by sharing sneak peeks, getting people involved with fun posts, and whatever else I can think of, but NOTHING is working.

    The only people who ever engage in my posts or business updates are my husband and my mom. I have a few hundred followers across two platforms, and I'm just struggling.

    Am I going about this all wrong? I can't gauge what people like to see from my page when no one engages, even when I ask what they would like to see from my page. It feels like if they can't even do the smallest thing they can to support my business by liking a promotional post, then how will I ever expand and be successful in my business?

    I've done countless hours of research and am doing what I think I'm supposed to do: consistent posts, engaging in writing communities without self promotion to try to gain an organic and genuine audience, looking at my analytics (which aren't helpful since I'd need information to glean anything from it), and I support my other friends that have small businesses by engaging in their posts and even buying their products.

    So, what am I doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/menguin18
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    A new one price monitoring service for Brazil

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 01:14 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I am a developer with more than a decade of experience in creating a distributed backend system. My passion is writing internet crawlers, which able to scrape data from different sources, fighting with captcha, and much more.

    During investigating new markets and areas, I found that Brazilian's IT landscape looks a bit deprived of startups aimed at monitoring prices and goods.

    So, I am going to create a new project aimed to track prices and products of competitors in Brazil. Any thoughts, feature requests, use cases, and advice are very welcome!

    And here is a small landing about it https://pricerybrazil.com

    submitted by /u/rollller
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    Project Management Software [Windows/iOS]

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    I'm in search of a project management application that we can add our jobs to on our office computer and our employees can see the changes/status on their iOS/Android devices with an app. Are there any project management systems out there like this?

    submitted by /u/Spruxed
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    Best Shipping Label Printer that is bluetooth and chromebook compatible?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 05:33 PM PDT

    Have a small side business, and it's been doing well. I've been getting requests for shipping, so I would like to see which shipping label printers anyone would recommend that is a thermal label printer, that is also bluetooth, chromebook and android IOS compatible. It doesn't have to be mobile but that would be a plus. I also would like to keep costs low, preferably $80 max for the printer with an average price ranging in $65-$75. However I understand that may be a difficult price, so I'm open to whatever experience you have with these. Any information helps.

    Thanks for your time.

    submitted by /u/SmashandBash18
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    Independent car dealerships

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:04 PM PDT

    Any owners of used car dealerships? I've always wanting to open one and thinking about pulling the trigger. Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Justintyne
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    Has anyone applied for small business loans during the pandemic? (Private/Government/Other) If not, why not? And if so, what was the experience like?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    I am coming from the foodservice industry but trying to consider the issues more broadly so if you could include you industry it would be a huge help!

    submitted by /u/Kezi_951
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    Need Advice Small Condiment Business

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    I own a barbecue sauce company which is pretty far out. I am posting to reddit to gather more ideas and listen to what other condiment companies are doing to stay alive.

    Non GMO No HFCS and we have a certified organic ketchup & mustered.


    We're in meat markets in every state on the west coast. We manufacture in our commercial kitchen as apart of vertical integration. We're hoping to buyout our ketchup supplier and maple syrup supplier in Vermont within the next 10 years.

    And prior to the pandemic we were in the process of expanding to an additional 35 states 300 meat markets before the pandemic hit, we sent samples the market owners loved them.

    however due to their rise in meat sales and the spike of meat prices market owners didn't want to bring in new product at that time or anytime in the future.

    Also, a lot of markets didn't want to bring in a new product because their cities were on lock down and not allowing people to go into the markets and shop.

    Meat markets we're doing Online or over phone orders only.

    However, the pandemic has shuttered our condiment sales.

    We're brainstorming on ideas. Here are the best ones we've come up with:

    Get barbecue sauce with an online food subscription box service:


    Hello Fresh

    Home Chef

    Every Plate

    Green Chef



    Create a monthly subscription meat box for the barbecue sauce brand

    Partner with an existing meat market client as a supplier for the private label meat box. Given this existing meat market client who already ships meat nationally. This way they already have the USDA guidelines in place therefore we avoid reinventing the wheel.

    Include selected meats and steak and 3 bottles of barbecue sauce delivered to the customer's door.

    This will allow for great Facebook marketing & YouTube marketing opportunities.


    submitted by /u/CompetitiveHousing0
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    5 Major Challenges in Marketing Your Business: SOLVED

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:22 PM PDT

    I can go as far as saying, if you are not investing your time and efforts into marketing, then you are not serious about your business.

    Here are the most crippling challenges businesses face when they market themselves:

    Challenge 1: Predictable Flow of New Customers

    Challenge 2: Managing & Maintaining Your Website & Online Presence

    Challenge 3: Measuring the ROI from Your Marketing Activities (Are you shooting in the dark?)

    Challenge 4: Getting the RIGHT help

    Challenge 5: Lack of a Marketing Budget

    Even if you're really busy. Or maybe your business is doing well. And also, if you feel like you are alone in the struggle. Know that most businesses face the same challenges when it comes to marketing their company.

    So how can you solve them? Check this article: https://thinkorion.com/blog/solved-the-5-major-challenges-in-marketing-your-small-business/

    submitted by /u/Luciemooij
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    Business losses (MI)

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I own 3 small businesses. One of which has struggled since last year and we will be shutting down next month.

    I was able to use some of that companies losses in my personal tax return last year, when I had a W-2 job. But for 2020 I will have income from 3 businesses, where I pay myself as an independent contractor. The losses will be higher than my total income for 2020.

    Do the losses negate all my tax liabilities, or just a particular subset, I.e Medicare, income, etc.

    submitted by /u/nickmoski
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    What are the pros/cons of buying property as an individual vs. as a corp?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    I am in the mid-stages of buying an agricultural business that operates on two properties: Property 1 is owned by the business and includes a nursery. Property 2 is owned by the individual (owner of the current company). Property 2 includes a small farmhouse, outbuildings, and land that is used by the business. Both properties are needed and would be purchased.

    Scenario 1: I buy Property 1 (the business), and I the individual buy Property 2. The business pays me rent to use the buildings/land.

    Scenario 2: I buy Property 1 and own the business. Then the business turns around and buys Property 2. The seller will finance Property 2.

    What are the advantages/disadvantages to these scenarios?

    submitted by /u/turk_turkleton
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    Need help with CA married llc

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 06:20 PM PDT

    Ok, so this is kind of complicated but I need to ask someone. I've been working my a$$ off on a business and ready to register. Just found some questionable photos of my husband with another woman. He swears it's not him but after 10 years married....i know. I'm wondering if there's any way to register tje business with him holding little to no authority. He's the type of person that would definitely screw me over in case of divorce. I love him but I also want to make the right choice business wise. Ca is a state that gives 50/50 right? Is there a way to protect myself and my kids if things go sour? I think llc is the way to go but I'm not sure now that all this is happening. I'm afraid once things are settled he'll take off with 1/2 the profit to another country with a different woman....tia

    submitted by /u/AdditionalSpecial6
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    Square POS API Help Needed

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    I'm using Square for Restaurants and I'm developing a custom app.

    I need to find the open tickets/tabs using the API so that I can monitor quantities sold for open tabs.

    I can't seem to figure out how to do this.

    Any help is appreciated.


    submitted by /u/tspree15
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    How do I think outside the box with my start up?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    I recently opened a plumbing business in my city. The demand is huge. I have joined a few free referral services as well as a paid one, which is paying for itself.

    Then I hit a snag. I want my company to sign with the union, which relieves me of health benefits and offer my employees a pension. It also ensures that I am getting trained, licensed plumbers. I've already been down the other path, and it was a nightmare employee wise. The snag I hit was with bonding for the benefits.

    Without going into all the ins and outs, the work I am getting right now barely justifies me having the business. Since we are new, we are still building clientele.

    I have a career, but I really want this company to work. I've waited on the bond for so long, I am now forced to go back to my day job.

    I'm wanting to continue the business, with my wife running it with a few other employees.

    The problem is that with the current work load, I couldn't promise 40 hours a week to my employees. For the last 2 months, I have used the help of a friend and a family member. I will be out of town.

    How do I think outside the box and keep the business rolling and not be able to promise full time work? Is there a way I can network or maybe form or join a cooperative? Any other ideas or suggestions?

    submitted by /u/trying629
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    T-shirt business.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    I'm thinking about try to start an online t-shirt business. I'm brand new to this whole thing. What's the best advise you'd give a newbie

    submitted by /u/cjmorgan242
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    Potential nightmare customer

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    I run a small side hustle out of my home and have tapped into an awesome network that keeps the small projects going.

    I have a "customer" that has asked me about many different projects. At each project, I've taken a good 10 hours of research and quote work to give them the best custom product and value. She gives me little direction and says she's easy to please but when presented with (many) options, she comments back with things like, "I would never pick gray. I was looking for X,Y,Z; not A,B,C. Yes, I said mustard but I was really looking for Teal. Not that sort of teal, more like Celeste." Even though, she sent me inspiration pictures with gray, mustard, and teal.

    And every project has been abandoned with some reason or another. I don't get paid for my time, which I don't really mind, but she's back. And wants to start another project. She seems more determined, which can close a sale, but I am worried she will end up unhappy with her product based on previous interactions with her. Should I avoid working with this customer, or give her another chance?

    submitted by /u/DarkWaveMummy
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    Can I terminate my SMLLC?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    I have a single-member LLC (consulting). Can I formally terminate the LLC before I either get forgiveness for or pay back my Paycheck Protection Plan loan?

    submitted by /u/rog146
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    Free promo code

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:01 PM PDT

    Like making money? Have clothes laying around or need a new side hustle? Use the code popular to get 30% off your month of service at Listperfectly.com it's the number one way to resell clothes!

    submitted by /u/badteacher1992
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    Influencers and their engagement

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    Has anyone collaborated with a micro-influencer with less than 10,000 followers and get actual sales from them?

    I see that engagement is what's more important than their follower count. However, these influencers' comment section are also full of influencers supporting influencers. It's almost impossible that these people would be buying the product that the poster advertises.

    Is collaborating with influencers worth it?

    submitted by /u/daggggger
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    Should I Ask To Be A Partner?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    I have worked for this company for close to 8 years now and have helped build it as I was hired about a year after its inception. It is a small business generating around $5 million in revenue and I am an executive of the company and handle a lot of the day-to-day decisions for the company.

    I am paid fairly well but want to put myself in a position for future success. The company does have considerable amount of debt due to buying out a partner many years ago ($1.8M).

    I am not sure how this typically works? Am I looking to "buy into" this company as an equity investor or due to my work and sacrifice am I "owed" a portion of ownership? Something small like 10%?

    The 2 owners have made it clear that they intend to sell this business to me someday but I'm not sure when that will be and I would prefer to have ownership sooner than later so that I can build my equity within the company as I am doing a lot of the heavy lifting. My worry is I would have to take out a gigantic loan to buy this company from the owners when they are ready to sell.

    I am worried about buying into a company that has considerable amount of debt. Do I automatically take on that debt as well? Or can I structure my ownership where I am not responsible for any of the debt that was created prior to my involvement as a partner?

    submitted by /u/Rare-Deal-6262
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    Where to get Gift Cards

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    I want to get some gift cards for my shop before the holiday season and wanted to know the best services to go with.

    submitted by /u/Significant_Owl8496
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