• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 4, 2020

    Legal Advice My boss will not allow me to see my pay stubs, hours worked, and compensation for said hours.

    Legal Advice My boss will not allow me to see my pay stubs, hours worked, and compensation for said hours.

    My boss will not allow me to see my pay stubs, hours worked, and compensation for said hours.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:51 PM PDT

    Hello, I am posting this on my significant other's behalf.

    She (OR) is working at a shitty fast food restaurant where I am told overtime isn't even compensated. The problem my significant other faces is that, when she asks for her password and username for an app which allows you to look at your pay stubs, they will keep putting it off for later. It has become a huge point of frustration, what can she do as an employee, to access this information? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/MLM_Zapatista
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    Found two dogs, rehome one after two weeks and a half weeks of no response from the owner, "owner" contacts with no proof of ownership, now the police are involved?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    Hi everyone. This is my first time posting to reddit, but I have a situation and I need to know what to do or if I'm in the wrong.

    I live in Arkansas. On Sep. 9th I found two dogs in the middle of a 700 acre recreation area while doing work for my thesis. There were no homes close to the dogs. The dogs both had collars, but there were no ID tags or tattoos on the dogs. The dogs were covered in ticks and had several cuts on their body and were bleeding, but they seemed a decent weight. I found them at 7-8am in the morning. The shelters were closed until 10am, and I had a class to get to at 9. I tried to drop them off with a vet close to where I found them, but the vet said they did not take stray animals. I took them home, went to my class, and got them scanned by a vet for microchips. They did not have microchips. I posted them to craigslist, the state lost and found network, and some lost and found facebook groups. Two days in, after giving them several baths because they were covered hundreds of thousands of ticks, I bought them each a seresto collar. Three days in, I took them to the vet because they were pooping worms and leaving worms all over my house. I got them heartwarming tests, normal worm tested, and rabies vaccinated. I paid the vet fee myself.

    By two weeks in, I start looking for new homes because I have heard nothing from the owner. I hear nothing from the owner for two and a half weeks. On Sep. 26th, I rehome one of the dogs to a close friend. On Sept. 27th in the early morning, she takes the dog to the vet and gets the dog vaccinated and microchipped in her name.

    On Sept. 27th in the afternoon, I got a notification from craigstlist saying that the dogs were her father's. I message her and tell her to contact me ASAP because I had rehomed one of the dogs already and we need to get this figured out. I chat with her owner text and ask for proof of ownership in the form of a picture or vet records. She says that she does not think the owner has either. I get a call from the owner, saying that they were his dogs. The owner says that everyone knows those are his dogs around where he lives, and he did live close to where I found the dogs. He successfully describes the dogs and their collars that they were wearing. He says he has all their siblings and parents. I ask for proof of ownership in the form of pictures. He says that he doesn't know if he has those or not. I ask for proof of ownership in the form of vet records. He says he's never taken them to the vet (dogs are around a year old, according to him). I tell him to look and see if he has pictures of the dogs and send them to me. He sends me pictures of a group of dogs that are the same breed, but none of them are the dogs I currently have. He says they are and that I have stolen his dogs. I tell him I need proof of ownership (I have screenshots of all of these interactions). He tells me that he will get the sheriff involved.

    I'm panicking at this point, because I don't know what to do. I call the vet and they say that if they don't have microchips, then there is not much he can do. I call the city north of mine's animal control (because mine is closed) and they say that they only hold dogs for 5 days, and that is sounded like a neglectful situation, and that I was doing everything right, but call my county's animal control on Monday.

    At 8-9pm at night, I get a call from the sheriff. He says that the owner had called him and that he needs my side of the story for his records. I tell him everything above. He says that I am in the right, and that I should call my animal control in the morning to confirm. At his request, I send him an email with all my documentation of the above situation.

    I call my animal control in the morning. They mention is sounds like a neglectful situation, and basically say they would not do anything about it. They tell me not to contact this man again, so I block him from texting and through email.

    I thought this situation was done and over with, but then I get a call about an hour ago (Oct. 4th) from the sergeant. He gets my side of the story, and then says that I need to return the dogs because the dogs are the owner's property. I mention that he has not given me any proof of ownership and the sergeant says that the proof of ownership is that I found them in the area where I found them (close to the owner's home). He mentions that this is a property dispute. I tell him that it is illegal in the state of Arkansas for dogs over 4 months to not have a rabies vaccine (which these dogs would not if they have never seen a vet). He does not seem to care about this. I tell him that I am not in town currently, and need to get home before I can deal with this.

    My question...what do I do? I'm incredibly confused and frustrated. I picked up two dogs and gave them hundreds of dollars in vet care thinking it was the right thing to do, but now I'm getting the police called on me. I need to know if I'm in the wrong (because I do not want to deal with this and will gladly give them up if I am!) and what I should do in situation.

    Thank you guys for any help.

    submitted by /u/Frosty-Possibility-5
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    Harassment by Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    My wife and I have dealt with harassment--sometimes constant--from JWs locally off and on over the years. They contacted us recently and this time, if it starts again, I would like to know if there's something I can do legally if it doesn't stop? I read several years ago that, in some areas, you can get what amounts to a restraining order to prevent members from bothering you further. I don't know if this applies in the state of Delaware or not, though.

    I'm well aware that they have a do-not-call list, but no, they don't always honor the wishes of former JWs and others. We're already on the list.

    submitted by /u/isaacjbs2
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    Can an employer expect me to work longer hours without pay in exchange for a letter of recommendation?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    I work in a research setting with the intention to eventually enter into a profession school setting. In order for that to happen, i absolutely need a letter of recommendation from the head of my area. I have been told in no uncertain terms that the only way thsy would do this is if i worked at least 60 hours a week while being paid for 40 of those hours. They told me that those extra 20 hours a week would be my way of purchasing my letter of recommendation. Ive calculated how much that would be, and id effectively be giving them $15,000 worth of labor by doing this. I really do not have that extra time because i am also a student. Is this legal? Is there anything i can do about this?

    Edit: location is Florida i also forgot to mention that when they "hired" me, the paperwork took 3 months for them to fix. They told me id get back pay but that has yet to happen.

    submitted by /u/jswizz69
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    New York apartment building delays approval of our tenancy past lease start date. What recourse do we have?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    Hi! We have never lived in New York before so forgive me for stating the obvious or redundant.

    After the owner accepted our application two weeks ago, we submitted all fees, applications, and documents to the leasing agent, who made the building application on our behalf. The agent assured us the approval process only takes a matter of days. Based on his recommendation, we set the lease start date to October 1, which should have given the building plenty of time to process the application.

    However, after not hearing anything for a few days, I began to get worried. After a few calls, the agent sent me the contact information for the building manager, saying he could not reach her but that I could try. Her phone went straight to voicemail, a situation which continues until yesterday (haven't tried today, it's Saturday.

    The rules of this particular building are that they cannot reject us for any reason, as long as our background checks are clean and we submit all required forms and documents, which we have. The best they can do to do legally keep us from renting is by taking over our lease and paying the owner rent for our agreement period.

    However, they have already waited past the lease date, and I am worried they have no reason to approve us in a timely manner. I realize, of course, that we have no contract with the building, but we have signed a lease with the owner that entitles us to the apartment as of yesterday.

    As I mentioned, we have paid all applicable fees, including the first month's rent. which basically means I am obligated for a year to pay rent for a place that I cannot access -- and for which there is no concrete timeline for which I can access. What if the building manager just sits on the application? Is the rental contract void, since the start date has passed? Am I entitled to reimbursement for a portion of the first month's rent? Seems it should be prorated for obvious reasons.

    Thanks for reading! Please let me know if I have any recourse, or if there are good resources I can use to investigate further.

    submitted by /u/embracetwirlism
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    Local bakery vs scam on facebook

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:53 PM PDT

    A local bakery has an active and popular page for their store.

    Well someone decided to steal their name and photos and tried to steal people's credit card information by asking for it. They are not a real business.

    Not real names but it's like the real bakery is called "Cakes Chocolate & Gifts" and the fake page named theirs "Cakes ChocolateGifts"

    But still they are using all of the real bakeries photos.

    The fake page had messaged people telling them they won a contest that the real bakery was having, and told them they needed their contact info and credit card number. !!

    Facebook received tons of reports that the fake was fake but everytime has ruled it doesn't violate their rules.

    This poor bakery is trying their best to warn people but this is an awful mess. They are an amazing bakery but brand new and small.

    What possible thing can they do? New York state

    submitted by /u/eckokittenbliss
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    Ex-room mate trying to sue for mail theft.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    Not to long ago i received a package for an ex room mate of mine. I got ahold of her and attempted to send it to where she currently lives. She agreed to reimburse postage cost to me.

    A few weeks after sending it out the package returns. I ask the post office and they told me it was returned because nobody at the address recognized the addressee. I once again got ahold of the ex room mate. She said to change the addressee but the post office told me that would cost more. So i told ex room mate to let whoever is at the address that it is coming. She agreed and i sent it off, once again paying standard shipping.

    The package once again came back a few weeks later. This time I told the ex that she needs to pay for the past two postage charges as well as the next one in order to send it again (only totaling about $15). I directed her tonget ahold of my wife to get her paypal info and send us the money.

    She never got ahold of my wife. Today, aprox 3 weeks after the package was last returned to me, she messages me saying she is pursuing legal action against me for mail theft.

    I reiterated to her that her package has not been tampered with and ia still sealed, I simply cannot keep eating the shipping cost myself. I sent it off twice in good faith, expecting her to pay after she received the package.

    At this point I would rather just send it back to the company it came from and tell her to to ask them for a refund. Does ahe have any legal standing to pursue me on this? I feel like I have been more than accommodating, all i asked was to cover the cost of shipping after paying for it myself twice.

    submitted by /u/Leprokracken
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    How can I find out if I'm divorced?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    I got married at 16 and he was abusive so I left and never looked back. I'm 34 now and I have no idea where he lives nor do I want to. How can I find out if he's divorced me yet? I really need to get this done.

    If he hasn't, how do I divorce him without knowing anything about him?

    Live in NC but got married in VA

    submitted by /u/LaurieLoves
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    PC repair shop has had my laptop since start of covid and has been unresponsive for 8 months

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    I'm in Washington state.

    Poorly timed, I dropped off my black-screened laptop for a diagnostics test at a local repair shop two weeks before the shutdown (in February) and haven't gotten it back yet. In early March they closed their business operations and sent out texts that they would work on getting people their computers back "within the next few weeks." Never got it back. They sent another round or two of these texts in May and July, but I have still yet to hear from them, or have them reply to my emails. I have emailed them without response and tried to call them but their phone has been disconnected. Now I've looked at the business's website today and it has been taken down.

    The laptop was only 1.5 years old and cost $900. I also paid a $65 for a diagnostics service to pinpoint the problem, but obviously I never heard any updates on it.

    Is small claims court my best recourse?

    submitted by /u/pcthrowaway510
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    Lawsuit over medical debt incurred by my disabled daughter

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    Edit: I live in Michigan.

    I have an adult daughter who has significant cognitive disabilities. As a result she is essentially indigent other than any support I provide her (her annual income from employment usually is less than $1,000/year). She reads at about a second grade level so insurance and legal documents are way over her head.

    In 2018, she tripped and suffered a minor ankle sprain. Some stranger called an ambulance for her, and she was taken to the emergency room of a local hospital.

    At the time she was covered under my insurance, which pays 100% for emergency room visits. The insurance company quickly paid the entire hospital bill.

    But I have been unable to get the ambulance company to bill the insurance company for the ambulance trip.

    They sent a bill shortly after, which included an area to fill out insurance information. I filled that out, had her sign it, and then mailed it back to the ambulance company, but they never billed the insurance.

    About 6 months ago, she received a notice from a local law firm that they were filing a lawsuit to recover the amount. I wrote up an explanation of what happened here, included the insurance information and a request that the ambulance company bill the insurance company, had my daughter sign that, and then faxed it to the lawyer's office.

    About a month later they simply sent back a "we see you're disputing the debt" letter that restated the amount and date of the ambulance service.

    Today, they had someone serve her with papers for the lawsuit.

    Any suggestions on how to handle this? There was information in what was served to her about a local group that does mediation for cases, so I reached out to them with an online form.

    submitted by /u/datahoarderprime
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    Struck by a car, certain he ran a red light, police say I'm at fault

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    Hi r/legaladvice, and thank you for the help in advance. I'm a first timer in an accident like this. I'm a recent college grad and recently moved to the Northern Virginia area where I was biking home by sidewalk from a nearby Target when I was struck by a car. I want to know if there's any recourse, maybe just for the cost of my bike.

    I was at a SW corner and was about to cross North at a intersection I was familiar with. I double checked each of the lights. The cars traveling North had a green light, the left turn signal for cars traveling North just turned red, and cars traveling South just got their green light. All signals for cars traveling East had red lights, including their right turn signal. I checked and double checked these lights. I'm certain that had I pressed the crosswalk button, the signal to cross would have turned on. But given the superficial nature of the crosswalk signal and the pandemic in mind, I didn't press the button.

    The car that hit me was coming from the East about to turn right before heading South. I saw the car slowing down and assumed he was coming to a full stop since his signal was red and there was a boy on the sidewalk. I stepped into the crosswalk with my bike between my legs, but the car accelerated, hitting me off my bike into the intersection. When I collected myself, I moved myself and my bike back to the SW corner and didn't speak to the driver. Several witnesses gathered, the police and EMTs arrived, and I was taken into an ambulance. I was questioned by a cop who only asked if I had the signal to cross, to which I answered "No", and when I came out, all witnesses were gone. The cops told me I'm unarguably at fault since I didn't have the signal, that this isn't a large enough accident to file a report for, and that I would need helmet and lights to not be at fault anyways. The police advised me that while he probably won't file a claim with his insurance, I'd be at a loss in arguing my side if he did since this is my fault. I got a form with the drivers insurance information. I didn't have my phone on me and couldn't take any pictures. I have no witness contacts.

    The driver claims he had the green light to make the right hand turn but this is where I am certain he is wrong. I checked and double checked his signal, red, and the Southbound cars' signal, just turned green. So if I'm not mistaken on these details, I'm confident he wanted to make a quick right turn to beat the Southbound cars that just got the green. The driver apologized for hitting me and told me his son saw me, shouted at the dad to stop, but that I rode in on my bike too quick. I was waddling into the intersection with the bike between my legs.

    I'm not sure what to do, if I can do anything at all. I see myself as a pedestrian, where having my bike on me made cycling laws apply to me and strip me of any recourse I could have had. I've well aware of how the law fails cyclists but I only travelled by sidewalk and crossed in crosswalks at a pace no faster than a jogger and acted as carefully as my mother would want me to. I feel like the driver has to be at fault, loosely recited laws I've only heard of by word of mouth says so, but with a police response like this and no evidence on my end, this is just a "he-said-she-said" scenario. The police advised me that while he probably won't file a claim with his insurance, I'd be at a loss in arguing my side if he did since this is supposedly my fault. I find the fact that I was the one who almost died but he gets priorities as a victim is insane.

    My bike is expensive, I'm attached to it, and it's totaled. I'm overjoyed to be alive at all given that these accidents usually end unspeakably worse, but I want to know if I can at least ask him personally to help replace my bike with confidence that the police's verdict is off and I know I'm not in the wrong. In the off chance he does sue for damage on his car or puts me in a position where I'd have to somehow defend myself, I want to know that my side of the story could stand in court. My bike is like my life partner and I hope I can get help replacing just the cracked frame, maybe even the bent wheel. That's all I would ever ask for. I'm not asking for money or to win a lawsuit, anything that would hurt the driver. Just legal grounding to defend myself if he comes after me, and maybe just maybe help affording a replacement bike knowing law is somewhere on my side.

    Again, thank you all for taking the time to read through this. I hope you guys can help me out here.

    TL;DR: While crossing a road, I was struck by a driver who I'm absolutely certain ran a red. Police didn't care for it, told me it's my fault for not having the crosswalk signal, helmet, and lights, and for that reason pursuing anything would hurt me. I have no evidence but want to know if I have some kind of recourse in case this turns around on me. Also, my love and life road bike is bust, and it would be nice if I can personally ask him to help me pay for it with knowledge and confidence that I'm not legally at fault, that law is somehow on my side, and I have some leverage in this situation.

    submitted by /u/iceclimbersloserboy
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    Buyer for home coming back with complaints

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    So we sold our house and closed on 2/28/20.

    The buyer had an inspection done and gave us some resolutions to complete saying they wanted everything done by certified workers. We did everything to the letter, sent all invoice last to the buyer well before closing, and they had their final walkthrough with no issues before closing.

    Now several months later, the buyer is coming back and saying the electrical work invoice is "fake." We got a certified electrician that was recommended by our realtor, I have have all the communications between myself and realtor as well as the communications between myself and the electrician in writing. Given, the invoice does not look great, as the electrician did this work as a side job and made the invoice himself. It only includes the work he did (totaling about $150) and his name.

    Now the buyer is saying they may take us to small claims court unless we can provide a new invoice. I have reached out to the electrician and he has said he will get me a new one, but it has been over a week and I am having issues reaching him.

    At this point I am wondering if the buyer could potentially have a case if I am unable to get a new invoice from the electrician. The buyers have no issues with the work, they just don't believe someone certified did it.

    The house we sold was in Kansas City, MO.

    submitted by /u/BeasleysKneeslis
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    Can a foreign family member sue a US citizen based on foreign law

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    My mother is a China Citizen. I am in the process of becoming a US Citizen and renouncing my China Citizenship.

    Base on China law, if I do not take care of her at her old age she can sue me and the civil court in China might decide that I have to visit her once a month or so.

    Will I get protected from that lawsuit because I will no longer be a China Citizen?

    By the way I experienced childhood abuse from my mother but I just do not have any recording back then.

    Location: Mountain View, CA

    submitted by /u/fgs78ejlfs
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    Our company domain name was registered by another individual, how can we get it back?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Hey all. (Location of our business = United Arab Emirates)

    so our domain name is registered at register.com (US Based domain company) but around 25 years back it was registered by an individual on our company's behalf. That was all fine until out of the blue the person who owns the domain name was sent to a mental asylum somewhere. We have not association with him or any relationship with him whatsoever but he still owns our domain. There is absolutely no way to get in touch with him and his whereabouts are unknown.

    Our company wants to gain control of the domain as our business emails and everything is associated with that email. When I reached out to register.com they simply told us that we had to go through the ownership transfer process which involves the domain owner providing their ID etc.. saying they will transfer the domain to us. Obviously in our case this is not possible.

    We desperately need to gain ownership of the email as you can imagine. What steps would you suggest we take? How would it be possible gaining ownership of this legally?

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/amuster588
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    Slander from immediate relative

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    My sister took her own life leaving a child behind. Mom pushed ( harassed until we agreed ) for me to take him. We have temp guardianship while we wait for our hearing. However during this process she became upset - I said the child had to stay with us to be able to receive his therapy appointments, which is true he cannot receive his therapy in another state according to his therapists. Now she is spreading lies and slander against us to anyone that will listen. This has already soured relationships with family ( most don't believe her because she has done this to them as well ). However it's just generally upsetting because most of it is basely lies and rude.

    I can't withhold visitation of the child and I'm not trying to but as his care taker I'm worried for his safety around her ( the fact she threatened several times to have the sheriff remove him doesn't help ). To top it off she doesn't want to see me. Just the child she had no relationship with before my sisters death. So to forsake her own child for a child she doesn't have a relationship with... Anyhow we are in California and with all the fires we can't just meet at a park, the air quality is horrible. She lives in another state and showed up without even 12 hours notice demanding visitation. I cleared my schedule offered a neutral indoor option and she refused. She continues to slander me behind my back to family and wants me to do whatever she wants? Is there anything I can do to protect myself and my family during this? I know grandparents have rights until this kid is fully adopted but she has always been verbally and mentally abusive I just don't have proof... any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/LadyAnime
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    Neighborhood dog jumps electric fence, bit and injured my leashed dog.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    Hello, I live in Lincoln County Missouri and we have a neighborhood dog that gets out and earlier this year is attacked a neighbors dog so they installed an electric fence. Well it's gets out through through the fence gate still. My fiancé was walking our dogs ( 2 giant breed dogs) and the neighbors dogs got out and went after my fiancé and our leashed dogs and bit and injured my dog.

    We called the police and we don't have an animal control. Our dog is currently at the vet and is sedated and the wound is really deep. Without animal control, what do we do?

    Yes, we want our vet bills paid for, but more so I am worried about other dogs and kids in the neighborhood. My dogs are huge (Leonberger and Great Pyrenees) and if it was a smaller dog it would have been even more injured. The police haven't been able to help, we want to request vet records but we aren't sure if we should even contact the owners. They were inside and not paying attention when this happened.

    submitted by /u/korimagnolia
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    New Home Had Duct Tape Covering Termite Damage

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    We closed on a new home the end of Septemeber, we had an inspection done and a termite certification provided by the seller stating there was no visible damage and previous termites were treated.

    The day after closing we had a pest control company come out to treat the home before beginning small renovations. The guy stated he had been here before and remembered because of all the brown recluses and termite damage present. Long story short, he sent us the report he sent to the previous potential buyers realtor. We then contacted the realtor and asked if she sent it on to the seller's realtor. She has proof she digitally sent it. We also have pictures from that report showing a large hole it the wall that was labeled termite damage from August. We then have our inspectors picture from Septemeber showing that wall looked odd, we all assumed it was some mold in the garage.

    The pest control guy then tapped that corner, looked at it and peeled away silver duct tape that had been painted white, including some balled up and shoved in the hole. They also did some patching and painted drywall damage to cover burrows in the drywall. After cutting away a small section of drywall we saw studs that are completely compromised.

    It appears the damage is one whole two story exterior wall, part if another exterior wall and a general contractor is concerned about the roof of the garage and the floor joist of the bonus room.

    So, my question is, since we knew there were termites but were treated, are we on the hook for the damage because they hid it well enough?

    Update to add we are in Tennessee.

    submitted by /u/halnjone009
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    Return of security deposit

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    I am in New York City since I know that makes a difference -

    In April of 2018, I placed two months' rent down as a security deposit for an apartment. I moved out in October of 2019 and I have been fighting with my former landlord for the return of my security deposit ever since.

    In February I went to housing court and received a judgment for the return of my money plus a small interest fee. However, the property manager has stopped answering my calls. If I look up the company, I found that they filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in January of 2018 and the case was closed in June of this year. Also, a different company has taken over ownership of the building since.

    What are some tactics I can use to get my money back? I now have the name of a lawyer associated with the company and a new address based on their bankruptcy fillings, and I also have the address and lawyer of the new company that owns the building. Could you recommend the steps I can take to get my money back? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/s_elendur
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    Is it legal to visit my 17 year old girlfriend in Kentucky while I'm 20 and reside in Ohio?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    so we had been online dating for a few months. She asked me to visit her , but without her parents knowledge. We didn't have sex , we just hung out. Her mother inevitably found out and she's threatening legal action . My girlfriend and I have confessed our true feelings towards each other and that we care deeply for each other. She's now 18 and I'm still 20. Her mother still threatens legal action and is trying to stop her from communicating with me by taking her phone away . She is over controlling , I would understand her talking to her daughter , but she is straight up controlling. My girlfriend wants to move in , but we're afraid her mother would report me . Am I in the wrong here besides being morally wrong about not telling her mother I came over? TIA

    submitted by /u/TreRamone
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    Ketogenic diet and failing a roadside breath test

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    Last night my partner and I went out and had one glass of standard size Shiraz 10 mins after I was pulled over and gave a high reading I was shocked but police said it's okay give it 10 minutes as I had literally just finished a glass of wine I again gave another reading of high so was arrested and taken back for a formal test which ultimately gave me a mid range reading I was beyond shocked but assumed possibly as I don't normally drink it may have been why.

    Fast forward to today and it looks like I have developed shingles. The doctor asked if I had any stress or lifestyle changes and I said yes it has been a stressful week but also in the last two weeks I started a protein only diet to lose the COVID weight gain and get back into running. My doctor informed me that due to the high levels of ketones in my urine it is most likely that is what caused my reading.

    I am a community nurse and I drive around all day and losing my license would cause me to lose my job and possibly my house... basically ruin my life. I know I only had the one glass there is proof of that at the restaurant. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Is this something that happens usually? I live in Australia.

    submitted by /u/Ok_Example8375
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    Neighbor’s fence is 25 feet into my property

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    I recently purchased a property that includes a fence that goes 25 feet into my property line. In 1995, the owners of my house transferred rights of Ingress and Egress to the neighbors. In 1997, the neighbors transferred this land back to my property via a Quit Claim Deed that was signed by them. I contacted my title insurance attorney and he said that because there is no legal claim filed, I own the land and the fence is a trespass. I spoke with the neighbors and they said that the easement is their and was transferred to them by their mother (the original owners of my my house. They have not filed an adverse possession claim with the courts. Should I ask them to remove the fence? I am not sure how to approach this issue since they are both in their 90s. I am concerned about this becoming an issue for the next owner of their house, or when I go to sell my house. Thank you in advance for your advice.

    submitted by /u/irbaw
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    Getting Evicted From My Apartment For Trespassing

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    (United States, Utah) My boyfriend and I have been renting an apartment for a year now, But recently the contract was renewed without my knowledge, so now the contract is under my boyfriend's name and not both of ours. The landlord is now accusing me of trespassing and is trying to evict me and my two kids. The landlord Is also saying that he hasn't received rent from me, my boyfriend and I pay half and half of the rent but told me that the landlord doesn't except any other form of payment other than cash. So now I'm trying to pay with money order but the landlord doesn't except it because I'm trespassing. Please help me, if I'm evicted I'll have to sleep in the car with my two kids.

    submitted by /u/FBI_Lawli
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    Can you sue someone for claiming you are their daughter when you have no relation to them? And more.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    Eastern plains, Colorado. In this situation, a creepy old guy continuously claims my girlfriens is his daughter, so much so that in his mother's obituary she was called her granddaughter. We have already filed a restraining order for other reasons, but now that is biting us on the ass. Because of his obsession with her, and how vocal he is about it, someone is using a fake Facebook account to try and scam him out of money by saying they'd drop the restraining order for cash. The police seemed to think it was actually her and threatened her and myself with felony charges. We are looking into dealing with that as well. The threatened charges are violation of a restraining order and extortion of an at risk person. They threatened us when we went in to report him violating the restraining order for the third, maybe fourth time. We handed over our phones immediately ana gave them permission to check phone and internet records to prove it wasn't us. They claimed that they were planning on arresting her but that we gave them enough information that they let her go. They still gave her a ticket for supposedly violating the restraining order. When we hit back, we want to hit hard. We want to take care of the person(s) using her name, and we want to hit him with harassment and anything else. We haven't obtained a lawyer yet, but that is our next step. Any advice would be helpful.

    TL;DR Creepy stalker is getting scanned by fake us and more than anything we want to keep her name out of his mouth, especially since she isn't his daughter in any way.

    submitted by /u/NewAnarchyTracker
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