• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 4, 2020

    Stocks - If you think the growing electric-car market would exist without Tesla, think again

    Stocks - If you think the growing electric-car market would exist without Tesla, think again

    If you think the growing electric-car market would exist without Tesla, think again

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 07:56 AM PDT


    A decade ago, no major automaker was going to bet on a non-existent electric-vehicle market. Big Auto was happy to sit back and watch Tesla try to create a new segment. But now, almost every carmaker has announced significant electric-vehicle ambitions for the coming decade.

    Make no mistake: Without Tesla, this wouldn't be happening. We'd still be asking the circa 2006 question, "Who killed the electric car?" if Tesla hadn't reset the EV race in the years before the financial crisis, narrowly avoided bankruptcy, and positioned itself to deliver half a million vehicles in 2021 (and gift investors with a 9,200% return).

    Now, the global EV market is poised to grow, especially in China, where auto sales are already millions more annually than in the US, with the potential to top out at twice what the US sees every year, around 16-17 million new cars, trucks, and SUVs. A large percentage of those new sales could be electric, and automakers don't want Tesla to capture them all.

    submitted by /u/coolcomfort123
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    According to GnS Economics, Zombie Firms Account for 14% of S&P 1500 Companies

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 03:57 PM PDT


    (Wikipedia) "Zombie companies are indebted businesses that, although generating cash, after covering running costs, fixed costs (wages, rates, rent) they only have enough funds to service the interest on their loans, but not the debt itself.[1] As such they generally depend on banks (creditors) for their continued existence, effectively putting them on never-ending life support."

    According to Yahoo Finance, out of the 45,000 public companies covered by Factset, 17% haven't been able to generate enough earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) to cover interest costs for the past three years. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/zombie-companies-hiding-uncomfortable-truth-183246812.html?guccounter=1

    submitted by /u/interestingstuff6
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    Is AT&T a good buy?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    I mean the 7,4% dividend yield is honestly amazing and unbelievable but is AT&T a good buy? I looked it up and with my calculations it will grow in the next five years but when I look into the stock history I see that it has dropped like 16% in the last five years. So do you guys think it's still a good buy and a good addition to the portfolio?

    submitted by /u/PeekingPotato
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    What is your biggest loss?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    So like many WSB a****** I made some insane money during the whole COVID fiasco.

    I think at one point I was +65-70k in around a two month period and I didn't even time it perfect with the bottom like a lot of you guys did.

    Then about a month ago I decided to do some risky plays (the oldest story in the books).

    I got caught in the oil dip along with some other things and quickly lost 60k -_-

    I got to enjoy life changing money and within a very short period got to see it fall through my fingers..

    So what have been some of your biggest losses and what is the story about it, or the biggest losses you have heard of and seen from friends and family (not just rumors).

    This should be entertaining Lol

    submitted by /u/Godkingcoconut
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    for those of you who trade with tech analysis, what is the most basic criteria/indicators that you use for profits?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    this stuff can feel overwhelming as I try to learn and so I am just curious if there are any of you out there who swing trade using technical analysis successfully with some pretty basic criteria/indicators.

    for example, maybe something like RSI, support resistance and volume....

    I am not asking to disclose your exact formula, but just which indicators you use and do so with a winning track record. i imagine money can be made with some effort and diligence but without having to go crazy and learn every indicator and charting pattern ever made, including the more complicated ones.

    Thanks all

    submitted by /u/rammerman123
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    [SERIOUS] What companies do you think are undervalued and why?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    O&G rally ended in 2018. Now we have the tech rally. Will the trend still continue in the future? MSFT, AMZN, AAPL, TSLA won't be going up forever right? But it seems to me that investing in these companies is a no-brainer. It is as easy as investing in an index fund. So, in your opinion, what would be the best risky plays (mostly long-term - the old buy and hold until the recovery)?

    submitted by /u/DisciplineEngineer
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    My market recap for September, charts are interesting (and murkier)

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 04:15 AM PDT

    We just had a volatile September, looking ahead, we will have earnings season kicking off in the next two weeks, 30 more days of intensity heading into election, and... the positive test will have a profound impact. What else should we expect?

    I did some chart analysis on S&P to see what charts are telling us. There are some conflicting signals, picture is still murky. I think next week will be interesting. I wrote up the detailed analysis with all the charts on Medium here.

    I plan to do this exercise going forward as the market develop, on Nasdaq, or some individual stocks that are on my watch list, any feedback / suggestions will be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Fantastic_B999
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    Can someone play devil's advocate for NIO? Seems to be poised to do really well over the next few years.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    China is among the largest countries currently facing towards a green energy future, isnt NEO's rise inevitable?

    Unless I'm misunderstanding something, they have already surpassed their median price target?

    While yes, it had a negative earnings per share of 1.25, its decreasing quarter by quarter, and every year there are more deliveries.

    Any potential risks or downsides to buying and holding for a few years? What's ur opinion on this?

    submitted by /u/Thefishman1
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    what first got you interested in the stock market and which company did you buy first and why?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:32 AM PDT

    i'm quite young (16), my dad has a few investments and i recently put some money in green energy (ICLN, ENPH, also some NET) that i earned from an acting gig. while its not a huge amount, i just like the idea of buyin more gradually, and then coming back in 2/3 years. it seems better then just leaving it all in a savings account that may or may not be devalued by inflation.

    anyway, what first got you interested in the stock market and what did u furst buy?

    i know, i should get a life and not worry about stuff like this, but its interesting. (dont worry i still have a social life)

    submitted by /u/Thefishman1
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    Arguments against the market being red tomorrow?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 04:58 AM PDT

    President gets COVID, President is put on oxygen, President is sent to the hospital, that shady press conference his doctor gave yesterday, multiple Republican senators have COVID, WH staff is very concerned, the senate is in recess, possible airline layoffs and no stimulus.

    Is it because he posted that video from the hospital saying he's fine? I think he would've done that no matter what.


    submitted by /u/dlembs684
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    Strong non-tech buys

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I have been looking to diversify out of tech. ETFs make up 50% of my portfolio with SPY making up about 40% of it. I also have 10% in QQQ. Of my individual stocks, tech makes up about 60%. I currently have non-tech holdings in Disney, KO, ICLN, BABA, a small portion in NIO and SNE. I know SNE is tech but it does not move with the sector much and I really like this position. Any thoughts on good buys. I was really interested in BA but wanted to wait to see what happened after sept 15th and that wasn't great. Great buy but will take years so I am watching for now. Some others I have been following are V/MA, FDX (although getting pricey), J&J and CVS. Another reasonable option I have been considering is putting more money into SPY and also ICLN to a lesser extent. Appreciate any input or other ideas. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/TAB2996
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    Thoughts on combining funds to QYLG

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    Wondered what your guys thoughts would be on this move. As it stands now I'm equally weighted in tech with 20% XLK for growth and 20% QYLD for income.

    Recently global x just launched QYLG which from my understanding of what I read accomplishes exactly what I'm currently doing with one etf.

    I like the idea of streamlining 2 holdings into one. Should I consider it, or maybe hold for six months then re evaluate a potential move? Any input or advice is wanted and welcomed. Thanks all.

    submitted by /u/OGSINT
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    anyone have there eyes on any companies that are looking to get FDA approval for psychedelics to treat trauma?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    i think there is a strong future for this stuff in the treatment of trauma. I know some people who have used it with great success and it is personally something i am considering trying out.

    so yes, there is an emotional/personal part to see this stuff do well but i also think it will become a more commonly accepted modality to treat trauma.

    anyone else?

    submitted by /u/rammerman123
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    Thought on investing in the airline industry?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    New to investing, but have a good concept on how markets work. Airlines are tried and true. Although they are taking a hit through the covid times, they are bound to bounce back as the world gets back on its feet in the future. Would now be a good time to get in since it's low? Buying back in March during peak crash you would've doubled, even tripled in some cases and it's still not back to pre-covid levels. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/tha_blazor
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    panic at the market?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    we've all been feeling the news of trumps covid diagnosis in our portfolios.

    i get it; uncertainty in situations like these correlates directly to the market negatively.

    someone posted that it took a mere 2 days after JFK's assasination for the market to bounce back and return to normal...but uh, that was then in 1963 and this is now, in 2020.

    i just wanna know what you guys think and if his conditions worsens, or dude dies, will there be panic at the market?

    submitted by /u/OGmisterB
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    Hedging a day

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    Is this viable?

    Like lets say news comes out today that trump got worse or some shit, and most of my holdings is in QQQ. Would it be a viable strategy to buy SQQQ at open tomorrow and sell it at EOD?

    Obviously if its greens, it would work the other way around but it would basically be as "pausing" your portfolio for a day.

    How can this go wrong?

    submitted by /u/Kwtop
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    XOM believer

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:31 PM PDT

    I am currently reading the intelligent investor and just got through a section going over the Shiller P/E ratio also known as CAPE ratio. Historically when this is significantly above 20 the future returns tend to be lower and when significantly below 10 returns higher. In recent years the general market has been above 20. Currently sitting at 30.75 approx. I am not trying to say this indicates the general market will perform poorer in the future but am just referencing this number as XOM is currently at 5.49... whatever you say about oil and it's decline and how bad traditional energy stocks are now. I can see no way to justify this company trading at such a low multiple on its earnings over the previous 10 years. I was holding substantial XOM stock before learning about the Shiller pe but now feel even more confident about the company. Curious to see what others think.

    submitted by /u/Googan_28356
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    Potential of a future lockdown and it's effect on stock market?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    So despite everything happening with the President's health and stimulus talks, cities like Madrid, Paris, London, and NYC are examining new lockdown orders. I believed all Summer that a 2nd lockdown was never going to happen but I'm losing faith. Once Winter arrives it's starting to look like these politicians with weak hands are willing to throw their local economy under in the name of "safety"

    I'm holding long, but bought at a premium in August (after having sold in June to lock in gains). Should I be considering going back to cash in case this thing takes a nosedive?

    submitted by /u/rb1754
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    Which stock would you choose for long term between Fedex, JB Hunt and CSX?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    I'm monitoring these 3 stocks, all of them are interesting and they are all in the transports sector, FDX by Air freight, JBHT by truck and CSX by train. All of them have a similar P/E ration spanning from 20 to 25. The most stable one is of course Fedex, it also had the highest gains this year. However train and truck (electric trucks in the future) transports look more promising and cheap compared to airplanes, also better for environment. What do you guys think? Which would you choose and why?

    submitted by /u/Gabriele25
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    I want to hear some opinions on my game plan for the next several months.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:33 AM PDT

    I got into stocks the past 3 weeks. I've only got 1500 invested. Made a whopping 60 bucks lol.

    But here is my thoughts. I'm thinking of selling the stocks I have now that I can break even on. Basically to limit my market exposure. The reason I am doing this is to have more cash available to spend for when a dip in the market occurs. (Certainly a risk as well because the markets could continue to trend up even with all the uncertainties)

    The stocks in which I have a large gain on or loss on, such as (NIO,JPM,Amazon) I will keep. Currently NIO and amazon are my top gainers and JPM is my worst stock. (Lost a mere 4 bucks on JPM , that's virtually no money lost, but I'm wanting to practice good habits with the small amount of money I have in stocks)

    Do you thinking taking out the stocks I am pretty much flat on right now is a smart idea for someone anticipating a bit of a drop off in the market?

    submitted by /u/IuseRedditforThings
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    Companies responsible for producing/selling dexamethasone?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    The interview that just took place said that Trump was taking dexamethasone therapy due to his Covid diagnosis. Does anyone know if there is any company responsible for producing it as a medication that have stocks available?

    submitted by /u/NiceLolBro
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    AMZN investing strategy

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    I'm analyzing AMZN stock. I feel it has a lot of upside potentital given its AWS cloud offering which is top notch IaaS provider out there. They are innovating quite a bit in this space.

    • Building own processors (Annapurna labs) which can eat into intel, AMD lunch
    • Big IaaS leverage if they decide to venture into enterprise software space

    Ecommerce is growing at a record space due to covid.

    Ads is also promising line of business. I'm planning to buy a share per month for atleast 4 years for dollar cost averaging reasons.

    Anyone see downsides to this approach or AMZN for longterm

    submitted by /u/tourist614
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    Any opinions on eToro?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:30 AM PDT

    Hi, I live in europe and I have been using european broker Degiro to manage my portfolio. Recently a friend told me about eToro and its lower taxes and the option to buy ETFs I couldn't find on degiro. I wanted the ask you people for opinions regarding eToro broker.

    submitted by /u/soupizgud
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