• Breaking News

    Friday, August 28, 2020

    Legal Advice [UPDATE] Just found out that a warehouse is being built on land that I own. I was never told about it and didn't sell my land to anyone.

    Legal Advice [UPDATE] Just found out that a warehouse is being built on land that I own. I was never told about it and didn't sell my land to anyone.

    [UPDATE] Just found out that a warehouse is being built on land that I own. I was never told about it and didn't sell my land to anyone.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    So many people were asking for an update, here it is. I retained a lawyer and they started investigating. As some of you had said there was problem with the taxes followed by a series of screw-ups by various people and services. My lawyer advises me to not go into further detail, so I won't. The whole situation looks like "a clusterf... of massive proportions" in their opinion, and they've not gotten to the bottom of it in any way. Looks like getting compensated is going to be a long and frustrating process. Now I'm heading back to Michigan and letting my lawyer do their job here. Anyway thanks for everyone's advice, I was a bit shocked and not seeing things clearly and so it helped.

    submitted by /u/stop_construction
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    Renter can't use the bathroom or kitchen after 10PM

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    Hey everybody, currently renting a room in California and was wondering if there was anything I could do about my situation.

    The room i'm renting has become quite unlivable. The landlord has a no smoking policy, I am not allowed to smoke in the backyard or in the community, which I was totally fine with. However this person is a very light sleeper, and wakes up with any noise. She is in bed by 10, which is when I normally get home from work. Because she is sleeping, I am not allowed to use the kitchen. I got reprimanded for talking on the phone in my room.

    None of these compare to getting yelled at for using the bathroom in the middle of the night. I understand the first few things listed, but am not going to wet the bed for her convenience.

    I've decided to move out and have already informed her, but not being from this country I'm afraid I will not get my deposit back, even though I feel that I should get last months rent back as well. Anything on renters rights you can share?

    submitted by /u/foxhat15
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    [Florida] Past Landlord is taking $180 from our security deposit for a”water bill,” but water was included in our rent.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    Our rent included water as per the lease, but upon moving out the old landlord has sent us an "intent to collect" letter for $180 out of our security deposit for a water bill. We paid rent up until we moved out, which should have included water. Additionally, only 2 people lived in the apartment and we take very short showers. Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/sept27
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    2 dentists in building, upstairs dentist is landlord and refuses to run the A/C during summer when he's not in office.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    My wife works at a dental office, her dentist is downstairs, the other is upstairs. They typically get along fine, the upstairs dentist owns the building and is the landlord. He is notoriously cheap. During the summer months and especially during the pandemic, he hasn't been working much. My wife's boss has done all the safety implementations needed and is working now. Anytime the upstairs dentist isn't working (which is a lot) he turns the A/C completely off. The downstairs swelters during the summer and with all the new requirements, its even worse. My wife needs to wear a bunch more PPE and the office usually gets to at least 80 inside. Even the customers complain about how hot it is. I don't think my wife's boss knows what to do about this. Any thoughts? This is in Oregon if it matters.

    submitted by /u/wraithevolution
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    Boss paid me a bonus using PPP to use up the loan and is now deducting it from my paycheck.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    Boss paid me a fat unexpected bonus using PPP to use up the loan and is now saying I received the bonus in error and must pay it back.

    He wants me to pay back the cash portion ($ after taxes) I received in my check. He is currently deducting it from my disposable income. SO it will still look as if I got the bonus to the IRS but I will have paid my employer back. Is this legal?

    More: I was a full time employee and offered to go part-time to save them on payroll during Covid and during my maternity leave, in a non-essential not for profit sector that relies on weekly donations to stay alive.... Instead of going to part-time hours on the job I was employed for, they issued me a new contract (part-time salaried?) with a new job description tried to pressure me to sign it and is now deducting this bonus from my part-time salary and will be deducting from my coming maternity benefits offered by my disability insurance. State VA Am I just screwed?

    submitted by /u/pennypoobear
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    I work for a federal facility, and have epilepsy. My doctor has sent a note saying how I cannot work third shift as it can be a trigger for my seizures, but they are still making me work third shift. Do I have a case?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    The title says it all. I've had epilepsy since 2017 and I've worked there since the beginning of 2019, and I've asked nicely and told them I can't work third shift, and when they did make me work third shift I kept getting lightheaded and just fuzzy like a seizure was about to come on, so I would take an extra dose of my medication. I think me saying I can't work thirds but can work any other shift isn't too much, you know? I think it's a reasonable accommodation. I also was hired for 2nd shift, been in that shift for the entirety of my time there (minus a few overtime days) any help is appreciated. (Western, KY)

    submitted by /u/logowazlike
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    Gas attendant accidentally put gas in diesel car.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    I'm a gas attendant at an only gas (we only sell regular gas nothing else) Gas Station. During our busy hours, a diesel SUV went to gas up. As usual, I ask the customer how much gas they need and always repeat the number they say loud and clear. The customer asked for $20 and didn't said that his SUV is a diesel. I didn't notice that the cap was green because it was during our busy hours, it was raining and I didn't payed attention to the colour. The customer came back a few minutes later, really angry and said that he will call his lawyer.

    Is it 100% my fault? I talked to the manager about it and he said that will just have to wait on what the customer will do. I'm only 17 and don't have a lot of money. I'm really worried

    submitted by /u/Sinestro2002
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    Something suspicious about my employer...

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:02 AM PDT

    I can't personally say for sure that any crime has been commited, so Im going to post the facts and see what those here at legaladvice have to say.

    I (f,29) have been working for my employer (f, 60s) for about 2 months now. I live and work in the state of Michigan. I recently made a career change from early education to the medical field. Without any experience, I knew I would have to get experiance anywhere I could, so when I saw an ad posted for a resident aide at a small facility, I applied and was immediately contacted for an interview.

    After reading my previous work references (all positive, as Im a dedicated worker) she hired me on the spot to work in her assisted living home for the elderly. Thats when I found out that I was currently the only employee, as she had fired all her last staff for "never showing up". She assured me that she would hire someone for the 2nd shift asap, so that I wouldnt be doing double and swing shifts for long. That was 2 months ago, and not a single interview has been conducted. It has made scheduling appointments for myself, and having any sort of down time very difficult, as she never lets me know when I will have a day off until the day before usually.

    In addition to that, when I started, she said she wouldnt be withholding from my checks, and instead I would be filing a 1099, which seems very odd. I make a humble 10.50 an hour. She also claimed I would be getting a physical, and drug test to start my job. Neither has been done.

    One irritating thing, which prompted me to post this, is that she seemingly isnt covering my travel expenses as she should. I have to take residents to medical appointments, and do all the shopping for the home (I go almost 3-4 times a week, plus getting her personal items) Most of these appointments are 10-15, totaling 20-30 miles away, and happen at least two times weekly. So I wager Im going about 80 miles a week. She may throw me 10$, but its been very inconsistent. As far as Im aware I should be getting paid .50 per mile. I was venting to a friend, when they told me that sounds incredibly suspicious, and that on top of everything else, that it sounds like Im being had by this woman on what my pay and role is at her "facility".

    So, thoughts? Im already considering applying at a well known facility here soon.

    submitted by /u/Humble_Supplement
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    My father just died

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    I have no brothers and sisters and my parents never married so I am the next of kin. My aunt is sending me threatening messages about having a right to his car, bank account, and belongings in his storage garage. We are in Tennessee and I believe by state law, if we find out there wasn't a will, everything would go to me.

    What actions can I take now to protect myself against the aunt meddling in all of this?

    Second question: I believe Dad had medical debts and I wanted to take some action to make sure his money isn't drawn from his bank account or whatever. I don't have any idea what to do.

    He worked at Walmart and I have to go there today and find out about policies I guess. This is all completely new to me and I am overwhelmed but need to act fast. Any help you can offer would be appreciated. We are working on getting the death certificates now.

    submitted by /u/DesperateHousefly
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    Discharging septic onto my property! Can I cap it?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    I bought a 30 acre nature conservancy in NC and plan to build a home out there over the course of the next few years. I have been working in a central part of the property, but recently needed to walk the entire perimeter. There is an old, very run down, neighborhood that flanks a portion of the property and several houses have been throwing trash in the woods, but one of them has a pipe running out under the their fence about 5ft and is discharging into the woods (the fence is on the property line). Based on the smell and the dead vegetation, I believe it may be a septic discharge pipe. The pipe is 2 inch PVC and runs straight from the center rear of the house. Additionally, there looks to be an abandoned vent pipe for a septic system in the path between the home and the discharge. My guess is that the septic system needed repair or replacement and they decided it was cheaper to bypass the whole thing. What makes this worse, for them, not me, is the discharge is about 500ft from a public utility well that supplies the neighborhood.

    1. Yes, I have informed Environmental Health.
    2. Yes, I have contacted the police, for the dumping and the discharge (Making friends fast with the neighbors).
    3. I have marked the entire property with No Trespassing and put up cameras.
    4. I am not likely to actually cap the pipe, but am curious as to if it would be legal to do so.

    Can I cap the pipe?

    submitted by /u/atmsmshr719
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    How to deal with a peeping tom?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    Alright, I have found myself in a bit of a situation.

    My girlfriend lives on her own, I live just down the road but stay there often.

    Two nights ago she was sleeping in her bed, with her window cracked next to her head (she doesn't have air conditioning) when she was woke up by the sound of rustling bushes. She moved a bit and soon after she heard an older man's voice say "hello there" through her window.

    A peeping tom that flees would suggest that they aren't looking for trouble but this individual had the audacity to announce himself. Now I'm quite worried about how far over the line this individual is willing to go if they even do return.

    I am not looking to go to jail for assault. But I full well intend to try to put an end to this.

    Were both pretty broke otherwise I would have had cameras installed and running that night. I will be staying for a week to keep an eye on things and would like help understanding what I can and can not do if he returns.

    In order to get to the window he has to step on to the property so he is on the property but not breaking into the home.

    In an ideal situation I would be able to get outside quick enough to get a photo of the individual to turn over to the police and let them do the rest. But In all honesty I've called the police before for important matters and they were useless.

    I would like to attempt to get a photo of him though, preferably of him in the act which will likely result in some form on confrontation if he realizes he's being recorded.

    Does something like this activate stand your ground laws?

    If he comes after me when he realizes I have taken proof of what he was doing does stand your ground laws go into effect?

    Im seriously not looking to hurt anyone here, but if he attacks me while collecting proof I wasn't the one that chose to walk into his life.

    Am I breaking any laws by having something like a baseball bat on hand or near by just in case?

    Can I just jump him, tie him up and call the police?

    I have never gotten in a fight out of anger, I don't think violence is the answer. I don't want it to have to be. But something like this could be a sign of something far more serious to come and I believe my girlfriend and myself are entitled to protect our homes and the people that live in it.

    Edit: my fear is that until I have a face I have an unknown individual stopping by whenever he pleases. This individual has already expressed interest in her home and the people that live in it. Not doing anything is like just hoping we don't get murdered in our sleep by the guy that is already watching us sleep.

    submitted by /u/SirMeeseeks96
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    Car being blocked by tenant

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    [CA] My neighbor keeps blocking my car in because he's an entitled asshole. He's dating the owner and uses excuses like he was too tired to properly park his car but its all bull because he takes pleasure in being a pain in everyones side.

    What are my rights legally? I dont have a formal lease so the parking space was only given to me by word of mouth.

    submitted by /u/evasionstation
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    How to lose $5000 to an Arizona mechanic

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:09 AM PDT

    On May 5, 2020 I made arrangements to have a mechanic do an engine replacement on a 2004.5 dodge truck of mine. I paid him $5000 up front of the roughly $12,000 quote he provided to start the job and the diesel engine alone is around $7000. He told me almost 3 weeks ago around August 10, 2020 that my truck would be done by the end of the month on August 31, 2020 if not sooner. I've now asked him once a week since August 10th with most recently being August 27, 2020 and he says we're still on track for completion by the end of the month while giving me no reason why we shouldn't be done on time now. Back on August 10, 2020 my new engine suddenly arrived in town after 3 months when I asked him that day for the contact information to the company he was supposedly getting it from. He could never provide me with updates about where my new engine was and I got fed up and was going to call them myself. Multiple shops have told me it would take a month and a half in a worst case scenario if it were a completely custom engine build, which it is not at all. Atleast 3 to 4 shops have told me this job can be completed in 7 to 21 days. It's a stock engine replacement. The end of the month is coming and I don't believe he has even started the work. My transmission has been sitting on the ground next to my truck since atleast August 10th, the day he told me my new engine was in town. He even lied to me when I sent him a picture of my transmission, and said it went to a Lexus. He only had 3 vehicles there and thats including mine. He doesn't have a Lexus or another dodge truck at his shop that would require or have a 48re 4spd automatic transmission. As of yesterday August 28, 2020 I have 2 identical pictures nearly 3 weeks apart of my transmission sitting on the ground. I had to take these pictures over the wall standing on the trunk of my car because I have been unable to enter the section of property he's "working on my truck". After him lying about that not being my transmission I told him I needed my truck and my money back and he has not responded since. How do I go about getting my $5000 back? I genuinely feel as if I've had $5000 stolen from me because I dont believe he had any intention of ever doing the work.

    submitted by /u/azev12346
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    What to do when there are over 700 death certificates falsely certified with my name?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 09:05 PM PDT

    I am a physician. Over 700 death certificates have been incorrectly certified with my name due to a technical and user error with the software that produces death certificates, even though I never saw these patients at all. Spoke to a lawyer and they said there is minimal liability to me since it is factually incorrect and it was the hospital that created the certificates. But I am still concerned with other issues such as family members wondering who this doctor is that never saw the decedent, or one day the state publicizing cause of death data etc. causing my malpractice insurance to spike or other. Is there something I'm missing here? The hospital refuses to correct it saying it's too much work for no real negative outcome.

    Any thoughts or advice?

    submitted by /u/Giraffeapp
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    Apartment Demanding $2,700 For Cancellation of Apartment That Was Applied For Last Year

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    (Oregon) My boyfriend applied for an apartment last year in September with his ex. They signed the lease paperwork but they were denied because they had no cosigner with credit. Apparently they were approved in October of last year, but he wasn't notified because they had the wrong email. A week ago he started receiving emails from them saying that move in day was coming up. He called and asked them what was going on. The manager just called him back today (08/28/2020) and told them to cancel the lease he has to pay 1.5x the rent ($2,700) by the end of this month or find someone else to take his lease. Is there anything we can do to fight this? TIA!

    submitted by /u/Fudgetheweebs
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    Iowa Derecho Help - insurance agent told me something in writing, now they're telling me he was wrong and is no longer with the company

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    I bought a house last fall and at the time I talked with my insurance agent about all the details of my homeowner's policy - got flood insurance, all that stuff. At the time the home inspector had shown me my sump pumps and told me to check them occasionally to make sure they're working correctly and recommended I get a battery backup for each one in case of power outages, but he warned that battery backups would only last so long, so if I ever had a long power outage I should keep an eye on the basement.

    While talking to the insurance guy I asked if flood insurance would cover if my (finished) basement flooded due to sump pump failure or if I had an extended power outage, or if I needed to buy separate insurance for it (like I had added on insurance for septic system backup). He said that wouldn't be covered by my flood insurance, per se, but that it is already covered by my base homeowner's policy and I didn't need a rider for it.

    In an unrelated fashion, in January I received an email from my insurance agent that he was moving out of state and most of his policies would begin to be handled by this new guy who was moving TO the area. Great.

    Well, this ended up happening a couple weeks ago when we had an "inland hurricane" called a derecho hit my area and my sump did not have power. The battery backups eventually failed. Unfortunately we were not thinking about the basement at the time because a tree went through our roof and both our cars were totaled.

    I have already paid out of pocket to have a company come out and remove water, put in a bunch of equipment and rip out a bunch of carpet/wall/etc. but now the basement needs to be restored again.

    I am being told by my insurance that this is not covered. However, I still have the email in which my insurance agent told me at the time of writing the policy that it was. They gave me a canned response that they apologize for any "misunderstanding" but that it is not included in the policy I signed, and the agent is no longer with the company.

    I get that it is my responsibility to know what I am signing - but that is also why I tried to pick a good agent, to HELP me understand what I was writing because there were over 300 pages of documentation involved. If he had told me that I needed to buy another policy I would have done it.

    What now? Am I just SOL? I would have hoped since they were employing him to act on their behalf that they would have responsibility for what he does on their behalf, but they are saying that is not the case.

    submitted by /u/housemose
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    Real Estate Lawyer gave out confidential information to abusive dad

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    About a month ago I was kicked out of my home by my abusive dad for trying to defend myself, my home life was never great so I decided this was a blessing in disguise as I thought it would be a good opportunity to go out and live on my own. I've recently purchased a home and have not spoken to my dad in about 2 months. I did not want him to know that I bought a house and where I bought it, however, yesterday the lawyer that I hired for this purchase sent an email - that was intended for me - to my abusive dad. I had helped my parents purchase an investment property in 2019 through the same lawyer so they had both my dads email address and my own on record. So by accident I guess or through sheer laziness, they saw the same last name and just sent it to my dad. My dads email address is not at all similar to mine so they just didn't bother to check. This email stated the address of my condo, and closing cost fees/lawyers fees. For obvious reasons I did not want my dad to find out and was furious when my mom told me that they had sent HIM the email, which he then forwarded to my mom who then forwarded it to me. My question is what are my rights regarding this ? They gave away confidential information not only to a stranger but to my abusive dad none the less. Please if any one has any advise on what to do let me know it will be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ijdgaf1
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    My roommate who is not on the lease finally moved her stuff out. Now she’s saying she still needs her 30 days and wants to come back. Can I stop this?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    I had posted last week about letting a friend crash with me and she refused to leave. Well, after receiving an eviction threat from the leasing office after they found out she was there, she packed all of her things and moved out. We did talk to our town police department and they said if she moved out, she basically evicted herself and has no right to come back. But now she is blowing up my phone saying she will come tomorrow, and if we lock her out she will be calling the police. I am planning on talking to the police and possibly the county court to file a restraining order after a week of her harassing me through text, and her boyfriend following me in his car for almost 2 miles. Even after talking to the police, I still have doubts that they will say she can come back in. Am I right in thinking she has no legal standing here? For background, she hasn't slept there in over a week, and came back while I was working to move out her things. There's no trace of her left in the apartment considering she was disgusting and I deep cleaned the day she left.

    submitted by /u/taserbabyy
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    Girlfriend ( US citizen) is being held against her will by her father in Peru. She has none of her papers or ID on her. What can I do to get her back home?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    My girlfriend (18F) and her sister were tricked by her aunt into coming to Peru and she was left behind with her father. I have very limited contact with her because her father has taken her phone away and frequently turns her WiFi off. He also took all papers and identification away from her. What can I do to get her back home?

    submitted by /u/7261VAHA
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    Sold a motorcycle and the guy never changed the title, crashed it, is in jail and now tow company is trying to collect bill

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    I sold a sport bike to a guy for $5000 about 8 months ago. I got a letter in the mail today from a tow company a few hours away. They want $800 for the tow and storage. They have filed a lien on the bike. Apparently the guy had warrants out and ended up going to the hospital. He's in jail right now. I'm fairly certain I could just notify the DMV that the bike was sold and it should go away. We did not do a bill of sale, I just signed the title and helped him load up the bike. My real question is if I can pay the bill and get the bike back. It's in bad shape but I could probably fix it. The bike is worth about the same price as the lein in its current condition. This is all in Virginia. I would contact the guy but he's not getting out of jail for a while. I tried finding an attorney but couldn't figure out what type to ask this specific question.

    submitted by /u/redditisforadults
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    Post-op care provider shut down local office and they stated the new location I can receive care at is almost 200 miles away. Is this reasonable?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    I received laser eye surgery from a LASIK provider recently and had been receiving post-operative care with the provider as part of our agreement.

    Due to coronavirus, the provider has shut down the location where I was receiving services. They informed me a few days ago that they have now contracted with a optometrist almost 200 miles away to provide post-operative care.

    I called headquarters and was told that there are no closer providers. I looked through the documentation I signed just in case, but there's nothing in there beyond just saying they will provide me with 4 post-operative care appointments.

    I wanted to ask this sub whether this is reasonable. 200 miles is at least something I can do, but I'm curious at what point this would be considered a breach of contract? This is a huge inconvenience and will definitely result in additional cost to me.

    It does seem like they are making a good faith effort, but would it be reasonable to ask for portion of my costs back? That way I could at least try to find an optometrist close by that might be willing to accept payment for my remaining post-op care.

    Thanks for reading.

    Location: San Francisco, CA

    submitted by /u/magnificence
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    Power company turned off my power and it’s become an emergency

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    College student who let parents deal with setting up power at my new apartment. They shut it off because my parents didn't do verification properly even though I've been using it. Now because of the hurricane in other areas the soonest I can get it turned back on is 9/11 they won't budge and I don't know what to do.

    I have exams coming up and limited finances to get a hotel for 2 weeks. I don't want to have to drop out of school over this but I'm panicking.

    The location is Clinton Mississippi

    submitted by /u/No-Malice
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