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    Friday, August 28, 2020

    Accomplishments and Lesson Learned Friday! - (August 28, 2020) Entrepreneur

    Accomplishments and Lesson Learned Friday! - (August 28, 2020) Entrepreneur

    Accomplishments and Lesson Learned Friday! - (August 28, 2020)

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to share any accomplishment you care to gloat about, and some lessons learned.

    This is a weekly thread to encourage new members to participate, and post their accomplishments, as well as give the veterans an opportunity to inspire the up-and-comers.

    Since this thread can fill up quickly, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I released my online education platform last month, with 300 active users so far!

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I'm Jad and I've been teaching on Udemy for over 4 years. I'm currently at over 80k students. You can check my profile out: https://www.udemy.com/user/jadslim/

    My experience with Udemy has been good. I teach mostly software, and students seem to enjoy my content. We are a team of 4 people, and each course takes an average of 4-6 months to complete. The process starts with developing the course curriculum, then building all the projects for the course, this is followed by researching all the topics and theory lectures to make sure everything we're teaching is accurate. We then put it all together in a 700-1200 page script for direction. Afterwards, we record the entire course, create visuals and animations for the theory lectures. And finally we release.

    The process is very difficult but very fun, and the outcome can be rewarding sometimes and awful at other times. Sometimes we might spend months developing a course, and the outcome could just be terrible and not very profitable. But we love what we do!

    The biggest problem we've faced with Udemy, is that all these courses are made with video, and when it comes to software, code gets deprecated very quickly. So this forces us to add patches to videos, write articles in between to explain updates, or even completely update the entire course sometimes; which is honestly very painful to do.

    In order to solve these problems, I decided to create my own platform. I built an online course creation platform that is article-based. Each course or interactive books as I like to call them can be divided into sections, and each section can be divided into articles. Each article can include, written text, code, latex equations, and images or gifs. I'm hoping to be able to add embedded quizzes and other features in the future. The benefits of having an article based platform over video, is that they can be updated very easily, it's easy to ctrl-find content, And you can go thru it at your own pace. There are also a lot of other benefits as well.

    You can create these courses, using the course creation platform I built, which allows you to essentially create a course curriculum on the left side and write your content on the right side. You can then publish these courses or interactive books for the public to see them. The course creation platform is still in beta and not available to the public yet, but I'm hoping to soon have it ready for release!

    This is the website: https://www.learnthepart.com/ . I only have one course available on it, and the design of the website still needs lots of work, but I'm happy with the outcome since I built it all by myself.

    The reason I'm posting here is to get advice, on what my next steps should be. I'm currently working alone on this, and it's very hard developing and updating the website, Creating courses, and marketing. I'm also aiming on keeping the courses Free until the website can improve, and I can post more courses. Any advice, feedback criticism wether good or bad will be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/nottingpill
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    I’m fucking doing it!

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    Quit my job where I was over worked and under appreciated. 70 hour weeks always doing whatever it took for my crews to hit their numbers. Moved to market where I literally only know 2 people. Started completely from scratch and sank all of mine and my girls money into this. Exactly 1 one month in we had our first full price paying customer and it feels amazing. Still so far to go but damn does this little check feel nice. So happy guys!

    submitted by /u/biggestmicro
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    Should i pursue my dream of writing about niche cars?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 04:40 AM PDT

    Calling all entrepreneurs. I have been working on a little business idea for half a year now. I don't know if my business idea is far off and that's why i wanted some of you guys, with the same mindset to look at it. Here it goes. I have started writing about different cars and shared my knowledge of what i know about the classic and exotic car market. Then i try to give a free advice through stories and informational articles on what and when to buy. Either about a specific car or a market tendency. It is a very limited market (Niche) but i still hope there is enough that would like to read my thoughts to make it interesting. Here is some of my work for reference (Hope It's okay that i post. There is no intentions of self promotion. Im only seeking guidance).


    It's 6 months since i started and there has already been a slightly growing interest. Can it be because Im young and it's not common for young people to have interest in cars and especially not in the investment part of it? Tell if Im all wrong in believing in this project or is there actually ground to build on? Every recommendation is most welcome!


    submitted by /u/Lamad10
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    Does anger actually fuel success in some cases?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    I ran across this article from harvard and I feel this might be the case with myself. I was always told as a kid to curb my anger, but I can't help, but to think it has fueled me to be successful. I now have a better life than my parents and most cousins my same age. Master's degree and a 100k annual job and I still feel like its bullshit pay and I'm getting shafted. Here is a link to the article: https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/jenniferlerner/files/fuel_in_the_fire_how_anger_impacts_judgment_and_decision_making_0.pdf

    Thoughts, Concerns or Rants of others experiences?

    submitted by /u/aftermath_staff00
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    Start small and gain experience or go big from the start?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    You're at a crossroad entering your entrepreneurial journey. You have a dream and it's big and so is the risk. You also have some more feasible business ideas you're confident you can get some degree of success from.

    Do you start small with the safer, feasible idea? This way you can take baby steps, dip your toes in the water, gain some credibility for future investors or loans, and most important—build experience (and confidence) to put toward your dream business in a few years. The opportunity cost being you invest time and energy into something that you don't intended to keep building long term when you could be channeling that into the end goal.

    Or do you go straight to the dream idea? If you're obsessed and dedicated, you can start pouring all of your energy into the end goal now. This at the risk of being naive and making more mistakes (and bigger, costlier, and more public ones too) on your dream rather than on your more feasible business, and going in it without any real world entrepreneurial experience.

    What do you do?

    submitted by /u/narwal_wallaby
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    Mastermind Group, anyone?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 09:48 PM PDT

    I've been wanting to do a mastermind group for a couple years now. I feel now that I've graduated college and transitioned to a full time job, it's time to team up with individuals that are just as driven as I am to be successful.

    Ideally, it would be through Zoom and we'd meet for one hour a week. The general idea is to get together every week to discuss goals, throw around ideas, and talk about the challenges we face in achieving those goals. I haven't seen too many posts here about mastermind groups, so I'm not sure whether this will gain traction or not. Regardless, I want to interact with people that have similar goals and aspirations. I think it'd be even more worthwhile considering the year it has been for everyone. Time zone is PST.

    submitted by /u/Little-Brew
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    Should I Quit My Job?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I'm looking for some feedback regarding quitting my job.

    I'm a 24 yr old guy and currently work in B2B sales with decent pay. I've worked at my current job for a year and 6 months.

    I'm an entrepreneur at heart and launched my e-commerce business prior to working here; which I learned a lot from and was running quite well but this year it hasn't been profitable.

    I had planned to quit my job after a year anyway but I saw myself getting caught in the rat race and my expenses went up so I stayed. I started losing respect for myself as I was becoming someone who I had promised not to be. My job also had another negative impact on me because I had less & less time for entrepreneurial ventures such as my business, day-trading, flipping houses/items and etc.

    Lately, I have lost respect for supervisor/upper management, my motivation to actually work hard at my job has disappeared (even though our commission is really good), I don't feel like I am growing anymore and I'm not happy.

    I have around $20k in savings and my monthly expenses are around $1350 (I live with my parents). This should last me at least a year if I live frugally. During this time period I am confident I will figure something out because after working for someone else, I realized why I was so drawn to entrepreneurship in the first place.

    My friends and family don't like my decision and I don't mean to romanticize anything but I know in my heart, I HAVE to do this.

    The reason I didn't post this in r/personalfinance is that I feel that a large majority of those individuals will look at this post from a "working 9-5 for a big company the rest of my life" lens. I am hoping I can get some authentic feedback. Do any of you have similar stories?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/ileatyourassmthrfkr
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    Integrity systems - the foundation of consistent results

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 04:59 AM PDT

    "It's on my list, and when it's on my list, that shit gets done."

    An accomplished entrepreneur and leader doing me a favor this week did me a second one by illustrating the foundational difference between struggle and sustainable success.

    Every consistently successful person I know (success being defined as attainment of one's goals, whatever they may be) has a formal system to manage their integrity with themselves. This founder, he wouldn't put anything on his list until it reached a certain threshold of importance, but once it passed the test and got on the list, you could actually see him lock in. The task, no matter how insurmountable, was toast.

    Integrity, or doing what one said one would do, is not limited to the things you tell other people. In fact from my perspective your commitments to yourself are arguably even more important. Getting good at keeping my word to myself changed my life.

    My integrity system is verbal. When I give my word, verbally commit to something, it's as good as done. I think things all the time and don't take those too seriously (since I've long since learned I don't control my thoughts). I even put things on my to-do list which never get done. But once I say, out loud, that I'm going to do something, it's on my list. That's my system.

    Everyone's system is different, but every consistently successful person I know has an integrity system. The integrity system is the foundational tool you need to start a business, build a culture, a relationship. Anything.

    Armed with an iron-clad relationship with your word, you need only speak your dreams and watch your life change.

    Anyone have their own example of an integrity system?

    Originally published on Second Mountain Startup

    submitted by /u/ryanhvaughn
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    Lil gaggle of graphic designers and I plan to make social media ads for profit? Realistic?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    I've been a bit skeptical about full sending into this pursuit... my team is super comfortable designing adds for Facebook/instagram/YouTube, but I worry the market is too oversaturated

    We have no audience pool accumulated or anything right now, starting from completely clean slate... we plan to make a WEBSITE that showcases our prices, some examples of our work in a portfolio type capacity, and the flexible services we can offer.

    The friends and I are willing to invest some capital in the endeavor (use google ads campaigns and market our website to get some traction) Is this a viable plan? Or is there too much competition... Why would prospective customers choose our small website when there are probably better options for designing social media ads out there?

    cheers! all feedback is appreciated! ;) help a brother out..🤝

    submitted by /u/neopyx
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    How Do I Get Bring It To Life?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    Hi everyone. I have a lot of ideas that go through my mind, mostly garbage and some seem so good but hard to bring to life. Money is the issue in my case. I have been researching about ways to get crowdfunded but I don't know how I can achieve this as I don't have a huge social media presence, I barely have friends to say the least.

    I have an idea about fast food delivery evolution but the idea is too expensive to bring to life, I only have it on paper. Would sites like Kickstarter help even without a fancy video illustration or 3D models? How would do I draw potential investors towards the project campaign? Is it possible to sell the idea instead, although I've heard it's a dirty ugly road.

    Please advise.

    submitted by /u/Typical-Farm
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    Telling my friends that I am launching startup?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    Hi Entrepreneurs!

    I would like to have some advice from you, as experienced entrepreneurs.

    We are based in a rural area, in the North and I worked in a company with my current jobs manager, and his wife, and now I created a startup with my manager's wife. We have a lot of mutual friends but we kept the idea and the fact we are working together, a secret for everyone because we were not sure if it was gonna work out.

    Now are already working for 3 months and having talks with local authorities, meetings with consultants, and representatives of the municipality. The situation in this rural area is that everyone can see us, so we are meeting in secret. Now the company is registered and we have the local authorities with us and investors, we can speak out, but we let people and companies sign NDA's about the product/idea.

    Because of many meetings, not able to meet with people because we were so busy working and having deadlines, we had to lie every time. People keep asking what I was doing so I said I am just busy. Now I am going to leave my current full time job for the startup. I told people that I found other work, but I can not tell what yet. People really wanna know what it is, because lots of my friends are unemployed because of COVID-19

    Now the word can be out after today's go from the authorities. What is the best way to tell the people we are working on launching a product together? But not telling about the product specific, because it needs to be a secret still.

    Thank you for reading and advice,


    submitted by /u/cheesyweesy5
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    How can I increase purchases on our website?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    Hello Entrepreneurs,

    My husband and I recently started a business, and while we have a decent amount of daily traffic to our website (100-1000 daily), we are seeing almost no purchases. I'm hoping you can help with ideas to encourage purchases, instead of just visits.

    We sell sassy candles, with high-crackle wooden wicks, and wooden lids. They are sarcastic and some are a bit inappropriate. The homepage is here: Sparks Fly Candle Company

    We are brand new, only a few weeks old, but are definitely looking for feedback. Thank you so much for taking the time to help our new business out!

    submitted by /u/pukana14
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    Do I need to do Marketing to know if my Android/iPhone apps can become successful?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    Do I need to do marketing to know if my Android/iPhone apps can become successful?

    I have apps with 50-1000 downloads without any marketing. If the apps could become successful, then people would recommend them to their friends and so on, right?

    So in principle, I should be able to tell if my apps can become successful without doing marketing?


    How can I tell if my apps can become successful or if I should jump to the next idea?


    I have a few apps that make me 10$ a month without any marketing.I just made an app that got 5 subscribers...I don't know if I should spend more time on them or jump to the next idea...

    submitted by /u/xXguitarsenXx
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    Do I really need a credit card for my business?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    Running Amazon FBA. They take out all fees from my balance. I sell on eBay, but they charge through PayPal. I may independently purchase 50 first class labels ($2.75-3.50) in a month.

    I don't run FB ads atm. I don't pay monthly fees for software atm. I am the only employee. 95% of my products are dropshipped. I never need to take out a loan for anything.

    I guess I could charge my groceries for the business as that's my food for lunch/dinner and I work around the clock. I don't travel with car since I work from home so I can't charge gas. I rarely ever buy furniture stuff for office and I already replaced everything this year from desk, pc, monitor, printer, speakers. I could charge $50 cable bill, $50 internet, and my phone plan is paid in full for the year ($18 a month).

    I am looking at banking with Mercury. Do you think I would need a credit card or should I just stick with their debit card? As I feel like I'll probably be spending like $1000 for my business.

    My personal credit card runs to about $3,000-5,000 a month which I always pay off in full, but I think most of that is non business related.

    I may return back to buying wholesale, which in that case I would be paying inventory for maybe $3000 (for one sku) every 2-3 months, unless that specific sku picked up fast and that'll have me spending more like 3k a month instead.

    submitted by /u/xps15z
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    Getting investments for a recently launched company USA..

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    So I recently started working for my self in the auto industry service Business has been pretty successful in the last 4 months , I've an idea to do something in line with by he business that's not been done in my city, how would I go about getting investment for a building/buildout etc

    submitted by /u/mullen07
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    Where can I learn the necessary things to start my own company?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    I have this idea but I am lost on where I can learn the necessary things to know to start it. For example how am I supposed to get the packages with specialized printing/logos on the packages. Or who am I supposed to buy the package from. Or I'm planning on selling alcohol, so do I need to check the ID's of the people I'm selling the bottles to make sure they are over 21?

    I'd just like to know where I can educate myself on things like this.

    Any tips help! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Minecraftero334
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    Guys, help me finding inspirational stuff like this, please!

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:55 AM PDT

    Hey guys, is there any website/facebook page or whatever that focus on posting information that opens eyes, like this?

    When I learn that:

    - Tesla has sold 300 (!) cars a day,

    - Porsche has grown it's sales 300% by creating SUV's,

    - There is an app that costs $4.000/year that let's you chat anonymously (commonly used by criminals) that has 60.000 users !!!

    All these info's totally blew my mind, opened my eyes and motivated me. But I only found them by luck, or by checking yearly reports etc.

    But I never saw any website/facebook page that has content like this.

    Anyone could link me anything, please?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Bartas44
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    Creating an entrepreneur engagement group / mastermind. Does anyone want to join?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:47 AM PDT


    So I have several friends on Instagram that have 20k+ followers, and every time they post something, they get anywhere from 20-50 comments immediately as well as TONS of likes.

    When I pressed them about what they do, they told me of their "engagement group".

    I had no idea these existed.

    Basically it's a group of people who share what they've posted on social media, and immediately they like and comment on each other's things to increase visibility.

    There are some basic rules such as before you post something, you have to like/comment on past people's post.

    I thought this was pretty neat.

    So I'm creating one for entrepreneurs specifically for INSTAGRAM.

    We would engage with each other's brand, and we might even recommend each other's products to our audiences, host monthly ZOOM meetings (optional to join) with each other to bounce ideas on things we can do better, etc.

    If you're interested...

    Requirements are basically that you're pursuing an entrepreneurial endeavor such as creating a business or concept. This could include those of you creating eCommerce stores, content creators like podcasters and YouTubers, physical stores, gyms, etc.

    Shoot me a message if you're game!

    PS. Mastermind meetings are optional. You can join just for the engagement portion on Instagram if interested!

    submitted by /u/ChasePotential
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    Looking for low-cost appointment booking and payment app recommendations for class instruction business

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    My wife is starting a business teaching classes and is looking for a good software where customers can book and pay. It's a part time business for now and isn't expected to make a ton of money initially due to capacity limitations during COVID times so we're looking for something that isn't going to eat a lot of her revenue. Ideally, the most important features would be:

    -Low cost for payment processing charges and/or fixed costs

    -Able to handle classes with a specific number of slots per class

    -Ability to handle purchasing of a package of multiple classes and booking them accordingly (ie allow classes to be filled both by people buying packages or buying one-offs).

    -Ability to book people who want to pay using Venmo or other "off site" forms of payment.

    -Good CRM/communications features

    Looking at Square appointments, Appointy, Thryv and others but understanding the features and sitting through demos is a pain, so we were hoping for some guidance.

    submitted by /u/acvdk
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    Weekday Nugget #10 - Business Building Blocks

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    So in general, like /r/sweatystartup, I'm a big fan of starting businesses that are low-cost, and can be brought to fruition with mostly sweat instead of capital.

    I believe especially that new entrepreneurs should lean towards simple, low-cost businesses for their first venture, unless they find an amazing, validated exploit opportunity directly related to their field.

    Too many of us swing for the fences without having a foundation. It's fantastic when it works but absolutely disastrous when it doesn't.

    What I want every single last one of you to remember is a few things:

    1. There are tens of millions of successful entrepreneurs in the US
    2. Most of these businesses are normal everyday operations with no VC money, no wild pitches and not a whole lot of "flying by the seat of my pants" stories (no matter what anyone tries to tell you.)

    Most regular business owners, the unsung heroes of our country, just do simple business with simple people under a simple premise.

    Those businesses are why 30% of all incorporated companies last 15+ years and 50% last at least 5.

    With that said,

    I believe in starting a simple business as a foundation first. Use this business as an 'anchor business' that you can essentially fall back on as you continually swing for the fences.

    For me, that was a cleaning company.

    A cleaning company is simple. as. hell.

    It's frustrating but absolutely simple (and not frustrating enough to make you suicidal like some startups are)

    Through this business foundation I was able to comfortably and confidently launch other things.

    It was honestly easy.

    Starting just about every business I've had that WORKED was EASY.

    I'm going to say that again.

    Starting the majority of the ventures I've started has been EASY.

    I go through a very simple sequence of steps and launch and go from there. That's it.

    What are the steps?

    • Decide what you're going to do based on the time + resources you have. Pursue ideas that don't stretch either, in markets that have demand (stop trying to create markets yourself)
    • Start working on the thing instead of telling yourself why you shouldn't
    • Decide on a name that can scale in a national/global market or a relevant name in a local market. Don't get too fancy unless your market demands it and you know it
    • Get the logo done and start working on your social media pages>posting
    • Get the website done. Figure out Wordpress or something if you can't afford a designer. Outside of emotional intelligence, this is arguably the best skill you can have.
    • Do whatever you can to get in front of your prospects in a way that you can afford. If you can't afford ads, do cold outreach. If you're not willing to do some cold outreach, you don't deserve to have a business (or find a cofounder that isn't an asshole that is willing to do it)
    • Get that first client. Get the next client.
    • Get to whatever your first goal is (should be something like 'be profitable')
    • At this point, you're in business and you just need to keep hustling for clients until you make enough money to sustain yourself
    • If at this point, you don't have any time to work on anything else, build the business a bit more so you can hire someone to replace you (or some of you.) This could literally mean 2k a month in additional revenue or gross profit.

    Once you've done this, you now have a foundational building block business.

    Congratulations. Now you can go fail on that big idea in peace, without ruining your life in the process.

    Check out https://reddit.com/r/weekdaynuggets


    submitted by /u/SpadoCochi
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    Instructors who have taught classes through Udemy, how has been your experience?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    If you've taught courses through Udemy, I'd love to hear from you and your experience with them. Has it been positive? Do you recommend Udemy to other instructors? Has it helped you grow as a business or has it simply been a "learning experience"?

    I'm moving from being a successful brick-and-mortar massage therapist with 17 years experience to offering health education through self-massage, tai chi and pain relief programs. I've got a LOT to do to make this transition. Learning some new technology (wireless microphones, for example), mastering Zoom, video editing and building a new e-commerce site all have me very busy.

    I haven't looked at Udemy in years. Their payment structure looks appealing and they have a solid platform to simply jump in and offer video courses. Not sure I'd make a ton of money at first, but the exposure could be very helpful.

    What's the general opinion of Udemy these days? I've bought a couple courses in the past (they're so cheap) but never used them. It's literally been 7+ years since I've been to the Udemy website. I recall them as being pretty pushy on sales and very busy website. I don't think I get as many of their emails as I used to, but maybe they're lost in gmail promotions tab on one of my lesser used addresses. Their site looks cleaner now and perhaps not so pushy in sales. Pushy sales and the healing art of massage don't go well together. Pushy sales in generally make my stomach turn. Makes me think of used car sales people. I don't want to associate with Udemy if the generalized perception of Udemy is one of pushy sales. I might need to watch them for a while to form my own opinion, but I'd love hear from others.

    submitted by /u/jasonrumohrlmt
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    Ever own a deli/luncheonette?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    Anyone here ever owned a deli? I'm interested to hear your experiences. Do you still have it? Why or why not? What kind of store did you have...grocer/sub shop/sit down or take out etc. Whats your favorite part of the job? Whats your least favorite? Whats been your avg yearly sales (in a normal year, not this dumpster fire year) and Whats your avg take home? Google isn't really helpful with this question.

    My husband has a dream of opening a deli and I have 10 yrs restaurant and bar experience...but I'm corporate now. My dad ran a small sandwich shop for a short time but he's not around to ask these questions. I know well how hard the industry is and the ups and downs but for some reason I'm still attracted to it so I'm totally not against the idea.

    I'd like to hear right from the business owners and really start thinking about doing and not just dreaming. Share what you can folks I have lots of questions!!

    Ps I'm in southeast US

    submitted by /u/peechykeeny
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    Awesome Live Stream About How To Start A Service-Based Business

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    Right now a company called Lawnbot is interviewing a successful lawn care company, talking about how to start and grow a service-based business.


    Thought it would be cool to share.

    submitted by /u/spyderwebtech
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    do you handwrite your thank you cards or print them out? seems like an issue to scalability?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    i just launched a women's accessory company and a few orders have come in. i've been printing out thank you cards, signing them and putting them in with their order but i have learnt that it's better to handwrite thank you notes as it adds a personal touch from the seller to the end customer.

    my 2nd issue i'm running into is that i'm not sure how the customers would feel when the thank you card comes from a male. given a women's accessory company, it's the assumption that a female owns the business

    would love to hear some feedback. Thanks

    submitted by /u/fuzzypickletrader
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