• Breaking News

    Wednesday, August 12, 2020

    Legal Advice My sister's employer was granted a PPP loan under the CARES Act. The loan was used to pay my sister and others for the eligible 8 week pay period. The employer somehow failed to meet the requirements for loan forgiveness. They are now telling my sister she is responsible for paying them back $8,000.

    Legal Advice My sister's employer was granted a PPP loan under the CARES Act. The loan was used to pay my sister and others for the eligible 8 week pay period. The employer somehow failed to meet the requirements for loan forgiveness. They are now telling my sister she is responsible for paying them back $8,000.

    My sister's employer was granted a PPP loan under the CARES Act. The loan was used to pay my sister and others for the eligible 8 week pay period. The employer somehow failed to meet the requirements for loan forgiveness. They are now telling my sister she is responsible for paying them back $8,000.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    This is in Missouri. As I understand it, the PPP loan is 100% forgivable if the borrower meets certain requirements, such as keeping the same number of employees, and paying them at least 75% of their regular wages. The company refuses to tell sister how exactly they failed to meet those requirements, but she knows they fired one of the employees being paid with the loan as soon as the store re-opened, so I suspect that may have been it.

    Regardless, it seems absurd that the employees are on the hook to pay the loan back. The main sticking point that may make this gambit legal, is that the company sent an email referring to the payments as "pre-payment of future sales."

    My sister nor her coworkers ever signed any paper work related to the payments, and were all caught off guard by the demand that they repay these wages now that the company failed to have the loan forgiven. So, at the least, a requirement to repay their own wages in this event was not understood by the employees nor explained well by corporate.

    My primary questions:

    Are businesses allowed to shift the liability to repay PPP loans onto their individual employees under the CARES Act?

    If so, is this now considered a valid personal legal debt? As in, can the company send debt collectors after my sister if she were to simply quit?

    Does referring to these payments as "pre-payment of future sales," in a single correspondence make this legal? Is structuring the PPP loan payments in such a way legal in the first place?

    I suspect that the liability for the debt still belongs to the company and they're simply taking advantage of their employees. But, I have been unable to find anything addressing this specifically in the CARES Act.

    I appreciate any advice. My sister is pretty overwhelmed at being thrust into the largest debt of her life by her own employer.

    *Edit to add a couple points: *

    Not sure if it's worth mentioning, but my sister and the others paid with the PPP loan work largely on commission.

    Also, I want to mention that my sister has loved everything about this job up until this point. She is undecided about quitting. So while quitting is on the table, answers that also consider ways to potentially keep the job while not paying for this loan would be appreciated. Possibly being able to point the company to limitations within the CARES Act itself that would nullify their demand.

    Collective bargaining may also be an option given the value these particular employees bring to the store, but that's not really the advice I'm looking for here.

    And while I appreciate the view that the business is likely going under, that is still an assumption at this point. Business has reportedly been booming since the lockdown lifted, so I think it's possible the company is just being cheap and cruel.

    submitted by /u/faderjack
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    My company changed the system they do their payroll through. They determined they gave me too much PTO, so they took away all accrued PTO and put me in a nearly 30 hour PTO deficit, meaning I will need to work for nearly half a year before I can accrue PTO again.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    I work as a department head for a major liquor store chain in Texas. I have close to ten years of experience with the company. However I had a brief break in my employment where I tried another career path, it didn't work out though and I was back at my current job in less then a year. The way PTO works at my company is the amount of PTO you earn per hour worked goes up once you've worked a certain number of years with the company.

    The company just decided that they have been judging our PTO accruals incorrectly since they changed their payroll systems a few years ago, and that it should be based off of our rehire date and not the total time worked for the company. This caused them to determine that I have been given too much PTO, so they took away all PTO I have banked and put me at negative 27 hours of PTO. They say I can now earn PTO at the rate of 3 hours per pay period (we are paid every two weeks), so I wont be able to start gaining PTO again for about 18 weeks.

    There was no notice given to anyone affected by this, I have two close friends and coworkers who have lost nearly 50 hours of PTO as well. The only reason I found out is because I took a sick day on Monday, and when I tried to use my PTO that I knew I had to cover it, I was informed of my negative status and that there was nothing I can do about it. This leaves me in a tough spot as even with my extensive time with this company, their pay is pretty terrible and I often have to budget on a paycheck to paycheck basis. Do I have any legal recourse?

    submitted by /u/LegendOfCrono
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    A drunk driver hit and killed my older brother 2 weeks ago. 7 minutes prior, she was stopped by police in a neighboring city for being asleep behind the wheel and they let her go. There were witnesses to the stop. Do we have legal recourse?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Just found out this shitty news during this nightmare of my life. Like the title says. There were witnesses to her being stopped in the neighboring city. I don't know the details - whether her car was sitting there and she was approached by police, or if she was swerving and then stopped by police.

    Either way, they did not test her, they let her go, and 7 minutes later, she killed my brother and had no injuries.

    With COVID I am sure she is going to get a plea deal for convenience and it makes my blood run cold to think that she might only get something like probation for committing manslaughter!

    This woman altered the course of our lives in the worst way. Is a civil suit against the PD possible? Is there anything we can do? We can surely sue her but if she is from around the area where he was killed it's safe to say she doesn't have any real money.

    We are just really lost and wondering if I can get some legal advice on this.

    submitted by /u/cocoaboots
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    My GFs ex just posted an internet fundraiser for their child that never had the surgery he claims

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    So my girlfriend is in a custody battle with her ex (North Dakota). He has failed to pay the parent investigator, but he has the better lawyer who was able to get a continuance because of nonpayment by both parties even though my girlfriend paid her portion. It has been a few months and still he hasn't paid and her lawyer has brought it up to the other lawyer... then just today my gf found out he started a internet fundraiser, using their child (with name and picture) for a surgery they never had or never needed.

    Her lawyer doesnt really know what to do in this case, except to let it go as far as it goes and then she would have to report the fraud to authorities.

    What is the best course of action she should take? We know the ex is in contempt of court over the non payment, but what about him attempting fraud and child exploitation. We do want to wait and see if he raises money, but is their any ramifications of the attempt of fraud?

    submitted by /u/sherlocknessmonster
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    Girlfriend asked roommate to move out and she retaliated by smearing shit everywhere before leaving.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 03:17 AM PDT

    "Shit" as in literal dog(?) shit, in case that isn't clear.

    This is in Maryland. Girlfriend has been staying with me and my family since last Monday.

    What happened:

    Roommate moved in at the end of July after previous roommate moved out. New lease wouldn't start until early August so new roommate was never on the lease nor did she ever pay rent before this happened.

    New roommate turns out to be a complete nightmare. One example, my girlfriend tells her to stop eating her food (she literally can't afford it) so roommate starts threatening her by slamming doors and banging on the walls (and keeps eating her food anyway). Another example, she constantly breaks my girlfriend's things and leaves the front door unlocked. So an all around aggressive and immature person.

    Girlfriend is starting to become scared of roommate and finally decides she needs to go when she searches her name and finds assault and peace order records from earlier this year. So last Monday I helped her move all her valuables out of the apartment, locked everything else in her bedroom, and left a note for her roommate to drop her keys off by Sunday and evict.

    Girlfriend called leasing office on Monday (two days ago) and they say keys were never dropped off (they are aware of the situation at this point). Tuesday (yesterday), girlfriend goes to check out the apartment and there is shit and piss EVERYWHERE (possibly from a dog but roommate didn't own one so who knows), like shit was rubbed deliberately into the carpets. Maggots are all over the kitchen so she probably left long enough ago that there was time for it to get to that state. A lot of items are missing, presumably stolen (but luckily nothing super valuable). Girlfriend cleans everything up, just wanting to get it over with. Girlfriend finally goes into her LOCKED bedroom and finds that roommate broke into it and smeared shit all over her door and under her bed. She didn't thoroughly check the storage boxes under her bed or the clothes she left behind so she's unsure at the moment if anything was tampered with or stolen. She takes pictures of the shit in her room and then calls the police.

    Police tell her to file a report online. Website tells her she can't because she knows who the suspect is. She calls police again, they say they're sending someone to take a report, and then take it back and say no they aren't actually sending anyone and that she should just go to the courthouse and get a peace order. So a police report never got filed as far as I understand.

    Girlfriend emailed the leasing office about getting the locks changed since roommate still has a key, and about a cleaning service for the carpets. Will probably hear back sometime today.

    So I guess my question is, what the fuck now? Is she just going to get away with this? This is all so disgusting and scary. Please advise.

    Will edit for updates if possible.

    submitted by /u/shittyroomm4te
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    Can I legally meet my Dad

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    So I'm 17 and turn 18 in January and I've lived with my mom for as far as I can remember and my dad's already contacted siblings and they've met up and they invited us to thanksgiving and I was just wondering if I could meet my dad without my mothers consent or if she could hold me back on some... technicality I guess

    submitted by /u/OneRedditBoi-2
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    Should I block my mean neighbors shed door with a new fence?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    Hello reddit! Sorry for the long read. I'm in need of some advice. I'm from the US.

    There's been an ongoing situation between our neighbors and ourselves. They keep encroaching onto our property by adding a small tree that is 50% on our property and they've built a shed directly on the property line that opens in such a way that they have to step onto our property to get into it. It opens over the line. They've been cutting the grass way over the line for a while as well. About 10 feet over the line. It keeps becoming more as time goes on.

    When my son (16 at the time) politely asked them to stop mowing our side, they proceeded to yell at him and curse him out in front of my other child who's 8 and has special needs. After a few minutes, my spouse came outside to see what was up.

    They turned on him and attempted to bait him into a fight. Keep in mind, he is also disabled and walks with a cane. They were saying things like, "why don't you come over here and say that?" And, "I'll beat the crap out of you." All my spouse was doing was asking them to stop cursing around our children. Keep in mind that my children are still present. My spouse eventually just made the children come back inside to Deescalate the situation.

    Another time, they were having a yard sale and were telling people it was alright to park on my lawn. I asked the visiting couple nicely if they would mind moving their car and all hell broke lose!

    After, the woman neighbor started shouting at me for a few minutes and calling me names, I felt threatened so decided to call the cops to have a paper trail of the harassment.

    Since this incident, they've started throwing dip cans and soda bottles filled with urine onto our property. They also let their dogs poo anywhere they want.

    The question: We've decided to build a fence in the hope that this will be the end of it. However, should I be the harbinger of Karma and build the fence right on the property line? They would have to move their shed and their tree.

    I feel like it's being petty, but they've just been horrible neighbors. They won't even let me walk my dog past their house. They've demanded that I cross the street.

    Should I be nice or should I bring them the Karma I believe they deserve?

    TL;DR: my neighbors are horrible people that are stealing my land and curse out my children. Should I inconvenience them with a fence blocking their misplaced shed?

    submitted by /u/thepeanutgallary
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    [MA] lease starts on the 15th and I'm moving on the 17th. Just heard from the landlord that apparently this is a sublease that wasn't approved by the landlord and all of a sudden i have no idea if i can move. What do I do

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:16 AM PDT


    Signed a lease, paid over 3grand in fees, I call to ask where I'm picking up the key, and he tells me there have been complications and he has no idea what to do. I'm out a ton of money and he signed a lease. I'm expected to move out in 5 days and he waited SEVERAL days before telling me this, losing my moving deposit. My realtor is no longer answering calls. I just wanted to know if anyone had any first steps aside from putting the checks on hold with my bank, which I already did. Massachusetts, USA. I feel like I'm loosing my mind.

    submitted by /u/twiliesque
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    Ex Girlfriend is trying to come get “our” stuff after vanishing from my life over a year ago

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: Some background on the relationship will be in this discussion of context. I'll try to not get too in depth with it and keep it to the legal points and only add when I feel like context is needed.

    About a year and 2 months ago (July 2019) my (30m) then girlfriend (30f) of 4 years moved out suddenly. We lived in Maine, USA. She basically ran away taking her clothes and personal belongings one morning. It was completely "there one day and gone the next"; within 24 hours we went from together to completely separate and communication completely stopped from her. I tried to get in contact with her with very minimal success because she blocked me on all common means of communication and social media.

    Only once did she contact me trying to get more clothes (October 2019). At that time, I tried to talk to her about two things (1) our relationship and where it went wrong and got nothing and (2) I also told her I'd prefer if she got all of her stuff (furniture and niknacks (sp)) with her leftover clothes all at once. She said it would be better to review the stuff and see about what stuff she was actually taking once she got to the house; I consented you that arrangement. She did and we walked through the house and I offered to buy some stuff that was realistic for me to keep at the time or things we purchased as a couple. She took only her clothes. Almost all the house was furnished as a couple. I don't remember who bought what. It's been 3 years since some of it was purchased!! She was supposed to provide me a list of stuff/prices she wanted to complete the arrangement of closing our relationship for good. She never did; instead she vanished again until now. Not a single word. Since then I've moved on with my life. I stopped wondering when she'd text me again. At some point during quarantine (maybe April), I blocked her number and Facebook and Instagram just to completely take the wonder out of "Will she ever reach out". I was done and it was more ceremonial than anything since I was blocked by her anyway.

    Today August 2020, her mom reached out to me asking to come get her stuff. Shes now trying to say that she wants to take most of it saying she bought it. I estimate the value to be somewhere between $2,000-$3,000 with if stuff but I am airing on the high side; I just know furniture is expensive and adds up quick. She's had over a year at this point to figure this out. I've moved on and have assumed I'd never hear from her again. Do I have some type of rights of ownership to this stuff that was bought jointly that I've lived with for over a year and she hasn't bothered with during that time? She hasn't stepped foot in the house since October where I specifically told her to come get it and provide me prices and negotiations.

    Thank you in advance for any advice!

    Edit: added state of "our" house. Also for context, the estimated value of the items in questions.

    submitted by /u/roastbeef360
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    Brother abandoned young children with my mother

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:33 AM PDT

    In Nebraska.

    About a month ago, my brother and his girlfriend abandoned their two young children (4M, 1M) with my mother, as they were being evicted and had both lost their jobs (unrelated to COVID). Since that time, they have had two separate interactions with their children each lasting under 2 hours in length. Essentially, each time they "threaten" to take the children away, only to return shortly after and dump them off. Because my brother and his girlfriend are both recovering addicts, and given the pattern of behavior, I believe they are both currently using (and probably selling) hard drugs. I say that only to illustrate that my nephews, in my opinion, are in extreme danger with their parents.

    My mother has spoken to an attorney and also has CPS involved, but the situation is getting more and more untenable as time goes on, and the system is moving painfully slow due to a number of reasons.

    My mother is currently working from home, but can't afford to put both of my nephews in child care out of her own pocket. My brother and his girlfriend refuse to provide even the most basic of things that would make this process, and my nephew's lives, easier, such as SS numbers, and other documents.

    I'm wondering what legal or other other action my mother may be able to take to 1. Get some immediate assistance for child care and 2. Attain some kind of temporary custody so that she can gain access to documentation she needs to likely get further assistance from the state.


    submitted by /u/jonechr2
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    UPDATE: My 68 year old grandmother was born under strange circumstances and does not have a birth certificate

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    11 months ago I posted here asking for help for my grandmother who hasn't had a birth certificate all her life and was trying to get a passport. She called me today and her passport was in the mail! I just wanted to thank everyone for their help and all of the wonderful advice. She has been waiting for this for years and it was such a special moment. Thank you all, we truly appreciate it. Linking the original post below in case anyone else could use this advice! Thanks again!


    submitted by /u/snowbblack
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    Co-worker being reassigned work he has difficulty completing due to his age (Massachusetts)

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    Hi All

    One of my co-workers is a senior maintenance technician. His job is to do some day to day maintenance, and to work with contractors coordinating more serious repairs.

    The company has gone through a change of management, and there have been some purges of more long-term employees who may not be "loyal" enough.

    My co-worker is in his early fifties. Over the last few months, he has had his job duties changed from managing to doing hard physical labor. He believes (and I agree) that the company wants him to quit but doesn't want to fire him so they are trying to make his job harder until he does.

    He has had two work related injuries (pulled muscles) from this. Does he have any legal recourse (age discrimination, unsafe working conditions etc.) Or should he just take the L and find another job?


    submitted by /u/Gerik5
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    Texas, USA... Hoping someone can help me get custody. The birth mother passed away and I have previously relinquished my parental rights. I regret it and want to take care of my first born.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 05:51 AM PDT

    I am looking at getting a custody battle overturn or reevaluated at the very least. I was sued over paternity and child support and was given then several months later given the chance to relinquish my rights as a father because my ex didn't want him to have my family name. It is what is on the birth certificate but she changed it to hers after the court case was settled. I agreed to this because I didn't want to ruin the child's chances of having a normal life, as I was growing up my parents divorced and I was constantly between them in every negative way you can imagine including having my parents pressure me to spy on the other one, etc.

    Anyways I found out shortly after the pandemic started going crazy in the US that his mother was killed and he is living with her parents. I am now on there other side of the planet, married, and have a child. I would like to find out if I can get the court to approve visits, and also long term offer my first child a home with me now. I am looking for help, assistance, and maybe someone able to represent me pro bono in court. My wife likes the idea of helping and having another child around and I just want to do what I can to show them that I never wanted to abandon them... I want to step up and do the very best I can.

    submitted by /u/Infamous_Soup_1984
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    I am broke and my wife is leaving me, what do I do?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    I am going to include a lot of info here, because I don't know what is pertinent, sorry. I don't need legal advice on every little detail, just some guidelines.

    I am 43, wife is 47. I live in Acworth, Georgia. My wife runs an unlicensed daycare out of our home. I am currently only working part time due to covid, but I have a full time offer that, pending background checks and drug screen, starts on the 24 of this month. I am in bankruptcy with 4 years left to pay (the bankruptcy is in my name, because all the bills are in my name), and I have student loan debt of about 30K, I believe we are both responsible for these debts under Georgia law. We have 3 kids, 2 teens, and an older daughter who will be 18 in December.

    My wife says she is moving out next month. She is giving notice to the daycare clients next Friday. She says that she will have a house and job (I have no idea where or what), and that she will take the kids. As far as I know, none of the kids want to go with her. She says her lawyer says she will force me to sell the home (the home is in my name only, not hers) and give her half the equity. I am pretty sure that Georgia law requires any equity must first go towards paying off the bankruptcy, which I think is only about 30K left. I am unsure of the equity in the home, as it needs some major repairs. It could be anywhere from 30-70K. She also says her lawyer told her that she will only need to pay a small portion of the bankruptcy and student loan debt.

    My biggest issue is...is she telling the truth? Can she move out, take my kids, force me to sell my home and give her half the equity? I would really, really love to keep my home. I believe I can afford it without her here. What should I be doing to defend myself in this situation? Should I share any information with her? I am confused and scared.

    submitted by /u/the-Hall-way
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    University accepted me to their program. I bought all required supplies and uniforms, but now they're saying they might revoke my admission due to their error.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    I was accepted into a reputable university in DC. Due to an error from the admissons department, I was accepted into a program that I did not meet the requirements for. My enrollment may be revoked and is pending further evaluation from the dean of admissions. I have been accepted into the program since May and have purchased many materials to prepare me for the fall semester that are specific to this university and cannot be used elsewhere.

    I spent the whole summer preparing to go to this school and was looking forward to it. By accepting their offer of admission, I declined admission to many other great schools. Now it is too late for me to apply to any schools for the upcoming fall semester, which puts a halt on further advancing in my career.

    Can I sue the university for losses, ie. money they don't reimburse, time, or for emotional distress? Is there a case here, or am I just SOL? I appreciate your input.

    submitted by /u/Sad-Sack-Student
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    Ex wife used my social

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 04:23 AM PDT

    So a few weeks ago my ex used my social security number to validate herself when she called my insurance company, accessing my benefits. She proceeded to authorize and request referrals for my son for non emergency medical care, which she needs my consent for any care, and never told me. Is using my social in that way illegal and what can I do?

    submitted by /u/Bravetoasterx
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    I’ve been struggling financially through this pandemic, so I’ve been looking for jobs any and everywhere. I found one, but now I’m being accused of stealing from the company. I worked there one day. [WA, USA]

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 12:49 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I'm very nervous and honestly a bit shaken up.

    here are the details:

    I worked a gig job for what I thought was a reputable employer. The job itself was delivering packages to homes, I figured this was easy enough.

    In my state, the legal age to drive a vehicle for a company is 21 years old. So for this job, I was using my own car, kinda like doordash, independent contractor jobs. When I showed up for the job, it was an office building next to their warehouse so I felt comfortable and sure this place was a legit place.

    My job was to deliver packages for a local route and at the end of the day I could just go home. So that's what I did. I showed up, received instruction on how to do the job, loaded the boxes into my car as instructed by them and started delivering. Part way through my delivery I received a phone call from my SO saying that he had just tested positive for COVID. So I contacted the employer because I was afraid that I could be sick. And he told me that he didn't want me to bring COVID covered boxes back to the office, so I asked him what I should do. He asked me if I can get tested same day and so I called my primary doctor and they said yes but results would take 3-5 days because they were doing lots of testing. The employer told me they got there's in 24hrs as a response when I told him that. It was confusing because I told him what my doctor said. So I asked him again what he wanted me to do. (I was wearing a mask the whole day too even before I found out about my SO because it's state law at the moment).

    And he just dismissed what I said, so I said ok finished the route and I went home. I got tested the next day and was told I had to mandatory quarantine for 2 weeks (still going on).

    Fast forward to earlier today, said employer shows up at my doorstep oh my apartment. Knocking. Because it was a gig job they just had my phone number and maybe my email. I immediately got nervous because how would they have my address? He stayed for about 10 minutes. Then he left, then a phone number called me saying they had a package for me, and then texted me pretty much exactly what the voicemail said.

    Said employer than returned to my apartment, knocked again, and attached a sticky note to my door and proceeded to message me on Instagram of all places with threats of taking legal action. Said he had a lawyer and then He accused me of stealing over 50 packages said they had me on camera putting the packages into my car (like I was told!!) and said if I returned them he would stop pursuing me.

    I don't understand how this is possible. I don't have any of the packages and I don't know where I would hide 50+ packages. I talked with my SO and sister and they think it's empty threats because if he had a lawyer why would he come to my house and threaten me on social media.

    It feels like I was set up to look like I stole from the company but everyone else working used their personal cars too. I just don't know what to do right now.

    Edit: they use an app to verify that a route is completed, but unfortunately I don't have access to it because I no longer work there

    submitted by /u/Packages__
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    Predatory towing company took my car and was super shady getting it back to me:(

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    So here's the tea, I live in NYC and have a company car. Parking in a city is an absolute bitch.

    I parked completely legal curbside (within the street cleaning parameters). But the rub is I parked about 2 feet from a business driveway, again space away and not blocking their driveway, which had absolutely no signs about parking whatsoever.

    Anyway, left car for 24hrs (still within street cleaning parameters). Flash forward to this morning when I couldn't find my car, I searched for my plates within NYPD database to see if they'd towed it, no dice. Panicking that my car had been stolen, I asked the business if they saw anything and they were like, "yeah, we had it towed at 5pm yesterday because it was in the way of our delivery truck." I'm sorry WHAT? I asked for any evidence that my car had been blocking anything and their response was that the security cameras weren't working (wtf!!!) and they gave me the tow company's number.

    Called the number and this guy is like yeah I have your car but you need $600 cash to get it back because you're not the registered owner (it's a company car with commercial plates) and it's illegal to give a car to an unregistered person. All the ownership information is in the car, my name is on all the insurance info, the title is in the name of the business, but they wouldn't even let me into impound to get the information out to show it is in fact my car. I thought this was super shady so I recorded him telling me it was illegal but he'd cut me a deal.

    I was able to get back my car with the cash, mind you he said he'd give me a receipt but literally dumped my car and sped off right after I gave him the money (which I should of expected but I just wanted the car back) Googling the company, all the reviews are about this towing service holding peoples cars hostage, seems like he's been doing this awhile. I don't want this guy to take advantage of anymore people, is there anyway I have a legal leg to stand on or am I shit out of luck? Help please!

    submitted by /u/_sweetdisposition_
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    Large leak in my bathroom caused by upstairs neighbor doing construction - Building doesn't really want to get involved [US - NYC]

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    Sorry if I used the wrong flair, I think this is the closest one to what I'm asking about.

    I live in a condo apartment building in NYC -- my mother and I own the apartment but I am the only one currently living here. My upstairs neighbors have been remodeling their bathroom and caused two leaks in my bathroom ceiling. The first one was very minor - I didn't say anything about it other than having building management let them know they caused a leak so they'd be more careful.

    Two weeks ago was the severe leak. Started in the ceiling and fully saturated a large portion of one wall. It's going to need serious repairs. Someone had to cut a hole in my ceiling to find the source - the workers upstairs replaced an old pipe and didn't hook the new one up correctly.

    The leak has caused mold in the bathroom too. I haven't had a professional in there to confirm but I'm allergic to mold and also have asthma — I've never had problems breathing in my bathroom until now. I have to keep the door to the bathroom shut at all times and wear a face covering when I'm in there now. I haven't been documenting the health issues I'm having with doctor's visits because due to the pandemic I have been trying to avoid going out/ to the doctor unless it's really a necessity.

    Again, due to the pandemic, I can't easily relocate -- which I would have to do during the repairs needed in the bathroom. I don't want to stay in a hotel now and there's no one close by I could stay with that's being covid safe. I could stay with friends/ family that live farther but that causes another problem. I took a leave of absence from work because my father passed and left me his home. I had planned to use all of August to clean his house out and move in September. But now I'm seeing if I can speed the process up by paying a cleaning & junk removal service. If I left the apartment while the bathroom here was being re-done, I would be losing unpaid days I took off for packing up and moving.

    Building management reached out once to say the company doing the work upstairs offered to fix the damage -- it's a building rule that whoever causes damage to another unit is responsible for repairs. I called them to express how upset I am about the damage and I would prefer if someone other than the contractor who caused it could fix it, and mentioned the mold and my relocation issues.

    I said I think it was wrong of them to continue to allow cosmetic construction in the building during a pandemic if the work can impact other units. If the people above me have the time/ money/ ability to relocate during a pandemic to redo their apartment - fine. But if they're doing non-essential plumbing work that displaces someone else who may not have the same circumstances, that's unfair. Considering this I want them to take into account not just the damage done to the bathroom but the hardships this is causing me for potential compensation.

    Building management said due to NYS regulations it would have been illegal for them to not allow apartment owners in the building to do construction since our state started reopening. They also said that they can't really help me with this because technically (due to the rules of the building) this is supposed to be worked out between the owners of the two apartments involved in the issue. They would only get involved if the contractor did a poor job doing the repair and then they would step in and have someone else do another repair. So now I'm in a position of having to reach out to my neighbor about possibly being compensated for this -- which to put it mildly, is extremely uncomfortable.

    Is this correct? What are my rights here? What can I ask for, legally? What can I say if I run into any difficulties? I'm extremely overwhelmed and really at a loss for how to go forward with this. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/qvxw4583
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    Package delivered to wrong house and recipients refused to give it back when FedEx tried to retrieve it. What legal options do we have? AZ

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 07:32 PM PDT

    On mobile so sorry if there's format issues.

    FedEx delivered a package of nest equipment worth almost $3000 to the wrong house (they had to sign for it) and we're pretty sure it was the people across the street from us (house numbers being 1259 vs 1269). FedEx attempted to retrieve it from them and they refuse to give it back. They now mysteriously have a new nest doorbell and a few cameras outside. We have the serial numbers of all the equipment, but can't see then well enough to check.

    We're going through FedEx and Google to get new equipment sent, but it's been about two weeks and we are honestly pretty pissed it hasn't been resolved and also at people being shitty and keeping such expensive equipment.

    Any advice? Just take the higher road? Log the serial numbers and make their house hot af? Lol

    submitted by /u/Mollynooooo
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    I moved out of my house in June and my landlord still hasn’t given me my deposit back or any letter that lists what my deposit was used for. Tired of arguing with him back and forth since I’ve moved out.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 02:12 AM PDT

    This is in South Dakota. We were on good terms the whole year I lived in the house, except the last month where he was being kinda a dick and invasive by showing up to my house and working outside in my yard without my knowledge the day prior. I got extremely bitchy at him because on one of these occasions of him showing up I didn't know he was outside my house until I saw him walk by my kitchen window outside where I standing with no top or bra on.

    On my last day of may he said if I wasn't out by 5pm (I told him I would be out by 7 because I was finishing up cleaning and making the place look nice)that he would charge me another months rent. I was able to get out in time but he was very pushy and overall a complete disaster to be around.

    Come towards the end of June I message him and ask for my deposit back and he won't send me a letter to my dads house in SD because I told him I was visiting my mom is Alaska. I sent him my physical address in AK and never got a response or a letter. Finally after telling him he was breaking the law he said he sent 7 letters to me and they were all sent back with return receipts and that he went to the post office and the post office said I was refusing the letters. I've sent him a total of 3 addresses where he could reach me, 2 in Alaska and 1 in my home city back in SD. I've emailed him and asked if he could just send it to me through email since it would be the quickest and easiest option. He's not doing it and trying to make this as hard as possible and won't stop asking me when I'm coming back to SD. I told him it doesn't matter where I am located I've already given him all the addresses to reach me both legal and physical . I'm worried that if he knows I'm not back in SD he thinks he can get away with not paying me back my deposit, and the fact it would be easy to screw over a 22 year old female out of her money if she's 2000 miles away.

    I've never missed a rent payment and was always a good tenant. I'm very frustrated because he is obviously playing games with me. In his last email message to me he asked if I was a fugitive from SD and that I owed money to people looking for me...LOL UM WHAT?

    I'm fed up with this back and fourth nonsense since the end of June and just want my money back, what are my options and do I have a good case to take him to small claims. Just because I am young doesn't mean I should get cheated out of my money from a scummy landlord. Any help or advice would be appreciated!!!

    submitted by /u/irepnikeandchowmein
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    A contractor sent a crew of 20 men to level out our yard with dirt. Afterwards, we found shards of glass mixed in the new dirt. We tried to pick out some of the glass, but we no longer feel safe letting our toddler play in the yard. What is a reasonable request for rectification from the contractor?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    Moved into an apartment that has a cockroach infestation and black mold that were hidden by the landlord

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    So I recently moved into a place with my partner (a row home in Philly) and had a gut feeling about the cleanliness of the place. The landlord promised the place would be cleaned before we moved in and wanted us to move in ASAP. Once we moved in all of our stuff I started to look around the kitchen and noticed bait traps and what looked like black pepper all over the cabinets, then I started to find roach shells. I asked my landlord if he knew of the roach issue and he said know even though there are open roach bait traps in EVERY cabinet.

    I started to try to clean it myself but the roach shit is literally embedded into every bracket of this shelving unit and I work full-time and don't want to have to clean up after former tenants messes. I also found black mold under the sink that was half ass covered up with contact paper (the contact paper was literally tossed over it not even installed lmao).

    I'm trying to figure out how to move forward with this, I was very direct with the landlord and mentioned that I have asthma and both roaches and mold could easily make it worse. He has finally come over to start the process but this is a month after we moved in and have been living in a space that wasn't cleaned effectively after the prior tenants (still finding food and weird gross shit).

    Part of me wants to ask for some rent off for dealing with this and putting in my own time to make this unit feel safe and livable.

    Oh also a washer and dryer were part of the lease agreement and that didn't arrive until last week (three weeks after the landlord asked us to move in early and the house was still unfinished and dirty).

    Thanks y'all! 😅😅😅

    submitted by /u/2tired2party
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