• Breaking News

    Tuesday, August 4, 2020

    Legal Advice My (M52) father (M84) died and we found a lot of cash hidden at his home. My brother (M58) wants to keep it secret but I'm worried what could happen. Seeking legal advice.

    Legal Advice My (M52) father (M84) died and we found a lot of cash hidden at his home. My brother (M58) wants to keep it secret but I'm worried what could happen. Seeking legal advice.

    My (M52) father (M84) died and we found a lot of cash hidden at his home. My brother (M58) wants to keep it secret but I'm worried what could happen. Seeking legal advice.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 03:27 AM PDT

    My father died last year unexpectedly in a car accident. His will left everything to my brother and I. My parents were middle class and as far as we thought, their only significant assets were their house, some jewelry and antiques. My brother wanted the house and I let him buy my share when the estate was settled. A few months later he was remodeling and discovered a hidden compartment under carpet in Dad's office. Inside there was $238,000 in cash.

    We don't know how Dad got the money. He never said anything about it. The bills range in age from the 1970s to the 2010s, and my brother thinks Dad was hoarding cash his whole life. I don't think so, because when my Mom was ill with cancer (she died 10 years ago) they got so deep in debt that they had to borrow $25,000 from me. The only thing I can think of is that he made it gambling. He wasn't a big time casino guy but did enjoy a trip to Vegas every year or two.

    My brother wants to split the cash and keep it a secret. He said to just spend it over years in small increments, on things like groceries or clothes. I'm not comfortable with this for several reasons. One because I don't want that much cash laying around, but mostly because I am worried about the repercussions if we get caught. I am also worried about reporting the cash to authorities because I worry the cash may be connected to something illegal.

    My Dad lived in North Carolina and so does my brother. I live in Virginia.

    I want to know the potential legal consequences of keeping the money without reporting it. Also, is there a possibility the money could be seized in an investigation, and never returned or held for years? My brother thinks that would happen.

    submitted by /u/ThrowRA_whatnext
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    [Update]: being sued for not reporting abuse I suffered

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    The police in the city where my father lives called me again, they told me it was about my father. I answered that he is out of my life and I don't know anything about him or his crimes and I haven't talked to him in over 18 years. I thought that would be the end of it but it turns out that my p.o.s. father used my identity in some of his fraudulent schemes, which is also why his wife was after me initially (she thought I was aware of it and complicit). I started shitting bricks so I took your advice and lawyered up and thankfully we were able to prove that it was identity theft easily. Actually the police had no trouble believing me because he has stolen a lot of other identities. They also encouraged me to come forward about the violence to add even more weight to his other kids accusations. The officers were kind and understanding and they told me where to get help if the process is too hard on me. The third wife harassed me for a few weeks to take her rage at me and accuse me of being irresponsible and a coward for not reporting my father's abuse. She stopped communicating with me so I imagine we're good. Anyway if she sues me I have a lawyer now...

    submitted by /u/Throwaway_120798
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    Being sued for enforcing company mask policy

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    My boss just informed me that he received a call from a lawyer and he and I are being sued for enforcing our company policy on wearing masks in our store. I pretty vividly remember the encounter and that she recorded us on her cellphone the entire time. Can she sue us personally for a company policy? And can she record us without permission? We are in Arizona.

    submitted by /u/marge357
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    My husband has me in debt for over $800K and now we may get a divorce or anullment. Will I owe the debt.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 05:03 AM PDT

    My now husband as of 11/6/19 bought a property in the summer of 2019 and built a home for "us" on it. He initially said he was investing his own money into the home. When it was partially built, it appraised for $1M. He then needed my signature for and $850K construction loan in March 2020. My eccellent credit is now a below average score. The home is in his name and the car I drive is in his name. I'm not working due to Covid. If he gets an anullment or divorces me, will I still owe the debt? Can he just kick me out of the house with my name on the loan and take the car, leaving me with nothing. Any advice on what I can or should do would be helpful and appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Buttercup1971
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    Man cut my 84 year old grandmothers tree before the hurricane. Need to know what to do

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    The son in law of my grandmother's neighbor. Went over to my grandmother's house and cut the tree in the base diagonal more then half way through, so when the hurricane came it will fall on her house. The hurricane came and went but it didn't fall. Called the police when it happen to get a report. What can we do now. This happened in north Carolina. The tree was ok but now it is a hazard.

    submitted by /u/Alucarrdx
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    Pressed assault charges. Cops never served papers?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    So about two months ago, my neighbor's chickens got into my yard. I called animal control on him and apparently he didn't like that so he accused me of threatening his wife and came into my yard and put me in a headlock.

    I went to the magistrate's office, pressed charges, and was given a court date. I showed up to court on that date only to be told that there is no record of my case. After contacting the sheriff's office, I was informed that papers were never served on this individual. I was never given a satisfactory reason why.

    I'm not sure what to do. This individual has a history of threats, violence, and provocation. Something doesn't feel right about this. I was considering reporting it to a higher jurisdiction. Should I just let it go?

    submitted by /u/Battle_Toads
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    Customer Drank Hand Sanitizer

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    My parents own a cafe. We recently opened and due to COVID we have sanitizing products everywhere. A bottle of hand sanitizer was next to our trash/condiment area. Can they sue us for pumping the hand sanitizer in their coffee and drinking it? The person ended up in the ER.

    Bottle was turned 180 degrees, but ingredients of hand sanitizer were on the back.

    Sorry if this is stupid. I'm just scared for my parents.

    EDIT: The county we are in requires restaurants to have hand sanitizer all though the stores. I honestly don't think we would've had hand sanitizer placed there if not for the new COVID regulations.

    submitted by /u/fosne
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    Workplace opting everyone in as tobacco users, despite actual tobacco use.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    Hello legal advice, so this has been an issue for the past few years at this particular big, red, retailer. They send out our annual benefits packages (if we qualify) which include our health and 401K information.

    In these packets, they list what we are at risk of and on every one I've received, they list me as a tobacco user. I am not, nor have I ever been, a tobacco user. The benefits that we are supposed to get as a tobacco user come up to about $60/paycheck, which the company takes out before taxes. So far this year, the company has already taken over $1,000 from my paychecks without my knowledge, or ability to opt out.

    This is the same for countless employees across the US as just in my store alone, close to 80% have the same issues as myself.

    My question is, what's the legality of this and is there anything I can do to recoup my money? Any way to get it back from past years? I've tried calling and they vehemently refuse to help with even opting me out of the tobacco benefits. At this point I'm just at a loss and am wondering if we have any legal recourse.

    submitted by /u/hit-by-car-help
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    Getting falsely accused of Arson

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    Yesterday I (15M) were out in the forest with some friends in a park. It's a secluded place, so there basically weren't any people around. Now, there was a group consisting of 5-6 boys on the other side of the road. We didn't think much of it. Until they burned some grass and it caught on fire. Naturally they ran away.

    Now, like the underaged morons that we are, we decided to NOT call the fire department because we were scared that we would get accused. Then some car came by with a couple around 50 years old each. They started putting out the fire. We stood away and watched. After they were done, they drove up to us and started accusing us of starting it. We explained it was the group but they said it was all lies. The woman took a photo of us, got in her car, and started mumbling that we're a bunch of liars.

    So now we don't even know what she did or who she is. For whatever reason, she did NOT call the police right there and then. They just drove away. Now, we don't know if they told the police were the fire starters, left it be or something else. Although we are pretty confident that she told the police, because this morning she saw my friend and told him "Has something happened yet?" She said no, and left giggling?! Our parents DON'T know about this, and we really don't want them to, we just wan't to solve this without getting into trouble. Give some advice. (The country we're from is Lithuania if that helps.)

    submitted by /u/swagalicious_777
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    doctor made me pay out of pocket saying they will then bill insurance for me, then bills insurance over 100k without stating that i already paid 10k. what do i do??

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 12:35 AM PDT

    i had a surgery with an ent doctor for my breathing, they said my insurance is out of network so i'd have to pay first and then they will bill my insurance. i agreed. they charged me $10,265.88 they then bill my insurance over 100k and never mention that i paid anything. when i called they said that what i paid was only a portion of the costs and that they billed the rest to my insurance however they did not mention that i already paid some of the costs they just billed saying i paid 0.

    btw i have tri care and i did submit a claim recently showing what i payed, waiting for it to be processed.

    i'm so angry and confused, how are they billing the whole price trying to say that i haven't paid anything so far, isn't that illegal?

    i'm in california btw

    submitted by /u/kycake
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    Passed over for opportunity because I’m white

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    I work for a public university that contracts with California government offices. There was a great opportunity to work with a high status client, but my boss opted not to give me the contract because I "have too much on my plate". I found out this was a lie when I grabbed some papers from the office printer the other day and accidentally picked up a printed email. It was between my boss and the higher ups, and it said they opted not to give me the contract because I am white. They even said in the email that they would just tell me I am too busy. From EEOC law, this is illegal, correct? I'm hesitant to get into a legal mess. I have a good relationship with my boss, and I've been looking for jobs lately and would like her recommendation. I am headed out the door anyway. Would appreciate any insight on what my options may be and potential ramifications.

    submitted by /u/throwaway11811506
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    [Austin, TX] Losing my sanity to bed bugs that have been here since move in (November 2019)

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    TLDR at bottom.

    Hi all,

    I moved to Austin in November 2019. Upon move in my mom found 3 live bed bugs in the laundry area of my apartment. I still had not unboxed anything. I lived with my parents prior to this so these bugs did not come with me since they have never and do not have issues with them.

    At move in I noted the bugs on my move in inspection form. I also had to sign a bed bug addendum. Below is the timeline of events.

    November: move in, 1st spray treatment.

    May: bugs return, 2nd spray treatment

    June: 3rd spray treatment

    July: back again, at this point I sent a request asking to be released from the lease, my request was ignored. They insisted on doing a 4th spray treatment while they look into other avenues. I reached out to 311 and a health code inspector came out to my apartment & the leasing office. He suggested they do a heat treatment. The office brought in a new pest control company to give an assessment. They echoed the code inspector saying that I would be a good candidate for a heat treatment. I have since spoken with Austin Tenants Council and following their advice have sent a certified mail repair request for a heat treatment. I have also requested to speak to the regional manager who is telling me that because I signed the bug addendum, that I am at fault and should be paying for these treatments. They are willing to take care of spray treatments ($300) but not willing to pay for heat treatment ($1400). He also says that they took care of the original occurrence this new stuff I brought in.

    August: they are doing a 5th spray treatment on Thursday (ugg)

    What I want: I want a heat treatment so that I feel comfortable in my home again. I like my apartment, I have told them several times that my preference is not to leave but I cannot continue to get these spray treatments monthly. It is adding to my anxiety (doctor and therapist know this). I also am working from home so having my home in constant disarray because of the sprays is hard to stay focused at work. Additionally, this monthly tradition of washing/drying everything in my apartment is impacting my utilities (hard to tell by how much as I'm also using more AC since it's summer. Since July I have also been sleeping on my couch because as a single person it is too much to move my king bed every month for the spray treatments. This problem also means that I cannot invite friends or family over for fear of them leaving with bugs or thinking that I'm messy/filthy.

    I'm getting conflicting advice from the health code inspector and Austin Tenants council. The inspector says that while it's not the suggested treatment, the apartment is making an effort to alleviate the repair. His hands are tied. Austin Tenants council has now recommended I seek legal advice and/or bring this to small claims court. They say that they are not making a diligent effort by continuing to do spray treatments.

    I have reached out to the resources from Austin Tenants council for legal assistance. My income is too high to get free assistance. Though at $200 an hour quoted from the lawyer referral service I think that is out of the price range. (maybe it's not but I have no idea how many hours this would take or an idea of what the returns would be from this)

    Questions: - Would I have a chance in small claims? Is this recommended? - is there a different option that I'm not aware of? - does this bed bug addendum hold any weight seeing as how it is documented at move in that the pests were here? - advice? Thoughts? Recommendations? I'm really not sure what to do next.

    TLDR: had bed bugs since move in, documented on the move in inspection sheet. Also had to sign a bed bug addendum. The complex has sprayed 4 times soon to be 5. 311 is saying that the complex is making an effort which is what they are required to do. Austin Tenants council is saying that it is not a diligent effort and that it is time to seek legal assistance/ small claims court. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/newmka
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    My Boss Copied Private Text Messages from my Personal Cell Phone

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    I live in Massachusetts and it has come to light that either my boss or their spouse took screen shots of personal text messages from my phone, printed them and then used those messages to further their own agenda in an upcoming vote that they have great stakes in. I was not told that any of this happened until the spouse let it slip in casual conversation.

    Many people have received copies of the messages, so there's no question of whether it was done, or not. The action created a very uncomfortable work environment and I felt forced to leave.

    Do I have any legal recourse? It is my private cell phone, I did not use it for any company related tasks and they did not pay for it in any capacity.

    A couple common questions that others have asked...

    I have an iPhone, my previous model was the fingerprint unlock button which was a nightmare. Because of that, my screen lock is set to 5 minutes. It would be fairly east for someone to pick my phone up and look through it if I put it down and walked away.

    I was not directly reprimanded in any way, but my work environment suddenly became very tense and I had no idea why.

    I work for a company that has board members. This board has ultimate authority over the business and a new board leader is up for nomination. If this particular member were to take over, my boss would most likely be replaced. The boss is doing EVERYTHING they can to prevent the vote from going through.

    submitted by /u/Ecimeno
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    I [22] Left Home and Parents Still Have my Passport

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 05:10 AM PDT

    I am a US Citizen born in Nigeria. Now lives in Virginia.

    I moved away from my parents house recently and I wasn't able to get my (expired) passport or Nigerian birth certificate from them. I tried to look for it in their house but didn't have enough time. If I ask, they will not give it to me and I feel unsafe going back there to retrieve it.

    The only proofs of identity I do have are my driver's license and my social security card.

    I'm sure the process will long and hard, but is there any way I could get issued a new passport, and what is the process?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/taskbunny
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    is using the word "rape" casually at work considered sexual harassment?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    I work in IL which recently passed a law that all employers must provide their employees with sexual harassmrnt training. my issue is with my employer himself.

    he casually says things like "we're raping them", "they raped us", "let's rape them" in reference to what we charge for our services.

    as someone who has been raped i find it jarring and uncomfortable every time. even if id never been raped, rape has a specific meaning in our society and i dont want that idea/image popping in my head constantly at work.

    now I've gone to my boss to ask for additional support during COVID because I don't feel comfortable (information backed by CDC, WHO, government, and dozens of countries) which he has refused so im 100% certain he's not going to care about my personal request to stop this based on nothing but my feelings.

    but if its considered sexual harassment, and this training is required, it's something that becomes a much bigger deal if he ignores me.

    he also casually says stuff like he wants to punch us in the face or line us all up and shoot us. I know its not literal but it's so far from professional and I have no respect for violent speech like that.

    submitted by /u/DopeDetective
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    Bought a house in TX. Neighbors’ fences are encroaching on my property on 2 sides, by about 1.5’ to 2’. What are my options?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    Hello. Like the title says, I just bought a house in Austin, TX built in 1977. Had to get a land survey as part of the home buying process. The survey revealed that the fence to the back of the house is encroaching on my property by about 1.2'. To the right, the fence starts out ok, then encroaches on my property by 2' as it gets closer to the front of the house.

    I don't know how long the fences have been in place. I'd like to eventually build all new fences all around, but given the cost, it might be a while before I do. Can I simply ask the neighbors to move the fences? I don't want to start my relationship with them on a bad note, but I want to make sure they don't end up claiming part of my property. Every foot counts!

    What are my options here? Please help.


    submitted by /u/AlienAzul
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    401k shenanigans

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    I work for a private company, who has a 401k plan that matches 50% of up to 8% in contributions. It has always seemed like something strange has been going on, as they were constantly behind on their match, missed contributions, withheld statements, etc.

    Recently, they switched to a new retirement investment company. It appeared at first that everything was caught up, and things would be better. But when I was asking for information on the new company/plan they were evasive. After some digging, I now find out that with the new plan we have a vestment schedule, and the company is claiming i only own 20% of what has been matched. I have gone through all of the papers on the old account, and there was no vesting schedule, so i just went from owning 100% of the 50% match to owning 20% of the 50% match, which will gradually work its way up over the next 4 years (i dont plan to be here that long).

    Is it legal for them to do this? I haven't signed any paperwork for the new company but my deposits get shoveled in week after week regardless. What are my options here? The company is evasive and even combative when i try to get these things straightened out.

    Location: Indiana, USA

    submitted by /u/Organic_Opportunity1
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    [SC] Rental Agency won’t list property for rent

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    I'm in a position that requires me to break my lease at the end of this month. I am aware of the consequences of that but as long as the house gets rented I'm off the hook. I gave written 30 days notice almost 2 weeks ago and the rental agency has yet to list the property as available for rent even though I've called and they said they would multiple times. They also notified me the owner has decided to raise the rent but they won't tell me by how much so I can't even find a potential replacement myself. Do I have any options at all or am I just stuck paying rent until the end of my lease?

    submitted by /u/weiglert
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    Sister wants me to pay back rent on house we own.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    [Rhode Island]

    Late 2017 my mother passed away and she had a rental property to her name. My siblings and I have not yet gone to probate court, but we (mostly my siblings) manage the property. I have been living in this house for almost 3 years. I do not pay rent. It was agreed upon, by my siblings and I, that I would not pay rent. I offered, they collectively said no.

    My sister wants to wait a year to go to probate court so that she can continue collecting government assistance (housing vouchers, disability, and Medicare.) She now says that when we go through probate, get it in our names, and then sell, that I have to pay back rent for all the time that I've been living their rent free. She claims her lawyer told her this.

    I ordinarily wouldn't care too much, however, the apartment I have been in is not even in rentable condition. I'm responsible for any repairs and she refuses to use any money from the rental income to fix it. There has never been a time when I paid rent to her it was expected to. She didn't even tell me I have to pay rent now, just that I will owe a massive bill of back rent out of my portion of money from when we sell. Is this enforceable? I have my two brothers that can attest that there was no obligation for me to pay rent ever at this house while I live there.

    submitted by /u/theyoungreezy
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    Tenant isn't paying. What do/can I do?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    I have a tenant that isn't paying his rental even tho he is on welfare and doesn't have any change in income due to COVID. Last month he told me he will be moving out but he didn't state when. This month he isn't paying the rent or even replying to my texts. I even let him off on a few hundred for some months in the past.

    What can a landlord in Ontario do if someone doesn't pay rent and won't move out? What if they damage the home due to their anger, is there something I can do for that?

    submitted by /u/smiley_rice
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    No records match, did I get scammed?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    Throw away account. Im in Bryan Texas. I just moved into a new rental, been there almost a month now. Today our water was shut off. During the application for the rental I confirmed that utilities would be theough the local utility service, so I had already set up an account and got a bill from the local utility service, which isnt due yet. I called the local utility service and they tell me that a different group handles sewer and that they requested the water be turned off due to failure to pay. So I call the other group that handles sewer and they say the bill hasnt been paid for months, they suggest the monthly fee is ~$50 and that the current bill is nearly $1400 dollars. When I ask for the name on the account, its different than the name of the guy Im renting from. Worried about a scam I looked up the property on the local tax assessor website and it has a third different name for the property owner.

    What do I do? How do I get the water tirned back on? Am I responsible for a bill someone else decided not to pay? Do I need to pay rent for a place that doesnt have water? Would I be owed reimbursement for costs if I had to get a hotel room until the water is turned back on? Please help!

    submitted by /u/trash_accoun
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    Mother-in-law came back from the dead?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    I recently learned that my dead ex-mother-in-law faked her death.

    Am I legally obligated to turn her in? I'm in Central Texas.

    I don't have a ton of info so I'll list what i know.

    She "Died" almost 2 years ago from compilations due to her weight. My ex quit her job to drive 4 hours away to see her mom before she died, however, she was too late and was told she had died a few hours before she arrived and was already at the funeral home. My ex was upset and cried for days. I do not think she was in on the plan. A few months later my ex's kids 3 and 5? said grandma didn't die. They are young so we didn't give it much thought.

    A few days ago I got a butt dial from an unknown number and when I called it back a woman who had the same name, voice, and called my ex by her nickname as my dead ex-mother-in-law was on the line. She knew my house, animals, and called my ex by her nickname that only her family calls her. I'm 90% sure that was my dead mother in law. Sounded the same and everything.

    So i called my ex and it turns out she found out her mother was alive a while back. She had given almost $10K to her sisters for funeral cost and was pissed to find out her mother was alive. My ex decided to disown her whole family besides her brother.

    I do not think there was any life insurance money involved, but several members of the family pitched in funeral money.

    Question is Am I legally obligated to turn in my ex-mother-in-law? And If I do what will happen to my ex and her kids?

    Edit:Thanks for the advice. I'm personally not out any money, my ex was the one who paid $10K. She just wants to forget about all of them. I've told her a few times to get a lawyer and get her money back and to find out IF there was any life insurance money involved.

    submitted by /u/detractedredacted
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    Airbnb host scammed us and won’t give a refund

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    My boyfriend and I booked an Airbnb in a city 4 hours away from home to stay at while doing apartment shopping.

    Friday, we arrive in the city where the Airbnb is located, the host sends us a message of the rules (linked below) of the Airbnb which we thought were odd due to the threatening $300 fine for coming into contact with the apartment employees.

    We arrive at the apartment building and immediately see signs that say Airbnb's are not permitted on the property. We park in the visitor parking spaces (as the host said to) and see another sign that says we need visitor parking decals or else our car will be towed. We contact the host about this and they say that they do not have a decal for us to use. At this point, we didn't want to stay there because of the fear of our car being gone in the morning and having to go through the trouble of finding it, and paying fines for something we shouldn't have to worry about. We had apartment tours set up for the whole day. We book a hotel instead.

    My boyfriend was upset and went to the leasing office to talk to the leasing manager about what's going on and pretty much how we were scammed out of our money because we are not supposed to be there and our car would be towed if we were. The manager confirmed that we would be booted or towed and that the Airbnb host rents the apartment, they do not own it. The apartment management nor Airbnb allow subletting.

    We contact Airbnb who say that a specialist will be in contact but receive no call back. Today, we spoke with the host and he refuses to give us a refund. He insists that he doesn't see the issue and that he will be charging us the $300 fine for contacting the leasing office.

    Advice on this situation would be appreciated, sorry for the long post!


    submitted by /u/throwawayacct9099
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