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    Tuesday, June 2, 2020

    Startups Share your startup - June 2020

    Startups Share your startup - June 2020

    Share your startup - June 2020

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:08 AM PDT

    Tell us about your startup!

    /r/startups wants to hear what you're working on! Contest mode is on, so remember to select 'Show All' to see all the replies. If you don't see your post, you probably need to load more comments at the bottom. Also, all posts are sorted randomly, so the sort function doesn't seem to work.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Manic Mondays: Support To Get You Through The Week: Share What You Need Help With, Job Postings, For Hire Offers, or Resources

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 06:09 AM PDT

    Welcome to this week's Support Thread. Please refer to the below suggested formats to get the most out of this thread.

    Need Support?

    Please use the following format to seek support:


    What I am working on: What I need support with: Why I need support with this: My questions to the community: Requested Resources: Relevant URL: [if applicable] Additional Comments: Please add any additional comments that may provide more context around what you need support with so others can provide the most relevant support or guidance to you.

    Job Provider?

    Please use the following format to post a job listing:

    HIRING Company Name and URL: Job Title/Role: Employment Type: [Intern] [Contract] [Part Time] [Full Time] [Remote] Job Description/Responsibilities: Necessary Skills and Experience: Requested, but not necessary Skills and Experience: Job Compensation: Willing to Relocate New Hire: [yes] [no] Job Listing URL: Additional Comments:

    Please add any additional comments that may provide more context around the job listing to make it easier for the right people to apply.

    Job Seeker?

    Please use the following format to post an offer to work :

    FOR HIRE Title/Role: Desired Location: Willing to Relocate: [yes] [no] Remote Availability: [yes] [no] Relevant Skills and Experience: Requested Salary/Hourly Rate: Resume/Portfolio URL: Additional Comments:

    Please add any additional comments that may provide more context around the job listing to make it easier for the right people to apply.

    Resource Provider?

    Please use the following format to post an offer to work :

    RESOURCE Organization Name and URL: Location Served: Resource Name: Resource Description: Resource URL: Resource Cost:

    Do not forget to explore the /r/startups discord. We have many relevant channels to seek support, post job listings, share for hire offers, and share resources. You can also find more support using instant chat on the /r/startups discord.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Books that help you get started.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    Good day everyone. With the covid and everything; being stuck at home should still be productive.

    So I would like to ask for book suggestions (with author) that you read right before your started your first business and you found very useful/ helpful.

    Thank you and stay safe.

    Edit 1: a word.

    submitted by /u/Mr-Profesh
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    I Made a Platform That Tracks The Best Giveaways in Gaming!

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 01:33 AM PDT

    I'm having lots of fun collecting free games from Epic Games Store, Steam and other places. It's just crazy how my games collection has grown. So it just made sense to build a dedicated platform coded from the ground up that tracks all these cool giveaways.

    Today I launched it on Product Hunt, so if possible check it out at https://www.producthunt.com/posts/gamerpower and leave your feedback. Thanks in advance guys.

    submitted by /u/paulkaid
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    What's the reason you started

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 01:30 AM PDT

    Believe that everyone has their own reason for their startup, personally for me is passion & is fun but when no results are appearing, you just feel like tearing these whole thing apart.

    What's yours? Passion, Forced, Threatened, Accident, Hate building path for others or something unimaginable?

    submitted by /u/donnawelladmin
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    Silly question, will naming my brand after myself hinder any potential future acquisitions of my startup?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 12:37 AM PDT

    If a large company wants to acquire my fashion brand named after myself, do you think they would possibly be hesitant since the brand revolves around my identity?

    Of course this is speaking of a total acquisition of the company where I would no longer have any affiliation with the startup whatsoever.

    Let me know your thoughts thanks.

    submitted by /u/newaccc3
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    Two business models at the same time

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    Have you ever seen a startup successfully apply two business models (e.g take rate and subscription) at the same moment? Is there a logical way to apply them? Like, TR first, them subscribe, or the other way around? I know it's very generic question, sorry

    submitted by /u/haykenz
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    An asteroid without trajectory.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    I have an amazing 9-5 right now that pays exceptionally well. However (I LOVE this part), I have this feeling of, "I need to blaze my own trail". I hate the idea of pouring my heart and soul into my current position. It's fun, intriguing and exciting but not everyone shares my enthusiasm. I have been thinking for some time now that if I am willing to give this much time and soul to something that it should be my own. The only problem is.... what is that something. I have always been the, "do whatever it takes to allow my family to succeed" kind of guy. I am a veteran, which slightly defines me, but I do not use it as an expectation for greatness or handouts. Though, I do see it as a leg up in our ultra-hyped U.S. of A culture. I'm a stone throws away from Houston. How does someone with an entrepreneur mindset decide what is truly needed in a given atmosphere?

    submitted by /u/pewpew26
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    California's Franchise Tax Board $800 minimum enforcement

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    1) My startup is incorporated in Delaware in March

    2) I have a business bank account in California for the incorporated business. I have not registered the corporation as a foreign entity. My corporation has paid a few online bills, but has generated 0 income.

    3) Planning to dissolve before the end of the year.

    From my research, and through FTA's vague definition of "doing business in california", it seems I have to register the company and pay their $800 franchise tax.

    Not looking for legal advice but more for anecdotal experiences. I plan to simply not register and close the bank account and NOT pay the $800. Anyone do this before and the FTA actually enforced this and sent you a letter?

    submitted by /u/azn_gambit
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    Looking for support and mentor in a startups

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    I am a technical lead and people manager at an early stage startup. We are a fairly small team with ~10 developers and ML researchers, 3 managers/leads (incl. me), and then an executive team that includes the CTO and other C-level execs. My team is 3 people, who are all older than me (one is about 10 years older). My boss is extremely skilled technically but isn't that experienced or skillful when it comes to leadership.

    The situation is that my background is technical and I love the ML/AI side of things that we do. However, I have been managing teams for about a year and half, but only recently has it been a team size of 3 with experienced people in it. I think I'm doing an okay job at managing but I really want to grow and do well in the aspect of leadership, motivating my team, and protecting my team from company chaos. I have been studying leadership stuff in the last month or so, but I find that every manager's role is super specific, and sometimes it really requires a mentor to help someone get better in how to handle and help people.

    Managers have a hard time in some sense because you can't really be too 'close' to anyone in your immediate team. You have to maintain some separation with your reports and with your boss. You have to maintain some distance with other managers as their interests may not match with your own. So I feel quite lonely at my job, and when I ask my boss for any advice with leadership, he just says he's not the best person to ask.

    How do y'all find mentors to help you with your leadership skills and management? Is it something that is required to become a great manager eventually? I really want to grow and become a manager that is effective and empathetic at the same time, and would be grateful for any suggestions/tips coming from experience. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/humanager
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    Tax for UK Startup Selling to US Customers

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 09:50 AM PDT


    I appreciate I would need to consult with a tax professional to get accurate advice, however, this situation is hypothetical at present and so was hoping somebody could provide some initial guideance or give me a general steer in the right direction.

    As I understand it the US and UK have a treaty which means you aren't double taxed on your income i.e. if you are UK company you pay your income/corporation taxes on any profit in the UK. However you still pay sales tax on any sales you make in the US - i.e. if you are a mobile app based business from the UK but have customers in the US that make in app purchases or a monthly subscription then you would charge them the respective rate of sales tax for their origin/state.

    I know people won't be able to provide tax advice, but I would appreciate hearing from startups/businesses in the UK which have been through something similar either with physical products or digital products and services.

    Also how did you go about finding appropriate tax advice in the UK for US digital sales tax advice.

    submitted by /u/2020Corp
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    What's the best way to validate your idea

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 03:19 AM PDT

    I have an idea in mind for a b2c business and I'm seeing a decent market for it where I live. I'm just not sure how to actually validate this business idea before I put a lot of effort into it and it goes to waste afterward.

    Any idea what are the best ways to validate business ideas?

    submitted by /u/m3391
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    Labs that perform product validation?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I was wondering what to do in the case where one has an idea for a product but not the resources to validate that the prototype works. For example, if I were to develop some sort of sterilization process or product are there labs or companies that can test how effective the product is? If not, what would you all suggest?

    submitted by /u/SieveOfEratosthenes
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    How do I create go-to-market strategy for the US market?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:26 PM PDT


    We have a new startup. We continue our way without investment. After reaching a certain size, our goal is to get investment and grow our business further if necessary. We currently have over 4000 users in 56 different countries. We don't establish a company yet. We don't look at investment as we grow organically rather than advertisements.

    We are currently trying to enter the US market. But I wonder what are your suggestions for the go-to-market strategy? Where to start, what paths to follow? We have created a few channels, but I would also want to know what channels that you suggest us?


    submitted by /u/yusufbayram2
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    Hiring my competitor's developer?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    Hello. Recently my team and I decided to start our own marketplace. It is a unique idea that has been proven successful in one part of the world. I realized that it would work perfectly in our region especially since I thought that no one has done it. However, to my dismay, I realized that a company has already established almost the same marketplace in our region about 2 months ago.

    After doing a bit of research and asking around, I found the company's developer who was hired part-time. I reached out to him and was impressed by how much he knew about the project I intend on working on and decided to schedule a call with him. My question is, would there be a conflict of interest? This developer seems to be way more knowledgeable about the project I am working on than other developers which is why I became interested in him, is there anything wrong with that? I had people tell me that hiring your competitor's developer could be a bad idea while other people have told me that it's perfectly fine. Do you guys have any suggestions or have dealt with something like this?


    submitted by /u/Z_Gunner
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    Steps that need to be followed to create a fitness app (iOS, Android, web)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    Well, I am a little confuse of what to start doing here. I started writing in bullets my idea and the features and it's not quite completed.

    I want to know if it is really necessary to finish completely my idea after jumping to developing it.

    My conscious error on myself is: I always try to over do things. And try to do it perfectly. Any thought of what steps I need till launch?


    submitted by /u/Joseamica
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    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    Do you guys ever have a startup idea and then try to do some research on that idea, see that there may be an opportunity but then find out someone else had the same idea (though they have not acted on it apparently) and eventually get discouraged and abandon the idea all together?

    submitted by /u/pacman20io
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    Emails from my company account are landing in spam folders. How do I stop this?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:10 AM PDT

    As the title states, this has been a problem all around, not just for prospective customers but for my attorneys, partners, developers, etc.

    I feel at a huge disadvantage by having to climb out of spam folders to get work done.

    Any suggestions on how to get this corrected?

    submitted by /u/Dpet89
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    Spinoff vs startup

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    I've came up with an idea for a totally new program line in my current company, in a different industry. The idea has pleased some of the members of the board and now they are asking themselves what to do.

    In the meantime im trying to look for research partners, industrial partners, maybe talking to potential customers and try to fill my BMC together with a couple of other people shi are enthusiast about the idea.

    Now I think we have a chance to spinoff a small group of people in the development department and go quite rapidly for a proof of concept. My question here is, what is the advantage of making it a spinoff, versus simply creating a startup?

    Considering the field of application is not in the current business i'f my employer, I am not forbidden to pursue the opportunity in my own, since it will not count as competitive.

    I believe the spinoff route can offer more advantages in terms of funding, as well as governance, but wouldn't that be also a disadvantage? Being tight to your parent company, giving investors less opportunity for eventually the same level of risk?

    Any comment is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/albasili
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    Advice and resources needed on how to manage being a CEO of a newly merged company

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:55 AM PDT

    Hello fellow redditors,

    My company got acquired by a much bigger company. Big company happened to acquire another company a few months before us.

    Now I am being asked to be the CEO for the two companies (around thirty people projected to be 100 in a year).

    I don't want to mention the industry as I am looking for feedback in terms of managing the merge, having a healthy culture, insuring the new team feel at home and such. I don't project any layoffs and will try to find a place for everyone as we are suppose to grow our team.

    Have any of you had an experience and would like to give tips ? Do you know any resources/articles that help could help in managing this process?


    submitted by /u/brkonthru
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