Legal Advice Girlfriend drank from water fountain at airport, was told 15 minutes later that all water was highly contaminated. |
- Girlfriend drank from water fountain at airport, was told 15 minutes later that all water was highly contaminated.
- UPDATE: 2 Children ran into my car in my neighborhood and mother sued me (California)
- (Alabama) Is is illegal for a bank manager to inform a potential stranger how much money I have in my Checking out, down to the cent?
- [FL/NY]Locked out of hotel building due to wrong door code, hotel refuses to issue a refund
- Incompetent Dentist Destroyed My Teeth
- Deli sandwich shop knowingly gave us real meat when we ordered the meat substitute. It caused my daughter to be admitted into the hospital.
- Insurance is dropping me because I'm gay (idaho)
- Dealership sent car to auction without consent
- (WI) Please help, our town clerk sucks
- Boss fired me for becoming eligible for health insurance
- HOA failed to fix garage door for three months and my possessions were stolen
- (CT) Dog attacks me upon entering house, bites me 4 times, 1 bite is now infected.
- Landlord told us rent is going up $200/mo. We have less than 30 days before the lease is signed. Can we not sign it?
- Someone is selling products with my photo on it
- Illinois, special needs kid and neighbor noise complaints. Condo HOA billing $50
- My ex keyed my roommate’s car
- Spent 240£ on clothes, order got cancelled, no money returned
- EA Origin charged me without my knowledge and acceptance for months. What actions can I take against the company?
- Boss has instructed me to give all goods we export a value of $1 or $0.
- (NY) Being sued three years after a car accident happened. I am destitute, what will happen?
- Is it legal for a parent to make their child (a minor) pay rent or be forced to live with another relative? This is in the US
- (Utah) Mom's boyfriend went into my room and destroyed it.
- [Florida] HOA applies rules and standards differently depending on ownership status.
- An apartment in my name...
Posted: 03 Mar 2020 08:36 AM PST My girlfriend and I were coming home from a trip abroad and had just gone through customs in Houston. On our way to the next gate we decided to use the restroom, she waited for me as I went in. As I came out, she was just finishing a presumably long drink of water from the fountain. On our way to the gate we stopped at one of the restaurants, and ordered food. After asking for water, we were told that the airport water system had been contaminated 2 days prior, and that they were not allowed to serve us water. Not from machines, or sinks, or anything. My girlfriend remarked on the water that she had drank, and they just ignored it and got us different drinks. My girlfriend is now extremely sick, with very similar systems to food poisoning. Is there any grounds to stand on as there was no written warnings in the airport ? [link] [comments] |
UPDATE: 2 Children ran into my car in my neighborhood and mother sued me (California) Posted: 02 Mar 2020 06:20 PM PST Here's the original post: I had the hearing a few weeks ago. The results are quite anticlimactic. I am off scotch free, as I should be. A shop repaired my car and I didn't have to pay out of pocket. The mother was found guilty of negligence or something along that sort. I have to go towards the neighbor's house to check my mail, and I'm looked at adversarially when I pass by. I haven't seen them this past week how every. My car is as beautiful as ever and I don't think the kids have anything against me, as they were no part of the idiocy their mom initiated. I don't know if I missed anything. I'm just writing an update because the original post got some traction and I think I recall a few people asking for an update. If you guys have any other questions, I'll respond eventually :) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:45 AM PST In a small town a few hours from me, someone who was depositing a check into my account decided to ask their good ole boy manager how much fucking money i have in my account, and the manager happily obliged. I am the ONLY person who's name is on the account, I am not a dependent, and this manager was WELL aware this person did not have access to the account. They didn't even know the account number. This seems ridiculous, and a massive invasion of my privacy. Were any laws broken by the manager here? I'm sorry, I assume this question is adequate for this sub, I can't find much info elsewhere and I'm a little heated at the moment. [link] [comments] |
[FL/NY]Locked out of hotel building due to wrong door code, hotel refuses to issue a refund Posted: 03 Mar 2020 04:54 AM PST TLDR- hotel provided incorrect door code, there was no overnight staff and emergency number was non responsive until the following morning. They've acknowledged the events but refuse a refund. So I was on vacation this past weekend in florida, me and my friend checked into a hotel dropped off our belongings and left for the night. The door wasn't locked during the day. When we got back the door code that was provided at check in was incorrect. We tried calling the front desk (which was pointless because they are not staffed overnight). We then tried calling and texting the emergency number to no avail. We got separated looking to charge our phones and my friend literally had to sleep on the sidewalk in front of the hotel until someone arrived at 7 am. I was lucky enough to find a place elsewhere for a "reasonable" $190. The emergency number reached me at 8 am with a different code than the one that was provided and "wished me well" on my travels when I informed them that I had to make another reservation. I contacted the booking service, which was able to confirm all of the events with the hotel. However the hotel "was not able to issue a refund under these circumstances." Ideally I'd like to contest the charges with my bank, but I'm still out almost $200 for the emergency hotel purchase, not to mention the embarrassment my friend went through. What, if any, is my recourse for this situation? All communication is documented. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Incompetent Dentist Destroyed My Teeth Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:30 AM PST First, a mea culpa: I never should've trusted a new dentist with this much work based on Yelp ratings. But the office staff seemed super friendly and the dentist herself appeared to be competent on my first visit. But she said I had about 10 cavities. Everything looked legit so we decided to do one side of the mouth per visit. We started with the left - 5 cavities. While I was knocked out on anesthesia she said she found a 6th, so I agreed to filling that one as well. Once I could feel my face the next day my heart sank. She had destroyed all of my top and bottom molars. She had ground down every single one and turned them into sharp edged bowls, with jagged sides like shark teeth. On top of that, she'd spackled the filling in so sloppily that they splattered the sides of some of the teeth. And somehow she'd done damage to one of my canines such that it hurts to chew on that side, when that tooth wasn't even supposed to be touched. As a coup de grace, she completely dismissed my TMJ disorder as imagination. I've since dislocated my jaw twice while chewing. Where the hell do I start?? This whole experience makes me sick to my stomach. I can't stop obsessing over it. I can barely floss because my teeth are so sharp. And I can't stop feeling them every minute of every day. I've also had to switch to soft foods because of the pain. I haven't talked to their office since then other than to cancel the remaining visit. I don't know where to begin - talk to them (what could they possible say or do?), visit a different dentist, go straight to a lawyer? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Mar 2020 10:47 AM PST My daughter has an alpha-gal allergy. She was diagnosed last year. Since then, it has been necessary for her to cut out dairy and red meat. She eats poultry occasionally but mainly vegan food since she likes the alternatives. There is a chain deli shop in our town that has a vegan menu. Vegan dressings, bread, meat alternatives, etc. We go there often as a family because she's able to get a faux roast beef sandwich, philly cheese steak, etc. while the rest of the family can enjoy something normal to us. Yesterday we decided to try delivery. They have been advertising it quite a lot on partnered delivery apps and we received a coupon for free delivery. We specifically checked the box that said "cancel order if out of stock" for her meat alternative sandwich. We also added in the special instructions that she had a meat allergy so we'd need them to use clean utensils and gloves just to be safe. They never have a problem with it when we go in. Long story short, the delivery partner from the app arrived and we ate our food. Our daughter took a couple bites and started to go into anaphylactic shock. Admittedly, we did not check her food because we trusted that the delivery service would be as good as the in-store service. We called the app's customer service and the restaurant. The app just gave us a refund on the item and apologized that we received meat instead of the alternative. They did not care that it caused our daughter to be in the hospital. The restaurant said that they were sorry that happened but they can't do anything about it since they "told the delivery driver they were out of the beef substitute". Like I said we specifically said cancel the order if they were out of stock. What can we do about this? Neither the delivery app nor the restaurant wants to take responsibility. [link] [comments] |
Insurance is dropping me because I'm gay (idaho) Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:22 PM PST Here is the letter I've received. is this even legal? it's a franchise and I know they own all the local ones and few in neighboring states I believe but the company themselves are nationwide. I'm worried about losing my insurance! we are legally married, have children, and located in idaho. [link] [comments] |
Dealership sent car to auction without consent Posted: 03 Mar 2020 08:11 AM PST TLDR;So it's been days 11 days and Im still without a vehicle!! Back story. I was buying a used car but the deal fell thru. I used my old car as a partial down payment along with cash. The dealership gave me the cash back but they sent my old car to the auction in another state before the deal was even finalized and now I'm without a car at all because the deal fell thru on the car i was going to purchase and the dealership took that car back. What do I do? The dealership is in Memphis Tn. They sent my car to Atlanta Ga. I signed the contract on the 14th of Feb they took possession back of the car I was purchasing on Feb 26th (10 day rule) since it had to be towed back to the dealership because it locked me out at Wal-Mart, Its now March 3rd..I went to the dealership on the 25th to retrieve my personal belongings out of the vehicle i was purchasing and asked for my car and they couldn't find the keys and they said it was gone. It was determined after a few minutes later that it had been sent to Atlanta Ga. So they sent my car to another state without even finalizing the deal of the purchase of the car and took back the car I was trying to purchase which left me without a vehicle and are being very rude to me now about when my car will be back so I will have a way to go! BTW..thus is a VERY large dealership!! Not a small mom and pop place. [link] [comments] |
(WI) Please help, our town clerk sucks Posted: 03 Mar 2020 07:20 AM PST I live in and work part time for a tiny township. Our town clerk has no idea what they are doing, but no one else wants the job and its an elected position. Among various other concerns that have arisen around them, the main problem comes from screwing up paychecks. In the past they have; ignored/lost then found the W4s filled out by some employees, thus not having any medicare of SS withheld. Entered in hours worked on one pay period wrong, then deducted or added them to the next pay period, with out explaining it to employees. Sent out paychecks early, with what they assumed the hours would be, then fixing it by adjusting the next pay periods hour(again, not notifying the employees). When filling out paperwork they have swapped the number for rate of pay with hours worked, and then again adjusted it the next period to make up for it. I could go on about other stuff they are sketchy about, but this I will stick to what has effected me personally. I don't really work enough for this job for it to make a big difference personally. At this point I make sure to check paystubs to make sure they match my time sheet. Lately when they are screwed up, they dont send out the paystubs at all, which also a big clue to look out for something. It has been over 3 months since i recieved a paycheck that matched my timesheet. For a month since i had a raise, i had no idea how much per hour i should be getting. Is there anything i can do, anything i can explain to them to help them get it right, or at least fix it right if there is a screw up? Its a small town so i dont want my name attached to formal complaints. [link] [comments] |
Boss fired me for becoming eligible for health insurance Posted: 03 Mar 2020 01:46 PM PST A little background, 5 months ago I was hired at a company in NYS with a provision in our union contract that we become eligible for health benefits after 90 days of employment. Also in the contract is a provision that before our 90 days of employment we are probationary employees and can be terminated for any reason. 80 days into my employment I was injured off the job and the Orthopedist took me out of work for 8-12 weeks and recommended that I receive corrective surgery within the next two weeks to fully restore function to my damaged joint. A couple of days after I notified my supervisor of my absence and sent them the forms from the doctor, my supervisor called me to "see how I was doing." I mentioned that I needed corrective surgery, and he asked if I needed the application for health insurance. I told him I did and he replied that "It wouldn't be fair for us to help pay for your health insurance if you're not working while receiving benefits, so we're letting you go. But you're a great employee and as soon as you're healed just reapply and we'll rehire you immediately." While I understand that the contract considers me a "probationary employee" until 90 days, and they terminated me on day 87, given that I had no disciplinary record and was terminated only after they discovered that I would be making a health insurance claim, is this still considered a legal termination? Would it be worth consulting an attorney as I now have a permanent diminished function in a limb that would not exist had they not barred my access to health insurance? Thank you [link] [comments] |
HOA failed to fix garage door for three months and my possessions were stolen Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:13 AM PST Hi everyone, I live in a condo building with an HOA and a below-ground garage. Part of our HOA fees go to a 24/7 security staff and of course, general maintenance. In November of last year, the garage door that protects access to my garage broke and was stuck open. Since then, the staff has done nothing to get it fixed, despite there being plenty of money in the HOA budget to do so and the obvious security risk it poses, particularly given our location downtown. Yesterday, another resident was the victim of an attempted robbery at knifepoint in the garage, and my $1,300 scooter was stolen. My girlfriend is very shaken up and afraid to come home from work due to the robbery, and I'm in a real pickle because we only have one car, and that scooter was how I got to work, etc. I believe the lack of action and negligence by the HOA and building staff to fix the issue in a timely manner led to this. In particular, they're suddenly getting it fixed this Friday, so clearly, there was no reason it couldn't have been done sooner aside from laziness. What's the best way to recoup the cost of my scooter from the HOA so I can buy a new one? I'm located in Ohio. [link] [comments] |
(CT) Dog attacks me upon entering house, bites me 4 times, 1 bite is now infected. Posted: 03 Mar 2020 12:06 PM PST 29 year old male, if it makes a difference. I was with two female friends on Friday night, walking into their friend's house and I'm the last to enter the door. Immediately, a (large) dog begins barking/growling at me and out of nowhere, another (medium-sized) dog jumps on me and bites my hand. My friends panicked and their friend (the dog's owner) rushed into the room as I proceeded to pull my hand away - then the dog bites me three more times in the leg. The owner (also female) seemed unsure of how to handle the situation, and was slow to react. She scolded the dog, apologized and said "he's only done this a couple times, I don't get it" meanwhile I look at the damage and see that my jeans didn't even rip, so I tell her that I should be okay. I have a high tolerance for pain and have never been bitten by an animal before, so I kind of brushed it off immediately thinking that my skin was not broken and it wouldn't be too big of an issue. I get home later that night and realize the three bites on my leg did indeed break the skin, one of them being quite deep. The next morning I see a doctor who gives me a tetanus shot and appropriate antibiotics - fast forward three days and the deep wound is now infected. I'm missing a business trip because of it, and am in a decent amount of pain, and have to go on heavy duty antibiotics. I update my friends on my condition and they offer little advice/help. I haven't reached out to the dog owner, frankly her blasé attitude towards the incident leads me to believe I won't make any progress going directly to her. I've spent a few hundred on medical bills, and am missing a 4 day work trip as a result of this. Looking to be compensated, how do I go about this? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:22 AM PST This is in Virginia. We've lived here for five years, me and four other guys sharing the place. The rent wasn't raised for the first three years, and the landlords raised it $200 last year citing that as a justification. The lease is due to be signed at the end of the month and today they let us know that they're increasing the rent another $200/mo. The lease said any negotiations on renewing/extending the lease would take place 60 days before the term ended. No one said anything on either side (as usual) so we expected we'd have the same lease. I think we thought silence on their end meant there'd be no significant changes to the lease, and I think they took our silence as meaning we'd be ok with the same increase. [link] [comments] |
Someone is selling products with my photo on it Posted: 03 Mar 2020 01:27 AM PST Hi, I designed a random photo back in 2013 and posted it on Tumblr, it blew up and currently it has over 600k notes. I randomly decided to google this photo, and found a user on redbubble who is selling products with the photo I designed on it. She has a plethora of products with this photo such as phone cases, travel mugs, water bottles, notebooks, acrylic blocks, canvas prints, coasters, different types of stickers, mugs, drawstring & tote bags, journals and probably more - who knows. Each product (beside the stickers) range between $12-$45. She has a very large amount of recent reviews, from 2015-2020, so she is still actively selling and profiting off my design. I was wondering if there is anything I can do in this situation, and quite frankly I feel scammed. Since this was posted on Tumblr, does that mean I lose rights to this photo? I'm unsure of how this works, honestly. Her redbubble profile states she is located in Virginia, and I am located in California, if that matters. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you! (I am on mobile, sorry if there are formatting issues) [link] [comments] |
Illinois, special needs kid and neighbor noise complaints. Condo HOA billing $50 Posted: 03 Mar 2020 02:13 PM PST Hi, A friend has a kiddo (8) that lives with his mom in a condo. Her son is severely autistic and receives in home therapy 6 days a week and he will scream or stomp the floors. She is asking for legal advice on how to manage the neighbors complaints and the HOA billing $50 per complaint now. She has had the therapists who provide 3 hours of in home therapy a day to discuss the plan with the neighbors. The issue is he is autistic and can be loud. Neighbors hate her & her son, complain constantly to HOA about the noise (he sleeps from 8:30-6:00am) so the complaints have to be before 8:30pm or afternoon 6:00am most of the time. They are at a loss here for what to do. Any laws or rules that she could review? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Mar 2020 11:04 AM PST Hello! My roommate woke up and got ready for work when he noticed his car was keyed this past Sunday. After doing some investigating, we got footage from the sorority house across the street that shows that it was my ex and her roommate. Unfortunately, the footage isn't clear enough to make out the license plate of the car that they drove to our house in. However, the make of the car matches the my ex's roommate and the person that keyed the car is very obviously my ex. He has been talking to the local police department and talked briefly to a lawyer on the phone. The damage is probably somewhere between 1k and 2k as it's deep AND it's on all of the panels of the driver side (driver door back door and behind back door). The lawyer said small claims might be the best thing to do but we are just trying to see all of our options. This is in Oregon. [link] [comments] |
Spent 240£ on clothes, order got cancelled, no money returned Posted: 03 Mar 2020 08:58 AM PST Hey guys! First post on here and using a throwaway for this exact occasion. I'm a 19 year old male from Vienna, Austria, Europe. Back in december I ordered 2 pieces of clothing from Cold Laundry in the UK that came out at a total of 240£ via credit card. (mistake, turned out to be low quality products from asia, but hyped at the time) A couple weeks and a couple more emails from my side later I was informed the order had to be canceled as the items were out of stock. Starting from there my customer service experience has been atrocious. A few months and a bunch of emails later I am now still waiting for a refund. Last week however, Cold Laundry sent me this email: I'm now writing this hoping for, well, legal advice. Even if Cold Laundry, who have lost any and all trust and interest in their brand I previously had, would go through with a 'credit' I do not want one. I do, however, want my money back! Any advice? Also sorry not my first lang [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Mar 2020 05:40 AM PST First they told us all that the 2019 November month will be free if we activate 2FA. They charged me in November. I asked to refund me a day or two after the charge. They refused me. Yet they told me they turn off auto-billing in order that this never happens again. And they provide my free month from December to January. I stopped using Origin for obvious reasons. Yet Because of another matter Checked my bank account detailed view and I realized that they are still charging me since than. November, January, February and March all without my Knowledge and Permission. I have the email proof that they told me in November that they cancelled the auto-refund. I talked to them again. They refused to acknowledge or refund for any other months than March. Also told me to contact the legal team. I am in Europe. Should I start a legal case? Or what should I do? They are treating me like they do not even care. Every company (Microsoft, Spotify, Netflix )refunds people if needed yet EA refuse to do so. Please help me out, what can I do? They refused me to provide chat transcript or any further assisstance in the case. I am treated like garbage. Or please tell me, am I wrong to think that this behaviour and that they took my money after ensuring me that it stops is not acceptable or normal. I am not sure where to go with my problem as I am not in the US. Please help me out I am from Hungary, Europe [link] [comments] |
Boss has instructed me to give all goods we export a value of $1 or $0. Posted: 03 Mar 2020 01:52 PM PST My company is in South Carolina if it matters at all. I work for a company that equipment throughout the USA, Canada, and Mexico. Our equipment manufacturer is based in Europe. Since we distribute equipment, we also sell parts for the equipment. When my boss was training me on how to complete an international shipment, I was told to use the easy forms generated by USP, FedEx, or USPS and to always put that the products have a value of $0, if I can, or $1 if I can't so we do not have to pay for insurance and exporting fees on the parts. We put a packing slip from us in the package as well, but it doesn't have product values on it. I never thought anything of it since I have never handled international shipments before, and have been doing this for well over a year. Well, it's recently come to my attention that this is not okay and could very well be illegal and there could be fines and other things associated with this. I'm looking to leave my company for numerous reasons, but now I'm concerned if anything ever comes out of this I'll go down for it since I was the one shipping the packages. Am I just worrying over nothing, or since I was the one certifying the information was correct and signing my name on the packing slips, would I face fines for this? [link] [comments] |
(NY) Being sued three years after a car accident happened. I am destitute, what will happen? Posted: 03 Mar 2020 10:33 AM PST I rear ended a car in 2017, their car was relatively fine, but mine was totaled. My insurance covered everything and their medical as far as I know. Three years later, after a series of bad luck (wife was laid off recently, medical emergencies not covered by insurance) I receive a notice that I am being sued for injuries caused by the accident. They filed just days before the three year anniversary, but I did not receive the summons until two months after they filed. This is completely new to me, I have no assets, and I have no idea what to do. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Mar 2020 10:01 AM PST I'm not asking for myself but rather for a close friend. She is 16 and her mother forces her to pay for almost everything, gas, food, now rent, insurance. Yet her brothers steal hundreds of dollars from her and her parents do little to stop that. So she clearly doesn't have the income to support this. What I'm really here to find out is, is it legal to force your 16 child to pay rent or kick them out to live with their aunt and uncle if they refuse. For reference this is in the US and we live in SD. [link] [comments] |
(Utah) Mom's boyfriend went into my room and destroyed it. Posted: 02 Mar 2020 09:14 PM PST i (19M) live with my mom as roommates. we split the rent evenly and i pay all the utilities since she lost her job recently. i'm usually home alone because she likes to stay at her boyfriends house. i absolutely cannot stand this guy. he acts like a child and cheats on my mom constantly. she doesn't want to leave this guy for whatever reason and refuses to acknowledge how shitty he is. anyways, she likes to come over once a week to wash clothes and maybe spend the night. last friday, she brought him over to make dinner for him. i left for the weekend to my aunts for my birthday. today when i got home, clothes and my shelves were on the floor. paintings i made (and was going to sell) were absolutely ruined. my ps4 was clearly thrown on the ground and my macbook was no where to be found. i asked my mom what the fuck happened and she said him and her got into a fight and are broken up for now. her room was similar, but not as destroyed as mine. i have a camera in my room and i looked to see what he did. of course, it was him going through my shit and throwing everything out. i plan on calling the police but how do i go forward? how do i get a lawyer and what are some tips? how do i go about suing him or my mom? [link] [comments] |
[Florida] HOA applies rules and standards differently depending on ownership status. Posted: 03 Mar 2020 04:35 AM PST In Florida. My mother-in-law owns three houses in the same neighborhood. She lives in one, one is rented to a nice couple who keeps to the terms of their lease and the other one my family and I live in sans rent until me and my wife finish graduate school (her gift to us). All three lawns are managed by the same company on the same day/schedule with the same services. They mow and trim each week and weed/fertilize and trim the hedges as needed. The exterior of the houses are maintained by her handyman to the same standards. We all abide by the various rules to the best of our abilities. The problem is that if there is an issue, my MIL will get a reminder and 30 days to correct. If the other two houses have a 'problem' they get fined without any sort of warning. We and the other renter have been dinged for 'tall grass' whereas my MIL hasn't even though they are all the same length (since they get mowed the same day). My house has been fined for excessive street parking (it was a birthday party) and my MIL who has a ton of get togethers with more guests and more street parking won't. The other renter was fined when they took the garbage can out the night before when my MIL does that every week without issue. Both rentals were cited for 'dirty roofs' whereas my MIL's house was not and they all have the same appearance - she hired a company to pressure wash the two rentals but not hers and the HOA seems to be ok with that - even though her house looks the same as our before (although not bad). When my MIL asked about it, she was told that the board and majority of the owners do not want renters in the development and will do everything in their power to drive them out. The HOA doesn't know that my MIL owns the two rentals as she formed an LLC to handle all her real estate. She confirmed through the grapevine that other renters are also targeted harshly and board meetings have a dedicated time each quarter to discuss 'this problem.' She tried running for the board and was handily defeated. So, is there a legal angle she can look at to force the board to be renter/owner agnostic or is she shit out of luck? Her other properties elsewhere in other HOA's don't have this problem. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Mar 2020 01:38 PM PST My sister needs to get an apartment in my name for numerous reasons. How bad of an idea is this. How do I say no? I want to help out but this seems to be too much. [link] [comments] |
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