• Breaking News

    Saturday, March 21, 2020

    Gamestop tells employees to ignore law enforcement orders to close. Entrepreneur

    Gamestop tells employees to ignore law enforcement orders to close. Entrepreneur

    Gamestop tells employees to ignore law enforcement orders to close.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 05:34 AM PDT

    They cite they are an essential company.


    Not that I respect VICE as a news outlet and take their reporting with a grain of sand, I'm curious to know how far these mandatory business closures will go.

    It's obvious small businesses either service related or have a physical storefront are feeling the pinch and supply chains for other industries are grinding to a halt, but do you think the mail system will be effected?

    Do you think online retail will be forced to shut down for a while?

    Though, I haven't heard of the virus spreading through the mail and although shipping times have been delayed due to the influx of online ordering, I haven't heard anything in regards to the possiblity of inadvertently shipping the virus accidentally to a customer.

    submitted by /u/theprojectindigo
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    Screw trying to take advantage of others during these times. How can we help instead?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    Nothing to plug, just want to ask the following:

    With so much hoarding, price gouging, and people trying to make a quick buck during these trying times, it's getting ridiculous. The whole world is on the brink of mass layoffs and unemployment. What are some ways we can use our entrepreneurial skills to get people back to work? How can we utilize all this labour for economic good?

    Hit me with your ideas, reddit.

    submitted by /u/TheSpektor
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    Pro tips and tools you would recommend for starting an online business

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    I know that given the current situation around health and the economy that starting a business is not the best idea. However, while I'm sitting at home in quarantine I thought it wouldn't hurt to do some research and planning.

    For some quick context I'm thinking of starting a business around handmade apparel. (If more details are required I'm happy to share, I just don't want to be long winded!)

    I've been doing research into platforms and thought of using Etsy as I'm selling handmade goods but I've been reading that the fee structure is insane. Does anyone have recommendations on what platform to use or if I should just start my own website using a platform like Wix?

    In my preliminary researching I've also gathered that I'll need a shipping label printer and shipping scale. Any recommendations on brands or other tools necessary? I

    Any past experiences or things you wish you'd have known before starting your business would also be greatly appreciated!

    I hope everyone stays safe and healthy.

    submitted by /u/time_split
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    Money Question for Freelancer

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    Not sure what the right sub would be, so apologies if this isn't it.

    I am an individual beginning to freelance in digital marketing. Last year I made below $600 and was not issued a 1099, therefore did not file any taxes.

    My business name is (First Name Last Initial) Digital Marketing. Previously, checks were made out to me by First and Last Name, not my business name, and put into my personal account. This year, I have been taking out taxes and storing them in a separate savings account

    Should I be accepting future payments under the business name and account?

    submitted by /u/mpersonally
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    Looking to bolster my finance knowledge for business - any recommendations where to start?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    Videos, courses, books. I come from a marketing background and need to know how to properly speak with my accountant etc. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Ludop0lis
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    I'm a software developer. Where to find enthusiastic people to create something meaningful during the quarantine?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    As the title says, I'm looking for enthusiastic people to create something meaningful during the quarantine but seems like everyone is watching Netflix or playing video games.

    How would I go about finding a short term partner to build something with? Technical skills help but it's not necessary.

    In my mind, the ideal project should be software which should not take more than a month to put together and is contextualized with the current scenario we are living in. It doesn't have to be related to the virus itself but maybe a way to help people that are getting laid off or a different form of entertainment for us quarantined.

    Also, the ideal partner should be able to actively contribute somehow even if they don't have technical knowledge.

    Any help?

    submitted by /u/ricpconsulting
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    How do you decide what gets done first (for growth)?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    If you start out with just a basic product and a way to market to a customer. You have no brand yet, no large customer awareness yet, not a top level product yet.

    How should a company decide in year 1-5 what they should spend money on what first? Product, customer awareness, brand image? I'm thinking first priority is mostly product and some customer awareness for the first 1-5 years. Then to slowly spend more on brand awareness and brand image in year 5-10. Until it can do them all. Is there any common tactics people do at different stages?

    submitted by /u/Putrid-Excitement
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    Guide to US Stimulus Bill's Aid for Small Businesses (evolving)

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    The fallout from Covid 19 has led to a lot of layoffs and fear for small businesses. I've been researching what relief there could be for my company and it's been fun to sift through, so I started this doc to summarize for people in my network that may also be impacted.


    I'm sharing this out now based on the draft because I've heard of a lot of layoffs already happening, and with something like this potentially coming down the pipeline I hope it might encourage companies to pause and wait for the dust to settle. I will update the doc as we learn more.


    • Small businesses will be able to take out a loan guaranteed by the government for up to 4 months of Payroll, Mortgage, Rent, and debt obligation payments
    • Govt will leverage local banks approved by the SBA to expedite the process
    • Typical SBA application process will be streamlined
    • If the business does not lay off anyone during the term (up to June 30), the payroll portion of the loan will be forgiven (not the entire loan)
    • There may also be a payroll tax holiday for small businesses

    Stay safe and healthy out there - we're all in this together!

    submitted by /u/amccaleb
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    Which businesses do you think will still thrive this summer during the covid epidemic ?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    I was thinking of starting a business this summer. Something manual and low skill or something online. But i have no idea which businesses will still work during covid this summer.. ?

    submitted by /u/Marcools
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    Stripe Checkout to Quickbooks free integration?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    Easy code, low code or cheap third party (self-hosted) to integrate Stripe Checkout (not a subscription) to Quickbooks:

    • Products
    • Customers
    • Transactions


    Note: no need for consolidation with the bank, just to align both systems: - Products - Customers - Transactions


    Current solutions I found: - https://github.com/calvintwr/nicknacks -> not tested - Sush.io but the trial period is only 5 days!


    • Sync should be daily or real-time
    • Transactions per month: 20


    Ideally no monthly cost, but it needs to be stable and fast to implement (the business is getting hit hard already)

    submitted by /u/userexperienceguy
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    Do other entrepreneurs work on several projects at the same time? What tools do you use to manage them?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, my first post here. I have been an entrepreneur since a kid. We had some lemon trees at home, we would sell them by the street to buy candy. Always playing and dreaming business. LOTS of failures and a couple of positive results.

    I always found myself doing multiple projects at the same time. Nowadays it is my main business, one or two side projects we are building. Investing, legal processes, etc... It is always multiple projects and different teams.

    Do most of you find yourself often managing several projects at the same time? And if so, how do you keep things organized and switch between projects? I find kanban board extremely useful, but switching from one to another is a pain, also each project is usually a different team of people.

    We had been working on a tool to quickly switch access to a discussion thread, a kanban board, chat, team, and conference. I'm curious to know if this is something that others will find useful.

    Best to all!

    submitted by /u/estebansaa
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    What exactly does an entrepreneur do?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    Hi so I'm 16F and I'm kind of job searching for my future. That way I can go to college and explore the major. I was considering business and saw what an entrepreneur was. I'm not entirely sure what they do, but I wanted more insight! Please help! Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/712588Kf
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    Mailbox Rental - how viable is it to offer?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    I own a shared office space building. It's just about to launch so I don't have any tenants yet. I need mailboxes for my future tenants, so I was thinking of getting extra boxes and renting just a mailbox to some businesses who need only that. Does anybody have any experience with any of this? Any suggestions regarding mailbox rental or shared office space are welcome!

    Incidentally, last year I posted a picture of my building and asked this group what they thought I should put in it. I got a lot of good suggestions and this is what I went with.

    /u/RecyclopsPolluticorn this was your idea.

    submitted by /u/anticultured
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    Is it a good idea to buy stocks now?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    Product Name Trademark Question

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    I want to start a brand, but I'm unsure if I can use the name I'm thinking of when I eventually make my own product (the end goal plan is to have my own designs)

    For example:

    I want to start a company called: Över Necklaces

    If there is already a big company in Germany that's called "Over Luxury Necklaces" that sells necklaces with the word "Over" will it be a problem if I design my own necklaces with the letters "Över" on them (my brand, Över necklaces in this case?)

    I cannot find any trademarks or anything - but I'm unsure how the laws work here. How can I check it?
    The company that uses the name I want uses it because it's their last name, and I would use the name based on a whole different meaning (what it means in my language).

    Any help would be hugely appreciated, thank you!

    submitted by /u/Arveatoo
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    Free design for manufacturing advice this weekend. Mechanical Engineer with 10 years experience in product design and development. (Bored from quarentine)

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    I'm quite bored this weekend. If anyone has questions about how to make their physical product idea real let me know in this thread. If you have a part you're designing and need injection molding, machining, assembly... advice- post it and I'll help! Don't PM me- just only share enough here that makes you feel safe from an intellectual property perspective.

    submitted by /u/bluethread32
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    How much reliable are thoose data?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    Hello! I would like to ask you guys, How much reliable thoose data are? https://sensortower.com/android/rankings/top/phone/us/overall?date=2020-03-20

    For example how the revenue is calculated?

    submitted by /u/crepuscopoli
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    This AirBnb host is VERY pissed off! How is your AirBnb business going in this climate?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    There is so much going on in AirBnb host community right now, they lost all bookings and AirBnb decided to refund 100% to guests leaving hosts with no income and outstanding mortgages.

    Check this host and his situation >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcVkgXDiv_Y

    How is your AirBnb business doing right now? What actions are you taking? Are you looking for permanent tenants, selling property?

    submitted by /u/fibr3001
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    Anyone with successful experience using Kickstarter or Indiegogo to launch a product?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 05:43 AM PDT

    I'm looking for real-world stories on building a team, researching materials and supply chain, crafting prototypes, making videos, and posting a campaign. Please share!

    submitted by /u/KGJac
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    How to achieve resourcefulness an entrepreneur

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    A lot of people see a lack of resources as the main roadblock to their success you've probably heard these people before they say things such as

    "I don't know the right people

    "If only I had…"

    "I don't have the right network"

    "If only I had more money"

    "I don't know how to…"

    I had a lot of these beliefs in my head too and you are probably still going through one or two of these limiting mindsets but what I discovered over time was that it's not about the lack of resources but a lack of

    Click to read more https://adventago.com/how-to-achieve-resourcefulness-mindset/

    submitted by /u/Direct-District
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    B2B SaaS - Is giving free extra subscription days a good incentive for a business to write a review/referral?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 04:31 AM PDT


    By giving free extra subscription days, am I under-valuing my product? I was looking to give maybe 5 extra days if they write a referral for capterra/g2 or something similar to that.

    Is this "normal" behavior? Will the businesses(users) react negatively to that?


    submitted by /u/khazha88
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    Contacting Large Companies to Promote Product

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 04:11 AM PDT

    I've got a product that I'd like to sell to large companies such a petrol kiosks and grocery chain stores.

    How would I get in touch with someone within the company that can get it to the right people?

    Sorry if it isnt explained too well.

    submitted by /u/CrunkinCrack
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    LUCRATIVE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - Recruiting Team (Blockchain Based)

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Hello Everyone,

    I own an online business called www.SquareSelect.com and I'm pivoting it towards blockchain technology. The business model has tremendous potential to be successful as it has multiple streams of income that are already market tested and proven.

    We're looking to build a team of software developers, blockchain developers, marketers, graphics designers and business development analysts.

    If you or anyone you know is interested in this lucrative business opportunity please send me a direct message.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/crypto-jay
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