• Breaking News

    Wednesday, February 26, 2020

    Legal Advice Being sued for a car accident i was never in

    Legal Advice Being sued for a car accident i was never in

    Being sued for a car accident i was never in

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:44 AM PST

    Hi Everybody.

    I got served last night and the papers are saying that a woman who i don't know, rear ended someone in my car on 8/312018. This is where is gets weird, they are saying it was a 2006 Subaru Impreza, and i used to own a 2006 Subaru, but i sold it on 4/18/18. The car i used to own is still owned by a close friend, and he has no idea who this woman is and he has never been in an accident with the car either.

    Also, not sure if this matters, but on the summons my name is stated with my middle name first, and then first and last name. They also call the car 2 different names in the papers as well, one place says "2006 Subaru Impreza" and another spot says "2006 Subaru Impreza Envoy" which isn't even a real car.

    Any help is greatly appreciated, as i would rather not be sued for something that i am in no way involved in! Thanks!

    Edit: I talked to my insurance company, and as suspected they cannot help me. As the car was no longer covered or owned by me at the time of the accident. The paperwork doesn't give VIN or any other identifying information about the car either. It's looking more and more like a scam. I have the company lawyer working on it now and he said he should be able to get it taken care of with a phone call. Will update here again when it is resolved!

    Thank you so much for all of your help everyone!!

    submitted by /u/lennywalkman
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    I Keep Getting Mail Saying That Someone Else Bought My House. It Hasn’t Been For Sale.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:02 AM PST

    Last year, my husband and I bought our first home. We've been paying our mortgage on time. All taxes and homeowner association fees have been paid. Now, something weird is happening. Over the past couple weeks, we've started to receive mail that implies someone else bought our house.

    Some of it is as harmless as welcome to the neighborhood packets, others are ads for mortgage insurance similar to what we received after we first got our mortgage, which makes me think that someone else has taken out a mortgage on our address. How can I find out if that actually happened?

    I want to nip this is the bud before it gets worse. I realize at this point it's just speculation about some odd junk mail, but something doesn't feel right about it and I don't want to ignore it and, for example, have some other person or entity try to kick me out of my house.

    Location: Texas

    Update: Thank you for those telling me to check the county website. I did some digging and it looks like the tax assessor made an error concerning the sale of a nearby property and has it listed under our address instead of the correct address, so we'll need to get that fixed. It appears to be a clerical error, not a scam.

    submitted by /u/_why_not_
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    Mini update on my husband secretly recording me

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:56 PM PST

    Original Post

    not much of an update but I did want to let people know that I followed their advice and have consulted with a divorce attorney. I've been staying with my mom while I get my ducks in a row, which is not that suspicious to him as my mom and I are close. I'm trying to be careful because truthfully I don't know how he'll react. so I've been taking small steps. baby is fine.

    I'm also compiling as much evidence as I can for the police to make a report. There's a lot more than I thought there was and frankly I'm overwhelmed. Fortunately most of the sites have been helpful and the IT guy I hired to help me with the technical stuff has been nothing but empathetic, professional and helpful and that eases some of the pain.

    Thank you all again; I know this is not a huge update but it's going to be a long process and I wanted to say thanks!

    submitted by /u/wtfisevengoingon9
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    Employer [NY/NYC] is requiring that all employees who set foot in a Coronavirus affected country self quarantine for 14 days before returning to work and use accrued sick time to do so. Is this legal?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:56 AM PST

    I was speaking to a friend who told me their employer, a large healthcare system, that has both union and non union employees sent out a broadcast that if you've been in China, S Korea, Japan, Iran or Italy, including connections on an airplane, you have to self quarantine (or at least not set foot on their property) for 14 days before returning to work, using sick days to do so, even if you work in a non clinical site. Can an employer use the mere fact you've traveled to a particular country to force you to not come to work and use sick days to do so? Would they have to try to make reasonable accommodations such as working from home if your job could be done remotely?

    I would imagine this may be more of an issue for union staff who can sell their sick days or possibly use them to increase their pension on retirement. The other issue is the NYC ESSTA law which states that an employer must give you 5 sick days. Can an NYC based employer force you to use your ESSTA time for self quarantine based simply on your travel history? If you otherwise consumed all your sick days for self quarantine, would they have to still give you 5 "real" sick days?

    If it matters this is retroactive, so if you traveled and weren't aware of the policy (eg you returned the day before it went into effect), you still have to self quarantine. Does the fact that the employer is primarily engaged in healthcare matter (ie could, say, Goldman Sachs, implement a similar policy)?

    submitted by /u/acvdk
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    Help - I was in the hospital during my hearing and lost my case due to not showing

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:21 AM PST

    I was the defendant in a small claims case that was set for final hearing last Friday, Feb 21 at 9:00 AM. On Thursday the 20th, I went into labor 4 weeks early and delivered Friday morning at 3:40 AM. The last thing on my mind was my small claims case that day, and I had completely forgotten about it due to everything going on. My baby had to go to the NICU and they had to run extra tests on me to make sure everything checked out.

    I am set to be discharged later this morning from the hospital. I called the Clerk of Courts to find out about my case and explain why I had to miss the hearing. I was told the case was closed in favor of the plaintiff by default judgement due to me not showing. After reiterating why I had to miss court, the clerk rudely told me there was nothing that could be done and I was responsible for the judgement owed. I even told her I could provide a doctor's note as well as medical paperwork, but she told me that all of that should have been faxed to her PRIOR to the hearing. I told her given the circumstances of me going into labor 4 weeks early and delivering just hours before my hearing, there was no way any of that was on my mind. She told me there was nothing else I could do and the case was closed and the decision final.

    This news is devastating. The judgement is for a very large amount - had I been able to show up to court, I believe the judge would have ruled in my favor. I do not have the money to pay for a lawyer to fight this for me. I don't know what to do at this point, and this is extra stress on top of everything else.

    Because this was a final hearing in front of a circuit court judge, is there truly no way to get this case reopened? What are my options at this point?

    Location: Green Bay, Wisconsin

    submitted by /u/LAThrowaway_022620
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    I may have to report my boyfriend missing and he has a couple (non-felony) warrants.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:25 AM PST

    I haven't heard from my boyfriend for nearly 18 hours. This is not normal for him and I'm thinking of reporting him missing because I'm really worried... But if he turns up okay and the police are the ones that find him will they arrest him because of his warrants? I think I'm gonna need to report him either way but I just wanna know what to expect. He has my car and we are both insurrded on it with legal drivers lisences. He had permission to take the car and he has been for a year. This has never happened. He is supposed to pick up his check today between 2pm-8pm. If he doesn't show up to pick it up, I have to file a report.

    submitted by /u/-CheeseBallPrincess-
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    r/legaladvice, I've got neighbors shooting at people in the street, and wondering if there's anything I can do about it. Does anyone have advice?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:58 AM PST

    I'm trying to figure out what do… Haven't ever posted to a sub like this one before, so I'll be quick to edit with more info if I'm leaving out anything obvious.

    My wife and 2 young boys live on a street of single family homes in the Charlotte NC area, and we own ours. A couple of years ago a new family moved in next door to us, and I believe they own, too. (Noting that we can't just call a landlord like in an apartment)

    Since then, about every month-or-two, we have some sort of incident with them discharging firearms; yelling and screaming at each other all night; playing extremely loud music loud until after midnight; 5-10 cars I've never seen pull through their drive for a couple of minutes; etc etc.

    One night around 11pm their 15 year old came knocking on our door asking to borrow a cell phone to call her bio dad because her mom just kicked her out with only a jacket on, no shirt underneath.

    Another time, I was out in the back yard with my 2 year old, when a young male came running out of the house with a shotgun, shooting at something in the woods. I yelled at them to knock it off, and he went in. So I took my 2 year old in, and walked over there to talk to them, but they wouldn't answer the door.

    We've called the police with noise complaints or firearms probably a dozen times now. They don't seem to ever do very much, if anything. A few times they have just driven by at 3mph, or pulled into the wrong drive way, just to immediately back out and then go along with their patrol.

    Last night, two cars pulled up on the street outside of their house, and the yelling ensued. Someone was standing in front of one of the cars, I'm assuming trying to not let them drive off. Then someone from the side of our neighbors' house (10 feet from our bedroom window, 15 from my 3 year old's?) started shooting at the two cars in the street, who peeled out and sped off.

    I was out when my wife called me, hysterical, right after she called 911. She witnessed the whole thing once she heard the yelling. A couple of officers came and talked to her. They went over with guns drawn, and a handful of other officers showed up. But after a few minutes, they just got in their patrol cars and left, without any follow up. I got home about a minute after the cops left, so I didn't get to talk to them myself.

    It's incredibly stressful for my wife and she's not getting good sleep, so any advice is helpful. Is there anything we can do? Putting the house up for sale and gtfo seems to be the only thing I can think to do.


    submitted by /u/TontieTakana
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    I was sexually assaulted by my brothers fraternity brother and one of the police officers that viewed my rape kit was an alumni and broke confidentiality by bringing it to the schools attention. Do I have regal recourse?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:28 PM PST


    In 2015, I was raped by one of my brothers fraternity brothers at a party. After the party I went to get a rape kit done at a local hospital. A police officer came and picked up the rape kit and filed a police report. At the police department, a police officer that was an alumni of the school and the same fraternity saw the report and recognized the name of my attacker and my last name and connected the dots. He took my report to the fraternity, and they took it to the school in a defense attempt.

    I was contacted three days after the fact by the school and I was told they were investigating it and I needed to participate. If I did not participate, holds would be placed on my school account and I wouldn't be able to do enroll, apply for graduation, etc. I was not ready to handle it, as it was very traumatic for me and at that point I hadn't even told my parents yet. My hand was forced, as I couldn't participate in an investigation and not tell my parents.

    The whole thing was very traumatic for me, especially because I didn't get to process it on my terms. I'm currently writing a memoir for a class about the whole situation, and I have all of the documents proving exactly what I'm saying to be true. Included in these documents is an email from the fraternity's lawyer admitting how it was found out, and telling the university my name.

    I had to go to months of intense, expensive therapy that I paid for myself. I feel like my privacy and my right to confidentiality as a rape victim were violated. I have a meeting with a lawyer next week to discuss the matter, but I want to know if I have legal recourse?

    submitted by /u/overworkedhoe
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    Crashed my bike and broke my arm due to a dog that wasn't on a leash

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 09:15 AM PST

    This took place in New York, but not NYC, which I know has its own set of bike laws. I am doing voice to text since my dominant arm is useless at the moment, so apologies in advance for any awkwardness due to transcription inaccuracies that I might might not catch.

    The TL; DR is that I crashed my bike trying to avoid killing an unleashed dog that abruptly rushed at me from out of some trees, the owner of the dog left the scene but a bystander got her picture/license plate, my arm is badly broken, I am going to miss significant work, my phone is dead and my bike is damaged.

    So I was out for a bike ride on Monday afternoon. The stretch of the bike path I was on where this occurred has a river to its immediate left and a wooded area to the right. The part of the trail I was on curves in a way that causes the wooded area to limit visibility for people traveling north (I was southbound), and I saw a runner coming up so I hit my bell to make sure that she was aware of me. Right after ringing it, a small dog came tearing out of the wooded area and charged directly at my bike. I cut my wheel to try to avoid hitting it, as a collision almost certainly would have killed the dog and sent me flying over my handlebars. Unfortunately the dog was REALLY upset with my front wheel, and since I couldn't turn left without doing a swan dive into the river or hitting the runner, I wound up turning too sharply to the right and flying over my handlebars anyway.

    The runner rushed over to see if I was alright, and just as she was taking me through a concussion check, an older woman came around the bend from a parking lot that is adjacent to the bike path maybe 30 yards south of where this happened, and immediately started flipping out about her dog. The runner explained what had happened, which led to dog lady going absolutely ballistic about how I could have killed her dog. She went on for a bit and I was pretty out of it, but the gist of it was that I got a lecture about how dogs need an opportunity to run free from time to time, so people should be more careful, and that it was my fault anyway because ringing my bell set her dog off in the first place. I didn't engage beyond saying that I needed her contact info, because I was on an absolutely ridiculous adrenaline high and didn't trust myself to stay composed, and losing my shit on her wasn't going to help the situation in any manner. The woman then picked up her dog and made a beeline for the parking lot, but the runner took a few pictures of her, as well as a couple of her car with the license plate visible as she got in and pulled away.

    The runner called the police so I could file a report, then I borrowed her phone to call a friend for a ride to the hospital (luckily one of the maybe three people whose number I actually have memorized was available). While we were waiting, the adrenaline began to wear off and I started to notice just how badly my arm was hurting. The cops showed up first, the runner and I gave our statements, and she hung around while I waited for my friend. The x-rays I had done were not encouraging. I have an impact fracture as expected. The worst of it is a fractured radial head, but there is also damage to my wrist and hand, and my shoulder hurts like a motherfucker as well. I am seeing an orthopedist tomorrow, but the guy I saw at the emergency room said that I should consider 12 weeks in a cast to be the bass line, but that could go in either direction depending on how I heal. Unfortunately my job absolutely requires two working arms, and there isn't any sort of position my company can shift me to in the interim, so I will almost definitely be out of work while I am recovering. But hey, on the bright side I've got a date with a cute runner who is the type of person who will stop their day and stick around to help someone they witnessed getting hurt, so at least there's a silver lining.

    To be clear, I was not riding excessively fast. I checked my speed about thirty seconds before this happened and saw that I was going 12 mph, but I dropped a significant amount of speed as I hit the curve because I have had close calls with runners drifting into my lane in that spot. Almost every entrance to the bike path has a sign with rules posted on it, that include keeping dogs leashed at all times, and essentially reminding pedestrians that while they are welcome to use the trail, it is primarily a bike path so they should remain aware of their surroundings and not walk three abreast etc. Basically what I am saying here is that I was doing nothing illegal or reckless when this took place. In fact I probably wouldn't have been hurt badly at all if I landed on the ground, but unfortunately I more or less did a Superman directly into a tree.

    Sorry for the novel, apparently pain killers make me chatty. Anyway, here are my questions:

    How will I get the dog lady's identity/contact information from the police? Will they just hand it over if I ask, or will I have to get a lawyer involved to subpoena it, or something along those lines?

    I fully intend to sue this woman for every penny that I am entitled to, and will be in touch with a personal injury attorney later this week. For now I am just wondering what damages I will be able to claim. I am going to incur some terrifying medical bills despite my insurance, and as started earlier I will also be unable to work for a significant amount of time due to the nature of my job/company. My phone also broke in the crash, and while I haven't had an opportunity to look at my bike yet (need to borrow a second set of hands to check it for damage thoroughly), at the very least the fork is cracked. The phone is a Pixel 4 XL that was two months old and in nearly perfect condition. The bike's frame/fork are pretty sought after by collector/enthusiast types, and worth a decent amount of money if in good shape. Both were basically flawless before the accident; the fork is now unusable and the frame has significant cosmetic damage at the very least, which would have an enormous impact on its secondary market value. Would any of this fall into tough shit territory for me, or is it all stuff that I can realistically sue for?

    The personal injury attorney I mentioned is a friend of a friend who is a great lawyer and will work for me on contingency at a very fair price. Unfortunately he is out of the country and essentially incommunicado till Friday morning. My preference is to wait for him by a wide margin, but would I be putting myself at any sort of disadvantage by not getting the ball rolling immediately?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/brokenarm_throwaway
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    My friend bought a flight, asked me for the money, and then cancelled it

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:45 AM PST

    So me and one of my close friends were planning on going on a trip for spring break. We got all excited and planned it out and bought our tickets last week. It came out to $353 each ticket and he asked me to send him the money for my ticket. I did so and then this week he said he doesnt wanna go on it anymore.

    He won't tell me why he suddenly changed his mind but he said the airline (Spirit) wont give him a full refund so he can't give me my money back.

    I quite frankly dont care if they wont give him the full amount back. He's the one who wanted to cancel it a week after buying it and wont even tell me why and now he doesnt want to give me anything. I know this would only be a small claims case. Do I sue him? What are my options here?

    This is in Florida too if that makes a difference

    Edit: To clarify since some people have asked: he bought the tickets because he has a membership or promotion on his account with the airline and it'd be cheaper for him to buy both on his account than for each of us to buy our own.

    He bought both tickets and i sent him my half of the money. Yes he did buy the tickets because he forwarded me the confirmation of purchase last week. I sent him the money via cashapp two days ago and he cancelled the flight yesterday. He is saying they arent giving him a refund therefore he can't give me my money back

    submitted by /u/bex08
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    My son keeps skipping school and now I may be arrested for him not staying in school. (Mi)

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 10:22 AM PST

    I have a son age 16 who skips school a lot. I make sure he gets there and walks into the building. So now I am being told that I can go to jail because he isn't at school. How do I make sure he stays in school so that I do not have to go to jail?

    I have tried to talk with him about doing school online but no response yet? Can I be put into jail for this. The school resource officer told me I am the one who will be put into jail if he doesnt stay in school

    This is in Michigan

    submitted by /u/frozethe
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    US judge awarded me my late father’s Social Security disability backpay in 2018. I haven’t been paid yet

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:33 AM PST

    My late father had a disability prior to his death and begin the process of applying for Social Security disability. He was initially denied. At that point he got a lawyer and started to contest the denial, dying during the process. I went to court on his behalf after his death to finish the process and the judge awarded me the Social Security disability backpay for when he was alive. I have the letter from the judge stating this. I still haven't been paid by Social Security disability. They give me different answers every time I call them.

    My legal question is is there anything I can do legally to get my money? Should I get my lawyer again? It's been two years.

    submitted by /u/Globlovescash
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    My brother and I are looking into purchasing property together. Where to start on contract to define ownership

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:29 AM PST

    As stated my brother and I are looking at purchasing some property in SLC to live in and rent out the remaining unit/s. My question is what type of lawyer should we talk to to write up a contract that will define ownership of the house? Will we need separate lawyers?


    submitted by /u/Wiscobiker
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    [US-AL] I've been living in an apartment for about 6 months, I've put in maintenance requests 5 times, with maintenance coming 3 of those times. I still do not have a functioning oven. Do I have any legal recourse?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:05 AM PST

    Title mostly states it all. The oven has a universal knob on the temperature setting, leading me to think the open has been repair improperly before. The oven and apartments themselves are fairly old, mind you, but the stove top/range part of it works just fine, only the oven does not work.

    To give an idea of what this means, I do not believe it is reaching the temperatures it's supposed to be reaching. Setting it to 350 degrees, I can still grab the pan from the oven with bare hands. At 500 setting, it takes 4-5 hours to cook chicken legs. It takes ~3 hours to cook buffalo chicken dip. Maintenance has offered to test it by use of a thermometer, but they never returned to do so, despite me calling the front office a week later as a follow-up. The first time they came over, they simple turned on the oven, saw that the bars at the bottom were turning red and said it's fine and left. I never said it would not turn on, but that it does not maintain the proper temperatures.

    I am currently cooking biscuits directly as labelled on the package and will be making a visit to the front office to offer them to them, making note that they are undercooked, as they surely will be.

    submitted by /u/noobtablet9
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    HOA says I owe them $5000

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:03 PM PST

    Basically, the HOA (Delaware, Ohio) put a $5k assessment on my account with no explanation. They refuse to discuss it, or tell me what it's for. They have excluded me (and all others who allegedly owe money) from all community events, committees, etc, and are now threatening to foreclose, which is not in the CC&Rs at all. My question is, what kind of lawyer do I need to speak to about this? Real estate? Contract?

    Thank you all.

    submitted by /u/1--1--1--1--1
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    Scammed by bait and switch escort in Vegas; I asked them to leave and they took my phone and sent themselves $2,100 in fake charges. Stopped payment, but Venmo now says I owe them?!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:06 AM PST

    I am an idiot and tried to hire an escort in Vegas. I got them an Uber to come to my hotel, and agreed to pay them $750.

    They show up and are not the same person. I verbally offer them $250 to just leave. She asks to take my phone because she doesn't trust me. I'm tipsy, so I let her take it.

    She sends herself $500 + $600 + $1,100, and leaves.

    I immediately emailed Venmo minutes later, and put a stop payment through my bank. This was 2 days ago.

    Now Venmo says I owe them today! And are asking for a police report and details.

    Should I file a police report? What do I tell Venmo? I only have the phone # of the escort and they threatened to blackmail me if I dispute the charge. I don't want to deal with this..

    I do not live in Vegas, and am not in Vegas any longer.

    submitted by /u/sniffthishogdog
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    Removing Vehicles with No Title

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:13 AM PST

    We live in Maine.

    Over a decade ago, my wife's ex-husband left the state. Shortly after his departure, the state started looking for someone to pay his back taxes but couldn't find him. My wife went through all the hoops to prove they were divorced and that she wasn't responsible for his debts. They accepted that, but still wanted their money. So they found the next-best thing and put a lien on his wife's car since she had bought it when they were together. I don't know the logic behind that, but there it was.

    She never thought much about it, intending to drive the car into the ground. When she made the last payment, the title never came. The reasoning was that she couldn't have it with the lien still on it. I was with her by then and we figured "Whatever" and kept going until the car finally died in spectacular fashion, needing more in repairs than it was worth.

    Now we've got her old car sitting in the corner of our driveway, rotting away, and can't get anyone to just take it away. "No Title" they say, and without it, they won't take it.

    The car is worth literally nothing. Rusted out, no longer in production, and infested with mice. We just want it gone and we don't care how as long as it never comes back to us. We're not looking to sell it and don't care if it gets ground into metal scrap after we give it away for free ... but the calls I've made all turn up the same thing. "No title, no tow"

    Calls to the government aren't helping. They see the old lien and won't release the title. We're absolutely not interested in paying the ex-husbands taxes from over 10 years ago just to dump something with no value.

    How can we get rid of this thing?

    submitted by /u/Rackminster
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    New Smoking Law Employer liability

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:22 AM PST

    Sorry if this has been posted already. I'm not super good at using reddit, and couldn't find anything through google or an internal search on reddit.

    I work management at a flooring business in North Dakota, US

    One of our employees is a 19 year old smoker. We allow smoke breaks for our installers to smoke in their vehicle or outside the shop (but obviously NEVER at the job site). With the new smoking age law coming out, it will now be illegal for him to smoke. However, I've noticed that he's been preemptively collecting a 'Stash' of tobacco for when the law goes into effect and he can no longer purchase.

    My question is, if he smokes while being clocked in after this law goes in effect, could our company be held responsible or get in trouble?

    EDIT: let me know if i need to change the flair on this post. i wasnt sure what this would fall under.

    submitted by /u/CaptainDirtbeard
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    Please help - Brother was involved in a motorcycle accident yesterday... officer who was on-scene now says that he is at-fault (California)

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:52 PM PST

    Hello Reddit,

    I have almost never posted before, but frankly, my family needs help and we don't know what to do. Our household consists of my mother who has taken care of my older brother and me for our entire lives. Of course, all information is passed down from my brother, so there is the chance that some information is not 100% accurate. As you can probably imagine, he was in shock and incapable of remembering every minute detail.

    Yesterday, during his commute to school on his motorcycle, my brother was involved in an accident that left him with multiple bones in his foot. As he was driving in the furthest right lane, the driver of the vehicle two cars in front of his bike decided to make a split-second decision to get in the right turn lane just before approaching an intersection. This caused the car in front of the motorcycle to swerve and slam on their brakes. Luckily for them, no contact was made with this first car. However, my brother was not so fortunate in avoiding the car in front of him which had instinctively swerved out of danger but had left very little space for my brother to react. Contact was made at about 25mph. At this point, the details become blurry. His bike was totaled and had landed on his right foot.

    Laying in the aftermath of the accident, he did not get to see the license plate of the first car that had committed the traffic violation and caused this to happen. That car was now gone, but luckily (?) a police officer was nearby to get my brother immediate treatment. Apparently, any motorcycle accident that occurs at a certain speed (25 mph I think) must be treated as "trauma". As a result, the officer called in a medical airlift to take my injured brother to a hospital ($$$). The officer seemed to have done a good job of keeping my brother calm. This officer apparently also told my brother that he would not be liable for the accident.

    All things considered, he is doing ok. Things could be worse, and my family and friends are grateful for that. However, things right now could be a lot better. Uncertainty lingers in the air right now. The small amount of financial stability and hope that we had may soon be gone. After finally hearing back from the officer this afternoon, my brother is now claimed at-fault for the accident, as he was "moving too fast". I believe that my brother has liability insurance, but definitely not what would cover his bike and medical expenses.

    I appreciate any help that you all can provide. I am sure that you will need more information and I will try my best to get any required answers from him. I will also try to update this post if I learn any new information or if I misinterpreted any of the information that I heard from him.

    submitted by /u/MrVulcanMan1
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    Defective computer component destroyed other parts, manufacturer won't cover costs

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:40 AM PST

    About two years ago, I bought an All-In-One (AIO) liquid cooler from a company called Deepcool. As far as I can tell, they don't have a US branch, which makes me wonder if any of this is possible. The cooler had a 3 year warranty.

    About two or three weeks ago, it suffered a catastrophic failure on one of the glass joints. Looking at reviews on Newegg, this has since become a known defect on this particular model that a lot of people are encountering.

    In my case, the fluid leaked out very suddenly directly onto my graphics card, an EVGA 1080 TI SC2 (non-hybrid). The GPU was immediately killed. I have taken many pictures of both the AIO and the GPU damage.

    I sent the GPU and AIO to the manufacturer at some location in California at their request. They then offered me $331 for the GPU and a replacement AIO. After looking online, I cannot find that particular GPU model for cheaper than $499 (used). I have stated to them that their offer does not cover my replacement costs, to which they have raised their offer to $385, which still does not cover replacement costs. When asked, they said they arrived at that number because of how much I paid for the GPU when I bought it (about $750) and how long I've owned it. I feel this does not reflect current market value, but I don't know how that stands legally.

    At this point, I have a few questions. Are they liable for the full replacement cost of the damage their defective component caused? How would that value be determined? Should I go to a small-claims court if they refuse to cover the amount? With a company listed as not having a US branch, am I even capable of going to small claims court with them? If the answer is yes, do I have a case?

    And the big question, will this end up costing me more to pursue than it'd be worth? I have my computer up and running right now and can afford a time wait, I'm just concerned about getting the correct amount of money back.

    My location is in Kansas.

    submitted by /u/Bioniclegenius
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    I witnessed a crime while also committing a (different) crime

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:38 PM PST

    Ontario, Canada

    Throw away for obvious reasons

    I guess to put it simply, i was doing something illegal when I happened upon what I know now was a rape. Basically the two of them were in a car, I didn't get too good of a look, but the girl was kind of against the window so I could see who she was (small town).

    About a week later, I hear that the girl I saw was raped that night. Haven't found the guy yet.

    The thing is, I saw the licence plate and have a vague description of the guy but I was leaving from the area where the crime I committed occurred, which was fairly close (the area I saw them/cut through to get away is a trail that's not often used in the winter so if I come forward, I have no doubts they'll ask why I was there and yeah).

    Is there any way to get this information out without exposing myself? I really hate to sound like a self-absorbed piece of shit but I really would rather not go to jail.

    submitted by /u/throwaway555556281
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    [VA] Sister just found out her husband's erratic behavior is because he's doing meth. They have 2 small children. I need to figure out what to do to help her leave, retain custody of kids and be safe... While potentially getting him help if he's interested or line up a divorce.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:17 PM PST

    Don't know where to start our who to contact. I'm worried for her safety. He's an alcoholic but had 'quit', apparently substituting booze for meth.

    What resources are out there? Is an emergency custody order appropriate? Thanks for your help! -Throwaway obviously-

    submitted by /u/Dense_Cherry
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    Newborn failed for methanthetamines

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 03:46 PM PST

    Using a throw away for privacy's sake.

    Story takes place in Tennessee, USA

    I gave birth Friday, February 21st to my first child, a healthy baby girl. At some point in the process, I was drug screened, which is standard procedure, and I passed all screenings clear, no drugs in my system. After my daughter was born, she was also screened for drugs, which came up positive for meth. I have never used meth in my life. So they scurried my daughter away to another hospitals NICU unit, an hour away from where I live and told me the reason was because she was having difficulty breathing, but I suspect it was because they thought she would be having withdrawals. At this point I had not been informed of my daughters drug screen.

    I meet my daughter at the NICU unit and it was not until the following morning they explain that there were supposed drugs in my daughters system and that child protective services was being involved. I, obviously, was shocked & racking my brain, trying to figure out what mistake was made and where. I spent the whole weekend at the hospital being scorned, unable to breast feed my baby, stressed the fuck out.

    Finally, Monday morning rolls around and I'm able to meet with a social worker who sizes my husband and I up and quickly realizes we are not drug addicts. The social worker contacts another child protective case worker in my home county who tells her, "there have been several false positive drug tests for meth come from X hospital lately, I think they purchased a bad batch of drug tests, so I wouldn't give this situation much stock".

    Still yet, we are being required to meet with a social worker in our home while we try to adjust to life with a new born baby. We feel violated and humiliated - unjustly ridiculed by hospital staff and totally stressed.

    They have taken my placenta and baby's first bowel movement to further analyze for drug use, so I know this should clear up within the next week, but do I have a legal case against the hospital I gave birth in?

    Edit: details : my newborn showed no signs or symptoms of an infant born addicted to meth

    & during my epidural I was administered ephedrine, which I read can make you test positive for meth.. But wouldn't the hospital be aware or consider that first before reporting me to CPS if my drug screen was negative before they gave me ephedrine?

    submitted by /u/anon_kmon
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    Car was broken into and school bag was stolen

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 09:10 AM PST

    Few questions about insurance. I read on here that you want to be pretty specific about what was stolen, but how can I get back all of my stuff without proof of purchase?

    I have a receipt for my laptop and I told the insurance over the phone the price was greater than what was on the receipt. I'm nervous now that since I told the police in the report and the insurance a greater price than what it was, that I'll get in trouble. I truly thought the price was more (I thought it was $1,700 and it was $1,200). I don't want to lose everything because I said the wrong price.

    I also have a ton of small things that add up to about $200 that was stolen, but I don't have receipts. This is like pencils, notebooks, chargers, mouse, and a few other things. Should I expect these to get denied without proof?

    How can I record something that I don't know the exact name of? An example is a multi tool I got as a gift. It didn't have a brand I can remember, but I know it was quite expensive. I found one very similar, but I know it's not exactly the same. Can I record that one instead or is that a big no?

    Finally, I already have a police report filled, but I forgot that I had prescription antibiotics in the car. Should I call the police back and tell them, should I let insurance know, or should I just let it go? They weren't being used anymore, I just got over a sickness recently and left them in the car.

    I hope you can help me out

    submitted by /u/seems_fishy
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