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    Thursday, February 6, 2020

    B2B Sales Courses Sales and Selling

    B2B Sales Courses Sales and Selling

    B2B Sales Courses

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:55 AM PST

    Hi All,

    Was looking into B2B cold calling & emailing courses online. I have been looking for the last little while and haven't come up with much of value.

    Any advice would be appreciated; moving forward with my current best option tomorrow.

    Thanks, Lawrence

    submitted by /u/Themanofthefuture
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    An actual reply I received from a prospect today...

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:27 PM PST

    My marketing agency is currently offering free website audits to a cold, targeted list of B2B SaaS companies and our outreach begins with emails. Today I got the funniest email reply from a prospect ever:

    "Tyler on the off chance you are an ok human being who is trying to always get better here's some advice:

    Audit is a horrible thing. The word audit inspiries fear and paranoia. No one likes an audit.

    Let's say I was trying to sell hamburgers. How should I advertise it? What's the best language?

    I'm not sure, but I am confident you wouldn't use words like MASSACRE or MURDER.

    Not too appealing. Hi, can I place an order for the Massacred Bovine Double Stack with the Murder Jr. Speacial.

    All that being said. Good luck. Get Better. And please take me and my company off of your email list. I don't wish to receive anything further from your organization."

    PS- audits as a first engagement are very popular in the industry

    submitted by /u/getsprunk1
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    Is it usual for 50% or more of your sales obstacles to be internal, and not with the customer?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 11:51 AM PST

    Field sales for mid sized industrial distributor here, I find most of my obstacles come from dealing with internal resources rather than customer opposition. Is this usual? By that I mean if I go to another job am I going to face the same things?

    For example, order placing mistakes, quoted pricing changes randomly, sourcing teams refuse to source for large customers (500k-millions) services introduced to the teams cannot be fulfilled, pricing structures change, annual price increases are not accurate, customer reports are wrong, invoices are wrong, people are not following contracts because they were not given the info, and so on.

    I get that incompetent people (and workers who don't care) work everywhere, but its more of a culture issue than laziness, or stupidity. Basically we don't put the customer first and we rush to get unfinished things out there.

    submitted by /u/Crafternoon_Delight
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    Do you find paying for zapier to sync contacts from CRMs a big inconvenience?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 10:17 AM PST

    So a lot of sales apps tend to sync with salesforce, but quite a lot of them require zapier for syncing.

    Do you find this an inconvenience?

    Do you see native syncing with CRMs as a really important feature?

    submitted by /u/ptrenko123
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    How to find a remote sales representative for Digital Agency?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:59 AM PST

    Hi Redditors,

    As the title says... I need someone who can sell my services, bring me projects and make %$ on each referral. Where do you think I can stumble across a person who does this?

    More Info:

    We are a Digital Design Agency, Offering Branding services. Branding Strategy & Visual Identity Designs for small to medium companies.

    Thanks in Advance.

    submitted by /u/skull-breaker
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    Temporary Sales Job for College Grad

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 09:29 AM PST

    Good day all,

    I am a college student graduating with a degree in mechanical engineering and commissioning as a USAF officer. After graduating, I will have 3-12 months where I will be living in my home state and not working for the USAF.

    During this 3-12 month period I would like to work a sales job. I've enjoyed tasks similar to those of sales roles in the past and want to see if this is the type of position I would want to pursue after separating from the USAF. Do any of y'all have ideas of industries and/or types of sales jobs that would be beneficial to developing sales skills, would be attainable for someone of my limited skill set and time commitment, and offer competitive commissions? Most importantly, I'm looking to learn!

    If it helps, here's a little of my background - again, this experience probably means little for hiring, but maybe it can help you judge fit: Before college I worked 5 summers for an appliance repair firm presenting at trade shows and networking with local small businesses for marketing initiatives. I have had three engineering internships: one in HVAC controls, one in military avionics, and one in downstream O&G. In college, I'm the president of an org. with 25 paid employees.

    Thank you in advance for your time!

    submitted by /u/throwaway_02062020
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    How does your OTE growth compare with your company’s organic revenue growth?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:40 AM PST

    My OTE represents 20-25% revenue growth while my company's organic growth rate is 2-4%. It feels like they're trying to manage costs through our sales target bonuses. What are your experiences here?

    Edit: For example, my I beat OTE by 12% in 2019. This represented 35% net revenue growth for my book. My company achieved 2% net revenue growth (rev not including acquisitions). So I felt like I absolutely crushed it relative to others, but my OTE bonus seemed mediocre.

    submitted by /u/arealcyclops
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    Question about outsourcing CRM entries to my teenager.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 11:45 AM PST

    My teenage son is looking for work. He told me the other day that one of his friends does some of his Dad's data entry for him and he gets paid for it. My son asked me if I had anything similar that he could get paid to do. After thinking about it, new CRM entries for businesses that don't exist in the system are a three part process (new business, new contact, new activity) and a huge drain on my time. I tried it out and I can email the business cards to my son and he enters the business and contact for me and I follow up with the activity. The time I get back is invaluable and the money I pay him is mostly used for stuff I'd end up buying him anyway.

    Does anyone else do anything similar?

    I feel like he's learning a valuable lesson on how CRM systems work, plus basic data entry is transferable to many other skill sets.

    submitted by /u/Hawk46
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    I have a final stage interview with deltek

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 06:31 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I'm currently in the final stages of joining this company as a SDR.

    A bit about me, I have about two years of experience at a big 4 accounting firm in audit and am currently looking at a career change to saas sales.

    If you were in my shoes, how would you differentiate the good and the bad companies, what other indicators would be a green/red flag pre joining?

    submitted by /u/darkdestroyerz
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    How Much to Pay?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 10:15 AM PST

    I am in the process of trying to hire a sales person to help grow my company. Right now all 4 of us do a bit of sales, and I think that it is time to bring in somebody with that as their primary focus. The company is a SaaS offering in the educational space. Typical sales range anywhere from $500 up to $80,000 with the majority of district orders (which is where this person would focus) coming in at $5,000-$8,000. My plan is to pay a base + commission, and was thinking $15/hour + 20% commission to begin with. Is that reasonable, or too high/low? What information should I put in the job post to try and attract quality applicants?

    Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer.

    submitted by /u/deadend44
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    Negotiated to good of a deal

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 10:12 AM PST

    So I got an unsolicited offer. Long cycle time on commissions so I was offered a really nice base. More than my base and commission from current job. I took my offer to my current job, told him that I had to resign, how can I let this go blah blah blah. They countered with a match. I told him I appreciated that but where I was moving to this was a base I was going to have commissions moving up from there.

    My original job came back and doubled my salary doubled my commission structure. They told me they really wanted me to push they knew I'd been complacent recently. What they don't really know is that I just had been kind of quiet in sales meetings. They brought in a new guy at work the same market. I'm not going to talk in sales meetings about my future prospect plans in front of the new competition they hired.

    Now I think I'm going to make more than my VP. He's been a huge dick because we just negotiated something a month ago and I'm about to meet my annual goals.

    The truth is I would be happy earning less than I'm probably going to make this year. Should I tell them that I understand that it worked out pretty lopsided? Should I just say fuck it and go take the other job? I'm a natural pleaser, which is why I'm good at my job. I don't want to go work for somebody who is mad everytime I succeed.

    Blah blah blah. I'm a sensitive little whatever. But I'd like any advice you guys have.

    Where does a guy find a mentor?

    Edit: and to in

    submitted by /u/3dDavinci
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    Equipment leasing/Financial Services

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 09:39 AM PST

    Anyone else here in the equipment leasing or financial services industry? Would really like to here about your experience, pros & cons and overall thoughts on the industry and it's career potential!

    submitted by /u/Captainkraken16
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    Commission Paid When?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 09:35 AM PST

    What would your reaction be if the company did not pay commission until the sale was fully paid off by the customer/client instead of simply paying you in the next pay cycle?

    As an example, Feb Sales numbers meet targets and you are set to receive commissions of USD 1,000. However, it takes 2 months for the company to receive full payment on 20% of the sales, and therefore, you receive 80% of your commission in March, the next month; and then are required to wait for the remaining 20% to be paid off to receive your commissions on that portion instead of simply being paid for the full amount of your February sales right away in March, the next month.

    What do you all think and how would you approach this with the employer if proposed?

    FYI - I'm a US Citizen but live in South America.

    submitted by /u/dminus45
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    Should I disclose my misdemeanor cannabis charge before the background check? Canadian based company.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 09:24 AM PST

    My dream job is on the line here but I have a misdemeanor cannabis charge on my record from 7 years ago. Should I disclose this information even if I am not asked? Due to the size of the company, I'm sure there will be a background check and I feel as if they would be more understanding if I am the one to bring it up.

    I'm a US citizen, the job is in the states but it's a Canadian based company. I have one last interview but I'm confident that they will make an offer at the end of the interview.

    submitted by /u/JackieMoon000
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    Sale System, Step by Step

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:47 AM PST

    I was struggling with closing deals. Whenever I heard first objection I was done. I didnt know what to say, how to sound.. i was about to give up. I was reading books, buying courses, hustling after regular job... and nothing. My girlfriend was mad because I spend around $10k total. Everyone was telling me that me as an immigrant in US i can only work on construction. But I didnt stop believing. I was still trying. And finally something clicked...I found the way to close everyone who is closable. My secret? Every sale is the same and real fun starts after first NO from the prospect. In last two months I was able to close 40 clients. I was able to quit my job, I was able to finally be happy. If you need someone to help you become more successful, confident and free... just send me a message.

    Believe Me. If I was able to do it with a thick accent and not perfect english... you can do it too.

    submitted by /u/luqazs
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    Inquiry to in person salesmen

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:40 AM PST

    So I have been in Sales now for over a year. I sell Harley Davidsons. I enjoy it and it has proven to something I thrive in and am motivated to do daily.

    Some Background -

    My father has been a manager in the Car business since before I was born, so I more or less grew up around the sales pitch's, mentalities, pros and cons etc. I have had a many many different jobs, some even careers, though I have never felt more at home than talking to people about a product that I love.

    Question -

    I joined this sub because I want to be the best salesman (fit specialist) I can be, though I am constantly seeing posts about sales experiences I feel don't apply to me. Most are outbound calls, cold calling, or multi million dollar accounts.

    So to the salesmen who are mostly in person, to people who come in the store with a general idea of why they are there, or even to salesmen who just get leads and follow up on them, what are some "false objections" you've faced and how have you overcome them?

    My biggest one is "Well, Harley's don't hold their value. They depreciate" to which I reply "Sir, tell me one thing besides gold or Ferrari's that don't depreciate." and then I go on to tell them how maintaining a Harley well will make a lasting product, which increases value.

    submitted by /u/ShalomofBacon
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    Proposal Follow up

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:20 AM PST

    How do you guys get through those annoying prospects who keep pushing off on signing?

    My company is fortunate enough that we do pretty well on our leads, and I'm usually pretty busy with sales calls and proposals.

    But when it comes time to close the deal, so many of my leads tell me they're interested, but a lot of them keep saying things like, "follow up next month, let me check with the team" etc.

    How do you get passed these types of objections? We always try to add value with our communications, so usually I'll send them past examples of our work, or even offer closing discounts. They don't seem to work very well lately.

    Or maybe it's just the time of year? Everyone is sorting out budgets?

    submitted by /u/redbrickwall1
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    Is there a way to validate many phone numbers?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 06:44 AM PST

    We get a lot of blatantly bad phone numbers at our booths (phone numbers like 111-111-1111), and some of them less blatant, like 542-357-8531.

    How can we validate these numbers?

    submitted by /u/SellingWhileBrown
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    Any free sales training resources I can use to show I’m a good investment for paid training?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 12:20 AM PST

    Hi lovely people of the sales subreddit, I'd like to borrow some of your knowledge and ask if you know of any good free sales training resources.

    I currently work for a family business selling lighting and interior design products online, and they are looking to develop their trade accounts and relationships. So far almost all business is inbound and we do not cold call. Most tradespeople make an account for a specific order, so a focus of my job is to keep them coming back in the future

    The directors are happy so far with my ability to build rapport with customers and promote the aspects of the business which address their needs, and there was a mention of potential training which would definitely help my career progression and future prospects (this is my first sales job and I'm only a few months in). I want to complete some free resources myself to show I'm a good investment, any suggestions would be warmly received!

    submitted by /u/CanJesusSwimOnLand
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    I need a killer line

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 05:04 AM PST

    I am busy writing a new intro script for a sales call centre. The team does cold calling so clients often use the "busy right now" objection and then don't answer when the agent calls back at an arranged time.

    I used to do a line where I would joke and show how I used to get upset when people called me cause I was always busy (movie, bath, eating, working, etc). Until I realised that I am ALWAYS busy and don't find myself ever just sitting around waiting for a call centre to call me. So I realised that it's never a good time, so let's get this done, I'll be quick and try to entertain you / keep it as painless as possible.

    This worked for me but it fit my style and other agents seem to have less success with it.

    Does anyone have a killer objection handling line for the busy objection?

    submitted by /u/CoenieOosthuysen
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    What are some tips to learn your product quickly? (SaaS)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:20 PM PST

    Currently a BDR and things are going great. I just need more product knowledge. I also could use some cold call script advice. About half of my calls are cold. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/heychilloutbro
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    Started a Technical Sales Engineer Job - Anyone have experience as one?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:43 PM PST

    I started a job as a technical sales engineer, and I have been training for over a month. I work with smaller customers as of now, and being that I have to become an expert at my companies products, I understand that training is going to be a part of it. I am making consistent sales but I am hungry for more and want more leads, but my training seems so drawn out at this point. how long do you usually spend time in training as a sales engineer? Also, when do you start getting more responsibility, and bigger leads to pursue? I just want to know because I really think I can be doing more than what I am getting right now. I know I am young and my experience is small in comparison to everyone I work with too, so I don't want to ask and sounds arrogant, which probably is what I sound like as of now.

    submitted by /u/bjjthrowaway112358
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    Career change: Engineering/Consultancy >> SaaS AE

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:03 PM PST

    Can I expect to land a SaaS Account Executive role?


    I live in San Diego, my degree is in Environmental & Mechanical Engineering, my past role was not directly in engineering and highly monotonous with a pretty low salary outlook ~$60K.

    I did learn a lot about building relationships under difficult situations, consultancy and a bit about SaaS as well. My company had a simple document generation software product, which I supported though training, support and sales(no formal training), this was not my main job but I enjoyed it.

    Overall I've got ~ 2 yrs in consulting, ~ 4 Years in customer facing roles and some of that starting my own business so I'm not oblivious to hustle.

    I'm personable, driven,great at making complex things simple, I love learning (I would love formal sales training) about science and tech and am money motivated.

    Online research tells me the most common routes are:

    SDR>AE, Customer Support > AE, Customer Success Associate > AE

    Do I need to take one of these routes to become an AE? What are your thoughts?

    Thanks in advance guys.

    submitted by /u/greenandblue82
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    Selling for the “Budget” SaaS vendor

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:56 PM PST

    The company I'm interviewing with has good compensation for an entry level role but they are considered the "budget" mid sized competitor in their industry. Is it ideal to take an offer with them even though they're not considered the most expensive, best solution in their domain?

    Aside from this, I've heard many BDRs get stuck in this role because the company doesn't do a great job of promoting within. Is this a red flag?

    submitted by /u/PC_player543
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