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    Thursday, February 6, 2020

    Legal Advice Father wants full custody

    Legal Advice Father wants full custody

    Father wants full custody

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 04:51 AM PST

    I'm pregnant. I can support a child.

    The father has told me he has a lawyer and will be going for full custody. Not gonna lie, the thought of someone fighting me for my newborn has brought me to tears. Does anyone have any insight or have been through this?

    Location Florida, father lives in georgia

    Edit thank you everyone for the advice!

    submitted by /u/Sanddollar904
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    Won an online giveaway, company managing it said all prizes sold out or were claimed. Are they legally required to provide a prize?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:20 AM PST

    I won an online giveaway (have screenshots, submitted an affidavit), but I didn't get any response email from the company. I reached out to their support to determine why I didn't get any email and was told all of the prizes were claimed. ARV was around $2000 USD.I tried to locate their contest rules page and the URL is broken.I asked the managing company's support for the rules and was ignored. I asked the sponsoring company for the rules and they told me to contact the management company. Through some googling I was able to find a different rules page with the same management company and sponsoring company where they held a similar giveaway. I'm not sure what I should be looking for in the rules page.

    Do I have any legal recourse?

    Edit: My location is Arizona, Managing company's location is Kentucky

    Edit 2: Managing company finally got back to me with the [rules here](https://images.fooji.com/original/organizations/81/campaigns/727/published/promotional_rules-4a0cab2.pdf).

    submitted by /u/No_Mans_Obsession
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    Accepted a fake $50 at the restaurant I work at. Employer is taking it out of our tips. Employer has not provided us with a pen or light to check bills.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 12:44 PM PST

    This is in Florida. My first week working and I accepted a fake 50. Our shop owner is taking the money out of our collective tips that we earn. The owner was previously asked to buy detection devices to check bills but refused.

    This seems fishy to me. Obviously it's morally reprehensible but is it illegal?

    submitted by /u/Toodlum
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    [UPSTATE,NY] Recently broke my leg, cannot make it up three flights of stairs to my apartment.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 03:52 AM PST

    Hello I️ an studying at a uni in Upstate, NY. I️ recently severely broke my leg and I've been in the hospital for a few days while missing loads of schoolwork.

    My apartment is on the third floor of a building that has a thin metal railing just on one side. There is no elevator and there is no way I️ can make it up to my apartment for a few months.

    I️ asked the manager of my apartment if he had any other properties that were on the first floor because I️ cannot access my apartment. Since he is a manager he said he has to ask the owner of a property if I️ can move in there and he's not sure if they'll say yes.

    What do I️ do if I️ cannot move into the apartment? Can I️ legally break my lease if I️ cannot access my apartment?

    submitted by /u/aak59369
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    A bus pulled out in front of me, I couldnt stop in time, went into a ditch and got a ticket for it (michigan).

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:06 AM PST


    So it snowed last night here in michigan. I was driving home and a school bus pulled out right in front of me. I saw it immediately and knew I wasnt going to be able to stop in time. So eased myself into a ditch. It is clear that I wasnt going too fast. I wasnt far into it. I just drive a small compact car so 2 inches makes it impossible to get out of snow. The officer gave me a ticket for "going too fast for conditions. "

    Can I do anything about this? I am taking picture of where the car is right now. It wasnt my fault but the school bus's for pulling out in front of me. I was only going 35-40 mph.

    Thanks for any advice.

    submitted by /u/Lathinan
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    Was injured motorbike accident, driver cut me off, she's considered at fault. However I don't think she should be because I was being stupid and careless. Is there a way can I help her case so she won't be in too much trouble? TX

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 11:50 AM PST

    OK I'm aware that this is a weird question, but please bear with me. I hope I'm making myself clear but I'm typing this from a hospital bed and I'm tired so please excuse me if that's not the case.

    I own a motorbike, it is (rather, was) my primary means of transportation and a hobby. In the last few years a series of traumatic events in my life brought me to the conclusion that it was time to end it all. I was into the habit of riding my bike on empty roads to relax, enjoying the speed and the loneliness. That night I decided to ride my bike as fast as I could and find a wall, a bridge pillar or something to slam into, so I would die doing what I liked best and my loved ones wouldn't know it was suicide. If that doesn't make sense I'm sorry, I know how stupid that sounds. It's not an excuse but I wasn't in the best mental state. Anyway I was riding like 160 mph on a straight and deserted stretch of road when a truck got out of a side road and cut me off. I hadn't seen them and didn't have time to react, I slammed very hard into the side of the truck. Obviously I didn't die (so much for my so well-devised plan) although I suffered serious injuries (coma, countless broken bones, internal injuries and so on). I lost consciousness and have no memory of what happened for a few days after the accidant. This is what I was told happened:

    A woman was driving the truck, her teenage daughter was on the passenger seat. Thankfully they weren't injured in the accident. I was going very fast and downhill, it was dark, they couldn't see me and thought it was safe to go. They stayed on the scene and were the ones to call 911. It's a place where I've been before, I definitely believe they couldn't see me. I've been told since he other driver failed to yield she's at fault. Soon I'm going to be interviewed by the police to give my version of the events. I'm going to admit that I was speeding. I feel like shit because the woman who was driving the truck is going to have tons of problems because of the accident. In my plan I hadn't thought that I would crash with someone else involved (I know how stupid it is). I had chosen a road where I was certain I would be alone at that time of the night. Now I've dragged an innocent family into my shitshow of a life and I want to make up for this as much as possible.

    I have many questions: 1. What can I tell the police so this lady suffers as few consequences as possible? I know it's my fault, they couldn't have seen me and my speed made it impossible to brake in time. I don't think she should be at fault. Would me testifying that she couldn't possibly have seen me help her case? 2. What happens after I admit to speeding? I suppose my license will be suspended, but will there be other legal consequences? I wasn't drunk or on drugs if that matters. 3. I want to apologize to this family for the trouble they're facing, can I do that?

    Thanks for your help.

    submitted by /u/Bikeandthemechanics
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    Car dealership dissolved, owner isn't the lienholder and lienholder isn't allowed to operate. How to get lien released?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:51 AM PST

    I financed a car from a buy here pay here in North Carolina when I was living there. I went to make a payment in August and they had closed. I went through every avenue available to find out if they'd sold the loan and found they hadn't.

    I was told to go to the DMV and file for the title. I did this. Originally they told me to call the guy they had on file as the lienholder (which turned out to be the dealerships owners boyfriend). I tried and he told me to send him $700 and he'd release the lien. I said not unless I got the lien release in my hand during this transaction. He disappeared. The DMV then told me to send a payment as a certified letter, which I did. When I brought it to them, they told me they misunderstood their boss and they were actually the ones supposed to send the letter. So they sent it and I waited the 30 days before returning. They said their boss would review it and get back with me. No one called so I went back and after this four month unnecessary back and forth, they said they can't release the title to me after all.

    So I went to the license and theft office to file a complaint. The officer told me he had pressed criminal charges on them for how they had been operating and that no one involved has any licensing/permitting/whatever to function as a dealer anymore. He told me that guy trying to tell me to pay him the $700 wasn't a thing he was allowed to do and he doubts the lien would've even gotten released. He told me to try working something out with the guy. I called the dude again and explained that if he isnt allowed to honor our contract and the car was dead I'd appreciate him picking up the car and releasing the lien and we'll call it a day. He ignored me. The inspector called the owner and the owner told the guy I had originally been told to contact to sort this out. He finally contacted me last week and said he'd get the car. I reminded him I'd need the lien release. He disappeared. The inspector got involved again and the guy finally said he was doing the paperwork and he'd get the car. The inspector told this guy he needs to make sure to get back to me because I was moving to another state on Monday. He didn't and he's avoiding every call/text of mine.

    The car is sitting in my parents driveway in NC and I'm not in the state anymore. The inspector had told my dad he could be involved since it's on his property. We had expected this to have been resolved before I left because all we needed was a lien release letter from him.

    I have almost no money to get a lawyer and honestly I don't even want to have to. The car has been dead almost the whole year I've had it and I'm ready to just cut my losses on all the money I put into it and just be done with the dang thing. Im at the point where if I legally could, I would just ditch the car in a parking lot and let it get impounded. What can I do from here legally? Im not even in the state of NC anymore.

    submitted by /u/dsyaaijahd
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    [US] Injured at new job and supervisor is threatening to fire me if I get workers compensation.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 12:35 PM PST

    United States, Illinois

    Hello, on top of the main issue addressed in the title, I think there's grounds for harassment.

    I was recently hired as doggy day care attendant and was due to start January 27th, but couldn't because my direct supervisor (let's call her N) was out for the whole week. I started on this past Monday despite making every attempt to start sooner, N's supervisor (lets call her C) would not let me. Nothing eventful on Monday but on Tuesday I showed up 4 minutes late. During the commute I called ahead to let C know I will be a few minutes late, when she arrived at work she ridiculed me in front of several employees and told me even if I was one minute late, to not come in at all. This is never mentioned in the employee handbook and has never been a rule according to other employees. When I got home from work C then messaged me on Facebook and told me I needed to bring in several documents by 8am the next morning or not come into work. I tried to explain I can have them brought in before I got off work the next day (while C is still there) by a friend but that before 8am isn't possible. She then told me not to come in and even though I objected and tried to come in regardless she simply would not let me. The next morning a coworker messaged me and told me that C was telling people I called off work and saying I wasn't going to last long there. Now it is Thursday and I went into work and was there for about 2 hours before I got injured. I had to report it and C decided to talk to me about it in front a few of my coworkers. She said I could try for worker's compensation if I wanted to but "it would be a bad look for me". I said I would be okay and then went back to work only to get pulled out a few minutes later and brought into her office where she then shut the door and told me she will fire me for "attendance issues" if I file for it. I said okay but that I was going to go to the doctor anyway to at least get checked out because my ankle was starting to hurt. I went and clocked out and when I was about to walk out the door she and 2 other coworkers where at the front counter and C proceeded to ridicule me and made a comment about my weight. Can I take legal action against her or the company and what should I do moving forward?

    submitted by /u/BrittanyClayre
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    So a buddy of mine and his room mate racked up a $2200 water bill in one month and are being forced to pay it.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:54 AM PST

    So one of my buddies got an apartment with one of his friends. They have lived there for about a year. Apparently they had a toilet that was constantly running. Never stopped. They have 2 bathrooms and only use one of them and say it was the other one. Now they have a $2200 water bill to pay for. I want to know if they are legally obligated to pay it or if (what I think) the landlord should have to pay it because he is responsible for things like that working properly. The room mate bailed once he got a girlfriend and has now quit helping. Leaving my buddy with this bill. Thanks guys.

    submitted by /u/GattlinGunn
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    NYC Renter - can I get my broker fee back?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 10:02 AM PST

    So this past Saturday, I signed a lease + paid broker fee for a Manhattan rental property. The fee came out to be just under $10,000.

    Well only 4 days later, I see this article in the NYT: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/05/nyregion/nyc-landlord-rental-broker-fees.html

    I'm a bit perplexed on my move here. For one, it highlights a June 2019 addendum to NYC rent laws. But I'm only hearing about it a few days after signing a boiler plate agreement to pay for the broker fee in the first place.

    Currently, I'm debating lawyering up to investigate if the initial contract I signed was "unlawful" but I don't want to waste more time and money on my sunk cost.

    Does anyone here have some experience with NYC rental laws and specifically any advice as to my best course of action?

    EDIT: I have reached out to a contract lawyer to review the situation. Will update once I know more. In the meantime, the Gothamist posted a great article that could potentially help others understand the reality of the situation. Whether or not this is sweeping or case by case, I definitely have the confidence to move forward with obtaining legal counsel.

    "The updated legal guidance does not specify one way or another. According to housing attorneys and elected officials, however, New York residents who paid a broker fee after June 14th — when this provision of the new rent laws went into effect — should be eligible for reimbursement." - JAKE OFFENHARTZ

    submitted by /u/membahh
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    Can my employer say they terminated me before they informed me?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 01:18 PM PST


    TL;DR My employer called and terminated me on 02/05/2020 but sent me an email today saying that "my effective termination date is: January 24, 2020". It looks like they're doing this in an attempt to not pay out some pto they would have other wise paid me.

    Long version: I missed work from 01/27/2020 to 02/05/2020, some of which was for FMLA. On the 5th (one of my FMLA days) they called me on my cell and terminated me. Today I got a separation packet in my personal email saying: "For your reference, your effective termination date is: January 24, 2020. This means that your benefits will be effective until the end of January." Now if I was officially terminated on the day they called me, I would have gotten some PTO applied to 02/03. I'm also amusing I would have got some extra time to use my benefits based off of the email they sent.

    I don't understand how they can terminate me before my attendance issues happened, and say it was because of my future attendance issues. It seems like they're doing this to try and screw me out of some of my benefits and PTO.

    Is there anything I can do to make them fork over the PTO and Benefits?

    submitted by /u/CptSweetCheeksjr
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    Hospital won't release my GF from the mental health unit

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 06:52 AM PST

    My GF was admitted to a local hospital for some psychiatric symptoms (not a suicide attempt). The doctor filed for commitment, so now she is on a hold. Her psychiatric symptoms are now gone and she is stable, but the doctor is hardly spending any time working on a discharge plan. She's been in there over 10 days, and she has only gotten one progress report 2 days after admission. There aren't any discharge notes, any care plans. She only sees the doctor for about 3 minutes every morning, and then for the rest of the day, she sits around and waits. She tells them she feels fine, she knows why she is there, she cooperates with their forced drugging and goes to the groups, but everyday nothing with her status changes. They keep noting her behavior as aggressive and non compliant due to mental illness. She doesn't have a diagnosis, and she isn't dangerous. Now, the law says the hospital can discharge her anytime and that will automatically end the commitment petition. But when I call the hospital, they tell me it's in the courts hand and we have to wait for a hearing. When I call the courts, they say the hospital can discharge whenever they want.

    I've already sent emails to the highest level at the hospital, and I feel they just ignore them. I had a face to face meeting with the doctor and social worker, but they still keep saying she has to stay because she "isn't ready" and whatnot, without answering the legal specifics I want to know. I feel like he and hospital just dont know the laws about holding people, but unfortunately these cases move so fast, that misinformation like this is actually tolerated in court.

    What can I do to get the doctor to do his job? Who can I bring this issue to in order to get this taken care of?

    Lastly, I have a feeling some people might respond saying to trust the doctors or maybe she needs to be there, etc. I know my GF, and if she says she's ready to leave, then I believe her.

    Thank you!

    Edit: She has a court appointed lawyer, but naturally, he isn't a true advocate for her. He didn't do a damn thing at court. So maybe I should hire a better lawyer?

    Second Edit: This is Minnesota.

    submitted by /u/tastytastypuke
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    Mechanic screwed me over, what steps should I take.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 04:46 AM PST

    I live in Michigan The mechanic in question advertised on Craigslist and works out of his pole barn. Cash only. I'm assuming he doesn't have a legal business but I'm not sure.

    This all started 4 months ago when I brought my truck to a mechanic to get my timing belt done. Dropped the truck off with no problems whatsoever, just doing preventitave maintenance. Basically he messed the valves up by turning over the engine with the timing belt off. I paid him 400 up front for parts and was supposed to pay 200 more when completed.

    At first he admitted it was his fault and claimed he would fix it. Months go by and he tells me he can't afford to get the heads back from the machine shop. I was annoyed but figured I needed my truck back so I paid the machine shop directly 400 dollars. Another month goes by and he's now saying there are electrical problems. I called him up pretty mad and the next day he apparently fixes the electrical problems. I go pick the truck up and it's running rough. This time I bring it to a real business and the guy is telling me that there's still a valve issue and the mechanic apparently didn't do a satisfactory job fixing the valves, so basically I need another 2000 I'm labor to fix it.

    I have text messages proving that I brought it in for a timing belt and texts of admissions of guilt on his part on screwing it up initially.

    What should my next course of action be? Am I just screwed here?

    submitted by /u/B0nerJams08
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    Fort Wayne Police refusing to get video from gas station where the hit and run took place.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:31 AM PST

    (Fort wayne Indiana) I was in a hit in run. Some guy hit my car at a gas station while I was parked and fled the area. I filed a police report and spoke to the manager of the gas station. The manager said the police have to ask for the footage to be release. 2 days later we call the hit and run division of the police department and they said they wont retrieve the video because they are busy and "probably cant see anything". Is there anything I can do to make them get the video surveillance?

    submitted by /u/robertthestrange420
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    [NY] In the middle of an apartment hunt in Brooklyn. New guidance released yesterday made broker fees illegal, but brokers are VERY clear they'll still be charging them. What's my recourse?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:06 PM PST

    Currently living in a nightmare apartment (the subject of many legaladvice posts I've written in my head) in Brooklyn and since my lease will be up at the end of the month, I just started the apartment hunt. I'm way too poor to hire a broker to find me a place, so I've been doing what most people do-- going on Craigslist, StreetEasy, etc. to find apartments I like and then emailing whoever listed the apartment to set up a time to see it. As New Yorkers will know, 99% of the time the person who listed the apartment is a broker that the landlord contacted to advertise + show the apartment, who will in turn charge ME a fee of anywhere from one month's rent to 15% of the annual rent (so for your "cheap" $2,000 1BR, that's up to $3,600 due at signing, on top of the $4,000 in first month's rent + security deposit required to move in) for this service. The landlord pays nothing. I have always thought this was insane and have tried to find fee-free apartments to avoid throwing thousands of dollars down the drain, but since there's so few apartments that fit my needs on the market right now and it didn't look like I had a choice, I set up several apt viewings this weekend through StreetEasy.

    This morning I woke up to articles in Gothamist and the NYT that say state regulators issued guidance yesterday that makes these kinds of broker's fees illegal immediately (basically, if the broker is listing on behalf of the landlord, the landlord has to pay; only if you're hiring your own independent broker will the tenant be required to pay). Seems like great news, but in the emails I've received today brokers have reiterated that they will be charging a fee, and all the apartment sites still list fees in the thousands of dollars. It also looks like real estate orgs are going to fight this guidance in court. Obviously I don't expect things to change overnight, but it does look like if I want to sign a lease in the next few weeks, I'll have to fork out a few extra grand. I'm pretty sure bringing up that the fees are now "illegal" with any brokers will make them ghost me, and I'll lose out on apartments.

    So what are my options? Pay a broker's fee, and try to get it reimbursed later through legal means (fat chance)? Try and wait to rent an apartment until the market gets sorted out (not really an option because who knows when that will be)? Play dumb about the fees and try to talk my way out of them when I've actually got the lease in my hands? Just suck it up and hand over the cash? I'm a student so every dollar I can save counts, but I also don't wanna end up homeless.

    submitted by /u/thehortlak
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    About to Leave Religion and Be Disowned By Family, What Should I Be Doing Now to Ensure Control of Personal Documents / Information

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 12:15 PM PST

    I am a young adult currently living at home. My family is very religious. Part of our religion is disowning anyone who leaves (like not even talking to them), even family members. My family has no idea I want to leave the religion. I am going to when I move out in about two weeks. Right now we are on good terms. What should I be doing to make sure I have everything I need from them and also that they have no legal control over me? I'm thinking things like getting my Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, etc., but I am sure there is more stuff I am missing.

    Side note: As part of our religion, I was coerced into signing a document that says I will refuse blood even in life or death circumstances. Multiple people have a copy of this document (so I can't get all the copies back). How can I nullify / undo this?

    I am really worried about how this whole thing is going to go over. Any other legal advice you think might help would be much appreciated. Thank you again in advance.

    EDIT: Location is TN, USA.

    submitted by /u/EmptyVoid462
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    Manager lying with fake evidence to fire me

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 09:46 AM PST

    Florida - well aware it's a at will state, been there done that. I've been fired before, it's life I get that. However, I've never been in a situation like this.

    Yesterday, two minutes before my shift ended my supervisor informed me I was being put on a 'pip' which basically means fuck up again and we will fire you. I didn't sign anything and she didn't show me the paperwork just made a comment like "oh you can have a copy but it's not needed." I want to know what I'm obviously in trouble for so I take a copy and go home.

    I'm baffled, everything on the document is false. I work at a bank, every fail means we could've possibly been sued if the customer took action. She stated I had nine fails, so nine potential lawsuits which I checked multiple times. She lied about meetings between the two of us. She lied about my performance I'm the highest on the team and currently #1 on my department out of 100. I'm always top ten.

    I put together a portfolio of a side by side of her lies vs the truth. It's about. 30 lies overall on the paper and not one truth. What do I do from here? She's been with the company for 17 years so she's bullet proof. How do I approach this without getting fired on the spot? Is lying on documentation even legal?

    submitted by /u/BurnerSecretA
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    I am currently a substitute teacher through an agency. I get paid $73.00 a day. The minimum wage in NJ is currently 11.00/hr. I called the agency and they said they do not have to pay me minimum wage since I am paid by the day.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 01:20 PM PST

    Ny state. I’ve been working on a 1099 for 2 years

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 10:54 AM PST

    I've been paid as a private contractor for the past 2 years. There's really no legal way for my employer to justify that I'm a private contractor. Employer directly (micro) manages my day to day, my salary was negotiated as an annual amount, I was made to sign an non-compete. And I spend between 45-60 hours a week in the office. I know if it came down to it the irs would likely make them pay the full payroll, ss and Medicare taxes, probably punitive fines too.

    Do I have grounds to file my own suit? or is the IRS the only party that could go after it

    submitted by /u/antifrgl01
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    [Texas] Can I just leave and live on my own?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:01 AM PST

    Wife and I have three kids together. It's at the point where it's a very toxic hostile environment. My lease is up this month. When I put in my thirty days can I just leave and live on my own until I can research divorce? Idk if it's considered abandonment. She has no job or resources and has been so for years despite my efforts to rise her up. Everything but the apt is solely in my name. Can I take the kids with me? I'm really not trying to be cut throat, I just need to get away from her but at the same time I know she will not be able to take care of the kids. I worry she'll tell the cops I'm kidnapping or something, I don't know how this works.

    submitted by /u/thrawayqvc
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    Father Wants to Avoid Child Support and Redo Custody Agreement- SC

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 12:58 PM PST

    Our custody agreement currently says that he has visitation only with no overnights. He is the one that initiated that custody agreement and requested those terms. It was finalized, and I decided to file for child support since he doesn't pay any.

    The child support calculations were done in good faith without trying to inflate his portion with ridiculous receipts and whatnot. However, it came up to a significant amount ($800/month and $20k in backpay).

    He and his lawyer refused the proposal and offered some crazy low amount (like $100/month and no backpay), to which my lawyer immediately dismissed and asked for a more appropriate proposal. They did not come back with one, and instead asked me to negotiate down even further. I'm wondering what to do here.

    The options I see are to:

    (a) settle for less than what he actually owes through mediation or further negotiations. I'm not loving this idea because he needs to pay his share.

    (b) take him to court, pay loads for the lawyer fees, and see what the courts say. My lawyer says he will definitely owe closer to what we are requesting but the backpay is uncertain.

    (c) take him up on his threats to write him out of the custody agreement so I have sole custody and he has no visitation or child support. My worry here is that if I reopen the custody, can he then fight for shared custody?

    Is there another option I'm not seeing? What is your best advice for someone in this situation?

    South Carolina

    submitted by /u/throwawaysparkjoy
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    Father in law passed away unexpectedly, the hospital is freaking out.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 12:57 PM PST

    Hello all,

    So my father in law passed very unexpectedly this week in a hospital located in Salt Lake City, Utah. He had been there for a little while and seemed to be getting better and then he was gone. We were told that he had a cardiac arrest and passed but the hospital did all it could, which we understood. No procedure can be 100% and I really was sure they did their best, until the Dr. called us the next day and told us they should have administered a shock and did not. The Dr. went on to tell us (and I apologies if this is wrong or someone can correct it) that they possibly read the wrong "chart" on what to do and in his case a shock should have been administered and would have had a high likelihood of success. Alright, that stinks but we can't take back the past so we said we understood and such. We were grateful they had called and let us know and it sounded like a simple box didn't get checked or something. Mistakes happen, it hurts but they are human. Yesterday the hospital is called my wife because they want to conference her with the chief of staff, the deputy chief of staff, the chief of cardiology and the integrated ethics officer. Now it's beginning to sound like it might not have been such a simple thing and I want to know what NOT to say in this meeting. My wife isn't a gold digger, she isn't looking to get rich or anything remotely like that, but it sounds to our uneducated ears like there may, in fact, be some chance at something for recompense and I just wanted the communities opinion on the matter. Thank you all in advance for reading this, doubly so for responding.

    submitted by /u/BoarnotBoring
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    [AL] Employer doesn't pay over 40 hours. Is this legal?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 11:25 AM PST

    Like the title says. Employer does not pay for any hours worked over 40 in a given pay period. For salaried employees, the way it was explained to me, any hours past 40 hours would get added to a "paid vacation credit". So if they work 48 hours in a week, they get an extra day of vacation that year. However, for the hourly, not salaried employees, who do not get guaranteed vacation days, is that legal? There's no compensation for any time worked over 40, whether it's 1 hour or 8 hours.

    I've attempted to find an AL DoL email address to ask, but all the ones I've found have been for unemployment or the like.

    submitted by /u/OvertimeinAl
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