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    Tuesday, November 26, 2019

    Startups Manic Mondays: Support To Get You Through The Week: Share What You Need Help With, Job Postings, For Hire Offers, or Resources

    Startups Manic Mondays: Support To Get You Through The Week: Share What You Need Help With, Job Postings, For Hire Offers, or Resources

    Manic Mondays: Support To Get You Through The Week: Share What You Need Help With, Job Postings, For Hire Offers, or Resources

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:08 AM PST

    Welcome to this week's Support Thread. Please refer to the below suggested formats to get the most out of this thread.

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    HIRING Company Name and URL: Job Title/Role: Employment Type: [Intern] [Contract] [Part Time] [Full Time] [Remote] Job Description/Responsibilities: Necessary Skills and Experience: Requested, but not necessary Skills and Experience: Job Compensation: Willing to Relocate New Hire: [yes] [no] Job Listing URL: Additional Comments:

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    Do not forget to explore the /r/startups discord. We have many relevant channels to seek support, post job listings, share for hire offers, and share resources. You can also find more support using instant chat on the /r/startups discord.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Self doubt - Can I be a better CTO?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:05 PM PST

    We are four cofounders and I am the youngest of all, being 27 years old. All my cofounders are well experienced and all around 15 years elder than me. The startup is well growing and both team and product scaled up really fast.

    My distant relative is the founder of the company, and I joined him during my schools when he was doing a small startup. He found that I could help him with my technical skills ( which I self learned during that phase ) and wanted me to explore and learn and become his technical cofounder. I learned everything which I could and built product ( which when I look back now looked like college project though ) for him. But people started using the product and he had full trust in me. Later we sold the company and it didn't scale so well and we were still a small team.

    Now this is a different venture which he started and I got a call from him to build a product for him when I was working somewhere. I always aligned with his vision and understood his requirements well. I had 2,3 developers at that point and we built the product and rolled out to market. He offered me a cofounder,CTO role which I was skeptical at first because I lacked the expertise of an experienced CTO. Since I built the product from scratch he wanted me to scale up myself and the product going forward and he was comfortable with the rapport we had during our journey. 2 other cofounders who had around 20+ years of experience had joined us. Now our team had scaled up really fast that I was not able to keep up with the pace of other cofounders provided their experience and domain knowledge. Though I am the goto person for anything tech, I always have a solution. But when it comes to investor meetings or anything of that sort, I am not sure whether I am upto the mark. I feel I am an odd one out there.

    I always feel inferior between my cofounders.I always had to face this, 'oh you are so young, so how many years experience do you have' sort of questions during investor meetings and stuff which just lowers my confidence. This is on one side. Now on the other side, the company is growing and I am scaling my team. Somewhere I am getting a self doubt if I will be able to do it or should I give up and find some other job. I didn't had any mentors during my career phase, I was almost like an autodidact. But it works for tech. But when it comes to managing people, its a different ball game and I don't know whether I would succeed. I could do anything technical, but being a CTO is not just that and I don't know how I would evolve into a better CTO which would makes sense for me, my company and my team.

    The company scaled so fast that I didn't get an second to explore or make mistakes and learn from it. Now its a huge responsibility which I have, but I don't know if I can do it. I have just around 6 years experience in tech and I have not managed a huge team.

    Would love to hear from people who have been through young age, scaled up themselves and succeeded. I know there are no books to do it, but I am confused on where to start or what to start for improving myself or evolving myself in to a leadership role like this.

    And sorry for the long story, I didn't know how else I will pen it here.


    submitted by /u/techinme
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    How do you collect customer feedback for your software startup?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:02 PM PST

    Looking for best practices and ways to collect customer feedback for a consumer-esque B2B software product. The channels are:

    1. in-app feedback
    2. social media feedback like tweets
    3. sales calls
    4. customer support calls/messages/emails
    5. internal team feedback

    As a founder, I need to figure out our product roadmap and right now I'm using a spreadsheet where I pull feedback from all these disparate channels

    submitted by /u/anonymouscheese
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    1st business venture, used Better Legal to apply for registration

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:46 PM PST

    I just applied for LLC registration using Better Legal and they asked for Co-founder equity split so I input it as we agreed. However we want to create a vesting schedule and Better Legal didn't give the option, is that something we can draft and submit on our own or how will that work? I've tried google and I just don't want the vesting option to be out of the picture if official documents go through saying certain founders are entitled to X amount of equity

    submitted by /u/ElonMuskdad2020
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    How the amount of equity I've to give to an early employee?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:13 AM PST

    I started a start-up 2.5 years ago. I worked 24/7 for seven months for building and android App (Client/Server-side), releasing a beta version, then a stable version, and then marketing that. Then I invited my sister and she joined.During two months, the app got 100K+ installs. we hired my sister's friend.

    I pitched the startup to my father, and he became its angel investor.

    Then I asked my friend to join to start-up. My friend had a few fundamental knowledge of programming. He entered, then he started to learn server-side programming and implementing server-side features. He learned Golang/MySQL then Linux/Elasticsearch because of app development. Now he is doing about 90% of Server-side development. By assuming his salary right is 3000$ per month now, My father gave him 700$ on average from day one until now.Also, my sister working until now without any salary.During these 2.5 years, I was doing leadership, Android Development, Marketing, SQL Design, and so many other stuff.Now my friend wants equity of startup.

    1- How the amount of equity is fair to give my friend?

    2- How the amount of equity I have to give to my sister?

    submitted by /u/henry_2009
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    Feel like I'm being taken advantage of

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:53 PM PST

    So I'm working at a start up right now, it's my first position after graduating and it's only me and the founder; the two of us. However, I'm just an employee.

    When I first started it was okay since I took an intern level salary and he had been building this company for a little over two years on his own. He's very knowledgeable and is an expert in this field and is very well-known. It's the reason for our immense success and client relations.

    Anyways, main point is that he's a senior, has about 5-8 years of experience and became well known for his work. Whereas I'm a nobody who just came fresh of the graduation train.

    But, we've been working together for almost a year and a half now and have grown this business to almost a million in sales per year. Again, mainly credited to him, but I still had a part in it. Yet I'm not seeing any of it. I'm still on a salary and got a single raise I asked for. Now I'm making a meh developer salary. He shut me down quick when I asked for that raise, it was a 20% jump from what I started with but relatively not much.

    I have projects to my name, I've helped him fix issues, debug, create solutions, I literally built the entire UI our main product depends on and our clients love it. It looks good and behaves good. You can literally argue that the UI is extremely important when it comes to client attraction. Yet for some reason I feel like he's just going to beat me down again when I ask for my next raise.

    I'm helping this guy become a millionaire, which I have no issue with, but at least pay me well? Other than cheaping out on me jeeze.

    I'm confident I can get a higher salary elsewhere, I don't want to use that as an argument for a raise though. If I were to say the work spread it'd be probably 80 - 20 with all things considered.

    I'm losing motivation and the growth of the company depresses me cause all I'm seeing is it grow without me, when I'm literally the only other employee.

    I'm going to ask for another decent raise, if he refuses or puts me down in anyway I'll be done with this job. What do you guys think?

    Oh yeah, and I'm helping this guy build the team. I found a third developer to join us and I'm going to be showing him the ropes.

    At least I'm learning to fight for myself I guess.

    Appreciate for taking the time to read

    submitted by /u/asadboyisme
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    First startup , Feeling overwhelmed and confused Any help appreciated.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:05 PM PST

    i'll try and keep this short for everyone. I came up with an idea and now i am trying to figure just how I am going to get it made. I reached out to a company to help with prototyping and was told this could cost 10's of thousands of dollars.

    It was extremely discouraging to hear but there has to be a better way. I'm by no means trying to recreate Skynet or a neuro net processor , So i started looking around on alibaba to see if i could find a manufacturer to create my project.

    I can't say that I have had the best progress with that either. So here I am, asking for a little bit of guidance from you all.
    I have an Idea , I need a functioning prototype and I need a manufacturer.

    thanks !

    submitted by /u/Nate_Diaz
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    How to advise my employees?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:28 PM PST

    So I run a coffee shop. It's a small operation with only three employees. People love the coffee and the vibe of the place, but a couple of the employees have a body odour problem. They are hard workers, so I don't want to make them feel bad, but recently, a couple of my friends approached me and informed me that their body odour is a put off.

    It's clear I have to do something, but how do I approach the subject, without hurting their feelings, or making them super, super self-conscious.


    submitted by /u/BreakfastAntelope
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    Two questions about dilution

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:03 PM PST

    I have two questions about dilution in an early stage start up if anyone has insight:

    1. As we search for a legit CTO, I was wondering in terms of equity - what would be a fair amount to agree upon?

    2. It's a SaaS start up so we will more than likely need to search for angel investors or seed capital in general. What is a reasonable amount to dilute when speaking with investors in the more early stages?

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/marosenthal18
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    Customer research/making a compelling case to investors

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:08 PM PST

    I co-founded a start-up company developing an AI-based platform for diagnosing stroke and warning signs of future stroke. Our initial customer is the at-risk patient. Despite excellent data from conversations with and surveys from over 200 at-risk patients, the investment group we have been talking to for the last few months is not convinced that patients will pay. Other than talking to more potential customers, what are some reasonable approaches to try to provide more "evidence" to a potential investor (excluding revenue, we are not in a position to take something to market and generate revenue before raising more money)? At some point, is it just a matter of a particular investor's experience, biases, and "gut feeling"? Do we keep trying to find more supportive data or is it higher yield to focus instead on other investors?

    submitted by /u/MHC2010
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    MVP - bring in users first or prove product-market fit first?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:54 PM PST

    so we're working on an idea which combines feature A with feature B where feature A is what existing competitors are offering.

    But with limited resources, we can only choose to implement either A or B in our MVP.

    Feature A:

    • proven business model
    • easier to achieve profitability (one competitor is already profitable; others are also doing fine with moderate funding)
    • easier to build MVP (because we're basically cloning them)
    • the market is growing, competition is not too crazy yet
    • higher initial cost overhead

    Feature B:

    • unproven business model
    • unknown business survivability without feature A
    • harder to develop
    • lower initial cost overhead
    • is what ultimately differentiates us from competitors and could become our biggest advantage in the long term

    In this case, would you do feature A to get the ball rolling then ask users if they are interested in feature B a year or two later; or you choose B just so that you know whether your "killer feature" works at all?


    submitted by /u/wang439
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    Selling leads vs hiring contractors for a cleaning company?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:20 AM PST

    I'm a web developer by trade, currently working full-time. I've had an idea for the longest time to create a service-based business around my area mostly due to the fact that absolutely no one in my city of ~200k offers online reservations or appointment scheduling. It's all by phone calls and physical estimates.

    I validated my idea by throwing up a simple landing page with an appointment scheduler and tossed a few dollars of Google Ads to it, and brought in some legitimate leads. Here's where the dilemma lies though.

    I have no experience running a cleaning company, nor do I think I'd have the time to give my full attention to it. Would it be better to just forward the leads to another company, pay what they'd offer me, and pocket the difference between what people on my site paid? Or would it be better to just hire my own contracted cleaners, going through the entire process of what that would entail?

    Alternatively, maybe it would be better to just hold off on this idea altogether? Any advice or thoughts would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/DrDiv
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    Is an MVP relevant in my case ?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:36 AM PST

    I'm currently in the process of building a time/project management webapp, and I'm wondering what should be my startegy when it comes to launch my product.

    Startups are usally recommended to follow the MVP route, and to release an early minimal version to validate their product and market, then only after this validation to add more features.

    I'm heading towards this route, but in my case besides still needing market validation, I think the difference is that I'm aiming for an already established market with strong competitors, and I'm afraid a too minimal app would be irrevelant compared to others existing app.

    On the other side, I don't want to spend a lot of time building something that would never be used.

    Which approach shoud be privileged ?

    submitted by /u/bccccch
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