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    Sunday, November 24, 2019

    I can't get over how hard it is for me to ask for an appropriate rate. Any advice for getting over this mental block? Entrepreneur

    I can't get over how hard it is for me to ask for an appropriate rate. Any advice for getting over this mental block? Entrepreneur

    I can't get over how hard it is for me to ask for an appropriate rate. Any advice for getting over this mental block?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 03:56 AM PST

    I grew up somewhat low income. Before, when I was working, I was only making $12 an hour, much lower than my actual output worth, IMO. Now that I'm working on my own, I have a hard time asking for what I'm worth. People with my skill set (SEO and copywriting) charge around $50/hour bare minimum, but I'm having a hard time even asking for $20.

    I think part of this may be due to my depression, which I am medicating. But does anyone have any advice for getting over this and asking for money that matches what I actually bring to the table?

    submitted by /u/revolutionPanda
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    Creators need to think more about their life away from the screen

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 04:52 AM PST

    I've been thinking a lot lately about how important walking is to my life in front of the screen as a motion designer, so I wrote this piece for my newsletter. I think one of the hardest parts about being an entrepreneur is actually creating a daily routine that's conducive to my work over time, and doesn't lead to burnout. So I thought posting it here might deliver it to some receptive ears. Here we go...

    I'm going to try and convince you that creators need to think as carefully about their AFK* life, as they do about their screen life. It's a pretty long piece, but I think you'll find valuable insights as an artist.

    *away from keyboard


    Let's start with some science. (It might get a little heavy-going but stick with me for the takeaway.)

    There are two phases to creative thinking. There is intuitive thinking, which is fast and automatic, and there is divergent thinking, which is the ability to take a step back, and make sense of all those intuitive ideas floating around in your head. (A simple way to think about this is left brain vs right brain, but this is oversimplified.)

    These two phases are at opposing ends, but they are both essential to sustained creativity.

    Work at the computer falls into the intuitive thinking category. Focus narrows on the problem that needs to be solved.

    • Finding a stock video of a beach scene
    • Editing a 3 hour holiday recording
    • Watching inspirational videos for a logo animation you're creating

    Defining and condensing problems can improve productivity, but with screen-time alone, you could be completely off-target. Worst yet, you might not realise it until you've sunk a week into the process. "Well, I guess I'm not getting that time back!"

    If you can relate to this, there's a good chance you would benefit by paying more attention to divergent thinking. Although, there's also a good chance you'll think it's goofing off (if you're a bit of a workaholic).

    As author Tim Ferriss would say, you're falling victim to the lure of W4W, or work for work's sake. From the linked article:

    "It is a form of procrastinating and laziness, reinforced by years and years of habits and society-defined dogmas which value busyness before productivity and meaningful work."

    Ouch. I've been there, I know.

    Alright, takeaway time. Assuming you're putting in the hours learning skills in front of the screen, how can you sustain your growth as an artist?


    Divergent thinking through walking

    This brings me on to walking. (Although the lesson can be applied to any activity that isn't directly work-related, and that affords you the mental space to idly mix intuitive ideas that might not otherwise have been associated.)

    This is my personal account of the habit, but it's worth knowing that some of the most creative minds were walkers, too: Einstein, Steve Jobs, Charles Dickens, Friedrich Nietzsche, Pyotr Tchaikovsky.

    I love walking. It drags me away from my screen vortex and doesn't load me up with reasons to procrastinate. No inner tubes, no gas, or waiting for other people. Just shoes on and go. In England, the rainy weather can complicate things but I'll take a dry, overcast day any time.

    What I also love is that walking is just about one of the most accessible activities anyone can do. You don't need money, you don't need equipment, you don't need permission. You don't need to tackle the guilt of feeling like you're at an unfair advantage to others.

    Walking in public spaces allows you to step outside of capitalism for just a moment. Like much of the world, it now seems like you can't go to many places in England without being charged some fee. Once a token of public service, the humble library is a less common sight today. Don't be surprised to see a Starbucks instead. (No free seats there, though.)

    This may seem as though it offers no concrete lessons for motion design. But...

    ...if you work on your screen for most of the day, there's a good chance I'm speaking to you. If you're fortunate enough to have been born with functional legs and eyes, it's likely that you could freely go out in 10 minutes and take a walk around the block. That's beautiful to me.

    It's also likely that you'd see a tree or two, and for maybe a moment catch a glimpse of the sky's infinity above. That's beautiful to me as well. These things are beautiful because they're free, they offer a comforting permanance in a rapidly changing world, and they're readily available all over the planet. In the fleeting, disposable societies we're clawing ourselves into as everything becomes monitized, I think that's a beautiful thing to remember.


    This email has nothing and everything to do with motion design. It's the difference between hitting a ceiling as a mono-creator, and continuing to grow as you zig-zag forward.

    It's about the importance of recharging, of stepping away, of switching gears. It's about the importance of practicing gratitude for the world outside of the internet. It's about nurturing growth in other non-work related areas of your life; listening to a story audiobook or a personal growth podcast.

    Steven Fry lost 84lbs through walking to audiobooks. He'd struggled with weight for as long as he could remember. You can bet his life is better in a thousand little ways as a result of losing that weight. A better life has a good chance at increasing your creative output. From getting out of bed in the morning with a bounce, to finding more satisfaction in everyday things like interacting with others, to being encouraged to improve your diet.

    And of course, it's about the insights you'll get for your work when you give your mind a little space. Changing perspective doesn't take effort if you make a habit of changing the environment in which you think.

    So you see, this article has come full circle. It is simultaneously about walking and working in the life of an artist, and about how each can improve the results of the other. It's about how practicing divergent thinking habits can have other benefits like losing or managing weight. And the best thing is that you are probably able to put it straight into action at the cost of nothing.

    The question is, will you take that walk today?

    Hopefully some will find that useful! It's a piece I wrote for my newsletter. Please let me know what you think in the comments below, or you can email at contact[at]3dmybusiness.com.

    submitted by /u/papacuppa1
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    How to improve speaking skills?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 01:23 PM PST

    I'd love to start expanding my speaking services as a Dietitian and podcast, and I wanted recommendations for how to take my communication skills to the next level.

    Has anyone hired speaking coaches, taken courses, read books, studied specific speakers, etc? I know practice is key but I'd like specific ways to improve.

    I'm naturally comfortable public speaking, and I have been participating in Toastmasters for 1 year.

    submitted by /u/eatfresh497
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    Anyone remember the name of the sub that was created which was like a better version of r/entrepreneur without all of the nonsense, it was created a few weeks ago but I forgot its name and am not sure if it is still active.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 12:55 PM PST

    Drop the name or link the sub below if you happen to remember, thanks.

    submitted by /u/FaceAndKMS
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    Starting a Food Blog | Day 1 | $0.11 Made | Month 1

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 06:20 AM PST


    There was a time when I was thinking about selling this domain but I finally decided to start something.

    The domain will be a year old soon, I hardly added a few blogs.

    Now I have decided to create a strategy around the blog and I'll religiously put good quality content.

    Just wanted to share my journey with you on a monthly basis.

    For now, that's all I have to share. I'll keep posting something each month so that new bloggers and take a peek before committing their time for a food blog.

    For those who are curious, Here is the blog: wejusteatI have to work a lot on the blog. I'm still thinking about finalizing a theme.

    Few Details:

    Domain Hosting: Google (Moving from GoDaddy soon)

    Hosting: Hostkoala ($5/year, good for testing things out before committing something expensive)

    Plugins used: Jetpack, Site Kit by Google, AMP.

    Theme: Default 2020 WordPress Theme

    If anyone is thinking about starting a "trial blog" You can use the above stack to get started. I'm sure you all must be having better stack than this for starters if you have then please share here!

    Stay Tuned!

    EDIT: We just got our first follower!! Yaay!

    submitted by /u/SmoothVeterinarian
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    Marketing an emagazine...looking for tips and resources

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 04:04 AM PST

    I may soon get funding to create an emagazine...I'm a writer and the only marketing experience I have is writing copy for other businesses.

    The funding will allow me to pay for some help but I'm worried that I don't know enough of the basics so won't be able to effectively manage the strategy. For example...business models...are there different business models for online publications?

    Any advice would be most welcome. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Ieatclowns
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    How to come up with content ideas for local news blog?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 01:41 PM PST

    Hey folks, I'm trying to emulate local news/media sites like:

    http://charlotteagenda.com http://www.lamag.com/citythink/

    But these guys put out 10+ new posts a day, which seems like an unnatainable level of creativity to me.

    I'm struggling to put together an initial content calendar of 50 post ideas.

    How do they do it? How do I come up with a seemingly endless stream of interesting blog post ideas for a local news site?

    submitted by /u/sayhellotomarc
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    Creating a contracted cleaning service in my area vs selling a scheduling system to existing ones?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 01:38 PM PST

    Hey everyone!

    I'm going to apologize off the bat if this post seems pretty hasty or doesn't make a ton of sense, but I'm hoping I could get some insight into something I've been thinking over for a while.

    My city has a population of about 200K, with the surrounding metro area about half a million. For how large it is, most businesses around here aren't pretty tech savvy. Because of the booming housing market and rental properties, cleaning, landscaping, and pool service businesses are exploding.

    I'm a web developer by trade with a full-time job, but over the last few years I've been wanting to dip my hands into something locally either competing against or helping out these businesses. Absolutely no one has a personal website that offers any kind of scheduling or appointment capabilities. Usually it's either a phone number, or at the most a basic contact form. A lot of their websites aren't mobile friendly.

    The way I figure it (and I've validated this with a landing page and a few days of Google Ads), if I created a mobile-friendly site that offered the ability for someone to make an appointment for a house cleaning, get notifications and alerts about their service, and be charged a regular recurring amount, I could get a piece of the action.

    Where I'm lost is how to proceed next. I don't have any experience running a cleaning company, but I figure I could either hire contractors to work the leads (more profit, more work) or sell them out to a few select cleaning companies in the area (less profit, less work). Alternatively, I've also thought of scrapping the idea and instead trying to sell the appointment website software to these businesses if I can prove that it's what people are after and it'll help their clientele.

    Has anyone here ran into any kind of a similar situation? Am I overthinking everything and being a bit naive? Any advice would be very much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/DrDiv
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    What do you think of Grant Cardone?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 01:00 PM PST

    I keep seeing recommended videos of him on Youtube. Is he more legit than other self help gurus? I mean he made his money first with sales, then real estate. Not a pure self help guy.

    submitted by /u/_zyzyx
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    I really don’t know where to post this, but I need help.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 12:38 PM PST

    Okay, so I would to start a computer repair business in my own household. Would I need a license to do this or something? The reason I'm asking is, because I see people do this on Facebook where they advertise their business in the marketplace tab. ;TL;DR: I want to start a computer repair business in my own house. Do I need a license?

    submitted by /u/WTMCMaher
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    Taxes. Trump. Democrats. How does it all affect businesses and the economy?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 12:37 PM PST

    We all saw the articles how Amazon and Google paid zero in tax dollars in 2018.

    Trump is boasting a economy that's at an all time high, while pressuring the Fed on lowering interest rates.

    Most Democrats want to put a small tax on every dollar that passes thru a business, and even a 77% tax on the super rich.

    What are your thoughts on how all this affects small businesses?

    submitted by /u/my08m3
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    Literally the secret to success: not being lazy. Any tips on how to lose laziness and be overall more productive?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 12:23 PM PST

    Sometimes I fall in to a week of just full on laziness, and having problems to do eazy tasks. Then the next week im going crazy 12h/day. Any way to keep the wave for longer and still do long hours per day?

    submitted by /u/TheMillionDollarKid
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    Veteran All Services Long Range Firearms Range Idea

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 07:45 AM PST

    Hello r/entrepreneur, I am seeking advice as a Service-Disabled Veteran who has a vision/dream (maybe too big?) to become a premier all services firearms and hybrid range, outdoor long precision shooting at least 1000 yards; Indoor Range with at least 25 Lanes in one building, another building dedicated to LE/MIL, Club House, Tac-Site, 3 Gun Range, Machine Gun Range, Archery and possible explosives range (to be determined later). I have found suitable property that's 90 acres surrounded by farms, 50 of it which is Zoned B3 and the rest is Agricultural.

    Now, there's nothing like this in my state that I know of. The long range is what I am trying to focus on mostly since that's an area that my state lacks, is a good Long-Range Precision (LRP) shooting lanes. I also want to give back to the veteran community and the community. I would like to build an apartment building for the Veterans that are employed by my business and possibly where I can have my hosted vendors stay at little to no cost. Give them some stable ground under there feet during transition and them working for the company. I'm unsure how fees able this really is.

    I understand I will probably need a lot of investments and or capital to achieve this goal. I also, as part of my business want to do government contracting for weapon and ammunition procurement and host training courses from outside vendors. I feel as my vision/dream is too ambitious and expensive with the reality it may flop or not make money. Most people I see by researching go out of our state to do 3 Gun and LRP, and I wanted to keep the business in state with a friendly and expert staff.

    I would like to hire mostly hire veterans, but I understand I cannot just hire that specific group because of EEO and all applicable laws in place. I'd also like to further break it down by hiring knowledgeable people in categories such as Pistols, Rifles, and Shotguns. I'd also like to be able to host Range Days with vendors attending. I would like to use a decentralized type leadership to run my business, I don't want to be a micromanager. I plan on using the resources out there that I can, Including Warrior Rising, Veterans Small Business Outreach Centers ect, ect. Is there anything else anyone can think of? Where do I start with a business plan?

    • I understand I will need the following:
    • Business plan
    • Financing
    • Industry Partners and Suppliers
    • Building/Design/Contractor/Permits/Rezoning
    • Accountants/Accounting Software
    • FFL License/01/07/08
    • Customer Relation Management Software
    • Marketing/Website/Social Media
    • Electronic FFL Software
    • Speak to the County Council
    • Speak to the local farms around the area
    • Speak to State Commerce
    • Human Resources
    • Point of Sale Hardware/Software
    • Legal Assistance/Laws/Ordnance/EPA Regulation
    • Security
    • Tools/Manufacturing Tools
    • Insurance/Liability

    Also for reference this is what my basic idea is.

    Thanks r/entrepreneur I know it's a lot and may-not be conveyed as clearly as it is in my head.

    submitted by /u/DoktorDeadPool
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    Wait... is it illegal to just... make money?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 12:55 AM PST

    I came up with an idea for a product that I think could sell really well, I'd like to develop it some more, then start manufacturing and selling it (mostly online). I am a Canadian citizen, living in the US for work. And my work visa is tied exclusively to the company I work for. Does that basically mean it's illegal for me to make any money outside my work?

    submitted by /u/glassfjords
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    [Legal] - Using Celebrity Images in App

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 11:20 AM PST

    I'm making an app.

    To instead of using real profile pictures in my demo/website, I want to use pictures of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie from google.

    Is this legal?

    submitted by /u/thearabicbrownie
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    WANAPRENEUR; I want some guidance

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 10:39 AM PST

    First of all, my english writing skills are not perfect.

    Some things about me, I´m in this entrepreneurial space for almost 3 years and i had small successes but nothing serious, i FAILED a lot and I´m still failing, but i´m ok with that, the only thing that bothers me is that i lose money but nothing else bcs i know that i will learn a lot.

    21 yo kid and i know that i have a lot of time. I have some exp in a lot of fields: dropshipping, social media, fb ads, funnels, graphic design(ps, lightroom), ecom in general ( i don t say that i m an expert in all of this but i know a little from everything)

    I had some succes with affiliate marketing but i didn t like that so i quit, same with dropshipping, same with cpa marketing. I quit because i don´t just want money. Right now i have a part time job at a gym and i make some extra money with making thumbnails or just little jobs in PS here and there.

    I really really want to build a brand. My passions are: Fitness, Cars, Graphic design(videography, photography). I don´t need money for buying clothes, i don´t need money for buying the new iphone, i don´t need money for clubs or drugs, i DON´T want that, i want money for being able to give my child whatever he/she wants, for freedom and for buying cars. ( i know everything about cars in general, i just love them)

    I want to build a brand and i want to help people, i want to build my personal brand also so i can pursuit my passion in photography and videography.

    The things is i don´t know what is the right pat and i don´t know why but i don´t take action and i don´t know why... I m just lazy as fuck, i have the same routine every single day and this kills me.

    submitted by /u/razvanrzvvv
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    Quick PSA About WPForms

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:21 PM PST

    What a scam WPForms is. You can add a form to your website and have people submit entries, but if you want to view said entries you have to upgrade to their premium version that costs $40. Just a warning for those who are looking into using this as a way to get clients on WordPress.

    submitted by /u/TheCakeAnarchy
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    Need some advice on E-commerce Dropshipping business model and handling automation! What have been your best automation moves to streamline business.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:00 AM PST

    Hey fellow entrepreneurs!

    I'm new to the online retail game and have been building and shaping my business over the last 3-4 months. I'm using BigCommerce for my businesses hosting. I'll be doing online apparel, with a focus on print + ship graphic T-shirts and Tanks using a 3rd party integration through BigCommerce, and in a few months my own line of custom underwear and swimwear produced and fulfilled by me through a home office.

    The major change came when I saw a Dropshipping integration through AliExpress in which it appeared you could easily add items from there and market and ship them through your storefront through an integration and chrome extension. However as I've explored this and built a collection of items to drop ship, testing the order fulfillment process seems to be a time consuming and daunting data entry effort that is not worth it for items marked up between $4-$50.

    The goal for me is to have an easily automated business. Is that a dream with that sort of Dropshipping? Or is there another more streamlined way you all have discovered. I came here because I knew I couldn't possibly be the first person to encounter this! What have been the best moves you've made towards automation? Is there a better platform to serve that puprose (Shopify, Volusion, etc)

    I would love to be able to offer my customers a wider range of clothing products, but not if it means spending 40 hours a week doing data entry between one website, my excel sheets, and another website! Any help is appreciated and I'm happy to go into more specifics over DM if you're interested in chatting!

    Many thanks from a new struggling entrepreneur!

    submitted by /u/LynxLaroux
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    What kind of training can I get for myself and my team leaders to be more business "cunning"?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 08:59 AM PST

    We built a startup that is growing well now with revenues rolling in on a local level and are about to go national as well as international. but we are struggling with understanding how to deal with senior executives in potential partner companies, some are large corporations. We don't read people well and seem to be quite "naive" in picking up on power moves and negotiation tactics, competitors are swarming in and my guys don't seem to understand how to build relationships and alliances. In the property industry, it's all about people and strategic relationships.

    Whenever I search for coaches or training courses I get benign soft programs from business "communication" to employees coaching. Nothing about how to deal with C-suite officers, board members, business people and understanding corporate politics.

    I like to promote from within because the leaders on my team are passionate and trustworthy, and certain things as CEO I have to remain in control of. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Sampharo
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    Is it still possible to be a successful entrepreneur these days if you don't know any coding or trade skills?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 08:57 AM PST

    Coming from a STEM background, all I have ever known was science, but I've always felt the urge to start something of my own, something that can be done online. But without any coding experience, I am finding it difficult to know how to begin to even create what I have in mind, or to create a platform to sell products.

    So would be nice to hear from any of you guys who is in a similar position or has become successful without any sort of coding or trade skills?

    submitted by /u/Tomly
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    Roast my website: critical feedback needed, my side hustle's conversion rate is too low

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 08:46 AM PST

    Here's what I could use some raw feedback on:

    • When you land on my product's homepage, what's the first question or that crosses your mind or doubt that turns you away? My gut says there's a gap here, and I need to improve my upfront messaging somehow.

    All other criticisms/advice would be helpful!


    submitted by /u/m4ttyn1ce
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    Offering Free Advice About Software Engineering/Web Development

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 08:37 AM PST

    Hey y'all, I'm a software engineer looking to expand my professional network and meet some other entrepreneurs. And of course, what better way is there to network with others than to provide value for them?

    With that being said, today and tomorrow, I'll be spending some time replying to comments on this thread related to software engineering and web development. Feel free to ask any questions you may have, and I'll respond with my honest opinion/advice for free.

    Looking forward to seeing how I can help y'all out!

    submitted by /u/ccwcs
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    Showing prices or hiding them?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 08:10 AM PST

    I run an smm agency. It's going well, but I'm wondering if I should hide the prices on my website. Right now there is a page that very clearly shows different prices for my services, and what you get for them.

    Is it likely I would get better results by taking this page away, and instead having potential clients call me to discuss pricing? I'm thinking this way it could make it feel more individualized so people could be more inclined to buy but I'm not so sure.

    Interested to hear what you guys think.

    submitted by /u/TheCakeAnarchy
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    When to shutdown a YouTube ad?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 03:57 AM PST

    Hey guys, I recently got into YouTube ads to try and sell my info product. Basically trying to get people to click to an option page for a webinar. Ran my first ads last week and got no sales and very few clicks to the page. From people with experience what amount of money would you spend testing an ad before you consider it a dud, or what conversion rate would you expect from an ad to a webinar funnel?

    submitted by /u/businessJedi
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