• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 24, 2019

    Legal Advice A few days ago a vet has to remove my cat's eye after it got in a fight. Today my cat went into shock, a different vet told me my cat still had the damaged eye inside the sewed eye socket.

    Legal Advice A few days ago a vet has to remove my cat's eye after it got in a fight. Today my cat went into shock, a different vet told me my cat still had the damaged eye inside the sewed eye socket.

    A few days ago a vet has to remove my cat's eye after it got in a fight. Today my cat went into shock, a different vet told me my cat still had the damaged eye inside the sewed eye socket.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 07:38 AM PST

    On Friday, November 15th, my cat came to the house after it got in a fight.

    It was looking really bad and it took it to a vet near my house who I will be referring to as "Jay", he told me that my cat was okay but its eye was damaged beyond help and needed to be removed and then sewed.

    I had to take a week off work to take care of my cat since Jay told me I had to clean the wound every 6 hours and bring the cat to him every other day for shots and a checkup.

    Yesterday I noticed that the cat had scratched off one of the threads in his wound, so I took him to Jay who sewed the wound once again.

    Today at 5 am I woke up to clean the cat's wound and I noticed it wasn't moving, it had gone into shock. I took the cat to the pet hospital where I met a different vet. Let's call this new vet "Joshua".

    Joshua was able to stabilize my cat, bring it back to the world of the living and investigate what happened, I explained what happened during the week and what Jay did to my cat. Joshua removed the threads from the wound and told me that I may have been scammed as he showed me that my cat still that the necrotic eye in the socket.

    Joshua told me that I should try to sue Jay or at least ask for my money back. Not only because of the eye, but because of the negligence of operating my cat in such a bad condition and not doing anything about its condition during the checkups.

    I'm not sure what to do as I've known Jay for a while and he has always been kind to me and my pets but I'm running out of money, I have to go back to work and I have to pay for the pet hospital and the new operation to remove the damaged eye.

    This did not happen in the US, this happened in Mexico but the laws regarding pets are very similar to those in the US.

    submitted by /u/Anzeis
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    My high school is saying that I dropped out of school almost 13 years after I graduated and received a high school diploma. Is there any legal recourse?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 06:13 PM PST

    I graduated high school in Oklahoma, 2007. Hands shook, congratulations given, diploma awarded, and sent on my way. Shortly after completing school I joined the military and I've worked for the gov't on some level ever since. Recently, I decided it was time to tackle some higher education. While contacting my old school to get transcripts sent over to the college I was informed that the transcripts indicate that I dropped out of school. "Nonsense!", I tell them. "I have a diploma from the school!" The lady on the other line seemed as confused as I was. I emailed her pictures of the diploma, and was assured that the principal and superintendent of the district were taking it seriously and looking into it. The next day I received an email that said something like, "Supporting documents that accompany your transcript get destroyed after 5-7 years, so this is going to be tough, but we'll continue to look into it."

    Not really the response I was hoping for, but I guess at very least they're "looking into it".

    The other day I filed a complaint with the department of education, but I would really like options on what legal standing I have. This whole thing could have a ripple effect through my life in some pretty catastrophic ways, as well as being emotionally exhausting. It's hard to imagine calling up your school nearly 13 years after leaving and hearing them tell you that you dropped out and that you're not a high school graduate, even though you clearly did not, and nothing was said to you about it in over a decade, but take my word for it, it feels terrible.

    Update: For those confused about college acceptance without a verifiable HS transcripts, I was told I could still enroll, but as a non degree seeking student, for only a set amount of hours, I believe. As far as the military goes, at the moment, I have requested all my paperwork on VETRECS and my transcripts to not show, only DD-214, Evals, medical reports, etc. AFVEC only appears to have my CCAF data, of which I have only completed 37 credit hours. I will call the recruiting station I went through tomorrow to see if they have access to records.

    As far as names are concerned, it shouldn't be an issue. There where 95 students in my graduating class and not a single other person with either my first or last name.

    submitted by /u/ApparentlyDidntGrad
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    Roommate moving in girlfriend over my protest (Texas)

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 07:36 AM PST

    My roommate and I live in Houston, TX. My roommate and I signed a 15 month lease in late August. He has informed me that he is planning on moving his girlfriend in for the last 11 months of our lease (in less than three weeks), whether I approve it or not.

    We are both on the lease. We are not allowed to have guests for more than 14 days in any given month, so her moving in would be a breach of our lease. My first plan of action is to try and get the leasing company to let us out of our lease. If they refuse, what are my options? Paying for two apartments isn't really feasible, and living with him and his girlfriend (who I don't know at all) will only cause resentment given the way he's handled the situation.

    submitted by /u/titcomb22
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    Renatl Company Failed to Disclose that We've Been Paying Neighbor's Utility Bills for Years

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:00 AM PST

    We recently had new neighbors move in behind us (beach town, front house, alley house situation), and when they moved in, the owner of that house (who they are renting from) kindly told us that we may have been paying for the utility bills for BOTH houses. He said that when the rental company that we rent from took over this house, he informed them that the bills were lumped together and should be separated. He does not own the house we rent, and has nothing to do with the rental company. The bills were never separated. We have been paying for the back house's utilities for 2+years.

    Shortly after the new neighbors moved in, he asked the company again to separate the bills. They finally did, but never said a word to us, either about the mix-up, or the rectification. Our electric/gas bill used to average $70-90 and our water bill averaged $100-200 a month. They've now both dropped below $20 each. We've sunk (conservatively) $130 more a month for 2+ years into utilities than we should have.

    I thought it was weird that our gas/electric company would send us notices about our usage being "higher than surrounding neighbors," considering that we're a married couple (no kids), surrounded by families, and this was never a problem in the past. However, I had absolutely no way of knowing that the bills were tied together. I just chalked it up to being California beachside living expenses.

    Is ther any legal recourse, considering that the rental company never told us about the bills being tied together, despite knowing this?

    submitted by /u/Fluffymarshmallo
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    My abusive ex boyfriend is saying he is going to press charges on me for assaulting his two year old son because I finally broke up with him. I did not ever lay a hand on that child and he has no proof that I did other than his word. What can I do to defend myself?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:02 AM PST

    Please help me. He has a great lawyer as his family is wealthy and I most likely will have a public defender as I have little to no money. It is very obvious I didnt hit the child (in fact I cared for it far more than he did) and I dont want to face felony charges because this man is unstable and wants to get revenge on me for leaving him. I have hundreds and hundreds of unanswered texts and calls that prove him unstable if that helps any. They all say things like "I just want to be with you baby do u really want to force me to do this" and "Please call me baby". Then 10 minutes later hes calling me a good for nothing whore lol. I live in Virginia.

    submitted by /u/brickandmortyr
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    Fire fighter assisted police by bringing bongs to police after I denied them access to my house

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:18 AM PST

    In Wisconsin, I recently had a house fire. The fire department showed up and extinguished the fire. I have no problem with that whatsoever. In a spare room I had a box of old used bongs. There was nothing else considered drugs or paraphanalia anywhere in the house. Just an old box. First, a fire chief comes up to me asking for my signature consent to search my house. I assumed they already saw it since it was right in the open in the spare room. So I denied the search. Then a cop came up to me and said "the fire Dept told me about a box of bongs in there. You can either walk through the house with me now and let me grab it and just give you a paraphanalia fine, or you can have me get a judge to sign a warrant." The decision was easy, get a fucking warrent.

    Then 15 minutes later the cop comes up to me and says the firefighters brought them the box of bongs and proceeded to give me a paraphanalia fine... What was the point of even asking me twice if they were going to do whatever they wanted anyways? How does that firefighter know that those bongs had the residue in it? He fucking didn't. He grabbed a box that he had no business grabbing and brought it to the police after learning they weren't allowed in my house...

    So, do firefighters have additional rights where they can just assist cops however they want when a cop doesn't have the right to do something? I'm probably getting a lawyer. And I'm coming for that firefighters job

    submitted by /u/ndawgkrunk
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    I was molested in a hot spring in Germany. The police say that theres nothing I can do. Is this true?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 06:44 AM PST

    I (21F) am from Asia went alone to a public hot spring bath in Bad Wildbad for the weekend. TL;DR A man, M (47M) followed me up and down the stairs, joined me in a small pool sitting very close to me, and the touched me on my thigh and ass three times. I have already made a police report but the police say that there is nothing that can be done at this point, and I can only wait a few months and hope that the judge issues him a fine. I'm hoping reddit can help tell me if theres any way to get my justice.

    It was my very first time in an all nude mixed gender public bath. My s/o and I had discussed whether its suitable for me to go alone, and he encouraged me to try. I first met M in the largest public bath but we didn't interact. Aftereards, I went up the stairs because I thought it led to more baths. I had covered my body partially with a towel. M walks up the stairs behind me. Maybe he followed me, maybe not. He tells me that it's a sauna. I didnt wanna go to a sauna. I walk down the stairs. I walk into a small room with a small tub. He came down and sat on my left, just a few centimetres away. He tried to make conversation but it was clear I wasnt interested. (Because it's weird af to talk to someone when you're both nude)

    His right fingers grazed the side of my thigh once. I thought it may be the water and when you lose grip on the seat. I moved away and told him: "your fingers are touching me. Stop it." Then it happened a second time. I moved away again. Then it happened a third time, and this time there was more contact then just fingers. I felt his palm touch me near on my upper thigh, near my ass. I was so scared and uncomfortable that I rushed out and went to look for women and staff, which helped me catch him. One of the other guests came forward and said that she often saw him target and act inappropriately on younger women.

    Right now, the police are telling me that they have his details but there's nothing I can do about it. I am told to just wait a few months for the Justice to review this case and possibly just issue him a fine. I will be leaving germany by the end of January and it is very distressing to hear that nothing else can be done. I have cPTSD, which I have been living with and controlling, but this incident has left me unstable, and I really worry for the sake of my mental health.

    Thank you Reddit for helping.

    submitted by /u/Throwaway170919ah
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    Landlord needs access to laundry room in my apartment “as he pleases”.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 08:01 AM PST

    I am in New Jersey. I posted about this previously so I will summarize. Basically there is a room in my apartment that I assumed was a closet during the showing. Once I moved in my landlord revealed that it is HIS laundry room, and he needs access to it ONCE a week, on Saturday.

    I felt slighted obviously but I didn't want to be problematic and I need this apartment to work out for various reasons so I agreed that it would be no issue if he uses it on Saturday.

    This morning (Sunday) me and my girlfriend were in our underwear. And he just walks in. I told him it was unacceptable. I sent him my states tenant law handbook, stating that him walking in violates the covenant of quiet enjoyment. I requested an amendment stating that he can only access on Saturday during a specific timeframe.

    He refused, stating that the laundry room is not part of the rental and he can access as he pleases.

    To give more context, I want to explain the apartment layout. We are renting the first floor, and he lives on the second floor. We share an entrance. When you enter the front door, the staircase to his apartment is immediately to the right, and if you walk straight down a hallway, you come to my bedroom door. Further down the hallway is the door to his laundry room, and at the end of the hallway is the entrance to my kitchen and living room. In every mention of the space in the lease it is APARTMENT, not HOUSE SHARE.

    Does the fact that we share an entrance give him the right to use the hallway in our space?

    I need to know my options, please help me if you can. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/6soul
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    Landlord didn't notify me of rent increase until AFTER my "Advance Notice Deadline". Now it's too late to give them 60 days notice, but I must move out. Did they fail to uphold the lease... or did I?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:25 PM PST

    So I've been living at this complex for two years now and have enjoyed it. My lease ends on December 3rd (and I've quoted the relevant text from the lease below). However, my landlord JUST notified me of a significant rent increase if I were to renew. This means I don't want to (and really CAN'T) afford to live here anymore. If I were to be moving out, I would have had to give them 60 days notice as outlined below. That date would be October 3rd. However, they didn't notify me of the rent increase until NOVEMBER 11TH (only 23 days notice). If I'm reading this lease correctly, they should have notified me by September 28th (5 days before October 3rd - read the bolded text under paragraph 30). But because they didn't give me the proper notice, I can't give them the proper 60 day notice. I have yet to discuss this with them, but since they try to squeeze every penny out of their tenants, I have a feeling they're gonna try to force me to pay the "two months of rent fee" to move-out. I haven't renewed and the month-to-month rent is a 50% increase in my current rent. So either of those options really don't work for my wallet.

    So I basically feel like I got screwed over. Is this correct and am I legally allowed to break my lease at expiration since they didn't uphold their end?? Or did I somehow fuck myself over with this??? I'm not sure how I was to make a renewal decision if they didn't notify me of the rent price...

    1.... This lease term will automatically renew month to month unless either party gives at least sixty (60) days (the "Advance Notice Deadline") written notice of termination or intent to move out as required by paragraph 31A. Please see paragraph 30 pertaining to Rent Increases and Lease Contract Changes, which can go into effect for the month-to-month renewals at the end of the lease term or renewal periods.

    1. RENT INCREASES AND LEASE CONTRACT CHANGES. No rent increases or Lease changes are allowed before the initial Lease Term ends, except for changes authorized by a written addendum or amendment signed by you and us, or by reasonable changes of apartment rules.

    If, at least five (5) days before the Advance Notice Deadline referred to in Paragraph 1, we give you written notice of rent increases or Lease changes effective when the Lease Term or renewal period ends, this Lease will automatically continue month-to-month(modified by sixty (60) day notice provision) with the increased rent or Lease changes. The modified Lease will begin on the date stated in the notice (without necessity of your signature) unless you give us written 60 day move-out.

    31A. MOVE-OUT NOTICE. Before moving out, you must give our representative advance written move-out notice as provided below. Your move-out notice will not release you from liability for the full term of the Lease or any renewal term. You will still be liable for the entire Lease Term if you move out early, except under the military clause (Paragraph 22). YOUR MOVE-OUT NOTICE MUST COMPLY WITH EACH OF THE FOLLOWING:

    (a) Your move-out notice must be in writing. Oral move-out notices will not be accepted and will not terminate your Lease.

    (b) Your move-out notice must not terminate the Lease sooner than the end of the Lease Term or renewal period.

    (c) The move-out date in your notice must be either the last day of the month or the exact day designated in your notice, provided such date is at least sixty (60) days after the date your notice is received.

    (d) We must receive advance written notice of your move-out date. The advance notice must be at least the number of days of notice required in Paragraph 1. However, if a move-out notice is received on the first, it will suffice for move-out on the last day of the month of intended move-out, provided that all other requirements above are met.

    YOUR NOTICE IS NOT ACCEPTABLE IF IT DOES NOT COMPLY WITH ALL OF THE ABOVE. Please use our written moveout form. You must obtain written acknowledgement from our representative that we received your move-out notice. If we terminate the Lease, we must give you the same advance notice – unless you are in default.

    31B. EARLY TERMINATION. During the initial term of this Lease, you shall have the option to terminate your remaining responsibility for rent due for the balance of the Lease Term by providing us with written notice of not less than thirty (30) days together with payment of an early termination fee equal to two (2) months rent. The Lease will be considered terminated upon our receipt of a proper written notice (signed by all Residents), payment of the early termination fee and all rent and other charges due through the date of your vacating the Apartment. If you fail to timely vacate, pay the early termination fee, or pay any other charges due through date of vacating, the attempted early termination permitted by this provision shall be deemed void, and the other provisions of this Lease with respect to charges associated with a breach of the Lease, and your responsibility for such charges, shall apply.

    submitted by /u/drewer23
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    Boss sent out an email threatening to fire any employees who discuss their wages.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 04:05 PM PST

    It's illegal in th US for an employer to prevent employees from discussing their wages.

    As you might be able to tell from this situation, my boss is pretty horrible and makes our life hell.

    Can any action be taken against my boss? Any chance of getting him fired?

    Edit: Not sure if it makes any difference but the place I work has a few managers that are on salary but everyone else makes close to minimum wage. The positions we hold are very much "high school jobs".

    We are just a branch of the company and therefore the managers still report to corporate.

    submitted by /u/Xeno_Strike
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    My apartment is freezing cold. Heat is provided by building as part of lease.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:59 AM PST

    I live in ohio. For the last month there has been an ongoing problem of inconsistent heating in my apartment building. it's an old building with steam heat, and i have been in contact with the management for a while about this problem. they have told me it has been working but according to other tenants in my building too, the heat is not working, and usually doesn't start working until january. is there any recourse i can take? our apartments are freezing and we don't know what we can do. when we call the landlords the problem gets fixed for a night and then gets shut off. their offices are closed on the weekends so all weekend we have had no heat.

    submitted by /u/purple_hayzze
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    Stolen design being sold online

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 07:48 AM PST

    Hi guys, I'm graphic design from France (excuse my bad English).

    Last year I was working in Germany as freelancer for a client, working on a pretty big project. I worked in total 6 months for that client. I designed many visual contents. But after few months, my payments were getting delayed more and more. I kept working under pressure of not getting paid because it was my only client at that time. It ended with me not getting paid for the two last months of my work. I let that bad experience behind me because I had to pay rent and had no other income.

    Now after a year I can find my design being sold online on a huge platform. I couldn't believe my eyes but it's sold everywhere in Europe, at really exorbitant prices, and I never got fully paid.

    Does anyone know what I could do? I need to precise that I'm not rich, and I unfortunately don't have thousands of euros for legal counsel. Thanks for any good tip!

    submitted by /u/MundanePresence
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    Employee lying about salary. What actions are legal here?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 06:52 PM PST

    This is in California.

    I'm in kind of a frustrating situation. I run a small company; 25 employees, no HR department. 6 months ago I hired a guy, "Kevin", for a development role. He's turned out to have a somewhat annoying personality, but he gets the job done so I didn't mind.

    Last week, three of my female employees asked to meet with me. They were very unhappy because Kevin told them his salary, and it was significantly more than they were being paid, despite them being senior to him. They accused me of gender discrimination.

    Here's the thing though. The number Kevin told them is total bullshit. It's almost double what I'm actually paying him. If it had just been one employee, I would have thought it might be a miscommunication, but he independently told three people the same bullshit number. I have no idea why except some misguided attempt to impress them. Either way, I'm pissed.

    I'm really not clear legally what I can do here. I know it's legal for employees to share their salary, and I would never punish someone for doing that. But is it also legal to lie about it? I want to tell the other employees the truth, but it feels weird for me as a boss to disclose another employee's salary to THEM. It also feels wrong that Kevin is just allowed to get away with this.

    submitted by /u/lyingemployee234
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    Stylist screwed up hair and refuses to give refund.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 11:27 AM PST

    I got my hair colored about a week ago. The stylist was sweet and promised me a balayage color that would fade out from my natural roots. She constantly kept talking about how beautiful it would be for my wedding and she threw in a deal for a deep conditioning for free. The total ended up being $350 and I was not happy with the results. The color was foiled at the top by my roots and it looks as I got my hair done months ago and it has grown out. The toner she used was also darker than my actual hair color causing it to look worse and other parts of the blonde were straight up yellow. I tried to get in contact with her for a week and she never admitted to fault, always saying it was the lighting and the way my hair was slicked back in a bun. She didn't text me back for days and I finally got a response after having to go to another salon to pay yet another $350 to get it fixed and was also told my hair was breaking off and there was no evidence of any conditioning. She once again said she could add highlights to make it how I wanted it and claimed she had texted me and I didn't respond. She's now saying she doesn't do refunds as stated in her booking listing which I have no record of. She finally said she could fit me in to go over my hair and make it how I want it but at this point it's been a week and I'm no longer comfortable letting her touch it. Can I take her to small claims court to get my money back?

    Location: California

    submitted by /u/shelbssm
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    Being sued in small claims court for opening mail

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 12:52 PM PST

    I live with a girl and a guy that I was friends with in high school and the girl has turned into the devil since we moved in together. We've had many arguments over taking out the trash, washing dishes and her aggressive dog being let loose in the house. It finally came to a breaking point when her dog attacked my boyfriends dog and she got mad at me for bringing the dog into its home. I've asked her multiple times to not have her dog loose in the house. She put a letter on the fridge saying she was breaking the lease and it was up to us to find a new roommate and she was leaving Jan 1st. Me and my other roommate obviously said no because we couldn't afford that so instead she's now suing my other roommate for opening her mail which was a sewer bill we all pay on. She's suing him and saying she won't drop it unless we let her out of the lease. What should we do? (Located in WV)

    submitted by /u/adamq105
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    Employer Paying Me Significantly Less Than Official Minimum for My Position

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 05:25 AM PST

    I have been working for a company for about ten years. About three years ago, I was promoted to director of one of the divisions. It is a small division and I only have four employees. Part of my job is to review my employees yearly. The company uses a grade level system for employee wage ranges. I have access to this information. While determining the salary range for my employees, I discovered that the company is paying me significantly less than the minimum for my own grade level. When I brought this up to my superior, I was told, "There is no way we can afford to pay you that much." Do I have any legal recourse for forcing the company to pay me according to their official policy? Can I recover the lost wages since my promotion?

    Some additional details: State is Pennsylvania I work for a religious nonprofit

    submitted by /u/JimmyDH
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    [CA] I was hit by a car going downhill on a skateboard, not sure what to do

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 12:26 PM PST

    I was hit by a driver that was emerging from a driveway. I was on my skateboard going downhill when the driver hit me with the front of her car. I sustained a bruised leg and a broken finger. I was taken to urgent care where they took x-rays of my hand and told me I fractured my fourth metacarpal. My insurance covered all of the costs including the urgent care visit. The driver presumably did not see the direction I was coming from due to the vegetation and narrow sidewalk. What should my course of action be after the accident? I also want to know who is responsible for the accident? I feel okay, but my main concern is I have finals coming up and I will have trouble finishing my essays. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/booler1233
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    My mom is out of options

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 07:13 AM PST

    If anyone could please offer any advice on what to do: My mom has been forced out of the house by her husband and is living in a trailer on the property (they have 40 acres) that's falling apart. It has mold and she's severely allergic, the floors are caving in. The last time she tried to go into the house he blocked the doorway and told her it wasn't her home. This all started a few months ago when she found out he's been having an affair since February. When she confronted him he lost it, yelling and cussing, and completely shut her out. I have 3 brothers and all four of us have tried reaching out to him but he won't answer. I live 2 hours away so I can't physically do much to help. She's looked into divorce but the county they live in doesn't care about adultery, and she doesn't work so if they divorced she's lose her insurances. She has osteoporosis, so she can't afford to lose health insurance. On top of all this her mom lives with her and is senile with nowhere else to go. Please if anyone knows something that could help at all.

    EDIT: they live in the middle of nowhere Alabama and the cops are crooked. For those of you who have listened to the podcast "S*** Town" . That's where they live.

    submitted by /u/j_michele2317
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    Pre ordered product from a hobby store, hobby store was then robbed and the store was no longer able to fulfill order, tells me to ask bank for charge back and bank tells me they cannot. Store is now out of business and I'm not sure what my options are.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:10 PM PST

    So back on April-ish I ordered two boxes of magic the gathering product for about 400 dollars. A few weeks before the product was released, it was stolen from the store and the owner was unable to get more. I tried to do a charge back but I get a letter some time later saying that they cannot. Now the business is gone and i still have neither product nor what i paid for it. I have tried to contact the owner but they seem to be ignoring me. So not sure if I'm legally able to get my money back, and how much it would cost me to do so, am I SOL or is there anything I am able to do to get my money at back?

    submitted by /u/Crackerpool
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    Unwelcome houseguest will not leave (Illinois)

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 01:15 AM PST

    About two months ago, my gf rescued a friend of hers from an unsanitary living situation. He was living in a flooded and moldy basement that was infested with flies. He came to our apartment and is staying in our spare bedroom, He brought two cats with him (that I was not aware that he still had when I agreed to this) My lease does not allow cats. We knew he had some emotional issues and were prepared that it might take some time for him to find a job. He said he would though, but I think he was just lying. Gf is on the same page as me, but she's more tenderhearted about it. I'm fully as angry as I've ever been in my whole life.

    Of course, it immediately went to shit.

    He told me he would not be washing any of his dishes unless I bought him special rubber gloves. Honestly, I dont think he would have washed them if I did. His cats are not box trained. (Which, to me, seems like a clear sign of neglect.) He doesn't clean up after the cats at all. The whole apartment smells like piss and shit. It stinks all the way down the buildings stairwell. We bought cleaning supplies for the cat smell but he sprayed them all out wastefully (like, spraying air freshener for ten seconds continuously) instead of actually cleaning the source of the smell, and he wont buy any more, says it's our responsibility. He might have slashed my tire, but I honestly am not sure that was him. He ruined a few of my pans and lied and said it wasn't him. He refused to get a job and lied to us about having job interviews. He's stolen from us. (Trivial small stuff, nothing major) He stays in his room and sleeps all during the day and is up at night watching the same youtubers my grade-school-age nephew watches. He wouldnt close the window after I turned the furnace on for the winter and goes around wrapped up in a blanket bcs it's so cold in his room, but he wont close the window, and of course, I have to pay the gas bill.

    I paid his phone bill once before I gave up on him looking for a job and my gf paid it last month. Hes been soliciting donations online and spending it all on alcohol?? He gets food stamps too. Hes got money to buy hair dye too apparently.

    There are tons of available jobs in my neighborhood, a good public transportation system. Lots of factories and tons of stores with Now Hiring signs.

    All this time while this has been going on hes been a tremendous asshole, screaming at his cats all night, calling the cops on my neighbors, telling another family that they "needed to learn how to control their kids" telling my gf lies about what I did while she was at work, waking me up shouting about how much of an asshole I am outside my bedroom door. I work 60 hours a week. I truly do NOT have the time. He says I'm so awful, but its stuff like him "having to" leave the room to cry in private after I told him I disagreed with him bcs he was talking major shit about the state we live in.

    Every time we try to bring up these issues he cries and threatens to commit suicide and says he needs to go to a mental hospital but when my gf brought him to one he got too angry at a nurse and stormed out before he could be admitted and then cried about how they wouldnt help him. I think hes bluffing, but it makes me very uncomfortable to think I may be wrong.

    We texted him that we wanted him to leave in 30 days, but he wont agree to that and told my gf that it's not legal to kick him out and hes going to sue me. So we wrote him a new hand written note with an additional 30 days, with his legal name on it, my legal name, and I signed and dated it. He says that's still not good enough and he wont leave. I have a picture of the letter on my phone.

    I wasnt even trying to stay after the end of my lease (which is only a few months away) but now I'm really screwed bcs the landlord is going to charge me for the damage the cats have done. It's so awful I cant barely stand to be on that entire side of the apartment. It's very bad.

    We never agreed to let him stay indefinitely. I told him he could stay for a few months before I realized how bad it was going to get and it's been 2 months. I never put him on the lease, but I said I'd consider it if he got a job. He's never paid any rent at all.

    Is there any way that I can get him out of here immediately? If not, what do I do if he doesnt leave on the day we wrote in the letter? Hes taller and heavier than either of us, and I'm extremely worried he will come after us physically.

    submitted by /u/mustardgas_catpiss
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    My apartment's management office says that my car(the tenant's car) is subject to be towed at my expense because the landlord has not paid the maintenance payments(the owing sum is about $5,000). Is it legal for the company to do that to me while I am not responsible for the payments?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 08:49 AM PST

    The monthly maintenance fee for my unit is the owner's responsibility according to the lease contract. and the my parking lot is a part of my lease. The management office knows its my car and I am not responsible for the maintenance payments. Nonetheless, they said its no problem to tow my car. What can I do? I live in New Jersey

    submitted by /u/jj707911
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    I am trapped in a lease with my abusive roommates until July. How do I get out?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 11:32 AM PST

    Hello Reddit. First time poster here. I need help with a potentially dangerous situation I'm in with seemingly no easy way out. [Springfield, MO]

    In the beginning of the school year I moved into a four bedroom apartment with three of my close friends. This was an ideal situation until late October when all three of them decided that they suddenly hate me. Since then I've been the victim of their constant emotional torment including them restricting what I have access to in the apartment (like the washing machine because it is theirs. But I am still expected to pay the water bill), they also spam my phone by calling me derogatory names and on one occasion they have changed the front door code without telling me so I was unable to get into my own apartment. I have locked most of my belongings in my bedroom out of fear that they would steal, break, or otherwise tamper with them. They have even been moving my food around in the fridge to make it inconvenient for me to reach. I have started recording instances where they verbally harass me. I have on recording them calling me names, yelling at me, and nearly (albeit accidentally) slamming a door on my cat out of their violent outbursts. I fear for the safety of myself and my cat. I have talked to my landlord and he is adamant I cannot leave unless all three of my roommates sign me out of my lease agreement, which they have told me they will not do. I have a place already lined up to move into in January and the funds to cover rent until then. There is no clause in my lease agreement that states what portion of rent I am responsible for since the four of us sorted that out by ourselves according to our room sizes. According to the leasing office, if I were to just move out and stop paying rent it would become my roommates responsibilities to cover my share or we would all get evicted. Obviously I do not want that either. My main concern is that I want to move out as soon as possible without still being financially responsible for this place. I'm young and I have never had to deal with this before. Some friends suggested that I consult with an attorney. Any advice you all have is appreciated greatly.

    submitted by /u/RoommateMeanGirls
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    Family law and old child support in Wisconsin

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 11:28 AM PST

    I'll do my best to keep it short and sweet. Long story short, my father had custody of me from the age of 11 to 18. (I turned 18 in 2001.) My parents went to court after the custody transfer and came to a child support agreement. My mother rarely paid child support and was frequently in and out of court for it. She has also been sentenced and serve jail time for this. She has been thrown out of court for contempt of court. My mother has continued to battle what she owes in arrears since, refused to get or hold a job for over 20 years and did all that for spite.

    My mother decided before my father passed last winter to make a large issue about it after her recently acquired disability back payment were seized and put into an account because of what she owed. My father declined to sign the paperwork that released her from her responsibility, because he found out she would be refunded everything that was in the account. It's really not a lot of money, it's only $1100, the rest was put toward the interest growing on the old debt.

    My father passed away last March, my mother wasted no time making this my issue. Like, at his funeral was demanding I "do" something. I've explained everything I know to her, but am limited in what I can legally do, since I'm not one of the "involved" parties. The case worker had mentioned that I could sign off and absolve everything, or take it to court to be made a proxy to be able to make decisions regarding the case. I am my mother and fathers only child, and took care of all dads loose ends after he passed. After dealing with my mothers horrible attitude, name calling, demands and diatribes, I've decided to fight it legally. What can I expect in the hearing? Should I try and find a free lawyer to help? Where do I even begin? I've called the case worker and left a detailed voicemail with how I'd like to make myself proxy. What do I say when she calls back? I've had to go no contact with my mom since she won't do anything but make demands and call me names. Should I save all those texts for court? Will it even matter? Thanks in advance for the help... I know the situation is muddy at best, but I have definitely seen that regardless of how any of it ends, my mother will no longer be a part of my life from here out.

    submitted by /u/Mobike235
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    Is there a way to legally seek custody of my brothers from my mother?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 10:19 AM PST

    I (23F) have two younger brothers (16 and 12). My mother has custody of both of them and is currently homeless. She is also mentally ill, a chronic liar, and addicted to pain medication. I tried to get my brothers to come live with me but she refused, saying she wants them with her and they would prefer that too. I don't doubt that as she extremely emotionally manipulative. I don't feel good about going against my brothers' wishes but so far they've missed 18 days of school this year and are probably going to miss more. They're all living in a hotel room and I'm not sure how much longer she can pay for it. Not to mention when or if she'll be able to find another place to live. I live in a great school district and own my own (albeit tiny) place. The two would have to share a bedroom but would be guaranteed to live in a stable household were the combined income is 100k+.

    Both boys do have fathers which are in their lives but neither one has stepped up and both make significantly less than what I and my husband make. One also doesn't have his own space (lives with his mother) and the other I believe rents out a room in someone's home, so I doubt that my brothers would have space to stay there anyway. I would also like to keep them together if possible because they are very close.

    I've already filed a report to CPS but they told me that because Maryland doesn't see educational neglect as a form of abuse, not much will be done. I also plan to call their schools to see if they will also file a report, but I'm afraid of what damage is already being done and want to seek full custody. I'm not sure how to go about this or if it's even possible since my mother isn't going to willingly give up her custody of them and they do both have fathers. Is there another avenue I should seek or how do I start this process?

    submitted by /u/OMGKitty
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