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    Monday, October 7, 2019

    Startups How many of you experienced entrepreneur burnout? How did it affect you, and how did you fight it?

    Startups How many of you experienced entrepreneur burnout? How did it affect you, and how did you fight it?

    How many of you experienced entrepreneur burnout? How did it affect you, and how did you fight it?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 02:20 PM PDT

    I'm going through this right now with my new venture. Too much work and not enough results or positive feedback. How did you guys experience this and how did you get through it? I tried taking breaks but I just get nervous that I'm not doing enough, but working more when it doesn't move the needle is discouraging.

    submitted by /u/mostlyemptyspace
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    Read any interesting books on Community Building?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 12:53 AM PDT

    I'm part of a new startup that will basically be a private online club for specific industry professionals. From past experience I know that building the community from the ground up is incredibly difficult but also the most important aspect of making this a success.

    Have you read any good books on community building you'd recommend? Specifically books that go over strategies for getting an online community from zero to critical mass to where they virtually run themselves.

    submitted by /u/ItalyExpat
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    Self-sovereign identity apps offer a huge opportunity for startups

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 02:04 AM PDT

    I have no control over my data. I have no control over my identity.

    In order to open bank accounts, crypto trading accounts, obtain credit cards and even hiring a car requires handing over sensitive personal information that can be used by hackers to steal my identity and wreak havoc.

    This isn't unfounded concern, people's personal data is being hacked and stolen every day. Binance had KYC data from 60,000 users exposed last month, Equifax exposed social security numbers for 150m people, [Yahoo had 3 billion accounts compromised](ttps://www.oath.com/press/yahoo-provides-notice-to-additional-users-affected-by-previously/), while Adult friend finder had 400m accounts hacked.

    If your identity is stolen, it's a nightmare.

    I have that much sensitive information stored in Google it scares me to think what will happen if (when?) there is a widespread hack of Google.

    Not only that, but my data is spread out across many different services that don't talk to each other. My health records are scattered across hospitals and doctor surgeries. I have playlists stored in Spotify and iTunes that don't sync. I have fitness data scattered across Strava, MapMyRun and Apple Health.

    It doesn't have to be like this.

    I envisage a future where I have a digital wallet on my phone, only accessible to me. This digital wallet controls my encrypted data managed by a public blockchain. No one can access this data except me and those I provide limited access to.

    I choose what personal information to share with companies and I can revoke that access at any time. I can have independent agencies access my identity data (passport, birth certificate), validate it and provide a KYC verification certificate, then delete it. This verification certificate can then be shared with companies so I no longer have to provide the actual data to any company.

    My personal data is portable and can be securely accessed by different service providers.

    I can sign into any website using my digital wallet, no longer requiring multiple usernames and passwords for every different site. This eliminates hacks that involve stealing usernames, passwords or secret question / answer combinations -- the vast majority of hacks.

    I can sign up to a new crypto exchange by providing a KYC verification certificate from a trusted third party, without exposing my passport or any other identifiable documents. All in a matter of seconds and a couple of clicks. This eliminates the chance of the Binance and Equifax hacks.

    I can visit a new Doctor and share my personal health records with a single tap of my phone. I can then revoke access after a certain period of time, or if I feel uncomfortable I can revoke access as soon as I walk out the door.

    I can be an avid user of iTunes with 50 finely crafted playlists, but want to start using Spotify. With a single click I can sign up to Spotify and provide it access to my private playlist data stored in my digital wallet that is also used by iTunes. I can use both seamlessly and they're always kept in sync as they're always writing to the same private playlist records stored on the blockchain.

    Moving banks becomes as simple as one click. I share my verified KYC certificate confirming I am who I say I am. I also share my basic details (name and phone) so they can contact me. I receive electronic statements, so they have no need to have my address.

    My employer can save a private Employment Certificate into my wallet which I can selectively share with banks to confirm my salary and obtain a loan.

    Updating my address details across every service can be done instantly. I can authorise service providers to be notified when I update my phone number (if I've given them access in the first place) and they can update their records instantly.

    What currently exists?

    There is a plethora of attempts to create blockchain identity solutions; uPort, Civic, PeerMountain, public.id, WORBLI, Global.id, [Shyft.network](shyft.network).

    These solutions focus on identity data, without mechanisms to adequately store other private dApp related data.

    Blockstack, Persona.im, Meeco.me and Veres.one are all solid solutions that enable digital identities and storing of personal data. However, they've all gone down the path of creating their own blockchain which makes interoperability with existing dApps much more complex. They also require end users to maintain a separate identity, making it more difficult for end users.

    I recently discovered 3box which has been spun out of uPort. It provides public / private dApp data management with profiles for authentication, all built on top of Ethereum with no gas charges. This looks like a very promising project that could become the foundation of a self sovereign platform for dApps.

    What's the solution?

    We can leverage public blockchains to store personal data, encrypted on distributed storage. Individuals can permit any distributed app (dApp) on-demand access to a subset of their personal data, for their active session or for an extended period of time.

    Such a future has been dangled in front of us for a number of years with blockchain technology. The idea of having your own digital wallet that holds your assets and information which you can control using your encryption keys is not new. However, everything on the blockchain is public which has prevented this from becoming a reality.

    There are some key traits any such solution requires.

    1. Must be on a public, dApp blockchain

    It is essential that any such solution exists on a public blockchain. A private blockchain still has a central authority which is a large target for hackers and just moves the problem.

    The solution must run on an existing blockchain that supports dApp development (ie: Ethereum, Vechain). This maximises interoperability with other consumer facing dApps and enables dApps to respond to events when data changes (ie: Update my phone number) and enables users to have single wallet they can use for both public and private purposes.

    2. Must encrypt my personal data

    Storing data on a public blockchain means my data is accessible to everyone, so my data must be encrypted using public / private key encryption. Zero knowledge proofs may also play a key role in protecting user data, but providing data verification.

    3. Third party verification

    It must be possible for a third party to be provided access to my data so they can "verify" me and issue a "verification certificate". This enables companies to meet their Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance requirements, without gaining access to my personal data.

    This also enables education institutions such as Universities to issue verification certificates regarding qualifications or employers to issue verification certificates about employee's work history.

    4. Third party data sharing

    It must be possible for me to share my personal data (including my verification certificates) with third parties and then revoke that access at any time.

    5. Third party data interoperability

    It must be possible for individual industries to agree on shared data storage standards. This enables a new era of portability where users can move seamlessly between services.

    6. Simple for end users

    Public blockchain solutions currently require users to purchase crypto before they make a transaction, which is necessary to save personal data.

    In reality, this means a user needs to go through a KYC process with a crypto exchange, purchase crypto, create a wallet and transfer their crypto to the wallet before they even get started. This is a huge barrier to entry for widespread adoption of blockchain solutions to the general population.

    It must be simple for dApps to pay for transactions on behalf of their users or simple for users to pay for their own transactions without going through complicated crypto purchasing procedures.

    It may also be necessary to provide data recovery services to end users in the event they lose their keys, which is possible using multiple trusted signatories to unlock encrypted keys.

    7. Simple for dApp developers

    It must be simple for dApp developers build applications using private user data, while working with existing development tools.

    How do we make this happen?

    Firstly, we require a technology solution that addresses the 7 traits outlined above. I have been working on a proof-of-concept that can be built on top of existing public blockchains in combination with existing tools.

    Next, we require dApp developers to come onboard with the concept of "consumer privacy comes first". This requires designing apps differently with an emphasis on users controlling their data.

    Consumers must also come onboard and realise it's possible to own and control their personal data in this new era of blockchain technology. As a trade off, consumers have to realise blockchain transactions cost money and need to be prepared to pay a small price for that privacy.

    I believe there's a huge market for dApp developers to create "privacy first" applications replicating many of the current centralised SaaS product offerings. It will be a trend that will gain momentum in the coming years and be a significant revolution in how we all control our data.

    What is the opportunity?

    Almost every consumer application you use today is a candidate to have a new decentralised / self-sovereign version. In this new world, we require the next generation of everyday apps such as; Google Drive, Dropbox, iPhoto, 1Password, Strava. We also require digital representations of existing credentials; passports, drivers licences, birth certificates, qualifications, employment records. The list of opportunities in this new world of self-sovereign software is huge.

    What do you think?

    I would love to hear your thoughts, especially from developers building consumer focussed applications.

    submitted by /u/tahpot
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    What do people really mean when they say they work 80hr weeks?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 08:42 PM PDT

    Honestly not a trying to troll or be ignorant, but I see a lot people on here say they work 80+ hour weeks and curious what that looks like? I've worked public accounting and at a hedge fund and I know some people were in the office 6 am to 8 pm at night occasionally but NEVER consistently.

    When you say you work 80 hr weeks for a long time, are you counting time on email at home or on the road? I guess I'm just confused and almost a bit put off by people who constantly throw out these numbers.... are you saying you were in the office WORKING and eating food at your desk from 7 am to 8 pm all 7 days of the week? I understand working from home/remote and I would agree to count those hours, but I would argue time working remote should not be valued same as time in the office. Feel free to disagree.

    submitted by /u/toilet_paper91
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    Problems with my CTO

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 10:26 PM PDT

    So basically, I'm starting a carpooling platform/marketplace that has not yet been seen in my country. Found a guy who is interested and believes in the idea/concept via AngelList. He will be the CTO since he is the only one in the team who is a full stack developer. My current team and I are currently University Students and plan to this as a side thing, taking it slow and learning along the way. The CTO is a great guy with lots of knowledge in startups, having founded 3 startups himself, 2 eventually getting funded. The previous meeting was great but it seems like he is taking things into his own hands, not fully understanding our concepts and has strong opinions on certain ideas. I understand that he is knowledgeable in this subject whereas this is my first time but I'm really having alot of second thoughts on working with him. He really wants to do this fast but the rest of us cant cope with his pace alongside our responsibilities as students. Opinions please guys. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/thehydroash
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    Let's say I built a SaaS I'd like to sell to my company...

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 09:44 PM PDT

    I work for a large F500 company, and I believe I've identified a weak-point, or a place where we can save 70% of the current telecommunications costs, while offering stronger service, and improving the response rate (those that answer the phone, and those that say 'yes' to our proposition).

    I understand that I'm being vague in my value proposition, but I'm wondering... what are the ethics and legal ramifications of selling to the company I work for, as an independent, separate company? For what it's worth, this telecom platform has been constructed 100% on my own time, but I'm wondering... do any of you have experience "solving a niche" or providing a service to the company you currently work for?

    Any advice/insight is appreciated. I'd love to hear your response/ideas.

    submitted by /u/Savanty
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    Question for anyone who has experience starting a crowdfunding platform.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 09:53 AM PDT

    So after going back and forth with several business ideas I've finally settled on starting a crowdfunding platform. I will be using a SaaS company to build my site and take care of all of the back end duties. My question comes in when trying to legally set this business up the right way. All of the videos and articles that I've read online basically just talk about building your website and marketing it. Is there something I'm missing? Is all I have to do is get an LLC or is there some special licensing that I have to get to set my platform up correctly?

    submitted by /u/Rch412
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    Should I release my product for free?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 08:06 PM PDT

    Hello team, I've been working on a software for DJs that I really want to get right. I've softly launched it by sharing it in some subreddits and pricing it at $29.99.

    Not the biggest traction ever. Should I give it for free in order to more easily get adoption, learn from how people use it, and potentially amass a group of users? Or is that shooting myself in the foot since it seems like a niche product and I won't be able to sell it later?

    I am also considering paying some facebook ads for it. Thanks in advanced for any and all advice!

    submitted by /u/downvotedragon
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    How to make a social good idea profitable?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 08:04 PM PDT

    I have an idea for a startup that would serve a segment of the population that needs it, my problem is finding how to make it profitable. Based on my calculations, it would be profitable if it was scaled to a certain size, which seems doable. But I need capital to get there. Does anyone know of a place where I can connect with investors that are interested in a social good venture? Or a place to connect with people that would be interested in participating? This is definitely not a flashy app our tech platform, it would be considered in the service industry. Any advice is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/heretogetsmart
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    Help on how to register a business for an ios app, etc, etc?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 01:33 PM PDT

    Ok so I'm soon going to release an app on the app store but first I want to do all the business stuff. The problem is I have no idea how and what to do. I need a duns number to have the business name listed as the developer on the app store, so how do I get one of those? Do I need to register as a business, if so what do I do? I'm a complete noob and need someone to just give me a run down on what I need to do. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/YaBoyyNolan
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    Establishing an on-line professional network in Europe - what IT costs do I don't know about?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 03:35 AM PDT

    I have the idea of setting up a professional network for my profession that would cover most of Europe. The network would have membership fees. I am not very familiar with IT, what other IT costs would I have besides the IT people? As the users probably won't have more than 2 GB data on the network, can I just ignore the data storage costs when defining the price for the membership?

    submitted by /u/385387
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    Uk nutritional food label testing costs?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 04:05 PM PDT

    Can anyone give me a rough idea what it costs to have the relevant nutrition testing done so that I can put a nutritional label onto food jars, please? Also how often does the product need nutrition tests to be redone, please?

    I'm looking at starting up a honey company, and I'm trying to get an idea of the potential costs that would be involved!


    submitted by /u/jamithy2
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    How to get solid validation data?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 03:13 AM PDT

    Me and a friend built an MFP of a possible solution to a proved problem based on pretty big assumptions, we're now gently rolling it out to some people that might be aware of the problem to find out if it actually works for them.

    The problem is how do you truly get that usage information back? What do the people really think about it? We're tracking some metrics which helps us seeing how they're using it on a high level and we have a big "Share feedback" button on the home screen but we can't manage to actually get people to talk to us.

    How do you get a really good idea of how your solution is working in practice so you minimize risk as much as possible?

    submitted by /u/kurlicue
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