• Breaking News

    Monday, October 7, 2019

    Legal Advice I work at a high volume bar in Virginia and the owner wants to start charging us(the bartenders) for anything they deem to be loss for the night. Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this question

    Legal Advice I work at a high volume bar in Virginia and the owner wants to start charging us(the bartenders) for anything they deem to be loss for the night. Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this question

    I work at a high volume bar in Virginia and the owner wants to start charging us(the bartenders) for anything they deem to be loss for the night. Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this question

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 12:19 AM PDT

    We have struggled with liquor cost, but we have gotten it under control they gave us a goal of 20% cost and now it's at 18%, which is pretty amazing for a bar that does happy hour for 9 hours of the day. For example, the owners see that over a week, while pouring thousands of ounces of vodka we are missing 4 bottles of vodka for the week. This is less than 3% of the overall vodka poured and since we are high volume and use free pouring, in any other restaurant I have worked or helped, it would be considered cost of doing business. If you do the math, it equates to us pouring about 1.57 ounces instead of 1.5 ounces as we are allotted for each pour. Since we use imprecise pouring tools and we are far to high volume to use jiggers (a liquor measuring tool) it doesn't seem right that they would be allowed to charge us for these overages. They intend on holding back our tips and charging us anything that they decide is missing every night. Is that even legal? Is there anything we can do to combat this?

    Edit: To answer a few of your questions.

    the bar does pretty well, and most of the bartenders that work there are veterans, but as it's a slow season, finding more work is harder than possibly looking for a way out of this situation. The bar generally is set up to profit around 25k a month, but wastes all its money on a ridiculous menu and while constantly attacking ya for liquor cost, has a 42% food cost and insane labor amount as well. The owners are veteran business owners, but not of bars, they just see the total loss under a microscope and cannot fathom how it's accidental and not theft. I explained to them that even with measuring tools this number is amazing. I am one of their managers and have a pretty solid relationship with the owners,(they are paying for my Somm education and travel expenses around the exams and learning) They generally listen to me, but I wasn't sure about this one. Also I didn't want to bring it up and ruin my relationship and possibly lose my continued education if it was within their reasonable power to take tips.

    Edit: wording

    submitted by /u/Mordessus
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    I called CPS on my partner for neglect and took my baby to stay with a friend, partner is threatening to call the cops on me for kidnapping

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 02:28 AM PDT

    I currently live in Kansas. I moved here from Colorado.

    I have a ten month old baby that my partner and I are supposed to take turns watching while the other is at work. I work part time during the days, and he works full time at nights.

    Since my baby was born he's completely neglected her unless we have company over. He'll leave her in her crib with the lights off and door closed for hours at a time while I'm at work without checking on her. Many times I'll get home from work and she'll be swollen from crying and covered in poop. It's gotten to the point where I've started leaving bottles in her crib with her just so she can eat while I'm gone.

    Today I asked him to watch her while I go to church with a friend, and while I was gone he not only ignored my child, he threw my kitten outside in the cold for hours before she finally "escaped her kennel." Since meeting him he's gotten rid of three cats, each one was an I'm sorry present for the last one he got rid of. I immediately packed my child and left to stay at a friend's house.

    He called me four times on my phone while I was sobbing in the living room to bring him something to drink from the kitchen, with no remorse. Today I took our shared car, that's under my name, and he's called the cops on me. As well as threatened me with legal action he's been going to all my friend's houses to try and find my child and I.

    He'll push my daughter if she tries climbing on him while he plays video games, and will yell at her if she touches him when he falls asleep on the couch afterwards. He throws things at our dog, has hit me so hard it left welts, has broken numerous things around our home, and opened/ maxed out three lines of credit with my information promising to pay it off.

    Tl;dr My partner consistently neglects our baby, while I'm at work. We currently rent an apartment, and I have $30k of debt he's wracked up in my name. My mom who lives in Colorado has offered for me to stay with her rent free if I move back. I'm going to the police in the morning to report the situation, but I want to know what I can do with the debt, how to get out of the apartment, if I can get in throuble for removing my child, and if I can take my daughter out of the state.

    submitted by /u/witchbeast
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    Wife is not allowed Christmas Holiday because we don't have children.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 07:16 AM PDT


    Hi all,

    Not sure if this is Legal matter or just immoral. But thought I'd ask as we need advice on this I think.

    My Wife has been denied some time off over Xmas because the two other people in her department have kids and the manager believes that they are more deserving based on this. This has happened the last 2 years running, but it has more of an impact this year because we actually have plans to go away.

    Despite my Wife requesting this time off at least 8 weeks before the other two members of staff did. According to her manager, because the other two have kids they need the time to look after the children (who will be on holiday from school). As an aside, my Wife and I are trying and had a miscarriage earlier in the year, so unsurprisingly this has brought up some emotional memories for us.

    I totally understand that children will need looking after but there is nothing in the contract nor holiday policy saying that people get preferential treatment over others. What's annoyed me even more is that manner that this has been done, my Wife is not less deserving of anybody.

    Other people's children are not our responsibility in this situation.

    Whats the best way to move forward? Talk to her HR Department or engage with a Solicitor/Union first?

    submitted by /u/deadarmy1986
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    An employee at a bank next to my apartment broke into my home to chew me out, what can I do? [Indiana]

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 05:57 AM PDT

    I recently moved into these brand new apartments here in a small town beside a local bank. There was no communication with my landlords and the people who live beside our complex about parking arrangements. I had unknowingly parked my car in the way of someone who lived beside our complex and she was an elderly lady who banked at the bank next door. She came out and we had a good talk and I told her that I was leaving in a couple minutes and asked if it was okay to move my car then and she said it was perfectly fine. Well apparently she called up some guy who works at the bank next door all upset by it. I'm just about to leave standing in my kitchen and this guy literally barges in without knocking, mind you I'm a young female living alone and he calls me a liar that I never approved it with this lady and to get off my ass and move my fucking car. I was so enraged I just cried. I felt terrified as well having this guy just barge in and chew me out for something I really thought was okay - I was just about to move my car and never park there again. I have no clue who to complain to or how to even go about letting that guy know he cant just walk over me like that. Who do I contact?

    submitted by /u/twobyefours
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    Update: Dying of a mysterious lung disease.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 12:20 PM PDT

    TLDR: I'm finally getting help.

    Since my last post, I've talked to several people who were extremely helpful to my situation to include the upper CoC of medical, the senator, some lawyers, the state's Department of Health and the EPA. I figured "fuck it, if I'm dying I have nothing to really lose" and threw a hail Mary.

    The doctors still have no clue yet what it may be, but the next round of testing for parasites, autoimmune diseases and independent mold inspections for my housing situation has commenced.

    I was reassigned to a new PCM who was previously an internal medicine specialist so they had a foot in the door to get me looked at and actually took the time to collect a list of ALL my issues then started treating/evaluating me for them. They aren't fatal (which is why they've gone neglected, Navy medicine is very reactionary) but my quality of life will improve considerably.

    Thanks for the different avenues of approach.

    submitted by /u/Helstromme
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    I built a treehouse then sold my house - could the new owner come back to sue me if anything were to ever happen? Im in Florida.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 04:16 AM PDT

    So I have a construction background and I built a nice raised treehouse for my kids. It is way over engineered, made of solid materials, and could probably pass most building codes. But like anything it will eventually weather and deteriorate. It was about 1 yr old when we sold, i estimate it should have a good 3-5 year lifespan before anything gets shakey. We sold the house 30 days ago, just wondering if i have any possible liability should something breakdown and someone gets hurt in a few years. TY.

    submitted by /u/thestrawthatstirs
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    [FL] Other driver ran a red light, hit my truck, and sped off. No charges were pressed when they were found, and her insurance insurance has denied liability.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 05:17 AM PDT

    A couple of weeks ago, my truck was hit as I was taking a left turn on green arrow. The other driver, a 76 year old woman, ran the red light, clipped my truck, and then left the scene without so much as tapping her brakes. Fortunately for me, my girlfriend was in the car behind me and pursued her down the street. My girlfriend was able to get a picture of the other driver's license plate and the damage to their car, which we turned over to law enforcement. The deputies on the scene confirmed that another deputy went to the address attached to the plate number and found the damaged car outside, but couldn't get ahold of the owner. We were free to go, so I reported to my insurance and went about my night My insurance asked for a copy of the police report, so about a week later I went to pick up a copy. The report clearly states that I had right of way and the other driver ran a red, but there was nothing listed under the traffic infractions section about the other driver fleeing the scene or running the red light. Now her insurance is denying my liability claim because their driver was not on scene to give her side of the story (because she fled the scene), and the report was "one-sided". The Sheriff's department will not get back to me with answers on why they have not filed charges against the other driver, even though I have called multiple times and left messages in multiple departments since receiving the police report. Is it time to file suit? Can I name the sheriff's department in my suit as well? What possible reason would they have for not pressing charges? TIA

    submitted by /u/the_flynn
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    New owner of business not honoring contract I held with previous owner. (MI)

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 12:22 PM PDT

    Six years ago I was contacted by the owner of a parking garage. This was a brand new garage that had yet to open and I'm in a business that does a very specific type of structural construction. I'm deliberately leaving this vague because of the uniqueness of the case.

    The owner needed work done in order to get a permit to open and was tapped out financially. I quoted him a price and he was unable to meet it. I offered him a substantial discount and offered to take payment contingent upon the revenues from the garage. He made it clear that he could not do either scenario, as with his other financial obligations, he would be unable to meet the repayment schedule I laid out.

    So I, seeing an opportunity, made him a deal. I would complete the work and allow him to open, and in exchange I would have a guaranteed spot on the property for as long as the garage continued to operate. He liked this and agreed.

    He had an attorney draw up a contract, which mine reviewed, and we both signed it. The specific language states that I will have a reserved, guaranteed, 1st level spot for as long as the structure continued to operate as a parking garage.

    I completed the work, the garage opened on time, I've used my parking spot five days a week, and every year he's issued me a 1099 for the value of the spot at the monthly parking rate.

    In July, I received an e-mail from the owner's wife:

    Hey Dave,
    Hope all is well. I'm sorry to say that the rumors are true, and Paul and I will be retiring at the end of September. We've sold the garage to Company B and they will be taking over as of October 1st. Unfortunately, they do not wish to continue the current arrangement with the parking spot. I know you're probably disappointed, and we are too. We can't thank you enough for the work you did for us at the beginning. As a show of appreciation and to maintain a great relationship, Company B has offered you a discount for the first year on your parking spot. I hope you will continue to utilize the garage. Please contact X at (xxx)xxx-xxxx to set up your monthly rental.

    Our thanks,


    I replied:

    Hi Brenda,

    Thanks for your e-mail. Best of luck to you and Paul in your retirement. Please note that we do not have an arrangement. We have a contract, which was agreed upon and signed by both me and Paul. Based on the language of this contract, as the business will continue to operate as a parking garage, which continues to enjoy the use of my construction, the contract will carry over to the new owners, and I will continue to utilize my parking spot. Thank you for your e-mail once again, and best of luck.

    Best Regards,


    She wrote back:


    Company B is unfortunately not interested in continuing existing arrangements. They have requested that we please terminate all existing arrangements prior to the takeover. They are offering a generous one-year discount or you are welcome to park elsewhere. Please let me know ASAP which option you will be moving ahead with.



    I responded one last time:

    Hi Brenda,

    As previously explained, we have a contract, not an arrangement. While I understand Company B may not wish to honor our contract, when they complete the purchase of the garage, they will be purchasing the responsibility to honor our legally executed contract. After examining the options, I have still decided to continue to utilize my lifetime guaranteed parking spot as it is the best option for me. Please inform Company B that they are welcome to contact me directly if they wish to discuss further.



    I didn't hear anything further from her. When I arrived at the garage on October 1st, my key no longer worked. I put in the bypass code (as I helped build the thing) and drove to my regular spot. I found that the reserved sign was gone and another car was parked there.

    Two teenagers were present in the garage and informed me that the owner told them that my account was closed and I was no longer able to park there. They said if I wasn't paying that I would have to leave or they were instructed to call the police for trespassing.

    I have learned over the past week that the owner of Company B is in Saudi Arabia, the mailing address is a PO Box, and nobody who actually works in this city is authorized to accept service on behalf of the company.

    The police say this is a civil matter, but I am at a total loss as to who I should even go after. I don't know where Paul and Brenda landed, and even going after them would not produce the result I want as they no longer have interest in the garage.

    Am I SOL here?

    submitted by /u/CooperCocktail
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    Newspaper has mistakenly used my photo to identify a criminal

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 03:33 PM PDT

    Not really sure where to start with this one...

    A day ago I got a call from my dad saying my aunt had called him to say that there was an article about me in our local cities paper saying that I had been found guilty of a hit and run that left someone injured and wondering why we hadn't told the family. He also had no clue and called me to ask what had happened, I found the website and found the online version and lo and behold there's an article of someone with my name, but different age, who was involved in a hit and run. From what I can ascertain, they've taken my Facebook DP mistakenly thinking it was this persons?

    What's my legal scope here? I've emailed the news company to ask for them to take the article picture down but the newspaper is already printed and its pretty popular in our home town - I've already started to get hateful messages from people so I've shut down my social media so people can message but I'm worried I'm going to have people jumping me and all sorts

    submitted by /u/m00s3o
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    Girlfriends dog went missing, she believes that a nearby family has taken him for breeding with their female.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 07:04 AM PDT

    A family told them that they had seen the dog get picked up, but their story got really weird and didn't make sense, and they wouldn't describe the vehicle that picked them up. They went to ask about it, and she can hear two dogs now, and believes the other is her lost one. The other family in question won't let her see the other dog. What can she do?

    Location: Cuyama, California

    submitted by /u/CharredLemur
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    Landlord revealed lead-based paint in home a week after we signed the lease

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 10:12 AM PDT

    I have a 5 month old baby and signed a lease to move into a townhouse a little over a week ago. Today, I was just sent a lead-based paint disclosure form. I would not have rented had that information been present before we even applied, or at least should have been included in the application form. Is there anything that can be done? Or is this a normal timeline for paperwork? Like I said, I needed that information to be disclosed way ahead of time and now I feel uneasy about bringing my baby into the home. We live in Virginia

    submitted by /u/fmwj123
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    What do I do if a client/relation of the client physically blocks me from leaving their house/property?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 11:18 PM PDT

    My job has me in and out of customer's homes all day to fix wiring and network issues. Recently, while on a routine repair, a customer's son (age 30ish) came out of his room screaming about the internet being off and although his father tried to reassure him I was there to help, the poor guy was just not having it.

    He began to throw objects at his father and kick holes in the walls(once again, age 30ish) and at this point I'm already WELL on my way towards the front door to leave immediately, per my company's policies. Cue the son, who runs and stands in the doorway, refusing to let me leave even though I ask him to step aside.

    The son is frothing with rage at this point and the father finally pulls him away like you would an angry, barking dog. I reported the whole thing to a supervisor but it really got me questioning what my options were if the situation had conintued.

    What is the legally "right" thing to do when someone refuses to let me leave their property and I can't contact the police? I definitely don't want to hurt anyone or get hurt, but if it comes to that what protections do I have by being on their property while doing my job?

    It honestly feels like I'm on the short end no matter how I look at this kind of confrontation.

    submitted by /u/JustforYouPumpkin
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    Received a reckless driving ticket on my private property road/driveway

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 01:17 PM PDT

    Before anyone gets upset about the speed, this is a gated off private road / driveway. There was zero chances of another car being on it unless they broke through a locked gate and trespassed on clearly marked private property.

    So my driveway is in a weird spot that goes alongside a highway for about 4 miles before turning off and up towards the house. The entire property is fenced off and gated/posted private property no trespassing. It is about 800 feet from the highway and slowly moves further and further from the highway.

    I use my driveway as a place to work out kinks in my cars, get them setup properly etc before going to the dragstrip. I love cars and try to do things as safely as possible, roll cages, proper harnesses and helmet etc. I never open them up on the road because I have no need to, I can do it on my own private property.

    Anyways last night I was having fun with my newly broken in engine swapped car. Doing a few runs back and forth and after the 6th or 7th run down I notice a cop with lights on sitting down at the gate. I head down and tell him I'll be right back, I have to go get the key to the gate but he insists I stay there. So I stay and he demands license, registration, insurance. I tell him I have none of those on me, and the car isn't even registered or insured (I bring it to and from the track/strip on a trailer). I tell him this because the car isn't even street legal and is a track car.

    So he just gets my information from my name, dob, address etc. I ask him why he's even here because this isn't a road, why is he stopping me. He tells me reckless driving and he has me on laser doing 162, I start to argue that this is a private road/driveway clearly because he's sitting behind a locked gate and how can I be recklessly driving on private property? He starts telling me I can goto jail if I keep arguing, after about 20 minutes of just standing at my gate he gives me a ticket to sign for reckless driving. The ticket doesn't even have a posted speed for the road on it because this isn't a road.

    What do I need to bring to the court date to show this isn't a road and he has no jurisdiction to enforce traffic laws on? I'm not trying to cause a huge issue but it's kind if stupid he even gave me a ticket, I didn't feel like continuing to argue with him because it was going nowhere. I live in Texas and the sheriffs department is who wrote the ticket.

    submitted by /u/fastbutsafe333
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    Neighbour routinely blocks access to garage, our shared property manager supports their claim

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 09:46 AM PDT

    Hi r/legaladvice I have questions for you:

    Myself and some friends are currently renting a garage in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. This garage unit is on the same property as a convenience store, and we both rent our properties from the same landlord. Our lease states that our unit shares hydro with the convenience store.

    Over time we found out that the owner of the convenience store is renting out two parking spots directly in front of our garage door, blocking cars from entering and exiting the garage. We can still get in through a side door, but we can't get vehicles in or out. We have contacted the property manager and he has informed us that we are renting the garage but not the space in front of it, and that due to the fact that we are not paying for hydro (as stated in our lease agreement) the owner of the convenience store rents out the space in front of our garage to earn extra money. If we want the space clear he suggested charging us 80$ more, to allegedly cover hydro at a flat rate. Our only hydro usage is lighting and the opening and closing of the door.

    This was not mentioned in the lease at all, and while not presented to us in writing, the property manager did mention that the spaces in front of the garage would be unoccupied for access.

    Is it legal for another tenant to rent a parking space in front of the garage we are renting? Is it legal to block entry from a garage we are renting?

    If it is illegal, how should/could we proceed to remove the cars? We have done some research and it seems that because they are parked on private property, we (tenant) do not have the authority to get the cars ticketed or towed. The land-owner seems to have this authority (again, according to our cursory research), but we are in a strange situation where the property manager is backing up the convenience store owner, and saying that if we pay extra, the cars will be removed.

    TLDR: Neighbour routinely blocks access to garage, our shared property manager supports their claim, says we apparently do not rent the space in front of the garage, and wants to charge us for access

    submitted by /u/tenderentropy
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    A man accused my dad of hitting him with shovel. I am witness and it didn't happen. Getting charged with felony assault with a weapon North California

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 10:37 AM PDT

    They arrested him yesterday I was the only witness. The man got out of his car and charges my dad. My dad elbowed him and knocked him out. The police took my statement but didn't even write it down. When I asked why they believed this was true they said because the man has injuries it a proof. But the shovel is there in the same spot it was no blood no dents. His bail is 25000 dollars. We live on a fixed income and I dont have a vehicle. They are gonna put my father on jail other a lie and I cant even get there to defend him.

    submitted by /u/helpfulfool
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    [PA] My Girlfriends boss is communicating personal information about my GF to her co-workers during work hours all while using the company email in an attempt to discredit her reputation.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 09:21 AM PDT

    My girlfriend works for a non-profit. Even with a Masters Degree, she doesn't get paid much but she's fine with that because helping people is truly her thing. However, for about a year now she has started to feel unfairly targeted by her boss and had managed to deal with it until a not so flattering e-mail was sent out about her to other employees last week. This was the final straw. Apparently there was a fundraiser her boss asked everyone to donate to, and my GF told her she couldn't. Primarily because she's been saving money for her upcoming trip to Africa in a couple of weeks. Well, just a few days ago one of her supervisors forwards an email to my GF sent from her boss stating "we have people in the workplace who say they can't afford to donate because of student loans but then turn around and plan a week-long trip to Africa. Lying about things can bring upon bad Karma". My GF was pretty devastated and feels extremely uncomfortable, unwanted, and stressed at her job. When asked to donate, my GF didn't even bring up student loans at that time. That was something she spoke to her boss about months beforehand for an unrelated matter. This is not the only time my GF's boss has attempted smear her, and she's kept a record of everything. What can she do about this?

    submitted by /u/Slapmeislapyou
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    Employer prohibits me to work in my own field for 12 months after termination.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 01:10 AM PDT

    Hello! I'm a 27 years old male, working as a Frontend Developer in Amsterdam.

    So i'm about to switch jobs and my potentially new employer just send me the contract. Everything looks fine except for this one paragraph:

    For the duration of the employment as well as a period of 12 months after termination of the employment, the Employee shall, without prior written permission of the Employer:

    a. Refrain from activities that are equal or similar to the activities of the Employer and/or its affiliated companies;


    b. Refrain from performing work, directly or indirectly, in any way and form whatsoever, in his own name or through and/or in collaboration with or in the employ of other natural or legal persons that carry out activities that are equal or similar to those of the Employer and/or its affiliated companies.

    Is this legal? And if it is, is this a fair term? Because it doesn't sound fair...

    submitted by /u/Djurdjen
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    If I divorce my wife am I responsible for loan she took out that I was not aware of?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 11:43 PM PDT

    We have been married for 37 years and the last 3 or 4 year have not been good. Lately a day doesn't go by that I don't ask myself why do we continue, neither of us are happy. Maybe it's because we don't want to disappoint our kids who are 21 & 23. About 6 years ago when we were looking at options for college for the kids, because of finances I argued that the kids should stay home and attend a small state university 20 minutes from our house. My argument was that we just couldn't afford sending them away, they could live at home, work and hopefully not graduate with a load of debt. My wife and daughter wouldn't listen to me, my daughter wanted to attend a big university and get the whole college experience, sororities , parting and football games and my wife wanted that for her. After a few days of arguing about it my wife insisted that my daughter was going to take out a student loan and pay for it herself. Now 6 years, my daughter has graduated, my son went away for two years and my wife informs me that she took out a $100,000.00 parent loan to help pay for the kids college. The loan is in her name, like I said I had no idea about the loan and because you don't have to start paying for it until after the kids are done with college she was able to keep it from me. If we get a divorce will I be responsible for any of that loan? USA, FL

    submitted by /u/sabirmin
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    A petition circulator told me it was illegal to interrupt them talking to people or persuading people not to sign while they're holding the petition, is this true?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 09:20 AM PDT

    A petition on colleges across my state is circulating. Today I was telling some students signing that the petition wasn't entirely truthful, and that there were some adverse effects to what they were signing. The circulator began to insult my outfit, and told people I was too dumb to even go to college. I persisted and they told me they talked to "the sergeant" and that it was illegal for me to talk to people and persuade them not to sign when they were talking to them. Is this true in any manner? We are in Ohio and I can't seem to find any laws that say anything of the sort.

    submitted by /u/SadPenguinTears
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    12 year old fabricating accusations

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 08:18 PM PDT

    hi im A (20F) and my sister is C(12F). i originally typed out a very long almost essay like post like this but decided to keep it short.

    my sister is a very mentally ill child, and under bad influence of a parent who does not have custody of her, and resists all forms of punishment(ie grounding, removal of all luxuries, removal from cheer team), and regularly acts out and disrespects all adults and furniture.

    a month ago, she was grounded and punished by having her luxuries(iphone, xboxone, large smart tv) taken away. in response she fabricated accusations of our father hitting her 2000 times in 5 minutes, and me leaving her outside for 5 hours in the middle of me being gone on vacation for 2 days. obviously the report was unfounded, but, shes picked up some pretty unsavory ideas since then and now regularly threatens to "call CPS" when she is punished, or if i ever *gasp* swear. which i do frequently in my room playing video games in a group call. she got this idea that its illegal for me to swear when the lady from the last report said i should never swear because its not ladylike and a bad influence.

    she is currently threatening to say i do drugs at home and that i swear around her all the time. this threat was triggered when i called her out over text for being unsanitary and a truant(which she is currently)

    i have proof of her admitting to faking an accusation, and witnesses to prove false any other claim she makes.

    my question is, what legal action can i take about this? can i call the school about this? can i call the school about her skipping so many days of school? how can i avoid being automatically labeled a caretaker for her just because im an adult that lives in this house? if i have proof of her threatening to harm me or my animals can i pursue that?

    more importantly, is there any way to avoid this from happening any more or am i simply at the mercy of an entitled mentally ill 12 year old?

    this is a harrowing situation and i would never wish anyone to have a child/sibling that acts out as extremely and consistently as her.

    submitted by /u/Pynnethedoodle
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    Brother died in 2015. Yesterday I received a letter stating I’m responsible for paying his mortgage.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 02:05 PM PDT

    My brother who lived in Georgia, was unmarried and left everything to his girlfriend when he died. She never put his will through probate, nor did she refinance his home (in which she continued to live) into her name. A storm sent a huge tree through the roof of the home. Insurance would not speak to her as she was not on the mortgage. She walked away from the home. Now my siblings and I (live in Nebraska) received letter from attorney representing a "trust" established by a home flipper who wants the property, stating we owe the mortgage. No idea what we are supposed to do. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/georgiagirl65
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    Parents Receiving Money For A Child They Don't Care For

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 01:23 PM PDT

    For context: This is in the state of Florida

    For the past three months, my friend has lived in my home after her adoptive father of two years threatened to rape her. Her parents are going through a divorce and the mother took her biological children, leaving my friend alone with her father. He's always made sexual passes at her but now that they were alone, she was in danger and was threatening suicide to escape him, so I felt it necessary to remove her from that environment.

    While staying with me, she's turned 18. She tried applying for jobs but her social security number wasn't working for some reason and she doesn't have her birth certificate, it's still with her parents and they've refused to relinquish any of her belongings. We aren't comfortable with meeting them as her father has a history of being physically abusive towards her and has anger issues, plus they live over two hours away. The main thing however is the fact that they receive monthly payments in order to take care of her but she hasn't been in their care for the past three months. Even before that, they never used the money on her. They spent it on her other siblings, only buying her a car for her graduation but not allowing her to use it. We don't expect to receive the car but the monthly payments would help as we now have an extra mouth to feed and she's unable to work.

    We went to the social security office but she's unable to become an independent without her adopted parents being present to sign off despite her being an adult. At this point, we're stumped on what to do and any advice towards the next step to getting her benefits back would be appreciated.

    TLDR; Adult can't get state benefits back without abusive adoptive parents permission.

    submitted by /u/JacinPrince
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    Was rear-ended on the freeway, I'm now going to small-claims for personal injury and need some help

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 01:50 PM PDT

    [20M] So backstory, while on my way to class I was on the freeway when traffic began to pick up. This freeway is two lanes and I was in the number 1 lane when I began to hit the brakes and come to a complete stop. Next thing I know I get slammed in the back by another car at a pretty high speed. We go out and exchange information and he lets me know he was driving a company car and thus needed highway patrol to come and get a police report taken. Insurance finds me 0% at fault. My car at first didn't look too bad until it was taken to the body shop and the entire frame in the side panel needed to be re-welded and fixed totaling to up to almost $7000 which was another issue on its own with the other guys insurance. Following the accident, I didn't think I was injured at all until at the rock climbing gym when I began a route and instantly felt the worst pain in my lower back, felt it tighten up and spasm which made me need to lie down for about 10 minutes. I went to my physician who diagnosed me with whiplash and recommended I do massage therapy, chiro, acupuncture, and wanted to prescribe me with muscle relaxants to cope with the pain. I declined the prescription and decided to try with massage therapy. It helped usually for about a few days till the pain came back and I began to get more back spasms either while at class walking around my university or sitting at my job or doing homework. I started to self stretches for my lower back at my rock climbing gym on their mats along with some other stuff I found online.

    I contacted the company that owns the cars insurance and made a claim and they tried convincing me that since I didn't lose anything of 'monetary value' that I wasn't entitled to any compensation. I said no that isn't fair since I was left in pain for about 3 months and unable to both rock climb and snowboard (as this happened essentially in the middle of the winter season), and focus on my classes. I tried to negotiate to an amount that I found fair but they would usually say that I don't have enough evidence, even with my medical summary and diagnosis from my physician.

    I filed a small claims suit against the driver, the leasing company that owns the car, and the company that owns the lease on the car. The insurance company contacted me again offering slightly more but saying that I still didn't have enough to prove my injury. They would usually say since I didn't accept the prescription, didn't take chiropractor treatment, and my ability to drive to class still??? My court date is next week and I am going to file my proof of service soon and would like some advice on how to present my case to the judge and to hopefully win the case. I have a copy of the police and some receipts of my massage therapy along with my medical summary showing my diagnosis. Should I expect their to be a lawyer there representing either of the companies? Thanks for any assistance

    submitted by /u/streetflexer
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    Help! Im 35 with my only living parent on life support!

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 06:51 AM PDT

    My father was put on life support 3 months ago. His sister has been going behind my back with doctors and has bern making decisions on his health. It also came to a point when she told me i had to make the decision to tske him off support. After struggeling with a devision for days, i spoke with his drs. Turns out his drs never suggested he be removed. This was strictly from her. Drs are thinking he will make an "almost" full recovery. Fast forward to today. He now has survivors checks missing, she is threatening to throw out my fathers belongings from a home that she moved my uncle into while my father was in the hospital. I live 90 miles from my dad. The police will not help at all. Just tell me to sue. Its not about the money. Shes throwing his life away. She has sold his most expensive items. Demands to throw whats remaining away if we don't move it , then threstens to call the police if we show up. They've changed the locks on the house. The doctors just informed me thst she also has asked to become conservator for him. Everything i research says that I am legally his guardian as my mother passed last year. How can she get away with this. My father was taken off life support last week and will be moving to a rehab. I had him ready to be moved to my city, she called the rehab and told him that they didnt want him moved more than 15 miles from Detroit. The rehab has since denied him. Any advice would be extremely helpful.

    submitted by /u/marj2019
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