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    Thursday, October 10, 2019

    I took over my sister's dog walking business and don't know how to request pay raises. small business

    I took over my sister's dog walking business and don't know how to request pay raises. small business

    I took over my sister's dog walking business and don't know how to request pay raises.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 10:56 AM PDT

    When my sister started school she needed part time help with her dog walking business and came to me for help. In April of 2018 she passed away, so I took over the the business and it has been my full time for the past year and half. I hadn't put much thought into the prices before, but now I realize they are fairly low and I don't know how to go about asking my clients for a raise. I would just like other people's opinions on the matter, thank you in advance!

    Other things to note: I live in a rural area, so dogs are walked one on one (or however many they have) I am 22

    EDIT: Wow thanks everyone for all the suggestions and kind words! I didn't expect nearly this many thorough responses, I sincerely appreciate it! I'm reading all of your responses and I'm going to take them into consideration. Thank you again!!

    submitted by /u/ImAyeBanana
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    SBA veteran 7(a) loan questions

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 08:46 PM PDT

    I'm in the process of applying for a SBA back 7(a) loan which is offered to veterans to fund my startup small business. My partner and I have 31 years of experience in the industry, good personal credit, 90% of the loan will go to equipment that can be used as collateral, we have 10-15% of the amount we need self funded, we have well thought out expenses and income (we pretty much know exactly what are expenses and revenue will be) while we do not have a contract due to the companies corporate policies we do have a large client that will be very lucrative that we have worked for for 7 years that we will get. We are in the oil and gas service industry for reference. What are the odds of approval through the SBA and once they approve the 75% backing, what are the odds of approval from the bank? We will need a minimum of 200k (we would have to finance the rig if we only got approved for that amount) but we would prefer to get $600k with 550k going towards the rig and 150k (including our 100k) going towards the first and second month operating capital until the payment from the customer goes through.

    submitted by /u/Jaseiker
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    Can you freeze a business’ credit score/reports?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 10:37 PM PDT

    Some scammers on ebay scammed me off a product and I'm wondering what if i can freeze my LLC's credit so that they don't open any accounts using my personal information?

    submitted by /u/holiholi
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    How can someone grow their business without spending on advertisements?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 10:21 PM PDT

    I am finding a organic way to grow my business because i don't have enough funds.

    submitted by /u/divyanarsani623
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    If you needed to make around $2,500 in 60 days working remotely as a graphic designer, where on the internet would you go?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 09:02 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! I am looking for some advice on my career. I am a graphic designer with 5 years of experience. It's not much time and I am aware I am not a world class high end professional (yet) but I do have a solid portfolio. I wish to move to Italy soon, but in order to do that I need to raise some cash (around $5,000). If you were me, where would you go to find remote work quick?

    submitted by /u/LucasIemini
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    licensing, big contracts, black label manufacturing?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 01:58 AM PDT

    These sorts of things seem very lucrative. I don't hear too much about them. How would it work for companies to be able to license out patents or rights to an innovative product?

    How do companies get a reputation/expertise to be able to get big contracts to work on schools,airports,new buildings, big business?

    How do companies become the source of black label manufacturing? being the place to go for great blank products for people to slap their product on?

    submitted by /u/Seeking___freedom
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    Paying someone when you are a sole proprietor

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 07:26 PM PDT

    Hi, I have a small business that I am running as a sole proprietor today. I need some translation help which would help grow the business with more languages. I would like to pay a friend to do some of that work.

    How can I do it from tax purposes as I would like to obviously show that as an expense on the business? Is it as easy as asking for an Invoice or are there any other forms I would have to fill out?

    submitted by /u/moxplod
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    Check out the effectiveness of your brand name, taglines, symbols, icons, and brand promises !

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 12:48 AM PDT

    We have discussed in our previous post that to check the effectiveness of your brand name, icon, symbols, brand promise, you need to conduct a concept test.

    This can be done using two issues:

    1. Getting the right idea
    2. Getting the idea right

    • Getting the right idea:
      • A significant advantage of a concept test is that it costs very little and yields results in a matter of hours or days, not weeks. Often, a concept test can be conducted online, using PDFs to present the images and a telephone call to conduct the interview. This "instant" feedback lets you conduct anywhere from one to three rounds--design plus testing--in less than it would take to conduct one large study. Are concept tests conclusive? No, because they are not meant to be conclusive. They are meant to be lightning rods for insight. But if you want a larger sample, you can easily expand a concept test into a full-scale quantitative study, which will then have the advantage of being focused on the real issues.

    • Getting the idea right:
      • True story: I once commissioned a worldwide brand study on behalf of Apple Computer. After spending a quarter-million dollars on a 10-city worldwide quantitative study, we ended up with virtually the same results as we got from our initial one day test.
      • Lesson: If you can live with a little uncertainty, an inexpensive concept test will often give you ample information to turn logic into magic.

    If you want to know how is a concept test done, please check out our previous post.

    submitted by /u/Slangbusters_studio
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    A company my company no longer works with wants a credit note?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 07:24 PM PDT

    TLDR: Company we no longer do business with is asking for a 'credit note' for the balance of an old invoice that had already been adjusted (lowered), resent, and paid in full - they want a 'credit note' for what the remaining balance WOULD have been, had we not adjusted the invoice prior to their payment -- but we did...

    So I have a bit of a question, simply because I'd never even heard the term "credit note" until this morning when I opened my email.

    Just a little info, my company (based in FL, US) used to do business with a company out of the UK, however, we ended that this past August. Basically, this company would come to town once a year for a big trade show for which we would custom build their booth, set it up, tear it down, store it in a storage unit throughout the year. We've worked with them for about 5 years and used to just bill them for storage annually, until one year, one of the owners wanted us to break it up and start billing them bi-annually instead, siting it was less strain on their cash flow, so we started breaking it up, billing for January - June, then again for July through December.

    When their storage for the second half of this year came due and we invoiced them for July - Dec, they let us know they were considering opening a FL office and might not need us to store their booth items anymore, and in the meantime, only wanted to pay for July while they took time to look for spaces to rent. This was no problem with us. We adjusted the Square Invoice to only reflect them owing us 1 month of storage, which they paid. After a lot of back and forth (not to mention a lot of resistance from them, which at the time we couldn't understand why) we finally managed to get the storage unit transferred out of our name, and into theirs, releasing us from being liable any further, as we really didn't plan to continue working with them again, anyway. (We later found out they were trying to simply acquire a few items of value from the unit, and then simply ghost us, sticking us with the mess and cost of disposing of the remaining contents of a 10x15 unit packed to the gills with stuff that they no longer wanted - very sheisty people.) However, the day the unit was transferred to their names, the owner wanted a snapshot of the inside of the unit, since they (being in the UK) didn't have anyone to be a live representative to take inventory of the contents. The owner then emailed us saying they did not recognize a table she saw in the picture, and demanded we remove it immediately or else they would invoice us for it occupying space in the unit (lol, ok). It was indeed a table we'd forgotten all about, that was of zero value to us, that we no longer wanted or needed -- and comparatively, was small potatoes to the mountain of other stuff in the unit which *was* indeed all theirs. I chose simply not to respond to the email, because I was frankly sick of dealing with them, not to mention, we no longer had access to that unit, it was now theirs. New locks, etc.

    They emailed us another time with the same threat, demanding we remove the table from the storage unit or we would be receiving an invoice from them at the end of the month for storage. Again, I didn't reply, and things had remained quiet ever since, never saw an invoice (and if I had, I would have merely laughed and moved on). I assumed this whole "invoice threat" was really just a dig at me, as I used to flood their inboxes with invoice reminders in the past because they were SO awful at paying on time and would give me the brush off anytime money was supposed to be coming our direction.

    Today, I received an email from someone in their accounting department that didn't identify themselves, but whom CC'd both the owner and her husband -- interesting. They didn't give or sign their name, I'm assuming it's someone that is standing in for their usual accountant who I'm sure is on maternity leave by this point in time. The email states that they're currently trying to tidy up their ledgers and asking if we could provide them with a credit note for the balance of Invoice #xxx (which was the original invoice we sent for storage for Jul - Dec) because their ledger shows that they made a payment of $xxx (which was for just July) against the invoice, leaving a balance of $xxx which needs to be credited....

    So like I said, I hadn't even heard of a credit note before this morning. I did some research on what they actually are, and while I kinda get the gist and would assume maybe they're really just trying to 'tidy up their ledger' in a very 'by the books' kind of way and just want an actual document from us that shows yeah, originally we invoiced for this much, you ended up only needing to pay this much which you did, etc -- could they be trying to pull something fishy? I mean, wouldn't US having adjusted the Square Invoice from the original bi-annual charge to simply the 1-month charge and then them paying it be proof enough? Is it possible they just sent this email in an attempt to provoke us into actually communicating with them again? ESPECIALLY since the owner and her husband were CC'd on this email? I just feel like there's something weird about it - I might just be paranoid, but with these people, it's justified, believe me.

    I just keep repeating it in my head but it doesn't make sense:
    1. We originally send an invoice for a 6-month charge, (let's just say $60 total for example).
    2. They only want to pay for 1 month.
    3. We adjust the invoice to reflect a charge for 1 month (which would only be $10), and resend it.
    4. They receive it, pay it (the $10) and we're done.
    5. They send an email asking for a credit note for the original invoice which was for $60, so they're saying they need to credit the balance of $50?????? What?

    Like, is it possible they just entered the original invoice into their ledger for the full amount and now they're asking us for a document that will allow them to technically go in and adjust the remaining balance due so that it reconciles correctly? But WHY would they need a credit note for that when we had already adjusted the invoice which they directly paid? Isn't that documentation enough?

    I'd really just prefer to not communicate with them AT ALL. What's the solution here?

    submitted by /u/LevitatingPanda
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    Selling a Product

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 06:44 PM PDT

    Hi Guys,

    Im a self-employed commercial cleaner. Im really tired of it and want to try something else. Ideally, I would like to try selling a product. I've done it before when working for someone else, mow I want to do it myself. Im not sure where to begin though. I know the basics: Define a target market, find a supplier etc... but it seem like its all been done. Anyone out here looking for someone to sell there stuff ? PM, let me know.

    submitted by /u/martymcfly9888
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    Looking for advice on starting an etsy store

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 06:37 PM PDT

    So, I'm currently unable to return to my job (I have a now 2 month old baby) and I love sewing, and I'm good at it and practicing constantly, so I would like to start an etsy store. I'm hoping for it to become an actual business. Which is where I'm a bit stuck. The paperwork side of things, (how to handle taxes, pricing, how to keep track of things, getting a name ect..) any and all advice is welcome, even if it's not specifically business related. I have some ideas and a few handmade patterns and mockups for items, but any idea helps! I would like to be professional and unique, but take it slowly, as I don't have a ton of money to start off with. What sewn item would you potentially buy at an etsy store? What could help me stand out? Lol sorry, it's a lot to ask for but I would love to see what people say!

    submitted by /u/LoopyDoggo
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    Joint Venture Proposal

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 09:39 PM PDT

    I'm seeking some advice/guidance regarding creating a joint venture company. Just to give some background, my marketing company has 7 employees and we have been in business for almost 3 years now. A few months a go we accepted a small private investment from a friend/client/accountant. Since then he has helped us grow quite a bit, and this last week he introduced me to his old friend from his banking days. His friend owns an investment/financial services firm(They mainly provide trade financing).

    Their company is at least 10 times our size and they wanted to venture into staffing and outsourcing business which we had a shared interest in because we provide marketing services and a lot of our clients hire dedicated designers/content writers which is quite similar to staffing in its model.

    The business is something we have much more experience in but cannot actively pursue because of our lack of capital. They have the capital but could use the hand of a marketing/development company to help with the operations/recruitment.

    They requested a proposal from us as far as how the the joint venture would work. Is it possible to ask a company for 100% of the investment capital for 50% shares into a new company? We agreed that we would give all of our work that requires providing dedicated staff for our clients to this joint venture company although this is less than 3% of our business.

    Would appreciate your thoughts. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/djdoggystyle
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    Advertising a luxury product?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 09:07 PM PDT

    I'm currently manufacturing and selling a high end, quality outdoor product. I have reasonable sales but would like to reach a greater audience. What's the best way I can personally advertise for the time being? I dont want to hire a marketing manager until I'm capable to keep up with more demand than i currently am able to. So advertising must be done by 3 people or less.

    submitted by /u/kashflowz
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    How do you dress?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 08:34 PM PDT

    As a small business owner you meet with many people. CPAs, Lawyers, Business Consultants, Banks, ect. How do you dress when meeting these people if you run a blue collar business?

    submitted by /u/Jaseiker
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    How viable is starting a prop rental business?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 08:23 PM PDT

    A bit of background: I've recently seen a few prop rental businesses and became kinda curious about the profitability of such a thing. I have a pretty large collection of vintage electronics and other objects. Things like televisions, audio equipment, computers, calculators, consoles, office equipment, furniture, decorations, and the like from the 1960s to 1980s. The type of things that would be needed from a movie/show taking place in that time period and that people probably don't have just laying around. Would it be viable to try to start a side business renting some of this stuff out as props? I know almost nothing about starting a business or the prop industry, but I've seen websites renting this type of stuff out so it seems like there's a market for it.

    submitted by /u/sempsonsTVshow
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    Automated Packaging Machines by Accutek Packaging Equipment - 10 Oct 2019

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 11:39 PM PDT

    Re-occurring problems with old packaging system? Get rid of them with the flexible packaging machinery that effectively completes the task in just minutes that would take up to hours. Get access to the automated and flexible packaging equipment by Accutek Packaging Equipment manufactures machines by visiting us @AccutekPackaging

    submitted by /u/accutekpackaging01
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    How do you find your “brand”? Branding questions

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 07:40 PM PDT

    How long does it take to find your branding for your business? How do you solidify your "brand"? I am a small business service provider but id like to stand out from others which i think i can.

    submitted by /u/kza1209891
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    Firing a customer - first time, advice?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 06:41 AM PDT

    I have to fire a customer. I work at car dealerships, they have a small dealership (30 cars/month) and it is too time consuming for me to service them. Because of the layout of their lot and their specific demands, it takes me 2-3 times as long to service one car for them as it does at my other, larger accounts. I do not have time to handle everything I've got going on right now, and they've got to go.

    Also, they are backwards rednecks and I don't like going out there.

    I picked up their account only two weeks ago, and I don't think it will be difficult for them to return to their previous service provider.

    I am not interested in solutions that involve me staying at this dealership. I just want out.

    What's the best way to go about it? I'm thinking I'll just text them and tell them I don't have time, then email them a bill and W9 for my service so far. I know that seems casual but this is a business operating out of a trailer on a gravel lot and the guys who work there are the definition of unprofessional.

    submitted by /u/runsanditspaidfor
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    Wine Import Company

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 02:02 PM PDT

    I'm beginning to put together a business plan to importing wine from a EU country that currently exports no wine to the US. I'm based in NY and would most likely only sell within the state to begin with as I know the laws and costs for selling wine across state lines can be restrictive.

    Aside from reading the import/export laws for wine for the EU and US, what else should I begin researching to ensure I'm identifying all of the risks and gaps?

    Thanks in advance for any insight you can share related to this.

    submitted by /u/Bur_Bur
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    Social media marketing

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 05:42 PM PDT

    I'm sure this gets posted all the time but I would like to discuss what YOU do for your companies social media marketing.

    What have you done for your business to attract customers to your online or brick and mortar store?

    submitted by /u/Ready_Set_Grow
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    Previous empolyer leaving false 1 star google reviews on my new shop. Looking for advice on how to approach this situation?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 01:49 PM PDT

    Hi all, a long-time user of this subreddit, love all the advice being shared.

    Background: I worked in a phone repair shop for two years in the town I currently live in. I was surprised at the amount of potential in this sector and learned the trade slowly but surely for 2 years, always noting areas to improve if I was to open my own place.

    Fast forward two years: My and a friend opened a new phone repair shop in a medium-sized town four months ago. We avoided the neon-lit, gaudy style most other shops of this nature have, and went for a more holistic, friendly look with lots of wood and plants in our shop and no neon lights.

    It started off slowly but is really gaining traction now by word of mouth as we are making a big effort in customer care, providing good quality parts ( as opposed to cheaper ones that all other shops in the town are selling), and giving longer warranties on our repairs. We are also two locals so know lots of people around the town and are getting a lot of support from local businesses.

    I'm happy to say the gamble is paying off now and we have been getting great reviews on Google so far which are directing lots of people to come and check us out. However, today we received a 1-star review by a newly made account, with a false name and no comment underneath.

    After doing a little digging, I noticed that my previous workmate (a technician in the previous shop I worked in) has left a few one-star reviews in the other repair shops around the town. He obviously realised that we would recognise his name if he left us one, so set up a fake account with a false name on the review for our shop. The time period and similarity in all the 1-star reviews has left me without a doubt that it was him who gave us the bad review. Also, the only repair shop in town that did not receive a bad review is the one which he works in. I have also responded to the post saying that we do not believe this to be a true representation of our business.

    So my question is, what can I do about this?

    Do I confront him?

    I'm wary of doing this as the last thing I want is him setting up 5 more accounts and leaving more reviews.

    Do I go to the other shops in town and alert them to what he is doing to their businesses?

    Any help/suggestion of how to approach this is appreciated. We have worked so hard to get this off the ground and it's disappointing that someone has stooped to these kinds of actions to try hurt our efforts.

    tltr: Old workmate is giving my new small business a fake 1-star review, what can I do about this without it coming back to hurt me?

    submitted by /u/singlemaltphoenix
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    I want to start a bullishness but dont have any money. Need some help

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 05:17 PM PDT

    Im new to this subreddit but ive been searching around for tips and ideas of how to even start a business. For far to long ive been waiting to be an electrician, its been months that I applied, a month I taken and thankfully past the aptitude test, and even recent next couple weeks or so will be my interview. However I hate and tired of relying other people to give me jobs and when they do, there seems to be unprofessional bosses all around and not that I mind working with them, I just dont feel comfortable relying on them to work anymore. I want to be very independent so I do not have to rely on everything. So this is where my motivation comes in.

    As for my background, I am severly in depth, I have to make my car, insurance, internet, and monthly rent payments along with $960 in depth which I guess could be worse. I work two jobs both as a math tutor and a bit of grubhub on the side. I am also taking physics classes so I am getting very familiar with the engineering concepts and the equipment they use which Im sure I could research.

    As for the buisness, I have no idea what exactly will it be or even how it will make money, I love experiment with physics and wish I could generate certain geometry shape metals and glasses that I can build with. Maybe I can come up with new inventions, who knows. This may sound like a far stretch but Ive studied tremendous amounts of physics and maybe able to come up with something, just need something to build apon and hopefully make money in the process.

    Anyways these are just ideas so any tip of how to get started or even your personal story of how you started to run a company would help. I dont want to feel like hours of self studying gone to waste, I need to make something happen.

    submitted by /u/ShadowGhostSpirit
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    I want to start business but dont have any money. Need some help

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 05:16 PM PDT

    Im new to this subreddit but ive been searching around for tips and ideas of how to even start a business. For far to long ive been waiting to be an electrician, its been months that I applied, a month I taken and thankfully past the aptitude test, and even recent next couple weeks or so will be my interview. However I hate and tired of relying other people to give me jobs and when they do, there seems to be unprofessional bosses all around and not that I mind working with them, I just dont feel comfortable relying on them to work anymore. I want to be very independent so I do not have to rely on everything. So this is where my motivation comes in.

    As for my background, I am severly in depth, I have to make my car, insurance, internet, and monthly rent payments along with $960 in depth which I guess could be worse. I work two jobs both as a math tutor and a bit of grubhub on the side. I am also taking physics classes so I am getting very familiar with the engineering concepts and the equipment they use which Im sure I could research.

    As for the buisness, I have no idea what exactly will it be or even how it will make money, I love experiment with physics and wish I could generate certain geometry shape metals and glasses that I can build with. Maybe I can come up with new inventions, who knows. This may sound like a far stretch but Ive studied tremendous amounts of physics and maybe able to come up with something, just need something to build apon and hopefully make money in the process.

    Anyways these are just ideas so any tip of how to get started or even your personal story of how you started to run a company would help. I dont want to feel like hours of self studying gone to waste, I need to make something happen.

    submitted by /u/ShadowGhostSpirit
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    Looking for advice/literature on helping a company providing services to individuals with IDD/autism

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 05:03 PM PDT

    Hi. I am an independently contracted Behavior Consultant for two different companies providing services to individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism. One of the companies I am contracted with for just a handful of hours per week is a start up that is really struggling and I am seeking advice and/or literature on how I might be able to help them out of their current rut. They are incredibly nice people and I don't want to see them fail.

    Basically, they are unable to get clients quickly enough for the other contractors that they have hired and then lose the contractor -or- they will get referrals to pick up some new clients and not have any contractors available, which causes them to lose the client that was referred to them. It's a balancing act, as a start up, that they have not been able to successfully manage. I am basically their only loyal contractor and even I contracted elsewhere (for the bulk of my hours) for the aforementioned reason. Most of the other people they hired simply moved on after not getting enough clients quickly enough to pay the bills or not getting any clients at all in a timely enough fashion. Now, the owner(s) (a husband and wife team) are considering shutting the business down altogether.

    What recommendations do any of you have for how to salvage this business so that the owners are able to get clients quickly enough to satisfy the people they hire and/or get employees quickly enough to serve the clients they get referrals for? Any reading recommendations?

    Thanks and if there is a better place to ask a question such as this, please feel free to point me in the right direction. Just trying to help.

    submitted by /u/_Daxos_
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