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    Friday, October 11, 2019

    Game-Changing Method of Precise Sales Targeting: Introducing the Google Search Box Sales and Selling

    Game-Changing Method of Precise Sales Targeting: Introducing the Google Search Box Sales and Selling

    Game-Changing Method of Precise Sales Targeting: Introducing the Google Search Box

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:40 AM PDT

    I wanted to share my response to what sounds like a pretty big operation providing LinkedIn scraping services to sales organizations. It sounds pretty complicated, promises a ton, and will likely get squashed under LinkedIn's thumb by some of the most advanced scraping countermeasure techniques I've seen deployed. Some of them even had company songs:

    I dreamed a dream in time gone by...
    to days of mining the LinkedIn API,,,
    I dreamed it had unlimited supply,,,
    But then it was gone - without even saying goodbye,,,

    But anyhow - back to whatever I was talking about:

    A bit of Google Kung-Fu can make one extremely efficient at identifying sales targets within defined territories industry or geographic territories. I'd be surprised if the depth and breadth of your search results exceeds Google's index of profiles.

    For example, assume a sales executive charged with selling analytics to healthcare companies in the New York area.

    Her first wish? She wants a list of C-level technology leaders and influencers within her defined territory. Successfully connecting with these individuals will dramatically expand her network proximity to the Directors and Senior Managers typically charged with selecting analytics software.

    The Google query to build such a list:

    site:linkedin.com +"know in common"+"Greater New York City Area"+"Hospital & Health Care" intitle:CTO OR intitle:CIO OR intitle:"chief tech" OR intitle:"chief info"

    She later gets a tip that Ethicon is beginning the process of searching for an analytics provider. She wants to build a call list of employees in analytics-related roles.

    She heads back to the search box:

    site:linkedin.com +"know in common" intitle:"- Ethicon"+"Greater New York City Area" intitle:analyst OR intitle:data OR intitle:information

    Hmmm...not as many people as she would have thought...but then she realizes that Ethicon is a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson - and many people have aligned their LinkedIn profile to the parent company.

    Our hero returns to Google and builds a query that pulls these people into the party as well - but she's careful not to include the entire J&J universe - that'd flood her call list with irrelevant leads:

    site:linkedin.com +"know in common" intitle:"- Ethicon" OR intitle:"- Johnson & Johnson"+ethicon+"Greater New York City Area" intitle:analyst OR intitle:data OR intitle:information

    A few months later she gets Ethicon to sign on the line which is dotted and drives off into the sunset of her brand new Cadillac Eldorado. The other rep in her territory tried scraping his way to the top. He went home with the steak knives.

    submitted by /u/thegrif
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    How to handle objections and not give up so quickly? [Beginner Cold Caller]

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 08:34 AM PDT

    Hey, what's up?

    I'm currently running a digital agency for car dealerships, and would love some advice.

    This is the first time I've ever cold called someone, so take into consideration I'm brand new to this. My goal with the calls is to book a presentation and close them over there.

    So my problems are:

    1. I give up too fast. When someone says "I'm not interested" / "I have no time" / any other objection, I just say "ok have a good day" and hang up.

    I had a call where I knew I could help the dealership so much, and he told me "ah no thanks I have too many leads" , and I was so pissed I let it go.

    1. I feel like I'm doing a lot of calls, but in reality I'm not talking to a whole lot of decision makers. How can I get to them better? Most of the time they're not in / they're busy right now / can't get to them.

    So although I feel like I call a lot, I don't really make the best out of it.

    1. Having a bit of trouble with the pitch. Should I just go for it once I'm with the DM? And after presenting it, what's the best way you've found to actually go forward (in my case it's book a presentation)

    That's pretty much it. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated. There's a lot of anxiety in this for me as I'm only 21 lol, but I hope I can get better with time.

    Thanks a lot! -Nir

    submitted by /u/nwcra1
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    What is the value of a salesman today?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:51 AM PDT

    Over the past week I've been thinking about this. What is the value of a salesman today? Most people have made up their minds-if they want to buy something, they'll search for it and do it. They may need a salesman to walk them through the process once they've decided to buy something, uncover their needs, work with them through the process, and close. That's inbound.

    But in outbound, possibly I hit a few people who haven't tried our product and want to, but most of the time I'm selling to people who don't want to talk to me. They don't want to talk to me. They don't want to receive my emails, they don't want to talk to me on the phone. My prospects, just like yours, are busy. They'll see the email, brush it off. They'll maybe pick up the call once and then they won't. Think about from your perspective. When was the last time you got an email from a website that you signed up for that made you say "Hooray!"

    I know the answers to some of these, this is mostly a rant, but also, I want to be able to do better. What am I doing wrong? How can I make my prospects happy to hear from me and take action immediately?

    submitted by /u/embracingtheredpill
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    Critique Our Copiers Pitch

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 01:12 PM PDT

    First pitch:

    "Hey John, this is Joe with copier company. I just had a quick question. One of our reps was going to be working with some [verticals] in your area on the 19th and 20th, and I'm trying to see if they could stop in briefly to introduce themselves. Does that timing make sense for you?'

    Then qualify.

    Or, a second pitch:

    "Hey Jane, this is Joe with copier company. The reason for my call is that we have a rep out in your area introducing our new line of copy and print technology. Do you have time in the next few weeks for them to stop in for 30 minutes to show you some of our new promotions and solutions?"

    In both of these scripts, we're back-ending the qualifying questions because we've found people will shut down as soon as they feel it's about the copier equipment.

    I know copiers is a huge numbers game because of the lease timing, but is there anything you would do to these scripts to sell the time?

    submitted by /u/KernAlan
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    Just got hired for a sales side gig.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:42 PM PDT

    Hey there, english is not my main language:

    Im a husband and father of two. My country is in a really bad spot. I mean full rampage inflation. I have a degree in psychology. I work as a organization culture analyst (my job is to diagnose the culture of a bussiness, and give solutions to the client about how to make it better in order for his employees to have higher job satisfaction) and I also have my private practice after bussiness hours. Im still struggling to make ends meet, as is every single person right now in my country.

    So anyway, most people are just bummed out and accept it. Not me! Ill de dammed every day my family is still on debt. My daughters will not suffer from my government incompetence. So, i reached out and I was offered a job as a salesman.

    Product: Hair wax, solid shampoo (100% bio-degradable)
    Hours: on me, whenever I want.
    Prophit: I dont have to spend a dime in advance, and get a 60% cut of all my sales.

    Context: The owner of the company is really knowledgable. He used to work at a multinational, but dissapointed in how they made bussiness, started his own company and doing REALLY well. He already has a established client network in some cities at the south, and how he wants to bring his label to cities on the north (which are more wealthy). I live in the north. He seems like a really comon sense guy, and I got a good vibe from him right away (did i mention he worked in sales for more than 10 years?)

    I have already been doing rounds on wednesdays, fridays and saturdays. Those are the days I dont open my private practice. Im having a hard time closing deals because everybody is afraid of investing in a new brand, cause the economy is well over the gutter.

    Im watching a lot of videos, reading a lot of books, I feel like I have potential in sales, but anything you guys want to comment or tell me, I will listen.


    submitted by /u/zodiac9094
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    Just a little PSA: Qualify, Qualify, Qualify, early on my dudes

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:39 PM PDT

    Brutally Honest Critique of My Resume?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:17 PM PDT

    What do you guys think of my Resume? I'm trying to apply for account manager positions specifically selling industrial equipment. What can I improve? What did I do well? Overall rating 1-10?

    submitted by /u/Jaseiker
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    Sales Manager Vs. Individual Contributor Need some Advice

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 08:24 AM PDT

    Need some advice here. I've been in SAAS sales for about 2 years, two promotions at current company and #1 salesman. Big fish little pond. Base is 73k OTE 130k benefits suck dick though

    Have two job offers one for a BDR Manager Position 130k + 30k bonus if reps hit

    Other one is a Senior AE role 80k base 160k OTE for a company I really like and benefits are amazing.

    I'm loving being an individual contributor for a change, but that base is really tempting. Also, I see myself in the future working towards VP of Sales somewhere and a lateral move now may hinder that possibility drastically.

    Looking for some different opinions on this - I've been working through them and I just keep thinking myself in a circle.

    submitted by /u/ClamJammin
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    Got a job offer in selling a stock brokers services, need advice??

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:00 PM PDT

    I'm not a sales person and i ABSOLUTELY HATE the person that called my previous office every Monday and Thursday saying can i speak to the person in charge of ordering printer ink or paper or toner.

    However job hunting in a different country... Offered a sales based commission only job, international, which 1-4 sales would be enough to survive off of, and 10 sales would put me into a good stable financial position.

    I was told we are basically responding to the people who filled out a "contact us" form online and are feeding them into the system trying to get them to put down a deposit for stock brokerage services. Then we pass them along to analysts advisers etc (I'm not competent in finance)

    This offer sounds wayyyyy too good to be true. If i can make one sale a month they give me the average salary in the country. If i make 10 they give me twice that amount. If I were to make 30 it would be silly money for the country.

    Suspicions arose when they wouldn't tell me the brokerage company unless i said yes to training

    Their office staff (interviewers words) are between the ages of 23-36. Is that not too young? Their main requirement was good English and im sure any English teacher would jump at the chance to make average-silly money salary as they are paid shit.

    Now i have no experience in sales, I've worked homecare most of my career, and this would put a strain on living conditions (as job is in another city) if it doesn't work out.

    I have another interview on Monday for a dispatcher position (also most likely commission based but no possibility of zero money) but they want an answer tomorrow

    Any advice?

    What would you do?

    What would Jesus do?

    submitted by /u/mprokopa
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    Advice Needed~

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 11:58 AM PDT

    Quick Breakdown: I was an Account Executive in IT sales with about 6 years of experience most recently at Oracle. After Oracle wore me down, I decided to leave and pursue another career path and began to learn AWS. I recently got the AWS Solutions Architect-Associate cert and hoping to get the other 2 Associate Certs by the end of this month.

    For shits and giggles; I changed up my resume yesterday, posted the cert and applied to a couple jobs (mostly Sales Engineer roles) and today I got a response from a Company wanted to interview for an AWS Sales Engineer opportunity.

    I've never interviewed for a Sales Engineer opportunity so I don't know what to expect. I'm not as technical as others having studied Econ/Finance in College and even though I spend most of my time in the AWS CLI, it doesn't mean much as most of it is simple api calls. Can anyone/Sales Engineers lend some advice on what to expect during the interview process?

    submitted by /u/Blackmagic213
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    How to Find Fulfillment in a BDR Role?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 07:34 AM PDT

    Basically, I've been a BDR in IPaaS for about 15 months now right out of college. Lots of pros about the job, my coworkers, office, the product and company and leadership are all stellar. I'm doing really well, having success, tracking wayyy over my quota for the half, but it just feels repetitive and unfulfilling. Not using much critical thinking and problem-solving; the job more requires motivation and personality to be successful, both of which I had throughout college and coming into the role.

    How do you BDRs find yourself being fulfilled? Feeling like your job matters and makes a difference for the company? Is it something where you're motivated to stay by the light at the end of the tunnel, i.e. moving to an ISR/field role? Or does something else within the BDR position create that feeling?

    submitted by /u/BrosephofBethlehem
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    Is it common for a company to fire salesmen once they build their territory?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:42 AM PDT

    To put this into perspective, I am getting a 1 percent cut of all sales in the company, if my salary with commission were to double, by doubling sales. Is it common for a company to fire a salesmen if they are making too much?

    submitted by /u/wonkiestdonkey
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    What kind of digital content could I make to motivate more salespeople?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:39 AM PDT

    Hey guys, this is my first post in r/sales, and I wanted to ask you what kind of content you'd like to see as a community of salespeople that could be fun and engaging. Some of our guys thought it would be fun to talk about health, working out, and keeping a positive attitude...What kind of topics would you find fun, engaging, and worthwhile? Would you rather have sales tips or just funny memes about sales?I began to follow Gary Vaynerchuk, but I feel that there's already too many carbon copies of his content out there as well. We're struggling to find inspiration, so if you could share anything you find useful, I'll really appreciate it as well. Here's the vid for those who might want to take a look, any constructive feedback is welcome :)https://youtu.be/-We1lwOWl6o

    submitted by /u/FriendlyNeighborIT
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    Payment processing

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 09:54 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I am going to be starting my first position as a sales consultant for a payment processor company. I've heard this a really hard type of thing to do, but I'm looking it at it as a way to get my foot in the door in sales and an opportunity to grow out of my bubble. This is a base plus commissions position. I am not really sure what to expect from this, but I'll do my best. I would love to get some advice on this. Anything would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/erik4447
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    Sales Career Advice & Job hunting for a younger Rep!

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 09:35 AM PDT

    Happy Friday guys & gals,

    Wanted some career advice from you all, I'm in my second sales job, have had some success in both. The current one I took was one to boost the resume. Last week, I had a fairly large opportunity taken out of my hands by a more tenured Rep & Sales Manager whom took advantage of their tenure over me & leveraged it with upper management on another Team within our Company, they went outside our Company protocol and I was left scratching my head. Sales is a cut-throat game, but I have a bad taste in my mouth after that happened.

    Q3 just ended, I'm one of the younger reps on our team, I tied for 4th with account closes within our team as a whole, I was also top of my group within my tenure(less than one year), I'm not sure where to go from here , but I've thought about throwing out some feelers in the next few weeks to see if I can grab some interest elsewhere. I'm a college educated male with no kids, no wife. I have some sales stats to be able to throw around on a resume, not God's gift to selling by any means, but feel like I've performed well at my current Company.

    Would love some feedback from some of you vets!

    submitted by /u/jhow2319
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    Has anyone here successfully leveraged direct mail to land a discovery call?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 09:06 AM PDT

    Q4 is here!

    Looking at a list of those hard to reach top contacts we've exhausted all other avenues to try and reach.

    Was wondering if anyone has every successfully landed a call from sending a hand written/typed note to a prospect to catch their attention.

    Are these written the same as e-mails?

    Any advice/tips/small anecdotes welcome.

    submitted by /u/blackattack2239
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    Efficient Ways to Find RFPs?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 08:42 AM PDT

    I'm a new business developer in the green industry (environmental consulting) with a limited professional network. I'm currently finding RFPs online, but would like ideas on better ways to find them. Anyone have tips on the best websites to use, tips for growing my professional network, or brand new ideas for finding RFPs? Private or public sector is fine.

    submitted by /u/trashaccount87
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    I'm not cut out for this

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 08:30 AM PDT

    Hi! I began working for a Utility company a couple months ago as an Admin for the sales department. I was put in charge of scheduling maintenance's, sending out reminder notices, thank you letters, and corresponding with customers. I was also placed in charge of PR. They told me I'd be in charge of Follow Up/Happy calls and get feedback from customers, and if the opportunity arises try to sell them a service policy or a humidifier/media air cleaner. Later on they placed me in charge of estimate follow ups, if someone hasn't closed on a deal in a week I just give them a call and see what's up, was not put in charge of closing deals or anything, but it kind of frustrated me since I know nothing about these systems or really anything about the industry, there's no reason to be putting me in that position where I can't help a customer when the salesman they were working with is in the cubicle next to me watching Game of Thrones. But I regress.

    I have never liked sales, I have always found it kind of sketchy and dishonest, but that's just based on my experience with sales people so far. The company I work for is a prime example of sketchy sales. Last week I was called in for a meeting and the HR guy and the chief of operations, they were displeased with my lack of sales. Fair enough, I haven't sold anything. But in my defense I have no training in sales, I received no training at all for anything for this position, they have never even provided the make, models, or price of the add-ons they wanted me to sell, and frankly these follow up calls on the rare occasion they are answered always result in the person giving short answers with nothing to work with or just hanging up the phone.

    The solution my manager had for this is to make a blatant sales pitch in the follow-up/happy call- but that in turn makes it into a cold call. Studies show cold calls are ineffective and actually do more harm than good and they make me super uncomfortable. But, it gets worse (for my weak soul), they want me to dig into clients personal lives to try to get a sale out of them, it's one thing for the conversation to naturally drift in that direction but another to force your way into their private life? I didn't sign up for a sales position, I was hired as an admin to gain office experience and try to get my BA in Human Resources, I have my AA right now. I am currently looking for another job, I even have an interview today but how can I make this work till I can get out. I am not a salesman and was misled about this position...

    submitted by /u/SqueegeeBoi
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    I know my customer is exploring other options - Call or Email?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 07:15 AM PDT

    Hi All,

    I have a customer that I have reason to believe is exploring some different options for the service we provide for them. I'd like to simply ask them if this is the case and if there is something related to our service that has prompted them to shop.

    The business-owner is in his early 30's and is pretty soft-spoken. We communicate primarily via email. I would typically call in this situation, but wondering if that would put him even more on the defensive than the topic likely already will.


    submitted by /u/legendofcrk
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    Anyone with experience in retail banking that'd like to share tips and advice?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 07:58 PM PDT

    I recently got hired as a teller at a credit union, and although I don't have any sales targets yet-- a big chunk of my job is to do referrals.

    How do I identify and cater to the target market with large competitions, such as big banks? What kinds of questions should I be asking, etc.?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/jellyfishsailor
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    Please,Need Some Insights on Hiring Sales Executives.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 06:59 AM PDT

    Hey Guys, this is my First time Posting on R/SALES.




    Your Insights have made me a better salesman and Helped lifting my family out of poverty

    I will Forever be Thankful.

    I am From India. ENGLISH is not My Dominant Language,So please pardon my Grammatical errors.

    I have been selling Life Insurance Policies Over the Phone for the past 2 Years(All by Myself)..

    I buy leads from the Data Management Companies. Cold call them. Fix Appointments. Meet them. Close. It's a Grind,really.

    50 calls = 3-6 Appointments & 3-6 Appointments = 1 Close.

    I Sell about 15-18 Insurance Policies A month

    The Bone of contention is this

    I work from Mumbai. It's the Financial Capital of India. The population of this City is more than 30 million.

    And According to leading market analysts The life insurance penetration rate is only 45%.

    You see there's so much Opportunity here that I'm missing out.

    So I'm planning to hire at least 20 telecallers. Train them Myself. And Hit a lot of numbers doing cold calling.

    But,I have never hired anyone in my life. I don't know what to look for in Fresh Sales candidates?

    I could hire a HR first and let him do that job.but I don't like the idea of depending upon others all the time. I want to do it myself and learn and grow my skills as I Do it.

    So here's what I want to know. (1) How many employees should I start with?

    (2) What are the qualities I should be looking out for in Fresh Candidates?

    (3) What Are the Interview Questions?

    (4) How do the Big Companies do it on your Country?

    (5) How should I go about Managing them?

    Please Help a brother out

    submitted by /u/_BarBareek_
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    Selling to MSPs? I have been here about 1.5 years and am still having trouble with this

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 06:06 AM PDT

    I have been taking a solution selling approach to this, BUT it's almost as if you are at the mercy of the MSP buying your product. They naturally grow. You can have all the conversations you want about showing value but at the end of the day it is a team of people you are trying to convince.

    Anyone have experience with this?

    submitted by /u/spacecoq
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    How “clean” do you make your quote pricing?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 05:47 AM PDT

    Very oddly specific question, but I wanted the opinion of other reps to see what they have found to be most successful.

    Let's say I'm setting a 30% margin on one of my products, and the price comes out to be $2501.67. Do you find it beneficial to change the quote to $2500? Keep it the same?

    As minimal and irrelevant as it might seem, I know there are lots of psychological reactions to how an item is priced and the psychological response it gives off (like $9.99 pricing instead of $10.00 when buying at a supermarket.) What have you found looks better for the end user?

    submitted by /u/mattyhenhen
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    Trying to get started in sales?!

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 01:48 AM PDT

    22 y/o with 2 years of irrelevant college work. Currently work at a distribution center 40-55 hours a week with weekly paycheck on average being around $515. Not satisfied and hungry to grow myself into a role with more impact than the position I currently hold. Any ideas on good entry points for a prosperous sales career, I've been looking into leasing (live 2 hours from Chicago) my uncle is working in the city and makes a considerable living. Most my family works in sales, I'm the outlier trying to decide on taking business management and entrepreneurship classes to jump my start up or if I should hold off and see how sales can work for me! Thanks for any advice in advance.

    submitted by /u/YoungBuck3235
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