• Breaking News

    Friday, October 11, 2019

    Legal Advice My GM is strongly implying ill be Terminated or forced to pay back some money that went missing. After we have an "Investigation" (ARKANSAS)

    Legal Advice My GM is strongly implying ill be Terminated or forced to pay back some money that went missing. After we have an "Investigation" (ARKANSAS)

    My GM is strongly implying ill be Terminated or forced to pay back some money that went missing. After we have an "Investigation" (ARKANSAS)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 05:06 AM PDT

    Some history: I was hired here by 2 of the District Coaches. I was trained at one of their higher performing stores for 6 weeks as an Assistant Restaurant Manager. The District Manager/Coach tried to brief me on how the store/location I was being assigned is underperforming and would like me to apply what I learned through all training. He told me there were people they wanted to get rid of and that they really needed help. They needed someone consistent even though it could get frustrating. And trust me it is! When I meet my GM he pretty much was saying the same thing. He wanted to get rid of problem people. So I go in applying my training on rules, proper portioning and service quality long story short Ive been meet with sooo much opposition. Apparently this location has been "cheating" they have been doing things their way for so long that im a complete disruption to their whole system. Ive been keeping the District Manager/Coach informed of all the things they do that they are not supposed too and he in turn wants wants me to keep "Nipping at the Bit" or whatever he calls it. Trust me when I say they (the location) hates me!

    The upcoming Investigation: At some point after I count my safe on the 9th and when the morning manager counted their safe on the 10th $100 went missing. We use the "Crew" app, an app for Employers to chat with employees. My fellow managers and my GM are strongly implying i took this money and my GM is also implying "Someone" will be terminated they wont come and say its me but the language and the obviously specifc details imply its me. The thing is im actually very computer Savvy. I was able to run a report on the safe that documented everytime it was opened and by whom. I found through my own ivestigation that 2 Managers had gone into the safe between counts.

    I dont think anyone knows how to run these reports or I probably wont have been harrassed about all this the way I am, I honestly believe they just want to try to get rid of me. When I present this report tomorrow during their investigation Im afraid that when the GM sees its one of his buddies that was actually in the safe last, he will not be willing to punish the individual so harshly.

    Is there any thing I can do legally If my GM doest punish the individual to the full extent he was soo willing to punish me? What If Im still somehow wrongfully terminated behind this?

    submitted by /u/roastedmarshmellow86
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    Husband ran up 60k debt behind my back. How will this play out in divorce court? (Ontario, Canada)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 07:55 AM PDT

    Husband an I are mid-30s, we have a 3yo and a second on the way.

    We've never had a ton of money, but we manage. I worked retail to put him through school, then went back to school myself. We have about 20k student loan debt between us, and about 6k in credit card debt. Our mailbox is a good distance away, so generally My husband picks up the mail as he drives our only car to work, while I take the train.

    I handle all the financials, pay all the bills, make sure we have an emergency fund and there's always money for groceries and gas. I also make sure we have money for entertainment. We do it this way because my husband will spend every dime he gets as soon as it hits his hands. You could give him 1000$ and it would be gone tomorrow, and he would have no idea how he spent it. While we don't live poor, we do live well within our means, and I do strive to make sure our debt is getting paid down, and am paying about 400$/month on it. My husband agreed to all of this btw.

    Monday my husband dropped off the mail for me to go through. I always open the mail because I do all the banking. Tucked into the folds of a flyer was a letter from a bank we don't use addressed to my husband. Figuring it was some junk mail, I opened it to recycle it. It was not junk mail.

    It was a statement for a credit card in my husbands name, with nearly 10k on it. When I confronted my husband, he admitted he had several cards I didn't know about. All together nearly sixty thousand dollars in debt. I made him show me the online statements and it's all junk food, liquor store, online gaming micro transactions, etc. Just petty bullshit with no real value. He was literally packing a lunch everyday, then tossing it at work to eat at Wendy's or the local pub. Some months were 1000$ plus per month of debt being racked up. When one card maxed out, he'd open another one and keep going. He was borrowing money from his mom to keep collections at bay, and owes her nearly 4000$ too. He was hiding it from me by controlling the mail and removing the letters before giving me the mail. He missed one because it was stuck in a flyer.

    So all of that to say, I'm definitely getting a divorce. I took our daughter and moved in with my parents. He's alternating between threatening to destroy my life in court, begging me to give him another chance, and claiming its all my fault because I wouldn't let him have free reign on our money. So I missed my aunts funeral because we couldn't afford the plane ticket, while he spent the equivalent in Whoppers and Doritos in 2 months, but it's my fault.

    Anyway so my question is, I know debt accumulated during a marriage is shared, but am I really going to be saddled with 30,000$ in debt that I was lied to about, and saw no benefits from? This isn't shared debt like our car loan or even our student loans, where I agreed to and benefitted from it. I'm just hoping someone can clear up where I stand.

    submitted by /u/throwawaydebt12346
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    Ripped off by a store owner with a fake refund.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 06:42 AM PDT

    I made a purchase of $250 from a local store, payed $180 in cash and wanted to put the rest on my card. She ran the full amount on my card, and when I noticed she said she'd refund the $180 back to my card. While her associate distracted me she ran my card as credit for $180 (so I wouldn't have to enter my pin) then did the refund. Essentially stealing that $180 cash. It's not the amount that bothers me, it's the principal. Do I have grounds for legal recourse?

    submitted by /u/IwonderifWUT
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    My brother is trying to screw with my inheritance. What can I do if he damages the property that we are inheriting so I get less?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 08:38 AM PDT

    In my mother's will, she said that my brother and his kids could live in her house for one year after her passing as long as he paid all the bills, maintained the property and made good on a list of repairs. At the end of that year he was supposed to either pay me half the value of the house, or move out of the house so it could be sold and the proceeds split between the two of us.

    During this time he bragged to others that he was going to intentionally neglect the property to lower it's value (sabotage the property) so he could pay me less than the true value of my inheritance. After that, he would fix up the house for himself.

    Now that 2 years have passed, he decided to move to Maine instead of live in the house. We put the house up for sale and it had been assessed as only worth the "tear down" value. My aunt, who is the executor of the will, paid to have contractors come in and fix the house and now the house is being sold for a better market value.

    She told my brother that the costs of repairs would come from his share of the inheritance and he's not happy with that. He says he'll fight it in court. My aunt warned him that I could sue to have him disinherited because he sabotaged the property and he would get nothing. Are either of them right?

    submitted by /u/scottyp_123
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    A guy I rejected 5 or so years ago just cost me a job, do I have any recourse?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 03:54 PM PDT

    So today I interviewed for a position at a publicly traded company and saw a guy I knew in college there. We had some history, in college he was a friend of mine but he wanted to be more than that and I just didn't see him that way. We eventually lost touch. Anyway he seemed not to notice me so I didn't say anything. The interview went well and I was fairly certain I was going to get the job. Later I get a text from him informing me that I wasn't getting the job because the company was "not ready to settle" and that I was not "their type". These are the exact words I used when I turned him down. I can't believe an executive at a F500 company is behaving in this manner. I've cut my losses with the job but I am just wondering where I can go from here. I screenshotted all the texts if that helps. State is NY.

    Texts: https://imgur.com/kcOCYj3

    submitted by /u/throwussr
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    Brother is about to be expelled from school due to a wrongful arrest that was made at school (Florida).

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 02:34 PM PDT

    My brother, 16 years old, was arrested earlier in the week, while at school, for non-payment of child support. He was released once things ere cleared up, it was a case of mistaken identity due to having a common name.

    School however, had automatically suspended him and we were notified today by one of the staff that the school has started paperwork related to his expulsion under the school's zero tolerance policy when it comes to problems with law enforcement.

    Can they do this despite the fact that this was a clear mistake, and how do we protect him?

    submitted by /u/Due_Solid
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    My identity was erased. How do I get it back?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:24 PM PDT

    Most people think my username is an attempt to be edgy. It's not. 3 years ago I learned my name had disappeared from the Auditors office records. This discovery happened after I learned my birth certificate and social security card had disappeared, in a recent move to where I currently reside; off grid in the mountains. My driver's license needed renewed at that point as well. (I was trying to renew it in another state, so I figured I'd wait) I discovered all of this mess after I had moved states away from my birth state of course, making things a bit more complicated. I won't get into how organized in the "fucking me over" department this mess was, we'll save that for the conspiracy subs.

    What happened? When I was 12 my parents got a divorce. A bitter custody battle ensued, and my mom decided to use me as a weapon by changing my last name to hers instead of my father's. Fast forward to the first step in getting my legal documents back. To get your birth certificate when you've had a name change, you need to prove that a name change happened, by providing the court case or name change record from the Auditor.

    When I called the auditor's office, shit started hitting the fan. Not only was there no record of my name change, there was no records of the court appearance leading to my name change. All the records were gone. To say this intrigued the auditor was putting it lightly. She told me she'd do everything she could to find the record and call in a week.

    A week passes and I get a call from the Auditor. Still no records here. Intrigue increases as she makes sure I was born in the state and she asks all the questions she could to try and figure it out. She says she's going to search all the state records and get back to me.

    A few days later she calls back, baffled. Nothing in the state auditors office either. The records had been completely erased. She believed me that they existed once. She offered her theory: during the switch from microfilm to computer back in the year 2000, my records just didn't make the transfer. They fell through the cracks. I told her that wouldn't make sense, I'm not the most responsible with my paperwork and I've had to replace all my legal documents a couple times over the years. Meaning my records had made the switch, but disappeared afterwards.

    My old identity had stopped existing when my social security number was assigned to my new identity. And there was no record of my new identity existing. Therefore I fell into limbo.

    The auditor was completely lost as to what to do. She said they had never seen or heard of a case like mine and were really unsure of how to proceed. She came just short of saying she thought their system had been compromised. (For legal reasons, I think she refrained) And that was the end of the road with the auditor.

    Out of options, I looked around for a lawyer to sue the state for mishandling my records. No lawyer wanted to touch it with a ten foot pole.

    Fortunately I sold some property before the move, so I manage to get by. But I still can't prove I exist in any capacity that requires a birth certificate, social security card or license. Yet, I can still be prosecuted; as I have a record attached to a name I'm connected to. A name that can't be proven to exist for my benefit. It's like the shitty version of being a sovereign citizen. If I do find someone who could sue the state, I have a feeling that would be a long drawn out case requiring me to move back for a period. How? Drive with no license? Fly? Lol

    As you can imagine, not being able to legally exist has it's major faults. It's not the glamorous life people think it is. I'm basically dead on paper but still prosecutable. How fucked up is that? Legally, I'm better off dead at this point.

    I have reasons to believe this was malicious but I'm also not naive enough to think I'll ever be able to prove it.

    Does anyone have any advice on anything to do with this case? If any lawyers want to hop on it feel free. I'm sure after all these years I'm entitled to damages by the state, if that butters your biscuit. I just want my identity back. I've learned to like my life here, but I want to live here by choice. I can't live like this forever, and it would be nice to have fixed.

    Any and all advice welcome.

    Sorry for the length, I needed to vent.

    TLDR; My legal identity was erased, and it's not all it's cracked up to be in Bond films.

    Edit* Location of birth is Washington State, current location is in Colorado.

    submitted by /u/SpookWithoutaName
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    US, New York. I won a high court case representing myself against attorneys. Any legal repercussions for sharing my story/experience?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 08:29 AM PDT

    I represented myself in a high court (not a trivial small claims thing) without any help and won against experienced attorneys, alone and without any formal law education.

    I was considering media and writing a book, directing a documentary, or something along those lines. I was curious if there would be any legal repercussions. The case did not involve a NDA or anything like that.

    submitted by /u/RomanBrutus
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    Nephew mysteriously gets added to the house deed, takes out equity loan. House now in foreclosure.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:34 PM PDT

    I'm still putting the pieces of this together as there is a lot of missing information, but I'm wondering if there is a starting point for this...

    There are three elderly siblings: Wendy, Carl, and Ron. They got together and bought a multi-family house. They each have their own unit for privacy but are able to keep each other company and provide care if needed. It was an even 1/3 split of the house for each of them, and they also covered 1/3 of the mortgage each. It was a very easy to handle situation and it worked out wonderfully.

    One day Carl had a heart attack and died. He had one son, Carl Jr. Carl Jr. thought that when Carl died, he would inherit Carl's 1/3 of the house. He did not. Instead Carl's ownership of the house was re-allocated to Wendy and Ron, so the house was now split 50/50. Carl Jr. asked Wendy and Ron if he could have Carl's share of the house. Ron was okay with it, Wendy was not. She did, however, allow Carl Jr. to move into Carl's unit and pay Carl's share of the mortgage as rent (which was really cheap compared to the market).


    Wendy is showing early signs of dementia so her adult son, Dave, moves in to keep a closer eye on her. Ron is also having heath issues and is frequently visited by his daughter.

    One day Dave finds out that the house is about to be foreclosed on. Wendy and Dave start freaking out and trying to find out why.

    After doing some digging, the following things seemed to have occurred:

    1. Carl Jr. got on the deed to the house. This is verified in public records.
    2. Carl Jr. got an equity loan for a substantial amount.
    3. Carl Jr. has not paid the loan, and that is why the house is in foreclosure.

    Dave is currently trying to figure out what the hell happened, but the suspicion is that Carl Jr. took advantage of Wendy's deteriorating mental health and waited until Dave was at work to get Wendy to sign documents that give him 1/3 of the house. This likely occurred again to get Wendy to sign off on the equity loan that was later made. Due to Wendy's condition, she likely did not know what she was signing and/or promptly forgot what she was signing.

    Again, there is a lot of missing information and a lot of questions that are being asked but not answered. Carl Jr. is refusing to talk to Dave about anything regarding the house.

    Is there anything that can be done against Carl Jr? Or something that can be done to stop the foreclosure? It feels like there is some predatory scammy behavior going on, but what can be done legally?

    Ron is not involved in the discussions as he recently had a stroke and this kind of news can create enough stress to cause complications. His daughter has been informed of the situation, but she doesn't know anything regarding the house.

    This is in Hawaii.

    submitted by /u/168123868
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    Car dealer says no license plates unless I sign new lease

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 08:58 AM PDT

    Hello, I've searched/read many websites about dealers requiring the resigning of leases, but I haven't found one that is the same as my situation…so, here's my problem.

    I'm going to keep the details as short as I can, but I will supply more if you need them:

    Location Colorado.

    My first ever lease experience has become so stressful that I now hate the 2019 Lincoln Navigator Reserve L which I leased the end of June, 2019. I traded in a smaller SUV which worth (at retail) approximately what I owed BMW on a 0% loan. The sales contract for the trade is exactly the payoff amount and my loan was paid off by dealership in mid July. I got my Lincoln Financial welcome letter about same time and set up automatic online payments in time for the second payment to be made. So this lease was credit approved before I drove car off lot. And it was "funded". All was well…or so I thought.

    End of August I start getting emails from Finance dude saying the original lease needs to be rescinded and I have to sign a new lease. He says problem is with the County objecting to the way taxes were collected and the car cannot be titled/licensed with original contract.

    New contract and rescission agreement are sent to me along with second temporary permit. I discover my payment is increasing slightly, but the Capital Cost Reduction is more than doubled! AND it's BACKDATED to June. The rescission agreement says original is rescinded but also says new contract is taking it's place…so it's not really a rescission.

    I do a quick internet search and read about yoyo scams and such. I'll be a 69 year old lady next month and didn't appreciate the condescension I was getting during the original negotiations, so this just was too unsettling for me to feel comfortable. Therefore, I said if the original contract could not work, I would agree to rescind that contract, but I would not be signing a new lease. If that meant the car must be returned, then so be it.

    Since then I have been threatened with numerous consequences: being charged $50/day and $0.50/mile if I returned it; ruining my credit by reporting a "voluntary repossession" and having a car I must pay for but not be able legally drive.

    I just keep repeating my position and they continue to refuse take back the car. Then, in mid September, I receive two letters from Lincoln Financial. One is a credit denial and second is saying they are making a Counteroffer through the dealership. So now I'm really confused.

    My credit report shows 4 hard pulls (the last one in August) which has caused my score to drop from 800ish to 750. I signed one credit application only and that was in late June!

    At this point I just want my trade in back and to be done with Lincoln!

    There is no paperwork on file with the County and I cannot get license plates. The second temporary permit expires near the end of October when I will be out of state on a road trip. What should I do at this point?

    submitted by /u/aborrido
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    I got into a car crash on private property (my school) and the lady who caused the accident is blaming it on me.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 05:48 AM PDT

    I'm on mobile, sorry for the format.

    Yesterday, I got into a car accident in front of my school. There are two lanes in front of the school, one for stopped cars for picking up/dropping off (the right lane) and there is another lane for driving through (left lane). It is clearly designated that there are two lanes. I was driving in the left lane, and as I pass a Jeep SUV , the car pulls into the right side of my car. The lady who hit me is claiming that I hit her, and that I should watch where i'm going. I should say that I am a minor, and she is likely taking advantage of me being a minor since she is older. Anyway, the police came and filed a report, but cannot determine fault/blame since it was on private property. I am worried about my insurance skyrocketing, since i'm a minor. I should also say that this is my first accident, and that I have had my license for three months. It is very clear that it is her fault, but I am still worried about insurance. Is there anything I can do legally to better my circumstances?

    submitted by /u/chrismac86
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    New apartment is full of cockroaches and we want to break our lease without penalty but also have time to find a new place to live

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 08:07 AM PDT

    My two roommates and I moved into an apartment in Orlando Florida two months ago. We have had constant problems but the biggest is the cockroaches. We have complained many times and the maintenance has had our apartment treated twice and our building treated once. We are still finding 3 to 7 living roaches a day. We want out of the apartment as we feel it is unlivable. They have given us 20 days to move out without penalty but after the 20 days they will charge us 3 months rent to break the lease. I do not believe that is a fair amount of time to be able to find a suitable place, get all the money together for all the moving expenses, application fee, rent for the new place, and the ability to move out making sure we don't bring any roaches with us. Is there any legal action we can take or some law we can bring to their attention they are breaking?

    submitted by /u/apartmentwaste
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    Child Support Termination for Child becoming 18/Homeschooling (Texas/Louisiana)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 08:32 AM PDT

    I am not the custodial parent and have been paying child support. Custodial parent and I divorced in Hays county in TX, but after the divorce, they moved to Louisiana and I moved to Houston.

    Child will be 18 toward the end of this calendar year. They have not completed high school and have expressed the intent to move out immediately upon turning 18. Custodial parent has reassured me this is not likely to happen, but I am trying to plan for both possibilities.

    Moreover, child failed a class at the private high school they were attending and was kicked out. They are taking online courses to complete their diploma, though I've not seen any proof as yet.

    The divorce decree includes a clause indicating that I will continue to pay child support if child becomes 18 and has not earned a high school diploma, and indicates that child support would then continue as long as child is:

    - enrolled in an accredited secondary school leading toward a high school diploma (per chapter 25 of Texas Education Code);

    - or enrolled on a full-time basis in a private secondary school in a program leading toward a high school diploma and complying with minimum attendance requirements imposed by that school.

    I have several things I'm trying to figure out and am hoping the fine folks here might be able to help me.

    - What are the mechanical steps I need to perform to terminate child support, regardless of when? That is, right now I send a check to the state which subsequently sends along to custodial parent. I assume I can't just stop sending checks and need to file. Do I need to provide proof of graduation vis-a-vis a diploma?

    - I am not familiar with the education laws in Louisiana, but I believe that online coursework to complete a high school diploma constitutes homeschooling, which I'm given to believe has strict requirements. I want my child to have a proper high school diploma and not just be taking online courses because custodial parent has signed them up rather than put child into a public school. Is there any guidance here?

    - I'm concerned that child will move out at age of 18, but custodial parent will continue claiming child support because child will still be taking online coursework. What happens in this situation? Is moving out considered emancipation? Should I request to send child support directly to child?

    Thanks in advance for any information.

    submitted by /u/bonkersdetails
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    Moving payday

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 07:14 AM PDT

    I work for a CPA, we have a few hundred clients but only the CPA and I are employees. The problem is I'm supposed to be paid on Mondays.

    This week I haven't been paid yet because she doesn't have the money. I love this job because she works around my disability, my many out of state medical trips etc. But I'm not sure how legal this is?

    I'm getting the check that was due Monday today but I can't cash it until Tuesday. Means I might not get paid for this week until the end of next week.

    ETA I'm in New York State

    submitted by /u/trinityrare
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    People continue to walk through our field ti get to the vineyard behind our house.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 11:18 AM PDT

    So we own almost a acre of land next to a vineyard. People continue to walk through our field to get to the vineyard. We've put up no trespassing signs but they just ignore them and we watch them just wander on through and wave at us like nothin is wrong. If someone trips and breaks a leg or something are we liable? Is there any action we can take? We cant really afford to build a fence so we arent sure what else we can do. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Rednowa
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    Job Offer contains non-compete clause which seems overly restrictive, how to counter?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 05:06 AM PDT


    I have received a job offer from a technology consulting company, the offer contains a non-compete clause which seems overly broad in scope. I have almost 20 years of experience at product based companies and I have never had to agree to an NCC which extended into post-employment. This is a first for me:

    "during the term of his or her employment and for a period of twelve (12)

    months thereafter, regardless of the reason or method of termination, Employee will not, unless acting on

    behalf of Employer and/or at its request, engage, directly or indirectly, either as a proprietor, stockholder,

    partner, officer, employee or otherwise, in the same or similar activities as Employee performed for

    Employer at any time during the twenty-four (24) months preceding Employee's termination of

    employment in any business that distributes, sells, or provides Competitive Products or Services. This

    restriction shall only apply within those cities, towns and/or counties in which Employee performed

    activities on behalf of Employer during the twelve (12) months preceding Employee's termination of


    "Customer" means any customer to whom Employer provides goods or

    services as of the date of Employee's cessation of employment with Employer and (a) with whom

    Employee had contact or communication as a result of employment with Employer during the twenty-four

    (24) months immediately preceding Employee's cessation of employment with Employer; (b) for whom

    Employee had supervisory, sales, or service responsibility during the twenty-four (24) months immediately

    preceding Employee's cessation of employment with Employer; or (c) about whom Employee obtained

    Confidential Information as a result of employment with Employer.

    ii. "Prospective Customer" means any person or entity (a) whom the

    Employee solicited on behalf of Employer to provide goods or services during the twelve (12) months

    immediately preceding Employee's cessation of employment with Employer or (b) about whom Employee

    obtained Confidential Information as a result of employment with Employer.

    iii. "Competitive Products or Services" means any services or products

    competitive with any product or service sold, offered for sale, or under development by Employer during

    the twelve (12) months immediately preceding Employee's cessation of employment with Employer.

    As worded, it is not 100% clear to me what would be considered a competitive product, it seems open to interpretation. I would be much more comfortable if they specifically named competitors and/or customers. As it's written, it seems too broad and open ended. I understand the need for a consulting company to protect their client base and prevent their staff from being poached. However, what if I leave/get fired and join a software company that sells/makes a software product that one of their customers just happens to use. I feel like my options for moving on would be to either mow lawns for 12 months or move.

    I appreciate any ideas or suggestions.

    Edit: Company HQ is VA, I am located in Georgia.

    submitted by /u/hoofaman
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    Got fired for taking an employee's well being more seriously than the business

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 07:47 AM PDT

    I was fired recently over closing the business down a couple hours before closing time. There was only two of us working at the time. Reason I did it was due to one of my employees injuring themselves on the job and could've seriously lost a hand. They were about to just quit and leave when I just decided that I was going to close up early since there was no traffic/customers at all so that they didn't have to continuously hurt themselves working maintenance since it wasn't even their job.

    Fast forward 4 days and suddenly I'm being terminated for closing early. They must have had their minds made up already because they had the termination paperwork on hand from a previous day when the printer and internet wasn't even working. I would've been the only person working alone in a 4-5 person job so it didn't make sense to keep it open if I couldn't run the business.

    Its been upsetting and I feel like I was targeted and terminated wrongfully over this when other people have done so much worse.

    This is Texas, I couldn't even make my case. It makes me feel like the company should've just let me let the employee get injured instead. Is it legal for them to fire me for closing a business early for taking an employee's well being into consideration? Can I fight this or should I just take this loss?

    submitted by /u/throwaway57698098
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    Can the police visit my house for this? (Florida)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 03:14 PM PDT

    Okay, so I recently just got my license, and I went to go visit an old friend of mines, his parents didn't know me, so when I went to drop him off, his mom flipped out and took a picture of me and my license plate. She said she didn't want me near her son again and she would call the police. I don't really care to show up there anymore, but I really don't want the police to come to my house, because my parents will get mad. So can they show up, Or they would just leave it alone?

    submitted by /u/Driversfun1
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    A mechanic has had my car since April as I've been paying off the work being done (~$2,400). I came in today to make a payment and found my tire flat, and now the mechanic is threatening to charge me for storage ($25/a day) backdating from my last payment in July. (VA)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 11:42 AM PDT

    My transfer case in my car went bad in early April, and I had it towed to a mechanic. He didn't quote me for a part until after I had brought it to him and make a payment ($850) to get work started on it. It took about a month to finish repairs, and my battery goes dead. It was only two months old, but whatever. I pay for another one ($90). He then will not let me get out of a warranty on it, bringing the total cost to $2,400.

    Today I go to make a payment and find my front left tire flat, and the mechanic was hostile when I asked about it. We got into a verbal dispute and I had to demand that he fill the tire if he wanted to get paid ($200). He refused to start the engine to let me hear it; I have no proof that the car runs, my tire was so flat that it was dry rotted, and he is now threatening to charge me a storage fee of $25 a day backdating to my last payment in July.

    What are my options for taking legal action against him? I am willing to pay the remaining $800 owed as long as he provides a new tire, or some recourse towards fixing the damages my car suffered while in his possession.

    I have made regular payments, totaling $1,600. To everyone claiming that I haven't, kindly see this.

    submitted by /u/imjustdesi
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    My dad is threatening me

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 04:52 PM PDT

    I'm 16 and my parents are divorced. I don't spend time with my father anymore but my mother still doesn't have full custody. I am in Michigan for the weekend with my grandmother (moms mom) and we are going to Canada tomorrow for Canadian thanksgiving. My dad refused to give me a note saying I'm allowed into Canada and is now threatening to report my grandmother for "kidnapping" me so I can't go over the border for dinner. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/jackmesser_new
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    Bathroom fan leads nowhere (Texas)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:54 PM PDT

    Not too long after moving in, I noticed that the bathroom fan in my apartment seemed to blow air in the wrong direction. With the switch turned on, there would be a noticeable breeze on the bathroom side of the vent. I figured the fan was mounted in the wrong direction and the situation could be remedied by just turning it around. Well, today I got annoyed enough to do something about it. After taking off the cover, I discovered that the fan is enclosed inside a box instead of being connected to a ventilation system. The airflow in the wrong direction was from air circulating in and back out of the box.

    What I'm having trouble figuring out is if this violates code in my area. And if it does, what does that mean for me? Does it make my lease is invalid? Can I force my apartment management to install a proper ventilation system?

    submitted by /u/bathroomfantonowhere
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    I was sent a letter about reimbursement for racial discrimination

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:49 AM PDT

    I don't know how much information i'm allows to share, ill update further as this thread informs me but overall, i was searching for a job at a certain establishment, but was rejected. One thing that stands out from that place was asking if i would cut my hair in order to get the job,(for clarity this job was in Ohio) i refused and was sad but i didn't think much of it, 2 years pass and I've received a letter about a Class Settlement which warily details similar descriptions that i went though during the interview. The only thing they need from me is

    Full Name/Street Address/city,state,zip/phone number/SSN/Email

    Date i applied and the location of the store

    If i looked for other work right after and W-2's from any other places of employment after.

    My question is how much am i allowed to share about class settlements, i talked to a person on the phone and they said it likely was not getting published. And is this standard practice?

    (will update and be more specific depending on replys)

    submitted by /u/TragicReign
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    ABC gallery goes bankrupt, creditors seize the artwork, artist wants his art work back, but creditors won't return it.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:59 PM PDT

    ABC gallery stole a work from the art fair, and decides to sell it to private collector. Private collector pays in advance, with the intention to pick up later.

    However, ABC gallery goes bankrupt, and creditors seize the artwork immediately.

    The artist now wants his artwork back, and ABC gallery asks the creditors to bring he work back, but the creditors refuse to return the work.

    Now the artist wants to sue for the title to his work.

    what kind of law should be applied if the artists want the work back ?

    submitted by /u/pilosophyville
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