Legal Advice [VA] My roommate was murdered in our house and the police took a lot of my property as evidence and now will not return my calls. |
- [VA] My roommate was murdered in our house and the police took a lot of my property as evidence and now will not return my calls.
- [CA] I smashed a drone in my yard this morning. What can happen to me?
- Bus Driver purposely making our bus late to school.
- I was fired after my boss read my diary
- Nurse forced to stay at hospital and work for 48 hours for hurricane, told that upcoming shifts will not have overtime pay?
- I just discovered husband’s affair and will be getting a divorce (or annulment)?
- Final Update- I’m being named as a guarantor for my stepchildren without my consent-Colorado
- I'm in coastal FL and my company is requiring us to work from home today, during a hurricane, despite having never done so.
- [CO] Is the promise of free coffee for life as a payment for services a legally binding oral contract?
- My 10 year old daughter is being harassed and the school is doing nothing about it, help. Please, I'm desperate.
- I was just fired from my job because coworkers lied to management and said I was planning to shoot up the resturaunt.
- I turned a vacant public lot into a baseball diamond over the Summer without permission [PA]
- Girlfriend being held captive by fraud for forced marriage. How do I help legally?
- My new job is asking for other peoples socials is this legal?
- My aunt is "volunteering" full-time at a for-profit business. Is that a thing?
- [CA] My ex-girlfriend is accusing me of rape because I “coerced” her into sleeping with me for food and shelter when she was depressed
- Employer underpaid me for 3 consecutive weeks before laying me off for complaining about it. Do I have any recourse?
- (CA) Need some advice on how to deal with my mother (me and my brother’s abuser) pushing for visitation with us
- Husband knocked a drone out of the sky for peeping in our windows, what should we do next?
- HOA problems, except in this one I'm an employee of the HOA and not a resident
- 11 year old publicly accused of stealing [OK] police were called
- 24 Hour Notice Before Landlord has a Showing?
- [CT, U.S.] man is threatening me over facebook claiming what he's gonna do to me when he sees me.
- [VA] I am (was?) buying a house when the seller terminated the contract to accept a better offer, even though I've held up my end of the deal. What recourse do I have to still get this home even though they have signed a contract with a different buyer?
- Mail at small apartment complex continuously stolen out of our mailboxes, landlord flat out refuses protection
Posted: 04 Sep 2019 12:19 AM PDT My roommate was shot and killed late last year while I was in the mountains with my girlfriend. The police took a lot of things in the course of their investigation, including my legally purchased pistol, laptop, and the SD card out of my camera. No one has been charged in the investigation, which I'm not surprised about honestly. But the police refuse to return my calls about the return of my stuff. What can I do to get my shit back? [link] [comments] |
[CA] I smashed a drone in my yard this morning. What can happen to me? Posted: 04 Sep 2019 06:27 AM PDT Obligatory on mobile, etc. This morning, as per usual, I got up at 5, got ready, and left at around 5:15. Ten minutes later, my wife calls me saying there's a drone hovering in our backyard and it's making her feel unsafe and violated, as if she's being watched. We have two dogs, but otherwise she was home alone early in the morning and scared. I drove back home and found it hovering about a foot off the ground in the middle of my yard, with a camera attached and I assume on. I walked outside with a baseball bat and tried to gesture to the camera for it to leave, and even brandished the bat a couple of times. After it still hasn't moved, I hit it with the bat, which broke the blades off a couple of motors and knocked the battery off. I brought it inside and left for work, and my wife was very grateful and felt much better after I left. I personally felt that the only reason someone would be flying a drone that close to the ground at that time of morning was to either harass my dogs, or to scope out my home for burglary, so I felt I made a safe and conscious decision to protect my family and pups. But now I'm curious about the liability and my research tells me there's a lot of debate about whether it's legal for someone to be on your property that low with a UAV or whether I legally had the right to destroy it. Can I be held liable for the damage? If the owners come to my door can I just give them the drone back and tell them to keep it off my property, or will be be expected to pay for the cost of a replacement? Do I have any defense for protecting my home and dogs from invasive cameras and a nuisance danger for my dogs? In southern California, by the way. Edit: thank you guys so much for the reassurances, I promise I have read every comment. obviously, given that it was very early in the morning and I was already running late for work, coupled with the fact that my wife was deeply uncomfortable and felt unsafe, I reacted more emotionally than I probably should have. Now that I know it was likely an accidental situation caused by a lost connection, when I get home I'm probably going to look into the device and see if I can determine its make, model, and potentially who owns it. I feel pretty guilty that I destroyed what was likely a fairly expensive piece of equipment, but I do stand by my decision to act in favor of my family's safety. I'm debating reaching out to the owner if I can find them to return the broken pieces but haven't decided if it's worth the risk of being sued especially considering the vague laws regarding shooting down an aircraft. Thank you for all of your advice and I hope either way the pilot takes more care in ensuring their equipment stays in their line of sight and off private property. [link] [comments] |
Bus Driver purposely making our bus late to school. Posted: 04 Sep 2019 06:03 AM PDT I live in NC, and for a while now we've had a bus driver that just seems to get every kid on this bus. Every pick up stop she stops the bus for around five minutes just to yell at us for a variety of stuff. This wouldn't be so bad because we'd still be able to get to school on time with the amount of stops we have, but she also drives extremely slow. Like slow to the point where it's clearly on purpose. Every day we get to school 10-15 minutes late. I'm missing out on education because my bus driver hates our bus and purposely makes us late or just is an awful driver in general. Is this anything she could get in trouble for? Sorry if anything here comes off as ignorant, I don't really have that great of an understanding of legal stuff. For anyone wondering, I'd drive but gas money is kind of expensive :P [link] [comments] |
I was fired after my boss read my diary Posted: 04 Sep 2019 05:20 AM PDT Hey everyone, I work as a maternity nurse in London, the UK. Basically this means that people hire me to come and live in their home and look after their newborn baby for a short period of time, teach them parenting skills (or just look after their baby while they go off and socialise, whatever) and then I leave when the baby is old enough for a nanny. Part of being a maternity nurse means that I live in my employer's home, as I work 24hrs a day 6 days a week. The baby has a cot in my room and I tend to their needs at any given moment. My pay includes all my food and rent. I get 24hrs off every week to do with as I please. My contract states that I am entitled to stay at my employer's home, use my bedroom, and use the house as my own. I think this is a bit awkward, so I usually go away and stay at a friend's place or go and explore England (I've come over to work for a while, I am originally from Australia). The story; last weekend I was given 48hrs off and so I flew to Ireland for the weekend. Upon returning, my boss told me "you've worked so hard for us, we'd be happy for you to finish your contract tonight. Or tomorrow if that suits you better". So even though she didn't say "you're fired", she heavily insinuated that she wanted me out, ASAP. I asked repeatedly if I had done anything to upset her or if she was unhappy with my work, to which she said no. I work as a subcontractor for a private staff agency in London. When I called them to update them on me being asked to leave, they said that they had called my boss and she said she had read my diary. The diary: I write most nights before bed about my daily life, like everyone who keeps a journal. This journal is my own, personal, private diary. It was kept in a bag, at the back of my cupboard. To access it, my clothes would have had to be taken out of my wardrobe whilst I was away for the weekend, my bags gone through, and it located. I mostly write about my personal life, my love life, sex, self esteem, friend issues, occasionally I write about my frustrations with the people I work for. You can imagine, working 24hrs a day for people who don't want much to do with their new baby is hard. My question: is there any law protecting me here? My contract says NOTHING about a contract being cancelled early. I want to know if I'm entitled to receive the income (I had 2 weeks of my contract left) that I was expecting to receive. I also had to stay in a hotel when I left them, as I have no apartment or home to stay in and it took me a few days to sort my head. TL;DR; my boss snooped through my things, read my diary, wasn't happy with my judging of her parenting, fired me. Am I entitled to compensation for lost wages? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Sep 2019 04:47 AM PDT This is in Florida. Someone i know is a nurse and was just forced to work and stay at the hospital for the last 48 hours due to the hurricanes possibility of hitting us 3 days ago. Prior to leaving this morning, she was informed that her upcoming shifts this week will not have overtime pay, with the person telling her this stating that since they were told to stay at the hospital in case the hurricane hit, it was considered 'disaster relief' and that overtime will not apply. I just want to make sure that they aren't being totally fucked, and that what the person is telling them is accurate. [link] [comments] |
I just discovered husband’s affair and will be getting a divorce (or annulment)? Posted: 04 Sep 2019 01:43 AM PDT Tonight I found incriminating convos between my husband and his coworker revealing a romantic and intimate relation of 16 months. I promptly emailed myself all their conversations, and he has no idea I know. My husband and I have been married for five years. For the past 2-3 years, he has rejected my sexual advances and so we haven't been intimate in years despite my pining. Also he is an immigrant who came here on the K1 visa. Earlier this year I went through all the effort of getting him the 10 year permanent green card. Now I question if he has used our relationship for ulterior motives, especially seeing as he was having that affair during this process. Next step was gonna be citizenship. He has gaslit me, lied to me, and truly has lived a double life. I feel ridiculous. Since I cannot think clearly, I was hoping to turn to this community for legal advice. What should my next steps be? No one knows and I am thinking of consulting with a lawyer within the next day or two. Is that consultation free? I'm 20k+ in credit card debt :(( No kids. We are 29 y/o in AZ. Is annulment a potential option? And how does someone in great debt and no savings pay for a divorce? Should I act normal, get my finances in order this coming year, and then initiate the divorce once better ready? [link] [comments] |
Final Update- I’m being named as a guarantor for my stepchildren without my consent-Colorado Posted: 04 Sep 2019 08:28 AM PDT It's been about a year and a half since my post and I just wanted to update. This did end up being a bit of a dumpster fire. A family court judge did hear what happened, coupled with the documents with my forged signature, as part of a continuing custody battle. Unfortunately, it was more or less treated as collateral damage of a messy custody battle. In light of the evidence presented, the judge welcomed (but did not order) their mother to carry her own insurance for the children if she didn't like mine. My husband, however, is still required by the court to carry policies for them. As this is prohibitively expensive, I continue to carry them on my policies to keep him compliant. Ultimately for my troubles, at my attorney's pursuance, I was granted a court order in order to lock down my insurance from my stepchildren's mother (the order was necessary to prevent a legal parent/guardian from accessing their children's records/information). The order also prevented her from making changes to my information with providers or listing me as a financially responsible party for the children's expenses incurred. I supply copies of the court order to every provider my stepchildren see now but sometimes things still go awry. My credit is locked down, however, cleaning up the identity theft mess is ongoing and the damage was incredibly frustrating but not insurmountable. It has forced my husband and I to put off buying a home for now until the remaining issues can be ironed out. If you're a stepparent planning on providing insurance coverage to minor children, please don't let my experience scare you from loving and taking on your stepchildren as you would your own. I love my stepchildren and despite all this, I'm still very happy they're continuing to utilize my insurance and getting their needs met instead of the alternative; forgoing coverage all together. Learn from my mistakes and please get some kind of notarized agreement, if not something in a court ordered parenting plan, between their biological parents outlining who pays what and explicitly stating who is responsible for what costs for your records and for the providers' records. Save yourself the headache. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Sep 2019 05:04 AM PDT I am in a mandatory evacuation zone, and my company told us that if the power went out we needed to go to a waffle house or starbucks to keep working. This is not a vital job. It's just sales. I know this isn't sane, but is it legal? Update: Ok, well it sounds like the consensus is crazy but legal. Thank you for the insight! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Sep 2019 10:01 AM PDT About a year ago, I left a job at a bakery. I started this bakery's coffee program and worked it for three years. When I left, I was told by the owner that I would receive free coffee for life as severance and a thank you for building the program. There was a witness to this agreement and the front of house staff have been honoring these terms for the past year. Today, the owner called and told me that I'm no longer eligible for free coffee and will have to pay full price. Is the promise that he made to me a year ago legally binding? Thanks for your help! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Sep 2019 10:10 AM PDT I live in a small town in Ontario and for three years now my daughter has been dealing with this same boy. It started in grade two when he started making sexual remarks to her ( along the lines of suck my dick and the like) it then gradullay turned into this kid telling her that he watches his mom and step dad have sex and he watches his mom shower...he watches porn wih his step dad...I went into the school talked to the principal explained my fears for not only my daughter but his boy aswell, you dont come up with this stuff when 7/8 afterall....and I felt hopeful after that first time...boy was I wrong...Not too long after these incidents, this boy starts telling my daughter he touched another student in the bathroom....back to the school I go. See the principal she reassures me that something is being done. Of course I don't get any details...privacy and all...well then this little boy tells my daughter that little girls are good for nothing, aside from putting dicks in theirs mouthes and sucking on them....back to the school, rinse, repeat. Well I hit my last straw in grade three when he started telling her he is going to come and watch her change and bathe and he knows where she lives , now around this time (not surprisingly) my daughter developed a fear of changing in her bedroom and not only that but she wanted me outside the door while she changed or bathed. I had to buy black out curtains for my house and even resorted to frosting a few windows because at this point I cant in good conscience tell her she has nothing to worry about. I told the school no more. I want him as far away from her as possible. Well that worked for a year, grade four I only had to go in about him threatening my daughter once. (I can't believe I just started that sentence with I only. ) Okay so yesterday was the first day of school and my daughter came home crying because this kid had had his hand around her throat. Yeah. I immediately dialed the school and asked for the principal and asked him to clarify what happened and in this process I find out they are in the same class again...I ask if my daughter can be moved to a different class due to past problems and he tells me unfortunately there is no other grade5 class. And there is nothing that can be done other than keeping an eye on it and possibly changing his recess time. Is there ANYTHING I can do to keep this kid away from mine? I cannot make her move schools as of she has done something wrong...Can I take out a restraining order on a kid to stay away from my daughter? This sounds ridiculous, I get it. But I'm desperate, I don't know what to do or where to turn. I just know I can't sit and wait for it to get bad enough for them to do something about it...not at my daughters' expense. Sorry for the wall of text, furious and on mobile. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Sep 2019 08:33 AM PDT This just happened. I am a manager at a fast casual resturaunt. We have had a lot of bad employees and an old gm that didn't care, we got a new GM and I was excited about the positive changes he was making and tried to reinforce them. This caused the employees to group together and try to get me fired. So they went to the director of operations and told him I'd made comments to shoot up the resturaunt. I was then fired, even the director of operations agreed that its blown entirely out of proportion. I do have a sick sense of humor and have made jokes before but never did i threaten to shoot the place up. This kind of talk is normal for a kitchen. And honestly, I don't give a shit about losing my job. I am qualified and can get another in less than a week. I am more worried if this escalates above my work and I have police coming to arrest me. What can I do to get ahead of this and protect myself? [link] [comments] |
I turned a vacant public lot into a baseball diamond over the Summer without permission [PA] Posted: 04 Sep 2019 09:45 AM PDT Now that the project's basically finished I realized this is something I could get in trouble for and am wondering if I should be pro-active and explain what I've done. There's an empty lot near my house that was just dirt and rocks, nobody ever uses it except for dumping trash. Due to a change in my circumstances I had the entire Summer free with no obligations. I started with just cleaning the lot but then started pulling the larger rocks, then raking for the smaller ones, and before I knew it I was renting a roller. I worked on it nearly every day all Summer, I planted turfgrasses, yesterday I painted the lines. Everything I either bought or rented myself. Pretty much nobody interacted with me at all all Summer while I was doing this but yesterday a father and his young son asked when the field would be ready and I told him it was almost finished. Is this something I could get in trouble for? I don't have permission to do anything but the lot wasn't being used for anything and there was nothing there. I had to do a lot of labor to get it to this point including a lot of desiccated animal feces. Should I explain what I've done at the next town hall? [link] [comments] |
Girlfriend being held captive by fraud for forced marriage. How do I help legally? Posted: 04 Sep 2019 06:34 AM PDT My 22 y/o Marwari-Jain girlfriend (resident of Surat, Gujarat) is being forced into an arranged marriage even after strict denial from her. Two months ago, her roka was done forcefully, and now, she has been sent off by her parents to her grandpa's place in Chennai. Grandpa is a crorepati and very influential. Yesterday, my girlfriend was forcefully taken to the Surat airport via the VIP route straight to the aircraft and boarded directly just a minute before the departure. Her parents and grandpa had arranged some document from Chennai giving them complete control over her life even though she's 18+. Some top-level cop from Chennai had come to Surat to take her forcefully to her grandpa's place in Chennai. She called local cops before being dragged into the car to be sent off to the airport, and they left without any help just a minute after arriving. The Chennai-based cop showed the document to the local cops and left with my gf to take her to Chennai in a snap. She was beaten up by her mother in front of the whole building for calling cops and sent off to the airport along with this Chennai-based cop. Her family has filed fake cases on me that I have done some black magic on her, I am going to rape her, I am going to runaway with her, etc to frame me if I try to help, although I do not fear any repercussions as long as my gf gets her freedom and justice. How do I help her now? She has been beaten up a lot over the last 3-4 months, and her phone has been taken away from her. She's being held captive at grandpa's place in Chennai. When she was in Surat, private detectives were kept to follow her and her room was bugged. She could not make a move without her evil family knowing. Our women's commissions are unfortunately too weak and fail to put force on corrupt police forces to provide any legal aid to victims. I have seen many cases go wrong when these commissions get involved but do nothing. Even 181/1091 was useless. Lady cops came to 'counsel' parents - what were they thinking? I am based in Vadodara, Gujarat. If you know someone really clever and tough to give any legal advice, please help me. I think I need something that would compel my gf's parents to show up along with her in court, where her statement can be taken and where she can prove she's in all her senses to enjoy all her legal rights. [link] [comments] |
My new job is asking for other peoples socials is this legal? Posted: 04 Sep 2019 02:51 AM PDT Edit: the given reason given is
Which based on the information you guys have given seems to make sense i want to thank everyone for clearing things up for me. It is definitely not something I've seen before I live in the US So I have applied and been accepted to work at a call center that has to do with lottery games. I am supposed to start on the 9th i have filled out all my pre paperwork. Today i get an email with my instructions for my first day and in this email is a list of things i need to bring on my first day.
all of this is screaming RED FLAG to me and i am really not sure what to do. They are a fairly big company or at least i think they are and they have been around for a while, but this just screams shady to me. are they even legally allowed to ask for this information i mean my social i understand but the social of the people i live with? I am currently not working and i gave up job opportunities to work here and i dont know if i am blowing this out of proportion I have googled to see if this is something other companies do but i haven't gotten any results. I have reached out to the person at the job that sent me the email and i will update with the reason they say they need it [link] [comments] |
My aunt is "volunteering" full-time at a for-profit business. Is that a thing? Posted: 04 Sep 2019 07:53 AM PDT My aunt in a tough spot right now because her husband used to take care of EVERYTHING for the two of them, but he passed away earlier this year due to cancer. After becoming a widower in her 60s, the family suggested that my aunt go out and find a job to help pay bills, as her husband's military pension and their savings is not enough to sustain her for the rest of her life. Recently, she started "working" part-time at a religious bookstore near her home. At first, we thought this was a great fit for her because she is a devoutly religious person—until we discovered that she was not being compensated for her work—in fact, she is considered a volunteer. What started out as part-time "helper" role has grown into a full-time position. Often, she alone manages the store without any real employees present. I realize that the solution here seems simple—have her grow a spine and request that she be compensated for her increased role. The problem is that she is a very meek person, with zero work experience, and the store's pseudo-affiliation to the church makes her feel bad about asking for a paycheck. To be clear, this bookstore sells religious items, but is not affiliated with a church and is a for-profit company. My question is this: Is this type of volunteerism legal? Is there any government resource I can anonymously report this to? In my book, the owner of this store is being exploitative of a recent widower. Our family has tried countless times to knock some sense into her, but she believes strongly in service to the church, and does not recognize the distinction of this for-profit business. I am hoping there may be some legal strings I could pull to help resolve the situation. My aunt is in Pennsylvania. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Sep 2019 12:59 PM PDT This is a long sad story so I'll get into it. My girlfriend and I had been together for about 2.5 years. About a year ago, she started falling into a deep depression, lost her job and her apartment, and moved in with me. I've been supporting her entirely for the past 6 months or so, and it has been really difficult supporting and living with someone who won't leave bed and has to be cajoled into taking a shower every day. But the straw that broke the camel's back is the lack of intimacy in our relationship. Since she moved in, her sex drive has completely evaporated. This all came to a head about a month and a half ago after she had turned me down for sex the 3rd week in a row. We had a big argument over it, and I told her that we barely have a "relationship" anymore, and that if she can't put out an effort to be more than an just emotional drain for me we're going to break up and she's going to have to leave. She broke down here and promised to try harder. We had sex that night, and maybe twice the next week. Flash forward to this weekend. After the initial effort, we haven't been intimate at all again. She's just not interested in anything, including anything sexual. We had another big fight and I ended up following through with my previous threat to break up. I have her 2 days to leave my house, which she of course did nothing during, at which point I packed her belongings and got her to leave. She said she had nowhere to go and no money to find a place or feed herself, which may be true, but I was just fed up. Now today I found out that she's crashing with a friend and accusing me of coercing her into sex. She said that I told her friend I'd kick her out to live on the streets if she didn't sleep with me, and that she only slept with me to avoid being homeless. She says she didn't consent because she was coerced into saying yes at the risk of homelessness. I haven't been contacted by the police or anything, but I'm concerned about being accused of something I didn't do. It's been a tough enough week already without having to worry about being labeled a sex offender for breaking up with someone. Is there any chance she could get the police on her side and have her accusations go somewhere? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Sep 2019 11:01 AM PDT So, a little background: I work commercial roofing in Oregon. I recently got hired at a new company and began working on a project. Each day at the end of work the foreman enters our hours into a tablet computer and all the workers sign next to thier hours to verify. All fine. About 6 weeks in, the company changed out foremen on the job and the new foreman never filled out our hours before having us sign at the end of the day. I noticed this and began recording my hours daily. The first weeks paycheck came and I was 3 hours short of what I'd written down for the 6 day week we had. I mentioned being short hours to my coworkers and advised them to write down their hours as well. I also called the project manager and told him about the discrepancies and not having a filled out timecard to sign. He said I was probably right and he'd talk to the foreman and make sure the hours were filled out every day from now on. Long story short, the foreman didn't fill out hours on the timecard even once after that. I continued for the next two weeks to be short half an hour per day. The first week was 6 days, so 3 hours short, and the second and thord weeks were 5 days so 2.5 hours short. I called my project manager each week when I received my paycheck and it was short, advising him that hours were still not being filled out and that hours were missing. He told me each time he would handle it and failed to correct the situation. So, the third week in a row I was short my project manager had me send him all my dates and times I had worked to check against the records. He then came to the jobsite the next day and told me that there had likely been confusion with our 2 paid 15 minute breaks but that my coworkers were paud the same amount of hours as I was and none of them had complained, so I wouldn't be compensated. I told him as long as the hours were right from now on, I guess I'd just have to deal with it. He left and things seemed fine. The day my manager spoke with me was a Wednesday. The following friday, 2 days later, I was told by my foreman I wouldn't be needed on the current project and to call the project manager for where to go on Monday. Upon calling him, I was told that he didn't have any work for me and that I was "on the bench" and could draw unemployment until more work was available. So I sat at home for a week and got things going with unemployment. Now, I'm a single father and I own a home with a mortgage of almost $2k per month. I cannot make my bills on unemployment. I contacted my project manager the next friday asking if there was any work for me next week. He told me there wasn't. So I called a co worker and asked how things had been going. He told me that their crew had 2 workers unexpectedly quit on the same day and their foreman had been asking for a few more workers all week and had been told by my project manager that there was nobody to send. So, I attempted to call and text my project manager to ask him why I wasn't working and if I still had a job. For 3 days he ignored me entirely despite multiple calls and messages. So I got in touch with HR and told this whole convoluted story. HR said they would reach out to my project manager to figure out what had happened and let me know. So, last night at 8:30pm my project manager texts me and says that I hadn't done anything wrong it was just time for layoffs and I didnt make the cut. I then asked if I could be given my PTO that I had accrued and he told me they were "unavailable" since they are not cash money. I then called my now ex-coworker and found out that I was the only person laid off. In August. Which is the busiest season for roofing. My question is if I have any recourse here? My state has at will employment but it's obviously retaliation as it happened 2 days after we spoke about my missing hours and I was the only one laid off. Should I call HR again? Should I talk to a lawyer? Will it be worth it? I don't have the money to retain an attorney, so I'm just trying to find out if there's some way to recoup the money they owe me and/or my PTO. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for any errors, I wrote this on my phone [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Sep 2019 09:13 AM PDT California. Note: when I say "we", I'm referring to me (17m) and my brother (12m) Hey All, it's me again. If you go through my post history you'll probably know that this account is used by me to seek for help regarding my parents and cps and whatnot. It's been a few months since I've posted and a lot has changed. We haven't seen our mother (except for court dates) since mid-January. In this time, the court has flipped the script on us, when previously they let us take our time to rehab, and now they want to push us into visitation. We believe that 7 months isn't enough time for us to forgive what she's done for 10+ years. She's using her leverage as our mother and our inability to veto as minors to push the judge into forcing visitation. Our social worker has also been pressuring us for visitation. He basically was trying to scare us into doing phone calls (which have resulted in my younger brother crying multiple times) because he'd say we could be forced to sit in a room with her for an hour. After him visiting like this multiple times and me allowing one week of phone calls, I decided to hardball my mother's group. I was very sick and tired of feeling like my voice didn't matter because of how often our social worker would push the issue. So I said I wanted no communication, and if she pushed for visitation I would sit in a room with her every week for an hour. I'm sure she'd find it awkward and by doing this there's no activity to distract her (the judge had suggested watching a movie or eating food together), putting the power back with me. When we went to court a few days ago, I directly appealed to her, saying "if you truly love us, you'd give us time to grow and recover and we'll pursue a relationship when we're ready." She denied and continued with pushing the issue. This scares me because I think this is showing that she wants to get power back and she cannot stand being at a power indifference (she's an architect and has been through ~7 jobs in the past 2 years ). My first question is if there is anything I can do at the next court date (oct 3rd) to prevent her from visitation again. Also, I'd like to hear your opinion on what type of visitation I should have with her because idk if my current idea is a good idea. I don't believe that she'll have changed much if she puts herself back in our lives, so when I turn 18 I want to pursue for custody of my brother. Again I don't know if this is a good idea but cps has shown me that they are pretty incapable at listening to us and I don't want to hear that my brother is still being abused once I leave the household. Tl:dr is there anything I can do at the next court date (oct 3rd) to prevent her from visitation again. Also, I'd like to hear your opinion on what type of visitation I should have with her because idk if my current idea is a good idea. [link] [comments] |
Husband knocked a drone out of the sky for peeping in our windows, what should we do next? Posted: 04 Sep 2019 01:20 PM PDT Over the summer, there has been a drone flying around and lingering over our property, with a camera attached. We figured it was due to some construction in the area, or some kind of surveying. At first, it would stay well above our property so we weren't really concerned, but then it started flying lower and more frequently over our home and property. We have 8 security cameras and we started taking pictures of it as well. It's hard to tell how close it is in the photos, but the security cameras have captured quite a bit of footage of it in relation to our house--in our backyard, next to our home, etc. It's going over our 6 foot privacy fence and directly into our backyard while we're outside, and here's the part that concerns me most-it was hovering outside of our windows. We have 6 children, all with bedrooms on the 2nd story, and the drone would hover outside our 4 and 2 year old daughters rooms, in particular. In summer with the windows open (with screens), there were several occasions where our daughters would scream and cry and call to us, telling us there was a robot or blinking lights outside their window, and that it "sounded like bees". Obviously, it was the drone paying them visits. We hung blackout shades and curtains, but since we don't have central air in our older home, sometimes on hot days, we had no choice but to leave the windows open with fans in them, and the drone would pay them a visit. These window peeping incidents happened 16 times! I kept records and gathered evidence and documentation of each incident (security camera footage, dates, times, what happened, etc.) I've called police several times and made reports and handed over flash drives full of our evidence, but they told us there are no specific ordinances about drones in our municipality, and they seem generally disinterested in investigating this. For some reason, they're pretty flippant about it and seem to think it's just a teenager messing with us, which is maddening to me! There are 66 convicted sex offenders within a 1 mile radius of our home alone. I can't even get them to return our calls when I call the officers who took our reports. (We are about 15 miles from an airport, so I don't think we're in a no fly zone) I know you're not allowed to damage other peoples property, and doing so can break some federal laws when it comes to drones. I also know these drones are supposed to be registered or licensed in some way. After months of this and no action from law enforcement, my daughters screaming and crying, and the unsettling feeling of being creeped on, my husband decided to take matters into his own hands. The drone has been coming around 3:00PM most days since school began, which is when we get home with our kids after school. He waited along the fence line near our daughters bedroom with a big fishing net for it to come, and sure enough, it did. He was able to whack it down to the ground and put a large bucket over it. What do we do now? I want to call the police so they can trace the serial number or whatever registration it has, but after looking at some other posts about it, I'm afraid my husband may get himself into legal trouble if we do. This just happened, and no one has shown up to retrieve it yet. Should we call police? Should we take it to the police station? Should we call a lawyer instead? Smash it to pieces? (I'm joking...kind of) How should we proceed with this? Is there any way my husband can not get into legal trouble for this and have the person whose responsible for harassing our family found? Could there be criminal charges for either or both parties? This is in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. [link] [comments] |
HOA problems, except in this one I'm an employee of the HOA and not a resident Posted: 04 Sep 2019 01:46 PM PDT I work for an HOA. I work after hours exclusive events for residents which I'm not being paid for. I believe that's a problem I can file some kind of wage complaint about however I'm not sure if my contract or vacation days will mess that up? When I was hired my employment agreement says that these events will be on a voluntary basis, which I took to mean it's not mandatory I be there (I've worked for other property management companies and that would be pretty normal for admin type positions like mine) but it apparently meant that I'm in some kind of mandatory volunteering program. Will the agreement saying the events are voluntary override my ability to claim those hours? Also, when I requested a day off they had me sign a sheet saying that I wasn't using PTO and was instead trading the event hours I worked, except I took off one day and they made me trade multiple events that would have been like 20 hours for work. I was presented that option as if they were doing me some huge favor because I booked the day off less than a month in advance (because my mom is having surgery for breast cancer) and so they wouldn't allow me to take it on PTO. Does that mean I've really forfeited those extra like 12 hours? Northern Alberta. [link] [comments] |
11 year old publicly accused of stealing [OK] police were called Posted: 03 Sep 2019 10:47 PM PDT Posting for my cousin, throwaway, on mobile. Longer version is in my post history. Short version; my cousin's 11 year old son was accused of stealing a motorcycle. The family called the police and a different neighbor came to tell us that the police were looking for him. Went to talk to the neighbors and they basically said "Oops, we all stole when we were young." They never apologized, and kept their public post up on Facebook. The comments had a lot of racist undertones and threats to an 11 year old child. The video shows a child that isn't the same build, color or height and the car in the video clearly doesn't belong to my cousin or her husband. He was accused simply because he's black. My cousin made a post of her own with the screenshots from the family, their comments and the video in question. The family then proceeded to call the police to her house because they felt "threatened for them and their kid's lives". The police then made her remove her post and said any interactions or mentions about the incident will be a felony harassment charge because it's now bullying. No threatening comments were made on my cousin's post and the other family was allowed to keep their post up. Her son is now afraid to ride the bus or stand at the bus stop because of the threats from other children/adults. They identified him by name but not picture and they planned to send the police the school (without his parent's knowledge.) They weren't home during the theft, or when the police came by. Were the police telling the truth or were they trying to just end the situation? And is there any actions we can take against the family? In my opinion, their calling the police on her for doing the same thing they did is ridiculous and was used in a threatening tactic. All advice is appreciated. The other family went to the news. And I'm completely baffled. What do we do?? [link] [comments] |
24 Hour Notice Before Landlord has a Showing? Posted: 04 Sep 2019 05:06 AM PDT I'm dealing with a landlord tenant issue in MD and I'm going to reach out to an attorney, but I have a quick question that I'm hoping you all can help with. What does 24 hours notice before entry mean for showings? I'm assuming that it means that our landlord has to notify us 24 hours before a realtor shows the home, and that we can refuse a showing that he tells us about an hour before. Is this correct? Thank you! [link] [comments] |
[CT, U.S.] man is threatening me over facebook claiming what he's gonna do to me when he sees me. Posted: 04 Sep 2019 04:54 AM PDT Basically he sells. And i backed out of a deal i was supposed to make with him. He then messaged me multipleeeee times claiming he's on his way to my house, gonna knock my teeth in, etc etc This man already has a restraining order against someone else so if he gets caught attacking me I can't snitch to the police. He claims if i do I'm "done for" and whatnot. Like, he's threatening me and my family. And he claims if police knock on his door he's gonna go straight to my house, no mercy. What the fuck do i do? People are psycho man. Q [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Sep 2019 06:24 PM PDT On August 21, 2019, the seller of a home I was purchasing executed a purchase agreement with me and my wife as the purchasers. The executed purchase agreement contained an Addendum referred to as "Right of First Refusal" or "ROFR". The sole purpose of this addendum is to allow the Seller the right to continue marketing the property to non-contingent buyers while the Purchasers (us) made worked to sell our current property. On August 25th at 5:28 PM, the Seller's agent sent an email to my realtor stating the following: This email triggered a 48 hour response period for us to waive the ROFR by removing the contingency of us selling our home. We had 3 showing lined up within 2 hours of being on the market, so even though we had not sold it yet we were confident we would be able to quickly. On August 27th at 3:47 PM, my realtor emailed the listing agent stating we were waiving the contingency and provided an addendum with the following language. An updated lender letter allowing the me to move forward with the purchase without selling my home was also provided. Section 4 of the Right of First Refusal listed under "Waiver Without Consent" states: The Seller side is arguing that per this section alone, we (the Purchasers) have not satisfied the the requirements set forth in the Right of First Refusal. The Sellers take the position that they can unilaterally terminate the contract and move forward to closing with their new buyer. We have not signed a release of this contract. Our position is that we the Purchasers have satisfied the requirements explicitly outlined in Section 1 of the Right of First Refusal. Furthermore, Section 3 of the addendum outlines what would constitute a termination and the Purchasers satisfied the first provision under this section. The language in question under Section 4 referring to obtaining "a written loan commitment" is listed under "Waiver without Consent". Per the communication from the listing agent and per the language outlined in Section 1 of the Right of First Refusal, the Sellers provided the Purchaser's consent to waive the contingency within 48 hours. Nowhere on this form does section 4 become a part of section 1 of the addendum. And again, section 3 outlines what would constitute a termination. Important info pertaining to this case and industry standards:
I'm at a loss of what to do here. If I don't do anything then there are absolutely no repercussions for the sellers of my new home throwing our contract in the trash to take a different offer. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Sep 2019 11:15 AM PDT I want to start off by saying I am low income, and if getting a PO box was in our budget, we would love to have one. Therefore, I also can't move right now. I am living in an apartment owned by an extreme cheapskate in Washington state (not DC). This place is not big at all. Only 12 apartments. We live in a high crime transient area. We have thief's and prowlers around our area nearly every night. Our mail gets stolen multiple times per week, the mail comes while we are at work, and they get to my mailbox before we do. There are multiple thief's stealing our mail and not just one, it's like a competition to them. We all have complained to our landlord. Some can afford to have a PO box but the ones that cant are still pretty upset. He flat out refuses to do anything about it and blames us, told us to go wait by the mailbox if its really that bad (yes he really did). Is there anything that can legally be done about this? Someone told me to call the "postmaster general" but I don't really know what they do or if they can do anything for me. [link] [comments] |
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