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    Monday, July 8, 2019

    All the best for those who are writing for the CIP exams Insurance

    All the best for those who are writing for the CIP exams Insurance

    All the best for those who are writing for the CIP exams

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 12:31 PM PDT

    How long does an insurance claim take when the policy holder is MIA?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 03:53 AM PDT

    2 weeks ago I was rear ended in a hit and run where the driver had a suspended license. I filed a claim on their insurance, but it's taking a long time for a decision on the claim to be made because the insurance company is unable to get in touch with the driver/policy holder. I've provided insurance with my dash cam video (which shows the license plate and the driver's face), as well as the police report (police also unable to get in touch with the driver). Does anyone have any idea when the insurance company might make a decision on the claim if they continue to be unable to get in touch with the policy holder?

    submitted by /u/jason_for_prez
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    US citizen moving from Japan (with insurance) to the UK (with insurance) with an approximately 2 month gap between. What should I be looking for in gap health insurance? Would like to protect myself but don't want to jump through a ton of hoops if I can help it.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 03:33 AM PDT

    Title says most of it. Early 30s female (this isn't for me actually).

    I can (and have) googled "health insurance gap coverage", and of course I can find plenty of vendors that will sell me things, but I'm wondering if anybody has any specific advice or recommendations on certain vendors / providers that are quality / not garbage?

    I suppose it goes without saying but it's unlikely the insurance would be used, but there are enough "assets" to protect that it would really suck if there was a car accident with tons of major surgeries or something.

    Thanks in advance for your time!

    submitted by /u/kevysaysbenice
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    Someone backed into my sisters parked car while I was in it.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 05:19 PM PDT

    Was in the car waiting for my sister, I'm looking down at my phone. All of a sudden I feel someone hit her car hard while backing up about 15 to 25 mph (just guessing). The guy didnt realize I was in the car, and looked like he was going to keep driving. I jolt up shaking, knocked on his window and asked for his license and insurance. I called my sister and got the cops on the phone. He left a laarrge dent on her back bumper with damage to his girlfriends vehicle too. The cop talked to the driver he said he wasnt paying attention while backing up. He was driving his girlfriends car, from a different state (NY) but he is from the area. The cop stated he was at fault and we can get a police report in a week.

    It's been about 10 hours now and I'm starting to feel some upper back pain and a migrane. Still on edge from the accident. Should I visit my doctor and file a claim?

    submitted by /u/atabey_
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    Sibling turns 26 this month, not currently employed

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 09:09 PM PDT

    My brother is turning 26 next month and won't be eligible for my dad's healthcare the following month. My dad was told from HR person at work that he can stay uninsured, and if something should happen he can sign up for COBRA and the coverage would apply retroactively. Is this true? My brother will likely be employed later this year so it will only be temporary. But the retroactive COBRA coverage didn't smell right to me. Can any experts shed some light?

    submitted by /u/paymesucka
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    Rear ended, what to do from here?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 08:37 PM PDT

    Hi everyone.

    I just got into an accident about 3 hours ago while driving back from vacation. Was going with traffic on a freeway when suddenly all the cars slowed down to a standstill due to a stalled semi on the side of the road. I was able to come to a complete stop and a few seconds later was hit by the person behind me who didn't stop in time.

    I pulled over and got out expecting my car to be crumpled up (VW Golf vs GMC Envoy) and was surprised to find almost no damage. Somehow their car managed to hit me directly on my license plate and nowhere else. I've looked over the car for the past 15 minutes and can't find any damage other than a warped license plate and bracket, and the license plate light is crooked in the cutout for it. There's no scratches, dents, or any other damage I can find.

    I exchanged insurance information with her and we drove away. (We couldn't find any damage on her vehicle.)

    I am wondering what I should do at this point? There doesn't seem to be a lot to fix here other than the light and warped plate, but I am worried if the impact bar behind the bumper warped/crumpled from the collision.

    Should I file a claim for this, or is there a way to get the car checked out first? I'm 23 and worried about getting a claim on my insurance record from possibly such a minor incident (clean driving record otherwise).

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/OneDandamans
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    Insurance on Handicapped Accessible Vehicle?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 08:29 PM PDT

    I'm just curious if anyone has ever had any experience of their vehicle being totaled?

    Mine is a rear entry Kia soul with the driver's seat on a track to move back and forth, hand controls, and a modified electronic gear shifter. It's fortunately fine and I do have comprehensive coverage, but I've always worried what would happen if it was totaled. It's obviously very expensive and the bank owns it for another nine years until I can pay it off. That's with a $20,000 down payment.

    I have gap insurance to make sure that the bank is paid back but would I be left with nothing and have to completely start from scratch? That's just not feasible...

    submitted by /u/Disabled_Doll_Babe
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    Got into an accident in company vehicle, received subjugation letter. Is this a scam?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 07:47 PM PDT

    I was recently involved in an accident in a company vehicle. It was my fault, I was driving my company's vehicle and accidentally scratched a car. We called the police, filed a report, I gave them my company's insurance information.

    A few weeks went by and yesterday I received a mail from a "third party administrator handling claims" stating that they plan on pursuing subrogation against me. They are asking for MY insurance company's information.

    I'm confused because from what I understand, my employer should be the ones paying/answering any claims.

    Is this a scam? Or could my employer be screwing me?

    I'm going to ask my employers tomorrow but I just wanted to hear some possible answers first.


    Btw at the time of the accident, it was for work-related reasons.

    In NJ

    submitted by /u/something316
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    19 Subaru vs deer

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 03:48 PM PDT

    I hit a deer and a guardrail with my brand new Subaru Legacy, it must've also cracked the radiator. The car got extremely hot so I parked it. Now it won't start.. I'm wondering if insurance will total it or replace the damage. I know with new cars they like to fix but didn't know about the engine issue. I've attached a gallery of the damage below. I live in Iowa - 50% state. It blue books between 17-19k in good/great condition. Thank you!


    submitted by /u/Ibuddhaa
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    Earthquake with multiple aftershocks

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 07:28 PM PDT

    Sorry in advance for formatting on mobile. Me and a co-worker were talking (3rd party FNOL administrator) and we can't figure out if an earthquake with multiple aftershocks would count as a single loss or if each aftershock that caused damage would be considered a separate loss with its own deductible?

    submitted by /u/accretion_orb
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    AC Unit condensate pipe backed up causing damage in a spare bedroom and the ceiling to collapse in. Now dealing with insurance, just a couple questions and looking for tips.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 07:18 PM PDT


    We have a house we bought last year that was built in 1972 in central OK. The furnace up in the ceiling has a drip pan that has condensate pipes running off it outside. Apparently the pipe clogged up causing the drip pan to overflow and our ceiling to get wet and fall in.

    It's a not too often used spare bedroom therefore we didn't notice it until a day or so after it happened. As soon as we did we called our insurance company Safeco. They immediately that night sent out a water mitigation company to secure the area and set up dehumidifiers and fans. The room was just a office / toy room. The most expensive thing in it was my custom built PC. The ceiling fell in about a foot away from my computer and it was on so it was sucking in moisture all day long. When the water people got there they told me to get that computer and my Oculus VR set out of the room along with any expensive toys that may be damaged from moisture. So we did. I relocated my PC to the next room and realized it will not boot. Because my PC won't boot I can't test my Oculus headset to see if it's busted or not.

    The next day the insurance adjuster called us and walked us through what happens next and to answer any questions. They said after the water mitigation has happened after about 3 days then the adjustor will come out and take pictures and record any damages. He asked if we had any noticeable damage to personal items. I mentioned my PC is not booting now and he asked how close it was to the damage and what kind of PC it was. When I told him it was custom built he just kind of was like ugh. He said computer repairs are kind of tricky in insurance claims since it could be so many things and the moisture could have gotten to many components.

    He recommended I take it to a computer specialist and have them diagnose it. I personally think a hard drive just got fried and it's an easy fix but I am also worried what else inside the PC might have gotten moisture in it. He said if I can get a quote or a write up of repairs / replacements it will make it easier for him to factor it in. So I have a question about that. We live in the boonies, there aren't any computer experts besides a couple of my friends and myself that I know of. I do have a Best Buy half an hour away but I'm scared they'll charge me shit tons for not needing what I need for this purpose.

    Here's a pic: https://imgur.com/a/pyeaShF

    We've never ever filed a claim and this is our first home we've owned and first time dealing with insurance ever. We've never even had so much as a car accident. I guess my questions are, any tips I need to watch out for, any ideas on how to get some money to get my PC fixed, and does everything else sound kosher?

    My wife and 2 kids and I thank you in advance. Y'all help out so much for frustrated people. Hopefully you can shine some info on my situation.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/John1744
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    Renter's Insurance Question regarding Mold

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 11:26 AM PDT

    I hope I'm doing this right...

    This past Friday, my partner and I found mold on the side of our futon mattress. We checked underneath and it was almost completely covered in mold. My mother came by to check on things and said that there was a distinct odor of mold coming from various parts of our apartment (my mom has a very sensitive nose). Our roommates are out of town so with their permission, we tore the apartment apart to see if there was mold anywhere else.

    There is mold in every room. We found it behind bookshelves and nightstands, on the underside of beds, on our windows (we have old metal windows, the kind of metal that is rough to the touch). We saw that most, if not all, the hard hit areas were around our windows. We had an unusually wet winter and in the past couple of weeks started to feel the summer heat. We're guessing that the mold was always in the corners/windows, but really exploded in the past couple of weeks because my partner had to move a bookshelf recently to hang some curtains and there wasn't any mold then (the back of that bookshelf and a couple of the books are now covered in it).

    We contacted the property manager and they can't send someone out til Tuesday. So my partner and I went to town with bleach as we can't afford to stay elsewhere. We haven't checked every corner of the apartment so we can't know for sure that the mold is gone. We also chucked our futon and a cat tree (my poor kitties were devastated by this), and we did get pictures of the mold damage (the mold had gone through the futon cover and was everywhere on the mattress).

    My question is, are we able to submit a claim to our renter's insurance for the items we had to toss? Right now, it's about $700 of items we tossed or are unable to use. If we are able to, how do we document the damage and is it ok to toss the stuff that has a lot of mold (we don't have much outdoor space to store the moldy items)?

    submitted by /u/redbutterfly913
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    Will my insurance cover this?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 01:51 PM PDT

    Hi. So i was backing out a friends car in my driveway and hit another friends car with it. The car I was driving has no damage however the other car does. Is there anyway my insurance will cover this? My goal here is to not effect my friends insurance rate or make them pay any money due to it being my fault. Or how can I go about this on a way that doesn't effect them?

    submitted by /u/-jacksmack-
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    Insurance brokers?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 04:29 PM PDT

    Hi guys - I'm in commercial sales currently , my buddy works as a broker for commercial insurance, I believe that's his title.

    I'm kind of looking at this as a career option - I'm 31 and really enjoy headhunting and opening business

    Can someone explain the job and pay structure a little?

    From what I gather it's

    Salary 50% of initial broker commission on new business and then 25% annually after year 1? Does that sound right

    I have a really good network of possible clients from my current job and wouldn't be in any kind of a non compete

    Is there any hidden things to know?

    Edit - commercial line producer was what I'm looking at

    submitted by /u/Enomalie
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    To Claim or Not to Claim?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 04:08 PM PDT

    In typical fashion, I got the "new car curse" and today found some apparent hail damage on my wife's 2019 Dodge Durango. One big dent on the hood, along with a few smaller ones and one small one on each front quarter panel. Nothing apparent on the roof.

    If it wasn't a new car, I'd probably just say we can live with the small ones and try a dent repair kit on the larger one. Given the new car situation, I thought the best course of action (normally) would be to get a repair quote for PDR from a couple places, then determine if a claim was warranted, or just pay out-of-pocket (our comprehensive deductible is $500).

    Here's where the water gets muddied... I just switched insurance carriers (from Progressive to Liberty Mutual) with the change going into effect tonight at midnight (and yes, I initiated this change a few days ago, prior to noticing the damage). I figure this means I probably need to decide if I should start a claim or not (with Progressive) before midnight tonight, right?

    A few items of note: I know the damage happened over the last week, as I checked for damage last weekend. My coverage is roughly identical between Liberty and Progressive (in case anyone had some potentially unethical advice there). We have the front covered in PPF (including where the largest dent is) in case that results in unique considerations. I counted 6 very small dents (only noticeable in reflections), plus the 1 larger on the hood.

    Looking for opinions here: Should I initiate a claim now? Or am I allowed to still wait (follow the "get quotes first" plan), even after my coverage with Progressive has lapsed, since I know the damage occurred before my coverage switches tonight?

    submitted by /u/drewskie14
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    Just totaled my new car in an accident and am looking for options.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 04:02 PM PDT

    About a week ago, I was in a car accident that totaled my 2019 Civic. The other driver was found to be at fault.

    Here's where my situation gets tricky.... I had only been paying for this car for about 5 months, so I still owed quite a bit on it. The other driver's insurance is paying the ACV for my car, which was just a little bit over what was owed on my loan (about 20k). So, I'm only getting $245 out of this. I understand my car was paid off in full, but now I'm in a situation where I get none of my $3500 down payment I had made when I bought the car back in December.

    What options, if any, do I have? It seems, for lack of a better word, unfair that I get into an accident that wasn't at all my fault and I'm out a bunch of money. My insurance doesn't offer car replacement coverage.

    Any help or advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/pablothepitbull
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    Car insurance policy comparison

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 11:51 AM PDT

    I'm trying to compare auto insurance quotes to find the best bang for my buck. Due to a speeding ticket about 1 year ago and my age, my insurance through State Farm is $270/month, which is basically the same as my car payment. I used Progressive's online quote generator and got a quote for better coverage, and a lower deductible at half the cost (137/month) and I'm suspicious about that price tag. I want to ensure that I am appropriately insured, and I won't get fucked over if I make the switch.

    I called Progressive to make sure that the quote included the speeding ticket, and they said that it should (I filled it in on the tickets tab, so I'm not hiding it or anything). For reference, I have no claims on my insurance, have been continuously insured, have good credit, and have only two speeding tickets (one about a year ago, one about 6 years ago). Mind looking over the two policies so I know that I'm not missing anything?

    State Farm - 270/month

    Progressive - 137/month

    Am I missing something important? I just seems that Progressive's rate is insanely cheaper than State Farm's.

    If I decide to go ahead and make the switch, should I expect cancelation fees from State Farm?

    submitted by /u/krtnbrbr
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    At fault accident

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 12:55 PM PDT

    Hello, so i got into an accident about a week ago. I was driving with a learners permit and am 18. It was a minor accident where I backed into the car behind me and I admitted fault at the scene. We exchanged information and the guy called the police. The police gave us a report number but they did not give me a ticket for driving without a license as they did not check it I think. My parents told me our insurance would call me within a few days to ask me what happened. They have not called me and I am getting concerned. Is it possible for me to get a ticket or get my permit suspended? This is my first accident and I am covered in our insurance.

    submitted by /u/happyhappydonut
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    Does Geico charge fees if they can’t bill your preferred payment method? I lost my debit card and had to cancel it. It was set up for geico autopay and now I’m confused.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 11:35 AM PDT

    I got a notification saying I had until next month to pay so I decided to wait until I got the new debit card. I then got a letter in the mail saying I owed the monthly payment, plus $200+. At first I thought this was some sort of overdraft fee, but I just went on the geico app and saw that my 6 month premium is listed as the same amount it said I owed. Is that number just the total amount I pay over a given 6 month period or do I owe them fees of some sort?

    Apologies if the wording in this post is confusing. I'm new to acting like an actual adult.

    submitted by /u/TheAbominableShowman
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    Homeowners insurance question.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 04:29 AM PDT

    Sorry I'm new and I hope this is the right place.

    Basically a confirmed tornado touched down and did damage to my roof and water damage to the inside of my house. A adjuster came out and when it was all said and done told my claims agent that 1, there is no record of the roof ever being changed but it looks like it has so I'm gonna go with that (it hasn't ever) 2, the flashing around the areas of the roof are 20 years old and simply caulk to that's just wear and tear and not coverable (how is there 20 year old flashing on a newer roof?) and 3, the water damage inside can be fixed with paint.

    So I argued all of this and now they are sending out a structural engineer to look at the roof. The house is just over 20 years old, when we go the insurance policy after having lived in the house for 2 years no one ever came to do a actual check on things..just insured me over the phone. I'm just looking for advice because this seems like BS. I understand they aren't in the business of handing out money but I feel this should be covered to get a new roof. There's some holes in the sub roofing and black mold in certain spots so obviously this has been going on for a while.

    submitted by /u/SenikaiSlay
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    Texas state motorcycle wreck. Conflicting statements not taken on recorded line.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 10:23 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    About a month ago my SO and I were out cruising on our Harley's when an SUV pulled out into our lane (we were 60mph) we carefully maneuvered around the almost stagnant vehicle safely. A few miles up the rd said SUV started riding uncomfortably close. I was the second rider my husband was first so I put my hand up and motioned for SUV to give me some space after the third attempt and fearing for my safety I throttled and got in front of my husband. I believe she hit her brakes nosed dived and tapped my husbands rear tire he lost control SUV tried to get around me after my SO was rolling on the pavement next to me. I came to a hard stop preventing traffic from going around me. I got a pic of SUV license plate because the SUV drive off. Like the title says MY insurance company said my SO told them he was unsurebif SUV hit him or not. When I called to clarify with SO he told me they must have heard him wrong. So when I called Insurance co. I asked if they could go over the conversation and rep. Told me she didnt record the conversation and they were not going to pursue the matter any further. What can I do? The police report acknowledged the damage as well as fleeing the scene. Can I use them for misrepresenting or neglecting my claim?

    submitted by /u/sleepingbeauty13007
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    GAP Insurance

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 07:13 AM PDT

    Are there companies that will write an independent GAP Insurance policy? If yes, who?

    Auto company will not write the GAP policy because the insured lives in a mobile home.

    Can this question be answered without violating the no solicitation rule?

    submitted by /u/u81pa
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    CA Insurance in Carolinas

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 12:23 AM PDT

    I would be in NC/SC for next three months and my car was garaged in CA so far. I am planning to drive down my car and use them here for sometime.

    Do I need to update the address to Carolinas to reflect during the three months? My plates would still be CA regd though.

    submitted by /u/Ec0n0mlst
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