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    Tuesday, June 4, 2019

    Marketplace Tuesday! (June 04, 2019) Entrepreneur

    Marketplace Tuesday! (June 04, 2019) Entrepreneur

    Marketplace Tuesday! (June 04, 2019)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 06:11 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to post any Jobs that you're looking to fill (including interns), or services you're looking to render to other members.

    We do this to not overflow the subreddit with personal offerings (such logo design, SEO, etc) so please try to limit the offerings to this weekly thread.

    Since this thread can fill up quickly, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    550,000 subscribers! Get Your Flair Did!

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 12:25 PM PDT

    Congratulations on another milestone. If you are interested in a professional flair that adds validity to your user name please follow the instructions and reply with the following sequence:

    1. User Name
    2. Desired Flair (keep it under 15 characters)
    3. Proof (Can be a LinkedIn message, twitter post, a screenshot of something, anything to demonstrate some proof of the flair)

    Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gonzalesanthony/

    submitted by /u/FITGuard
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    How I Spent 5 Days Tracking Down My Company's Stolen Truck

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 06:27 AM PDT

    I own a national moving company chain and I find that the farther a location is from you the harder things are to manage and when some goofball takes it upon their self to take a proverbial dump on your week. Sometimes there's no choice but to fly in and take care of business. Justice knows no distance.


    At the end of 2018 I fired an employee for not showing up to work at an out of state location we'll call him "James" (mostly because that is his name). A day later James seized an opportunity, an opportunity I would forever remember. He saw another employee cleaning out the back of the truck and decided to hop in the cab and drive off with a company vehicle.

    I get a call that the truck has been stolen by James. I then call the police to file a stolen vehicle report to which they tell me I cannot file it because James has previously had access to the vehicle so there's nothing they can do over the phone. This seems like complete nonsense to me I've watched two episodes of First 48 before and know time is of the essence. I catch the earliest flight to the location, head to the station, and convince officers for 2 hours to allow me to file this report.

    Now the hunt begins...

    I'm now talking to everyone who has ever come in contact with the perp.. Co-workers, friends, baby mamas mamas, everyone. I find out Jame's likes to hangout at a local laundromat (yes, this is real and no this is not 1965). So I head straight to the laundromat and check out the area. I spend a few hours staking out the place until.. James actually shows up! I hop out of the car and attempt to this misguided fella to which he gets scared and speeds off. I lose him and spend the rest of the day driving around on side streets and looking for potential hiding places. You wouldn't believe how many white box trucks there are once you start looking for them.

    The next morning I get at call that someone has spotted James! This person told me he saw James driving the truck, arm out the window, waving at them... and guess where! at the laundromat. This guy just can't get enough of the laundromat. I'm just glad that the truck is still in one piece.

    After talking to a few more locals I have a couple locations where I'm told someone could park a truck to hide it. I drive from place to place and on the last one I spot something.

    A bottle of pee.

    But next to the bottle of pee is a box of tape that is clearly from one of my trucks

    This tells me two things:

    1. The truck has been here
    2. The perp doesn't know about indoor plumping yet

    From here the trail has gone a bit stale

    I get a hotel for the night, head back out, find and chase James' brother, lose him, call it a night. All in all pretty average Thursday. 5/7 would do it again.

    The next morning I draw a poor artist rendition of James and do some recon work on foot. I go up to anyone who looks like they have secrets and ask if they've seen James. No one has. I tape my drawing to a pole and chalk that one up as a loss.

    I tell everyone I come across that if they give me any information that leads to the recovery of my truck I will give them $100, including the man with eyes on the city, the man everyone knows and loves.. The sign spinner on the corner by the laundromat.

    The next night I'm staking out the laundromat again when the realization dawns on me that you know I've been goofing on James a lot for hanging out at a laundromat but here I am.. hanging out at a laundromat. I may be dealing with a criminal mastermind here.

    I've now been searching for this truck for 4 days and need to head back home

    I fly home and I get a text that someone has found my truck. He sends me a grainy video of a white box truck. I say send me a picture of the license plate, that could be any truck. He sends a picture of the plate and sure enough this man has found my truck. I say "Great! send me the location and I'll have someone pick it up then I'll send you the $100". To which he responds "nah man, I'm gonna need $500 to tell you where it is". I say "no way". And he stops responding. At this point I'm livid and will do literally anything to find this truck to spite everyone involved. I watch this grainy video of the truck 100 times (see the video for just how terrible this clip is) and realize the truck is right by a bridge overpass.

    I then go onto Google maps and inch-by-inch scale down every major road in the city and wherever it bridges over another road I go to street view and compare it to the video I was sent. After about 4 hours of searching I find 3 potential options to work with. I send someone to check them out and BOOM my truck was right there. I was absolutely floored that it actually worked.

    The police were called and the truck was back in my possession.

    I've never felt such a sense of victory in my life.

    As for our boy James he unfortunately got away because he wasn't physically caught in my truck and to be honest I didn't want to pursue it any further. I wish you the best, James.

    You can see all of the above events played out below.

    To both keep myself entertained and retain my sanity during these 5 days I actually documented this manhunt on Snapchat and because of the hilarious feedback I pieced it together it into a fully fledged video with commentary here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huF-kCEmW9I

    submitted by /u/mmaher13
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    Got hired to run facebook ads. No clue how, seeking advice.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 03:41 AM PDT

    So I kind of fucked up.

    Basically I make animated promotional videos and design logos as a freelancer. This is how I earn my living. Recently I cold-emailed around 50 local businesses asking if theyd be interested in my services.

    To my surprise I got about 20 responses, 15 of which are ready to pay and hire me for a promotional video.

    Here's the thing, about half of them also asked me if they could pay me to run the ad as well. I said yes, figured I could learn facebook ads in a day or two. I did, the basics at least but I in no way feel confident I can produce good results yet, im still a newbie. Ive tested a few campaigns and failed miserably.

    Between actually creating the videos and other work I dont really have time to perfect the craft before my deliverables are due in the next week. Id tell them never mind but the money is too tempting.

    Can I / Should I outsource without telling them? If so, how do I go about that? If not, if it's unethical or not viable, ill tell them never mind, would feel too guilty doing it myself with this skill level tbh.

    submitted by /u/DriedCapillarity
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    Is Ryan Serhant book any good to non-real estate entrepreneurs?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 09:20 AM PDT

    I gotta say that after watching some of Ryan Serhant's youtube videos , I found myself to really like his personality and work esthetics and practices .

    As someone who's main focus in tech-business oriented entrepreneurship , is his book any good for me ?

    submitted by /u/locous1
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    IF someone own my trademark name "firstName lastName"?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 09:42 AM PDT

    Hello, this is just hypothetical and out of curiosity. Not really related to me or anyone else.

    If I own a trademark for my name: "firstName lastName" because i'm a public figure. And then I sell the trademark to someone or I sell the company holding the trademark.

    What would happen? Could I still use my name publicly?

    Maybe it does apply to product/service I sell?

    If you are a trademark expert. Feel free to share your opinion on this

    submitted by /u/Laura54069
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    Brainstorming ideas for delivery services

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 09:35 AM PDT

    Hey guys, in looking to start some part time business to maybe develop into full time or at least get some experience and money. As such I think doing something arround delivering a product or service to people's houses would be a simple and cheap way to start, it is also something that the small city I live in could use as there isn't much of it. As such I would like to request some ideas in what would people want delivered to their houses? Food, groceries, hair removal, what else? Thanks in advance and feel free to use this ideas.

    submitted by /u/AndreMacedo
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    Currently studying computer science and want to start a business

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 09:14 AM PDT

    I'm currently half way through my comp sci degree and have always wanted to start a business. It doesn't really matter what type, I just want to be able to work for myself.

    Has anyone ran a business during their university studies and if so how did you do it? I've tried to start doing websites for people but was too scared and couldn't get my first client. Any advice for a noobie like me?

    submitted by /u/anontom101
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    Can WordPress support as a subscription model work?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 09:10 AM PDT

    I want to create a WordPress service as a product model where people subscribe to get support for their WordPress website and pay monthly. Do you guys think it could work?

    submitted by /u/FahadUddin92
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    Starting a new business. Need a phone number. What are my cheapest options?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 09:06 AM PDT

    Also, this business has a few separate entities. Should I get multiple numbers and have them forwarded to me cell?

    submitted by /u/JEWPACOLYPSE
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    Looking For Solid Advice

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 09:40 AM PDT

    I just recently got my first job, and I want to make the money I earn work for me. I'm not sure where to start though, I'm only 16, and there aren't many options for me at the moment. I was thinking of investing in vending machines, but if there are better options or you have any advice on getting started I would greatly appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/amediumsizedree
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    LLC or SP For Media Production/Graphic Design Firm?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 10:59 AM PDT

    I'm wanting to officiate my business that caters to local brands and businesses designing logos and brand identities. We also do promotional photo and video work on the client-facing end. However we also produce original content as well in the form of short films and print comics.

    I'm new to the technicalities of starting a business and as wondering if you could help me determine which would be the better option, LLC or SP? Business is still a little slow but we're working and slowly growing. The lack of tax ID status is kind of holding us back. I don't want to screw myself financially though. So if I go with one option over the other, will it hurt me if we aren't pulling in a certain level of revenue?

    submitted by /u/kefaren
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    Would it be beneficial to do online courses for business? Any help much appreciated

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 07:39 AM PDT

    Little back ground: from the UK I didn't go to university didn't want too thought of going into a job would be easier however I'm wanting to progress with business and business studies. Finances isn't necessarily an issue at the moment. I'm 20 so I can easily move around if necessary.

    I've looked into a few courses that interest me and make me want to develop skills and push myself forward. The courses are £250 each with all qualifications proper and documented.

    I'm wondering is it worth it and weighting up my options to look to start to develop my own business going forward.

    Any help is good help. Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Hamstery2333
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    Best Instagram Influencers For Paid Promos

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 08:41 AM PDT

    Hi all! I hope everyone is having a great week so far.

    My company is starting to spend marketing dollars to pay influencers/large accounts on Instagram to promote our product.

    Does anyone have suggestions on specific influencers they have used in the past that gave them a great ROI? Or, even better, does anyone track the influencers they do promos with on a spreadsheet so we can see the ROI per ad spend?

    Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/PlayDicey
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    Would anyone be interested in joining my startup/entrepreneur book club?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 07:18 AM PDT

    Hey Redditors!

    Mods please delete if this is too self-promotional...

    I have just finished the release of my startup book club, and I would love for any of you to join in and discuss the biweekly startup book.

    The book that we're currently reading is 'The 1-page marketing plan" by Alan Dib. I have cross-posted this on IndieHackers, but a lot of people there were looking for help with marketing and sales, so I thought it would be a great book to start with.

    Going forward, I plan on improving the site with more features and building it around the community as it grows. I have some authors lined up, to chat about their books with you, and hey, it gets you reading!

    I'm also planning on regularly posting on the business side of this book club for those that would like to know more on the stats, outgoings, and learnings of the site.

    Head to bookerino.com to join

    P.S. any feedback/critiques would be super helpful! :D

    submitted by /u/TheVoiceOfAGod
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    Facebook ads is the most irritating frustrating shit ever

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 04:47 PM PDT

    I made a Facebook ads account to advertise my fucking website. For some reason it only lets me create campaigns on my fucking personal account. I keep trying to use the business account and and nothing fucking shows up for me to create ads on that account. When I'm on my business account in the ads hub I keep trying to change to fucking ad manger. Every time I click fucking ads manager it takes me to business manager for some fucking reason. There is absolutely no way for me to create ads on my business account.

    I tried using the goddamn ads manager app. It said I had to create a page before I start ads. I made a whole fucking page. I went to link my website while setting up the page. I added my website and made the button say shop now. After I did that I got stuck on that page. There was no back button and when I hit the save button multiple times nothing happened. I pressed the x in the corner to get out. After that I realized that I had unknowingly deleted the entire fucking page I made.

    I went back on the ads site. It said I had timed out and I needed to refresh the page. It then prompted me to entire my phone number. I then received a verification code and typed it into the box. Then it prompted me to upload a fucking picture of myself In order to verify the account was mine. I uploaded a fucking picture of myself even though my profile picture isn't of me. Now I am locked out of my account and I need to wait to till the Facebook verifies the photo. They're never going to verify that photo since it's not my profile picture.

    Facebook offers ZERO human customer support. They have a useless help page that does nothing to help my issues. FUCK FACEBOOK ADS.

    submitted by /u/joco645
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    Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 10:49 AM PDT

    website creator

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 09:47 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    I am looking to build an online retail store with an emphasis on creating social returns for people with disabilities. I have no experience with website creation or coding. My question is what website creation platform should I use? Shopify doesn't provide a space to provide my customers with resources about nonprofit and government programs so that's a no-go and from looking at other website creators, it will look more like a blog which is something I don't want. Is there a website creator that seamlessly integrates retail and content?

    Note: I am creating a social media presence via twitter,fb, and instagram

    submitted by /u/cyberwrayt
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    Advice about selling in U.S from Europe

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 03:55 AM PDT

    Hi there. I will be assembling my product in Denmark with parts manufactured from China and local suppliers.

    However i feel like the U.S market is too good to pass on, and will be easier to market on due to language and legal barriers in EU.

    Have anymore experience with keeping stock in EU and selling in U.S, or are the logistics too costly, the product will be in the $100-150 range and weights under 500g.

    I realize in the long term that i can set up a fulfillment center in the U.S but i'm not big enough for that at this stage.

    submitted by /u/MrPink7
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    Advice needed for a referral card.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 05:38 AM PDT

    I've been making paper wallets for some time now. The paper I use is one of a kind, and my customers are all happy once they get it. But it's hard to show that look and feel through the website, and I guess I have to tackle this to gain more users.
    So I'm now thinking about making a physical loyalty/referral card to ship with the products using the same material so prospects can touch it.
    The text I'd put on it reads for example like: "Help a friend lighten the load, and you both get 20% off your next order."
    Is it too modest? How would you put it to encourage word of mouth referrals? Any advice or input would be appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/kany22
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    How to get 10 000€ Business Loan in Portugal? (no banks. p2p, or crowdfunding?)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 05:26 AM PDT

    Hey guys!

    I want to buy a 7 seat van to work as a TourGuide and Uber Driver (currently working for a partner that takes 60% of income). However I don't have the funds to do it, Is there any P2p Lending website, or crowdfunding I can use for such purpose?

    This Portuguese P2P lending website it's just too small, and Raize is for companies operating for at least a year.
    I've been looking around all sort of websites, and I see none that works for Portuguese citizens.

    Maybe crowdfunding can be an option too?
    Or even crypto p2p loans.

    I'd love to hear your ideas.

    Thanks guys :)

    submitted by /u/brunomcf
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    What would you consider their fastest or easiest way to earn money freelancing?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 08:50 AM PDT

    There's obviously no guarantee but whats a way to earn say 20 bucks with little experience

    submitted by /u/Decibeladdict
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    I have a mentality of a leader, but struggle to have people follow my vision

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 04:09 AM PDT

    TL;DR down below.

    I wasn't sure of the best subreddit to post this, but I felt like r/entrepreneur was the closest option.

    So as the title says, I have the mentality of a leader. My whole life I loved being the organizer. The one who rallied the troops. As a child up through high school, I had clout and I was the type of person people wanted to be around. I started clubs. I always felt best when I was with my (large) group of friends, and even more so if I was the one who brought everyone together. A lot of times this was the case.

    In college, I was the one who would take a step forward to lead group projects. I love facilitating the way by which we accomplish the task at hand. The delegation and breakdown of tasks to ultimately put together a complete end-product is awesome.

    In my life after college, I ran a small video production company. I guide my clients through from conception to completion on projects. I tend to have a great time doing this, and clients are often happy and impressed with the process and outcome after everything is said and done.

    You get the idea.

    However, lately (im 31) I've noticed it's harder to take on that leadership role.

    I have a little side project I work on with a friend; we make music together and we've been doing this hip-hop production duo type deal together.

    We do it for fun, but lately we've been talking about ways to get more serious with it, and to push the music and maybe make some side money off it. Still though, for fun. I don't expect to make ANYTHING from it, but the idea of treating it like a business and TRYING to see how far we can take it sounds fun to me.

    My buddy isn't well versed with online marketing and/or social media. And doesn't know anything about running a business and/or monetizing art and music. I worked at a company where this was all we dealt with, and have run my own small business, so I know a thing or two (at least the basics) about some things.

    He likes to make music with me as well as other mutual friends that we have. He complains that music endeavors he's a part of always never goes anywhere. Which I agree, why let the music just sit around when you can be attempting to monetize it?

    I automatically go into promotion/marketing mode trying to figure out how we will build a following and how to market the music that he and I make. I do all the easy stuff: all social media outlets, collect radio contacts, blogs, and finding avenues for paid promotion. After some time, I set up all the accounts by which we will promote and market, develop a brand and a fan base. It's all set and ready to go, and just needs the manpower and upkeep to get them going and functioning.

    I try to explain the game plan to him on how we will use these things to push the music, but he is super reluctant to take my advice. He acts like he's all there and up for the task of getting the music off the ground. I try to delegate small tasks that I know are beneficial and important to getting our music production duo thing off the ground, (example: posting daily to Instagram) but he won't take it. He won't help out. All he wants to help out with is just his part of the actual music making aspect of having a side project like this. And that's it.

    So if you aren't ok with the work to get the music off the ground, why complain that your music never goes anywhere?

    He's not a team player, and it frustrates me that as a leading type, I can't get a following type (my buddy) to do just that, follow. Especially if he doesn't have the answers or an alternative game plan.

    A little about my friend though; his entire life he's been known to be a stoner, slacker, and lazy person with low self-esteem.

    I feel like there are a few other areas in my life lately where I've had a vision for something great, only to have it fizzle out because the people involved wouldn't participate despite a shared vision. This was just one example (and the most current)

    It really feels like my ability to charm others and get them to trust and participate in my vision has gone down the drain.

    I hope I explained this issue correctly and in enough detail; It's late and I'm halfway asleep. Sorry if i jumped around a bit or didn't explain things properly.

    Anyways, I'd love to hear what you guys think about it? weather it's opinions, ideas, or if you have a similar issue in your endeavors. How do you deal with it?

    TL;DR: My ability to lead and persuade people to follow and participate in a vision seems to be getting older as I age. How can I become a better leader that people want to follow behind?

    submitted by /u/vinersking
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    Finding your circle as a young entrepreneur

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 11:39 PM PDT

    I'm a first-time poster on here but I've gained some priceless information from this thread. So for that, thank you!

    I'm a 24-year-old female entrepreneur, and while I've always been an entrepreneur at heart, I recently quit my 9-5. While I'm doing a lot of learning, networking, and hard work, I find myself really craving a real-life community that understands the challenges and benefits involved with this lifestyle for added inspiration and business opportunities.

    Suffice to say, most of my friends are not on this path. I've combed through meetups and pay-to-play groups without much luck.

    The entrepreneurial road can be a lonely one. I'd love to know how you all stay inspired and expand your circles! Bonus points if you live in Southern California!

    submitted by /u/Gabatrong
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    Death in the family.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 10:51 AM PDT

    Being in business for 15 years or so, you meet and work with a lot of people. Even when they move on you maintain a relationship with some, keeping up with their lives and families, how thing are going, the usual. A few day or so ago an old employee of mine was run over after suffering a seizure while riding his bike home, and died on the way to the hospital. About a month ago he had reached out to us and my wife had found the time to respond but I kept putting it off. Today I am crushed and I finally answered the text and let him know I was proud of the success he had made for himself. I deeply regret not answering the text sooner. He was not a great employee for me but was doing well on the path he had taken. Not really looking for feedback, just offering a seldom seen snapshot of owning a small business.

    submitted by /u/CargoShortViking
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    How do you guys go about validating your idea will be fruitful?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 02:08 PM PDT

    For example, say you have a couple of great business ideas.

    What steps do you take to see which one will have the most demand from customers for the best chances of succeeding?

    submitted by /u/siestafiestawarrior
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