• Breaking News

    Tuesday, June 4, 2019

    Legal Advice Soon to be ex wife is coming after me for spousal support and isn't qualified.

    Legal Advice Soon to be ex wife is coming after me for spousal support and isn't qualified.

    Soon to be ex wife is coming after me for spousal support and isn't qualified.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 08:25 AM PDT


    So as the title says my, soon to be ex wife, works 15-20hrs per week making minimum wage. Doesn't have any medical disabilities or anything like that stopping her from getting a job. The job she currently has is after care for a local school.

    I have told her in the past that she needs to get something that pays more or get another job sense she has set hours and she would yell back at me that she has a job, it's not her fault she gets Summers off or doesn't work more.

    I work at a grocery store in the meat department and make 40k ish a year. Working 30-40hrs a week making 19.20hr.

    She currently is living with her parents and has no plans on getting her own place. Her only bills are her auto insurance and gas. Her parents pay for everything else.

    I got my own place after we split up and am paying for everything myself. I have given her $770 so far to help with remaining bills.

    We were married for 5 years with no kids and she is trying to get me to pay her $500 a month for 2.5 years. I countered with $250 a month for 1 year and she rejected it.

    I personally think that she should not get anything and that I shouldn't have to pay someone because they were too lazy to get a job themself. Am I wrong in thinking this?

    Also I have set up a consultation to get an attorney myself.

    Thank you for taking the time to read.

    Edit: she is a college graduate with no student loans.

    UPDATE: Her attorney just called and said her counter offer is $500 mo for 18 months. This is for her education degree she has, she didn't get some final certificates when she graduated so that is her reasoning for it. I didn't say I agreed or disagreed to it. I said I will think it over. I have meeting with an attorney for myself on Thursday. Thank you all for the advice and imput on things.

    submitted by /u/Jashoowah
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    Almost my entire apartment building is rented out to loud AirBnB guests and our complaints get no response . What are my rights? (MA)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 09:24 AM PDT

    I'm in no interest to sue anyone. I'm just a college student renting out in a major MA city, particularly in an area that attracts a mass of tourists walking through a live history lesson. There are 10 units in my building. Only 4 if those units are occupied by people on a year lease. We have all encountered a long line of rowdy Airbnb guests ever since we moved in on 9/1/18. There has been trash left all over the staircase and lobby, people have torn open my packages and stolen the contents, and music is blasting until as late as 5 am. It's particularly bad right now that it's warm since we have a fire escape and guests constantly will go and smoke/drink out on them in the early hours of the morning. We have actually woken up past midnight several nights to people having actual physical fights and verbal fights on the fire escape. We have contacted the property manager of the building, but they never respond. The entire building pretty much has no rules and no one to enforce them. I have reported this to AirBnB neighbors through the Airbnb website, but have no received any replies. I even ended up calling the police noise complaint hotline at 2 am last night. I only have 3 months left in this hellhole, but I want to know my rights as a leasing tenant in Massachusetts. My roommates and I are all undergrad college students, but we all work jobs that require us to wake up early in the morning. These noise disturbances are seriously affecting our sleep schedule. I just don't want to come home every night to the fear that I may be up all night listening to the guests yell and blast music. Thanks!

    Edit: there has also been a dog howling all day for two days straight. Should I call police or some kind of animal control?

    submitted by /u/DisproportionateBees
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    [Alabama] Tailgated by police for 3 minutes, then searched and ticketed for going 56 in 55

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 03:18 PM PDT

    I'm driving down a country road with a posted 55 speed limit. Cop car gets in behind me. Bad experiences with cops so I do everything by the books, change to the right lane and use autopilot to maintain the exact speed limit, letting the cop pass.

    Cop changes to my lane and starts tailgating instead of passing. I maintain speed limit. After several minutes, the lights and sirens go on and I get pulled over. They search my car and repeatedly make me do several sobriety tests. I ask to blow into a breathalyzer to prove that I don't drink or do drugs but they didn't have one and kept making me do sobriety tests for around 10-20 minutes while searching my car.

    They didn't find anything after wasting my time for half an hour, then gave me a traffic ticket for going 56 mph on a 55 mph road.

    Not sure if this is legally relevant, but I'm a black male in my 20s with no criminal or traffic violation record. I also had an LSU sticker on the back of my car.

    Is there anything I can do regarding this, or do I just chalk it up as part of the Alabama experience and just fly next time I need to pass through the state? I have a frontal dash cam which did not catch the tailgating behavior but can prove my speed.

    submitted by /u/IDRIVE2FASTWATthwawy
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    [ON, Canada] my stepdad was almost the victim of a money order scam. We caught it in time but now they won’t leave us alone.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 08:59 AM PDT

    I'm not even sure if this is a legal problem, I'm just wondering if anyone can suggest some next steps.

    My stepdad has been selling a lot of our belongings on kijiji lately and all seemed to be going well until he got a strange offer on his kayak. He was asking $900 for it and he got an email response back from someone wanting to purchase it. They offered him the $900, but also told him they would send extra to cover the movers that would come pick it up as he is out of the area and then plus a little interest for my stepdad's troubles. Many people may already see the red flags here but my stepdad is a first gen immigrant and he definitely trusts people too much. So, he gave this person our address so that the money order can be sent here.

    This is when he tells me about this. I, in no uncertain terms, let him know that this is a scam and that he cannot cash the money if it arrives. He sends the person another email saying he's sold the kayak and that the money order should not be sent. Three days later, it arrives via FedEx Priority. The "buyer" sent over $2500! And since then, every day except Sunday, we've been receiving "notices" on our door with both my mom and my stepdads names on them (my stepdad never told anyone that information but maybe they just looked in our mailbox) with just a phone number written on them and that we must contact them as it is an urgent matter. There is a fake (to my knowledge) delivery number on these papers but no company name and the notices are signed with generic names like "Ross" and "Chelsea" - no last names.

    My stepdad (and the rest of us) are growing concerned about what to do from here on out. They don't seem to be stopping and we don't want to call any of the numbers because we don't want them to find out our phone numbers. The "buyer" never responded to my stepdad and there is currently a note posted on my front door saying that if they don't stop leaving notices, we will be contacting the police.

    I'm just wondering what else we can do? I have a little sister (15) who is home alone quite frequently while everyone else is working so none of us really like the idea of random people showing up at our house.

    Any and all feedback is appreciated! Thanks!

    UPDATE: I just caught a guy sneaking some envelopes into my mailbox. They're plain white envelopes addressed to my parents (names written in pen, no address), one for each of them. I asked him who he was and he said he's just delivering some stuff from our bank (he said the name of our bank, how would he know that information?!).... he asked for my name and I gave him a fake one. I'm not opening the mail until my stepdad gets here.

    submitted by /u/jules170295
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    My sister (24F) is getting sued by her ex boss over a Facebook post

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 10:01 AM PDT

    We are in Oregon. I didn't know at all how to tag it.

    The post in question: "I lost my job this morning and I am 100% okay with it. my kids always come first. I have never in my life worked a job that draining both mentally and physically, and I've worked at 3 other local daycares. This one takes the cake. I am appreciative for the experience but damn am I glad to be out. For the sake of the parents I have on here, I won't say much negative as I'm not looking to ruin or downgrade her business, and I hope this experience pushes her to run things differently in the future. My mental health was also declining greatly while working there, and I began constantly stressing going to work knowing what the day ahead brought. Better things are coming 💖✌🏼"

    Her boss also texted and here is what she said (I am on mobile to I apologize for bad formatting):

    Boss: "You act like there are really terrible things going on here, you lead into that online, to get people to ask you. Know this... I have contacted my attorney, and he is taking care of this. you DO NOT have the right to post negative shit about me or my business, I am within my legal rights to demand you take it down. I haven't done that. You say shit about me and my business, continue to elude that bad shit is happening here, which we BOTH KNOW, nothing BAD has happened here, and I will post a defense online that will embarrass you and prevent you from working in daycare ever again."

    Is she allowed to do this? What should we do?

    Edit: the ex boss told my sister to her face she was going to sue her, but only talked about getting an attorney over text

    submitted by /u/crawdaddyjunction
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    [Denver, CO] Is My Lease Nullified by Breach of Contract and New Tenants Moving In?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 07:42 AM PDT

    My wife and I recently purchased our first home. About 10 days before closing, we gave our landlord notice that we would not be renewing our lease (req'd 60 day notice). Landlord's assistant (we almost never deal with the landlord directly; his assistant acts as his property manager) contacted us soon after to ask if they could start showing the property and if we would be willing to terminate our lease early should they find a new tenant to which we verbally agreed. This occurred from 4/24 - 5/3.

    Fast forward to May 30th. The landlord's assistant calls me and asks if I can leave the keys and garage door opener in the kitchen on May 31st. I ask her if our lease is being terminated early to which she states that she thought our lease ended on May 31st (it ends June 30th). She asks if we would be willing to terminate early to which I state that we would need the amended lease in writing as well as either a final walkthrough of the property or a written confirmation that we would receive our full deposit minus the cost of the carpet our dogs damaged. She agreed and said she and the landlord would send us an email detailing the new end date as well as the deposit. No email as of the afternoon of 5/31 so I call again. She states they are still working on it. I told her we would go by the house the morning of 6/1 to mow the lawn one last time and that if we had received the email by then, we would leave the keys. Saturday morning I emailed her again asking for written confirmation of the terminated lease and deposit and reminded her that we would be at the house mowing the lawn in a couple hours. On our way to the house she texts me asking where the keys were. I called her since I was driving and again explained that we needed it in writing before we agreed to terminate the lease and hand over the keys. She said they had tenants moving in that day and asked that we hand the keys to them directly. I again stated that I was not comfortable doing that until we had written confirmation of the terminated lease. She became upset at that point and said it was illegal for her to have two leases active on the same property. My wife and I agree that all communication with them from that point forward should be in writing.

    When we arrive at the house shortly after the phone call, we find that the house had been enteted and the all of the windows left open. Our lease states that we will receive 12 hours notice before anyone enters the property; we received no notice. At this point, we're pretty frustrated but decided to mow the lawn and cool off a bit before any further communication with them. A couple hours later when I finished the yard, I emailed her and the landlord the following (names/address redacted):

    [Landlord] and [Assistant], As discussed with [Assistant] this morning as well as Thursday, May 30th and Friday, May 31st, we are not comfortable relinquishing the keys to [Rental] until we have received written confirmation that our lease is being terminated early or the end of our current lease contract; whichever occurs first. Additionally, we will waive our final walkthrough if we are provided written confirmation that our security deposit will be returned in full minus the cost of the replacement of the carpet. This written confirmation must be accompanied by a copy of the invoice for the carpet replacement. Upon arriving to [Rental] this morning, we noted that the residence had been entered and several of the windows left open and unattended. We were not given notice that someone would be entering the property.

    Sincerely, [Me]

    The only reply I have received is a text that they are working on it. The landlord is a practicing attorney and owns approximately 20 rental properties. I think my next steps are to send the text of my email via certified mail as well as to get a consultation with a lawyer but I'm not sure if this is overkill. I swung by the house Saturday night and there are new tenants living there so we no longer have exclusive use of the property as guaranteed by our lease; however, we have not paid for June nor have they requested payment. My concern is that because we still have an active lease, they might try to hold us accountable for damages to the property caused by the new tenants (we took tons of photos of the house after we moved out just in case) or that they'll come after us for unpaid rent.

    Is our lease still active or does their breach of contract nullify it? Am I correct in thinking that my next steps should be sending a letter via certified mail and getting a lawyer?

    submitted by /u/cvanlaw
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    Ex-Husband Passed and Left Me as Beneficiary...

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 08:34 AM PDT

    My Ex- husband and I divorced in 2004. We each had a life insurance policy that turned into an IRA after a certain period of time (I don't know what they call those financial instruments), naming the other spouse as full beneficiary. I cashed my policy in at some point shortly after the divorce was finalized, while my Ex maintained his policy and never changed the beneficiary. I am listed as the sole, 100% beneficiary on that policy, however the relationship is still listed as "spouse".

    On March 22, 2019 I contacted the company that holds the policy, and emailed the death cert. and divorce decree to this insurance /IRA representative. That's when the waiting game began....To date I have no information as to the status of the claim or any other details regarding the payout. I've asked repeatedly in phone calls and email's for any kind of information. Essentially the only response I receive is "we're working on it" or "its' under review by our legal dept." Or my personal fav: "This is a very complex situation and we've had to engage Florida (where I live currently) and California ( where he lived) attorney's to get an opinion."

    They seem to be making noises to the effect that I may NOT be eligible for this payout, due to the divorce. THAT has me concerned.

    A few other details:

    • My Ex never remarried after our divorce.
    • He has no children from any relationship
    • Aside from a niece and nephew, there are no other living relatives
    • He died intestate- no will (California)

    My question(s) to anyone who may be able to give me insight:

    1. How long do these kinds of reviews/determinations normally take...6 month? A year? 5?
    2. How would the divorce impact my standing as beneficiary? (NOTE: The divorce was a simple dissolution- there was no acrimony, squabbling or fighting. We had sold our jointly owned home and split the profits prior to the official divorce. This policy was not mentioned in the divorce documents, as I think he forgot about it (I forgot about my policy too!) and didn't include that asset amount in those that were his exclusively his to take and keep after the marriage ended).
    3. It's my understanding that nothing can change a beneficiary to an IRA or life insurance policy- no court of law has the jurisdiction to rule on that. If that's true, then who else may be the recipient to the policy?

    I'm desperate for any kind of information you kind Redditors may have for me, as I can't get anything of substance out of this company during our email or telephone convo's. What's the hold-up!??

    submitted by /u/lexiegirl
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    Soon-to-be ex-wife has gone and hired a lawyer. I cannot afford one.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 09:48 AM PDT

    I filed a petition for legal separation from my wife last month. She has hired an attorney, and they have responded with a petition for dissolution of marriage instead, also requesting that the topics of Maintenance (alimony) and Child Support not be discussed at all based on the financial situations of both of us.

    I work part-time on the weekends and afternoons doing video/lighting for our church making $14/hour, my wife works Mon-Thurs and is salary at $40k/year. She only recently got this job earlier this year, and was a non-working parent for the large majority of our marriage of 4+ years. Do I need to file a "response to the response to the petition for legal separation" or something now? I'm overwhelmed in a lot of ways at this point and feel hopeless and want to do what is both fair and best for everyone, but I feel like that's impossible now.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Typicalinternetuser9
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    Putting up a fence in our new house yard in PA, neighbor has been claiming property is theirs, but it's not

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 05:49 AM PDT

    We moved into a new home in Pennsylvania and the home sits on what used to be two lots. When the previous owners surveyed/combined them, lot pins were put in. This is when they found out that the neighbors next to them (their good friends when they lived here) were on about 10' of their property (maintaining it with mulch, put an electrical box there to plug in lights/etc.). They were not bothered because most of the land was brush/wooded and they were good friends. They even planted an arbor with a vine on it that goes from one lot to another.

    Fast forward to today, after 32 years of our previous home owners and the neighbors living next to each other, and we want to put up a 6' cedar privacy fence (which is allowed by our township) because we have small children, pets, and we like the privacy of a fence. I approached neighbors on all sides as a courtesy to say we are doing this, as opposed to just erecting a fence without notice, even though we are not putting it directly on the property lines (which is also allowed by the township). One neighbor was happy about it, the neighbor who is encroaching on our property was hostile and told me hates fences and I'm ruining the property. He also told me to put a 4' picket instead. I told him we did not start this conversation to be hostile, and we did not intend to put the fence on the area he's maintaining in his garden (even though we could and he told us that he's on our property, when we moved in). He told me 'Don't put it too far down by us'. He also said he was going to approach us to buy the land from us, but it's too expensive so they decided against it. So essentially, he's saying 'I was going to buy it from you, but I'm not, I'm just going to maintain it as my own without paying you and also attack you when you kindly approach me to say you're putting up a fence 10' into your own property'.

    Legal question is: I want to tackle this issue early on in our life in this house since we are young and intent to stay here for our 30 years. If we are OK with him maintaining this area, would a solution be to get him to sign a rental agreement saying he does not own the land and that any injury that happens on the land (e.g. what if he gets electrocuted from his power box that he has on our land?) is not our responsibility? And should I call my home owners insurance and explain this and I assume they'll tell me to move the box? I know I am going to get a 'you are being too nice, put the fence on the lot lines' about this, but we really don't want to force this issue since we have a large lot anyway--but we don't want them to hostilely act like this is their land too and continue to treat us as if we are doing anything wrong at all.

    submitted by /u/mesocookie
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    [Pennsylvania] Gf's boss wants her to sign an indefinite no compete contract.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 09:30 AM PDT

    GF works for a "sugaring" salon, sugaring is a process where they use a mixture of lemon juice, water and sugar to remove hair from bikini areas.

    They recently gave her a new employee handbook that if she signed, would bar her from ever "sugaring" again, a lifetime ban.

    Also, she would not be allowed to work at a related aesthetician related business for one year, unless it is more than 30 miles away.

    Is any of this legal? Could they sue her? Are there any labor laws that supersede a contract like this?

    submitted by /u/unrulyfarmhand
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    [Minnesota, USA] Neighbor's dogs make my back yard unusable

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 09:49 AM PDT

    Our neighbor has 3 large breed dogs that are fenced into his back yard. They are outdoor only dogs so they are back there all year long. We live in a city so his backyard is probably no bigger than 1000sq-ft. This situation leads to multiple issues:

    1. The dogs bark at everything. There is a city ordinance against dogs barking for more than 30 minutes, or after 10pm. We have called the police about this multiple times. Every time they come to check on the situation they do not end up doing anything. Additionally, there is an ordinance against having more than 3 dogs per property within city limits.
    2. The dogs waste is not cleaned up effectively. The neighbor no longer has any grass left in the back yard, only mud and dog waste. This leads to an especially awful smell during the summer months. This means that we cannot be in our backyard at all during the summer due to the smell. Nor can we open the windows on that side of the house.
    3. Possible animal neglect. During the winter the dogs are often heard outside wining because they are cold. The dogs are Labradors so they do not have thick enough hair to handle a Minnesota winter.

    We are planning on moving within the next few years, and I fear that this will drive down the value of our property. Additionally, we do not want to put any additional work into the back yard, because we cannot enjoy anything we would want to put back there (fireplace, swing, etc).

    Should we keep calling the police to make them enforce the noise ordinances?

    What can be done to force our neighbor to take care of the smell?

    If we go to sell our house and find that the the value of our home is being affected is there any legal recourse?

    Also, just to make it clear, there is no option to work with the neighbor directly. He is blatantly racist, homophobic, and likes to answer his door with a gun.

    Edit: questions were too vague.

    submitted by /u/phantomfrk
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    [VANCOUVER, BC] Landlord's office connected to my apt bedroom. For multiple weeks, a 'coworker' of apt managers has been talking, playing music in office until early am. Tonight she banged on MY door telling me to keep noise down.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 11:58 PM PDT

    As title suggests. Been living in this apt since Sept 2018. The door in the bedroom that connects to the so-called 'office' is locked only by their side. Weird, but was not too much of an issue until recently. As of about a month ago, someone has been in the office on an almost nightly basis talking loudly, playing music, laughing etc. In response, I have tried texting the provided apartment manager's number asking them to keep it down with zero response. I have also resorted to banging on the door when it gets late enough (past midnight) and I have work in the morning. This is sometimes effective but not always.

    Tonight, the individual in the office banged the door at 11pm while my SO and I were watching a Youtube video on my laptop while in bed. This was followed by giggling on their side. I approached the door and verbally asked what if there was a problem. After lots of silence, someone finally spoke up and claimed to have an issue with the noise level. Further conversation lead to this individual claiming to be a coworker of the apartment managers, despite her name not being posted anywhere. She claimed to be sleeping in that room (the office). She was aware of the exact comings and goings of the guests in this apartment - SO arrived last night and the individual in the office made direct reference to hearing (and RECORDING) our conversations. The whole conversation took place speaking at a normal volume and the individual in the office was completely audible - meaning that she likely has been able to hear everything said and done in my apartment every time she is there.

    As you can imagine, my SO are I are feeling extremely violated and frustrated. It is clear we have no privacy in this room and we have been trying to recall every conversation we have had that might have been listened in on. What can we do here? What are our rights? Realistically, the lease expires in September and I will be moving. But until that time, is there any thing I can do?

    For reference, I have recordings of the noise that was made on previous nights, screenshots of requests to the office manager to keep the noise down, and recordings from tonight.

    submitted by /u/illide
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    (Ontario) My Dad is threatening to take my Mom to court over documents that she can't provide.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 06:29 AM PDT

    I'm a 21-year-old college student in London, Ontario. Without going into too much detail, my Dad has not been a part of my life for many years until we recently started reforming a relationship. In this period of time in which I did not see him, I lived with my Mom and currently live away from home. Due to the fact that I am under 25 and in school, my Dad pays child support as well as a portion of my school, as mandated by the Family Responsibility Office (FRO). Though a FRO agreement was put in place years ago, my Dad is wed to a lawyer and is significantly more financially stable than my Mom. As a result, it seems he uses these advantages to attempt to financially cripple my Mom by flooding her with legal work, constantly forcing her to pay her lawyer. Most of this legal work has been attempting to nullify the agreement determined by FRO.

    A few days ago, my Mom received a notice that if certain documents were not provided, he would be taking her to court. Among these documents were my school transcript and my income tax returns, documents that as far as I know legally belong to me, and cannot be accessed by my Mom. The FRO agreement does not state that he should have access to these documents.

    My questions are:

    1. Does my Dad have any basis to take my Mom to court over the release of these documents?

    2. Do my transcript and income tax belong to me entirely, or is this not the case due to the nature of the situation?

    3. (Side question) When the document threatening to take my Mom to court was received, I had just gone out with my Dad in London 3 days prior. For peace of mind, I would like to believe he did not meet with a lawyer right before going out with me. Is it likely that this is the case?

    submitted by /u/Baltiest-Salls
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    Police Kicked my door open while I was out of town executing a warrant for someone one who doesn't live there and claimed they heard a tv (I don't have one) as reasoning for the door.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    Police Kicked my door open while I was out of town executing a warrant for someone who doesn't live there and the warrant was left on my couch and the officer put that he heard my tv as justification for kicking my door open.The person on the warrant is my brother in law but his address is actually at my parents house and they had went looking there first and were told that he was at work and he sometimes crashes at my place.They seem to have ignored the "At work part" and went straight to my house and after no answer claimed that my non existent tv made them think that he was there.

    My door is pretty messed up and I feel kind of violated as I don't think this level of behavior was needed (non violent offender and non drug related). Sorry for the long post I just wondered if they were completely able to do this or maybe I can get them to at least pay for the lock they obliterated. (Indiana)

    submitted by /u/nopi_
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    Disabled sister with walker is having trouble attending a campus for college

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    My sister (26) is attending a college in Washington state and she has suffered fairly severely due to her disability. She has a degenerative tissue disorder and needs to walk with a walker, she also dislocates joints/bones and bruises very easily. She has been accused of faking this to get better grades by a professor, told she isn't allowed to bring her walker into a classroom by another professor, and also had the disabled seats blocked nearly all semester by a professor. She has fallen repeatedly due to poorly maintained sidewalks and dislocated two or three ribs as well as other cuts and bruises. She was toughing it out previously because she was very busy with her course load and the campus was conducting an internal investigation into the incidents, but that was concluded today and the campus found that nothing needed to change.

    So my question is, how do we proceed from here? She needs to be at this school for several more semesters and I would like her to be able to attend it without getting hurt every other time she goes to class. We are willing to take this to court if need be, but I think we would all be happier if it could just improve and she didn't have more stress.

    submitted by /u/disabledsisthrowaway
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    [Virginia, Tennessee] I was sexually assaulted at thirteen, and the person who assaulted me may have taken pictures. What can I do to prevent any kind of legal blowback? Is there a statute of limitations for such a crime?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 09:57 AM PDT

    Hi, all. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

    I'm getting kind of paranoid because I got triggered by a movie I watched a few days ago. I want to get as much legal advice as I can about this situation because this is so delicate, and I don't want to go to jail for something I did not participate in.

    I was sexually assaulted at thirteen while I was in foster care in Tennessee. I believe I was drugged because I don't remember much of anything aside from waking up after having clearly been assaulted (lots of semen, lots of blood in the genital area, there was really no denying it). My assailant told me that he took nudes of me and gave them to his brother in order to keep me silent, but I had no way of verifying whether or not that was true. I was later placed with relatives and taken to Virginia, and my assailant later went to jail for a drug related offense. He will get out of prison in 2031, with no chance of parole.

    I never reported it because long story short, I was afraid he would release the nudes, which has the potential to ruin my life even if they were not consensual. I was also repeatedly told by my guardians that they would send me back to foster care if they discovered that I'd had sex, and they made it clear that they considered sexual assault to be the victim's fault rather than the fault of the perpetrator. I didn't want to go back to foster care for obvious reasons, and I didn't believe the state would hold him accountable for a rape I couldn't prove.

    I still have not reported my assault to the proper authorities. I don't believe any justice would be done if I did, as the statute of limitations has likely passed. I have no idea if the pictures really exist, and thus far, no one has attempted to spread them if they exist. I am also certain that no one would know it was me if they did, as I look drastically different now.

    All the same, how do I protect myself against this if I find out that the pictures do exist? Is there a way that I could go to jail for this? Should I take preventative action, or can I just live my life?

    submitted by /u/granddaughterwitch
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    Office landlord wants to add 10% AC surcharge to lease for Jul and Aug

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 06:33 AM PDT

    I rent a 200sqft month-to-month office space in Brooklyn, NY for almost 2.5 years now. It's a "creative office space" building with mostly artists and musicians. Utilities have always been included with the fixed month-to-month lease. They have just sent an email saying for July and August this year that we need to add 10% to our lease. We have never had to pay for utilities and this email seems like a scummy way to increase extra revenue this summer. Do I have any rights or protection against this as a tenant in NY?

    Our landlord is notoriously dirty. They don't have phone numbers, they all use burners. They are currently in a dispute with tenants who have lived in apartments for 10+ years, building non-sound proof recording studios across the hall to drive them out. They have tolerated flooding and mold for years before evicting everyone to the upper floor but at a 33% rent up-charge. Now they wanna charge a unspecific price for AC instead of charging me for the actual power and energy my studio uses. Any NY tenant legal advice?

    submitted by /u/sicksadworld666
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    [CA] Employer withholding final paycheck

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 10:28 AM PDT

    I resigned from my federal government job at the beginning of May, and I have not received my final paycheck yet. In California we are supposed to be paid within three days of quitting. I contacted HR after the normal payday came and went without any pay, and they told me since it was a federal job, my state's final paycheck laws do not apply. In fact, I would not be paid for 6-8 weeks because they needed to "research" my final paycheck as my manager apparently issued me 30 minutes of annual leave I did not have. I also received a letter last week reiterating what I was told over the phone a couple weeks ago. So, my final paycheck of over $1,000 is being withheld for up to 60 days while they research how to deduct roughly $7 from it.

    This is a lot of money to me. I am at a loss of who to contact to speed this up. Do I have any recourse or do I just wait it out?

    submitted by /u/finalpaythrowaway
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    [UPDATE] Hotel charged a pet fee when we didn't have a pet

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 04:21 PM PDT

    So, a few months back I made this post:


    For those who haven't read the original post, I live in Florida. My friend and I drove to North Carolina for a hiking trip and stayed the night in a hotel up there. About a week later I got a charge for $150 for a pet fee, when we didn't have a pet in the room.

    I decided to dispute the charge with my bank, and when I initiated the process I was given a credit for the $150 the hotel charged me. Today I received a letter from my bank stating that the claim was closed and the $150 credit they issued me will be removed. The only evidence provided was some scans of the document I signed and initialed which said no pets allowed (duh), and a letter in which the hotel owner stated (while mispelling my name numerous times) the same thing he said over the phone; he said there was a large amount of dog hair in the room. Full stop.

    What recourse do I have now? If I want to dispute this claim, my bank is asking me to submit documents or some sort of evidence to dispute the hotel's rebuttal. The only evidence I can think of is the hotel's security footage. I know 100% that we didn't have a dog, and I want my $150 back. However, I don't want to end up spending a bunch of time/effort/money on this if it isn't going to lead to anything ultimately. The burden of proof is on the hotel to prove that I had a dog, correct? Would they not have to supply the security tapes to verify their claim?

    submitted by /u/Rhonarin
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    a highschool student's phone was taken as evidence against a sexual predator. Michigan, USA

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 07:01 AM PDT

    without giving details on the case, her family is poor and can't afford to keep paying for the phone they their daughter had to surrender for the digital evidence it contained. the police won't return it because it's an open investigation, but they are paying $80+ a month for a device that's been evidence for 8 months. when they went to their carrier to discuss cancelling the plan they were told that the was "an alert" in their account and they could not deactivate the account.

    the girl feels guilty enough and blames herself for everything, including the added financial strain of paying for the phone in evidence.

    does her family have to keep paying to keep the line on the phone for however long the case is "active" or is there something they can do?

    submitted by /u/son_bakazaru
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    NYC: Babysitting and parents haven’t come home

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 05:35 PM PDT

    My cousin is currently babysitting at a home where the parents should have returned 3 and a half hours ago. About half an hour after they should have arrived home, they texted that they're "running late" and have not responded to messages since. My cousin has to get to her other job. Can she legally leave the children with someone else without consent from parents?

    Update: when my cousin threatened to call the cops mom and dad responded. They weren't going to make it back for another 45 minutes and said that I could go in as a replacement. At double the rate. Giving the extra to my cousin

    submitted by /u/Piratedykes
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    Is my landlord allowed to search my house and go through my things without a warrant, and without giving me a 24 hour notice of inspection first?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 10:27 AM PDT

    Location: Texas

    There was no emergency and the landlord went through my personal belongings and did not ask for consent nor give me a notice. He's never come to inspect my house before and couldn't even fix my ac for 3 weeks in the summer.

    On a side note they are trying to blackmail me for something they found inside my purse and dressers. What happens to that? Is that illegal search?

    submitted by /u/Savage-2
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    A friend of mine, along with her kids, are getting kicked out of a home, that no one wanted and that was "given" to her by an uncle, as soon as she finished renovations.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 09:24 PM PDT

    To give you some background, my friend, let's call her Ann, used to provide care for two uncles. We'll call them Joe and Doug. A few years ago Joe passed, and as a gift for helping to care for him, Joe "gifted" Ann his house. I use quotations because it was all verbal and, as far as I know, nothing was in a Will or any other form of writing. From what she's told me, the house was in both uncle's names.

    Upon Joe's passing, the house was in bad shape and Doug wanted nothing to do with it. Since no one else within the family wanted it or had any issues with it, Ann and her two kiddos moved in.

    After a lot of hard work, little by little, and literally blood, sweat, tears, and obviously money, Ann has made renovations to make the home, not only livable, but their own. Here are some before and after pictures. There was no mortgage payment so, in addition to the improvements made, she has been paying the yearly taxes.

    Fast forward to today. Six months after finishing the improvements, Doug is kicking her and the kids out. His only reason was that he wants to keep it in the family. I would assume for his own kids, but I really have no idea, considering she is, indeed family.

    I'm not naive, and I know a little bit about property rights, so I know that because nothing about their agreement was in writing, there's probably not much that can be done, but damn. The whole thing breaks my heart. So, hear I am, Cashing in the, r/Legaladvice, last resort for a friend. We're in the great state of Oklahoma.

    Anyone have any advice on what she should do to get any or part of her investment back?

    Edit: Fixed some wording.

    submitted by /u/Te-Rex
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    [Florida] New car has been back to the dealer 6 times for repairs

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 06:58 AM PDT

    I bought a new car March 22nd in Palm Beach county, FL. It is a 2019 Hyundai Ioniq, and I was in love with it immediately. Since then however, I have repeatedly had to miss work due to issues and dashboard lights with the vehicle. The issues are listed below. I've been told I should be eligible for Lemon Law at this point by many people, but the dealership and Hyundai themselves claim that since this has been multiple issues, not the same one it doesn't meet the requirements. Does my car meet the requirements for a Lemon Law buyback or replacement in Florida?

    4/4/19: Ready light starts flashing at 6:50 am when leaving the house. Bring the car into the dealership for service due to what the manual said. Told there is nothing wrong.

    4/23/19: Second time, flashing ready light and check engine light. Was told the "engine had a bad coil from gas particulates and it would need replacing". Made appointment to return

    5/2/19: Brought the car back for replacement coil. No paperwork signed and nothing entered into system

    5/6/19: Check engine and Check Hybrid System lights came on at 3:30pm when I left work. Called and was on hold for 20 mins and bounced between people and never put through to service. Brought car in again, was there for 45 minutes before I was actually helped. Told that the computer says "There are no stored or active codes" and to "drive it until it fails, its under warranty". No paperwork signed, and nothing entered into system.

    5/7/19: Check engine light and check hybrid system light came on at approx 3:30 pm again. Approximately 15 minutes later, battery light came on along with a warning chime and "stop vehicle and check power" message. Battery light turns on only when breaking or not using the gas pedal, and off when givong the car gas. Air conditioner seems to be working poorly, and there is a vibration and lurches in deceleration when braking. Car is revving higher to accelerate and accelerating slower. Intermittent noticable acceleration when not giving the car gas.

    5/8/19: Continued same problems as above. Car taken in. Informed water pump is broken. Will take until June 3rd for new part to arrive.

    5/22/19: Received call saying the part had come in and the car would be ready soon. Gave permission to drive it to make sure things were okay

    5/24/19: Car picked up at 5 pm. Drove for the rest of the day without issues

    5/25/19: Check engine light came on on the way to Jensen Beach. Light went off after putting gas in the car

    6/3/19: Green Ready light began flashing around 12:30 while driving. Parked to go into as store, and check engine and HEV light came on again.

    6/4/19: Car returned to Napleton's hyundai for check engine light and HEV light.

    submitted by /u/OrriynVarek
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    I experience tons of racial harassment at my job at a high end restaurant

    Posted: 04 Jun 2019 11:05 AM PDT

    I'm a black college student in my early twenties with African heritage who constantly gets berated by an elderly South American dishwasher and Hispanic cook. It began when I overheard him and other coworkers refer to me as "Mandingo." I was bothered by it but I shrug it off as a joke. Now, he continuously goes on rants about me in Spanish calling me and black people in general "African monkeys". The staff at my job only got involved when the the dish washer would neglect his duty because he was berating me. Most of the staff is aware of this but no action has been taken. [Oregon]

    submitted by /u/Oluwhatver
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