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    Sunday, June 2, 2019

    Claims adjusting in Canada Insurance

    Claims adjusting in Canada Insurance

    Claims adjusting in Canada

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 06:29 PM PDT

    American claims adjuster. Does the skillset translate to the Canadian market? Is there a demand? Is the living equivalent?

    submitted by /u/bluptak
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    False tickets on my record

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 05:33 PM PDT

    I (M19) just switched my auto insurance to Allsurance America. Upon reviewing my documents, there are two tickets and a lab accident listed on the driving record my insurance provided that are not me. What can I do about this? There is no supporting detail of what kind of offense or where it occurred. Is this fraud? Thanks all

    submitted by /u/ipman737
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    Minor Fender Bender Accident Insurance Question

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 03:55 AM PDT

    I got into my first minor car accident and I was cited by the police. I am thankful that no one was injured and I didn't damage anything else besides the other persons car. However, I do have dents and scratches on the front left side of my car (by driver side). The estimate I got to repair for is around $4000 and I have a $500 deductible for collisiom.

    I was in shock at the time so I didnt look at the damage I made to the other car nor did I take pictures of the scene.

    The car I hit was a business car. So I was wondering, since Im at fault, is there anything that I would have to pay out of pocket to the other party? This person had insurance but not sure if it was his or through his company insurance. My property damage liability is $100k. Will I have to pay for his deductible and car damage out of pocket?

    Thanks for your help. Im just worried what Ill have to pay to the other party.

    submitted by /u/larryote
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    Estimators who add a "mortgage fee" to repair or remediation estimates...why do you do this?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 01:43 PM PDT

    What are some legitimate cases where this is warranted? I honestly have never seen this before paid unless someone just blindly overlooks it.

    What is it? What does it do?

    submitted by /u/wanton85
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    Acceptable hourly wage + commission for a licensed producer?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 12:42 PM PDT

    TL;Dr: Used to work for a small Allstate agency when I was still in college. Quit due to crazy co-workers. I graduated 6 months ago and said people are now gone. Previous employer wants me back and we are negotiating pay. (in AZ)

    A little back story: I used to work for Allstate when I was 20 and still in college. I worked for a small Allstate agency for about 2 years and then quit . I really liked working there due to the flexibility and the relaxed environment there. I quit due to stress from school and family life, but ultimately it was because of some of my co-workers. The agency was run by the agent and her in-laws. Her in-laws were always doing things in favor of the customers to lower the premium and then telling me to finish the policy. Sometimes they would just do it without telling the customers. A few times, the customer found out and were confused, so they called corporate office and reported it. My agent always cover up for them. The last straw for me was when one of them told me to finish up an auto policy one minute before closing on a Friday, and told me to finish it on Monday morning while he goes on a week vacation. He lied on the application and put false information to make the premium cheaper. While he was gone, I did as I was told but then received a call from underwriting grilling me with questions. My agent took over the call and put the blame back on her in-law. I immediately quit after that ordeal, because it was a constant struggle with her in-laws.

    And now: I graduated in Dec 2018. During the last few months of my undergraduate, I started working at a call center for a health insurance company. I really disliked the call center environment there and quit a month ago. As I'm thinking about my next move, my previous employer calls me.

    Turns out her in-laws did some major no-no and she HAD to let them go per Allstate order. She wants me back and is now offering me $16 base + commissions. I was getting paid $14 before with no commission. Before, she told me she thinks commission is unfair to everyone in the office and she wants everyone to work equally as hard. Now she's saying she will be making some changes starting with pay/commission. She didn't really go into details about the commission %, but said we will discuss more on my first day. It will sort of be like my first day/interview. She said she's trying to rebuild. She asked me what pay am I looking for and what do I plan on doing within the next 5 years. Typical questions, but it sounds like she really wants me to work for her. She said she'd rather pay me more than hire someone new since I have experience and she knows me.

    I'm now 24 and don't have a lot of real work experience. I have been working since I was 18 (receptionist, library, sales, food), but I'm a little timid and don't like to challenge authority so I've never asked for a raise. I'm really cheerful and outgoing and friendly when it comes to making a sale, but I've always had a hard time dealing with authority figures. I usually just go along with whatever they say. My previous employer was very nice to me, but I feel like sometimes she takes advantage of my youth and lack of experience. I don't want to be taken advantage of and want to make sure I know what I'm talking about during the actual interview.

    Any advice? Is a base pay of $16 + commissions good? What is an acceptable commission percentage? And how much should a 24 yr old recent college graduate be making?

    submitted by /u/concernedcat01
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    Insurance company didn't want to pay for OEM parts

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 11:25 PM PDT

    I was in an accident and my car has been in the shop for four weeks. This entire time, my body shop has been fighting with the other person's insurance company to cover OEM parts. One of the adjusters told me that I am not entitled to OEM parts and I need to accept LKQ since my car is so old (2012). I told him I would not and my body shop has been providing documentation to the insurance company that the LKQ parts don't fit. Finally, a couple days ago, the insurance company has approved all OEM parts and the body shop will start the repair on my car next week.

    Why is her insurance company fighting this so much? It seems like a waste of time for the body shop to order the LKQ part, show it doesn't fit, and then have to order OEM. The body shop is very familiar with my car so they know what will fit and what will not. Also, the insurance company is paying for a rental while going back and forth with the body shop about OEM parts, which is also costing them money.

    In the end, the insurance company is having to pay for the original estimate from the body shop plus an additional two weeks (or more) worth of a rental car, and the time it costs for the body shop to order the LKQ parts. Was the insurance company hoping I would give up and cave in on LKQ parts? It would have been cheaper for them to just accept the OEM parts and my body shop's estimate from the get-go.

    submitted by /u/ebayseller0
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    [Ohio] Certificate of Insurance

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 05:05 PM PDT

    There are three dead trees on the property line at my house that need to be removed. The house next-door has been vacant for over five years, but I am in contact with the owners. Two years ago the owner and I discussed the need to remove the trees and he told me he had a guy that would do it. I said OK and to let me know what my share of the cost would be. The trees have not been removed.

    This year I talked with a tree removal service to get a rough estimate for what it would cost me to have the trees removed, and if the owner of the other house wanted to contribute, great, and if not I would pay for the whole removal. Because the tree removal would need to be done from my neighbors' yard, I explained all of this to the owners of the other house and he was fine with this arrangement.

    Two weeks ago the owner called me and wanted me to make sure this tree removal service was insured and they are. This week I get a call from the owners and they left a voice mail directing me to get a Certificate of insurance to grant access to their property. She advised me that her brother was their insurance agent and these were his instructions. She also told me the certificate was to be in their name and it had to have their residence address, which is two cities from here and not the address that the trees are on.

    My question is, is it appropriate, legal, etc. for the certificate to have a different address from where the work is being done? Why do I need to get this certificate in the first place, if the tree service is insured? I get the feeling that the brother has written a policy that does not directly cover the house next to me with home owners insurance.

    Thank you for your help.

    submitted by /u/hennessey278
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    Type of home insurance needed?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 03:59 PM PDT

    We are moving to Mexico for 3 years with my company. My company doesn't recommend selling our home and won't help selling our home but will pay our rent in Mexico. We also want to keep our home for when we return back to the US. Thus, a family friend is going to be living in our home for those 3 years RENT-FREE. She's going to pay the utility bills but otherwise will pay no rent. What type of insurance do we need for this arrangement? Would our homeowner's insurance be void if we aren't living in the home?

    submitted by /u/Hou5976
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    Car insurance increased suggestions to bring it down?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 04:45 PM PDT

    I'm M(19) and my father is 46 we both have squeaky clean records, I've never been pulled over and my dads last and only ticket was 8 years ago. Due to the lovely state of Florida our insurance just jumped from $349 to $446 we are both on a 2016 Silverado and a 1999 mustang both under my fathers name. This really hit our wallets hard as were slow on work any advice to help bring it down is much appreciated I'm more than willing to change plans.

    submitted by /u/dx_sniper
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    Aetna or Premera Blue Cross in California? Pros and cons

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 03:12 PM PDT

    Car insurance question

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 02:12 PM PDT

    An additional driver on my comprehensive policy, can they drive other cars?

    submitted by /u/scottishguyhere
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    Landscaping Truck Drove Into My House, Caused Damage - What’s the Process?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 12:12 PM PDT

    Long story short, a truck with a raisable bed was dumping mulch in my backyard. As the bed was raised, the worker drove forward and clipped my house, causing visible damage to my gutter, shingles, and lifted up the plywood. I don't believe there's structural damage but would obviously like to make sure. The owner called me immediately and was extremely apologetic and offered to have a roofer and handyman come over and assess the damage and fix it on the company's dime.

    My questions:

    • should I tell them I want their insurance notified in lieu of this being fixed out of pocket?

    • should I contact my own insurance, or will that open a can of worms and they count that against me even though the company's insurance or owner would cover it?

    We've owned the house for 3.5 years and have had one claim due to a flooded basement. My biggest fear is that the roof and gutter are aesthetically fixed, only to find years later that the structure is compromised and an insurance company was never notified.


    submitted by /u/CalmerThanYouArgh
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    Anybody interviewed with Aviva (UK)?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 11:58 AM PDT

    My girlfriend has an interview coming up with them, she has to study some competencies but must also undergo an exam as part of the interview. Can anybody shed some light on what she can expect or maybe give us a nudge in the right direction? Thanks

    submitted by /u/ObviouslyZBI
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    Typically how much comes out of your paycheck for health ins?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 10:41 AM PDT

    Just looking for an average of about how much insurance costs out of a paycheck. I am a single female under 30 and I'm about to start a new job and planning on opting into benefits, which I've never done before. I'm trying to figure out (about) how much to budget for health insurance every month. I know it'll differ depending on plans, etc, but just wondering about a general idea! Thanks.

    submitted by /u/rebeccatwosocks
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    Insurance paid out for water remediation but no bill from company and repeated attempts to sort out with no progress

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 09:42 AM PDT

    Not sure if if this is the right group but figured I ask.

    I had been paid out insurance money for water remediation almost a year at this point however the money was meant to pay the remediation company. I have made several attempts to pay out to the company but they are still working with insurance to work out the bill. I have been told right now to keep it until they figure it out.

    I have this money sitting in an account to not be touched.

    Do I just continue to keep this money in my bank? Is there a time limit for this?

    submitted by /u/crtjer
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    Condo Insurance - Dwelling

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 08:28 AM PDT

    A neighbor and I have been looking at our condo insurances and they are quite different. When I purchased the condo, I needed to have dwelling coverage the value of the loan (210k). So I just continued with that value for dwelling, but my neighbor only has 60k of dwelling. Mine is 1450 sq ft. His is 1200 sq ft. My home is worth about 250k. And we are responsible for "stud to stud." We have googled a ton and have read conflicting things. Any advice or information would be really helpful. We are located in NJ.

    Basically, aren't sure if I am over-covered or he is under-covered.

    submitted by /u/525teach314
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    [NC/VA/IA] Multi-state car insurance question

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 07:24 AM PDT

    I'm moving to Iowa for a temp job (~six months) and I need a car while I'm there. My mom suggested I borrow hers (car is still being paid off so she doesn't own the title). The car is registered and insured in her name in NC. I have a VA driver's license. I am not on her policy because I live in VA, not NC. Is it legal for me to drive her car during my time in IA? Am I screwed if I get pulled over or get in an accident, and/or should I get personal liability insurance? She says that I'm covered because she has comprehensive coverage and "full cover". But I would be using the car daily. I read about non-owner's car insurance and that might be an option, as is taking out a second insurance policy under my name for the car, but then the registration and the insurance info wouldn't match. Is it better for me to buy a used car in my name in VA before moving to IA? I checked comparable car prices and the lump sum my mom is essentially offering the car for is much lower than a down payment + monthly for a used car bought from a dealer or 3rd party. I just don't want to get my license suspended or risk a lawsuit due to driving her car while i'm in IA. TIA!

    submitted by /u/LARPlatte
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    Landlord's liability for trampoline and pool

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 07:07 AM PDT

    [OH] It is virtually impossible to get a hold of my health insurance's claim dept... Claims have been sitting since February with no word... What can I do?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 07:01 AM PDT

    Hi all... Late last year I got a multi-plan through the marketplace. It has been VERY confusing for me since then, and I am still not sure who my actual health insurance company is... HMA? or something? Thats who my claims are submitted to anyway.

    I went to a couple Dr's appointments since Feb. I keep getting letters telling me I owe them money because they have heard nothing from my insurance. I have been explaining my problems getting a hold of them and am okay for now.

    After weeks I finally got a hold of an actual person who told me they were "processing" and it takes 30 days or so. Well it's well past 30 days, no one has been paid, and I again cannot get a hold of a real person.

    I am freaking out and don't know what to do. I have spent hours on the phone, on hold, and leaving messages with nothing. What can I do differently to get a hold of a real person to tell me what's going on?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/very_apathetic
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    USA, VA: My SO turned 26 in March and her parents health insurance ran out as a result. Her employer of over a year was notified (verbally) but did not submit her paperwork, and when reminded yesterday said "you're sol, never signed up", what can she do to avoid the $695 fine and be covered?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 06:37 AM PDT

    Our combined income is Ok, but we each have a bunch of debt we're trying to work through, causing various issues for each of us already.

    Employer was notified during the standard sign up window at the beginning of the year, she filled out paperwork but didn't submit it per instruction from employer.

    Yesterday she talked and emailed to E who replied today saying, paraphrasing, "you never signed up, not my problem".

    Other than getting hired elsewhere which is pretty high on the list but obviously not within her control, what can she do? Sign up for ACA for the meantime?

    submitted by /u/sCifiRacerZ
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