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    Monday, April 29, 2019

    Stocks - r/Stocks Daily Discussion Monday - Apr 29, 2019

    Stocks - r/Stocks Daily Discussion Monday - Apr 29, 2019

    r/Stocks Daily Discussion Monday - Apr 29, 2019

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 01:09 AM PDT

    These daily discussions run from Monday to Friday including during our themed posts.

    Some helpful links:

    If you have a basic question, for example "what is EPS," then google "investopedia EPS" and click the investopedia article on it; do this for everything until you have a more in depth question or just want to share what you learned.

    Please discuss your portfolios in the Rate My Portfolio sticky..

    See our past daily discussions here. Also links for: Technicals Tuesday, Options Trading Thursday, and Fundamentals Friday.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    What websites/blogs do you follow for picking stocks?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 06:51 AM PDT

    Last month, I made %50 profit by QCOM-apple agreement by following tech news, therefore I miss the oppurtunity to buy appl cheap. I have no idea about other industries. is there any useful accurate website for such occasions. or should I watch just mainstread media and some ordinary economy blogs?

    Note : I'm not talking about ''10 stocks to buy in 2019'' or ''123 stocks to boom in 2035'' kind of shit.

    thank you all.

    submitted by /u/thetrollingstone
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    Alphabet drops on revenue miss

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 01:15 PM PDT


    Earnings per share: $11.90 per share, ex-items vs. $10.61 expected, per Refinitiv survey of analysts

    Revenue: $36.34 billion vs. $37.33 billion expected, per Refinitiv survey

    Traffic acquisition costs: $6.86 billion vs. $7.26 billion expected, according to FactSet

    submitted by /u/coolcomfort123
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    Options. What are they?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 07:47 PM PDT

    I am slowly learning about trading, and securities in general, due to my recent interest in the stock market.

    Once i learned about what shorting was, i came upon what options were.

    After about 2-3ish hours of reading and watching videos, i am still not 100% "getting it." And I keep getting specific questions about the particulars.

    So i understand that options are derivatives. simply because its price derives from the stock. (or something similar to that) and that options are basically contracts.

    these contracts can be either a "call", or a "put". if a buyer buys a call, they are locking in price X for stock Y, in hopes that the stock price increases past X, which is the "strike price. And if it does, new price - x is the profit margin, since they can buy the stock at the strike price they had the contract for, and sell it at the new high price.

    if a buyer buys a put, they are locking in price X for stock Y, in hopes that the stock price decreases past X, (the strike price), Since basically, they can buy stocks at the new low price, and exercise their option to sell those stocks at their contract strike price. (or just sell the option to avoid the extra step)

    i somewhat understand these concepts. but what confuses me are the particulars about it. I dont know how to phrase these questions, or what order to put them in, so ill just put them in numbered form.

    1. if there is an options buyer (or holder) there is always a seller (or writer) correct? is this the same concept as if someone wanted to buy something at the grocery store? if there is no seller of the specific type of option you want, you simply cant buy it?

    2. if 1 is true, are all the options shown on RH ones that are already on the market/made by a writer?

    3. in buying options, why are there choices to buy a call for lower the current stock price, and on the flip side, buy a put for higher than the current stock price? if by definition, buying a call means you predict stock go to up, buying put means you predict it to go down. what makes this even more confusing is that the premium simply forces you to have a break even point higher than the current stock price anyways.

    4. i cant seem to understand options in the sellers perspective. if "buying a call = predicting stock to go up" by definition is the opposite true? Selling a call = predicting stock to go Down? (as well as buying a put = predict stock to go down, so selling a put = stock to go up?)

    5. Am i understanding correctly that buying options keep your risk defined (just the premium paid) and reward (theoretically) unlimited, while SELLING options is the reverse? keeps your reward defined (the premium) and risk unlimited?

    6. if someone doesn't specify if they bought the option, how can i tell in what terms they are talking about? looking at posts made here, people simply says "i got a put going" "i have a call" etc

    7. going back to RH as an example. how come options are preset on the terms? how come the buyer/seller cant make set parameters to what they are looking for?

    I have more specific questions but i cant seem to remember them at this time.

    thank you all for your help.

    EDIT: tyvm for all the answers. I have a much clearer understanding than before. bit i definitely still have more reading to do.

    submitted by /u/iamnewnewnew
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    Uber’s IPO is even more dangerous for investors than Lyft’s has been

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 11:41 AM PDT


    Uber isn't growing revenue as fast as management would like you to believe and isburning through cash like a trust fund baby on a shopping spree

    submitted by /u/coolcomfort123
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    Thesis for Disney Long

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 09:13 AM PDT

    I posted my thesis for buying Facebook a few months ago and as the price steadily approaches $200 a share, I find myself looking for new value stocks and keep coming back to the same conclusion. Disney, though currently on a hot streak, is still severely undervalued and there is plenty of runway for them to grow. With a market cap that is sitting at $250B, I have no question that this stock is going to break out in the short-term with many of the recent, but not new, revelations about this beloved company. My investment thesis for this stock can be broken down into the following:

    1. Core competency and extendable core: Disney's core competency is its marketing ability. Everything they touch becomes more valuable because they are able to create a complex network of their properties. Let's take their fairly recent Marvel aquisition (this is an easy one to analyze). You start off with a series of individual solid movies, all tied together and packaged neatly in a box titled Avengers. The movies are all hits, bringing in revenues that are small fries compared to the merchandise that are sold such as clothing, toys, movies. Their marketing has done so well that anything that bears the Disney or Marvel logo is synonymous with quality. This combined with their economies of scale allows them to produce top notch content at a steep discount. They were able to film both Avengers Infinity War and Avengers Endgame with a liberal estimate of <800 million dollars. Just ticket sales alone for Endgame generated over 1.2B in revenue in just one weekend. Not only that, but their abilities to create complex and high return webs is highly extendable. I mean they own Star Wars. I think they butchered the new movies, but that franchise is a cash cow. It is almost criminally obvious that Disney is currently priced based on fundamental analysis instead of technical analysis. That being said, a market cap of $250B is ridiculous which brings me to my next point.
    2. Comparables: Now before I begin on this point, Disney does not have any close comparables. However, for arguments sake, let's take their biggest competitor, Netflix. NFLX is sitting on a market cap of about $160B (on the conservative side). That means that Disney, with all of its intellectual property, an upcoming competitive streaming service, high marketing potential, and positive cash flow is only worth ~50% more than Netflix, a company dishing out money to maintain their streaming service and generate new content. This means one of two things. Either Netflix is overvalued or Disney is undervalued. The likelihood is a combination of both. It is already public information that Disney will be pulling all of its content from Netflix and releasing it on the highly anticipated Disney+. I have yet to find the statistic on it, but I am confident that at least 20% of Netflix streaming hours are on Disney content. You can bet that at a price point of $6.99 a month, Disney will be making money hand over fist with their new subscription service. This brings us to number 3.
    3. Streaming: To those who believe that Disney is late to the shootout, I do not mean to come off as rude, but that most likely means you do not understand the tides of the digital revolution. Streaming is still in its infancy. That would be like saying Facebook was late to social media because Myspace occupied the space. God bless Netflix for paving the road, but now Disney is laying out the tracks. This is the central point of my thesis: Disney has not only found a way to create a subscription service for their wealth of content, they have done something much more important. They have found a way to cripple their greatest competition while helping them build the framework. Disney has been planning a streaming service for YEARS. Why would they keep feeding Netflix their content if they were afraid of Netflix's user base? It's because Disney was using Netflix as a testing ground. Along with the dues Netflix pays to Disney, Disney also gets big data. How many people are watching their shows/movies? How many hours do people spend on their content? They finally found the levels high enough to justify their own service. They let Netflix do the legwork and Disney got paid for it. Netflix NEEDS (needed) Disney. Disney never needed Netflix. In short, Netflix was a vessel to offset cost and test the streaming waters before Disney jumps in.
    4. Intangibles: Disney is not a company you buy off its current financials. Of course they're going to have high capital expenditures. It is part of the network they are building that I mentioned in point 1. When you see Mickey Mouse, when you see any Avenger, when you see any Star Wars character, you are seeing intangible assets that can not be priced on a financial statement. I would argue that Marvel, Lucas Films, and Disney are worth more than a measly $250B.

    I have more that I can discuss, but these four points are the reason I placed an order today for 300 more shares of Disney at an average cost of $140. Disney is at an all time high, but an investment at any level now will see returns in the double digits within the next year. I am giving Disney a conservative market cap of $300B to at least put them near twice the worth of Netflix. This would bring their stock to roughly $168 for a modest 20% gain. Please feel free to share your thoughts as I have spent a lot of timing developing my thesis on this company.

    submitted by /u/naterocs
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    Thoughts on L Brands?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 12:42 PM PDT

    Parent company of Victoria Secrets and Bath and Body Works. They've taken an absolute beating the last 4 years losing over 70% from their high in 2015. At a $7B market cap they feel undervalued to me. LULU is $23B, LEVI is $8.75B, GAP is $10B. I understand that management has done a terrible job and their sales comps have been declining for several years in a row but at the end of the day Victoria Secrets is such a well established brand and I think it will eventually get their image right and see a return to popularity. Also Bath and Body Works has been consistently growing despite Victoria Secret's decline.

    What do y'all think? Is this a "value" trap?

    submitted by /u/taiwansteez
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    Not sure what to invest in right now - everything seems to be overvalued.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 08:48 AM PDT

    A lot of the large-cap stocks at the moment seem to be at their ATH or nearing their previous ATHs and I don't want to invest in them because I want to maintain a margin of safety.

    What stocks right now do you believe are undervalued and still maintain a margin of safety despite the market hitting record highs at the moment?

    Or should I just stay in cash and wait like Buffett does?

    submitted by /u/huyj134
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    Does anyone know anything about or have any thoughts on Carbon Black they would like to share?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    It's what the title says, looking for any outside opinions atm about it and if anyone thinks it will do well or poor.

    submitted by /u/BigLongDong69
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    Interactive Brokers TWS volume per candle and earnings?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 12:08 PM PDT

    I'm new to TWS and I'm wondering is there a way to display actual volume per candle by hovering on it. I see the volume Axis on the right, but I expected a more detailed volume indicator when hovering over the candle like every single other platform ever.

    Also, I'm used to seeing a display of some sort showing recent and upcoming earnings. How do I see the same in TWS? is it subscription only? (wall street horizon?)

    submitted by /u/1wannaspeed
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    GE Earnings Discussion

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 07:59 AM PDT

    GE has a pretty negative outlook for their upcoming earnings report tomorrow, Apirl 30th, 2019. What do people here think of GE for the short term quarter? Are you making calls/puts?

    Everyone agrees that the report will have a lot of bad overall news, but I've heard talk that it will do alright because of expectations for growth into the future. Personally I've bought a put, expecting there to be a significant drop in stock price on Wednesday morning this week.

    submitted by /u/RomanDreams
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    Sell in May when 3rd year of Presidents term?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 07:35 AM PDT

    Based on new research, the "Sell in May and Go Away" seasonal pattern, also called the Halloween Indicator/Strategy, only holds true in the third year of a U.S. presidential term. In the other three years, there is no statistically significant pattern"

    Barack Obama 2009 first, small drop in may-july 2010 second, drop from may-oct, big drop in May 2011 third, drop in may, HUGE drop in July (third term) 2012 fourth, drop in may thru aug

    Barack Obama 2013 first, drop in june 2014 second, drop in august 2015 third, drop in may, HUGE drop in August (third term) 2016 fourth, drop in june

    Trump 2017 first, no drop 2018 second, small drop in july rebound sept, huge drop december 2019 third, ___________ will it happen next month?

    Global loan debt is higher than it was in 2007, corporate debt double of 2008. Housing market slowing.

    I am new to investing but the pattern here is concerning. What options does a noob like me have for retirement and mutual fund accounts?

    Call my financial advisor and get things tightened down? Move everything into a money market account and not worry about it this summer but lose out on all gains for months?

    submitted by /u/DiskInterrupt
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    AAPL- long vs Short term outlook

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 06:53 AM PDT

    Holding AAPL for a while and have added to my position in the past few months . I am up 90% and have a few shares added as dividend reinvestment . I was wondering what you guys / gals think is the short Vs long outlook on Apple. I am not certain this $1000+ phone pricing is sustainable. I do like their new services model to add new sources of revenue, but I am uncertain as to how long these services will take to generate a good cAsh flow if iPhone sales / demand continue to decline . .

    submitted by /u/SamFish3r
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    Today's Pre-Market News [Monday, April 29th, 2019]

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 05:49 AM PDT

    Good morning traders and investors of the r/stocks sub! Welcome to a new trading week and a fresh start! Here are your pre-market news this AM-

    Today's Top Headlines for Monday, April 29th, 2019

    • U.S. stock futures were lower this morning as investors assessed developments in U.S.-China trade talks, with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin saying negotiations are in the "final laps." On Friday, the S&P 500 and Nasdaq posted new record closes. The Dow also gained ground Friday, finishing about 1% away from its October closing high. (CNBC)
    • Dow stock Boeing (BA) was under pressure this morning after news that the aircraft maker waited until after the Lion Air crash to tell Southwest Airlines (LUV) that a safety alert was turned off on the new 737 Max jets, which remain grounded. (CNBC)
    • Boeing CEO faces shareholders today for first time since 737 Max crashes (Reuters)
    • Disney (DIS), another Dow component, saw its shares rising in the premarket after "Avengers: Endgame" hauled in more than $1.2 billion at the global box office, shattering the previous record total of $641 million set by "Avengers: Infinity War." (CNBC)
    • JP Morgan says buy Disney after blowout open for 'Avengers: Endgame'(CNBC)
    • Earnings remain a key focus for investors, with Google-parent Alphabet (GOOGL) coming after-the-bell today and Apple (AAPL) late tomorrow. On the data front, personal income and consumer spending figures are out released at 8:30 a.m. ET this morning. (CNBC)
    • 'Biggest bear' on Target upgrades the stock, says shares to rally nearly 50%(CNBC) President Donald Trump's attempt to revamp North America's trade rules, or NAFTA, is hitting a roadblock as Democrats and labor groups demand changes. The chance of a deal before next year's election is dimming. (WSJ)
    • Attorney General William Barr is threatening not to testify before the House Judiciary Committee this week because of concerns about the hearing's format, a senior Democratic aide on the committee has told NBC News.
    • Democratic presidential contender Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, will return thousands of dollars donated to his campaign by registered federal lobbyists and will not accept such contributions any longer. (CNBC)
    • Richard Lugar, longtime GOP senator who helped create a program to destroy surplus nuclear weapons, dies at 87 (NY Times) Tesla (TSLA) CEO Elon Musk has reached an agreement with the Securities and Exchange Commission over his use of Twitter, according to an amended filing in the U.S. District Court of the Southern District of New York. (CNBC)
    • Rebel Tesla rebuilder with a popular YouTube channel is now opening a shop to fix cars Tesla can't service (CNBC)
    • Infertility treatment is burying families in debt as they choose to have children later in life. On average it costs $50,000 to conceive a child through in vitro fertilization and most Americans don't have the insurance to cover it. (CNBC)
































    ([CLICK HERE FOR FRIDAY'S UPGRADES/DOWNGRADES LINK #2!]https://i.imgur.com/rw9AlkZ.png))






    • SPOT
    • MDR
    • MOMO
    • LXRX
    • SOGO
    • DIS
    • CYOU
    • TMUS
    • TGT
    • GOOG


    (source: cnbc.com)

    Restaurant Brands International — Restaurant Brands reported weaker-than-expected quarterly earnings as sales in its Tim Horton's business unexpectedly fell. The company posted a profit of 55 cents per share. Analysts polled by Refinitiv expected earnings of 58 cents per share. Tim Horton's sales fell 0.6% in the quarter, while analysts expected a 2% increase.



    Target — An analyst at Barclays upgraded the retailer's stock to "overweight" from "equal weight, " noting the company is ahead of Amazon in same-day deliveries and "has built a supply chain that fulfills e-commerce primarily from stores (where next-day delivery is much easier), which stands in a stark contrast to most retailers."



    Anadarko Petroleum — Anadarko announced it will retake sale negotiations with Occidental Petroleum after agreeing to sell its business to Chevron. Anadarko said Monday that Occidental's bid could be "superior" Chevron's.



    American Airlines — The airline was upgraded to "buy" from "hold" by Deutsche Bank even though American recently lowered its full-year earnings guidance. "We think the resetting of expectations by management essentially establishes a 'floor' for AAL's share price and provides the company a bit more 'cushion' around its earnings targets," the analyst said in a note.



    Gardner Denver — Shares of the Gardner Denver surged nearly 30% in the premarket after The Wall Street Journal reported the industrial company was in talks to merge with a division of Ingersoll-Rand. The deal, the report said, would value Gardner Denver at around $15 billion and would involve cash and stock.



    Walt Disney — J.P. Morgan hiked its price target on Disney to $150 per share from $137 a share after Marvel's "Avengers: Endgame" movie shattered box office records, hauling in $1.2 billion in its global debut. "The underlying business continues to perform very well with several notable catalysts ahead that we believe may continue to drive outperformance," according to J.P. Morgan.



    Spotify Technology — The music streaming company said it now has 100 million paid subscribers for its premium service, overshadowing a larger-than-forecast quarterly loss. Spotify shares rose nearly 4% before the bell.



    CVS Health — CVS slipped in the premarket after Credit Suisse downgraded the stock to "neutral" from "outperform," citing "historically high" leverage and its pharmacy operations being negatively impacted by efforts to lower prescription drug costs.



    Boeing — The Wall Street Journal reported the airplane maker did not tell Southwest Airlines, its largest 737 Max customer, that a safety feature in the plan was turned off. The report also said Southwest did not know about this until after the Lion Air crash last month.




    What is on everyone's radar for today's trading day ahead here at r/stocks?

    I hope you all have an excellent trading day ahead today on this Monday, April 29th, 2019! :)

    submitted by /u/bigbear0083
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    What are the values you all look for in the earnings reports?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 11:17 PM PDT

    Looking for some pointers from some of the more seasoned campaigners out there. Cheers.

    submitted by /u/JaqenHghaar08
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    The Amazon of Africa?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 07:31 AM PDT

    what are peoples thoughts on Jumia (JMIA)?

    submitted by /u/Lady_of_bear_island_
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    Commodities and Futures Research Question

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 07:26 AM PDT

    I am currently trying to do some DD on a company -- $BMCH to be exact. A large part of their production comes through building materials, specifically lumber. I want to analyze the macro factors that might affect their production, but I am getting a bit confused when it comes to the best way to do so.

    When looking up the health of Lumber the best reference that I can see are lumber futures, but I am unsure if this reflects the macro price of lumber. I'm under impression that it is determined mostly by the trading of futures contracts. This makes me wonder, is there a way to find the actual changes in overall lumber prices on a macro scale? It does appear that lumber prices have down around a more natural level shown in early 2017, and $BMCH has some pretty solid fundamentals if anyone is interested.

    Either way, If anyone can help me out with this I would really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/J_Suave
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    CVS — Large Discount

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 07:16 PM PDT

    Anyone have thoughts on CVS? I believe it is very undervalued, along with the healthcare sector as a whole. Investors are pricing in worries of Medicare for all, however this won't happen for at least 4 years if it even does. Meanwhile, I will be profiting off of unwavering earnings. This may not be a short term play, but in my opinion it is priced attractively for the long run.

    submitted by /u/slickparrot
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    Website to share trade ideas / swing trades?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 06:44 AM PDT

    My friend and I have been wanting to share trade ideas / swing trades with each other, and we were wondering if there were websites out there that could help with this. In the past we've just been sending messages about whatever stock looks good - but we want to formalize it a bit more and maybe do it over google sheets.

    But surely there must be some website out there that can do this instead. If I told him about some stock a few weeks ago, I'd want to be able to easily see that trade idea, and see the stock price since then etc... And for new trade ideas we post, to have it alert us if the stock reached some price etc...

    Just curious about what is out there, so we don't have to resort to some google sheet.

    submitted by /u/Vehn2
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 06:12 AM PDT

    I thought Baidu was a undervalued stock but keeps trading down. Is there any upside for me holding or will it be long term before I see gains.

    submitted by /u/prisonwinks
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    DIS vs NFLX

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 05:37 AM PDT

    I was wondering what everyone thought about DIS vs NFLX. I have a few shares of Netflix that I bought when learning to invest and with the focus on Disney+ I was thinking about getting rid of those shares and putting it all in Disney. It seems like Disney has all the momentum but Netflix has been a leader in streaming for a fairly long time. How do you all feel the outlook will be going forward?

    submitted by /u/joker_man
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    Pre-Market [Serious Question]

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 05:04 AM PDT

    I've been trading for a little over and month now and know my way around a lot at this point. However, can someone explain the pre-market to me? What's the difference between the pre-market and the regular market? Honestly I know it's a noob question but I'd just appreciate anyone who replies.

    edit: Am I unrestricted from buying and selling my portfolio in the pre market?

    submitted by /u/iandbz
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    SHOP and SQ

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 11:06 PM PDT

    Why is SHOP trading so high (ATH) when they are still in the lost with the forward PE of 263? EPS -0.61, forward EPS 0.84, revenue 1.07B

    Why is SQ trading sideway and going down even after they constantly beat the earnings with a forward PE of 64? EPS -0.1, forward EPS 1.11, revenue 3.30B

    Both are 'overvalued' but it SHOP doesn't look anything superior than Square.

    submitted by /u/CompetitivePumpkin3
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 03:33 PM PDT

    I just want to hear your guys opinion on this stock should I look to get in or options or any advice please thanks ahead of time family

    submitted by /u/JonMQuiles
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    New records this week for US stocks? No end-game to upside in sight with strong earnings likely to continue

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 04:41 AM PDT

    US Stocks

    • Global stocks are trading lower to start the week that will see another deluge of earnings reports, US futures are flat with front-month Dow Jones minis -0.04%, S&P 500 minis -0.06% and Nasdaq 100 minis -0.09%
    • Crude oil continues its slide, WTI crude traded over $66 not long ago and is trading this morning close to $63
    • Oil continues weak this morning after President Trump again called for lower prices and Russia said it expects to resolve its supply problem in the coming days
    • Today the market will get US data on personal income and spending, PCE deflator and Dallas Fed activity survery
    • The US and China will resume trade negotiations this week in Beijing with a number of issues to still unresolved, including intellectual property protections, forced technology transfers, agriculture, non-tariff barriers and services, among others, according to a White House press release
    • Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said the enforcement part of trade negoatiation is close to complete
    • Confidence in the EU economy dropped for the 10th month in a row, with the sentiment index fallling to 104 from 105.4
    • According to Bloomberg, volatility markets may be flashing a warning signal as the five-session correlation between the S&P 500 Index and VIX strengthened to levels not seen since mid-2018 -- a rare dynamic has often preceded a retreat in U.S. equities.To contact the reporters on this story:
    • The VIX is little changed this morning and is currently at 13.21 after closing at 12.73 last week
    • Covenus Energy (CVE) May 17 OTM Calls, SPDR S&P Oil & Gas Exploration & Production ETF (XOP) May 17 OTM Calls and SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY) 29 April OTM Calls are the most actively traded options contracts in US pre-market trading this morning
    • US 10-Year Treasury Bonds are lower with yields up 0.72 basis points to 2.5054%
    • The US Treasury 2s-10s Spread has widened 0.11 basis points to 0.22%
    • WTI Crude is currently down -2.82% to USD$63.3/bbl with the Brent-WTI spread up USD$2.9 to USD$8.11/bbl
    • Gold is currently down -0.37% to USD$1281.35/oz

    Stocks Trending in the News

    Click name for Q-Factor breakdown, latest price details, more financial info and sentiment data.

    • Anadarko (APC) prefers the offer from Occidental Petroleum (OXY), valued at $38 billion, over the offer from Chevron (CVX), according to a report in FT. Anadarko is "preparing to endorse" the offer from Occidental, the report notes. Anadarko's board has determined the Occidental offer is superior and should announce so soon. Anadarko Petroleum is rated "Top Short" in our US Large-Cap Global Top Stock Ideas. Occidental Petroleum is rated "Neutral" in our US Large-Cap Global Top Stock Ideas. Chevron is rated "Neutral" in our US Large-Cap Global Top Stock Ideas.
    • Apple (AAPL) discussed buying Intel's (INTC) smartphone-chip business, according to a report from the WSJ. Apple and Intel started conversations last summer and continued until Apple announced its settlement with Qualcomm (QCOM). Intel is discussions with other parties that have expressed interest, the report goes on to add. If Intel closes a deal, it could reap the company a few billion dollars, the report notes. Apple is rated "Neutral" in our US Large-Cap Global Top Stock Ideas and "Neutral" in our US Information Technology Global Top Stock Ideas. Intel is rated "Unattractive" in our US Large-Cap Global Top Stock Ideas and "Attractive" in our US Information Technology Global Top Stock Ideas. Qualcomm is rated "Unattractive" in our US Large-Cap Global Top Stock Ideas and "Neutral" in our US Information Technology Global Top Stock Ideas
    • Eli Lily (LLY) won an appeal court ruling today on the validity of a patent on its Alimta lung-cancer drug. The US Court of Appeals rejected claims from other manufacturers that wanted to sell lower-cost versions of the drug. Eli Lily is rated "Neutral" in our US Large-Cap Global Top Stock Ideas.
    • Spotify (SPOT) reported it reached 100 million paid subscribers, close to the high end of expectations. Spotify reported a loss if 47 million euros in the first quarter, better than the 68 million. Revenue of 1.51 billion euros came a touch ahead of 1.47 billion expected. Spotify gave second quarter guidance of 107-111 million paid subscribers with revenue of 1.51 to 1.71 billion euros. Spotify is not rated in out Global Top Stock Ideas.
    • Starbucks (SBUX) was downgraded at Wells Fargo Securities to market perform from outperform. Wells cut Starbucks' price target to $80 from $83. Starbucks reported solid first quarter results and even upped EPS guidance at the same time. Wells, though, sees all of Starbucks growth opportunities priced into its present valuation, hence the downgrade. Starbucks is rated "Top Buy" in our US Large-Cap Global Top Stock Ideas and "Top Buy" in our US Consumer Discretionary Global Top Stock Ideas
    • Visa (V) and Mastercard (MA) have completed and agreement with EU regulators to resolve its investigation into credit card fees for non-European visitors in Europe, Visa and Mastercard will reduce fees charged as part of their settlement with EU regulators. Interregional fees on debit cards will be lowerer to 0.2% from 0.3%, the same as credit cards. On line transactions will be charged 1.15% for debits cards and 1.5% on credit cards. Visa is rated "Top Buy" in our US Large-Cap Global Top Stock Ideas and "Attractive" in our US Information Technology Global Top Stock Ideas. Mastercard is rated "Top Buy" in our US Large-Cap Global Top Stock Ideas and "Attractive" in our US Information Technology Global Top Stock Ideas.

    European Stocks

    • The Euro Stoxx 600 is currently down -0.25%, the FTSE 100 is down -0.09%, the DAX is down -0.28%, and the CAC 40 is down -0.28%
    • Media (-0.2%), Telecommunications (-0.09%), and Automobiles & Parts (-0.53%) stocks are the top performers in the Euro Stoxx 600 today
    • Oil & Gas (-1%), Basic Resources (+0.03%), and Technology (-0.58%) stocks are the worst performers in the Euro Stoxx 600 today
    • Investor sentiment for European stocks is negative with the advance/decline ratio for the Euro Stoxx 600 currently at 0.71x
    • 96 stocks in the Euro Stoxx 600 are at 4-week highs while 44 stocks are at 4-week lows
    • 115 stocks in the Euro Stoxx 600 are overbought while 8 stocks are oversold according to the 16-day RSI Measure
    • Japan is closed today
    • Hang Seng ended up +0.97%, the Hang Seng China Enterprise up +1.11%, and the CSI 300 was +0.28%
    • Investor sentiment for Hong Kong stocks finished positive with the advance/decline ratio for the Hang Seng closing at 4x
    • 3 stocks in the Hang Seng hit 4-week highs while 13 stocks reached 4-week lows
    • 1 stocks in the Hang Seng closed overbought while 2 stocks closed oversold according to the 16-day RSI Measure
    submitted by /u/QuantalyticsResearch
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