• Breaking News

    Monday, April 15, 2019

    Legal Advice My house was raided last night without a warrant.

    Legal Advice My house was raided last night without a warrant.

    My house was raided last night without a warrant.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 05:36 AM PDT

    Deep Gap, North Carolina. Last night at around 11 PM, I received a knock on my door from the Watauga County Sheriff's office. I calmly stepped outside onto the front porch to speak to them. As I walked outside, the young cop that was knocking asked me "Are y'all the potsmokers?"

    I replied "no sir", which for that day was true. My girlfriend and I have been struggling with money so we had not been buying weed but our house did have multiple pieces of paraphernalia in it.

    He claimed that he and his older partner were responding to a domestic call that they received from the residents of apartment C. We live in Apartment C. Obviously we didn't call the police in ourselves.

    I tried to respond to him but as I was speaking, he reached down and opened my front door and barged right in, without any discussion of a warrant or anything like that. When I began to ask questions such as "How can you enter my house without a warrant?" and "Can I have your badge numbers?" they locked me outside and said that if I spoke or tried to enter the house that they would throw me in jail.

    They came in the house and saw a bunch of old bongs sitting in our kitchen and put them in a box as evidence. Then they hassled my girlfriend, threatening her with jail time if she don't comply completely. Originally, we both were only getting a paraphernalia charge, but the cop who kept telling me to "Shut the fuck up or you're going to jail" because I was asking questions, told his partner that I was outside being disorderly, and that "he was going to add a possession charge for that" and sure enough I alone got the possession charge in addition to the paraphernalia.

    Now we're stuck in the situation that we are facing thousands of dollars of fines and court costs, while we're already struggling financially. I'm not sure legally what leg I have to stand on, but I am uncertain about paying for a lawyer because I really don't have the money. I don't know what my best course of action is, or even how much this is going to cost me so any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/grandbaby-buffalo
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    [update] my brother has servers autism with ID and tonic clinic seizures and an Alabama county jail is refusing to give him medication.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 09:16 AM PDT


    I am on mobile but I think I got the title as close to the original as I remember.

    Sorry for the delay. It got chaotic.

    He is currently in the hospital to help stabilize his seizures and have him evaluated for other services. He is sleeping and a bit dehydrated so he is being treated for that. He seems confused. He just wants to go home to his toys. He has a collection of Pokémon figures and plushies my dad has been buying him for years. It was their thing. He loves them and takes at least one everywhere.

    It was scary when I saw him. I don't think I have ever seen him this bad since we were kids. I remember the hospital when we were little but seeing it as an adult and knowing what is going on and how it is your fault is just something else. I feel just as helpless now as I did back then only now I don't have my parents to tell me it is going to be okay.

    I called the numbers/ organizations suggested but struggled to get a hold of anyone. APS seemed to take it seriously enough but when I talked to someone they said they would get back to me Monday when I mentioned he was currently in jail.

    I ended up calling the nurse on call from his neurologist office just to see if she had any suggestions. I was told I needed to call her if he had seizures that required the diastat and I was to call each time. I figured she would want to know since I had no way of knowing how long the seizures were or if they had given him any treatment. Well I called the answering service who called the nurse who then called me back but you get the point.

    She told me she would call me back and called the doctor on call. She called back and asked for more info and the jail he was at. It took a few hours but I eventually got a call back from the nurse saying the doctor had been able to get a hold of a medical professional for the jail and long story short my brother was eventually transferred to the hospital we are at now. The nurse said she and the doctor raised hell until someone heard them out.

    I talked to a lawyer this morning who came by the hospital to visit with me and my brother. I am going to sell my truck to my uncle to cover it. I am waiting on the check now. He seems like a great lawyer though. He told me it would be fine. I know he met with some of the doctors earlier about my brothers intellectual capabilities. I turned over all the paperwork I had and he told me they would call when they knew something further.

    They (doctors and his state case manager) said he will likely be transferred to a temporary nursing home when he gets discharged here if he isn't required to return back to jail. They said there he can rest and get back on his medicines. After that, we will wait for the group home to respond to his application. The case manager said it is likely that regardless of the legal issues I would be asked to compile with their effort to find him a suitable care setting. She mentioned not thinking he was suitable with home care and community placement with me at the moment. I agree. I just want him to be okay. I know my parents were able to care for him but I just don't know how and I can't learn at his expense.

    Now I am just tired. He is safe at the hospital and I don't think he is getting released today. So I am going home to sleep.

    I have kept the numbers of the agencies advised in the comments in case I need to reach out to them but I am going to just let the lawyer see what he can do.

    So thankful for the nurse. I absolutely believe she was instrumental in getting him help. She could have easily just told me to wait until Monday like everyone else I spoke with.


    ID is intellectual disability.

    I am his guardian but he does have the GAL paperwork. It was in the stack I took to the jail. It was everything my parents had told me he would ever need in the event something happened to them.

    He hadn't been given bail yet. He was combative when he entered the jail and they said they were holding him and couldn't release him to me. When I asked about bail they said bail hadn't been set yet. I have never been in jail before so I had no idea.

    Everyone keeps asking for the county but I don't want to give it out since you could find out information on who my brother is from that. Southernish Alabama though.

    The jail guard who I think ran the front desk/phone. I am not sure what he did. But he was a big help. I am sure there wasn't much else he could do. I am forever thankful for him keeping me posted and caring what happened.

    I might not answer for a few hours. Thank you for all your advice. Especially the links to support groups/organizations. I will reach out when things settle for some advice. It really helped and it gave me places to start. Obviously this isn't over yet but it is a start. This is better than yesterday and that is something. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/epilepsyinprison
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    I'm in the middle of a divorce and just found out that I am dying. How can I make sure my will is honored before any judgements?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 06:17 PM PDT

    I have terminal colon cancer that has reached stage 4 and has spread through my intestines and stomach.

    My soon to be ex does not know. My kids do not know. I am wanting to change my will to keep her from getting anything.

    I am that vindictive because she cheated on me and I found out one of the kids is not mine. Although that part does not matter. I still love him as mine. I just hate my wife.

    I am wanting to change my will to where my kids get everything.

    Doctors give me about two to three months and the court appt is in September. I will be dead before the divorce gets finalized without her knowledge.

    Is there a way I can keep it this way so the will takes priority?

    I am serious. I am not wanting her to get anything at all.

    submitted by /u/TraditionalJudgment0
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    My husband wiped out our savings, then told me he’s separating from me. What am I entitled to?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 07:28 AM PDT

    I live in Florida. 2 weeks ago my husband emptied our joint savings account (both our names were on the account) and closed the account without my knowledge or consent. The savings consisted of checks his parents wrote to him/us. On that same day he texted me that he was separating from me, it was over (implying divorce) and he was moving out. I immediately retained an attorney the next day, but have been sitting on doing anything because my husband has otherwise been cooperative and friendly, and I am hoping to work as much of with him as I can before I get my attorney involved. I have gotten copies of the checks deposited into that account, a closing account statement and saved texts from him that afternoon saying our relationship is over. I have read anywhere from nothing to half. What am I entitled to from the savings he took?

    submitted by /u/Englishcoonhound
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    My landlord moved in without telling us and wants to replace our broken oven with a second toaster oven

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 06:32 AM PDT

    Crossposted to r/vancouver

    Hi everyone!

    I am currently living in Vancouver, BC and have found myself in quite the predicament with my landlord.

    Currently, I am living in a house and am sharing the space with three other roommates (I'll call them Bubbles, Buttercup, and Blossom.) We all pay rent and pay utilities and happily live together.

    When I first signed on to the house in August 2017, it was stated that there were three separate units within the house and our landlord lived off the premises.

    One unit is the shared space that I currently live in with those roommates, the other being a small unit that we share the front door with (initially, with a separate lock) and another unit on the ground floor where they enter through an entirely separate entrance.

    In Spring 2018, my landlord informed us that they were removing the lock that separated the shared space that I live in and the small unit that shares the front door with us. This is because my landlord decided to move in to this unit after the former tenant moved, declaring that now the landlord is our roommate (!!!!) and will be sharing the common areas with us (such as the bathroom, kitchen, living room, etc.) This is because the small unit downstairs only had a mini fridge, a stove top, and no bathroom so they need access to these amenities upstairs in our unit (which makes me wonder how the former tenant in that unit survived, but that's besides the point.)

    During this time of the lock removal, they didn't give any prior notice about when they would be coming in to remove the lock between the two units. This trend of not notifying us when they enter the premises has continued even up until this point, as I guess they believe they are now a "tenant" and no longer need to let us know about their presence as they are no longer just a landlord.

    At first this didn't bother me, as not only did I never see them around after they supposedly moved in but also I now had to pay less in utilities as now the cost was being divided by 5 people (my three roommates, myself, and now my landlord.) The only thing that grinded my gears was that I was still paying the same amount in rent despite the addition of now an extra unit and having to share the space, but I brushed this off.

    Until now that is.

    Our oven broke a couple months ago. Blossom notified the landlord ASAP, but they haven't done anything until Buttercup messaged them again about it this weekend. They said they could not replace the oven, but that they would give us a toaster oven instead…… which we have already.

    So we have decided that enough is enough. I emailed them regarding one of the broken appliances and they accused me of being threatening and disrupting the peace within our household.

    I wasn't trying to be threatening. In fact, I tried to be straight to the point to avoid confusion. I think they found my referencing to the laws that are stated in the BC Rights of the Tenant as threatening, as well as informing them that I would seek the assistance of an arbitrator if nothing was done about the broken appliances.

    They then went on to mention that they have been nothing but open and communicative with us…. (when they really haven't, which I'll get to in a bit.)

    This obviously got me quite upset. It is ridiculous that just by pointing out my rights I am accused of being threatening. Myself and my other roommates have done what we can to accommodate our landlord and their not-exactly-legal status in our household.

    Going back to what they said about being open and communicative with us, they have on numerous occasions failed to notify us about certain "going ons" in the household, such as:

    • When they enter the premises
    • Who is living in the units below us
    • Heck, what is even going ON in the units below us….. One time I was out in the backyard and to my surprise, there was a woman who very obviously looked like a traveller standing there with a backpack stating that she was to stay in the downstairs unit separate from ours (which we thought was empty after the former tenants moved.)
    • And the big one: I found out through Buttercup (who just moved in at the beginning of the month) that she is only staying there until the summer as the landlord will apparently be moving in afterwards!! The landlord confirmed this information when Blossom inquired about it.

    Obviously, as all of us are working professionals in our 20s, we do not want to really share our space with our much older landlord as none of us have agreed to this.

    I am so lost in how to navigate all this. Am I wrong in thinking that if my landlord moves in, that they should be paying rent and therefore reducing our rent? Especially as initially when I moved in, I was told I'd be sharing the space with three other people, not four.

    I feel awful as all my other roommates are new to the country and don't understand the laws of the tenant. But who do I contact? Do I get a lawyer involved? Will I get kicked out if I pursue action? Personally I don't mind if the latter occurs as I have places to stay. But I worry about my roommates who are all young and don't have family or friends to lean on if the landlord decides to take action against them.

    I would very much appreciate if anybody has any tips or ideas on how to move forward with this whole situation. Ideally, I would like to see this happen:

    • Our appliances are fixed
    • Our landlord does NOT move in to the upstairs unit
    • Our landlord gives us notice about when they are in the house

    Is that too unreasonable to ask for?

    TL;DR: Landlord who didn't initially live in the house is now living wherever they please in our house and using our shared space and isn't telling us in advance. They won't fix major broken appliances (instead offering shabby replacements like a toaster oven to replace the oven I signed off on) and they are now accusing me of being threatening by asking them to replace our broken appliances or else I would contact an arbitrator.

    Thank you so much for reading all this, I appreciate any and all the help I can get! :) Please let me know if you need any more information. I tried to be as thorough as I can but obviously this is all very new to me.


    Yet another Vancouver renter with landlord problems

    submitted by /u/DisgruntledYVRTenant
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    A neighbor knocked on my door asking me to sign a contract (linked in description)

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 09:15 AM PDT

    Yesterday, a contractor neighbor knocked on my door and handed me this contract (with names and addresses blocked out) asking that I give him permission to access my property to setup a ladder for roof replacement work that will be done on a house next door. He was not sure if they would need to set up the ladder in my driveway, yard, or both. I told him that I wanted some time to consider whether or not I would agree, and he left me with the contract (photo linked above in this post). He plans to come back tomorrow and I will give him back the handwritten contract.

    Last summer, the same contractor instructed one of his crew members to walk down my driveway and set up a ladder in my back yard to work on the house next door. They did not request permission, and the crew member was verbally combative when confronted about his trespassing.

    Yesterday, the contractor requested permission from another next-door neighbor to access his property, and then came over to ask that I sign the same agreement (my other next-door neighbor had signed the contract by the time I was asked). He claimed that his crew is fully insured, but he was not sure how long the job would take nor when the work would occur.

    I am wary of signing such an unprofessional-looking contract for a few reasons. I certainly do not want to invite any liability if something were to happen such as (God forbid) a crew member falling off a ladder onto my property, or shingles being dropped off the roof onto my car. The vague language in the contract gives me pause because I do not know where on my property the worker expects to set up, nor how long they plan to use my property. I should note that I am a renting tenant here (in Massachusetts).

    I want to be a good neighbor, but the prospect of signing this contract makes me somewhat uncomfortable. Thanks in advance for any advice. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/davygravy1337
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    Neighbors claim they own portion of driveway how do i proceed? (CT)

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 08:45 AM PDT

    I bought my house over a year ago and there was nothing mentioned about a portion of the land being owned by my neighbor. (My drive way runs along my neighbors lot) Recently my neighbor has told me that my driveway sits on some of their land and that if they wanted, they could take action to reclaim it. I don't really understand any of this or why that would be the case. Besides surveying is there anything i can do to get to the bottom of this? If my neighbors claim is found to be accurate, shouldn't this have been mentioned by the realtor/previous owner? How should I proceed?

    submitted by /u/TYSM_Everyone
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    A question about concensual sex.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 07:43 AM PDT

    I'm a 18 y/o guy and my girlfriend is 16 and from Minnesota. We're long distance and I'm planning on visiting her, and since we've been dating for years, I want to know if it's legally safe to have consensual sex.

    I know that the legal age in Minnesota is 16, it's the same as where I'm from, but there's also a footnote in the law that roughly says, "If the sexual act involves a person of Authority (and some sites say a person of trust as well), then the age of consent is moved up to 18."

    As her boyfriend, do I legally qualify for either of these? Or am I wrong completely? I'd rather know if what we want to do is legal before her and I go forward.

    submitted by /u/AfraidToUseMain23
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    Male victim of sexual assault facing discrimination and hate for speaking out.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 11:02 PM PDT

    I have posted about my situation here before, but had a really bad experience, however I am willing to try again. I don't want to type it all out again, but a frequent user here suggested I try here again so I decided to give it a go. The summary is below.


    In short I was sexually assaulted in 2016, filed against my attacker in 2017, the school failed to act and I filed with OCR who opened an investigation in 2018 which is ongoing, then the school reopened the cases but after appearing on the news they decided to railroad me with a counterfiling from my attacker that they never notified me about in mid March, and now won't let me submit evidence to defend myself and are tacitly threatening to find me guilty in absentia. These kinds of retaliation filings are expressly forbidden under Title IX to my understanding, yet the university refuses to act, and there is proof I filed first. In fact I have documented my experiences thoroughly.

    I am willing to take any advice you can give.

    Edit: Oops forgot the location in the title. I'm in Georgia.

    submitted by /u/ztfreeman
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    My landlord is a complete creep and I want out. But I have no idea what's going on in our lease. Please help.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 09:30 AM PDT

    I live in New York and want to get out of my lease two months before the one year mark. However, my lease is worded strangely and I cannot figure out if it is a month-to-month or fixed term lease.

    The terms of the lease state the following:"The lease is month-to-month with automatic renewal at one year. The lease renews every month upon payment. The terms of this lease are based on one year occupancy."

    There is not information about a lease buy-out or penalties for breaking the lease. It only states I need to give him 30 days notice.

    Does this mean my landlord can charge me extra (essentially changing my monthly rent to whatever is equivalent to the remainder of my lease) if I give him 30 days notice? Please help -- I am very confused.

    submitted by /u/livinlaluna
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    Is it legal for an employer to deduct pay for not completing work they don’t pay you to do?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 09:30 AM PDT

    I am a salesperson for a car dealership in Ohio. I am paid 100% commission. The only thing I get paid for is for selling a car, nothing else.

    We were given a typed up word document today that explained if I did not do certain tasks 1) starting a visit with a customer w/o scanning a license(not all customers come in to drive cars), Not filling out a full call sheet on inbound calls(some people call to ask random questions) having over due phone calls at end of business Saturday, etc., all become deductions from our commission pay.

    Is this legal? How can they take money from employees when they do not pay us to do those tasks?

    We did not sign anything. My contract when I was hired explicitly states that I am a 100% commission worker, I don't get paid unless I sell a car.

    submitted by /u/Fossb3rg
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    Had a birthday party at a bar/restaurant on Saturday 4-13 and at least 10 people have gotten sick, one in the hospital, since the party. About 90% sure it was the food. Any recommendations on how I can move forward with the restaurant? This is in chicago.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 09:05 AM PDT

    If I forget to "certify" a timesheet can my employer refuse to pay me?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 08:08 AM PDT

    My company does their time sheets on an online portal and requires that the employees "certify" the time sheet at the end of the pay period. Only having to do this every couple of weeks it's reasonable that a few employees would forget. The woman in charge of payroll every once and a while will send out an email threatening to not send our time sheets in and saying we will not be paid. Is that right? Could they not pay us?
    Live and work in Kentucky.
    Edit: Thanks to everyone for your response. This is exactly as I thought it to be. I just wanted to be sure I was correct before I brought it up to HR. Just does not seem appropriate to me to be threatening peoples pay.

    submitted by /u/jim51riffe
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    I Can't Rent an Apartment Because of My Name

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 12:14 PM PDT

    North Carolina, USA

    Throwaway to protect my identity. I'm a graduating college student, soon moving to a new state with my girlfriend. We're both going to be starting new jobs, her in June and me in August, that'll be paying well and allowing us to use our degrees. We're very excited.

    The problem comes with our housing situation. We went up and toured several apartment complexes in March, and settled on one we really liked. We put in our application, and nearly instantly, we were rejected due to a failed background check. Now I've run into this once before, with a mix-up on my voter I.D. As it turns out, there is a man with the same full name and date of birth as me who lives one county away, and committed a felony in 2017.

    I followed my rights according to the Fair Credit Act, and requested a copy of the background check from the company that conducts them. They gave me two reports, one given to the complex, one generated for me from everything they knew about me (which I assume means they would also run by Social Security Number). I showed this to the apartment office, and they were happy to hear it, but noted that I'd still need a clean report from the background check company to the apartment to be cleared.

    I put in an official dispute to the company, noting that I am a separate individual with this information, and that Social Security Number can differentiate us, and after about two weeks of waiting, they told me they investigated my claim and stand by their initial ruling.

    Following their next recommendation, I went to the county over, and asked for them to run a background check on me, thinking getting a clear one would help. I asked specifically for the county clerk to run it with special regards to Social Security Number, but they told me they couldn't use that to run it, and received a report with all the other man's information on it. I tried to submit that to the background check company, using features such as address and driver's license number to somehow try to show that this is another man, however they never even reopened the case with the new information. I've tried calling them to work with them and see how I can make this easier multiple times through the process, but they only have a service line through a call center, and I can't ever get a straight answer from them.

    I contacted my school's student legal department, and he's helping me throw together an affidavit that I haven't lived at the addresses associated with the case, or have been arrested before, which hopefully will help in the future. Is there anything else I should be doing here?

    submitted by /u/NotTheSameMan
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    I think fast food workers spiked my food with a laxative ...

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 08:55 AM PDT

    Edit : Location is Kansas, USA.

    So this is a bit embarrassing but whatever.

    Last night I ate at a fast food place and the guy taking my order could barely stop himself from laughing. He made my strawberry shake and gave it to me, still trying not to laugh.

    Got home and ate the food and the shake tasted off but not terrible so I drank it anyway.

    Fast forward to today, I've been on the toilet 6 times, and this is unlike any diarrhea I have ever had. I've had to take laxatives for surgical procedures in the past and it's pretty spot on for that.

    I'm debating between - calling the restaurant, or calling the cops. I didn't finish the shake and it's currently hanging out in my trashcan at home, so I figure it could be tested, but I don't really know where to start.

    Fun times, what do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/mmazing
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    Marry same person twice in two different countries

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 08:53 AM PDT

    My husband and I are dual citizens of Canada and Egypt. We got married a year and a half ago in Canada. We are visiting family in Egypt and my father in law is insisting that we get married again in Egypt using Egyptian process instead of going through the paperwork of registering our Canadian marriage in Egypt. Is it illegal to marry the same person twice in two different countries a year and a half apart? What happens in case of divorce or death? Will I be impacted negatively?


    submitted by /u/rourou11
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    Creeper Entered Himself as My Emergency Medical Contact

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 08:10 PM PDT

    So, it is a long, awkward story. I do not have a family (I left them because they are abusive), and have recently relocated to a new town for school. I had some troubles with stress and depression, and spoke to my student health center. The center provides short-term support, and then refers out to another provider in the area in order for me to obtain more sustained support.

    So, on my last day at the center, my outtake provider seemed weird....a bit creepy. We got to my emergency contacts, and I stated that I had no one. No friends, no family. No one I really would want to know if I were hurt. It's unconventional, but I am a loner. He kept on making comments about how a 'pretty girl like me must have someone'. I was annoyed, but figured I would never see him again.

    I enjoyed my care at the one place, and was checking into another center for the same organization. The intake woman was going through my files and stated, "So, your emergency contact is Lenny Whatshisname?"

    I asked who the hell Lenny was, and she stated he was from my student health organization. I had no knowledge that he had written his name and information down, nor did I consent to it. Of course his name was quickly removed from the contact information.

    I honestly feel disgusted and violated. I don't know what would have happened if I had an emergency....would I wake up in the ER to see his creeper face staring at me?

    My question is: what, legally, can I do about this? I am not looking for money or anything, but can I report him to a governing body? This person seems seriously disturbed and should probably not be in the position that he is in.

    submitted by /u/TheCoffeeRunner
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    Scammed by Birthing Center?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 11:19 AM PDT

    My wife and I used a birthing center last year. Their contract detailed a facility fee of $750 to be paid out of pocket, which we did, and a midwifery fee of $3000. At the time, they claimed that they would attempt to bill our insurance (Medicaid) and that it would almost certainly not be covered, in which event they would write off the balance. Because none of this was detailed in the contract, I requested they detail this in writing. I have this in writing on the contract. It reads Midwifery 100% Medicaid Facility fee $1200 ($750 if paid by 30th week). -signature of their accountant

    Today, more than 10 months after our child was born, my wife received an invoice for more than $4k, which includes $3500 for the midwifery fee, as well as charges that presumably should've been covered by the facility fee.

    The whole thing feels super sketchy:

    First off, on the day our child was to be born, we came in with my wife in labor. They claimed her contractions were still too far apart, asked us to leave and denied us access to the birthing facility because my wife "was not far enough into labor". After laboring at home for 2 hours, calling the birthing center repeatedly to request admission and being denied, my wife decided to go to the nearest hospital, where our child was born less than an hour after arrival. No induction, she was ready to give birth. The birthing facility declined to refund our facility fee, which was supposed to cover the use of the birthing center explicitly for birth. They claimed that by coming in for an exam while she was in labor, we had satisfied the terms for use of the facility.

    The accountant who signed her name no longer works there. When we called to get a refund for the facility fee, they claimed she had been fired for doing a bad job handling client accounts. They later declined to refund our money.

    When I spoke to the new accountant today, she claimed she had been going back and forth recently with my wife about the invoice for $4k. She hasn't. Neither my wife nor I have spoke to anyone from the facility in at least 6 months. When I explained the situation, she said that because we signed the contract and agreed to pay all fees, we had to pay or it would go to collections. I sent her the page with the signed agreement and she's claiming it isn't valid. Admittedly, it doesn't detail much.

    My question is what is my legal recourse? On one hand, I can see this being a "you signed, you pay" situation. I can also see having a case to sue them for the mountain of bullshit we dealt with, not just the financial stuff but the denial of care when she was in labor, among several other questionable practices like recommending she severely restrict her diet because they thought she had gestational diabetes despite the test being negative and having no other evidence.

    We're not wealthy and have little to no savings so I would like to know what I can expect before hiring a lawyer.

    Live in Utah County, Utah.

    submitted by /u/throw-away15397
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    Car was in the shop, mechanic stole an item, I have pics to prove it.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 06:02 AM PDT

    Location: Ohio

    My car was at the dealership for a warranty repair on a part of the electronics in the dash. I have had issues with this dealership before and on this issue they tried to make this warranty claim more difficult for me than it had to be. They claimed only one of two problem parts were bad, and tried to fight me over even testing the second part. Several discussion threads can be found where owners of this car had to replace both parts simultaneously. I didn't trust them to test it or replace the parts properly since they basically acted like I was insane for suggesting the second part was bad too, so I put my GoPro in the back, aimed at the dashboard. I set it to take a picture every few seconds so I could see if they actually took the dash apart and replaced the part.

    After I get the car back I was reviewing the pictures and they did, in fact, replace both parts. I was satisfied and about to leave it at that, but when I saw the next couple pictures, where the technician was putting items back in the glove box, something caught my eye. He picked up an item I had in the glove box, looked at it, then took it to his work bench. I immediately ran outside to check and sure enough, the item was gone.

    There are five pictures that tell the story. In the first he is seen putting items back into the glove box, in the second he is holding the item in question, in the third he has backed out of the car doorway, item in hand, and in the fourth he has walked over to his work bench, and in the fifth picture he has returned empty handed.

    The item he took is of low monetary value, its a decoration, a trinket, but it's been with me in the last three vehicles I have owned and it has a lot of sentimental value.

    I am not sure how to proceed. I don't want revenge (although I do think the tech is a piece of shit and wouldn't lose any sleep if he got fired), or compensation, or anything like that. I just want my property back. I am worried if I call the dealership they will deny any liability and the moment word reaches the shop that someone complained he will destroy the item.

    How would you proceed?

    submitted by /u/throwaway4152019
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    Leased an apartment that I didn't realize was infested with roaches

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 07:55 AM PDT

    I am a new renter and this is my first time renting an apartment. I just signed the lease on Saturday, and I went to inspect the apartment on Friday prior to signing the lease, and I had only found one roach on the floor during my inspection which was dead (my land lady had told me that they had sprayed for roaches the day before I came to check things out, so I was willing to overlook the dead roach). Come Saturday, I head to the apartments and once there, I sign the lease and they give me the checklist to make sure everything is okay to move in. Roaches are here and there, and I told my land lady and put in a work order to have it sprayed again on Tuesday, I also noted the pests on my checklist. After I got everything moved in, I left to go run some errands, and get back later that night around 8pm I go over to the sink, roaches are all over the sink. I open a drawer next to the sink and there are at least 5 roaches in there, all over my oven mitts and hand towels. I go to my bed for the night and I see many roaches on my bed. There is no food inside the apartment whatsoever, the only food being some canned soup and ramen noodles which I placed in the fridge. I put out 6 roach traps I got from the dollar tree out, and when I checked Sunday morning there were about 4 in each trap, I took many pictures of the roaches which were all pretty much everywhere except my closet. At this point I consider the place to be infested and uninhabitable so I go to a friends house to stay the night. Sunday morning, I call the front office but everyone is out so I have to leave a message, saying that the conditions in the apartment were unlivable and I wished to explore options in canceling, or even shortening my lease. I moved everything out of the apartment and I'm having all my things cleaned today, I saw many of the roaches covering my clothes and furniture. I also sent them an email last night detailing what I wanted to talk about with them.

    I'm hoping that you guys can give me some advice and let me know what my rights are in this situation. Would it be possible to cancel my lease without incurring bad credit and hopefully get my deposit and prorate back?

    Edit: I live in the United States, in Texas.

    Edit 2: Just got in touch with my land lady, she said that she understood completely, and would be refunding me my deposit and prorate. She has been super helpful from the start, and I'm really lucky to be able to get out of this situation the way that I am. The lesson to be learned here is to check the apartment much more thoroughly than I had, and always try to be on good terms with your land lord/lady. Please reply with any other advice you guys might have for future renters like myself who are new to this or having the same problem.

    submitted by /u/TitoIsLounging
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    [NH] Locked school bathrooms

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 12:55 PM PDT

    So like any other school mine has a problem with kids vaping in the bathrooms. In response, the school staff locked all but one of the bathrooms. [One Toilet, One urinal, two sinks (about 10' x 20'). This is a four-floor building. Was wondering if there was anything that legally prevented only having one bathroom available for use.

    submitted by /u/DocDiddles
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    [NY] My late grandfather left me a large trust. My Aunt is trying to sue for it. What should I know going in?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 11:41 AM PDT

    I'm using a throwaway to distance myself from my real reddit account.

    So, my grandfather died almost 3 years ago from lung cancer. My grandfather was quite wealthy and owned a pretty well off business. I won't put number down here but he had in the range of 9 figures to his name when he died. His fortune was recent as well, his business did not take off until he was well into his 60's so our family was fairly new to money. My extended family is, complicated to say the least because of this. Many of them came out of the woodwork's to just get a split when he died. My grandfather had two kids, my father and his sister. Apparently my aunt had not had contact with her father for almost 20 years by the time he died. Growing up my father and grandfather just assumed she was dead, and even if she was alive she was dead to them (long, long story that's not relevant.) Because of this, I was the only grandchild in the picture (mom had ovarian cancer after I was born. Fuck cancer by the way).

    Well, when my grandfather died he left his business to my dad and split money among the extended family. My grandfather also left me a fairly large trust (8 figure) trust to be given to me over 40 years on the condition I attend and graduate college. I started college this last year and the money has begun to be released to me.

    Well, in January my aunt appeared out of nowhere. She out of the blue decided to make amends with my father and the family and "reunite with everyone". From what my dad says it's extremely clear that she's here because she heard my grandfather was wealthy and wants to get whatever scraps she can. She was never mentioned in the will and every single dollar was already divided among the family so it seemed she was out of luck. Except for she thinks she deserves something. Over the past few months she has been trying to convince the family to give her "a fair share" with no success. She even attempted to talk my father into giving her half of the business so it can be "run by the family" despite having no knowledge of how to run it.

    This is where my trust comes in. Recently she has set her sights on me and has been contacting me asking for money. My father got tired of it really quick and told her to leave me alone. Well, last week she contacted me and said that if I don't "sign the trust over to her I will be sued". My dad says she's full of shit but on friday a lawyer called me to inform me that I am being sued. My father has also been informed by the settlor that my sister is also suing him and that my father is also being sued. Her claim is that I somehow coerced my grandfather into giving me the money and it's rightfully her's.

    My aunt called me last night to tell me that I'm "fucked". She has also began sending me a string of strange texts where she brags how she's going to "ruin me for taking what's hers".

    My father says to let him handle it but i'm fucking terrified right now. I have no idea how stuff like this works and wan't to know everything I can. My dad says he's already contacting an attorney but I have some questions still. How likely is this to go to court. Does my Aunt have a case? What can I expect going into this? Thank you so much.

    submitted by /u/Throwaway12324243
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    Virginia - Old employer not replacing bounced checks

    Posted: 15 Apr 2019 04:36 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, I've never been in this situation in my life so would appreciate some advice.

    I worked as a sales consultant for a company last year and was an independent contractor under them. When I received checks sometimes they would bounce, immediate red flags right?

    So after a while I got those particular checks back, made sure they came good. Everything went well and was planning on leaving to work somewhere else until I started getting a string of checks that bounced and my employer made all the promises in the world to replace these checks and even the checks that I had at the time started bouncing. Now I know for certain this business is still operational and I know for certain that they switched banks so none of the current checks that I have are good to cash because a different bank.

    I had a work email through them and now suddenly I can't even log into that email to contact anyone about replacing the checks to receive payment for the work I did for them. So knowing that the business is still operational(I still know people working for them), knowing they switched banks and still having paper proof of the checks written out by hand, is there anything I can do about this? It's nearing 5 months and I've been strung along with promises of replacement of these checks under the new bank and now I can't have photo evidence of being strung along by email because I didn't take pictures of the emails and can't access the email account. I did work for them in Minnesota and Colorado, but live in Virginia. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/uhessenheffer
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    My Grandmother died and all her stuff was auctioned off before the family could get written documentation of will.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 06:06 PM PDT

    I'll try to keep this brief, I'm mostly looking for advice on behalf of my mom cause I can see she is truly distraught. In November shortly before thanksgiving my grandmother passed away, it was an aggressive cancer and she maybe lasted three week from the diagnosis. She was sick before we found out as well. Either way a majority of her personal belongings were in a storage unit for some time and she lived in a house that couldn't hold most of it. After she passed I went to the storage unit hoping to retrieve some of her belongings (namely photo albums she held for years) I also paid her bill for it since it was back up a bit, around 600$. I went with the death certificate but they said I wasn't allowed to open it. Annoying I thought since they waited till after I paid to tell me so. I was told we needed a written legal will announcing her belongings would go to next of kin or they wouldn't open it. I told them my grandmother died fairly quickly and she wasn't even literate so how would she have gotten a will. They said either way that's what we need. So my mom went to a courthouse for our county to get something like an estate letter?(I'm not sure if that is the correct term). But essentially it was to be signed by my uncles and aunts stating that there was nothing in storage that belongs to them and it can be put in my mother's name. They signed sometime in February. We got notice in mail today that it was signed, but when my mom called the storage facility they said they have new owners and because they didn't know the situation auctioned off everything in the unit. She asked if it were possible to know who bought specific things nothing like monetary value (like TVs that were in there) but stuff like the photo albums but they said no. I'm basically shooting a hail mary here in that is there any legal way of finding that stuff? My mom said she would even pay the people who bought it more than what they paid for the albums but the owners of the unit refused. She's mostly bummed because of the emotional connection to my grandmother those albums had. My grandma had them for years and its just tough knowing they are out there somewhere.

    submitted by /u/CheekyRapscallion
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