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    Friday, March 30, 2018

    Switching insurance, possible preexisting condition? Insurance

    Switching insurance, possible preexisting condition? Insurance

    Switching insurance, possible preexisting condition?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2018 01:09 AM PDT

    I am about to turn 26 and will be dropped from my dads health insurance in June. Open enrollment at my workplace is coming up soon and HR says I will be covered beginning in June this year. I have a couple of things that I wanted to go to the doctor about before June that I have not addressed before. If it turns out that they diagnose and begin treating something in April that would be a preexisting condition, right? Would it be more wise to wait until June to go to the doctor? I would rather not wait but I also don't want to end up paying out of pocket. I'm just not sure how any of this stuff works. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/msjuderbug
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    Current licensed sales producer, questions about the position

    Posted: 30 Mar 2018 02:00 AM PDT

    Hello! A quick bit of background; I received my property and casualty license this past October, and the following week began my insurance career. I'm an energetic and driven 24 year old. I'm living and selling in Michigan.

    Long story short I am not completely satisfied for a few reasons with my current employer so I started asking a few other agencies with different carriers how they operate and sat down with 2 different agency owners yesterday for roughly 90 minutes each, and had a 15 minute phone interview.

    I was wondering what some other base salaries are like, commission set up, and what your day to day role is. Do you do customer service? Produce your own leads? Paid on renewal? Office hours? Amount of marketing you do? How many hours a week do you put in? Any other comments or questions!?

    Thanks everyone. I appreciate any and all feedback.

    submitted by /u/SeinfeldFan9
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    quick I have a phone interview coming up [new job, advice needed]

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 02:11 PM PDT

    I applied as an insurance field underwriter and for some reason, management of this company took an interest in me and has scheduled a 30 minute interview OTP. I know jackshit about this work and have no college degree or relevant experience, how can I finesse my way through this interview and make myself more desirable than some guy with a bachelors in business or has 12 years experience as an agent?

    general advice needed please

    submitted by /u/randomanon7199
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    Insurance company wants to to an "audit" on my policies. What does this mean?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 11:09 AM PDT

    Knox Co., TN.

    I just received a call from my insurance carrier, State Farm, to schedule a meeting for an audit of my policies. I carry both homeowner's and auto coverage through State Farm. The woman I spoke with basically said it was to "make sure my coverage is what I need", but that doesn't tell me much about the process or what to expect.

    The only thing I can think of is that my car is a 2008 model and I'm still carrying full coverage and they might think I need to downgrade. (I want to keep collision coverage, not just liability.)

    Could anyone explain what the purpose and/or process of an audit is? And what I should be aware of or avoid?

    submitted by /u/sheath2
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    Insurance marked car as total loss after fixing said car

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 08:41 PM PDT

    My friends son wrecked his car a little over a month ago. The car was almost brand new, probably about 6 months at the time of the wreck.

    There ended up being about $13,000 in damages (I think the car was roughly $21,000 or $23,000) and the insurance company didn't want to total it.

    He finally got his car back a little over a week ago. When he called the rental car company to I guess update them on when he'd be returning the rental, they told him his car keeps coming back as a total loss when they enter his info in the system.

    That was weird but whatever. He picked up his car once it was fixed and a day or so later, his insurance company calls him to tell him that his car is a total loss.....as the fixed car was sitting in his driveway because he already picked it up. The person who called him from the insurance company was someone pretty high up as well, not his regular agent. So that was weird too.

    Now he got some papers in the mail from the state (Pennsylvania) acknowledging that the car has been reported as a total loss.

    Any idea what's going on here? The car is clearly not in the same condition as it was before the wreck, there was frame damage that needed welding and the front grill is slightly crooked as a result. The car is currently making an odd noise as well.

    I really know nothing about cars or insurance claims so I don't know if this situation is completely unheard of or if it's relatively common.

    We don't want him driving in an unsafe car that was supposed to be totaled in the first place, not to mention the diminished value of the car now as it's not in perfect pre-wreck condition.

    Is there anything he could/should do? Or is it to late since the car has already been repaired?

    We are in Pennsylvania. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/DarkOctober
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    Liberty Mutual website is simply broken, can't request quote.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 04:45 PM PDT

    I'm really struggling here.

    I've been trying to get a quote from Liberty Mutual for auto insurance, but when I'm on the last step, the page loads but my quote is gone. Attached below is a screenshot of the problem. I've tried multiple times in 3 different browsers.

    I can't contact their customer service, either. Because you need to have insurance with them first. :/

    Any ideas?


    submitted by /u/CitrusHappy
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    Will our baby's surgery be covered?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 11:55 AM PDT

    My workplace has an insurance coverage firm called Lumity, which I filed for coverage for our baby within 10-15 days of him being born and they said his birth certificate was adequate and the qualifying change is approved. Now he had a surgery at ~30 days after birth, and Cigna is saying that he is not added onto our plan. I checked within Lumity's site and it still says change pending. I have been unable to get ahold of anyone from the company yet today. Does this sound like I will have issues since they dropped the ball?

    submitted by /u/jkj86
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    Yet another homeowner's insurance roof post

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 11:12 PM PDT

    This may sound familiar to some of you. Long story short: purchased a house 10 months ago, closed in on it and the home inspector found moss on the roof. Lender required "proof" that the roof was serviceable, so the seller paid for a roofing company to do minor repairs, moss removal, fixed gutters etc. The contractor provided a "certification" letter guaranteeing the roof not leak for 3-5 years. The roof was estimated by our rather reputable home inspector to be ~15 years old on a 15 year composite asphalt roof. The house is a 1960s single story ranch with a low pitch roof. Our climate is wet, but never get storms or hail.

    We had allstate, so added a homeowner's insurance policy. Last year they asked how old the roof was, we replied, and that was that.

    Fast forward to about a month or two ago, and I receive a rather nasty email from Allstate that they will cancel our coverage in April as we haven't provided documentation our roof was replaced. Totally out of the blue, caught me off guard. I emailed them back with a letter explaining the scope of work done, and that there is no more moss.

    They responded that their agent "drove by your house and you totally have aggregate loss and moss all over it." Citing discoloration from the anti-moss zinc strips. Well, I insisted the roof is fine, and they claim they hired a roof inspector to do a "drive by roof inspection." Which of course the roof failed again, so they informed us that if we do not replace the roof right now our coverage is cancelled. As an architect their explanation is complete baloney and do not trust a fucking insurance agent to do house inspections, especially over a certified and accredited home inspector.

    Well, I live in a rather wet and rainy part of the country, so roof replacement is off the table until July at the earliest anyway.

    What can I do? Between massive student loan debt and just dropping a ton of money on the house, I don't have the cash or credit to buy a new roof at this time. And the current one does not leak - I've been in the attic many times to inspect it.


    submitted by /u/zilfondel
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    How does an auto insurance bodily injury adjuster negotiate a bill with a hospital/provider?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 06:27 PM PDT

    I was involved in an accident, and my bodily injury adjuster told me about reasonable & customary charges in relation to what a provider might charge, but what leverage does he have to get them to reduce their bill? What if they refuse? How does that affect my settlement?

    submitted by /u/OKDokeComputer
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    Do insurance underwriters show up on policy?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 09:30 PM PDT

    I just called my car insurance to report a claim, in going over the details of the account was told that a name I did not recognize was listed as one of the members on the claim. I googled the name and found out she is an underwriter for the insurance company. Is this normal or is something fishy going on?

    submitted by /u/throwawayxexyz123
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    COBRA vs. Medicaid vs. Student Health Plan

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 12:33 PM PDT

    I'm turning 26 in one month or so and will be losing my current health insurance through my mom's employer-sponsored health plan. I'm currently insurance plan shopping and need help wading through the US insurance market. My legal residence is in New York, but I live in Virginia about 9 months out of the year as a full-time graduate student. I don't have any kind of income right now and don't anticipate anything until I graduate next year. I'm considering three different insurance plans and could use all the help I can get in determining which will work best for me:

    1) I qualify for COBRA through my parents' high dollar high deductible plan with Excellus BCBS where I would have a $400 monthly premium and a high deductible (haven't been informed yet on the exact figure).

    2) I also filled out an application through the nystateofhealth.ny.gov website and qualify for Medicaid based on my low (nonexistent) income. I'm waiting on hearing back from a "Navigator" who can answer my Medicaid questions. I'm concerned whether my current prescriptions and doctors would be covered under Medicaid.

    3) Finally, because I'm a graduate student, I could opt-in to the Aetna Student Health Plan through my school, which has a $342 monthly premium and a $300 deductible for preferred care providers. Max out-of-pocket is $6,350 for preferred care. This plan appears to be metallic level Gold.

    I only visit the doctor for yearly wellness exams, but I do have two monthly prescriptions, one generic and cheap and the other brand name and new to the market, therefore pricey. I apologize if I haven't provided enough information, I'm still waiting on my plan details through COBRA and the navigator for Medicaid for more information myself.

    submitted by /u/avey218
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    Ohio. I am required to have an sr22 through 2/2019. I recently switched insurance companies, my new company did not file my sr22 and i now have a 27 day lapse with no sr22. How do I avoid losing my license?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 07:39 AM PDT

    Two years ago my car insurance lapsed. I had to get a sr22 bond for three years. I was told that switching insurance companies would save me some money for the exact same policy.

    My new company did not file an Sr 22 and I received a notice of suspension from the state. I now have a 27 day gap of no sr22 coverage. I have had liability coverage for the entire period. I am being told that because it lapsed I will lose my license for one year and have to have an sr22 for an additional 5 years. If I lose my license I will lose my job. How do I fix this?

    submitted by /u/TonTonneTun
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    How much should I pay for long-term disability insurance?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 11:10 AM PDT

    I was recently laid off from a small company. The insurance company that my previous employer used sent me a letter informing me I could pay the premium myself if I wanted to keep the policy, which seems like a good idea while I'm searching for work.

    They want about $200 per a quarter, or $67 a month. That seems kind of high? I haven't been able to find any resources that give approximations for what I should be paying.

    The Elimination Period is 91 days to 5 years, and the benefit is $1,850. I'm a 40 year old software engineer who was making $75k a year living in Utah.

    submitted by /u/laidoff1234
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    Payment got sent to collections

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 08:32 PM PDT

    So basically I got into an accident a while ago, and got new insurance. I sent them proof of insurance and was making payments so everything seemed fine. I was one day late and they decided to cancel my policy. After calling them they told me that I needed to send them proof of insurance which again I did but apparently they didnt get they argued they had been sending me letters but I was pretty upset that they had been taking my money the whole time and waited until i slipped up. After providing them with proof they decided to raise my insurance because I was at fault, this was around the time my insurance was supposed to be renewed so I just didnt pay it. Then I got the collections letter now its about 210 dollars its not a lot they just rubbed me the wrong way and its been nearly a year too. Yes I know, bad, what should I do? Pay it? I believe its hurting my credit too.

    submitted by /u/jujux15
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    How do I file a diminished value claim? [Massachusetts]

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 04:28 PM PDT

    Last July I was rear ended while driving home. The accident was completely the other drivers fault, and their insurance paid for the repairs, which were around $4000.

    What steps should I take to file a diminished value claim, and how do I do it?

    submitted by /u/Z3R0-0
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    Got into an accident in NJ and did not file a police report.. What are my options?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 03:35 PM PDT

    Hello. I recently got into an accident and the driver of that car hit me while she was trying to change lanes two weeks ago. We exchanged numbers and agreed to settle it in cash without a police report. My damage came out to be $1100 and after I messaged her a couple of days later, she told me to speak with the car owner who is someone else and who was not involved in the accident. Now the owner texts me a weeks later after the accident saying that he should be pursuing a payment from ME for the damages to the car. I took pictures during the accident but it's absurd how he can say that and he was not even there! Problem is I do not have a police report and she verbally agreed saying it was her fault!! What can I do now? I tried to settle this amicably and now I am in this situation. Any help or feedback would be greatly appreciated! Should I file a claim with my insurance or file a police report now?

    I also have their insurance card and everything. After googling the guy who owns the car, he seems to be a filthy rich person, living in a $4 million house.. I am lost and scared. I wish I had filed a police report or just not bother this person at all... :( Any help is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/DunkinBagel
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    Medical insurance, and deductibles?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 08:13 AM PDT

    I'm from Nevada, 21 yrs old. I'm trying to sign up for Medicaid, I make almost nothing yearly, and my estimated deductable is over 700. I hardly make over 14,000 a year. Why is it so high? I'm trying to get secondary coverage because I am newly pregnant, and a kid costs enough in itself, let alone the $3000 delivery cost. I really need help, I'm freaking out man.

    submitted by /u/Wafflemunch
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    Bonus dollars for HSA accounts

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 10:22 AM PDT

    I've always heard that you can earn bonus dollars for your HSA account for signing up for a gym, running a 5k, etc. Is this dependent on employer? I usually run several 5ks throughout the spring, summer, and early fall and want to know more about this. TIA!

    submitted by /u/slide_penguin
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    Lapsing whole life policy, possible to 1035 exchange to annuity and avoid tax hit?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 02:04 PM PDT

    Hello all, I have a whole life policy with NML, started with $4k in 1976, and grew to $60k. But, I borrowed $58k over the years and never paid back. The cash value is now about $2k and will go negative and lapse this year if not paid into. If it lapses I get hit with a tax hit on the $55k growth. Can I exchange the remaining cash value of this policy via 1035 exchange into an annuity and avoid the tax hit and future interest accruing? I don't need the death benefit of the current policy just want to avoid the tax hit and not have to pay back the borrowed balance/interest. Thanks for your help.

    submitted by /u/aripy
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    Health insurance rant

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 10:26 AM PDT

    To preface I have a back injury requiring surgery...and please forgive me for the use of harsh words. What in the actual hell do we pay insurance companies for if they don't even want to pay anything?!?! My insurance only does a 1500 deductible and after that they only cover 20% of a medical bill I've already totaled how much my total charges even what the insurance is paying (after they get the price lowered) I pay the insurance company $30 a week if I had stuck that back I could afford this shit 10 fold but no it's illegal to not have insurance (no this isn't a jab at obama... his ideal was great just so poorly executed due to so much red tape) and now I find out its gonna cost me $1500 for the surgeon then $200 for the hospital up front...what in the actual fuck.... To top it all off my short term disability insurance sends the checks so late I receive them a bit over 3 weeks apart I set up direct deposit but they still send checks instead of deposit i try to get ahold of a human instead of a robot but everytime no matter what time the lines are so busy. I've already had to sell most of the shit I own just to pay for Bills while I wait for the checks to come on now it appears I'm gonna have to put myself in debt with loans and on top of that sell all my other belongings just to pay for a needed surgery and just so I can go back to work and work the rest of my damn life to pay for medical Bill's thanks to the worlds shittiest system./rant

    submitted by /u/ThanosAres93
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    Accident with an uninsured motorist, what will my insurance do?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2018 10:32 PM PDT

    We were in a car accident yesterday(rear-ended, other driver's fault), exchanged information, called our insurance to see what we should do, and then called their insurance to file a claim. Their insurance adjuster informed me that the car was owned by the driver's parents, and the driver was not on their policy and did not have their own insurance either. He said he was trying to work it out so that it would be covered anyway, but we'll see.

    We don't have Uninsured Motorist on our insurance plan, but we do have collision coverage. Other than increasing our premium by 30%(which they've already done since our policy renews in a few weeks), what will my insurance do or not do? If the other car's insurance doesn't cover this, will my collision coverage cover this, or will my insurance company say that because we don't have UM we're out of luck? We think the car may be totaled.

    In Florida if it matters.

    submitted by /u/random1868563
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    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 01:24 PM PDT

    Looking for a good comercial liability insurence,write the prices you pay,the trade,and the company you got it,thanks.

    submitted by /u/nandohouston
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