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    Thursday, February 8, 2018

    Thank you Thursday! - (February 08, 2018) Entrepreneur

    Thank you Thursday! - (February 08, 2018) Entrepreneur

    Thank you Thursday! - (February 08, 2018)

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:06 AM PST

    Your opportunity to thank the /r/Entrepreneur community by offering free stuff, contests, discounts, electronic courses, ebooks

    and the best deals you know of. Please consolidate such offers here!

    Since this thread can fill up quickly, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    What kind of business would you start if you had $500,000 starting capital and all the necessary know-how?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 10:07 AM PST

    You have £1000 to put into a business.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 08:57 AM PST

    You are NOT an expert in the field you're going down. Can be a product or a service. With a goal of making steady profit. The catch is you can only work on this business a maximum of four hours a day. What do you do?

    submitted by /u/strang13
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    How i made 10k$/mo while i was 18 and my story.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 07:36 AM PST

    I made some apps a while ago it was around 2012.The apps started to grow and so as my programming knowledge.The apps! became extremely popular and are still but i had to sell them due to some private issues.

    Basically it was an idea from the school cafeteria and when it was build kids were making fun of me since i was asking them to rate the apps.But i didn't care i believed that they will succeed.

    Back than i was a kid around 15-16 i was making a few thousands monthly... than when i turned 18-9 i was making around 10k$ per month.

    And i was spending my money a lot since i was a big idiot.Also my parents were not that rich so i had some dreams you know how it is when you want something.I bough my self clothes, watches, computers... what ever i taught was nice i went to buy it.

    When i sold my apps i wanted to open a tech company.Since i was learning a lot about coding mainly design patterns and architecture i gained a lot of knowledge and i was confidant that i can lead a company.

    Than founded the company and got around 10 people now working for me and i can tell you its hard.We have 2 big projects which have AI, OAuth2 Servers ,pub subs ....and a bunch of things.Basically REST + android and iOs.

    Longs story short the guy to whom i sold the apps was playing around with the store listings and he dropped the earnings and the ranks.He was in a panic mode than he paid to an ASO agency and they even made it worse.Than i told him okay dude il do it if you give me a % of the revenue where he agreed.

    After 2 months of work on them they started to make good money again and they recovered.

    We were experimenting with the store listings and ASO and it boosted the apps a lot.We have also done some backlinks which gain more visibility to the store.And a few more things :P(secreet)

    Currently we have this two big projects and i don't have time to work on my own stuff tho i would like to put some of my own projects on the table but i need money to pay my workers and to pay taxes and that stuff.

    I have an idea to build a trading site like eToro but we will see how it goes.I heard somewhere that you need around 100k$ just to get some trading licences.

    I also planed to open an ASO agency since thise guys done "ASO" on my old apps since the current owner was in panic mode and he arranged them.They took his money and they didn't do anything.It's simple to push the apps to a certain level they don't even have to big high quality to make a lot of money.

    submitted by /u/mickeyhusti
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    How to clear your head as an entreprenuer

    Posted: 07 Feb 2018 08:25 PM PST

    The deeper you get into entrepreneurship and business, the more mushy your head can get at times. It makes it very tough to see your path clearly and know the skills and tools you will need to fulfill that path.

    Just wanted to share the three most important things that I do personally that have helped me see my next steps clearer.

    1) long walks: I like to jog first and then walk to get there faster… The point is nothing but exhausting your body and the. getting in a rhythm so that your mind can go on auto pilot and solve your problems instinctively. It fucking works.

    2) reading: Holy mother of fuck. Reading is a microscope that lets you zoom in further and further to ANYTHING. As I read, my mind gets clearer and clearer, and I get more and more motivated to take clear decisive action. So in a way, the same is a long walk.

    3) Write down 3 concrete things I'll finish today: I feel like positivity leads to positivity. I force myself to get those three done no matter what. Then everything else is gravy. Some days I stack one day with a light load and then relax or read more. Some days I'm up for a mountain 3 and love the challenge.

    submitted by /u/Shit-kabob
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    Using research, spike, and tracer bullet cycles to plan projects more realistically

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 09:02 AM PST

    Project planning sucks. Even when your company claims to follow Agile/Scrum, people's irrational instincts tend to kick in when trying to estimate how long it will take to do something. Sometimes it's just optimism. Sometimes it's political. Sometimes it's not understanding just how many things can go wrong. There are so many ways planning can get off track and just because you say you're doing a "sprint" doesn't mean it's going to be fixed.

    But obviously there are some really insightful aspects to a lot of Agile terms and frameworks.

    Just read a thought-provoking post on why project planning tends to get off the rails, and how a combination-cycle of somewhat-obscure Agile practices (research, spikes, and tracer bullets) can help:

    It's especially applicable to systems where you have more moving parts and more places where things can go wrong. It might not be super useful if you're putting together a simple CRUD app or site, but for more complex projects, it's worth a read.

    Anyone else using research, spikes, or tracer bullets as part of their daily project methodology? There's some scattered stuff on this on the internet but not that much.

    submitted by /u/pmp301
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    Documentary about online entrepreneurs

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 07:20 AM PST

    I'm working on documentary series about digital entrepreneurs who are thinking of starting a more nomadic way of life. Would this be interesting for anyone here? Anyone already doing this?

    submitted by /u/NatalieP
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    How to monetize a large university Facebook group?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 07:32 AM PST

    Hi everyone, first time posting here, looks like there's a lot of awesome information and people on this sub.

    Straight to the point: I've been made sole admin of a Facebook group with over 10,000 members. It's a university group meant for buying/selling used textbooks. Lots of activity everyday, and especially at the start of a new school term.

    How could I possible monetize this? Thanks for any feedback!

    submitted by /u/sciencerulezzz
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    Crypto News Website

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 01:30 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    I'm not entirely sure if this post is suited for this sub so let me know if not...

    I've created a website dedicated to cryptocurrency news and information, but simply don't have enough time to run it due to other priorities. Design is complete (and I think very well done), and a few articles have been posted, mainly to test design. Not a ton of traffic yet other than 30k visitors in one day from a promotion I did. I also have a list of over 2k subscribers, which also came from the promotion.

    I'm looking to get rid of the site if someone can offer a reasonable price.

    Monetization options for the site range from paid crypto ads (ICOs, etc), Google ads, sponsored articles, affiliate links, as well as a shop I've also integrated but only added a few products so far for testing.


    Please let me know if anyone is interested. Thank you!

    EDIT: Also wanted to add that sitemaps have been set up so that the site can be submitted to Google news.

    submitted by /u/Crypto_In_The_News
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    Best credit/debit card processing?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:26 AM PST

    I have been doing about $150,000 a month in revenue and about 2-3% of that is going to credit card processing. Can anyone recommend a safe and secure credit card processor that has better rates than 2-3% on average?

    submitted by /u/fend845
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    If you were to partner up with an online friend, how would you avoid being able to scam each other? (Details inside)

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 08:58 AM PST

    I know a friend from an online game.

    Both of us have our own game server in an online game.

    We would be able to team up and have a shared server, which would help with expenses and server management.

    However, we would most likely be using a shared PayPal where one of us is the owner (submits name, address, passport etc.)

    This means that one of us will be able to withdraw all of the money and scam the other part.

    Even if we withdraw weekly to minimize the amount of theft, if we theoretically speaking were to receive a $1.000 sale one of us could immediately withdraw it.

    An easy solution is "Just trust each other" or "don't start a business with someone you don't trust" - but is there any solutions that makes it impossible to scam each other?

    submitted by /u/lawlplawl
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    Has anyone paid for coaching/mentoring? What was the cost and what was the experience like?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:31 AM PST

    I was curious to hear from people who have paid for coaching or mentoring from someone on any business topic whether it be ecommerce, SEO, affiliate marketing, etc.

    I was curious to hear if it was a one time thing like an hour long phone convo or if it was something ongoing?

    What were you charged?

    What was the experience like? Did the "coach" have a plan for the discussion you had or was it just a casual chat?

    Did you get anything out of the experience or was it a waste of money?

    I personally have considered hiring a coach or mentor. I know with online business generally speaking everyone has their own methods. Some people love e-mail marketing, some people love Youtube, different people have different sales strategies and traffic driving strategies.

    The reason I was interested in this was I would love an outside set of eyes to take a look at some of my businesses and have someone see things from a fresh or outside perspective. Also Id be curious to learn someone else's strategies.

    submitted by /u/rulesforrebels
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    I'm ready to jump, and quit my job to focus on my side hustle. But my wife would rather I get another job instead.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 11:29 AM PST

    All my life I've had a big desire to start my own business. And while I've started a bunch of websites, none have ever taken off. Except I just started a podcast and in a matter of months already has 3000 subscribers and has already begun pulling in money. I'm positive that if I focus on it full time I can make it profitable, market it better, and produce a better show. On top of that I'm almost done with a book I wrote, and I could finish up some of my old projects which are 95% done and could monetize. I have a really hot in demand job right now (infosec related) and I have enough money in the bank to take a 3 months break to give it a shot. Oh and to top it off, I absolutely hate my job right now. But my wife is so risk averse that she would rather I get another job instead. I told her I want to try a 3 month break then get a job but she insists I get a job now and tell them I'll start in in 3 months. I really don't want to fix up my resume and go job hunting now, just to tell them I'll start in 3 months, and really hope to never take the job because my side hustles become my full income.

    Anyone else ready to jump but your significant other held you back? What did you do?

    submitted by /u/stonedonmars
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    Summer entrepreneur

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 09:07 AM PST

    I'm in education and due to a new job, 2018 will be my first free summer in years. I'd prefer to consult or at the very least, do side jobs, tutor, do random event planning or help with events, etc. However, I was wondering if anyone has creative ideas for how to make the most money I can. I'm happy to stick within education or anything outside as well. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/kinkybroadway
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    Looking for a specific platform! CRM/Scheduling

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 08:57 AM PST

    So - I am looking for a very specific platform that will help improve our management. Specifically I am looking for something that could be an all-in-one CRM/Scheduling platform.

    What our company does is we work with about 900 part time employees and implement marketing campaigns for about 40 clients a year. At the moment we don't have a master database to pull from; we are just using shared excel sheets. Specifically we would need something that we can all pull information on employee records or pull information on campaign's (such as client information). This will streamline everything and just make it easier to share information. At the moment it can be difficult and time consuming to use non-efficient channels.

    Ideally it would be something where we can record employee history such as were they late, are they good at selling, where do they live? etc. and something that can allow us to record details on campaigns/clients. We want to be able to pair up the best employees with the best campaigns.

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/zubwaabwaa
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    I want to build an apartment complex. Please point me in a right direction.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 01:50 PM PST

    The idea is to build a multi family houses commonly known as "villages" in US, where you would buy a big piece of land and build lets say 10 multi family homes (4-6 apartments each home).

    Please help me out if anyone knows anything about this, how to start a huge project like this. Or point me in the right direction where I can find helpful information.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/iSkip
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    I'm a 16 year old thinking about starting a freelance website business.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 01:45 PM PST

    Hey /r/Entrepreneur,

    I'm thinking about starting a business to build websites for people. I have some experience with javascript/html and some server languages but I don't know how to use databases or wordpress. How do I go about doing this and how much money will I make assuming I can learn the tools I need.

    submitted by /u/name_is_too_long
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    Apparel startup, a couple of questions

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 09:55 AM PST

    Hey everybody, a friend and i have been working toward starting up a gym apparel company(i know, wow something different) our idea is very different from standard companies so I'm not worried about that. We have a few designs, 5 right now that came out really well from a designer we hired. This will go on the front while our logo is going to go on the back. 1.Do i need to get some kind of rights on each design and the logo to avoid them being stolen? 2. Can someone explain to me the process of creating a website in which orders can be made, how does this work? And how do we make it happen.

    Any help is greatly appreciated, i may post this on another sub or two so you may see it again. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/superbeaver28
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    What would you do with $30k

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 01:21 PM PST

    What's a relatively safe business to start for $30k where you can start seeing immediate results?

    I'm unhappy with my work situation and want to start something but I'm frankly at a loss right now. I have $35k in the bank. Figured you guys would have some good ideas.

    I would need to make at least 70k/yr. in this new business and would prefer to make 110k+ which is where I'm currently salaried.

    submitted by /u/SerenityNow85
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    Does anyone here have multiple companies in a separate niche?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 01:14 PM PST

    I ask because I'm interested in focusing on my niche, where I have blogs, free content and such.

    But I also have products that make money thought I haven't created a business around that particular niche.

    Anyone have a similar experience?

    submitted by /u/ConQuan
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    Freelancing Skills

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 01:05 PM PST

    This can apply to current free lancers who are doing side hustles or just pure opinions of people here. What do you think are some of the most valuable freelancing skills in terms of making money and growth potential. Ex.making websites, graphic design, Photoshop, etc.

    submitted by /u/Feeladelphian
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    None of your friends care about business? I've got you covered, fam

    Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:36 PM PST

    I'm not even sure what direction I want to take this post, but I have felt called to make it for a while, so I'll quickly word vomit on the page and see how things play out.

    As you all know, entrepreneurship tends to be a narrow road that few people walk, so this shit can naturally get a little lonely. While isolation can be great, operating in an echo-chamber of my own ideas probably isn't. With no real life friends on the entrepreneurial journey, I've decided to create a tribe online! Hell, I built some great relationships over video games in my past, so why not give digital friendships a go for something different.

    I'm looking to connect with like minded individuals so we can bounce ideas off of eachother, shoot the shit, collaborate, or just talk once and realize we hate each other. Unsure of how your copywriting is sounding? Let's combine efforts and see if we can make your content smoother than velvet. Having a difficult time creating a sales funnel for your business? I don't mind digging in and giving you a hand. Anything goes, but there's some examples.

    What I'm into: Google Adwords, Facebook advertising, copywriting, creating messenger bot sequences, offer creation and/or sales funnels, system automation, ect. The list could go on, but you get the point. I have an interest in anything marketing related, really.

    Goals: Travel more while simultaneously increasing my digital income. Create a bad ass tribe that shares similar interests.

    About me: 25 year old man child from San Antonio, Texas. I'm into all things business, if that wasn't clear yet. Anything that enhances mental/physical performance gets me goin' too. The occasional night of gaming is cool, but I'm trying to dodge that more often this year.

    Feel free to PM me about wudddeva.

    EDIT: Going to make a FB group or Slack group later tonight when I call it quits on my work day. Cheers

    submitted by /u/dopebeatz
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    Flyers to businesses, office towers strategy? (B2B campaign)

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 12:50 PM PST

    New IT consultancy firm, and looking to grew. Have a stack of decent flyers (full page, double-sided color) that I was planning on going around to the denser business areas and distributing. There are probably 1000+ registered businesses in like a 10 block area due to the high-rises.

    Outside of just sliding it under the door, any advice/insight into best approach?

    1) Dress up I presume, just in case you are in front of the right person as you drop it off?

    2) Do you pitch, or have a standard 1-line reason why I am there: "We're nearby with a client, wanted to drop off our flyers in case you might need our services"

    3) Does time of day matter (should I go before they open early in the morning, after they are closing and do the aforementioned under-the-door slide, or not really relevant).

    Thanks for any insight!

    submitted by /u/josephsmith99
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    SEO strategies for small youtubers!

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 12:13 PM PST


    This video contains five tips to improve video rank on Youtube.

    submitted by /u/theconnactic
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    Email sign up form for service business

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 08:25 AM PST

    Does service based business needs to have email sign up form on a website (in my case thats graphic and web design)?

    Does anyone of you use it for your service?

    submitted by /u/netdom
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