• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 8, 2018

    Stocks - Shower thought : I made the most gain when forgetting about my stocks

    Stocks - Shower thought : I made the most gain when forgetting about my stocks

    Shower thought : I made the most gain when forgetting about my stocks

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:06 AM PST

    And basically got busy with other parts of life. That is when I made the most gain lol.

    I don't know if other people share the same sentiment

    submitted by /u/EuphoriaSoul
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    Everybody right now

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 06:19 AM PST

    "I won't jump in till the market starts doing well again" Market starts doing well "I'm afraid to jump in, everything is overvalued and too expensive, I'm gonna wait for a crash"

    submitted by /u/bilosellhi
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    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 12:17 PM PST

    Even with this latest plunge, the Dow is still 200 points above where it was at its lowest on Tuesday. If it loses another 1,100 points and we'll be taken back to the dark, dark days of...mid November, 2017. We've been in store for a correction, and now's as good a time as any for it given consternation about inflation and bond rates. Even if the Fed does raise rates PE ratios, on the whole, would still be roundly better than they were not too long ago.

    Unemployment is low. People are buying shit. Fundamentals are the best they've been in a decade plus.

    If you're on this sub you're probably in it for the long haul anyway. So,


    submitted by /u/Guildensternenstein
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    Uggghhh, another blood bath day.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 08:27 AM PST

    Just complaining. Sorry. :-)

    submitted by /u/bi0mimicry
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    Why bother watch the news???

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 12:56 PM PST

    I have been watching Live Bloomberg on YouTube and following other news agencies. I realized that what they say does not matter at all, all they have to offer are just guess and speculation that I suppose I can live well without. At the end of the day, whatever expectations they offer are related to what they see from government announcement, companies info and trade market graphics that I can passively follow through twitter and 5-15min daily news resume.

    Try to bother more to be constantly informed about the market and my stocks seems to be just waste of time with loads of junk information and necessary stress.

    submitted by /u/PinholePhotographer
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    the bond auction was a shit show

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 11:46 AM PST

    weak demand , 30 year sold at 3.12% , 10 year at 2.9% they couldn't even meet the budget through the bonds. rates will go higher , market will correct another 7% to 12% until march then we go from there based on the fed decision and forcast.

    submitted by /u/retardedinvestor
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    Let's discuss $BA

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 05:36 AM PST

    This thread is only to generate some discussion around $BA

    Imo it is a beast. I honestly think it is super undervalued. Low P/E and solid earnings. How is it that companies like SNAP and NFLX are so overvauled where their potential relative to BA is minor.

    I think that AeroSpace is everything and by definition has infinite growth. Commercial? Defense? The Boeing has it all. On top of that they pay a fat divident.

    I am honestly looking for some critique and your opinion on the company guys. Happy trading!

    submitted by /u/DefinitelyNotCake
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    Why can't you hold leveraged 3x ETFs?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 11:32 AM PST

    Why would I buy and hold QQQ when I can buy TQQQ? If I want risk, why can't I hold it but I CAN hold QQQ? Why SSO and not UPRO? I read it's something about volatility but isn't that the point? More risk/more reward? I don't understand.

    submitted by /u/xMicro
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    Semiconductor Eqmt & Materials ($LRCX, $AMAT, etc) are getting pummeled.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 07:40 AM PST

    While the rest of the market has gyrated a bit up and down over the past week Semiconductor Equipment & Materials stocks have just kept dropping.

    Companies like $LRCX, $AMAT, $UCTT, & $ICHR have seen their prices fall 20-25%. Their PE's range from 5.5 - 17, well under the market average.

    Meanwhile each of them is posting record quarters, so presumably the market is expecting this to be the top of a cycle for Semiconductors.

    Does it make sense to bet on these stocks? Even if they continue to post solid earnings in the coming quarters are they still going to stay beat-down because the market still expects a downturn in their cycle?

    submitted by /u/bigron139
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    LJM Fund

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 11:57 AM PST

    Can anyone explain to me what is actually happening with the LJM Fund? I can't seem to find any facts regarding what they are actually doing - I have only read assumptions that they are liquidating everything. I understand they are down 96+%, but what does that actually mean for stock holders? Is there no way it can bounce back, even if it would take years?

    submitted by /u/Jesshappens
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    NVDA earnings

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 01:32 PM PST

    Revenue: $2.91B vs $2.68B estimates billion

    EPS: $1.72 vs $1.16 estimates

    Guidance: $2.9B revenue vs $2.46 estimates

    submitted by /u/valar_doharis
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    Buy the fear

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 02:46 AM PST

    With the reality check everyone has had over the past week, fear is running wild. Media has changed their tone 180 degrees on the market. People are unsure and starting to sit on the sidelines.

    Meanwhile, outside of the VIX volatility bed shitting and robo traders causing a micro crash, what has changed since mid January? Well, price of entry is cheaper.

    Any dips today will be my re-entry point.

    submitted by /u/redditillbeback
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    Let's discuss $OLED

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 12:24 PM PST

    Is the lagging sales of iPhone X and a combination of not re-signing with Samsung for TVs that bad to lead to a drop from $200 to $141.53 right now??

    This company is solid financially & owns so many OLED patents & in the midst of developing the patent for blue emitting light & heads above other competitors in this field..

    Would love to hear your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/medicigroup
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    Good backtesting program? Preferably that's free or at least has a free trial.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 12:23 PM PST

    Anybody know of a good backtesting website or program? I'm happy to pay for one that's really useful but not without trying it out first. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/mydogismysoulmate
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    TWTR - is it time to sell?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 06:13 AM PST

    Total amateur here. I apologize for even asking this so if it is inappropriate for this sub please let me know and I will delete.

    A few years back, I bought a small amount of twitter when it was around $45/share. It fell almost immediately and that's when I stink at the market. Well, I decided to hang onto it, I mean why not, right? It has lived in the 20s since then. Today it looks like it will open in the 30s.

    Does today look like a good day to cut my losses and dump it? Or does anyone have an opinion on holding it longer to see what happens?

    Thank you and again, let me know if this is inappropriate, I was just casually asking for opinions, or to spark a friendly discussion.

    submitted by /u/SoberSwimmer
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    $BA vs $AMZN for 1-5 year tax savings hold?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 09:54 AM PST

    $BA vs $AMZN If you wanted to put your money into 1 stock and hold for a couple years (minimum 12 months).

    These are probably my two favorite companies right now but I can't decide which would be better for my long term tax savings hold.

    submitted by /u/thecutiewithdough
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    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 11:09 AM PST

    This chemical found in McDonald's french fries was recently found to promote hair growth on mice - and has the potential to be used as a cure for baldness. Are there any stocks or main companies around this? Could prove to be lucrative in the near future..

    Link - http://www.businessinsider.com/dimethylpolysiloxane-in-mcdonalds-fries-could-cure-baldness-2018-2

    submitted by /u/zackasdf
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    VOO or SPY

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 10:45 AM PST

    Which one would be the better bet for me to put my first 1000 dollars in right now. Im a student looking to begin investing and could use some advice. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Spike888
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    Are you invested more in an S&P 500 Index or a Total US Index? And why?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:53 PM PST

    I'm new and trying to learn

    submitted by /u/explore__
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    What to do when a public company files for bankruptcy?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 08:05 AM PST

    A few years ago I purchased some stock in EXCO Resources Inc. (XCO/XCOOQ) They've recently filed for bankruptcy, chapter 11.

    I'm a bit of a novice and am not sure what happens in this situation. What will happen to my shares?

    Edit: I get the fact that the stock is now basically worthless. I am curious if the company can be bought out, redirected and stay public. Also, both XCO and XCOOQ seem to be tradable. What's up with that?


    submitted by /u/LoriBazzil
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    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 10:12 AM PST

    How much further down does this go? I was up 30% in this 3 weeks ago and now I'm barely green in it. Obviously I'm not considering selling it because there's nothing wrong with the company and its fundamentals haven't changed at all. In fact I'll be buying more sometime soon, just to at least bring my price per share average down.

    Anybody have a guesstimate of how much more this will be pushed down? Most of the big investment banks have PT's in the $240s for it too so that's nice to hear

    submitted by /u/Kane97
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    XIV in Relation to Other Leveraged Products

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 01:42 PM PST

    I'm reading about how XIV was pretty much just cancelled causing it to lose all of it's value. I'm wondering, can this happen to other leveraged etf's? I don't really touch these products any more but I'm particularity interested if something like this could happen to NUGT or SPXL.

    submitted by /u/xBuckeyeGuyx
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    Implications of a Correction

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 01:24 PM PST

    If the DOW hits the official correction level of a 10% decline since a recent high, what are the implications? Will the market immediately rose back up? Or continue to fall?

    submitted by /u/Davisorr
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    BRK. B—is this the opportunity everyone’s been waiting for?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2018 01:01 PM PST

    BRK.B has been hit harder than the general market and many other mega caps. What's the reasoning for its more than significant drop?

    submitted by /u/KidsWifeJob
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