• Breaking News

    Monday, February 5, 2018

    Headed to Presidents Club where I'm dining with the CEO of my company! Love sales! Sales and Selling

    Headed to Presidents Club where I'm dining with the CEO of my company! Love sales! Sales and Selling

    Headed to Presidents Club where I'm dining with the CEO of my company! Love sales!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 04:52 AM PST

    Sold in the top 3% of my company nationally out of 7000 reps. Feels good! Hard work, discipline, and hustle all made it possible. This year is gonna be amazing.

    submitted by /u/Ballstrodomus
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    Trying to help transitioning new rep but got blown off.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 07:33 AM PST

    Tomorrow is my last day as a regional sales rep for the brewery I work with. The entire sales staff was laid off and replaced with one person.

    I owe absolutely nobody a damn thing. However, I firmly believe in the notion of 'never burn a bridge' and 'build and maintain your network'.

    Today, I invited my replacement out for a ride along in a region that is very unforgiving and hard on lazy sales reps. Many accounts were suspicious of a lack of effort in the new guy being a "City rep". Most City reps fall into a pattern of working close to home and are rarely seen in market in the counties. If a rep shows up in the counties they are almost garunteed sales. A little effort goes a long way in the counties.

    This ride along was planned a week or so ahead of time. The person cancelled last minute. They partied too hard last night in Philly, for the super bowl. The replacement made mention that his money comes from the city, which (IMO) shows a lack of interest in growth. My regions sales were above on par with those in the city. In one decision this guy blows off any and all strong relationships and recurring sales that previously existed.

    Our accounts already were on the edge about continuing to buy from our brewery in hearing of the layoffs combine impossible relationships with the wholesaler. I made sure they understood my departure was amicable and that I still stood behind the product. This put a nail in the coffin for those already on edge, as complaints and threats are coming in. This guy just shit on a region that made the company strong profits with tons of room for growth.

    Lesson here. Be professional. Take and value help others are willing to give you and try to learn. Do what you say you will do, and if you cannot follow through do not say you can accommodate. Understand the importance of the first impression. There are customers and profit everywhere. You just need to work for it.


    submitted by /u/abstractattack
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    I have no idea what im doing...

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 09:34 AM PST

    I just picked up a job selling safety equipment (hard hats, safety glasses, gloves, ect..) over the phone. Im supposed to call businesses and ask them what they use and offer our competitive prices... and whenever i go to punch the number into the phone i have no idea what to say. I think of/read over the scripted helper phrases and stuff but when it comes down to having a conversation with this person or even leave a voice mail i dont know what to say. I go blank. I say things all out of order and without sense or understanding.

    I guess im having a hard time grasping the reality of things. I cant seem to embody the character, i get lost. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/IHaveAZombieKnife
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    How do you take over new territory Enterprise Sales?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 12:17 PM PST

    Lets say you enter enterprise sales for a top 10 software company.

    You are put into the role as a Enterprise AE, what and how do you take over the territory?

    You get inbound leads, will obviously requrie outbound prospecting. But what does this look like?

    I am based in SF and have an interview for a enterprise role, the next step is connecting with the VP and going over a 90 day plan and how i plan to take over the territory and how i strategize for success in new terrortiry but from a Enterprise point of view.

    submitted by /u/MrBeamKaKa
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    Any good books on cold calls for major accounts ?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 12:13 PM PST

    Best online (preferably free) training for Salesforce?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 11:46 AM PST

    I am somehow 7 years into a sales career without every having had to use Salesforce, but now find myself in a position where I need to become proficient. Any recommendations for the best online Salesforce training for a noob? Ideally something on Youtube, but if you've got something you really like from another resource, I'll happily check it out.


    submitted by /u/thiccboofer
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    **I want to apply to Oracle's "Class Of" Program. One Catch, I have a 2.0 GPA at CSUF.**

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 10:26 AM PST

    Whats up readers. As my college career comes to a end it is time for me to try to shoot for the stars.

    I'm currently finishing up my bachelors marketing degree at Cal State Fullerton University. As the title says I want to become a SDR. More specifically I want to be apart of Oracle's Class of sales program. I know Oracle "Class Of" is a very prestigious and competitive program that usually recruits from prestigious universities.

    I'm already at a severe disadvantage because

    1 I'm going to a garbage university.

    2 I have a garbage GPA at a garbage University.

    I'm not making any excuses about my terrible GPA. I know I have the potential to get a 4.0 it's I choose to spend my time gaining knowledge through my work and am way more passionate about my work than school.

    Anyways, here is my resume. I own a small phone repair business and through my experiences starting this up from scratch I really do feel confident in my communication and sales skills. I originally wanted a career in marketing but thats boring. I want to be on the field and I want to work and crush quotas. 1) https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-yoo-/ 2)https://www.yelp.com/biz/oneupphone-placentia

    My goal right now is to reach out to as many Oracle regional managers and to network myself as best as I can. I know I am qualified for this program and just need to get my foot in the door to secure an interview. To all the recruiters out there if you have any tips on how I should proceed, any help is greatly appreciated.

    Best Regards, Daniel

    submitted by /u/DanielHYoo
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    Before starting a new job, is it normal for the company to send you a large reading list?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 05:44 AM PST

    I'm starting as a BDR for a startup in a few weeks and the company has sent me a large list of sales books and articles full of tips to read.

    Is this normal? It seems a bit lazy, doesn't it?

    (Fortunately I've already read most of the reading list!)

    Edit: It's a startup company BTW

    submitted by /u/smoothmaneuver
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    Interview for an Account Manager role. What are some questions from the interviewer, and some questions I should ask, that I should prepare?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 08:40 AM PST

    I have a little bit of marketing experience, but despite this I applied for an Account Manager position at a startup selling orthodontic prostetics.

    I've never taken on a role like this before, and I want to make it work out. What should I expect from the interview?

    submitted by /u/Ilovechocolatecake7
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    Senior contact wants to delegate meeting to junior person, how to salvage?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 04:18 AM PST

    Hi everyone, B2B SAAS sales to large consumer companies. Made cold email contact with VP who is a key player and they responded to set up a meeting but cc'ed a junior person on the email to include (all 3 of our kids played in the same basketball league, that's the common link). Junior person is irrelevant to the sale, has no authority in company (has been there 15+ years less), whereas VP is pivotal. I should clarify that the VP would probably have to kick the meeting over to another group, so this junior is like 2 steps below where I need to be. Now VP says they can't make it but the junior person says they will just talk to me at our scheduled time. I'm worried if I talk to the junior the deal will just die. How can I prevent this without making an enemy of the junior and losing the whole thing. Do I:

    1)Talk to the junior anyway? What can I do to close it rather than her saying "ok I will tell my boss" and then it dying? Maybe I could make this more of an informational interview, just qualify the junior but don't tell them our product, and save my product for the boss?

    2)Cancel the meeting and insist on talking to both?

    3)Write the senior person and say I need them somehow?

    submitted by /u/ymolblue
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    Worst Month Of Sales So Far

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 07:29 AM PST

    January SUCKED for me. I'm the only sales guy for a small company that's owned by a close friend of mine. We basically sell exclusively to law enforcement/military, and for whatever reason, January has completely broken the mold for "new budget, everyone has money".

    I know how to get things moving, but I more or less just want to rant. Finding contacts is difficult when they don't want to be found, and leads and possible customers that don't answer the phone is a nightmare. I've been trying to break out into the surrounding region, but most of our business comes from me on the road doing demonstrations, so I'm limited by the return on those long trips.

    Thanks for listening to me whine.

    submitted by /u/CountTheSeven
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    Best Lead Database for HR Contact Info at US Companies larger than 200 employees?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 04:29 AM PST

    Hi all, looking for an internet database with the above info. I can find the Chief HR Officer for Fortune 500, but I'm interested in finding HR rosters (HR, Professional Development) with emails/phone numbers for all companies with >200 employees in US. What's a good database for this? Working at a bootstrapped startup so cheap is good, but willing to pay more per year if the info is accurate. Dollar estimates along with recommendations appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ymolblue
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    What happens after the SaaS sale is made?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 03:00 PM PST

    Keen to find out what happens after the sale of SaaS/tech. Would be great if you could lay out the process . How is it integrated with the company thats been sold to? Who would you work with inside the firm to get it integrated?

    submitted by /u/100xLeverage
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    Best sales book

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 09:02 PM PST

    What book has had the biggest impact on your sales success, and ideally, why?

    submitted by /u/magicmat82
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    Best company with the Best product in Chicago?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 08:58 PM PST

    Hi,I'm currently going through my Job search for inside sales/BDR/SDR positions and I'm looking for a company that has a fun company culture, a young staff, an emphasis on mental and profressional growth, and has a product that is worth selling.

    Which company/startup comes to mind that has been in SDR/BDR roles?

    submitted by /u/TrillionaireGenius
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    OutBound Conference 2018 | Atlanta, GA

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 12:38 PM PST

    Can anyone comment on the effectiveness of this conference from past experiences? The speakers seem to be extremely legitimate.

    submitted by /u/ernmckracken
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    Question: Any Advice for a college student interested in medical sales?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 01:27 PM PST

    Hi everyone! I am a college sophomore pursuing a career in medical device/surgical equipment sales. I just achieved my minor in biology and am on track to get a degree in professional sales. I'm looking for any advice to get a head start on a career in medical sales. This could include, but is not limited to: literature to read, reddit pages to follow, skills to work on, degrees to pursue, internships to look at, companies hiring young workers, or just any advice that got you to your current position in sales

    Any advice helps and thanks for taking the time to read my post, I am super excited to get started in a sales career and want to know what it takes to be better than the next guy applying to the same job!

    submitted by /u/Danny_carl
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    I have to double our companies sales? Ideas?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 01:28 PM PST

    We sell Saas and primarily do everything with an inbound strategy. Our team moves 750 units per year with roughly 4 sales people. We have about 10% market penetration overall. Roughly half of our sales come in from referrals from other customers. The rest are inbound leads from trade shows, inbound marketing etc.

    I am leaning towards outbound strategies with a salesforce in high density areas where we have targets partnered with liaisons/consultants.

    Also thinking of discounting initial costs.

    submitted by /u/GoPackGo8810
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    Thermo Fisher Rep?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 02:35 PM PST

    Hi All, hoping someone can help me figure out a career move.

    Short story:

    • -Graduated with a BS Chemistry degree with very good research experience

    • -Was burned out from school, so instead of grad school went on to become an SDR in tech sales

    • -Started as an SDR 1.5 years ago, have been promoted and now have a closing role (60/120 OTE)

    I was recently approached by someone offering me an interview with Thermo Fisher, in a position as an onsite rep at my alma mater. Coming out of school this was absolutely my dream job, as I could combine my analytical/science mind with sales.

    TL;DR: Does anyone have any opinions on Thermo Fisher Sales jobs? Would it be crazy to leave a lucrative field of tech sales where I've already had some moderate success and began building a network?

    Any insights or advice are much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/nacho257
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